The Victory Goes to...

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#3 of Poke-Treat 2

A little short this time, but it will be countered with the next one and yes I'm evil ;)

Enjoy and comment, please

(c) to respected owners.

The next morning, Lisa woke beside Adrian with the symptoms of her cycle calling out. She bit her lip and thanked Arceus that it was just the start of it. She could ignore it for the day, or at least until after the Gym battle. But to be safe, she reached down her mate's body and gentle rubbed the treasure trove of her relief. Adrian drew a deep breath as he woke with a start.

"Doesn't someone need to get ready for an appointment?" He said as he rolled on top of her then reached for the clock to turn it to them.

"That's an hour away."

"It would take longer than that to get me to relax, go get into the shower and use that removable head to work one off. I'll make it worth your while if you can wait until after the battle."

"What if you are too worn out?"

"I would still put the effort in for my lovely Trainer. Now go, I'll head downstairs and talk to the nurse while you are getting ready."

"For what?"

"Let me worry about that, just go. We don't want to keep our audience waiting."

Lisa groaned as he rolled down to the floor and went for the door. She watched him leave then decided to do as he suggested. Adrian, after leaving the room, sighed as the clean air hit his sinuses. The other males on the team would be hard to control if Nurse Joy would not help out. He stopped at the front desk where he greeted the Chansey that was covering the shift.

"You wouldn't happen to have anything that can cover the scent of a cycle would you? That or lessen the overall mental effect it causes?"

"It is for females only, sir."

"That is the reason I am asking. My Trainer is also my mate, and she needs to concentrate on the Gym battle we have this morning. Not to mention me and the other males on the team."

"We do have a something other than surgery that can nullify the estrus."

"We don't want to cancel it, just... dim it. After the battle, she can run me ragged for all I care."

"We do have a pill that can do just that, but Joy must administer it."

"Good, that will do. I'll have her dressed and down here in a few minutes."

Adrian walked away and back up to the room. Just as he was about to turn the knob, the door flew open with Lisa behind it. She grinned then allowed him in as she did the final prep work, mostly trying to get a cowlick to lay down. Adrian grumbled about the waste of time, he quickly used a small Aura Sphere and used it as a straight iron to press the fur in the proper direction. He then dragged her down to the counter where Nurse Joy stood yawning.

Forgive me for waking you, Ma'am, but this is a rather important day for this nation.

Adrian used his telepathy for the sake of translation time.

"No problem, sugar. Lisa, come with me for a moment." The two went to the back where Joy pushed a glass of water into Lisa's paws. "Your lead team member is concerned about your mental well being for your battle today. Giving the fact that we know he is also your mate, I sympathize with him. He wishes to think clearly himself and keep the other male members clear headed as well. Take this pill; it will stop the pheromones flow for the minimum six hours. Just know that when it wears off, your heat will return in force."

"Thank you. I am glad someone is thinking about our performance today." Lisa smiled as she took the pill and reluctantly tossed it into the back of her mouth. She chugged the water then handed the glass back to the nurse.

"Do me a favor, dear, and win. I will be watching the battle from the counter. Gene won't go easy on you, but that's how she is."

"I will do my best, my team is an average of level of fifty-three or so, so I am confidant that our ability to win is high."

"Don't get cocky. With this being a special event, she will mostly likely bring out her special team. The ones she uses against foreigners."

"Aren't they stronger?"

"Yes, they are."

"Oh, goody... I hope my team will be able to handle it. Speaking of which, I got to get them fixed up before we go."

"I'll be waiting by the Quick Heal machine."

Lisa ran off and back up stairs, Adrian followed her not asking what she was doing. He stopped right at the door and held it open as she dashed in and grabbed her belt and her pack. She then raced by Adrian and back downstairs. As she hit the lobby, she recalled Adrian and made her way to the counter. A young boy was ahead of her crying as he handed over his Pokèballs. She came up behind him and immediately noticed who it was.

"Again, Todd?"

"Yeah..." He sniffled as he wiped his nose on his sleeve. "Even Killer went down."


"That Scyther. Some weirdo in a black suit just slaughtered us with a Blaziken."

"Do you know where Macy is?"


"Okay, once your team is healed, find her and then come to the Gym. Hopefully you don't come across the weirdo again."

Todd nodded then turned to take his team back. Lisa watched him leave then handed over her own team. A minute later, she thanked Nurse Joy then rushed out of the Center with fifteen minutes until her appointment. She tapped into her own powers and used Extreme Speed her target, the front doors of the Gym. She drew a calming breath once she reached her target and then gave a curtsy to the awaiting crowd.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages. Welcome to the Samoah League Ground Gym." A voice boomed over the crowd as Lisa peered out of her waiting room as the Gym's balcony bleachers filled up. Several television cameras were scattered around the battlefield to get various angles. The duo that saw her off was coming her way.

