Nicole's Suit pt2

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#2 of Nicole's Suit

A Flexible Survival RP transcript.

Between myself and the lovely Cerine

Over the course of the night, the suit worked, making the storage units for the DNA it had acquired. If machinery could feel happy, then it would be over the moon. The logs it was storing, within it's hosts mind, of course, read, 'Host is unusually talented, much DNA sampled, extra storage units required.'

The girl, of course has no idea of any of this, having long since passed out in exhaustion from her encounter with the beast, giving the suit encasing her time to work on her even more...

Deeper and deeper the suit worms into the girl, needing to make some alterations to her. Slowly it burrows down her throat and up into her bowels, using her exhausted sleep to do this, so as not to panic her with the sensations. As well it sends a few more tendrils into the back of her neck, up, into her brain stem, integrating itself and drawing some measure of power from the girl. Slowly, it adjusts her insides to be able to take energy from a new source, making her digestive system much more specialized, but extremely efficient. When Nicole wakes, she will find a hunger for cum almost overwhelming, on the plus side, a feeding every day or so will now be enough to sustain her.

She wakes up with a soft squeak, groaning to herself and rubbing at her throat as she has the strangest pang in her belly, one of her arms trying to reach down between her legs to rub there as she's had some quite vivid dreams about various creatures she'd seen before all of them male.

Eventually she shakes her head to try and focus on her body, looking around and trying to walk herself over to a mirror so she can take a look at whatever has happened to her.

Her belly is large, heavy, and looks perfectly natural to her, like she was just pregnant with a normal child... but 9 months pregnant. All at once, a pressure build in her lower belly and a spasming contraction pulses through her, her body letting her know that whatever is in her needs to come out.

The feeling inside her leaves her groaning and rubbing her massive belly with both hands, the girl clutching her tummy as she tries to make her way to the bathroom, intending on getting into the tub as she starts wondering to herself and trying to speak. "Ngh what happened... I I can't be about to have pups this soon after being mounted by that creature!"

The mouth on the suit opens and closes with her own, but no words come out. Internally, the suit ponders on ways to be able to let her talk, but puts that aside for now. Giving her some more calming air, the suit is quite happy with her plan and lets her relax as the first egg enters the birth canal, stretching her inside, much more than the wolf beast did. Strangely enough, to Nicole, it doesn't hurt at all, her body just being very stretchy now.

Her curiosity at having no voice doesn't last too long as she feels the first large shape moving down her body, leaving her squatting down in the bathtub and trying to let her body do what it's supposed to do, the calming air being pumped into her lungs keeping her quite relaxed, making it easier for the egg to travel through her body.

Each contraction pushes the egg down further and further, until eventually a dark black shape is seen at her slit, dilated widely around the egg now working its way free from her. With another push the egg falls free, plopping into the bath. She might have exactly three heart-beats to relax, however, before the second egg begins the same journey.

That's barely enough time for her to try and take another breath, but the suit does that for her before she can, keeping a regular breathing pattern for her so she can't even quickly gasp in panic as the second egg starts to travel down her body, her form well lubricated to allow it passage.

Again and again the eggs pass down her body, dropping free of her, each time they do so her belly grows a little smaller. At last, eight eggs lay in the bath, pitch black in color and well and truly 'hers'. Keeping that relaxing air fed to the girl, the suit adds some endorphins, making her have a 'chemical reward' for having done exactly as she needed. A flickering image darts before her eyes and goes again, reading, 'Just this once, you can eat one, for sustenance.'

She blinks and tries to rub her eyes as the phantom words dart and vanish, shaking her head and trying again to speak as she looks down at the clutch of dripping eggs between her legs, the girl having collapsed onto her backside after laying the last one with her legs spread out, and the 8 black shapes nestled between them.

All at once, the eggs look... smell... delicious, and Nicole is certainly hungry. It has been in the order of a full day since she last ate. The suit offers her choices, however, 'You need protein rich food. Either eat one of those or I could call another mutant to feed you.' floats before her eyes, giving her time to read it before fading.

One hand rubs at her face, her mouth opening again as she tries to speak, to reply to what she's read, though with a rumble from her stomach she finds herself reaching with the other hand to grasp one of the eggs, trying to bring it up to her face to smell and lick at it.

The egg is semi-hard, a little weighty and, as her tongue touches it, utterly delicious. The taste of the thing reminds her of something though and with a little start she would realize what that is, semen. But never before had that taste enticed her so.

She gulps a little, licking it some more and forcing the strangely delicious egg into her mouth, trying to see if she can't swallow it whole rather than risk breaking it and spilling it everywhere.

Indeed, her throat and mouth seem to stretch easily around the egg as it is pushed, making her wonder, briefly, how she would breathe around it as it goes down. But her throat muscles don't do the thinking and, as it enters the back of her mouth, they take hold and begin to pull the egg in further and further, tugging it down her throat.

