On the Wickedness of the Fallen Ones
an Elf x Uruk-hai slash story written by Lustful_Orcs
DESCRIPTION: Fifty Uruk-hai are captured on direct orders
of the Chairman of the War Council of Rivendell. On their first
march from the bowels of Isengard, none have yet spilled the
blood of the Innocent. But what is one to do with a band of
Uruk-hai who's only crime is to belong to the Enemy Camp?
Will Elven justice prevail? And how would The Rivendell
War Council rule on the Wickedness of the Fallen Ones?
M/M Slash, Brutal scenes, Altered States of Consciousness
With my humble apologies to JRR Tolkien for writing a
fan-fiction story very loosely placed in his Middle-Earth, and
with equally sincere apologies to any readers who take offense
to the explicit sexual, crude or spiritual content within this story.
WARNING: This story is quite explicit and is rated
Triple X, NC-17 meaning it is suitable for ADULTS ONLY.
It contains suggestions and explicit descriptions regarding
-homosexual gay sex between males of the same gender-
and in addition to that contains content that might be regarded
as distasteful or disturbing, including abusive content.
Liking or disliking this story or its direct or implied content
Is in no way indicative of the sexual preference of the reader.
All acts (and persons) described herein take place between
consenting adults and are strictly fictional.
It needs be stressed that Orc yaoi stories by this writer bear
great emotional charge for some and as such are unsuitable
for people with unresolved emotional problems, or those of
particular sensitivities. These stories often venture far beyond
taboo borders including those of a sexual or abusive
nature, merging agonies and ecstasies to a particularly
explicit mix. The writer's sole intent is to provide the reader
with an entertaining or even stimulating reading experience.
The writer can not be held responsible for anything closely
or remotely associated with this story, sentient life or
the universe in general. Protected by international copyright
laws. This story or parts thereof may be kept, multiplied and
printed for personal use or that of single acquaintances at the
same time, but may not be quoted or publicized without
expressed consent of the writer.
The writer Lustful_Orcs can currently be contacted at:
YIFFSTAR ADDITION: This is an Orc story, a bit unusual in the Furry world, but feel free to explore!
If you find you want to know more about Orcs, yiffy and otherwise, then there's good news!
There's a whole ORC FANDOM out there, waiting to be explored. You will find many Orcsites, especially ADULT ORC SITES right at your fingertips if you visit:
ORC'S GATE http://members.home.nl/orcs-gate/index.htm
And that tiny site's sole purpose is to link and review the major Orc Sites. Make sure to check out the Adult Orcs section, because that's where the yiffy's at!
We're a small 1.000 Orc fandom, so if you want to be an Orc, or better yet create Orc Arts with us, take that link and shove it up your
Bookmarks Section o_O
As for this highly explicit Orc story: I hope you enjoy it even
if the erotic content is not of your choosing.
Ladies of Lust and Gentlemen of Pleasure:
Open your mind, buckle up and enjoy the ride !
conceived July 2004
written October 2004
an Elf x Uruk-hai slash story written by Lustful_Orcs
'Hush. Despite all thoughts academic and speculative the fact of the matter that lies
before us is that we have caught fifty Uruk-hai and we, the War Council of Rivendell,
now have to decide on their fate. So, speak out, but speak in wisdom.' The Elf
leading the War Council looked around the ones gathered.
'Off with their heads I say, no need for elaboration. We know the nature of the Orcs,
and the Uruk-hai are the most bloodthirsty of them all. I propose we kill them swiftly
this afternoon and unworthy of attention I'd say there's no need to do it publicly. Let's
get them over with, we're at war and face far more pressing matters.'
Another Elf raised his hand.
'I say this situation before us is of the greatest importance. As a previous speaker
rightfully remarked this band of Uruk-hai were caught on their march from Isengard.
While we know nothing of their wicked acts committed among their kind in the bowels
of that now Blackened place, we know for a fact they did not commit Evil acts against
the peoples of Middle-Earth, as we captured them before any contact with these
could have allowed such atrocities to happen. Since it is commonly accepted that
doing away with Orcs is an act of Good, this by definition can be turned onto
themselves, which means that any atrocities they likely committed within Isengard
are void and nil, which in essence means these beasts are free of having committed
Evil acts. This means we are dealing with a spiritual matter as to the extent of their
wickedness and not one of vice, as these fifty Uruk-hai despite their likely intentions
were caught before the opportunity for committing such acts arose.'
'Nonsense Orophililin! The wickedness of their nature is absolute. This discussion
would make for interesting philosophical debate were it not our brothers and the
peoples of Man and Dwarf are laid dead by the thousands by these vile beasts. Off
with their heads. We are at War. Drag the beasts from their cell and sever their neck
in the corridor in front of it. Let's not waste any precious time on them as our brothers
fall like the grains of sand in an hourglass. This is idle talk best left for days of less
'Excuse me, but I agree with speaker that this case before us is far from idle and in
fact lies at the very hart of the matter. The Ringbearer and his Fellowship as decided
by the Council of Elrond have gone hence to the very heart of Mordor. Gazing on the
purity and their strength of character I deem it likely they will succeed and the Ring
will be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. This very War, even though it only
shortly commenced and the most dire battles have yet to be fought, is nearing it's
end. We all have to make plans for ourselves. Apart from the strength of our forces
our main advantage is that we hold the higher ground in moral matters. We cannot
decide upon the fate of Middle-Earth on mere conjecture. The matter that lies before
us is the true extent of the wickedness of Orcish nature.'
'They are rotten to the core! They are perverted so foul that even the core of their
flesh and the color of their blood tells of their Evil. Their wickedness is absolute!'
'I disagree. I have spent long hours contemplating their nature years before this War
came to be. I will now expose the falseness of our current stance as well as the
urgent need to review it.' A murmur of unrest rose around the Circle of the assembled
as members of the council whispered many things to the ones next to them in the
Circle as the oldest Elf spoke.
'The Orcs were Elves once, before Evil twisted and corrupted them to the murderous
creatures they are now. We, the righteous Elves, stem off the force of Light while the
Orcs were our kinsmen once before being perverted by the force of Darkness. Is this
not so?' The majority of the assembled reluctantly agreed for it was unpleasant yet
established fact that this in fact was the case. The speaker continued.
