Destiny: chapter 1

Story by Arcanum Lupus on SoFurry

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Made by Flamon

This story is dedicated to my dead mate <3

I hope you all enjoy it^^

Chapter 1: The awakening.

Digimon that, Digimon this and Digimon everything!

"It was really starting to annoy me that all of my classmates at my school were only talking about Digimons. It had only been a month since there had been shown some Digimons and their partners, the Digidestined in the TV, explaining to the whole world what just had happened, announcing that they had just defeated the most evil person aka Digimon ever, in the Digital World. Even though I thought that it was very kind of them to inform us all that, I still thought that it didn't matter."

I put my pencil down on my desk and closed my diary. I let out a sigh and pushed my hair out of my face, as I rubbed my eyes because of being tired. It should be easy to understand that I was tired. The clock was 6 A.M in the morning, and here I was writing in my diary on a school day so early in the morning.

I looked around in my room, staring at a picture of me when I was younger. I was about 7 years old on the picture, and now I was 16. Stood up from my bed and went over to my mirror on the other side of the room. My eye color was pretty much like the room, which was dark green. The only difference with my eyes was that I had black around them for some reason, and I never understood why. As I stood in front of the mirror I lifted my hand and opened my palm to look at a scar I had in my hand, which was formed like and opposite L. Because of my scar being opposite, meant that I would have to point my palm towards a mirror, for it to be a L.

I looked around my in room. It was pretty much like any other teenagers room. It had a computer, a PS3, a big TV and a lot of wall papers. As I thought about all of the things I had, it made me let out a sigh. Yes I had a lot of things that most people would want, but I didn't have what I truly wanted. The thing that I truly wanted was my mate.

My mate died last year because of being in a fist fight with his parent. As I thought about how happy I was with him, it made me let out some tears. I didn't want to cry in the morning, so I just went to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for school. After finishing my shower I took my brush and brushed my hair back. My hair is shoulder length and dark blonde with some bangs. I chose to have bangs so that I could hide my eyes, because I became a very nervous person since the death of my mate. As I finished pressing the water out of my hair with a towel I looked at my body in the mirror. My body was very slim and I had a noticeable six pack, which I liked wasn't too noticeable.

After finishing myself in the bathroom I decided to see if my parents had awakened and walked over to their door and peaked inside to check. As I opened the door, I could hear that my dad was still snoring. I started giggling because of his snoring. My mom and I usually made jokes about him being able to sleep through a plane crash. I went down stairs to make myself some breakfast. I thought about what I should eat this morning, but just figured out that I should just take an apple.

As I was eating my apple I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 7.30 A.M, Only half an hour till school started. I took my school bag and went out through the front door and walked to school. On my way to school I listened to Trading Yesterday's song: Shattered. I even started singing a few lines of the song:

**And I've lost who I am And I can't understand Why my heart is so broken Rejecting your love Without love gone wrong Life Less words Carry on

But I know All I know Is that the ends beginning

Who I am from the start Take me home to my heart Let me go And I will run I will not be silenced

All this time spent in vain Wasted years Wasted gain All is lost Hope remains And this war's not over

There's a light There's the sun Taking all the shattered ones To the place we belong And his love will conquer**

I let out a sigh as I finished singing. The song reminded me of me and my mate in a special kind of way. I walked into my classroom and smiled as I said good morning to my friends. By the time I had walked into the classroom the bell had already rang and we sat down on our seats as our teacher entered the classroom.

"Alright students today we're going to talk about what you all have begged me to teach you about....Digimons!" She exclaimed with a wide smile on her face. My class mates started screaming in joy. Everyone except for me. I just put my head onto my table and growled in anger. I had had enough about Digimons and just wanted to have a normal lesson at school. She taught us about Digimons anatomy, their brains and their looks. About 1 hour later I couldn't take it anymore and told my teacher that I felt ill and got her to write in her notebook that I went home because of feeling ill. Some of my classmates thought that I was faking it. But I wasn't faking it. I really did feel ill.

On my way home I kept one of my hands on my forehead, just to make sure I didn't have a fever. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and send a text to my parents that I felt ill and went home from school. As I reached the front door, my mom responded to my text. She told me that she and dad had left to visit one of her siblings, and told me to go to the doctor if I felt really ill. I responded to her message by writing that she should greet her sister from me and that I would go to the doctor if my condition worsens.