That gets an attempted groan from her as she rubs her throat, feeling the bulge of the egg being pulled down into her body as she stops, wondering just how the heck she managed to do that, and if she could... does that mean she's no longer human beneath this...thing trapping her?

Deeper and deeper the egg travels until finally reaching her stomach, the acids quickly dissolving the outer shell, letting the purified seed inside to flow out into her adapted digestive system, the suit first filtering the nanites out of it before letting it be absorbed by Nicole's body, giving her a warm feeling, a full-belly feeling.

A soft attempt at an 'Mmmh..' at the warm full feeling escapes her lips, rubbing her belly contently with a hand before she gets up to try and look at herself in the mirror, but not before pulling the curtain over to try and hide her eggs from anybody else.

The mirror shows back, a bald girl, looking almost completely normal except lacking in any pigment or features apart from 'skin'. Her nipples, her lips, her eyes, are all the same flesh tone as the rest of her. It is distracting enough that she forgets that her 'Mmmh' actually is audible, the sound having fallen from her lips. The suit is proud of itself, it worked out a way for her to 'speak' without compromising her protection.

If she wasn't relaxed by the laced air she's forced to breathe she'd be quite startled by her new appearance, trying to rub at her bald head with both hands to feel if her hair is somehow contained beneath it. "What the heck happened to me?"

'You are safe now, nothing can infect you.' reads the display before her eyes, 'I was built to protect, to collect samples.' it adds and Nicole could feel her head being urged to turn back to the bath, 'We collected much, you are good at this.' it adds, giving her another little puff of endorphins.

Most of her thoughts are distracted by the release inside her, the little chemical 'feel good' distracting her from anything other than some shallow thoughts as she turns back to look in at the bath and the eggs within the tub, trying to think of what she's supposed to do with them before opening her mouth again. "Can you tell me what you've done to me?"

'I have made you able to survive, completely untainted by nanites, within me... me... me...' the suit replies, seeming to have issue with the referring to itself as an entity, 'You must continue to collect samples, I have modified you to best be able to do that and to be able to survive off very little food.' it adds, seemingly back on track.

"I look like I'm some kind of doll" she squeaks, rubbing at her throat again and looking down at her hands, then her chest and then down to her tummy before rubbing it slowly.

'We-you' the first word seems to flicker between the two, 'are the latest, top of the line model of protective suit. Nothing chemical can harm us-you.' the words reply, 'Next target has been chosen, emitting attraction chemicals, please prepare yourself to take the next sample.' it adds, and indeed her nose indicates that the level of... plant, pheromones has increased dramatically... wait, plant?

"W-wait what's going to happen, is that some kind of plant?" she groans, frowning a little and looking at her reflection once more as she pokes a finger into her mouth, feeling around it with a digit but that's also quite coated by the suit, though surprisingly she can still taste, and she gives a bit of a test bite to her finger.

The bite reveals her teeth are well covered by the rubber, to the point where they can barely be felt, if anything it just feels like she were sucking on her finger, no matter how hard she bites down.

She makes a few more test bites, not realizing the scent getting stronger around her as she seems a bit more focused on trying to bite her way through the material coating her.

Biting, well, sucking at her finger, Nicole is distracted right up until the sound of something moving in the living room next door cuts through her self examination.

That makes her look around in concern, peeking her head out from the bathroom to see just what's happening, part of her dreading another creature invading while part of her hopes that maybe... just maybe it might be rescue!

The girl sees bright yellow flash in front of her vision before the place where her finger was, moments earlier, is suddenly filled, completely! Bright colors are all Nicole can see, the petals of the big flower half closing around her face as the stamen it has thrust into her mouth swells up slightly, locking it in place as it starts to tug and pull on the vine it is attached to.

With a muffled squeak of surprise she finds her face engulfed by the flower, trying to bite the shape in her mouth as it puffs up to fill it and starts tugging slowly, leaving her prying at her face but also stumbling along slightly, though she tries to keep from moving at all.

The tugging only grows more and more insistent, the flower having secured it's 'prey' and begins retrieving it. Nicole feels something leak down her throat, unable to taste it because of the length of the mass in her mouth, her stomach tells her, however, that this is 'awesome food'.

She can't stop it tugging her closer, especially with her vision denied, her hands still trying to pry the flower away as it starts leaking something into her, feeling somewhat cool and strangely satisfying to her belly, which catches her off guard enough for the tugging flower to pull her off balance entirely!

Nicole falls to the ground, the vine taking up the slack and tugging more, now pulling her along the floor. Surprisingly, the fall didn't hurt her at all, the suit's padding becoming thicker and harder as needed to protect her from injury. Dazed a little, Nicole would realize she is no longer on the tiles of the bathroom, sliding along the carpet of the living room now, the softness gliding under her as she is pulled closer and closer to the main body of the plant.

That gets another muffled squeak from her, trying to bite again on what's stuffing her mouth as she's pulled forward, not having any idea of where she's going which leaves her quite disoriented as she slides along the floor no matter how she tries to squirm as she manages to get both hands around the flower 'stem' to try and pull it out.

