TES ADVENTURE: Elseweyr: Prelude

Story by Bennu on SoFurry

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#1 of WIPs

I remembered I had this account, decided to post my story stuff. I wrote this pretty quick over a couple of days, so it's a bit rough, and I'm not sure if a mix of porn, obscure lore, and comedy suits everyone.

195, Fourth Era I was from Skyrim, my family has a farm near Markarth, but I am not a normal Nord, instead of bulging with muscles and rolling naked in the snow I was small and craved the sunshine. They named me Hrothmund after some ancient warrior, but the kids called me Sun Lover and blamed my trace of Breton blood for my lack of cold resistance. I learned to hunt and sneak in the wilds, but also studied Dwemer relics when I could, and worked as a scout and ranger, wandering with traders and eventually settling in Chorrol. I rented a house on the edge of the lower class district in the old city next to the chapel of Stendarr, going with something frugal but still nice. I got it for cheap, apparently some crazy assassin used to live there and you know how towns are, never forget things from centuries ago. Plus there were plenty of houese there, much of southwest Cyrodiil had been damaged in the war, but Chorrol had done well as a city of refuge and a Mede power base, so there were new walls further out with new houses and farms. That is where I met Makari and we became friends, sharing knowledge of alchemy and other crafts on long travels across Tamriel, and I soon joined her company full time. She was young, barely an adult, and recently joined the trade routes seeking excitement. However there was always the fear of murder and rape, and not just from bandits, so she often stayed close to me, and we grew warm. We danced around being more than friends, always there seemed to be an excuse to just keep things as they were, and sooner or later we wound up at a House of Earthly Delights where the pressure could be released safely. She had learned ancient Khajiit body language dances, although they were meant for sacred occasions we were far from warm sands and she likes to impress people with her acrobatics skill. The long days and nights together made it hard to resist after a few months though, especially when you heard others doing things, and we often slept close together. Then came a week when I was in town and she was out on business, and I missed her in a way I knew was more than friendship. I buried myself in research, trying to plan a business remaking old technology, and when she got back I asked her to stay with me so we could talk about it.

I ran down the street with her, her small pack bouncing on her back as she easily kept pace with me. "C'mon, 'kari, there it is! I spent some time fixing it up." She barely panted as she scrutinized it, "Oh not too shabby now, but as long as the roof doesn't leak and the rats keep out it's good right?" When you are used to living in tents, any house that isn't filthy or decrepit seems fancy. "Look behind, I got a new fence put up, so we can camp out in the back yard if you get claustrophobic." She snorts at me, "I'm not that uncivilized, you northern barbarians are so used to hiding from the cold you can't appreciate the open air!" then smiles and pinches my arm, noticing it's tall enough that the neighbors can't peek in and see anything. We go in and I take her to my bedroom to leave her pack, since the rest of the house has random projects and storage taking up space. I warm up some venison 'n' veggies and we relax and for a while, then gather up clothes and head down to the river. "Maybe I can invent some sort of machine for this, like a tub that spins around so you wash a bunch at once." "Oh, don't plan on having a wife to beat clothes on rocks for you?" "No, I want her to have free time so I can plow her more often." "Ha, you want her handling your stones instead." "It's not fair to make a woman break her back and get old fast just so I can have clean undies when some bandit spears me." "Ah, to keep her pretty sounds nice but it's the pretty ones that cause trouble, you'll never sell any to jealous husbands." "I'll give you one." "And how am I supposed to carry it on the road? Trying to make me a housecat, I see, lock me up and feed me your cream every day. You even have a yard where I can go bury my poop." "Good, you're already housebroken, I just need a bell- ha!" I dodge her first splash but eventually we get each other wet, which works out fine since we needed to bathe anyhow, then dry off in the sun. We spend the evening chatting about plans and looking at my various items. I wanted to go on a reasonably safe plundering expedition, and she thought for a while and suggested we go to Elseweyr, as there were plenty of small places in the desert where only Khajiits go, and with her family helping (for a share of course) we could get some decent coin for our effort. I agree and we sketch out a plan that we could start the next day, then we had a snack and cuddled together in bed... to keep warm of course.

