Pokémon Trainer Raichu (Part 2)

Story by Jared Todd on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokémon Trainer Raichu

**Pokémon Trainer Raichu

_This story is a beginning for a hybrid Dark Raichu/furry named Ray. His tastes in pokémon are identical to mine, and identical to his own self. He only likes thrice-evolved, dual attribute, shiny, male pokémon, however, makes acceptions for twice-evolved pokémon that he gets along with and are strong. Almost his pokémon are high in total stat points, and if there is a pokémon that isn't, then he has high important stats.

Also, I have to note, since this is based off the Japanese show, Pokémon, I'll be using a lot of Japanese points. Thanks._**

The walk to Dr. Levis' lab was long; at least as I remember it. The entire way, there was an odd silence. After Chuck and I.. did what we did, we didn't actually talk until we got to the lab. Even though the entire time, I had millions of questions to ask Chuck. It was as if he was the devil, and then turned into a saint in what felt like a little over a month (it was a little over a year).

I wanted to ask him how he tranformed like this. I wanted to ask him what Dr. Levis did with pokémon, and why. I wanted to know what he did to make my half pokémon brother such a loving person, only now , and why-- and how. I wanted to know what the sudden change in sexuality was, and if he still even liked girls now. What pokémon did he catch? How did he catch them without a ball? What has he been doing for the past year..

By the time I realised that where we were going was to show me exactly all those things, it was too late and we were already there.

"Behold. Dr. Levis Walt's laboratory facility!" he cried, finally saying something to me, for the first time in the long forty minute walk.

The bright sun was almost enough to block most of the oversized building from my vision, but I simply rose a red paw over my eyes, and looked on to this 'lab', as Chuck called it. It was a cabin , even if it really was a large one. It was painted a proud red, though, had tinges of orange; around the same color as my rare fur color. The cabin had many windows, and one grand window that seemed to cover an entire floor, which shocked me, because without the window, I would've thought it was only two stories high, when it was actually five or six. Behind the it, there was a large expanse of field that looked to split into a forest, which had an obvious and outlined path, and a minature lake.

"This.. looks more like a summer camp than a lab..." I blurted, though slowly enough to understand I was saying every word I said.

"Yeah. It's one of the many, many things that keep the pokémon loyal to their master and Dr. Levis," he sighed happily, and walked toward the large house, meeting the fence quickly.

As Chuck climbed up with a pawfoot on one of the rungs of the fence, and rolled over the fence with his stomach, I couldn't help but thinking about what he was talking about. Loyalty. Was there really a such thing as loyalty to something that wouldn't understand you?

"C'mon, brother."

I sighed, and swiftly took a simple step to the fence, then leapt above it, turning my foot a little to narrowly miss the top of the metal railing, and then landed gently on the grass. The grass felt nice under my feet, nicer than most grasses. Most likely because it hadn't been trampled on often, like most grass in the area.

As Chuck moved ahead of me, a bounce in his step, and his yellow lightning tail swishing with him, I couldn't help but smile a little. No one would see it anyway. Chuck was a nice person, and as always, charismatic. Maybe a little too charismatic now that he was so pleasant.

"Dammit, Chuck, wait up.." I muttered just loud enough for my brother to hear me, secretly fading the smile off my face.

As I ordered, Chuck stopped, and turned to me on one foot. I forced a glare into my eyes at him, and continued up the field. It felt like I was walking up a hill, but the lab was only feet away from me.

Soon, after I was the first to come to the door, I looked behind me to see Chuck vaulting up the stairs easily, two stairs by two, onto the tall, and quite wide porch. I managed to catch a glimpse of his athletic and toned stomach before turning away, and looking to the door. My eyes couldn't stay there for long, though, and my eyes glanced to the side, noticing something large and yellow-green. I turned quickly to the odd color blob that stood out on the brown wood and the red building.

I recognized the shape instantly. I knew pokémon a little, and I was aware of the more basic pokémon like rattata, pidgey, and the three entrance pokémon. This was related to a bulbasaur, but, including the huge bright yellow flower mounted on it, it was almost six feet tall. On top of that, it was an odd chartreuse color, instead of teal.

Before I could angstly raise a brow, or move, the oversized and oddly-colored bulbasaur vaulted back to Chuck's movement up the stairs, and.. almost-- with a grin on its face?-- it pounced directly, and with all its weight, at my brother.