The flower is rather firmly anchored in the girl's mouth, not budging at all but, all at once, more vines reach out, wrapping around her arms and legs, securing them, pulling them away from her body. Blind to her fate, the first Nicole knows of the other stamen-flowers is their touch at her entrances, only waiting a moment to line up on her slit and rear before burrowing in, pushing deeper and deeper into her sleeved entrances.

There's a cry of protest as her limbs are wrapped around and pulled away, leaving her unable to close her legs or do much at all as there's a brief touch of a the flowers against her other entrances before they start burrowing in deep, making her try and cry out louder but that just gives what's in her mouth more room to puff out as she feels herself being stretched out and filled up.

And filled she is, every time her body bulges, stretches, the plant takes up the slack and swells its shafts more. Working the two flowers in her rear and slit, it doesn't lock them in place, instead having them piston back and forth, alternating, even as they pump their sticky seed-sap into her.

That leaves her moaning into the one filling her mouth and writhing in pleasure, trying to spread her legs a little more and even buck her hips somewhat as the sensations, never being able to avoid the feeling of one thrusting up into her as the other pulls out as all the while there's the odd sensation of her inner walls being coated with something sticky.

Finding it's prey to be quite... accommodating, the plant relaxes it's grip on her arms and legs, letting Nicole squirm about. But it doesn't release her head, more and more of the plant-spunk being pumped down her throat, the most virulent of the cities nanites being filtered from it before it is allowed to reach her modified body. Faster and faster it pumps, the stamen now seeming to ripple with each thrust, the suit not having to do anything at all to reward the girl for her work, finding her mind already flooded with the natural drugs sex releases.

With her hands free she winds up gripping the vines, squeezing them as she's pumped into again and again, her passages feeling covered and quite hot, each one feeling like it NEEDS more of the substance pumped into it, which leaves her trying to suck on the stamen in her mouth.

The girl is very shortly rewarded by the plant, it's vine-flowers offering her everything it has, a torrent of it's seed pumping now as the flowers in her rear and slit begin to really puff up, sealing her tightly as it feeds more and more of it's highly mutagenic seed into her. The girl has nothing else to do but roll to her side as her belly begins to puff out again, the suit making more eggs quickly, but even it seems unable to keep up with the sheer volume the plant pumps into her and soon her belly, well past the 'full term with twins' stage, sloshes with the liquid seed of the plant.

Nicole cries out as she feels the flowers puffing up to seal her and the seed being pumped into her body steadily, feeling wonderful until it starts to get a little odd as she sloshes and feels like she's getting bigger and bigger, making her want to try and rub her tummy to find how big it is as every movement causes a faint, but pleasurable sloshing inside her.

The world, only a shade of yellow, seems to slowly fade to black as the biggest orgasm of her life seems to fill her body and mind with numbing pleasure, the plant not slowing, still pumping more and more of the seed into her, her body quite accommodating, swelling around the mass almost like a balloon.

Another weak but pleasured moan escapes her as she feels her body responding, trembling in pleasure beneath the plant as it fills her more and more as her awareness dulls to just the feeling of being filled and how good it feels.

The plant, having served its purpose, filling the little human that seems to smell oh so wonderful to it, slowly deflates it's shafts, pulling them from her and, with some tiny shred of what it used to be, it lifts her up onto the couch, curling her up with it's vines, around her belly, pulling a nearby blanket over her before departing.

By the time the plant's shafts have deflated, the poor girl has long since passed out from her orgasm. If she were conscious however she'd be quite surprised at the small act of kindness the creature as able to do as she's positioned on her side on the couch, and a blanket being pulled over her to keep her warm as she slumbers, dreaming of being used again and again by so many odd but wonderfully shaped tentacles.

If the plant knew of her dreams, knew of her resistance, it might just stay and ensure her dreams come true, but it does leave. Nicole is woken by the feeling of fullness, combined with a little urgency. Below her on the couch, four eggs have already been laid, and by the look of her large belly, more are still on the way.

She reaches to try and hold them to ensure they don't fall off even as she pushes to try and work the next one out.

The eggs seem easier to pass than the previous lot, the suit having had some time to adjust her to this new life, this new existence, a little more. Each egg causes little sparks of pleasure as they pass, making a small pile on the couch now. Nicole's stomach is now quite well sated, filled with the seed that seems to be all she needs to live off now.

Once the last egg is out of her, she feels her hand still rubbing at her moist slit as if trying to reach inside to see if there's any more of the shapes while the other keeps them all together in a wet, glistening bundle as she looks down, feeling quite satisfied with herself now they're all out.

Giving warming feelings to the girl's mind, the suit checks it's list, updating it to indicate that the parasitic plant was indeed quite generous with it's host, but that the host was very much able to handle everything. A message appears in her vision, 'Ready for next mutant?' it asks, the suit now realizing how fast this host could handle things, but not wanting to break her mind.

She groans and shakes her head, looking down at all the eggs and trying to move them all into the bathroom with the other clutch.