Early in the morning I awake, still groggy but aware of her warm pillowy rump rubbing against my hardness, and I bury my face in her hair as my hands slowly explore her warm soft fur, and hear her purring as I pull her close, with my staff of fire nestled between her cheeks. Almost silently she slides the covers down and slips out of my arms, although I can't really see anything in the shuttered room, I hear her stretching grandly and slipping out of her silky pajamas, she mutters "You always said you aren't awake before breakfast, so this counts as a dream right..." as she runs her hands along my front, helping me lose my shorts, and I feel her start to suck on me. I lay back and enjoy it, gently stroking what parts of her I can find, then she grunts and says "Keep down..." as she swings her leg over me, and suddenly her crotch is at my nose, I smell her light scent and cautiously find her vulva with my fingers, hoping I am doing it right since cunning linguistics is more a hobby than a habit. I gently lap at her lips as she wraps her scratchy tongue around my bits, and lightly tease her clit when she teases my head. On it went, until finally we both exploded, and I heard her grabbing our dirty clothes to wipe down with before slipping next to me again and we lay there half asleep until my tummy rumbled. Then she went and warmed up some spiced oatmeal, sausage, and small scraps of bacon I was saving for a special day, along with some spicy moonsugar rolls. I opened the shutters enough that I could see, and watched her nibble with her hhair a mess and pajamas askew, smiling at her like an idiot till she noticed and hmmphed and went to make herself pretty.

I hire Bob the Argonian and Zed the Redguard, who have worked for our company for a while and are reasonably trustworthy. Both their names are abbreviations for tongue twisting foreign words, but also because it is convenient to be somewhat anonymous when you live like a leaf blowing down the road. We load up the mule with bags of alchemy ingredients and head east to the Imperial City. This road at least is well patrolled and has plenty of traffic, and in a couple of hours we reach the suburbs on the hither shore, sun shining in our eyes beyond the White Gold Tower. The tall white walls of the city are still stained and scarred from the war, and not all the surrounding area has been rebuilt. As we slowly walked looking for the next caravan south, I chatted with Makari- "I've been thinking, even though I like Chorrol the I.C. is more central for trade, and there are still a lot of houses in ruins from the war we could buy cheap." "Oh, we hmm?" "Yeah, why not, buy something big enough to have several bedrooms so we could let friends stay instead of paying for an inn, and it would have plenty of room for safe, dry storage." "Oh, do I get my own room? I don't have many things, it would be easy to share..." "You can stay in mine all you want." I look away trying not to smile or blush, wouldn't be very Nordly of me to let her see me all oogly. We find a good sized caravan as it was leaving and head southward, making our way into Elseweyr without incident, travelling to several towns in the north and making decent gold. Outside Dune we head to Makari's home village to sell the last of the goods to her clan (for cheap, to butter them up) and take time to socialize with the locals and learn about the hazards and terrain. Her family has a small feast with many sugarcakes, and we stay up late, I don't know how long but I woke up with the sun high and Makari snuggled tight against me in her bed, her as the big spoon with her hands on my chest and nose on my neck. When her mom walked in I expected the Eye of Fear but she just said it was time to eat. The rest of that day was spent in the shade practicing the Ta'agra language and getting Khajiit clothing, each of us recieving a budi or brightly colored robe that covers to keep out the sun, and the movement of it creates a small breeze against the body. Her parents made sure Makari still had her traditional leather and metal armor and that it was repaired properly, insisting she use it. I had my own cobbled from chain mail and pieces of glass they seemed to like. I was hopeful about impressing them, even if I was unofficially a suitor, I thought if they knew me as a reliable person first then I could bring up the romantic thing.