Instinctually, I wanted to save him, but the thought of the old Chuck caught me off guard with even more thought. I was frozen in thought and shock, and so the dinosaur-like creature knocked Chuck to the ground, along with the air in his lungs.

"Caesar! Hey, I missed you too," Chuck coughed, but with an honest and kind grin on his face as well, "God, but I don't.."

As he trailed off, Chuck's eyes floated up to me, and his grin faded. Oddly enough, the pokémon cocked his head to me too.

"Oh, Chuck, is that's your brother?" the pokémon spoke, as if it were, by any measure, normal.

As the pokémon's mouth moved, I had noticed fast, that it moved in an odd manner, and if I hadn't been looking at the oversized bulbasaur's lips moving, I probably wouldn't have noticed he was speaking an entirely different language than japanese.

I hadn't noticed my foot instinctually moving back, and instead of my face being shocked at the pokémon talking, I found gravity pull me backward at the porch. Fortunately, a porch chair was there behind me, and I fell onto it heavily, the chains holding the bench upright creaking. My heart was pounding now, and all I could do was continue to watch my brother and this beast on top of him that, for some reason, I could understand.

Chuck just laughed. "Brother, this is someone I'd like you to meet. He's a venusaur, and his name is Caesar; Sass or Sassy for short."

The name 'Caesar' stung into my chest like a knife, but I was also glad Chuck didn't make fun of me for falling.

"You mean..." I tried clearing my head of the disbelief, and things were starting to add up now, "You named him the same way mom and dad named us..? Why..?"

Chuck nodded, and smiled at me, while Caesar stayed on him, only moving a little so that I could fully see him. The venusaur seemed to want engorge the conversation between us brothers.

"Yeah, I couldn't think of a better name. Dr. Levis told me to name him something that's close to his pokémon name, so the first thing that clicked was naming him Silas, then I thought of Caesar. Caesar sounded more like him, and he liked it a lot, so we stuck with it," Chuck's paw rose to the side of the venusaur's head, and petted it by the ear, eliciting a murr from it.

It wasn't a secret, to anyone that would think about it, that both our names came from the pokémon name 'raichu'. Both our names fit so much that his and my name, put together, would almost be 'Raichu'. 'Raychuck'; it wasn't far off. Caesar was really close too, though. I had to give him credit to coming up with such a good, normal name.

"I'm Ray," I said, eyes moving a little to Chuck's side, where the venusaur was planted now, making noises for Chuck as Chuck pet his neck. I felt a little jealousy stirring in me, but I contained it easily, still not able to forget old Chuck.

"Nice to meet you, Ray," Caesar really was grinning, but now, the grin was exceedingly similar to Chuck's own kind smile, "That name must make you really happy."

I only had to think for a second, even if he, again, caught me off guard. I knew the venusaur was right. But what was this? I wasn't feral like him, I was human-shaped, human-sized, human-like.. Why should I feel happy about the same thing a normal pokémon would?

I tried grabbing at the arm of the chair with a paw, and pushed myself up, just barely.

"Thanks.." I said, trying to appear less social than I wanted to be.

"So!" Chuck exclaimed, an excited voice, as he moved the petting paw onto Caesar' neck, and pat heavily twice, which signalled him to move so Chuck could get up, "Who wants to see the lab on the inside?"

As Caesar moved, he looked up to the door. "I want to see Dr. Levis."

Sighing, I looked to the door as well, and narrowed my eyes, trying to hide my excitement in, "Me too," I said darkly, surprising even myself with the tone.

Chuck and Caesar both rose back up the stairs, Caesar first. It was obvious how Chuck managed to become so submissive. Before Caesar could reach the door, he stopped, and sat back, almost hitting Chuck with the flower mounted on him. Chuck easily tilted away from the flower, and jumped over a foot, before moving to the door.

"So," Caesar bellowed with his low-ish voice, alerting my attention to him, "How've you two been lately? Getting along well? I mean how's the relationship?"

As Chuck opened the door slowly, he looked at me and shook his head. "Don't mind Sassy, here. He's a really nosy pokémon," he pet Caesar on the head, then walked right in.

"Hey! You know not to call me that!" Caesar yelled, "Don't ever call me that again!"

