Final Chapter: The chase ends.

Story by XenorosthXMD on SoFurry

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#1 of Pursed Series

HOLY CRAP I UPLOADED A STORY! (Only a short chapter, though.) Finally I had the time to put something out. Sorry for leaving my watchers hanging. Seeing as I may be getting this series published, though, I'm not going to post anything else besides this.

Perhaps this is the final chapter, perhaps it isn't. I have yet to decide. This is 1st draft, so poke of in PM if I need to change something. Still thinking on what I may do. My other story I'm starting to dislike because of the lack of skill I had when I started. Anyway, hope you all enjoy.

It was time to face the facts. His father's shadow over the land had grown yet again. Xenorosth cursed loudly in his dark lair. Yes. Dark. He noticed he was in the darkness a lot lately. Yamizephyr had grown on him a lot. What sort of monster did this to their child? He pictured all of his friends. Crailo, Blaze, and everyone else. Gone. As the Dark Guardian, it was clear that he had some sort of strange power. Yet from his dreams, this wasn't even half the reason his father started this wild chase. He did it out of jealousy and resentment towards his mother. Xenorosth didn't remember the details anymore. It was all a blur now.

How long has it been? Xenorosth couldn't remember. He knew, though, that now it was most certainly time to give up. Give in. Surrender, just like he had heard in his dreams. The Midnight Dragons fell to the Shadow Dragons with their assault. His homeland had been taken. He couldn't fathom the idea of everyone who fought over him. What was more sickening is how doggedly his father's minions. Yes. That was the word. Minion. Indeed it was sickening how doggedly those damned beasts pursued him.

However, he knew that they'd not find him. Only his father could. He had set many spells on this place. As the Dark Guardian, he had grown quite a bit. He remembered when he could hardly teleport. He remembered his first escape. How he was pinned violently. How he was forced to carry part of his father's soul. How he was forced to endure a pain so severe that he could hardly feel his body. How he retreated into his head, completely detaching himself from his body.

If it wasn't for this father, his journey would have been much longer. He'd not have earned everything so fast. It was something he wasn't sure if he should be thankful for or not. It tested him beyond anything one could imagine. Xenorosth looked at his own claws. They were well polished, and even in the subtle glow of the purple gemstones that lit his small cavern, he could still see some sort of reflection on them. Not even a few hours ago, they were full of blood that was being spilled over him. The thought that he caused this battle, perhaps this war, was simply overwhelming.

It was bad enough when these frays failed to draw blood. No one was severely injured or killed, but seeing people being captured and imprisoned for him hurt. However, this time his father's demons showed no mercy. They took those who submitted, and those who resisted were taken out. He remembered seeing his mother crying out as she was forced to the ground by five shadow dragons, all who took the utmost pleasure in making sure she knew that she had failed in her attempt to raise her precious, treasured son, the Dark Guardian. He remembered seeing it all while hidden away in a bush. From the faces of the Shadow Dragons to her mothers tears, the whole picture caused him major trauma.

The faces of those who were slain. They stuck with him so much, that indeed, he felt as if the darkness, the shadows, were the only ones left to protect him. Xenorosth would have rejected this a long time ago. Now, though, he was clinging to the shadows as if it were his mother, and there was a stranger near by. He didn't know why he was trying anymore. He remembered the previous guardians' advice. You know when it is time to quit. If you feel that you're giving up too much, then remember your power. Your voice will not be doubted, especially after fighting this opponent for so long.

How long had it been? He forgot the day he left his nest to venture across the Shadow Dragons' territory to hide in the Fire Dragons'. It didn't really matter in the end, did it? With that mental link with his father, there was no escape. In fact, he knew that the day would come when his father would start to broaden the passage way of thoughts. It sometimes took conscious effort to keep Yamizephyr out of his head.

Then there was also the fact that he was basically under siege. His father and a choice few guards were patrolling the grounds he had used to get proper water. The salt water wasn't good for drinking, and the nearest lake was at least a 30 minutes walk from the shore. That was too long for Xenorosth. It wasn't safe. Food wasn't the issue. There was the ocean. He wasn't afraid of going into the ocean. He was able to swim much faster than any Shadow Dragon.

Teleportation wasn't an option right now. His energy was being forced into barriers he needed to keep himself safe from his father's minions. This was a puzzle that he couldn't figure out. He hated that, but he admitted it. And once he did something snapped in him. The images that he had gotten in his dreams came back to him. His father's voice echoed in his head as he saw in the back of his mind the image of his father's frustrated face, enraged at his chance of getting to see his son again under his wing. He remembered how he felt. He was in pain, and he'd continue to be in pain until his son where he should have been all along.

"Father... Yamizephyr." The words came out of Xenorosth maw slowly. The small blue dragon laid down on the floor and grabbed his chest. "Why? Why didn't you just try to talk with me?" He asked. Certainly that would have been much easier. He felt his spells fading. He was loosing the will to keep them up. He decided that he'd even let his mind open up. He was done fighting and hiding. This wasn't the way to live. This was too much.

