Hunted: Chapter 9

Story by Jayce Whitefang on SoFurry

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#9 of Hunted

So, I meant to post this yesterday, but my internet decided to go on the fritz, so I clicked the post button and nothing happened. Now that it's back, this should go through.

Sorry for the wait, I sorta burned myself out with writing in the beginning, alone with school and work, but I should be able to write agian now.

Enjoy, and please leave a comment!

Chapter 9

Dishes clattered together as Ayala stacked them together. Huffing slightly, she lifted the pile off the table and retreated to the kitchen, placing them in the sink. Smiling wryly, she realized how different she had become within the past day or so. In her past life, she would've never stooped to cleaning up dirty dishes, yet here she was. Her past life? She frowned, how could she already be thinking like that? It had barely been a month since she left home, and yet already back then all seemed like a faded memory to her. Now, the primary thing on her mind was...

She clenched her fist as she blushed suddenly. How could that brutish wolf be so fixed in her mind? He had led her on, making her think that he was interested in her, only to find out that he was already engaged. Although, he hadn't ever said that he was interested in her, but she prided herself on her ability to read body language enough to tell that he was flirting with her at least. Grabbing a rag, she began to scrub at the dishes. He hadn't even come back to tell her what was going on, after leaving her like that. She supposed that he was hammering out the final details of his mateship now, not even thinking of her.

Matron stepped through the door. "Ayala, would you take orders for a bit? I need to get cooking to keep up with all these famished beasts."

"Hey! We heard that!"

Both of them ignored the speaker, Ayala had found that such input was a common disturbance in Matron's tavern. Nodding in understanding, she pushed past the doe and out into the dimmer light of the tavern, clouded with the musk of numerous males. She found herself smirking. 'Me, taking orders? Oh, Mother would die from shame...'

Adopting the more coarse tongue she found the patrons of the tavern preferred, she called out. "Alright you lot, what did y' want Matron t' make ya?"

'Oh dear, if only mother could hear me...she'd tear her ears off and then my tongue for speaking like this...'

A sudden bombardment of requests quickly cleared her mind as she pulled out a slate and scribbled notes on it. She really hoped she wouldn't miss anything, it was embarrassing enough the first time she got an order wrong. They understood that it was her first day, but they still liked to have a good laugh over it. It didn't help that it had been the completely wrong dish either. Noticing that she was quickly running out of room on her slate, she held up a hand.

"Sorry guys, I'll be back once these are placed."

Walking back into the kitchen, she hung the slate next to the pot rack, grabbing a clean one. "Do you think he'll come back?"

The doe looked up from her cooking. "What?"

"Aylmer, do you think he'll come back?"

Matron shook her head. "My dear, I'm sure he'll come back. If not before Lord Cedric, than with him. Lord Cedric left without paying last time, and he always comes back to pay."

"Does he usually leave without paying?"

"No, but I think something must've happened. He rushed out of here like the place was on fire and I haven't seen him since." The doe turned back to her food. "Now hurry back out there. They'll tease you for slow service if you take to long."

Ayala just smiled as she turned and walked back to the main room. Stepping through the door, she froze. Staring back at her from across the room was a cat. She narrowed her eyes, making sure that they weren't deceiving her. The panther noticed her, smiling without warmth.

"Ah, maid, I request that you take me to a private room to dine. I was told that this establishment boasted some of the finest dining in the entire kingdom, although I didn't expect it to be so...uncouth."

The cat didn't even recognize her? Ayala ground her teeth, hating the panther even more. Opening her mouth, she took a deep breath, readying as many caustic words as she could think of to fire at the creature that had gotten her into this mess in the first place, but then paused. She put herself in danger if they recognized her, perhaps she should remain silent and wait until she knew more. Smiling as sweetly as she could manage, she said. "I'm sorry, but this is the only room we have for dining."

The cat grimaced slightly. "Is that right?" Looking around, she spotted an empty table. Gesturing to one of her guard, she walked back towards the door. "You there, bring that table outside. I will dine out in the courtyard, it is much cleaner than in here." By now her remarks had attracted the attention of some of the crowd, so when the burly tiger tried to pick up the table, he was stopped by another paw slamming down atop it.

"The tables stay where they are." The bull rumbled. "House rules."

The panther turned back and glared at him. "I can set the Prince on you, commoner." She hissed. "Now paws off that table and you can bring the chairs outside."