As the two of them had entered, my excitement was almost bubbling over. I could feel it blocking my throat, and if I didn't yell or start talking about it, it would choke me. Still, I kept it in as best as I could as I slowly and cautiously entered the door, making sure to close it behind me.

Inside the room, the walls were a kind of dark bluish-green, and the corners of the walls were cropped with wood guards, creasing all around the floor and the ceiling. Every open door frame continued the crop, a wooden mount between every wooden frame. The floorboards were modern wood as well, but they looked more red wood than anything. On the walls, there was barely any decoration, but there was a bulletin with pictures stamped up by innappropriately-placed thumbtacks next to the furthest door from me. A book shelf that wasn't placed right rested its corner against the wall to the left of me, and on the right, there were five or six shelving units, but I couldn't see what was in them.

Past the open door in front of me, I could see a small room with a slate grey table, held up by skinny metal poles, with papers messed all over, and a paperweight resting in the middle of all the mess.

"Dr. Levis..!!" Caesar screamed, voice burning my ears and my attention again, "New meat's here, just like you asked!"

I jumped back. "Asked?!" Slowly, my eyes wavered to Chuck, who continued to walk farther into the room, toward the next room, "What the fuck-- he asked you to bring me? Is that why you did-- what... what you--... You know what you did, Chuck..!!"

Caesar's brow rose, him looking at me through the corner of his eye, then followed Chuck. "You didn't tell him?"

"I figured it'd sound more sincere if I emphasized more that I wanted him to see Dr. Levis," he sighed, looking at me sternly, before the yellow tail dissapeared around the corner.

I could hear movement up stairs. As I laid my back against the door, it wasn't hard to lid my miniature amount of confusion and frustration. It was getting easier now, and though Chuck acted completely sincere back in chapter one, I honestly could tell that there had to be something else, otherwise Chuck wouldn't have been so adamant. To tell the truth, I really did want to see Dr. Levis after this, and for my own reasons, not just to satisfy my brother. and my brother wanted me to see Dr. Levis too. Most of me knew that the sole biggest reason Chuck took me here was so I could be with him. The straight look only further proved that.

Sighing slowly, I felt my back release the door, and I turned a little to double check my movement. As I heard my brother's light steps walk all the way up the stairs, my boots stirred, and I was walking forward.

"Chuck, wait.." I said something out loud, finally, which stopped the venusaur's heavier and more frequent footsteps, though the lighter footsteps continued, before getting louder, obviously now above me.

I held back another angstful sigh, and hurried up. When I got to the next hall, I looked immediately up to the stairs without abandon toward the rest of the elongated hall, which, almost impossibly, took up the entire length of the cabin. The red wood stairs before me took up almost half the hall, paved with velvet carpet. On the second highest stair, a large, bulbous dinosaur foot rested.

"Sorry about that," Caesar said shortly, facing me, though I knew he was more apologizing to Chuck.

It didn't matter, though. It was still sincere, and facing me.

I rose up the stairs two-by-two, hopping between stairs, while the Venusaur turned, and moved out of the way, into the room I had heard Chuck in. The upstairs hall looked like a mirror image of the downstairs hall. There was even a pair of stairs leading up to the third floor, and a messy desk sat on the close wall in front of it. I had to duck to avoid the ceiling of the first floor, and the floor of the second, but when I turned to the left again, I found another open door frame, and an army of lights blinded me momentarily.

Instinctually, I walked closer to the door to see into the room, curiosity more important to me than my eyes. Before I could realise the lights were buttons flashing, as if from a lame science fiction from the 80's, I already had my sights on a large round table.

The room, forgetting the huge machine covering most of the righthand wall for a second, was dominantly green. Literally. Plants and vines littered the room. There was a group of cupboards and a sink, with pokémon food dishes nestled underneath the corner.

On a large brown table, there was an oversizedfish bowl, holding a paw-sized horsea that was green instead of blue, with a pink stomach and fins, along with an overly gold goldeen. At the table sat three large figures compared to Ray. Two were the feral and anthrosized pokémon he'd already known, Caesar, and, of course, Chuck. I could only imagine how long Chuck had already been sitting there. The other was a fairly thick old man dressed in a lab coat and a plaid shirt under it. Also, like Ray and Chuck, the doctor, presumably Dr. Levis, was a pokémorph, a bright blue wartortle with greenish locks of feathery light hair pushing back around his aging head. Oddly enough, his shell was green, just like his own short raichu fur was vermillion.

