Cephalopods, part 2

Story by chickenboy on SoFurry

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The next part in this series of mollusk mayhem.

Story (C) me.

Cephalopods, part 2

by Tastes-Like-Chicken

Kelsey followed the boat, clinging to the bottom as it moved slowly above her on the surface. The octopus creature felt her new instinct driving her onwards. She felt a deep need to follow it, to find whoever was on it. It wasn't out of loneliness or the need for some kind of human contact, but something else. As the water got more and more shallow, Kelsey felt butterflies in her stomach. Her beak extended slightly from between her legs, a substitute for a mischievous grin as she saw the ship drop anchor.

John had spent the past few weeks sailing the open ocean. He had dreamed of sailing around the world and set out to do so once his sailboat was ship-shape. He had been sailing for a long while, and when he spotted the small tropical island on the horizon, John had decided to drop anchor and spend some time lounging on the beach. What he thought odd was that it didn't appear on any maps, as if it never existed. He wasn't surprised, since the whole island only looked to be about a mile form end to end. He figured he'd report the small piece of land, and if nobody had claimed it he would get it named after him.

The man dropped anchor in the shallows, making sure it was secure then dove in. The warm, tropical waters felt good as he swam around. He covered the short distance between his boat and the shore, letting the gentle waves wash him onto the beach. He got out of the water, walking along the shore as he looked at his surroundings. The palm trees swayed gently in the light breeze, the sound of the large waves breaking on the reef offshore filling his ears. He noticed an abundance of coconuts on the trees, making him think to gather those before he left. Aside from those there was very little the island offered, just a lonely piece of rock and sand barely sticking above the waves. Still, John liked having his feet on dry land for a while and considered sleeping under the stars on the beach that night.

The island interior was just a tangle of shrubs between the trees with a few large boulders here and there. He discovered that the island was longer than it was across, being only about a hundred yards across the middle, making it easy to cut through the brush to the opposite shore. He emerged out of the shaded woods and found the other side of the island had a far rockier shore, with small sandy beaches between the large rocks sticking out of the surf. As he explored John soon found a place where many boulders ringed a deep pool, the waves causing the water level to gently rise and fall. The sight was irresistible. Stripping off his clothes, John climbed atop one of the rocks and leapt in, sinking to the bottom and kicking off the smooth stone towards the surface. Taking a deep breath as he surfaced, John found a place where a submerged rock made a perfect shallow spot to sit in. So reclining against the warm rock, John relaxed in his own private pool. The one thing he didn't notice was the shape which squeezed through the narrow gap between stones at the bottom of the pool.

Kelsey sat at the bottom, watching the man's feet dangle over the side of the shallow stone bench he sat on. She waited a few minutes, making sure he was completely at ease before she made her move. The creature surfaced slowly, noticing his eyes were closed and his breathing soft as he slept in the sunlight. Her muscles tensed, and she moved like lightning. She pulled herself onto the rock then wrapped four of her tentacles around the human, binding his arms and legs with their firm embrace.

John woke immediately as the cold, slimy appendages wrapped themselves around him. Looking in front of him, he saw the strange creature still pulling itself out of the water, its blank face and large, yellow eyes meeting his. John tried to struggle, but the arms help firm, the suction cups tickling his skin as he squirmed around. For several minutes he thrashed about, but only succeeded in expending his energy. He soon sat exhausted in the shallow water, still in the tentacled grasp of the aquatic creature. He saw it looked vaguely human, especially its arms, torso and large bust. The rest looked like some melding of human and octopus features. As he examined her, assuming from the breasts that it was female, he also noticed a large, hooked, black beak emerging from the junction of all her various legs.

Kelsey was grinning again, her beak pushing out a little farther as her whole body tingled with excitement. As her human captive wore himself out, she began moving her four free tentacles into position. With great care Kelsey used the tip of one appendage to begin poking at the man's crotch. John gasped as the strange creature began to play with his manhood, within moments making it stand fully erect. He looked down in horror as the octopus creature wrapped its tentacle around his length, beginning to slowly move up and down along its length as a second arm gently cradled and squeezed his balls. Kelsey's webbed hands rubbed over John's chest, the suction cups playing with his nipples as her other appendages toyed with his manhood.