The bull hesitated, but a dog suddenly leaned back to lay over the table just as the bull was taking his hands off. "I can set Lord Cedric on the Prince, foreigner." He said with a smile. "And His Majesty beats the Prince any day."

The panther snarled. "Watch it, mutt. I'll remember your face when I'm married, and I'll make sure you suffer."

The dog's smile didn't falter. "Get out. You're not welcome here. The Lady shouldn't need to put up with the likes of you."

Ayala watched as the cat opened her mouth to retort, but decided against it after glancing around the room and noticing the hostile glares directed at her. Sniffing, she spun on her heel and stalked out the door, her guard following close behind. Ayala leaned back against the wall, holding one hand over her heart. It both relieved and infuriated her that the panther hadn't recognized her. She glanced over as Matron laid a comforting paw on her shoulder.

"I don't know what you have against that cat, but you look a little flushed, dear. Go lie down for awhile, I can cope here. If anyone complains about slow service, Dunstan can talk them out the door."

The dog grinned. "I can certainly try. And if I don't succeed, then my big friend here can throw 'em out." He patted the bull on the arm.

Ayala smiled weakly and walked over to the stairs. Soon she was closing the door of her room behind her, locking it with the key she kept around her neck. Her room wasn't extravagant, it was just like any of the others in the tavern, but Matron had given it to her for as long as she stayed. Lying back on the straw-filled mattress, she found herself wishing for her bed at home, the comfort of a warm fireplace crackling away nearby. As she constructed the ideal room in her mind, she tried to think of all the details, the heavy curtains that could block out the sun for daytime naps, the couch at the foot of the bed that was large enough for two and close enough to the fire for warmth, and...

She sat up in bed and blushed. Why was it so impossible to keep him out of her thoughts? She had barely known him for a day, and already he occupied her mind more than anyone else ever had. That almost feral smile had seized her mind and wasn't showing any sign of letting go. She had tried to forget about him when she was working, but every time her mind wandered, it was to him, and she always, always, blushed. A few people, most noticeably Dunstan, had caught her blush and asked her about it teasingly. Ayala was starting to wish that she had been born something other than human, then she would've had the fur to hide her blush.

Slamming back down onto the bed, she closed her eyes tightly, hoping that Aylmer wouldn't haunt her dreams as well.

Aden struggled to keep his breath even as he dropped into the pit. His Alpha was on the other side, also armed with a knife. Even through they were wielding the same weapons, he was still terrified. This was his Alpha he was supposed to fight! Every bone in his body screamed that he shouldn't do this, that it was disrespectful to his Alpha to do this, but it was what his Alpha wanted. Did that make it alright? Why was it wrong in the first place? He couldn't remember ever learning how to act around his Alpha, he just seemed to remember what to do when the time came for it. Tossing the knife from paw to paw, he tried spinning it again, dropping it into the sand. Why did the knife feel so odd in his paws now? Before, it was like he had been using it his entire life, but now it just felt like a lump of metal. His old master had had him trained with a short dagger, but that had a different feel to it. Taking a deep breath, he swallowed. This wasn't a pit fight, he wouldn't die if he lost, his Alpha wouldn't hurt him...

"Ok, Aden." Cedric called. "I want you to do your best.

Aden took a deep breath, trying to calm down. It wouldn't help him do any better if he was all tense. He concentrated on each of his muscles one by one, consciously relaxing each one. Crouching, he held his paws in front of him, one spread. "I'm ready, Alpha."

Cedric nodded and they began circling, knives making small jabs as they tested each others guard. Suddenly, Aden leapt forward and slashed, darting back out again before Cedric had a chance to retaliate. The strike had fallen short, but it had still been close. Aden could see the interest in his Alpha's eyes as the big wolf's grin grew larger. It seemed that his Alpha was enjoying this. It was intimidating to look as the mass of muscle he was sparring against. Aden knew that the moment Cedric got a hold of him, he'd be done for. He would have to hope that he could move quickly enough to keep that from happening.