This night we let the cats spend time together, us outsiders had our own house with a few curious youngsters hanging around, until we went to bed early. We got up before the sun, swap our horses for camels that we load with only basic gear, and eat a good breakfast. I talk to everyone to make sure they are ready to go before daybreak, the two adventurers and her two male cousins, and linger a while with Makari while her parents give us last minute advice. In spite of being traditional Khajiit they seem fine with her non-furry friends, and she even playfully pokes at me in front of them. Finally we get to walking, leading the camels down a dusty path between dunes. For some days we follow the nomad trails, until we have to head into the higher hills, snaking through badland canyons and up gravel slopes, and over a crest into a new watershed. Nestled in the hills at the head of the valley is the ruins of a small city, limestone blocks scattered, with a large domed building still standing near the center, with a canal lined with trees and bushes leading away from it. Some small animals scatter as we look for signs of enemies, but this place seems to be free of bandits and mosters. I decide to check closer myself, and bring Makari in case we meet Khajiit nomads, leaving the rest of the party hiding in a roofless ruin. We creep along staying in what cover we can find, her ears perked for any sounds, and I see the only tracks are from harmless wildlife as we approach the domed spring house. We peer through the door, smelling the water and gazing at the mosaics on the wall and floor, and step in, our boots roughly clumping on the delicate tiles. A large shallow pool fills half the room, with water bubbling up at the far end and flowing down into a smaller pool apparently meant for bathing, before going out into the canal outside. If anyone had been in the habit of coming here, this would be the place they had to visit, but there was no signs of recent visitors other than birds and lizards. I lean out to signal to the party that all is well and to cautiously approach, then glance around pondering if there is a good spot to camp in the ruins. I turn around as Makari fills her water gourd and says "I need a bath, but am not sure if it is safe here yet." "Well, I'll stay here and guard you then, that way at least you will be refreshed if something pops up and later the rest of use can wash while you guard." "Only if you don't- eh, wait, you can't guard if you don't look... but if you look too much, you won't be guarding, yes? The others won't take as long to get here as we did, either." and digs into her inventory for bath items. I close and latch the door, stepping into a corner where I can ambush intruders, and watch as she removes her armor, carefully placing it aside, not shy yet as we had seen this much of each other plenty of times, but looked awkward as she turned away from me and slipped off her undergarments. I kept my gaze above her waist, looking just enough to boost her ego without creeping her out. She glances back and says "It's not easy being furry and wearing armor in the hot sun all day. My fur gets quite sweaty-" pointy out the salty dusty crust in the fur on her back as she slipped into the water, dunking down underneath for a few seconds before popping up and stretching. Scrubbing briskly, she runs her hands along her body, glancing over suddenly as she handles her breasts, and I notice her blushing nipples poking out from under her fur, then she quickly grabs her comb and sload soap. I casually hid my erection and listened for movement outside as she washes, nothing remarkable until she reached her lower parts, a brief muffled purr as her hands, hidden under water, cleaned thoroughly. Then suddenly she rises, combing the water out of her fur and I bring her a towel. She steps onto dry ground and turns, moving backwards into my arms, and I wrap her up and pad her with it, feeling her rump bump into my crotch teasing me, and finding my hardness she snorts and smiles. Having helped enough I let her finish herself, and peek outside as she sits on a bench roughly brushing herself into a respectable state, and slithers back into her undies and armor. "OK, now your turn." "Hey, wait, you just got it all full of fur- why couldn't I go first?" "You didn't ask, silly- plus the current cleaned it out already, so stop making excuses." I knew she wanted to tease me more but I did need a bath and it was safe enough, the only danger was creaming myself, so I stripped down and tried to hop in without my boner bouncing around too much. I had shown her at some point when we were drunk, just for scientific reasons, so she knew what it looked like, but being sober and burning to put it in her made it a bit awkward. She decided it was a good time to tease me, saying what she did back when she first saw it- "It must be nice to have one with no spines, but you're so ugly I don't know if I could do it." "That's why Khajiit style was invented." "That's racist!" "So is not loving me for my mind instead of my body!" I said in a mock-hurt voice. We laughed a bit, stopping short as the echoes bounce around. It was a bit creepy but not bad, I'm used to ghosts that literally pop out wailing at you so this was downright cozy. I scrub and rinse as quick as I can, then step out, and she returns the towel favor I did for her. I lean back against her, feeling her armor as she wraps around me and dries my front, teasing my penis and gently cupping my balls, and I start to get aroused again. Her nose and whiskers tickle at my neck, her fast breath warm on my skin as she lets the towel slip down and her fangs nibble at my shoulder. I can't take any more teasing so I push away, but she grins and goes "But you wanted it Khajiit style, bend over!" and we bust out laughing. I grab the towel and huff at her, feigning anger as I dry my hair and grab her brush. She giggles as I brush away, smoothing my hair but getting hers all over me. I smack a few bits of fur off and get into my shorts and shirt. I notice her looking at my body with more interest than before, watching my muscles move. She's seen me swim and run around casually dressed before, but has always been too shy to leer at me. I start to ponder her changes, but realize my mind is wandering and remind her to guard instead of grope with her eyes. She peeks out and says the party is coming down the street now, and I finish putting my armor on as the others arrive.