As the strange thing pleasured him, John gradually lost the fight against it. He stopped struggling to get free, instead thrusting slightly into the grasp of the cephalopod, practically begging for more. As the human began accepting the pleasure she was giving, Kelsey decided to step things up. With a single rapid motion her third free tentacle found his anal pucker and pushed the tip inside. The tentacle was forced rapidly up into the man's bowels, within seconds being buried up to a foot inside him. John yelled out as he was violated, only to be stifled when the last tentacle was thrust into his gaping mouth.

John's eyes went wide as he felt the alien objects push into him. The one in his mouth moved down his throat, his jaw beginning to hurt as the tentacle he was swallowing grew thicker. The one in his ass snaked and wiggled within him, making his mind hazy with pleasure. John was rapidly approached his limit, his companion seemed to sense this and removed the tentacle from his balls and began to caress the head of his cock. John shivered from the sensation, his mind racing as his pleasure built to a crescendo.

With a muffled scream he came, jets of white seep splattering across the creature's body. As he sprayed his load, however, Kelsey made her next move. Using one tentacle to hold John's shaft in place, she pushed the tip of the other into the hole, forcing it inside. Between the pleasure and the jolt of pain John tried to scream his head off, only to be muffled by the mass in his esophagus. Lubricated by John's own seed as well as the creature's slick skin, the tentacle seemed to slip easily into his member. Without much effort Kelsey pushed further and further into his shaft, his penis distending around the intruder. She felt his tight walls on the three tentacles within the human man, reveling in the sensations. As her pleasure built towards its inevitable peak, Kelsey began to feel changes begin to take hold within her own body, the final stages in her own transformation.

She felt her insides twisting, moving, and a strange sensation migrating down the tentacle lodged in John's shaft. The feeling built in intensity as her tentacle buried itself almost eight inches inside the man's body. Her body tensed, her nipples beginning to lightly drip her ink into the water below as she reached her limit. With a violent shudder that rocked both of them Kelsey felt her tentacle twitch suddenly followed by the feeling of something emerging from her. Her mind shifted as well, making Kelsey aware of her now duel gendered nature. Shi felt the flow of hir seed being pumped into hir captive, John likewise feeling the slimy mass being pumped into him, flowing into his testicles and sac. The feeling was amazing and it set his body ablaze with sensation. He felt the fluid collecting in his groin, making him feel warm and tingly in that region. The feelings grew in intensity and began to spread from his crotch to begin consuming the rest of his body. Within seconds any pain was gone, replaced only by the amazing pleasure he was feeling. John no longer fought against the grasping arms around him, letting their embrace comfort him as the strange new feelings intensified.

Kelsey removed the tentacles from his throat and ass, seeing the man smiling in his sexually derived stupor. Grabbing his head with hir webbed hands, the octopus creature brought his face down until it was flush with one of hir engorged nipples. John ran his tongue across the slick surface of her breast, moving it over to the prominent teat sticking out from it. As he placed his mouth over it, Kelsey felt him begin to gently suck. With a slight pulling sensation shi felt fluids begin to flow out of hir. John was greeted with a salty yet sweet flavor as the thick, rich fluid flowed out of his captor and into his mouth. He swallowed as much as he could, but some of the ebony liquid seeped between his lips and dribbled down his chin.

As he drank the delicious ink he felt a warmth begin to form in his stomach, adding to the intense sensations radiating from his groin. As the feelings intensified, John felt things moving inside his body. It felt like everything inside his torso was shifting around, moving into new positions. Those weren't the only changes he felt, however, as his body began to change in its outwards appearance. The first change was that all the hair across his body receded into his skin, followed by his ears melting into the sides of his head. John detached his face from Kelly's left breast and latched onto her other one, proceeding to draw out the ink-milk from this strange creature.

Beneath the water's surface, Kelsey's tentacle was still latched in John's shaft as the changes continued across John's body. His legs and thighs began to get very thick, the space between his toes increasing as his middle toes began to thicken. John felt a mass beginning to form in his lower abdomen as his face continued to distort. His nose merged into his face, and John kept suckling as long as he could before his lips grew together as any trace of his mouth vanished. The man's eyes grew larger, their color changing to the same yellow as Kelsey's while they moved more to the sides of his head. He grasped his changing head with his webbed hands as the transformation progressed. Instead of ballooning out like Kelsey's had, his head grew into a more pointed shape, two small fins forming on the ends. His male equipment was also changing, still clamped around the tentacle that was shoved inside of it. The shaft began to thicken further, even for being distended by the tentacle. The head lost its definition until the entire length was a smooth cylinder of flesh. His balls, bathed in octopus cum within his sac, began to grow in size. Soon each orb was the size of a plum before the loose skin began to tighten, drawing them upwards. The lumps continued to be pulled up until they were totally internalized.