'If I look at us, the righteous Elves, I see some of us are not free of minor vices, and it
is these very vices, be they ever so slight, that the force of Darkness used to distort
our kinsmen of past into the Orcs we are fighting today. But as there is no
absoluteness in the purity of Good among us, and the force of Darkness of smaller
magnitude then that of Light, we have no choice but to accept that there can not be
absoluteness to the Evil nature of the Orcs, and it may well be that perhaps some of
them can be brought back into the Light like they were once torn from it.'
Rarely in the orderly history of Elven councils had chaos took hold of an assembly
then on that very moment as many saw the very nature of Justice was on trial here,
rather then the fifty Uruk-hai caught, rather then slain by the Elven riders on orders of
some of the Councilmen assembled. This disintegration of orderliness was allowed to
take it's course as the topic involved was of such importance.
'May I see the hands of those in clear favor of investigating the wicked nature and the
slight possibility of their redemption?' After a moment of hesitation several of the
assembled Elves put their hands where their hearts were.
'Then so it shall be. I now suspend the War Council meeting for this day, lest urgency
requires it's reassembly. The War shall be fought in the manner and under the moral
banner as it was fought to this day. The matter of the nature of Orcish wickedness
stands apart from it, so I hereby appoint those who voted in favor of investigation to
become the Committee on Orcish Wickedness, which shall remain in session as of
now. The results of this investigation shall be brought before the War Council to be
reviewed as to decide upon our stance regarding the nature of the wickedness of the
Orcs and how those Orcs who inevitably will survive this War are to be dealt with
from our victory hence. Hereby this gathering of the War Council is dissolved and the
Committee on Orcish Wickedness is to take session. Gentlemen: may righteousness
be ours in the victory that will befall us. End of session.'
The nay-sayers and those yet uncertain as to their stance left the assembly, leaving
those that formed this investigatory Committee.
'Gentlemen of the Committee on Orcish Wickedness: we are hereby in session. By
the nature of our vote it is clear to us all there is an urgency to investigating the
Justness of our moral stance which is at the heart of War policy as to the dealing with
Orcs. Some of you are unfamiliar with the reality of these wicked ones, and know
them only from academic discussion. To dispatch this lack of familiarity with the
creatures our brothers face in battle I have made preparations to take this discussion
from the academic into the practical.
Guards: Bring forth the Uruk-hai.'
The three guards left for some time. Indeed, more then were willing to admit knew
these creatures only from hearsay, which in matters of enemies in War and those
contrary to their morality could be nothing then biased. In fact most assembled would
be confronted with an Orc for the first time in their lives.
'I must warn you. These beasts, and it is appropriate so speak of them as beasts in
their presence, are truly vicious and malicious in nature. Like with predatorial animals
you are best to stay clear of his reach, in fact more so since Orcs are consciously
intent on making any of us meet with injury or death. You are free to approach him
and to some degree it is even possible to address to him personally but beware it is a
vile creature in all respects and that you hold no obligation to him. Should you feel
the need to question him, be stern and direct and try to match his coarseness as
politeness and subtle wordings are lost on him.'
A clanging and rattling of heavy chains could be heard advancing towards them.
What were they to see? They put trust in the ability of the guardsmen as to the ways
Orcs are to be restrained, but nontheless they felt fear when they heard the approach
of the creature soon to be revealed to them.
The Creature was brought before them.
It had its arms outstretched along the length of an iron bar that lay over his shoulders,
his wrists, elbows and neck were fastened to it by means of thick leather belts, and
his ankles were shackled with a length of chain between them and two slacking ends
of chains which were held by the guardsmen that firmly held the ends of the iron bar.
The two guardsmen holding the bar were armed with still-sheathed swords and the
third guardsman held up a riding whip that had such sturdiness and size to it it likely
was an Orc-whip, a long flexible rod topped with a thick diamond-shaped leather
lash, big as a hand, especially made for the punishing and handling of even the
biggest Orcs. Having the beast well-shackled and the Orc-whip nearby they felt
relieved the matter was under control.
The pungent-smelling Uruk-hai was most fearsome to behold. His form was akin to a
large human, but he bulged with frighteningly thick slabs and knots of muscle, which
was readily seen as he only wore a crude, filthy leather loincloth to cover his body.
His shape was, contrary to common knowledge, not especially disfigured except for
the extreme hyperthrophy of his muscles which made him outweigh a normal Elf by
perhaps two-hundred pounds. His skin was pitch-black in color with a silken shine of
gray to it and as he was caught on his march from Isengard and likely had been a
fierce fighter inside that rat's nest of Evil because there was not a scar on his body.
His snouted face however was most frightening of all. His features were distorted by
powerful facial muscles over the beastly shape of his skull into a look of pure evil and
uninhibited perverted desires. His teeth, for he bared them in a most frightening grin,
were those of a carnivore, made to rip and tear at flesh as a means of killing.
Contrary to his otherwise hairless body he had black hair which was tied to a tail
behind his head, but the hair had felted long since and shone dull with dirt.
His eyes were those of pure evil, yellow and red and wide-open pupils, demanding
eyes that could make a warrior crumble by the fierceness of their gaze.
The restrained beast let itself be led between two pillars, the Orc-restraining bar was
fastened between them and his anklechains fastened so he stood in a spread stance
unable to kick or use the clawnails of its big feet as the three chains to his ankles had
no slack between them.
And out came this beastly roar, deafeningly loud, that fried the air of their gathering.
Then it spoke with a growling, dark voice most Evil, clearly lusting in Darkness.
'Luk at the lot of you.. Snaga COWARDS!! If I'm to entertain yuus then how'bout
untying me so you'll hear some music of rripping flesssh..'
The guard behind him harshly pulled up the back of the beast's loincloth and hit his
bare buttocks with the diamond-shaped lash of the Orc-whip which made a startling
smack bounce off the walls, followed by a fierce growl of pain.
'How's THAT for music, prettyboy?' the guardsman sneered and the fearsome Uruk-
hai chuckled evilly, his face still bracing against the dwindling pain.
'Sooo.. -that's- the entertainment yuu fine gentlemen desire... I'll be happy to
provide. Take that whip to me and let me wallow in your Dark-' before he could finish
the guardsman made the Orc-whip smack loudly on his dark-gray Uruk's rump five
times over, which left the struggling big Uruk-hai groaning in pain which was to be
expected as an Elf would faint by just a single one of those.