I went inside the house and locked the door, as I put my bag on the floor, when I suddenly fell backwards and hit my head against the door. Now I definitely felt dizzy. I went up the stairs and into my room quite slowly, just to make sure I wouldn't faint and hurt myself. When I got into my room I laid down on my bed and relaxed for some seconds. While I relaxed I felt a set of eyes on me. I stood up and looked into my mirror and saw some that my eyes had turned Purple! I got so shocked that I stumbled backwards and fell onto my bed. Then everything went black.

(In the Digital World)

Gennai had sent a message to all the Digidestineds' D-Terminals. He wanted them to see him as quickly as possible. He had news for them. Gennai was researching in some old books in his library (Which was in Myotismons old castle. It had now become Gennai's base) when he found a page about an old prophesy. The prophecy said that there exist a very special being known as the Destiny-Digidestined. The prophecy said that the child could mean great danger, but also great good. That is why he wanted the Digidestineds and their Digimons to come and see him, so that he could warm them about the child, but also so that he could show them something special he found while searching the books.

As Gennai looked at the box he had found. He was just about to open the box again, but then he heard a long yawn. It sounded like if it was someone who had slept for a very, very long time. Gennai put his book on the table and went over to where he thought the sound came from. He put his hand on the wall and a secret door opened. Gennai took a stone out of his pocket which lightened the room up. He walked into the secret room and saw that the person who had yawned was a Flamedramon. But wait. Gennai stared at him and noticed that he didn't have blue fur like Davis' Flamedramon. No this Flamedramon was a BlackFlamedramon. He was black almost everywhere except for some grey on his chest, just like the white on Flamedramon. Gennai went out of the room and over to his book. He was sure he had read something about a BlackFlamedramon somewhere. He opened the book and a random page and there it was. There was written that the BlackFlamedramon would be the Destiny-Digidestined's Digimon. As Gennai looked at the page he noticed that BlackFlamedramon had come up right behind him.

"Greetings BlackFlamedramon" Gennai told him. Gennai could see that his eyes were more dark red than Flamedramon's. BlackFlamedramon stared at Gennai and asked him what there was going on, and why he had awakened now.

"I will tell you soon enough." He replied to Blackflamedramon as he heard the Digidestineds open the front door. Gennai went over to them and greeted them welcome and asked them to follow him, and they did. Gennai led them into the library, where they got shocked by seeing a BlackFlamedramon.

"Who is he?" questioned Tai as he stared at the creature. BlackFlamedramon just smirked. He found it funny when people stared at him in that kind of manner. As he was staring back at Tai he noticed Veemon. Davis went over and looked BlackFlamedramon all around.

"Wow he looks exactly like Flamedramon" Stated Davis. But everyone knew that it was a lie. BlackFlamedramon seemed both stronger and taller.

"I am BlackFlamedramon, at your service" Replied BlackFlamedramon as he bowed for them.

Gennai then told them about the prophecy and about BlackFlamedramon being the Destiny-Digidestined's Digimon. At first Tai and Davis were sceptics about the Prophecy. That was until Gennai took the box out of his pocket. Gennai then took out the Destiny crest of a box that he had in his pocket. The Digidestined were all looking at with like if it was magically.

"It is beautiful" Stated Kari, as she took it. The crest itself was completely white.

"But how are we supposed to find the kid, when we don't know how he or she looks like" Asked Tai. Gennai just smiled and explained that the crest itself is very special. It can locate the Destiny child by glowing brighter and brighter as it gets near him/her. While Gennai explained to them how the crest worked, BlackFlamedramon moved like if somebody has punched him.

"He's here!" Exclaimed BlackFlamedramon and he stood up again. Gennai told them that he was right because the crest had begun to lighten up.

"You have to search for him. He may be in danger" Gennai told them as Tai took the crest and then they ran out of the castle to search for the child.

I suddenly awoke lying on a hill full of flowers. I looked around me and noticed that I definitely wasn't in my room anymore. But where am I, I thought to myself. I looked at my arm and noticed I had gotten a wound from falling. I did notice that my body hurt a little bit too. I stood up and started walking as I listened to the birds. The birds singing made me smile. I had always loved nature. I walked into the forest and got near a big lake and went over to it. At the lake I took off my hoodie and shoes, as I walked into the water to relax. The water was just perfect. It had been so hot these days at home, because that it was summer. I just relaxed in the water and let all of my worries float away

"Hey! It looks like it's glowing more" Said TK as they went further and further into the forest and suddenly they were near the big lake that I was swimming in. I turned around as I saw a bright light and then I saw them, The Digidestined. I swam as fast as I could to the shore and hurried out of the water.