It didn't take long. His father noticed after only four or five minutes. "Xenorosth?" The voice seemed incredulous. Yamizephyr was gentle about entry, which was slightly surprising. Quickly, to replace the fallen ones, Yamizephyr threw up several barriers of his own. He waited patiently for a reply, but there was none.

A long moment of silence passed before Yamizephyr broke the silence again. "You know, I wish I could have caught you earlier. This would have hurt a lot less. You probably think I'm some sort of monster, don't you. You have to see it from my poi-" Suddenly Xenorosth's voice cut him off with a growl. "I know your point of view. I've known it since your damn link made me dream of exactly what happened. I know what you did to Flare, how you used him against me, and I know exactly how you felt. I was able to see into your head perfectly." There was another moment of silence.

"Look I a-" Yamizephyr started again, but suddenly there was a growl. "You are sorry? Is that what you were going to say? I don't think it is me you need to apologize to. I think it is my mother, your former mate that you should talk to. You destroyed her kingdom, and not only captured, but injured many, killed some. I can't let this go on anymore. I'm done fighting. Take me as you wish. I will not resist. You have won your prize." As the hatchling's mind flared, his body seized up. He would have cried if he had any tears left, but they were spent on his homeland.

An image of the large fifty-foot beast reached his head. He was on the shore, just a good five hundred yard swim. Xenorosth, however, didn't have the energy to walk. Evading all of the enemies which were swarming about as well as mourning for the loss of his homeland sapped every miniscule ounce he had. Xenorosth closed his eyes and simply curled up near the wall. Suddenly, there was a chilling energy that made his spine shiver. He sensed that the wall that was behind him was most likely gone. He didn't bother to check. He felt the ground fade under his claws too, leaving him floating, or falling, whichever he couldn't tell. Normally this would have scared him, but in his state, he was rather indifferent.

"You know..." Yamizephyr's voice rang. Xenorosth felt a soft claw touch his chin, forcing his head up. He flinched, opening his eyes. It took a second to realize that his father was right in front of him. He could barely see him, purple auras around them being the only source of light. Other than that, they were in complete darkness, making it hard to see his father's figure. Only his glowing eyes stuck with him. The floor didn't exist. The air seemed to be what was keeping him up and stable. It was strange.

" has been a long time since I've seen your face. As a hunter, it gives me immense satisfaction that I have finally caught you. I will admit. The predator that is in us dragons triggered as soon as you started the chase. I never knew you would be able to evade me, and a whole army for so long." Xenorosth remained silent here, ignoring the compliment.

"But as a father, I have failed. I look at the misery on your face and find myself discontent. There is one thing that we Shadow dragons value more than anything else. That is family... Even in madness. I do not care of the politics of the Dark Guardian. I care for the fact that my son has a complete loving family. Your mother stripped me from that chance, and when everyone backed her, I became desperate." Xenorosth curled his claws in frustration. There was so much that he could say to that, but at this point, he wasn't learning anything new. He knew the story by now. All of it.

"What do I do now? For some reason, I had a feeling that this day, the day we meet face to face on my terms would never happen. You had too much protection. How we shadow dragons were able to take several clans is still confounding." He stated. There was a silence. It was a long, grueling one. What now, indeed. Now that he was defeated, a day which neither of them apparently dreamed of.

Xenorosth calmly spoke, the rage and despair in his voice. "I... will go quietly if you promise to let everyone go. Give the order now. I know you can. And find a way to repay the damage you've done to the other nations. That is, as the current Dark Guardian, a job must not ignore. I am supposed to protect the darkness, and even if I am younger than the rest, I will not play ignorant." Yamizephyr, nodded, in response. He lowered his head, taking a deep breath. Then arching his neck, he rose to the heavens and roared to the heavens, announcing his victory to the world. He was silent for a moment after that, but it was clear, now, that they knew what had happened. There were several other roars of jubilation following.

"The order was given mentally. I've got my barriers around you so they can't get to you. I promise, you'll be safe with me" He purred. Xenorosth looked at Yamizephyr strangely, not expecting a noise like that to come out of an adult dragon, especially one that had the reputation like Yamizephyr gave a somewhat amused look at the befuddled hatchling, then looked over to the ocean. "So, how do you want to go back? We can walk, fly, teleport, or... we don't have to quite yet." He rumbled. "The sooner we get back... the sooner you start your life with me."

Xenoroth gave a small smile. "So... our fighting is finally over..." He rumbled. "So be it. Let this be the end... Father." He says with a smile.


A little short thing that came to mind while humming something. Flying, gliding, up so high. Flying gliding through the sky. See the dragons eye. Gleem and shine. Dragon fly up high!

Chapter 12: The Controlling Shadows

Xenorosth woke up in the middle of an underwater cavern. His vision was a bit blurry, but he could tell there were two dragons staring at him. One was small and green-blue. He was about seven feet tall. The other was dark blue and about 20 feet tall....

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Chapter 11: Ripple in the Water

Chapter 11: Ripple in the Water Xenorosth was along the coasts edge. It had been a week since that nightmare. For 7 days, he walked on the coastline. He had already established a plan. He was going to see the nature dragons. Xenorosth knew...

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