'Now that's quite amusing I must say, prettyboy.. As you fancy it, shall we make
some Orc music together? You make a fine sound with that Orcwhip smacking on
your big Uruk ass.. Want to howl an Isengard Orc song for us then?'
The big Uruk-hai growled.
'Yuus made yer point. I'll obey all you want of me. Fucking snaga...'
The guardsman bared his muscular gray buttocks again.
'You were saying?'
The Uruk growled.
'I'll obey all you want of me. Fine gentleman.'
'Good beastie. Doing as told and polite about it too.'
He pulled down the back side of the Uruk-hai's loincloth to cover the Orc's prominent
One of the Elves could not hold back his outrage and spat in an ancient tongue,
'This is hardly becoming of Elves!' The chairman of the new-founded Committee on
Orcish Wickedness spoke out immediately in the same language.
'Orophililin! When you're dealing with vicious beasts like the Uruk-hai you are forced
to some degree to meet their ways of going about things. You can go down to them
to meet them on their level, but it's obvious the wretched Evil beast is stuck on his.
Whipping unfortunately is the Uruk-hai way of dealing with disobedience amongst
their ranks and he'd laugh at any approach less coercive. Look: he's grinning at our
bickering, we're losing the slight respect he holds for us. Now lets be on one line as
Elves and be civil about it but keep him subdued into the little respect he still has for
us, even if it is to be maintained by the Orc-whip. This goes for all of us. If there is to
be a questioning of sorts there has to be some incentive for him to listen at all and
provide us with answers. On the other hand there's no need to fry him as it's a simple
beast and we're not after information regarding pressing strategic matters of high
urgency, and no need for spite as he did not commit foul deeds yet. I will take charge
in these matters and do not startle at how it may need come to pass as it will be dire
to our sensitivities.'
The Elf looked at the Uruk-hai who stood between the two pillars with his arms
outstretched to the Orc-restraining bar which was fastened to the pillars with his neck
strapped to it, his feet wide apart with anklestraps fastened rigidly by three chains.
And from this fully subdued restraining the huge Uruk-hai still snarled at him in
'Guards, there will be no more need for your fighting skills..'
He cast a stern look at the Uruk-hai and held out his arm.
'Hand me the Orc-whip and leave. I will handle things from here and your lethal force
is not required. Go.'
He felt how the guard lay the heavy Orc-whip in his hand, he took hold of it and the
guardsmen left.
The big Uruk-hai looked around and chuckled in a mixed excitement.
'Huuhuuhuu.. Me Orc -really- in trouble now... No needs for Law, just gimme de whip
an leave.. Oooww shitt am I gonna sleep on my tummy tonight.. It early afternoon but
it getting Dark already.. This go and huuurt..'
'You seem to take strange delight in all of this. You didn't look so eager just now, did
The Uruk-hai grinned as the Elf clearly got his number and called his bluff on the
'Oooh Elfling! Me knooows that Orcwhip go slap and smack, and me Uruk gets to
sing to it! Better learn to like it rreal fast then, ei? Hah.. 'guards can go an just gimme
whip'.. Oh me go be really sorry Orc for getting caught. Are you going to jerk yer cock
to it like that guard likes to do? I'd reeeally like to see you gents take turns whipping
me and jerking Elf cock doing it!'
'Are we trying to take things over Orc? Think I won't make good on taking this Orc-
whip to you? Is that what you want to see?'
'What me wants to see is you Elfs taking pleasure in torturing me and jerking yur
puny cocks at the sight of it!'
'That does it.'
The Elf walked around the tied Orc, bared his slate-gray buttocks and made the Orc-
whip clap and smack down on them with little regard but to make the Uruk-hai feel it
like he should.
He then shook the rear of the Orc's loincloth he held up to expose his rear.
'Up or down Orc?'
The Uruk-hai, even though in pain, growled in defiant pleasure.
'You rreally like the look of that Uruk rump, don't ya? Up or down! Now cause yuu
asks like a gent I'll be nice and let you get on top te mount me!'
The Orc-whip slapped and smacked without mercy until the sound of the Uruk's
growls and moaning satisfied the Elf that the Uruk-hai would weigh his words more
'Up or down Orc?'
'Down..' the Uruk-hai moaned in what was mostly pain and reluctant defeat.
'Good. If you're really of better stuff then the snagas, there will be little more of this.'
'Yeah, righ-tt.. Yuus just having fun making me thinks that an then really begin. Well if
yuus think me Uruk-hai shites it fer yuus then yer wrong. Me's won't tell yuus
The Elf laughed and stood in front of him, just out of biting reach.
'Come on now. You know nothing. You're fresh from Isengard and you don't -know-
anything! Uruks don't march around knowing stuff, they march to where they're
ordered to go and -there- they are told what they need to know.'
The Uruk-hai got angry.
'Me knows LOTS of things, Elf.. Me just not tellin em and ya can't make me.'
The Elf simply turned his back to him and addressed the newly formed Committee.
'Gentlemen, even though introduction seems futile this Uruk-hai is the Captain of the
band of fifty Orcs I ordered to be captured...'
'And now me be afternoon's Orc-whipping entertainment. You Elves sure ara fine lot!
Well whip me outta my Orc noggin, throw me on de floor and mount me if ya want to,
but stop talking -shitt-! Yuu know me'd duu anything if ye keep the whip on me so go
ahead an take yer fiine gentlemen pleasures!'
One of the Elves stepped forward and introduced himself.
'I am Orophililin of...'
'Nice fat bulge between the legs Albh! Wanna give it to me good with the Elfling-rod?'
Orophililin slapped his mouth shut by the rudeness that befell him, and he blushed
cherry-red when he saw some of his brethren check if he indeed had gotten excited
like the Orc had suggested. Well, a little perhaps.
'Disgusting Orok!'
He yelled, but his high-pitched insult was met with a low growl and a slow chuckle.
'Disgusting indeed, Orokphile.. Jusst like you like it don't ya?'
'WHIP that Orok bastard!'
'So yuus can tug that half-hard Elfling-rod up to it? Now that's worth some
Never in recorded history had such vileness been spoken aloud in Rivendell. And
what was worse was that the beast seemed to need no effort to spread his Darkness
amongst them as he had excited Orophililin into a rage of violence, while Orophililin
had spoken in his defense mere minutes before.