"It must be him!" Yelled Tai as he pointed the crest towards me. Soon the Digidestined had all ran towards me and I panicked. I was afraid that they were going to hurt me and pointed my hands towards them, just wanting to get away from them. Before I closed my eyes I noticed the eyes of a black creature standing right beside them and was staring right at me. I noticed that I felt my heart jump when our eyes met. Suddenly I felt cold and then I felt warm, so I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes I could see that was I was back in my room. I looked down my body and noticed that my shoes and hoodie wasn't on me. I felt my body and my pants and shirt was still wet. I got very confused and went over to my cell phone and looked at the watch. It was exactly the same time as when I fainted. I put my hands to my face and pushed my hair out of my face as I noticed the wound I got in the Digital world had gotten darker, like if it was infected.

"It must have been real then" I whispered to myself and went over to my bed to sleep. I couldn't sleep thinking about the black creature while trying to sleep. I wanted to know more about him.

(Back In the Digital World)

"Where is he?" questioned Tai as he looked around them. All of them were wondering the same thing. Izzy then took his computer out of his back and put it on the ground.

"What are you doing?" asked Yolei as she helped Izzy set up his computer.

"I'm going to call Gennai and ask him a few questions, while informing him about what happened." Izzy replied as he and Yolei set up his computer. Suddenly Gennai appeared on the screen when they were done setting it up.

"Did something happen?" He asked us with a worried expression. Tai sat down in front of the computer and told Gennai about what had happened and that they had found the Destiny child, but that he got away from them. "Hmm, so that's what happened. I'm sorry I didn't warn you about the child's powers. He is not an ordinary human. He possesses great power. What you saw was his ability to teleport. Right now he can be anywhere." Gennai told the Digidestined to go home and rest. But he knew that they had to hurry before it was too late.

The Digidestined did as Gennai had told them and went home to rest for tomorrow. BlackFlamedramon stayed with Gennai in the castle and waited till tomorrow so that he could find his partner. BlackFlamedramon was lying on his bed and kept thinking about the human. His human. He could not forget about those eyes. He felt happy for some reason, when their eyes met. BlackFlamedramon felt weird and looked down his body. He noticed that he was getting a bulge. He had never had such before so he didn't know what it meant. He decided that he wanted to find out, so he got out of his bed and went into the library to see if there was a book about something like that. And there was. BlackFlamedramon took the book with him back into his room as he laid on his bed to read the book. The more he read the more aroused he got. There were even some pictures of different sex positions. BlackFlamedramons cock had gotten out of his sheath and was a full 11 inches long. His cock was both long and thick. It must have been about 3 inches thick. It even had ridges but they weren't very noticeable. BlackFlamedramon touched his cock and moaned a little. He noticed that it felt good to touch it. He then grabbed a hold of it and started stroking it slowly. The more he stroked the more pre ran down and onto his balls. He had a lot of pre. BlackFlamedramon's pace got faster and faster. He then got an image of himself fucking his partner.

(BlackFlamedramons mind)

BlackFlamedramon was standing right in front of his bed while Lass was lying on it. Lass was eyeing the giant cock as BlackFlamedramon moved closer. BlackFlamedramon then laid down beside Lass and started to stroke his thick member slowly. He was trying to tease Lass. BlackFlamedramon then asked Lass if he wanted to taste him and Lass was quick to agree. BlackFlamedramon flew his head back as he growled in pleasure as Lass took his head down his throat. Lass had about 4 inches into his mouth when BlackFlamedramon suddenly pulled out. BlackFlamedramon turned Lass around and put him on his back on the bed. Lass head was now near the edge of the bed and BlackFlamedramon was standing right in front of him. It was only a matter of seconds before BlackFlamedramon would begin to fuck his throat. As he got closer Lass opened his mouth and let his cock into his mouth. BlackFlamedramon wasted no time and pushes all 11 inches of his thick long black cock into his throat. BlackFlamedramon was gasping a lot because of getting closer and closer to his climax. Lass kept swallowing and sucking to make him feel better and better. About 10 minutes after fucking Lass throat BlackFlamedramon released a roar as he grabbed hold of Lass' head and forced him to keep his cock in his throat while he came. It was lucky for Lass that the head was already in his throat, so he didn't have to swallow the cum at all and it was shot straight into his stomach. Lass got hornier by the feeling of BlackFlamedramons member pulsing as he came into his throat. BlackFlamedramon kept cumming for about 5 minutes. Lass' slim stomach had swelled a lot because of all of his thick cum.