"Surprised?" I heard Chuck's voice, "Dr. Levis, Ichigo Ray, my brother. Ray, meet Dr. Levis, my mentor and fellow researchist."

I blinked slowly, and pointed toward Dr. Levis from across the table, though no words came out of my short lips.

"I've been dieing to meet you, Rai," he said in a slightly muffled and overly chubby voice, though he was barely heavy at all.

I only momentarily noticed him leaning the chair behind him back to come to me, and the only thing that woke me was his warm cyan hand grasping my own pointing paw, shaking it firmly without hurting my finger.

"It's nice, finally, to," he said with an honest smile. What he said was confusing enough to make me stare in honest cluelessness, before I realised he was talking about meeting me.

Though he wore no glasses, I could see deep outlines where his large eye sockets were, a more royal blue than the rest of his sky-colored, and coarse skin.

"It's.. Ray.... Dr. Levis.." I spoke under my breath, still shocked by the turn of events, even after so many previously.

"Please, call me Walt," he said, letting go of my paw, and patting me on the shoulder, then moving back to his chair; all in one fluid, and similar motion.

I tried not staring at him, but I found myself doing that very thing, almost obsessed with how many pokémon were oddly-colored like myself, in the room. Dr. Levis, this saint in my eyes, was the intrigue between the both of us from the very start of the day. I wanted to know the answers to so many questions, and I couldn't hold back anymore.

"D--.. Dr. Levis-- what happened with my brother?! What are you doing here? What's.. what's he doing here?!" I pointed hurriedly at my brother, still staring at the wartortle.

Levis only smiled a smile that can be shown by senior men, or very funny-looking young men. He looked the former, but was probably the latter. His teeth gleamed in the light and the reflection of the water from the large bowl.

"Well, now, I thought I told you to call me Walt," he smiled at me, and gave me a short wink, another seniority sign, and rose from his chair, swivelling toward me, and all I could do is follow him with my eyes, "Let's see how many questions I can answer in one sentence.. I research what some people call 'shiny' pokémon. Pokémon with discoloration, who vary from their natural color, Ray," he grinned, and rose a scaled, but soft paw to my shoulder, placing it there.

I stared into the wartortle morph's faded blue eyes, which were worn with saggy bags and purple tint. For a second, I lost myself in thought, trying to figure out exactly how useful that answer was.

"Brother, I think he answered all of your questions.." Chuck whispered audibly to me with his own smile.

"Wait.. is that.." I stared at my brother for a second, as if to question him, to hint that he should speak up and answer the questions instead.

"Yes, that's right. You, me, Caesar, these fish pokémon.. All the pokémon your brother's caught, all the pokémon in the lab, and all the pokémon you'll catch, Ray."

I was tired of surprises, and I only sighed, shaking my head. By looking at the old-looking, but young wartortle, I recognized the look of recognition. He'd seen my desire, and he'd seen my curiosity. He also saw the love I now felt for my brother, though I doubted he'd ever see a glimpse of how I used to feel about him. There was no denying it. It was getting hard to deny things so fast anyway, since things had happened so fast already.

But I was happy it was going fast; really. I might not have enjoyed it as much.

"I wanted to know exactly what you were," Chuck's voice boomed at me, waking me a little, "At the time, I didn't care how badly I treated you, I was just interested in you, and your coloring. Besides, he caught me right before I would've abandoned that bulbasaur," He nodded to me kindly, pausing for a second to let me take in a long breath, "If I would've left him there, he could've been attacked by other pokémon. I'd weakened him enough to be able to catch him, but I didn't want to. So I was desperate. and I let Walt take me under my wing."

"So, then.." my own voice rang in my ears, loudly, "You want me to do the same."

In a slow response, Chuck nodded his head. My own response was another sigh, as my glare moved to Levis. The grin was kept on his face, only wider by the answer he saw in my eyes.

"Let's get you dressed properly now!" Levis exclaimed, and grabbed at my leather jacket.

"Ah! Wha--what are you doing?!?" I yelled, jumping back, letting my coat hit the floor with a loud smack.