'Orc: if you -behave- like an Orok you will get your lashes but the only tugging done
will be your tugging at your shackles trying to escape it. Does that sound equally
It was remarkable which chill the Chairman of the War Council could lay in these
calmly spoken words. The Uruk's calmness was one of contempt and a roaring fire
barely held back but the Chairman met him with the bone-chilling ice of impersonal
detachment which had to rub off on the shackled creature.
'Riigh-tt.' The Uruk-hai spat it out slowly,
'Lets us be fine g竪ntlemen about this.. Now what the fuck is with all this teasing shei-
tt, noble Albh? Yer getting me hard with yer fancy talk. When can we get to
'I'm kinda waiting for the point where you shove a barbed hook up my ass and hoist
me up over a low fire. No games. No fancytalk. Kill me and eat my flessh.'
'Gentlemen: I present you the Evil of the Orok...' the Chairman mumbled void of joy,
letting his whipping-arm hang limp, as shocked as the rest of them.
The fiery Demon eyes looked them over. The weaklings! He defeated them while
shacklend hand and foot! Middle-Earth would fall to his Masters, that much was
certain. The Albhs would kill him and eat his flesh but it would not hold back the
Armies of Sauron. The fancy Albh had been right in that he knew nothing, but that
meant he could tell them nothing and life as he knew it was overrated anyway. He
would stand victorious from whatever they could do next and he would chuckle at
them from their dinnerplates and he hoped they'd all choke on his flesh.
Orophililin stepped up to him again.
'Orok.' He spat, and tried to match the coldness of the Chairman.
'What makes you think we'd even care for such an unsavory meal?'
The Orc growled softly, much like a lion but far more malicious.
'Everybody knows 'bout your little bloodlust Elfling orgies. Yuus just playing with yer
food and looking at that fat bulge I say you'd like to pork the Orc before you eat 'im.'
'Okay, that's it then.' The Chairman decided, grabbed the belt of Orc's loincloth and
yanked it off his loins, leaving the big Uruk stark naked, then he immediately started
smacking the Uruk's bulging rump with the Orc-whip in a breathtaking noise of loud
smacks and beastly roars. The mighty Orc, arms spread over the Orc-restraining bar
and legs shackled apart made his muscles bulge and flex as he tried his best to
escape, and the thick steel rod bent like a bow under the might of his muscles but
straightened his arms when he ceased struggling.
You could hear cracks and pops from the powerful muscle and tendons as he
struggled in vain.
Orophililin could not help but look at the parts of the Uruk that were brought to light.
Between the Uruk's legs he had a pitch-black ball-pouch and a formidable eight
inches of half-hard Orctail slapping about and dangling left and right by his
struggling. Orophililin could not take his eyes off the Orc's magnificent package.
Now this was an Orok's meat and not of a man, but despite his Demon ways
Orophililin was impressed by his presence in more ways then mere disgust at a vile
Creature of Darkness.
He looked and was met by the piercing gaze of the Uruk-hai as he roared in agony.
He knew. And Orophililin knew he knew.
Orophililin was lembas. The horrible Uruk would rat him out for his curiosity and
haunt him in front of his brethren.
The chairman halted and stood in front of the Uruk who let himself hang from the
restraining bar, panting and moaning, dripping with putrid musky sweat.
'I.. I bet.. I bet it make you go off like a fire-arrow..' the Uruk-hai moaned and gritted
his teeth. He cast a Demon glance, 'You too, Orokphile..'
'Want to.. But can't reach it tied like this. If you gimme a good Orok-tugging I promise
I'll be a gent and spout on the marble.. Not yer fancy robes..'
'I can whip you again.'
'And I can roar again but you ain't gonna come till you pork the Orc.. Won't even bite
it off if you'd stuff it up me mouth, good Sirs..'
The chairman sighed.
Orophililin stepped up to him.
'Orok. Your name.'
'Yer getting there, just go on like that..' the Uruk-hai chuckled and Orophililin bit his
'Oh yuus can call me Orok. That's a prretty name. So how's about untying me,
Orophililin nodded.
'Oh sure. Now tell us Orok.. Why do you side with Evil?'
'That's not evil, that's me armpits. You can wash em and the evil is gone, ye gotta
watch out not to tickle or I bite yer wrist off and I spit yer hand in yer face. If ye tickle
between me legs I letya and I will even call ye bitch. Tickle me guud and I'll let yuus
call me -your- bitch, now how's that for a stiff tale to tell?'
'Orok.' Orophililin spat, but he really couldn't get why he wasn't as offended as he
acted, it was mostly embarrassment he felt. If it were just him and the shackled Orc..
By Righteousness! How this vile beast perverted him!
He raised his hand to strike the Uruk's cheek but the chained creature bared his
fangs so viciously and so ready to bite and tear that he quickly hid his hand behind
his back.
Again that unnerving beastly chuckle.
This was a maneater.
'Don't: he'll take your hand off.' The Chairman warned.
'You're all talk!' one of the Elves decided and walked up to the Uruk-hai.
'I am Tiramac of Lori辿n and you, Orok, are all talk.'
'Trrry me...' the Uruk-hai growled maliciously, his piercing eyes raging in anger.
Tiramac pressed his boot on the Uruk's toes and slowly crushed them moving left to
right. The Uruk-hai groaned in pain.
'Now look: I'm trying you and the only thing impressing me is why you stopped your
insults. Where have they gone. We got you strapped down good with your balls
brought to light. How about me feeling them up for you? Isn't that what you wanted?'
The Uruk growled a fierce word in Orcish which was best not repeated.
The Elf took his boot off the Orc's toes and slapped the side of his bulging chest.
'So I must say you're the king of the foulmouths I've seen in my days but its just that.
You aren't as fond of the Orc-whip as you like us to believe and I'd think you'd piss
yourself if there really was a gut-hook to fear. So can it with the insults and let's hear
some words. Why do you side with Evil?'
'Yuu Albhs are all talk and we Orcs all action. You speak so well you must give good
Tiramac sighed.
'I can't make pottery from manure.' He sighed in Sindarin and walked off. Morale had
seldom been as low.