BlackFlamedramon pulled his cock out of Lass' mouth and turned Lass around. He was now on his back as BlackFlamedramon lifted his legs onto his shoulders and rubbed his big cockhead against his virgin hole. BlackFlamedramon told him that he was going to fuck him so hard that he wouldn't be able to stand for a whole week. Lass tried to tighten himself even more, which only made BlackFlamedramon hornier. BlackFlamedramon held Lass' legs tightly as he thrusted half of his cock in, in one thrust. Lass moaned out loudly as he was getting spread wide by BlackFlamedramons big fat cock. BlackFlamedramon wasted no time and thrusted the rest in, in second thrust and began to fuck into him wildly. Lass could feel every vein of his big cock, as it went in and out. BlackFlamedramon lifts Lass up from the bed and moved his legs so that he could wrap them around him. He carried Lass over to the wall and started to thrust even harder. Lass panted hard as he suddenly screamed. He shot all of his cum onto his and BlackFlamedramons chests. As Lass came his ass had tightened a lot and BlackFlamedramon thrusted even harder. If he thrusted much harder he would make Lass bleed. BlackFlamedramon couldn't handle the tightness anymore and let out a big roar as he thrusted hard into Lass and emptied his balls again. Lass stomach grew even more because of all the cum that had been dumped into him. BlackFlamedramon lifted Lass over to the bed again where they both collapsed. Lass feel asleep with BlackFlamedramon still in him. BlackFlamedramon thrusted every once in a while, until he fell asleep on top of Lass.

(Inside Tai and Kari's apartment)

"Did you see what happened?" Questioned Tai as he laid on his bed with Agumon right beside him. Agumon sighed. He knew that this was taking a heavy toll on Tai. He knew that Tai felt like if they had lost the first round. Even though no one really had lost.

"I know Tai. Don't worry we'll find him and help him. He seemed very confused and scared when he saw us." Kari responded, as she was scratching Gatomon's ears. As Tai laid on his bed he closed his eyes and began to daydream. While daydreaming he saw himself talking to the child. Now he remembered something very important.

"Kari! Don't you feel that he have seen that kid before?" Questioned Tai loudly. Agumon, Gatomon and Kari stared at Tai. Kari thought for a moment and then she felt too that she knew that child.

"I think you're right he did seem quite familiar. Why? Do you know who he is?" Questioned Kari. Tai got down from his bed and took a photo album out of the dresser. He opened up the album and searched through it until he finally found the picture he was looking for.

"It's our cousin Kari. It's Lass" Answered Tai shocked. Kari's eyes got wide eyed. Now she remembered him and how he looked like. Kari, Tai and Lass weren't ordinary cousins. They were great, great, great, great cousins.

"We have to tell the others" Answered Kari. Tai nodded. He told her that they would do it tomorrow when they would search for him again. Kari sighed and nodded. He was right. They should wait to tomorrow, so that they had rested and really was ready to search.

(Back In My Room)

The next morning my body felt even weirder. I looked my body over but it didn't seem different at all. I then stood up from the bed and was about to walk over to the mirror. I was afraid that my eyes still was purple. I don't understand how my eyes could have changed color yesterday. I must have been sleepy. Yeah I was probably because I was sleepy. I walked over to the mirror and to my surprise, my eyes were still purple. I took my cell phone and texted my friend, asking if she could buy some blue contact lenses for me. She asked me what I needed them for and I told her that I wanted to try something new. She agreed to buy them for me.

