This Plate's Yours - Rattan' s Pack Curse

Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry

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Because I do entirely too many canid TFs. At the risk of sounding totally fucking awesome, I bring you a gnarly, filthy rat transformation--and a willing, female one, at that.

Bon appetit.

"Little girl... you don't fit in, in this part a' town." the thug mused.

"But you can fix that." I responded.

I'd heard of a place where a girl could lose not just her virginity--but her humanity.

My parents told me not to come here, but I couldn't stop myself. Looking at the big fat rats, that had clearly once been ordinary human men--I knew.

I'd made the right choice.

"Show me to the Cheese." I demanded, grabbing the fat, grey one by his throat, and thrusting his whiskers into my face--so I could stare deep into his eyes to show him--I'm not some daddy's girl anymore.

"You--got balls, sista!" the rat gasped, caught off guard and terrified by my fervor--my determination.

* * *

There it stood, 'sizzling' with mind-warping foulness--grey green with wicked looking holes all over. The Rattan Pack Cheese--the most vilely delectable cheese wedge imaginable--not filled with maggots, or blue and made in Amish country--but a cheese wedge made of pure rat milk, fermented in the darkness of the sewers...

...seasoned to perfection in dingy, fume-filled tunnels, amidst crap and rodent piss, and maintaining god knows what kind of bizarre curse on it.

It was perfect. The ultimate challenge of ballsing up as a girl, in a man's world.

Was I ready for this?

I waxed my hands first, and looked into the filthy pools. I knew there was a procedure to these things. Don Puzzone was the alleged discoverer of the mysterious dairy 'artifact', and he'd been a notorious robber and, if rumors were to be believed, hitman, before his transformation. You didn't mess around when a guy with the balls to become a 'rat', just to evade the authorities, started putting together a turf.

I was going to roll with the Rattans, if things worked out. If not, it didn't matter anymore. It was make-or-break.

No more pretty-princess bullcrap. I pulled down my pants, and threw off my shirt. I got a few cat calls and rat whistles out of that, but they shut up when I gave them the cut throat gesture. They could tell I wasn't messing around--no girl does this. No man does this either, unless the Don gets them.

So it was up to me to set the first exception. Putting my feet in first--into what was relatively equivalent to dirty toilet water times a hundred, I knelt to pray--easing in my calves, knees, thighs... and yes, you kinky freaks, my ass.

Before long, I'd made it in up to my bra, and Christ in Heaven it stunk--but that was the cost of respect, in the Don's world. Pulling off my bra, and casting it aside, I splashed myself in the muck, and finally bowed in to the filth, letting it consume me.

The scummy water--if you could call it water anymore--bubbled up around me as I blew air out my nose. I wasn't, expected to drink the stuff, but I'll admit it wouldn't be the first thing on my mind to do, even had it been. Dirty nappies floated in the water, old milk jugs, the occasional stray soda can--and yes, whole turds. The old rat's code expected me to add my own mess to the communal latrine.

So I ripped off a badass fart, pulled my head out of the water, and dropped a load, making sure to get some of the filth on me, if only for warmth's sake. It was necessary, but jeezus it was freezing on that day. I didn't plan to make this rodentine mass last long.

Around me there were a few others--transformed Rattans, who'd adjusted to this as a reverential process--worshipping the spirit of the rodent.

Yeah, it doesn't sound like much of a virtue to be a rat, does it?

We're tough. Even the pussies who just went along with a life as hoodlums, knew toughness because of the Don and his Cheese. If you were to ask me today, I'd say I'm a cut above chicken-shit humans. Sure, we age faster--but we're fucking indestructible. Plague doesn't kill us, poison won't either--food's everything and everywhere, and there are no pimps or whores--everyone's coshure fucking, and god are there more and more of us every day now as we blow out babies.

For once in my life, I feel 'hot', and it's not a bad thing, or a disgrace. Anyhow, that's now, this was then. So, smearing some seriously badass shit on my flank, between my breasts, and on my cheeks--both ass and face, I stepped out of Heaven's Cistern, as they call it, and took my first wet, stinking steps toward my prize.