'This isn't going to work, is it?'
'Depends on what yuu wants. I'm tied up all tidy, yuu gots me pike and ye gots me
ass so tell me what ye wanna do before you butcher me for dinner.'
'This isn't going to work, right?'
'I will tell you nothing.'
Orophililin closed his eyes and nodded.
'Isn't there a shred of Good within you?'
'Heh.. HA! HAHAHA!' The Uruk-hai started roaring with wild, near insane laughter
and he still roared when the Committee on Orcish Wickedness left him behind in the
room, strapped between the marble pillars. The beastly laughter, a travesty of joy,
haunted them through the corridors until they were out in the open again.
'Gentlemen... Your thoughts please.' The Chairman sighed, quite discouraged about
the outcome.
'It seems futile, desperately futile to continue along these lines. I saw no light only
Darkness. It would not have cared if I had broken its toes.' Tiramac groaned in
'To think this is what our men are facing in battle. This is nothing like the Oroks of old,
Saruman has managed to perfect the perverting and twisting of their bodies.'
'He's a maneater. A formidable 300 pound Orok boar made for battle. I must say his
intelligence surprised me.' Orophililin wondered,
'I had not expected to be able to reason with him.'
'Did the words exchanged sound like reasoning on his part? You came off worst
insulted of all and I admire your grace in the face of his Darkness.'
Orophililin sighed and their Chairman intervened.
'Well him reasoning is established fact, Remilac. Still I found the word Orc was out
the window to make way for Orok, which is understandable, but it didn't take him
much effort to bring out our anger. He holds no vice but hideous words and threats
yet you trod his toes and threatened him all the same. I must say that if you were to
take away his vileness and put a mirror in his place we have got no reason to take
pride in what just came to pass. Wise One?'
The old Elf who had initially voiced his considerations now spoke.
'I must say Saruman burdened Middle-Earth with a shocking breed. Still, I find us to
be on the right path. This Uruk-hai now no doubt gloats in his assumed victory yet
victory, albeit a meager one, was ours.'
'How so?'
'We learned much in this mere half-hour. We know now that even these greater Orcs
are hindered by pain and hold no fondness of it. We have also seen.. Well.. That the
thought of Orcs being born of muck is folly. In a twisted manner he displayed an
eagerness to mate in his words and, well, actions. Orokphile..'
Orophililin scratched his chin in unrest,
'Orokphile as an insult proved he is no stranger to fancy, even if it is perhaps as
twisted as his kind. I must say I saw no signs of him being aquainted with the concept
of Love but his very phrase of Orokphile, Goblin-fancier, speaks of the notion of a
specific fondness and not indiscriminate Lust.'
'I do not fancy Oroks. He is a vicious maneater.'
'These were the Uruk's words, not mine.'
'..And he is a male. Equipped like a wild beast.'
'There is no need to defend yourself Orophililin. We all appreciated his intention was
to fight us in any way. That, and taking us as mates.'
'I should've grabbed his glands and squeezed the beastly viciousness out of him.'
Tiramac gave a sharp sigh to voice his frustration.
'Is this how it all ends?' Remilac almost despaired,
'We, the Righteous Elves, spend a while with a Fallen One that's chained into
submission. And we end up putting our higher moral ground in peril by threatening
the beast and inflicting pain. Has the seclusion of Rivendell made us aloof to the
tangible world?
How can Darkness come off like pitch on us upon first touch?'
The Wise One interrupted.
'Mordor is alive and well. The Great Eye of Sauron falls upon us as well as on the
Orcs. But it is the imperfection of our Righteousness that is shown here, a side
seldom seen when discussing matters of spiritual importance amongst ourselves. Did
you notice the gray shine over his pitch-black skin?'
'I did. It wasn't hideous like I expected.' Orophililin retorted, his mind wandering off
but then quickly regaining his wits.
'It is this gray shine that tells to the eye what your ears rather not hear, and that is
that the Orc is not a creature of total darkness but rather a shade of the darkest gray,
and that we tend to forget there is a lightest of gray tones to our nature as well.'
'I object.'
'Chairman: need I remind you the Orcs were Elves once that were perverted to
Darkness? Perverted to darkness and not made by it as the forces of Darkness lack
the power to give life, it can only twist and pervert and take life away. And need I
remind you of Remilac's correct observation how easily we were afflicted by cruelty
ourselves? Even as we speak the Uruk-hai stands naked and chained in discomfort,
at the mercy of a passer by who harbors wrath against his kind, and yet none of us
mentioned the Orc should be brought back to his cell.'
'It crossed my mind I must say but I deem the beast standing chained and bared to
be good punishment for his wickedness. His insults and threats make him free of vice
no longer. With words like those he deserves it.' The Chairman nodded sternly to
fortify his words.
'Agreed.' Tiramac added and none of the assembled intervened. The Wise One
'A punishment would seem called for and he would not respect us, even for our
wrath, if we did not give him a reprimand of sorts. Speak your mind,. How long is he
to stand like thus?'
'Three hours. And he is not to be told the duration of it but we should simply leave
him unattended so he has nobody to insult nor an expectation of release to hold onto.
I say we leave him be for three hours.'
'I second that.' Tiramac added. The chairman looked around at the assembled.
'Then three hours it is. Since I take it we will not disband the Committee on Orcish
Wickedness after our first endeavor to have the Orcs put to death I suggest we use
this time and as many hours we need to decide on a more effective approach. We
need feel pity nor remorse but the lives of these fifty vice-less Uruk-hai are upon us
so we should not be so easily discouraged by their leader, who tried hard to be put to
death in his chains.'
The Wise One looked around.
'It is upon us, Gentlemen. In the light of what has come to pass, let us decide upon a
more effective approach and let us not forget the alternative is death as we are but a
part of the Rivendell War Council. So: How are we to proceed?'
It was deliberated and decided upon that afternoon, and that what was decided upon
was carried out that very night.
The Committee on Orcish Wickedness assembled in a wine cellar where they were to
'Yuu Gentlemen sure are a filthy lot. All talk, but now ittis action. Elfling bastards!'
The huge Uruk-hai was laid flat on a thick oak table that supported his back, his wrist-
shackles were fastened above his head to spread his arms and a thick belt around
his neck fastened him further to it . Two Elven guardsmen held his ankles firmly as to
restrain his legs.