We explore the town, which only has a couple of rows of houses along the canal, with overgrown fields and orchards along the valley below where we find a nomad trail. Makari suggests that they lived here once, although we couldn't agree on why the houses were stone instead of just tents. I said it must have been some lost kingdom, and the nomads think it's cursed because of some disaster, why else avoid the ruins. She said they don't like buildings for various reasons, which made sense, but if they built them why avoid them now. We were busy scouting the area and clearing a campsite till dark, so no chance to investigate further. We used the ruins of an inn by the springhouse, as it seemed logical in spite of no roof, and I took a room with Makari, laying near each other and looking up at the stars as we fell asleep. "Mortals! I am the goddess Nocturnal!" "What!? Where?" I startle and fumble with the sheets, realizing something warm and fuzzy half covers me. "Here! Heed me, and be my champion!" "Why is that purple haze there? Did I eat more moon sugar?" Makari blinks, her face next to mine with a whisker up my nose and her arm wrapped tight around my back. "NO! I'm Nocturnal, Daedric prince, and I summon you to help me." "How do I know you are? I thought Nocturnal was some hot chick with crows." The orb pulsed and burned with octarine light, then settled into the shape of a young woman in a very loose and revealing robe. Unnaturally large and black ravens swoop and land on the wall tops around us, heads flicking around with strange eyes flashing. I want to sit up, feeling very naked and unarmed, but Makari holds tight and I pet her where my hand can reach. "Does this help?" She frowns down at me. "Oh yes well for all I knew it could be Sheogorath. Vaba Do'Shurh'do, it is good to be brave... but I'm not stupid either." I'm trying not to be the standard hapless mortal, at least I can have some dignity when supernatural beings boss me around. "Listen- I once had a shrine here, some traders and rogues favored me enough to build one, but mortals are fickle and no longer travel this way. Uncover my statue and repair the shrine, and I will give you treasure." Makari relaxes her grip on me and sits up, bare breasts escaping the blanket. "I don't understand, Night Mistress, why fix it with nobody here to worship?" "I know you're here looking for loot, so I might as well get something in return. I am the mistress of thieves, so you might want to please me more and question me less." "Fair is fair." I say as I realize my arm is around Makari, and she leans lightly against me. In spite of the fairly tame appearance, having a supernatural being wake you up is a bit stressful. "Yes, waking you up was a bit rude but I am strongest at night, and being immortal makes it hard to understand mortal needs. As a sign of my favor, my ravens will patrol at night and frighten off any beasts that may approach." This seemed like a good idea, even if they scared me a bit, so I nodded and thanked her. She smiled and actually seemed less frightening, and said to me- "You also don't understand those who are different. Fusozay Var Var, Nord- Enjoy life, for yours is short- especially in immortal eyes." Nocturnal vanished in the obligatory puff of smoke, and the ravens flew off in all directions. We shivered together, and I pulled the blanket up around us, feeling her soft fur over half my skin as her warm body pressed into mine. Aside from that, in the dark she is very human, well other than that tail and the whiskers and ears... She sits without speaking or groping me, starlight touches her eyes as I try to divine her emotions. After some time I speak- "I am perfectly fine with accepting Nocturnal's offer, it seems harmless enough..." "Your life is short in immortal eyes, my dear, and I worry that is a hint of danger- in the morning I will look for inscriptions to see if anything here was called the eye of some god..." I nuzzle her neck and kiss her fuzzy cheek "I love you too sweetcakes." She gasps and blinks, hand squeezing mine as a purr starts. "Why have you not taken advantage of me yet?" "I don't want to take advantage of you... and I fear losing you if..." She turns and bumps noses with me, turning her head to lightly put her lips, such as she has, on mine. "Fusozay Var Var, Hrothmund Sun-Lover, you lose everyone eventually, you've been learning this but are afraid to admit it's true..." her hands run along my back as she looks in my eyes, yellow fire gleaming in hers. "I'm not of your kind, would it really last?" She didn't move or stop her hands, that were reaching down lower now. "Makari knows you love her, the smell is there, my family knew. I have known your mind long enough to feel it, even if you are different in some ways..." her fingertips slide along my thighs and up my belly to my chest, as she gently pushes me back. "Have you ever had sex? I've been too afraid to ask." "Makari has been a virgin long enough, and Hrothmund will mate with her now, yes, mother approves of you, that is why my cousins are letting us be together alone." "Oh good I..." "Don't talk, you are so hard and I am so wet..." she growls as she straddles me, pressing her labia against my erection. I grasp one of her thighs as I maneuver my penis with my other hand, slipping the head between her lips, both groaning, as we get our bits in line and it starts to go in, and I let her settle down on me, my hands gripping around her waist as she sits down completely. It is tight but she has played with toys before and can handle it in spite of my thickness. She leans over and we kiss, and begin love making for some endless time before falling asleep again.