My long brown hair was covered in glop, and I could hear the flies buzzin'. I beat em off. I was hot dirty, and they weren't good enough to be taking up my air. I scrubbed a few last globs of scat under my pits, onto my tits, and into my pubic hair (screw shaving), and made for the pedestal they'd erected for 'It'.

Oh yeah. It was it alright. On a beaten down, apholstered leather couch, the color of beige, next to an old portable tube TV that miraculously 'worked', there sat a big ol' yellow trashbag. Opening it up, I got to my prize.

"Holy 'fuck' this thing is huge. How the hell do I even begin?"

Not kidding. It was literally the size of a microwave oven, and heavy to boot.

"You the new kid everyone's talking about? Christ, what's a babe like you doin' throwin' your life away on this ass-pit?" A voice came from behind me.

He was black as night--a real fucking stud--if you had the guts to love a rat. It hadn't occured to me before, but there were guys down here I wanted to fuck. He was definitely the first.

"You're crazy, kid! Go home! You don't wanna be a rat." he said, twitching his whiskers. God his teeth were huge... his big pink balls, too. The way he looked at me with his red-black eyes... it was the most sympathetic expression I'd ever got.

He got in my way, though, and I shoved him aside. "Didn't pay you to be my dad." I spat. "Help me carve up this shit, so I can get out of this stupid body."

He froze, dropping the clod of shit he'd been gnawing into.

Finally, he got his voice back.

"You're serious? Shit, girl, lemme get your number--you got balls as well as cans."

Digging a rusty fork out between the seats, and a knife from behind the television, he got to work carving me up a big ol' hunk of stinkin' rat cheese.

When he slapped it onto a broken half of a coffee saucer, it splatted down like wet clay. He brushed away the flies that were flocking toward the rest of the huge hunk, and wrapped it back in the bag.

"Damn. Can I watch?" he asked, turning back to me. I was 'actually' going to do it. I was going to be a Rattan babe--and he was going to be my witness.

I tugged him close, as I'd done with the grey-furred clod before him--but this time, with thoughts of sex hot on my mind.

"You'd better, cause your ass is mine, when I'm done with this shit." I whispered.

"Hell." he remarked, dropping his pink, scaley hands to his sheathe and stroking his balls.

I let him get worked up, while I sized up my meal.

"Okay, Karen. Just finish this--and it's downhill from there. You'll be a greasy, filthy Rattan's girlfriend, and no more pussy shit from your folks, your wuss-ass friends, or the eighteen million baby-chumps out for your ass and nothing else."

Was it that hard? I must have made it look easy, by bathing myself in filth--wandering into this hovel of a cistern where sewers met fresh water... but the cheese lived up to its rep.

It was the most nasty, sickening stuff I'd ever smelled--worse than poop a thousand times over. My hairs stood up. My hands trembled. My eyes watered like a whore in a confessional.

I opened my damn gob, and put that stuff in--where it absolutely didn't belong. And then I swallowed.

It didn't take long, but man, they weren't kidding when they said that stuff was 'fermented'. A minute into digesting, I already felt like an alkie.

And then it happened. My butt got so 'big', that you could park a motorbike on it with confidence. And then my stomach followed... and my hips. At least, it seemed like it was all getting big--but that was because "I" was getting small.

I farted, hard. My proportions got totally fucked. My hips turned the size of Texas, and my feet started stretching, and getting gnarly.

It was totally. Fucking. Awesome. First, my toes started to wiggle, and turn bright pink. Then, they twitched, and bent, and finally, with a loud 'crack', and something that felt relatively like a firecracker going off at the end of each digit, nasty little yellow claws hooked out. Each one was about the length of a knuckle, on my fingers.

These'll teach those clowns, I thought.

Then, I started gettin' hot. And tremblin... and I had to take a dump, so hard, again. Only, when the shit came out this time, it was crescendo'd with a hideous 'THUD'!" as my skin tented, and my spine fell flat out onto the floor of the cistern walkway--wriggling thick in naked skin-- sliding into my shit. Soon, it was stretching, and I could feel my whole back gettin' longer... and longer... and longer!