They had kept the Orc bared as he was when he was shackled. And around him the
Elves of the committee stood assembled.
Orophililin eagerly looked at the Orc's muscular body as the Chairman came in.
'Bastards! Yuus come to fuck me up and eat my flessh! Yuus gonna torture me and
kill and eat Orc. I'se like that, yuus like that, let's get the grish flowing and I'se gone
make it worth yer fucking while! Grish me damn you!'
'Shut up!'
'Suck my cock ya damn Elfling! Takes it in yer eel-ek-went mouth and fucking suck
my Uruk cock damn you! Yuus owe me for leaving me standing widda hard-on all
afternoon so blow me battle trumpet and grish me!'
'Scared, are we?'
'Yuus look it the lot of you! Yuus getting off eyeballin me Uruk cock!'
'Always bringing that thing of yours to our attention, don't you?'
The Uruk's eyes grew wide.
'Yuus gonne cut me up innit bastard? Yuus gonna cut off me balls and feed em to
'No, we're going to listen to your Orok talk and give you your tug if you cooperate.'
The Uruk-hai roared with laughter.
'I'se taking that memory to the Dark Pits no matter how you bad yuus grish me
tenight! HA! You Elflings make guud jokes in the grishing! Oh me be guud Orok! Me's
gonna squeal all the shite right up to making roasted bumblebees in b短b-lard! Yuu
lying sacs of spawn!'
'Orophililin: we admire you for your courage but it's time to step in line.'
Orophililin put on a pair of sleeved leather gloves, holding up his arms as he pulled
them down and pushed the leather between his fingers down on his skin.
The Orc now really got the fear but tried to hide it.
'Orokphile! What yuus gonna do to Orc? Ain't us no fuckbuddies no more?'
Orophililin stared the Orc directly in the eyes, quite tense.
'I'm going to tug that Orok's tail and if you stop your insults I'm even gonna make it
feel good.'
The Elves repressed some disgusted sounds which made the Uruk's eyes widen
'Yur rilly gonna do it Orokphile! Yuus not lying! Look at what I'm making forya!'
The Uruk's member now surprisingly throbbed up to full attention, standing slick and
thick and ten inches tall.
'So Orok: thanks for making it easier on me. I can work with this.'
'Bet yuus can Orokphile! Me's making it hard so yuu gent go feel free to lend a hand.'
'That's lewd!'
'I's here fukkin naked with two Elfs spreading me legs and I gots me cock in the air.
Can't an Orc get fukkin lewd then Orokphile? So how's about being a gent and tug
this Orok?
'As you wish.. If you behave.'
'Me's gonna spout you a mug fer thirst hows that for behaves?'
The two Elven guards who held the Uruk's legs by ankle and knee spread his legs,
which took no effort as the heated Uruk-hai did not struggle. The Chairman put a
hand on Orophililin's shoulder, looked him in the eyes and whispered in empathic
'This one is for the Cause. I know you must feel sick to your stomach to pleasure this
beast's flesh, but remember you are doing this for the Fate of Middle-Earth and that
the Forces of Good smile down on you today. And remember it is the gloves touching
the beast, not you. Remember that: your hands need not touch him as I'm sure those
gloves will please him ample. For the Good, man, for the Good!'
'It's just gloves, for the goo..' Orophililin whispered absent-mindedly, overcome by all
sorts of mixed emotions. He should not feel as lightly as he did about what he was to
do, but it would help him please the creature far better then the reluctance of the
Chairman would.
Orophililin took position between the Uruk's restrained legs and there he stood
staring down at the Uruk's eagerly throbbing tail, the creature was panting already.
Then he took hold of the Uruk's tail and gently cupped his sac with the other, and
shivering sighs of utter disgust filled the room as the Elves around them tried to look
Orophililin started playing with the swollen pouch and felt the excitement-hardened
Orc-balls inside. He firmly held on to the Orc's tail and slowly squeezed his hand
upwards and pushed it down.
'Ohhhhwwhh..' the Orc rumbled with a moan that seemed more fitting a bear being
relieved from constipation.
'Ohhhhwwwh tha's guuuud Orokphile! Yuus rilly fancy me!'
Orophililin halted and sternly looked at the Orc who lewdly licked his lips and then
wormed the tip of his tongue up his snout in a gesture suggestive of copulation.
Orophililin resumed.
'Yeah, thassit: Fuck me with yer hands! Since you gents wants me to squeal, how's
about me doing some oinking then? Me's in an oinking mood and yuu gents look like
you like that sort of thing.. Oink-Oink! Oink-Oink! Me guud Orc!' Orophililin halted.
'NO mocking!' and when this got through he got on his task again.
The Uruk-hai slowly squirmed and moaned and groaned like he was made for Lust
instead of fighting. Orophililin wondered why Saruman had put all this capacity for
Lust and even pleasure in his Uruk-hai, and how one goes about breeding Orcs in
the first place.
'Haaaahh.. Yeah, fukme-fukme! Hmmmmhhhh yuus likin it too.. Yeah... Don' be a
pussy and squeeeze... Good tuggin', not just pullin'! Aaarghh fukme!'
'For the Good!' the Chairman hissed in Sindarin comfort to his brave Elven friend.
The Elves had degrees of discomfort with all of this, but Orophililin seemed devoted
to his task and was not intent on being deterred by his feelings, so it seemed.
It was the Orc who noted best how Orphililin took delight in his handiwork, and he
noticed this even better then the Elf himself.
'Waargh! Me's gonna show yuus some Uruk seed! Hehhhh.. Hehhhh..' The Orc was
clearly getting ready to make good on this, when suddenly Orophililin stepped back
and shouted:
The Elven guards pulled the Orc's legs back, making him push his bulging rump up,
and Tiramac and the Chairman took turns at smacking the Uruk's hams with their
'No! Aaaargh! Stop! Aaaahhhrggh! No!' Right on the brink of spouting his seed the
Uruk got his Orc-hams bared and the hand sized diamond-shaped leather thongs
smacked them without mercy.
Then they stopped, the guards pulled his legs down again and the Chairman
'Bad Orc! Why do you side with Evil?'
'Yuuuuuu BASTARD!'
Orophililin took hold of his Orctail again and lulled his anger by thoroughly massaging
the Orc's meat, still heated to near bursting.