"Please take a seat, the battle will be underway soon."

Lisa backed away from the curtain, the news crew 'knocked' a minute later and waited for Lisa to allow them in. She did and sat down in one of the two chairs supplied, her entire team holstered on her belt clattered against the hard plastic.

"Lisa, are you nervous?" The woman asked as the cameraman maneuvered around her to get Lisa into the shot.

"If you were setting the norm of the future, would you be nervous?"

"Yes, I would be. Are you going to keep you team secret until the match or you going to share?"

"Well, as you know, I have my daughter and her father with me and Britney. The other three will be a secret." Lisa smiled evilly.

"Oh, you are a mean one. Moving on, there were rumors going about town stating that Gene will be using her Inter-League team, if she does: How do you think you will do?"

"Well, I am hoping that if she does do that, even though I am a native, my team can take down at least two of them."

"We'll be rooting for you. Now we will let you prep your team. Good luck."

"Thank you."


The opponents stood in their places, the Gym Leader, Gene, stood in the blue boom lift box while the challenger, Lisa, stood in an identical red box. Microphones had been attached to both lifts. Gene addressed the crowd, effectively silencing the murmur.

"Welcome to the fight of a lifetime! The Field Judge will give the rules of the day shortly. First, I must welcome Lisa, the first ever Pokèmon to become a Trainer and challenge the league. This match is being viewed Live by everyone at home. Trainer Lisa, I will not go down easily, good luck."

Lisa bowed gracefully then edged up to the microphone. "May the Aura fill your sights with blissful moments."

At that time a man wearing a yellow and black striped shirt with red shorts walked out to the centerfield, he spoke into the headset he wore. "This is an official League match. Four moves may be used during the match, no exceptions. The home defender will be using three Pokèmon, no substitutions. The challenger may use any Pokèmon. Emergency personnel are on standby, should an attack go awry and critically injure another to the point of removal. Call out your starters."

"Go, Rockhead!" Gene called out a Roggenrola.

"Let's show them who the Alpha is, Adrian!" Lisa called out her mate.

Both Pokèmon howled in their own ways at each other. The judge walked away to do his thing behind a blast wall. The Trainers, Lisa especially, steadied themselves and waited for the judge to open the field.

"Begin!" "Rockhead, start off with Iron Defense!"

"Adrian, Metal Sound!"

Adrian scraped his spikes against his chest spike as the rock beast strengthened its defense, he targeted its Special Defense stats.

"Quick! Use Rock Blast!" Gene yelled down at her fighter who quickly obeyed.

The rock jumped off the floor and returned hard sending a wave of small boulders that were once a part of the scenery at the Lucario male.

"Dodge it and fall into Focus Punch." Adrian jumped using the oncoming rock to gain height and stored energy for his physical attack.

"Sand Attack!"

The Roggenrola did its best to distract Adrian, but to no avail, Adrian hit home forcing his opponent to sink into the rocky flooring up to the tan stub on its head/body. Adrian jumped back to his own side of the field as he waited for the next command.

"Rockhead?" Gene leaned over the rail to look at her Pokèmon.

"Blue side is unable to continue. Round win, Red." The judge called out after thirty seconds of waiting and then lifted a red flag over a blue.

"Rockhead, return." Gene returned the Pokèmon back to her belt and then grabbed another. "Take'im down, Craggy!" She sent out a Sandile.

"Adrian, watch yourself. Use Water Pulse!"

Adrian focused only a moment as he drew water from the air and sent three pulses at the small four-legged desert reptile. Craggy dodged each pulse with ease then chuckled at his opponent. Adrian growled knowing that his moment of glory was going to stop painfully.

"Sand Tomb!"

Adrian vanished inside a growing sandstone casing that squeezed shut, Lisa could hear his pained screams within then he went silent. She still could sense his life-force, but it was weak. The sandstone retreated back into the floor allowing the victim to crumple to his knees.

"Finish him off with a good ole Mud-Slap."

To add to the humiliation, Craggy loosed a stream of urine then slung the mud with his tail at his target.

"Adrian, get up!" He tried, and failed, as he was scent marked in the most vile of ways. He flipped back and did not move.

"Red side unable to continue. Blue victor."

"Adrian, return. Frank, it's up to you."

The Quagsire pranced as he finished forming, he wove and greeted his opponent then fell into a stiff pose.

"Craggy, Dig!"

"Follow him, Frank!" Lisa shouted right after Gene.