As John began to enter final stage of his change he felt a pressure building in his ass. Kelsey seemed to sense that the human was nearly fully transformed and began to slide back into the deep water, dragging John with hir. As soon as they were both submerged Kelsey released the four limbs binding John, moving back slightly so now only the tentacle in his mutated prick linked them together. Kelsey sank to the bottom, John still latched to hir. As shi touched the rocky bottom Kelsey rapidly removed the tentacle from inside John's body. At that moment it was like a cork was removed as a large volume of air was blasted out of his newly formed siphon, followed by John taking a breath of water through it for the first time.

Now floating freely in the water, John's mind quickly was reduced to a more animalistic perspective, new instincts filling his thoughts as the sensations of using his siphon drew his attention to his crotch. In an instant he writhed in pain as a violent cramp hit, his anus dilating. Simultaneously his thick legs began lengthening as his toes began peeling apart from each other, the splitting moving quickly up his limbs. His middle toes in particular grew longer far more rapidly than the other digits, the ends flaring out into roughly diamond shaped paddles. His chest began to swell, quickly forming a small pair of breasts that blossomed into a hefty D-cup in only a few moments. Out of his enlarged nipples a stream of black fluid began to leak out, being stirred up by John's constant writhing.

John grasped his belly as the pain increased exponentially, his asshole stretching open as a mass began to slip out. The smooth, black surface continued to emerge as his anus moved more between his lower limbs as they finished splitting up to his waist, continuing to thicken for several more seconds until they were all about a foot around where they joined his body. From the bottom sides of his new tentacles and on his palms grew hundreds of suction cups. His anal hole was stretched to its limits as the hard object continued to emerge. With one final shudder the object pushed the last few inches and opened wide in a silent scream. His new beak, fully functional, hung open as the sensations of the changes faded. The new squid-man opened his eyes as if for the first time, seeing the octopus creature hanging in the water before him.

His human mind gone, and acting on instinct, John swam rapidly to the bottom, his tentacles locked with those of Kelsey. One of his front tentacles traced around hir body, finding the waiting siphon on hir backside. Kelsey, likewise, inserted her new penis-tentacle back into John's siphon on his front. Both appendages penetrated deep into the other, the hermaphrodites pleasuring one another with their other limbs. They rubbed their nipples, letting the suction cups send shivers through their forms. It wasn't long before both of their beaks extended in their quite cries of pleasure as both herms came deep within their lovers. They stayed attached for several minutes before slowly withdrawing, slight spurts of white seed escaping into the surrounding water. Looking at one another, the cephalopod creatures felt a deep connection between them, akin to love if their simple minds could still grasp the concept. Turning, the two squeezed through the rock gap and swam towards the reef further away, drained of energy and anxious to find a meal.

About two weeks after John's transformation the two creatures returned to one of the small, sheltered rock coves along the island's shore. They had filled their time with feeding and mating, and now felt very definite weights within their bodies, making their bellies look extremely distended. In the shallow waters, the two cephalopods found a low rock overhang and knew it was the perfect spot. Crawling under it, the two didn't have to wait long for their bodies to react. A series of gentle muscle contractions begun in the region around their siphons, continuing for several minutes until both Kelsey and John felt masses beginning to stretch their passages. Pressing their tubes against the rocks, each produced a long, oval, white egg sack about five inches long that was anchored to the bottom by a thin membrane. As soon as the first eggs were laid, more rapidly followed suite. Both creatures continually laid dozens, then hundreds of egg sacs, forming a carpet of gelatinous masses. Hours later, when it was finally over, John and Kelsey swam back out to the reef, waiting for their children to hatch so their kind could eventually spread beyond the island, across the seas and take their places as the new rulers of the oceans.

Cephalopods, part 3

Cephalopods, part 3 by Chickenboy The sail boat drifted on the waves, moving lazily towards the shore in the early morning. With a resounding crash, the ship was thrown onto the rocks, its hull torn open as it sank in the shallows. From inside,...

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Cephalopods, part 1

Cephalopods, part 1 by Tastes-Like-Chicken Kelsey waded out into the shallows in the nude, her swimsuit left on the beach a few yards away. She was unaware that from just below the surface many eyes were watching her. The somewhat cool water near...

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Spawning Season, part 2

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