The three of us exited the building, and I sighed, wiping the furred shoulder of the new sleeveless red coat that covered most of my body. Chuck had his eye on me the entire time I was trying coats, as if I were a juicy steak he'd left in the freezer for too long, and just now, started warming up. Caesar was staring at me too. All the staring, though, made me feel appreciated, and like I belonged. Finally.

"Mm... all right, Chuck, you know the drill," the venusaur said, fastly making his way across the stairs in one step, where he spun on one leg, and landed on his back, the leaves and pedals under him rustling with the dented grass.

"Oh... God, no.. I just did this earlier today.." Chuck complained.

"Well, you know our agreement. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. You want me to go with you, get gawked at, do your dirty work, you're going to have to do something damn good to pay me back. and if you want to keep me at all, you're going to do it right now."

Slowly, Chuck shook his head. "I'm tired.. It's going to take a while to find a young and shiny pokémon. We might have to look for weeks until we find Ray a pokémon."

The venusaur's will wasn't broken at all. Methodically, as if to give a show, a huge paw moved down to the venusaur's midsection, then pushed downward, lower. It was hard for me to make out, but as his paw pushed lower, I began to see a glint of blue-green coaxing slightly out of the expanse of belly color. I hadn't noticed before, but Venusar was well-sized, and had two large orbs that were closely hung next to his tummy, and a very small member, which was growing, sat between the two. As the tiny member rose, and Caesar's paw rubbed against it, which caused a moan from his quickly reddening cock, it was fastly apparent that he was very, very well-endowed, growing in girth and height fast.

"Caesar..." Chuck sighed.

"Well, if you're not going to.." the venusaur rolled the other paw against his large balls, and though the shape of his paw was basic, he could still move his stubby dinosaur fingers around, staring right into my eyes, as I watched, almost hypnotized with the venusar's size.

The cock, which was still growing, if only a little, had to be seven or eight inches long, and more than a few wide. I could barely hear Chuck now, and I was tuned into only the dinosaur pokémon.

"It look tasty, Ray?" his voice moved through my head quickly, and it barely registered, before I moved to the ground on my paws and knees, still staring, now barely a foot away from the large cock, "I bet it looked fun when your brother did it to you, neh? You should try it.."

My mind tried to focus on what Caesar was saying, but it only jumbled in my head.

"H-How'd you know?!" Chuck's loud voice broke my rapt attention.

I quickly looked back at Chuck, who had an obvious bulge in his own jeans watching me. Something in me ached again, and I knew what it was after a moment; after my pants tightened around my own member, and it pulsed, making me groan loudly, bringing my head down toward the dinosaur's member.

I couldn't see Caesar's wide eyes, but perhaps too soon, my head migrated lower south than what the large beast wanted, and my head fell against the ground, and I shuddered hard, trying to hold myself back from making any more noise.

"I know the taste of pokémorph, Chuck.." Two large paws scritched on my neck gently, making me shudder more, especially after my cock pulsed in my pants again when he took both sides of my head in only one of his paws, "and it wasn't yours. Remember on the stairs, when I kissed you?"

Chuck seemed unconcerned as the dinosaur lifted my head up, and closed it in toward his enormous cock head. The tip was purple, but the rest of it was quickly transformed into a blue-green as it went further down, a thick blue vein through the center of it, ending right at the blue tip. I opened my mouth, from shock, and soon, I was being lowered again. Trying to fight it, I clawed at Caesar's leg, but the saur's paw clamped my muzzle around the wide purple tip, and I found myself sucking back air from around the wide and hot pole, trying to pull back. But. the single other paw held the back of my head. The other paw pushed down harder on my muzzle as I gasped for air. The push made sure I didn't have enough room to bite down hard. Soon, the back of my head was having pressure applied to it, with a long murr from the dinosaur as my teeth scraped against the cock, tongue slathering the tip and the thick vein, as I was panicking to get away from the monster.

"Hey, not so rough.." Chuck barely whispered, and leaned slightly to get a better glimpse of to the two of us, stroking his pants.

"Mm.. You're right, he is going to need a lot of attention to get into this.." the saur curled a wider grin, as he intently watched me struggle, stroking my cheek with a finger, while holding my head and muzzle down forcefully, "Suck!"

The order yelled into brain, and struck through. I don't know how or why, but all my senses were taking over for me, as the hot smell of Caesar's cock rolled into my tongue. I found myself lapping my tongue and swivelling it around the cock head, suckling on it, only to have the scent permeate thicker.