'Haaaaahh Orokphile.. Yuus good.. Gimme good tug.. oooohh.. That Elf bastard!'
'Easy, go with it..' Orophililin soothed and the Orc actually did as told.
Orophililin had a good feel to him, and teasing and pleasing this Orc had gotten to
him in a good way. Good? Well at least it got to him and that felt good.
Soon the heated Orc boiled with steam again, rapidly panting what sounded like
'Ooo-Ooo! Ooo-Ooo-Ooo!'
Orophililin jumped back,
The Orc's eyes grew wide as his legs were pulled back over his body, bearing his
glowing rump again.
'No! Don't do that! No! Waaaaaarrgh! Don-Aaaaaaarrghh! Bastard! Waaaarrrgh!'
The poor Orc roared out of breath by agony and ecstasy until the rump-smacking
ceased and his legs were pulled down again.
'Bad Orc! Why do you side with Evil?'
'Yuuuuhh.. Yuuuuuh..'
Orophililin started pleasing him again and the Orc could not help but growl in thrill.
'When.. when me's go burst me gets rump whipped again!'
'That's the game, Orok. Until you stop being a bad Orc that is.' Tiramac hissed.
'Yuu fucking bunch of snagas.. Not you Orokphile! Fuck me Orc with yer hands yuu
teasing bastard! Yeah.. Yeah.. Jussst like that! Aaaaahhhmmh.. Bastards...'
The Orc let his eager body be pleased again, but now he got anxious as well as
'Ooo-Ooo.. No! Ooo.. Leave Orc... Ooo-Ooo.. Leave Orc be!'
Remilac dangled the Orc-whip's thong in front of the poor Uruk's snout.
'You're gonna get it Orok!' he teased,
'One more 'Ooo..' and its -you-!'
'Now!' Orophililin announced as the Orc's balls pulled up again, ready-ing to spout,
and the Orc's feet went beside his head again.
'Waaaaarrgh! NO!! Waaarggh! NOOOO! Wa-aaaaaaargh! YOU! YOU IS EVIL!'
'Halt!' the Wise One shouted and the rump-whipping ceased, the Wise One dashing
up close beside the Orc.
'What did you say?' The Wise One demanded, and the guards lowered the Uruk's
'Yuus is fucking more Evil then the MASTERS! Fuck you shiny bastards!'
'And that is bad? That's not what you wanted?'
'WANTED? Me NEVER wanted Evil! They's torture me with BAD !'
It were as if the ceiling came down on the assembled, as the gravity of the words
spoken pressed down upon them.
'So you never sided with Evil? ...Orc?'
The Uruk-hai stared blankly to the ceiling, apperantly not even seeing that.
Softly he whimpered like a scared, battered animal.
'No.. Me no meant it... Me never meant think that... No.. Please no do to Orc..
'What's this?' Orophililin gasped,
'It's? What.. What's happening here?' but the Wise One waived him silent.
Suddenly a huge shock shot through the Orc's body, his stretching legs hurling the
guards across the room.
*Kkkkkkkkrrrrr!* he croaked between his teeth, stiff as a board, his eyes rolled back
so far only the yellow of his eyes was showing.
Then he fell completely limp.
'Did he die? Did he DIE!!' Tiramac shouted in a frenzy but the Wise One stared at the
Orc's limp body aglow by joy and whispered.
'This... is the most beautiful thing that I ever saw in a thousand years and a thousand
It's actually happening...'
Ugl短rzdorr did not know whether his eyes were open or shut. He had to feel with his
fingers to check.
He was floating in a black nothingness, a complete void that seemed to be hot nor
cold, nor did he feel the need to feel either of those. His lungs felt no resistance of
air, there was no air, nor did he feel the need for it. He floated freely in this void and
felt his nakedness, but did not feel the need to grope himself which he always felt if
given half the chance.
All he heard was his blood pumping through his veins, and when he smacked his
hands together all he heard was the shock traveling through his flesh and bones.
And he felt not a care in the world, maybe because there was no world.
Sauron. There was no Sauron.
He saw the tiniest little star blink at him in front. Light in the Void! He felt so happy
about that tiniest of white lights, it was childish or ridiculous but even that mattered
him not.
He slowly turned and saw another tiny star, exactly on the opposite side, a yellow
star. What was this? It.. it felt bad! And the tiny star grew and grew, emerging from
Infinity, he was gripped by discomfort that mounted into fear.
All too soon it had grown so big he could not blot it out with the hand of his
outstretched arm. And even though it was still a million miles away he felt a heat that
didn't start out warm but was stingy when it started. And it grew further still,
advancing on him with breathtaking speed.
This was no star. This was a raging wall of boiling foul fire, crimson and yellow and
sooty with smoke that murmured and bit his skin as it shot towards him.
All that was in front of him was a wall of roaring fire, he could not believe the speed
with which it advanced on him. He screamed but there was no air. He trampled and
thrashed his arms about, but there was nothing to hold onto. It was just him and a
wall of thundering fire, as if he stood next to the Helm's Deep Blast Bomb when it
went off.
Way sooner then he expected the wall of fire rammed into him, and he was shrieking
in pain in the thunder of the blaze, and because he breathed fire and not void his
agonized shrieking came out, albeit drowned out by the roaring infernal blaze of a
raging storm of fire scorching his flesh, but without wound-sleep or death to deliver
him from agony. And as he soared through the fire it grew hotter and hotter still.
Suddenly the Orc shot up, and the restraining belts around his neck and wrists
snapped like strips of paper.
'Hold him down! He isn't here!!' The Wise One shouted and the Elves jumped on top
of the Orc, throwing him to the floor and pinning him down with their weight.
Then he convulsed again and the Elves were thrown across the room, the Orc's eyes
rolled back and his body lay limp again.
Burning in the raging flames Ugl短rzdorr got rammed by a memory that hurt worse
then his pain: How an Orc pinned him to the ground in Isengard with a spear who's
head was shaped like open scissors, around his neck.
Another Orc was beating him with a thick stick really hard, on his ribs, on his feet and
between his legs, all the places where it hurt the most and a third kept roaring:
And as he finally screamed his Master's name, the Greater Master burned into his
soul and ripped the flesh of feeling carefree forever.
Another memory!