After paying my friend for the contacts, I invited her in and we played a game on my PS3. She loved to play Resident Evil 5. She may have been a girl but she didn't act like one at all. Students at our school even asked her sometimes if she really was a girl, which just made us laugh. After playing Resident Evil for about 2 hours we said goodbye to each other. As I locked the front door I heard someone knock on the door. I opened the door to see who it was. But there was no one there. I got confused and just locked the door. I heard my Cell phone ring and went upstairs to get it. As I walked into my room I tried to turn on the light, but it didn't work. I thought to myself if the light had blown while I was downstairs to say goodbye to my friend. I just ignored the problem and took my phone. I had gotten a text message from somebody. Asking me to meet them in the Digital World. I just replied: How am I supposed to get into the Digital World. I waited for about 1 minute and then I had gotten a reply: Just believe that you are in the Digital World and you'll get there. I put my phone in my pocket and sighed. Okay, here goes, I thought. Suddenly I felt cold and warm like the last time I was in the Digital World. I opened my eyes and I was in the forest again, but not where I was yesterday. I was standing in front of a big castle. (Myotismons Castle)

(Inside Davis' room)

Davis and Veemon had just woken up. Davis stretched out as Veemon yawned. Davis looked at his phone and saw that someone was calling him. He went over and took his phone. He saw that Ken just had called him. Davis dialed Ken's phone number. Ken took answered the phone and told Davis that Kari and Tai got something import to tell them and that they should hurry to the Digital World. Davis put on his clothes and took his D-3 and D-Terminal. Then he and Veemon went to the Digital World.

(In the Digital World)

After informing all of the Digidestined. They all went to the Digital World. Davis and Veemon ran over to the group. They were near the lake where they had seen Lass yesterday. Davis asked them what they wanted to tell them. Kari and Tai looked at each other and nodded.

"Alright everyone. The reason Kari and I have gotten you to meet us here was so we could tell you..." Tai stated as he looked at Kari.

"Was to tell you that the kid that we are looking for is... Our great, great, great cousin, Lass"

Everyone stared at them. They couldn't believe what they just had heard. Izzy then asked them if they knew where Lass lived. Tai responded with a yes. Tai and Kari and asked their mom about him.

"Our mom told Tai and I that he lives in Denmark" Noted Kari as she took a picture of Lass from her pocket. She gave the picture to Izzy and he scanned it on his computer.

"There. Now I have his address. We can visit him right now" Izzy stated. Kari and Tai smiled and agreed. Obviously wanting to help their cousin. Izzy put up the information on his computer and off to Lass address they went.

(Back at the Castle)

BlackFlamedramon had finished reading the book and blushed a lot. His black chest was all covered in his thick cum. Luckily his dark color disguised the blush but it didn't disguise the cum. He had put the book back to where he took it from and then he hurried into a bathroom to clean his chest. It would be embarrassing if Gennai had seen him like that. After cleaning his chest BlackFlamedramon went to the library and waited for Gennai. As BlackFlamedramon sat in the library, Gennai entered. He told BlackFlamedramon that he was going to leave for a few hours. BlackFlamedramon nodded and told him to take care.

I walked closer and closer to the castle. As I reached the front door I hesitated to open the door for some time. I opened the door slowly. I looked inside and made sure that there was no one there. I heard some footsteps and hurried to hide behind a big chair. I saw a very tall man walk past me. To my luck he didn't notice me. When he closed the front door after him, I got out of my hiding. As I walked towards a giant door, I began to hear a voice inside of my head. The voice told me to go home and steal a necklace. I didn't want to steal, but the voice sounded so convincing. I turned around and closed my eyes as I focused on getting back to my room.

BlackFlamedramon was lying on his bed as he suddenly felt weird. He could feel the presence of somebody in the castle. It wasn't a bad feeling; it made him feel really good. He stood up from his bed and walked into the main hall. And then he saw him. He saw Lass. He shouted for him to stay. That he would hurt him. But it was too late. BlackFlamedramon ran over to Lass to grab him, but then he disappeared. He had teleported himself away.

I opened my eyes and could see that I was back in my room. I began to smile. I felt that I was really starting to get the hang of it. I sat down on my bed and asked the voice in my head where the necklace was and how I should get it. The voice answered me by saying that the necklace was in the hands of some thieves and that it rightfully was mine. The voice also told me how to get it and I just nodded as I sat on my bed. He wanted me to trick the Digidestined and their Digimons by pretending to trust them and then take the necklace and teleport myself away.

I heard a knock on the door as I went downstairs to answer it. I got a shock as I opened the door.

"K...Kari? Tai? What are you doing here?" I was shocked to see that my own cousins were Digidestined.