Caesar grew more excited, and humped once at my mouth, his hips buckled, and his head lay back, finding it hard not to crumple the flower beneath his back, having to twist mostly sideways. I was quickly learning Venusaurs weren't meant to mate on their back, and he was groaning, and pushing himself up. I could only move down him a little, and lap at the thick blue vein in my mouth, making the cock jerk into my muzzle, dribbling deliciously creamy pre-cum onto my tongue already.

I could hear soft footsteps behind me, but I tried to ignore it, in favor of, once again, getting out of this sexual encounter quicker. My attempts to bury my muzzle into the venusaur's cock were slightly successful, but slow, as I'd only gotten to maybe two inches down before I started gagging. Caesar didn't give me much room, though, as he thrust up a little, and clamped my mouth around him with his paws. It took me everything in my power not to bite down, and I could only attempt to unscramble what exactly he thought he was doing.

Soon, a white and blue figure came into my perripheral vision. I stopped staring at his stomach for a second, though still licked my rapt attention toward Caesar's monster pole, hearing a hiss from the side of his mouth, the venusaur's fangs slighly baring as he tried to hold back his body from getting too worked up. I looked to the raichu as his paws dissapeared behind the shoulders of the plant lizard. The shoulders were pushed up, and a lot of the tension I felt around my mouth was released.

"You going to be able to handle that, Ray? Caesar's pretty big. I'm lucky, he wasn't so big when I caught him," my brother's soft voice rose up from between the huge pokémon's shoulders.

"Mmf, you caught nothing.. I just decided I'd come with you.."

The only response I could manage was to lap heavily at the dinosaur's thick cock. The smoothness of it made it increasingly easy to slip my tongue around, and I was slowly learning what made the pokémon feel good. I tried my best to suck the cock, and my own teeth into my lips, and my head was slowly moving up and down, which would stop occassionally as the venusaur humped up uncontrollably at my mouth. He was moaning loudly now, and leaning back against my brother's paws, which barely kept him up. The thoughts of getting out of this situation were few in a crowded basket, accompanied by the more dominant urges of getting away from the big monster's paws, and the tight sensation growing tighter by the moment in my jeans, the tent pulsing every few seconds. The pulsing, though, only made me lick up the venusaur's pole harder.

"It's been a while since I gave two raichus a workout at the same time.." the big venusaur broke my concentration again.

I tried to look up at the beast quickly, but his huge paw pushed me back down onto his hot cock easily, and only saw a blur of my brother pushing against the venusaur's back and struggling to do so. Softly, and slipped my lips back around the big pole, and slurped down loudly.

There was a contented, and lowly grunt above me, then my brother's voice again, "Ceasar, goddammn, are you just leaning at me? You can help me a little by leaning up a bit for gods sakes."

Before I could push my muzzle back down on the saur, I felt pressure easing up from his whole body, but that only further pushed my muzzle deep into his stomach. I could only imagine what was happening above me, and I murred around the cock I was stuck on in confusion. This obviously pleased the saur, and he murred back, much more sensually and dominantly than I could, as he shifted his weight into a ball, and, almost impossibly, licked the back of my ear with his tapered tongue. I moaned, and tongued around the thick base, before I felt his hips roll back against the grass. The cock was sliding a little out of my mouth, but I made sure to keep it in, pushing forward with my flat and wide tongue sliding down the entire way, before screwing back up in a slow swirl.

Caesar moaned loudly, as I sucked him off in the open nature. The dinosaur was obviously used to public sex, and he wasn't afraid to groan at all the little things I'd added in. His paws were still adamantly pressed on his stomach, though they didn't fit on my muzzle, as it slipped just under the tucks of scaled muscle mixed with thin flab towering above me at all sides. He seemed adamant at having my ear in his mouth, and by now, he was tugging it back when I wouldn't go back far enough, and he'd bite down on it if I didn't sink my maw all the way down to his pubic scales.

The saur was full of surprises, as if I didn't have enough already. He'd started humping up somehow at my face, stuffing my face repeatedly and methodically with venusaur pole, continuing little nibbles on my ear. I groaned in response as his pace forced me to speed up, myself. There was no denying it, this was definitely what broke Chuck. I couldn't see how my brother enjoyed being face fucked half way through a forced blowjob, or what turned him on about being submissive, but as Caesar punched through my ear with one of his sharper side teeth, I moaned. The two of us moaned in unison, and he dug the rest of his mostly harmless teeth into my ear, now dragging me by the ear up and down his pole.