He held a snaga Orc to a tree, dagger on the weakling's chest. And that he had said:
'See you in Hell !' and with that cruelest of jokes he had bit and torn the snaga's
snout off his face, chewed it, bones and all, right in front of the shrieking weakling
before ramming the blade into his heart and turning it. And that he did not meet this
snaga but found himself alone amidst a sea of fire, meant to him he was to burn
forever in complete loneliness
And then a thousand memories came and all were foul, memories of red-hot barbed
hooks, tearing flesh, murder, bloodshed, rape and death.
And it was all by his hands, or through the consent of his hands that this came to be.
Now there was nothing but fire, and far in this vast expanse of suffering fire took
form, and it was a Demon face of raging fire, ten thousand miles large, and with not a
voice but a thundering swirl in the roar of the fire it boomed:
'Ugl短rzdorr...I'm going to rip your soul to shreds for what you did...'
Ugl短rzdorr was lost. Lost forever. Lost in a sea of agony that was his alone. Forever.
Suddenly the fire on his back seemed to lessen, and merge with a... pleasantness?
He turned and saw that tiny white star had grown as well, and shone bright, piercing
the blazing sea of flames. And its white fire, if it were fire at all, drowned out most of
the pain of these foul sooty flames that were devouring him.
It.. It was so beautiful! Ugl短rzdorr cried, cried of joy for the first time, the tears boiling
to steam off his cheeks. He threw his arms wide and screamed:
Like a sledgehammer to his entire body the wall of white light struck him and the
flames were thrown off his body by a force so magnificent it drove the pain from their
fire out of his body, and then his mind cleared and he became calm, calm as if he
was caressed by the womb of Love itself, because that's how it felt even to one so
deprived of the notion of it as was the tormented Uruk-hai.
This light was hotter then raging fire, yet it was quite cool to his naked skin. He
watched in awe how the thick crusts of carbonized flesh receded and made his body
whole again. He could not believe the mighty force so much stronger then Sauron
ever was.
He felt a heavy paw being rested on his shoulder and turned.
It was the snaga.
'Captain: they's made my snout all whole an fancy again when me gots here, see?'
'Me.. me sorry me grished yuus fer fun. It no was fun me just went and did it.. Me all
The snaga nuzzled his former Captain.
'It good. That be Sauron doing the bite, that not yuus Captain. Me always thinked
yuus hot.'
'Fool..' Ugl短rzdorr smiled and nuzzled his former minion, who dissolved into thin air.
He floated on in the white light.
'If it isn't the Dorr! Pretty Ugl短rz now methinx!' Ugl短rzdorr turned.
There were the three Orcs that had forced Sauron onto him, two still holding the stick
and restraining spear. Ugl短rzdorr ground his teeth in fear.
'Nono: No grish-ing in the sky! We's jus dropped by te say we fucked you up with
Sauron an all and that we's sorry us did what did.'
Ugl短rzdorr growled in annoyance.
'Me no thought yuus be here..' The one with the scissor-like spear chuckled.
'Oh we all be going -here- eventually 'Dorr! They even let de Elflings and Dwarghs
in. It jus that -we- gotta fry in da fire first..' he glanced at the Orc with the stick,
'An some get a wee bit more of te burning, don't ya B短b? But we all come here. So
we's all kinda waiten for Saruman. He'll come in quite a crisp number with de beard
and all. So ehmm..'
'Yeah me forgive yuus, no mushystuff -please!-' The Orcs came to him and hugged
him, and when he hugged back they disappeared, one by one.
Ugl短rzdorr floated amidst the white light, happier then he ever was. But suddenly the
whiteness intensified, and as he was hurled through the light with breathtaking speed
the Light got whiter and whiter still until all fell into place...
'He's coming to!' Tiramac warned, as the fearsome Uruk-hai opened his eyes and
The foul creature looked around, without crying tears flowed from his eyes.
'Yuus.. Yuus be my brothers..' he said in wonder.
'Yeah like FUCK you are, disgusting Orok!' Tiramac shouted but the Wise One got
'Friends: Let's give our Fallen One some room: He is back.'
'What!! You mean he's turned!!' Orophililin gasped, not even in an asking manner.
'No: he's -back-. Now give our fellow Elf a little room.'
Cautiously the Elves receded and the Orc sat up, looking at his arms and naked
'Me no Elf. Me Orc. But me been Elf once.. You!'
'Me?' Tiramac snorted,
'You. You be my kinsmen. You be of the House of Kranelvestan.'
'You be kinsman of Orc. Hmm.. no: Sauron all gone. Me.. Me no -hate- yuus no
The Orc was too struck with awe to fathom it all. The Wise One explained:
'This Orc, with no vices committed against those not in Evil's grip, has traveled the
longest way one can travel in life, which is a change of heart for the Good. What I
thought to be near impossible has occurred: When he denounced his ties with
Sauron, the Dark one pulled him in for the final punishment. And by the purity of his
true nature and the slightness of his vices the Force of Good brought him back.
Healed. So now the Road towards Acceptance lies with us.'
'Ehmm.. What's your name.. K.. Kinsman? I can't call you Orok, that's not right.'
'Me be Ugl短rzdorr.'
'Sounds good..'
'It means Dead Swine.'
The Orc scratched his chin. His head felt clearer then ever before.
'My name be Ugl短rzdurr, and that it be. But even if me kinsman methinks me stand
far from Kranelvenstan. The heraldry of Kranelvenstan sez 'Strike them with thunder'
and them be Orc. Orc not Uruk-hai of Saruman no more...' He scratched his head,
'My name be Ugl短rzdorr of Orc.'
'Welcome amongst your kin, Ugl短rzdorr of Orc. I am afraid that here in Rivendell we
must keep you like a dark secret, but the least we can do is try turning your boars..
your men to the Good, and after the War escort you to a part of the dominion where
an Orc can be free.'
'That was yum-yum hot game we wuz playing...'
There was a silence.
'Us go cuddle up and fuck?'
'Ehmm..... no. Elves take one woman as their mate and there is no ehmm.. mating
'That bad!' Ugl短rzdorr of Orc sighed and glanced lewdly at Orophililin, thrusting his
long crimson tongue up his snouthole gain, making that lustful gesture of copulation.
Orophililin responded with the slightest of winks.