The two Pokèmon vanished underground, all fell silent on the surface. A minute passed by when the two reemerged. Frank dragged the Sandile by the tail out of the hole then slung him across the field.

"Good job, Frank! Now follow up with a Water Gun!"

A beam of water shot out from Frank's maw at the stunned Sandile, he howled at the water struck his soft underbelly and was sent further down the field into a wall. A puff of sand exploded out from the reptile and when it settled, there was a slight impression of the Pokèmon in the wall leaving the Pokèmon on the floor unwilling to move.

"Get up and fight back."

He reluctantly did as his Trainer commanded .

"Sand Tomb!"

"Dodge and use Water Gun again."

Frank not only dodge the attack, he clung onto the stone and rode it to its peak formation then sprayed the target from above. Craggy attempted to dodge, but the above attack was too fanned out and sprayed him. The Sandile held as long as he could, but it was too much for his dry pelt, the weight took him down.

"Blue side is unable to continue. Round win, Red. Final Round begin!"

"You're a tough one, I'll give you that. Steelix, my sweet, show them whose boss!"

"Frank, return. Justice, let's do this thing!" The Dratini slithered about as he appeared then he caught sight of the much larger serpent type form in front of him.

: You got to be kidding me. : Justice growled out.

"Justice, Flamethrower!"

: Hell yeah! : Justice spew a potent flame at the steel type.

"Steelix, use Dragon Pulse."

The flame hit first, covering the Steel type's face in orange allowing time to dodge the critically potent attack on Justice's self. As he planned, the tactic paid off allowing him to dodge fully.

"Steelix, again!"

"Flamethrower, melt that thing to the floor!" Lisa growled as she did her best to ignore the temptation to join in the match.

Justice spewed flame at the floor where the Steelix rested, Lisa's tactic to quick weld the beast to the rocky floor worked long enough for Justice to set up his next move.

"Good, finish it up with a Flame Blast!"

"Crap! Steelix, break free, any way you can." The metal snake struggled but was stricken by the powerful fire attack.

Steelix collapsed, leaving an exhausted Dratini victor.

"Blue side defeated, Red victor!"

"Yes! We did it!" Lisa jumped for joy as the Field Judge waved the red flag.

Gene smiled and recalled her Steelix. "Congratulations, Lisa, your first Gym Badge Challenge is complete, but it will only get harder from here. Train hard and you will come out on top." She knew it was a generic line that she repeated to every challenger, but that was the rules on her side.

The boom lifts were lowered then the two Trainers met in the centerfield were Justice waited quietly to be recalled. They shook hand and paw and exchanged the after-battle workings. The crowd roared as they had become the first-hand witness' to see a Pokèmon hold that first Badge of Victory: the Rock Badge. Lisa mused that the badge looked like the Roggenrola Gene first tossed out. The badge also came with a case of which she placed in her pack afterwards.


The gym finally emptied out of the last patron leaving Lisa and Gene to relative silence.

"So, how does it feel?" Gene asked the grinning Lucario femme as she rubbed her shoulder from all the waving and hand shaking she did.

"Victory hurts." Lisa chuckled.

"Then that is a sign the town did its job. Victory always comes at a cost. Now that we are out of the limelight, I have a special gift for you that the League wanted to keep out of the media." Gene snapped her fingers and almost immediately, a Gym Trainer came running up with a small box. "This is a 'special case' Pokèmon, he was abused by humans to the point that his individuality was taken from him. He obeys any human to the letter and will even kill for them. The League Champions Council suggested that instead of euthanizing him, we pass him to you. He will not affect your team count as a normal member would. Will you try to help him?"

"What kind is he?"

"A Druddigon, and he has learned every move his kind can thanks to that dreadful Team Rocket. He cannot join in any of the Gym battle either because of his... condition. We don't want people hurt and we have to put this rare species member down because of it."

"I will try, but what if I cannot help him?"

"Then we will have no choice..."


"Good luck. The floor is yours for an hour, if you want some privacy with your charge."

"I think I better, huh?"

Gene nodded then left the area leaving Lisa to sigh aloud. The sound echoed as she did so and even more as she opened the box to reveal a black and white ball and a red crossed circle. She figured that that meant the resident could not be helped by normal means. She grabbed the ball and released the Dragon within. He appeared silently as he looked about for his master.

"Down here, big guy."

The Dragon looked down at the shorter Lucario and cocked his head as he looked at the ball in her grip.

"Yeah, I am your only hope at keeping your life. A last resort, if you will. The combined Champions wanted me to help you since I, too, am a 'special case' Pokèmon. I am a Trainer."