Hurriedly, I sucked harder, and found it hard to keep up the pace the venusaur wanted me to have. But, determinedly, I just applied myself. The forciveness of the great Caesar was building, and so was the pressure in his cock. I could feel his hips trembling as he scraped my ear with his teeth, moaning over me, the sound travelling straight into my ear. His pole was getting hot, and I had to admit, so were my already vermillion-clad cheeks, as well as the tent in my pants.

The huge poke was completely in control the entire time. He wasn't going to let a little ejaculation get in the way of his ego, and I knew that. As I quickly had to slurp up, then suck back down, I knew this wasn't going to be anywhere near as easy as what Chuck did to me.

"Ah.. Ray, you're so much more aggressive.." Caesar grunted, "Harder, ungh.... You're almost there.."

That was my cue. The faster he'd cum, the sooner I could stop. It didn't even occur to me he let me be the one in control. I rigorously slurped my tongue all around his member, and licked at all the sensitive spots I could identify. I could tell I was right by how much he groaned into my ear, and clamped down on it. But at the same time, he was stifling moans, and slowing his pace.

I mmed into his cock, and shook my head, sly tongue spinning around the cock. He wasn't going to hold this back. Pushing harder, and faster, I sped up the pace, faster than the big Venusaur ever forced me to go. His teeth released my ear, and he slipped his head back in an empassionate moan, humping up to my face slowly. I couldn't tell if this was exhaustion, or just the fact he was moments away from covering my virgin mouth in his spunk, but he was completely relishing this moment while I was in control. His loins were shuddering, and so were my lips as they bounced up and down, clamped around the cock stuffed in my muzzle, sucking down hard.

Chuck ran behind Caesar just before he was about to topple backward, and held him up. At the moment Chuck grabbed the big poke, he leaned his head totally back, against Chuck's shoulder, and groaned out a long, loud groan. To be honest, I was almost so scared, I bit him, but my lips were sealed too perfectly around the cock, and so only pressure was applied. Caesar yipped at this, and twisted his head to the side, yelled a curse out into the cold and open air-- It felt like a jet stream of creamy, hot cum, and it burst into the back of my throat barely a second after the submissive cry. My first instinct was to stop it, so I tightened my lips around the cock, and pulled up, trying to swallow. Only half of the spunk got down before I was sputtering up a new large spurt invading my throat.

My lips pulled off the cock with a loud slurp, and the third rope of cum hit me between the eyes, draping down my cheek and my nose before I could cough the spunk in my mouth out onto his stomach. The venusaur was still groaning and moaning, spattering my face with his cum, while I could only pant, and let it happen. A paw rose to the monstrous cock in front of me as it shot out his load, and I massaged the rest out of him, and thumbed against the sensitive spot in front of me. Shot after shot, cum was covering my face, but it only took a few more moments o die down, until cum only began oozing out steadily. A second after that, it could only dribble down.

Tiredly, I just collapsed against the ground. Cleaning myself or the big lizard was something I just wasn't going to do. The cum wasn't bad, but it didn't taste that good either. It was creamy, but salty, and it was going to take more than my first time to get used to it.

Of course, as the saur just grinned above me, and opened his mouth to speak, I knew the performance I just gave wasn't the last for him.

_ Sorry if that was too rushed at the end... it's taken me a while to write this. Ray and Caesar are really hard to write. But anyway. Now, Ray's big brother Chuck, and Caesar are going to help Ray catch a shiny pokémon. It's going to be a pokémon that a lot of people are fond of, but it's going to be in its early stages of evolution. The pokémon Ray catches isn't up for debate, since I have all the pokémon planned out, even if we get as far as Diammond/Pearl. What is up for debate is where Ray goes. Should he bring his pokémon into gym competition? Should he hook up with other scientists and travel the world searching for shiny pokémon and how to breed them? or should he just take the adventure entirely on his own, and travel wherever the wind blows? or how about a mix of two of those? It's your choice, and I'll write whatever the vote pops up as. I hope you enjoyed the story just as much as the sex. _