Cedric jumped forward and Aden dove to the side, rolling on the loose sand. Grains scattered from under his hind paws as he sprang up again, springing in for a quick slash. Metal rang as the blades clashed, then skittered apart. Aden began to truly relax, falling into a near trance as he danced the number of steel and sweat. In his mind, he began to hear an accompaniment, a chorus of voices that wove themselves together, flowing and ebbing with the beat of the fight. Gradually, they intertwined, coalescing to form a single voice, a thought, a guide for his movements. Aden merged himself with the flow and acted. Following a whisper, a feeling, he leapt into the air. Lying back, he felt the rush of air as Cedric spun, the shining knife whistling inches under his back. Slamming down into the sand, he rolled to the side and planted a paw into the sand. Kicking up and around, he slammed his hindpaw into the back of Cedric's knee, collapsing it. The wolf fell to the ground with a loud grunt. Pressing his advantage, Aden threw himself atop his Alpha, only then realizing that he had followed one of the habits that had been beaten into him by his last master. He had ignored the gentle prodding of the chorus within his head, and now he was within the grasp of those huge arms. Even as he realized this, those brown-furred limbs had wrapped around him and secured his knife arm.

He was rolled onto his stomach, the heavy weight of his alpha pressing down on his back. Whining, he dropped the knife and laid his ears back, his mind returning from its trance. He could feel the firm muscles of his alpha pressing against him, as well as a much larger bulge resting against the small of his back. Wincing, he tensed.

"That was extraordinary, pup." Cedric said, a low growl in his voice. Aden felt him nuzzle the back of his neck, licking his ears before letting up pressure. "But you got too close." Standing up, he lifted Aden to his paws. "I think that's enough for the day. What do you want to do now?"

"Something to cool off, I'm too hot." Aden froze and laid his ears back. He must still be affected by whatever happened during the fight to have said something like that. Sure, Alpha had asked for his opinion, but his reply had been far too assertive. "I-I mean, I'm good with whatever you want to do, Alpha!" He cringed as he was pulled close to the wolf.

Hot breath washed over his ears. "You sound much better when you're not scared, pup." Cedric said. "And cooling off sounds like a wonderful idea. You haven't seen the baths here yet, have you?" Aden looked up, meeting Cedric's eyes for a moment before the bigger lupine looked away. "Where are my manners? I completely forgot you were there, Aylmer!" Still holding Aden against his side, Cedric walked over to the side of the pit. "How does a good bath sound to you?"

The prince shrugged. "It is a good idea."

Cedric smiled, "It's settled then!" He looked down again at Aden. "Would you grab my sword for me, Aden? I feel like I've been ignoring my cousin after he's taken time out of his schedule to come visit me."

Aden blushed and smiled weakly, happy to be able to do something for his Alpha instead of cause problems. "I'd be happy to do anything you wanted me to do, Alpha." Trotting over to the sword, he picked it up and turned to go back, noticing Aylmer speaking to Cedric in low whispers. The wolf's ears laid back and he looked at the prince in surprise. Aden could hear Cedric's reply from where he stood. "You're joking, right?" The prince shook his head and Cedric glanced over at Aden, who was now halfway back, eyeing the prince suspiciously. Giving the sword to Cedric, he grabbed a pawful of his alpha's fur crushed himself against the lupine's side, growling at Aylmer.

Cedric looked down at him in surprise. "Aden, what's the matter?" Aylmer was staring at him as well, nearly backing away at the hateful look that was in the young wolf's eyes.

"He was trying to get you to sell me to him, wasn't he?"

"What?" Cedric blinked. "What made you think that?"

Aden growled. "That's what they always do. They either use me or they see me fight and then they want to buy me. It happened when I didn't have an Alpha, and now that I do they'll want to take that away from me too!" Aden was vaguely aware that his knuckles were going white as he gripped Cedric's pelt, and the wolf was wincing as strands of fur were pulled out.

Aden heard a growl, and Cedric pulled away from him forcefully. He cried out in fear, the world darkening around him as his vision faded. Just before everything went dark, the arms returned, wrapping around him from behind with the strength his mind had so quickly become addicted to. It was actually painful now to not have his Alpha's scent in his nose. As he fought back the nauseous dizziness that threatened to overwhelm him, he felt Cedric pull them down to the ground. His Alpha wrapped around him just like he had done when he held him for the first time yesterday, and Aden felt his fears begin to fade. The warmth, the comfort, the assurances that his Alpha had given him all came back, and he broke down, sobbing into Cedric's thick fur. All he could do was clutch at the larger lupine, who held more power over him than any of his masters had before, and sob one phrase over and over:

"Don't leave me alone!"