"Which makes you my Master" :

"I prefer tutor. I do not want a tool, I want a friend. Are you willing to live?"

"If it pleases the Master."

Lisa sighed and rubbed her muzzle. "I know it will be hard to think like this, but I am not your master. Just think of me as a mother."

The Dragon bowed and then stared at her.

"Right... I need to get back to the PokèCenter, so can I trust you to behave around humans?"

He did not move.

"No attacking them. Unless I say so, and even then, no killing."

"Yes, Master."

"Let's go, then." Lisa said sternly, she would hear it from Darla later and all the 'I-told-you-so's later.


After the three battlers were healed up, Lisa sat on her rented bed while staring at the ball that claimed the Druddigon.

"So, do you have a name?"

"My designation is number Five-One-Six of Station Five-Two, Section Five."

Lisa sighed, "Just forget about that number crap. I'll call you Draco."

"Then it shall be, Master."

"Ma'am is fine. So is teacher. I am no one's master. Except my daughter." Lisa looked up from the ball. "Before I let out the team, I want to know what your take is on social working."

"I act as I am told, Mas- Ma'am."

"Then act as you will, just no harming anyone."

"As you wish." Draco backed away to a corner and tried to melt into the dim shadow.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she reached for one of the balls on her belt.

"I hide in the shadows to asses my targets, as you instructed."

"I want you to try to join our family, alright? I need you to forget what you were taught by those humans and rejoin your kin. We are all Pokèmon here, there is no need for hunting prey when we can work together to get what we need just as humans do."

Draco stepped closer a few paces as Lisa released Mona then the rest. Darla was the first to spot the newcomer's oddly colored ball. She made the comment about it interrupting all the questions about the victory, which made Justice blush through his scales. Lisa pointed behind the group to the tall beast, he stood as a statue over all of them.

"Well, say something to your foster family." Lisa prodded.

"I am designated as Draco. My skills are as follows: Frontline battler, demolitions expert, and heavy arms carrier."

Lisa sighed. "He was retrieved from the criminal group Team Rocket. Since he obeys human masters to the letter, the Champion Council thought of us as his last resort before being... euthanized. Even if I must lie to them to keep him alive, I will. We will work together to re-teach him how to be a Pokèmon and not a tool. Darla, I don't want to hear it."

The Darkrai visibly smirked behind the black clouds of her being. "Didn't say a thing."

"But you were thinking it. Now, let's go get a good lunch for us all, we deserve a victory meal."

"What about you?" Adrian asked cautiously. "Is that pill still working or do we need to visit the nurse again?"

"I have at least two hours of relief left."

They left the Center and went straight to the second restaurant the reporter took Lisa and Mona the day before. The master chef came out to greet them personally, after they were seated and were congratulated then an offering of anything on the menu paid for by the chef himself. Lisa thanked him and proceeded to translate for most everyone. The chef bowed at them after he wrote the last order down then backed away a couple of paces before turning and rushing to the kitchen while shouting in a language that the Pokèmon did not understand.

After the meal, and a few autographs given to the staff and patrons, the group went back to the Center. Lisa passed on 'Team Command' to Brittney and asked her to take the team down to the training facility for a while. Brittney understood after a quick sniff close to her Trainer then asked about Draco, for her answer, Draco was recalled and the ball was set aside. Lisa then hastily grabbed her mate and clung to him. Mona shuddered at the sight and went to hide against Justice. The team quickly left as Lisa started to press Adrian against the bed forcing him down. The door closed as she began to lick at his neck.

"Good they're gone." Lisa growled out. "I want you to put another pup in me. You are not resting until you do."

"Lisa, are you alright?"

"I can feel it returning, I want it gone now!"

"Then take me." Adrian licked under her chin.

Lisa had straddled him and had begun to grind her hips against his. Though she still had on her clothes, the female would not leave them alone long. Lisa growled in frustration as she pulled the jeans off her legs while Adrian worked on her blouse. He got her to raise her arms and pulled the fabric off of her. That is when he noticed that all six of her teats had pierced the undercoat of their owner. The dominant, top pair were fully erect on either side of the spike.

The male growled with lust as he tossed the blouse aside and rubbed the sensitive flesh that made his mate gasp. She arced her chest into his paws while she forced his sheathe to give up the prize she wanted. She did not wait for it to swell as she shoved it between the swollen lower lips. She moaned even more at the knowledge she was being the dominant one during the mating act. Her red eyes flared blue with the Aura as she slowly rose from the baculum stiff shaft then came down hard enough to make Adrian wince in pain. He knew the consequences of staving off her estrus, and now it was time to pay.

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Torch Gets Passed On

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Home Again - (End Arc One)

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