Soon the sky grew light and the others stirred, stoking the fire to cook a Khajiit breakfast, they caught some small game in the bushes nearby and had it sizzling by the time we walked out together. They acted no different, simply offered us food and we ate the hot gamey meat covered in strong cheese. I thought Makari looked beautiful, with loose hair and in her bright robe, but avoided mooning over her, thinking of the job ahead. Shovelling sand is frustrating, and we would need a roof which means felling trees, and of course beware of scorpions, all of those things. They started to chatter about it randomly, then one of her cousins spoke softly "So are you lovers yet?" and she smiles at me and says "The moons saw us make love." and her cousins smiled and nodded and the adventurers were expecting as much, so we finished eating in peace. Then I explained the plan, leaving out the visit from Nocturnal, merely explaining it would be polite to leave things nicer than we found them so she wouldn't get amd about us borrowing her stuff, and they agreed it was a good idea. We spent all morning cutting and trimming some palms, making them into beams before laying sticks and fronds across as a temporary roof, then taking a siesta in the afternoon. I went with Makari to the canal and played in the water for some time, and in the evening we did more work on the roof, since it seems the sand blew in over the walls, and the building was rather small so it wasn't hard to be thorough. Then we went to bed, laying with Makari looking up at the sky again, talking randomly as we explored each other and made love in various ways. I woke when she got up, before the first light, kissing and bundling me up and explaining she needed to go to pee and such. I dozed for some time till I smelt food, and went around the corner to pee myself. I rinsed my hands in the canal and sat by the fire, where Makari was stirring a stew stark naked. Her cousins lounged together shamelessly nude as well, and I had to ask "So is it a Khajiit nudist holiday?" and they laughed and explained it was custom to carefully cover the torso in public, but since this was obviously private, they didn't bother putting anything on since they had just washed after getting dirty and bloody catching rabbits the 'wild way'. Makari smiled at me with fangs flashing and told how she had chased one down, and I was almost unsettled, but remembered how gentle they were on my body last night.

We managed to get the sand cleared out by noon, and had a light lunch and nap while wondering what to do next. We agreed as it was already hot we should open that door that goes down to the treasure chamber, after all the Night Mistress won't be around till the sun goes down. Between three Khajiits we got the lock picked and went down into a cool basement with dusty furniture. There was another more solid door, and I suggested we clean up this room and stay in it till dark, so we dusted and swept and made ourselves at home. Everything was well preserved, so we were quite comfortable, and spent a couple of hours enjoying the cool air and telling stories before I decided it was time to go up and finish, we got more fronds piled and fixed the doors and got it looking as good as possible. We ran into the bath house one last time, and I got an idea- "Let's pack the camels now and when we get our loot immediately bugger off before bandits get here, our luck has been too good to waste time now. I know it's nightfall but we can get to the closest camp while it's cool out, and the Khajiits can see well enough to guide us." Finally darkness comes. We gather around the statue, and after a minute I realize that I have no idea what we're supposed to do, and there are no books left that might help, which is odd since you always see random books lying all over Tamriel. None of us could figure out what to do, so I just said "Nocturnal! Night Mistress! Come check things out and tell us if you like it." "Tell us if you like it!?" "Not fancy but it works." "So what if she doesn't show up?" "Then we try to break down the door. At the worst we had a nice vacation and found a safe camp site." Then a funny noise and an orb appeared, shifting into a woman. "Nocturnal is pleased with your efforts, and will reward you! There, the door to the treasury is unlocked now. Now go- and remember I will watch over you in darkness." She vanished again, and we relaxed and went down to look, and indeed there were a couple of chests with enough gold and loot to make everyone happy. Then we grabbed it all and in ten minutes were saddling up and heading out in the moonlight. We moved with a marathon pace and arrived at the village in good time. Everyone was happy we were back, and happier we had all we left with, and extremely happy there was loot. Her parents accepted us as lovers, although that isn't the same as marriage (in that case they would expect grandchildren and I know of no Khajiit interbreeding) but a loyal lover was more than welcome, especially one useful at acquiring shiny things.

That night as we went to bed a thought came to me. "Say, what offering do you give Nocturnal?" "Hmm, well she is the Lady of Darkness and sees all that happens in the shadows..." she purrs as her hands caress me. "Mmm, well we gave her quite a few offerings then." I nibble at her ear and fondle her, slipping her clothes off. "Oh, yes..." Afterward we sleep well, in the darkness of a night without fear.

Until a glowy orb pops up and bellows "Oh you think I'm a pervert huh!?"