Hunted: Chapter 15

Well, the beginning of college is approaching, so I'm not sure how that will affect my writing schedule, but in any case it won't stop me. There's a good few chapter yet it seems, I want to tie up a few of the more pressing questions before moving...

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Hunted: Chapter 14

## Chapter 14 Ayala stood there for a moment, stunned. Why were they after her? They couldn', she hadn't done anything to give herself away. It must just be because the Prince had taken an interest in her. But then what were their motives? Were...

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Hunted: Chapter 13

As always, please comment! Even a few words telling me you've read it is awesome! ## ## Chapter 13 "I was scared last night." Aylmer started, glancing at Becan, who was looking up at him with big, round eyes. "Why were you...

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Hunted: Chapter 12

Here's the next chapter. I wasn't planning on ending it here, but it was coming along slowly, so I decided to put up what I had, just to let you know that I'm still working on it. Vote, Comment, Comment, and Comment! ## ## Chapter 12 Ayala...

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Hunted: Chapter 11

Ok everyone! If you are paying attention to the tags, you will notice that there is a sexual scene in this chapter. This is my _first_ sexual scene that is not a flashback. _Please_ comment and tell me how to improve this, I would really like feedback...

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Hunted: Chapter 4

## Chapter 4 "Get up." The black-furred wolf's knees were weak at the mere _presence_ of the larger wolf, but by using the wall behind him he was able to stand. He kept his eyes on the ground as he swayed unsteadily, willing his knees to bear...

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Hunted: Chapter 3

Again, comments are appreciated! * * * ## Chapter 3 Prince Aylmer rolled his shoulders, sighing as he examined his form in the polished silver mirror that hung from one wall of the palace bathhouse. Stroking a paw over a bit of brown fur...

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Hunted: Chapter 1

Well, I'm a writer in my spare time, but it's been awhile since I've had my writing critiqued by my peers, so this is a little something, part of a bigger something, that I whipped up over the last week. COMMENT PLEASE!!!!! I want to get better, and I...

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Hunted: Chapter 2

Ok everyone, here's chapter 2. Again, please comment, what you like, don't like, what I could improve on, etc. Have fun! * * * **Chapter 2** The wolf's black fur blended well with the dark shadows at the edge of the forest where he...

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Hunted: Chapter 10

## Chapter 10 Cedric tightened his grip around the shivering pup. "Hush now, you're safe here, I will never leave you." He was suddenly attacked by a flurry of licks as Aden assaulted him, unable to speak as he showed his gratitude in the only way his...

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Hey everyone. This is the prologue to a story that came to me one day. I won't be writing more on this until I've finished _Hunted_, but I thought I'd put this up for some feedback. It's a little short, ok, really short, but I just wanted to know how I...

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Hunted: Chapter 9

So, I meant to post this yesterday, but my internet decided to go on the fritz, so I clicked the post button and nothing happened. Now that it's back, this should go through. Sorry for the wait, I sorta burned myself out with writing in the...

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