The Digidestined arrived at Lass' house. Tai told the others to stay outside, so that he and Kari could get a chance to talk to him. To explain to him why they were here. Tai and Kari could see that their cousin had changed how he looked quite a lot compared to last time they saw him. When they were much younger. They asked Lass if they could get inside.

"O-Of course you can" I answered. I was really nervous to talk to them. I mean, I haven't seen them for years. I invited them in and asked if their friends weren't coming inside too. But Kari just told me that they wanted to talk to me in private. I nodded and let them into the living room where we sat down on some chairs.

"You probably wonder why we're here. Don't you?" Asked Tai. I nodded to Tai's question. As they started to explain to me why they were here, I began to hear that voice inside of my head again. This time it told me to get Tai to hug me so that I could steal the necklace. But I couldn't. I can't steal from my own family, I answered the voice. Very well then, stated the voice. Suddenly everything went black.

Tai was busy telling Lass why they were here, but Kari noticed that there was something wrong and suddenly she saw his contact lenses explode. They exploded just like if there had been released a big amount of energy. Tai then stopped talking due to the shock and asked Lass if he was ok. Lass just stared at then and suddenly he broke into tears bringing his hands to his eyes.

"Don't look at my eyes, they're hideous" He cried. Kari and Tai helped Lass over into the couch and began to hug him. They were trying to calm him down. Lass then suddenly stopped crying and they thought that he was fine. He suddenly stood up and looked at them and showed them that he was holding the crest in his right hand.

"Now it is mine!" Laughed Lass out. Kari could have sworn that she had heard that laughter before. Lass ran to the front door and opened it. The rest of the Digidestined looked at him in shock when they saw that he was holding the crest. Then Lass' eyes suddenly caught the gaze of Gatomon.

"Hello there my pet" He told Gatomon. Her eyes widened as she knew who just talked to her. Gatomon shouted to them all that it was Myotismon. Lass started floating into the air about 1 meter from the ground, when he suddenly saw BlackFlamedramon running towards them.

"Lass wait I'm here to help you!" Shouted BlackFlamedramon as he stood right in front of Lass. The Digidestined and their partners where watching the whole scene. Lass just smirked and moved his hand in a special way and suddenly there was a powerful wind hitting the Digidestined. Davis and the others told their Digimons to digivolve. Now the 12 Digimons where standing around Lass.

"Did you really think that you could beat me?" Asked Lass as he lifted his hands and the Digimons flew into the air. Lass' eyes changed from purple to green. Suddenly I could see what was going on and brought the Digimons back to the ground. I was struggling inside of my body. Lass closed his eyes and when he opened them, they were purple again.

"Do you really want to hurt your own cousin?" Asked Lass with an innocent voice as he looked at Tai and Kari. Kari looked towards the ground. She couldn't get herself to look at him. BlackFlamedramon took out a white and golden Digivice from his pocket. Lass' eyes went wide as he saw the Digivice. Lass hurried to keep the crest of destiny away from his head. After struggling even harder I managed to put on the crest. As I put on the crest there appeared a fog around me and I could feel the voice disappear from my head. It was there only for a short time and then it disappeared. Lass' eyes changed to purple for one last time and then they were finally set on green. I was too tired from the struggle I just had had with Myotismon to control my powers and I fell towards the ground. BlackFlamedramon caught me. All of the Digidestined stood around us to check if I was okay.

"What the fuck just happened?" Asked a confused Davis. They all were asking the same question. But then Gennai appeared beside them. He explained that the Destiny-Digidestined was Myotismons link to resurrect himself. He told them that the crest was made to keep Myotismon from resurrecting. What have I done I thought to myself. I let my tears run as I told them that I was so sorry for putting on the crest. I didn't have a choice I told them. I felt so bad that I jumped down from BlackFlamedramons arms and ran inside of my house. I ran up the stairs and into my room. I was still crying. I locked the door and sat on the floor. I was leaning against the door when I heard BlackFlamedramon knock. He wanted to get in and comfort me. He told me that the others had left, so that we could be alone. I sighed and unlocked the door. I went over and sat on the bed as the door opened....


So... what do you think about my story^^ of course this is only chapter one but still :P

(Oh god*blushes so shy about this story*) I really hope it isn't that bad :(

(Oh and btw^^ I made it on just 3 days. Well actually 2 and a few hours ^^)