I could see my buddy sprouting the thorniest stiffy I'd ever seen, as the tail of my dreams worked its way out into a load of rat crap. Relief shot through my back, as it finally hit three whole feet, thick around as your leg.

"Why don't you work that out on little me?" I asked, waving fingers that were already scaling up, and getting ready to get their own wicked little scratching claws. Laughing and trembling, I folded over as my butt got bigger... 'bigger'... dominating my body, as the little girl became a fatass rat.

My shoulders swiveled in, consumed in rat muscle and fat, as my arms got stubby and hairy.

"Aww sweet hell, why not." my horny friend said, falling to all fours, and scampering over in a way that was... sensual beyond words.

He climbed up my side, and started fingering my ta-tas, trying to get in just right. The feel of his hips around my ass, and his cock tryin' to find its way under me with each hump was too much. I felt the muff of white flood over my butt and up my back, as my cunnie liberally inflated. I swung my new joy; my tail, aside.

"We go all the way hun, and don't you dare stop until you blow. And then some."

My boobs shrank. But it wasn't a loss--I got ten more where that came from, as my body liberally 'bloated' with mammaries. And damn did I need them--I was feeling like a pretty horny rat, at this point--and I was going all the way. I wanted some 'kids'.

Takin' a big whiff of 'everyone's' business, I felt the real fun start. Whiskers shot out of my nose, which took a camping trip up the mountain that my shnoz was becoming. I grinned, and felt my wicked incisors burst out, dislodging my pussy-girl teeth forever.

We humped, and clawed, and breathed and fucked, squeeling and singing our song of filth. The fur rose up, through my crotch past my navel, wirey pubic hair sheddin'... getting closer and closer to my face.

And then it happened, as if all the changes, all the slime and stink and shit, had been leading to this ultimate climax. I closed my eyes tight, felt my ears blow up into big round cups in my hair... and that hair...

"Get rid of this shit!" I screamed, as he tugged at it.

Yeah. I said it. Get rid of that shit. I don't want people judging my worth by that useless head-dressing anymore. Stupid bimbos, stupid, stupid princesses.

Doing his best to keep his composure, as he slipped into his wild, drooling fantasies, 'Rateo' ripped away that last annoying thing that was holding me to girlhood, and away from my hard-earned rathood.

The white fur crept up over my skull, as it bulged and reformed with a loud, sickening crack.

"Ahhhhh..... ahhhhhhhhhhhh.... AhhhHHHH!"

Further and further, harder and harder we pounded, once it was gone. Only one thing left to do--and that was 'be' a rat.

He pistoned in me, stroking my clit, pushin' deeper... deeper... DEEPER into my wet, pulsating cunt. I could feel his need, his warmth, as he embraced me, and I undulated over him, squeezin' my muscles--I could smell his musky, dirty fur, feel his legs against my tail...

I raised it high under his naked, stinkin' balls, as they bumped against my crotch, getting hard and hot. He raised his too, and took a dump on the ground.

I got more and more moist, felt my juices running--felt my face bulge and burgeon, beyond ever looking like a girl again. Who cared. He sped up, thrusting faster, rubbing his whiskered face into me as I filled up with rat's essence...



*thump thump thump thump thump!*

I'm not... I'm not a princess! I'm a--"


My eyes flew open, bulging, turning black and beedy in one foul swell of ejaculation and cumming, as rope after rope of rat spunk shot down my canal, through my cervix, to make me a fat, preggers rat.


Onlookers in the Don's crew just stared, some of them dropping cigarettes from their mouth, or garbage they were skimming through, onto the ground. I opened my fanged mouth with a shout, and pumped my ass hard for my boy--milking his tool HARD for spunk.


* * *

We collapsed hard, in our big, filthy mess, and spent the rest of the day playin' and fightin' like a pack of rats--and that's how the Don got his first girl--and how Rattans got to be a friggin' badass bunch.

Now which of you pretty-princesses is next? I got a whole plate a' cheese to shove up your ass, and we're makin' rat love in the sewer tonight. I'm up for just one more--

--So 'Cmon. Have a bite.

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