College Life Pt 2

Story by pinkcat on SoFurry

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#4 of College Life

Ok, no castration yet, but getting there. I realized that putting too many things in one chapter would be pointless, which is part of why I broke up the boring life scene into the last 1.2 instead of 2. Castration will be next chapter, and it will be gruesome. I had a lot of fun writing this though. If you have any thoughts, please feel free to contribute them. Positive, or negative.

Roan stretched with a content yawn as he got out of the shower. Roy seemed to be fast asleep still, so he admired the fox's face. The poor guy seemed so out of touch with life, like he never knew what was happening. Roan had to laugh a little at the thought of it. Oh well though, no classes on Saturday so it was time to start his day!

He made sure his hair was done right in the mirror. The antlers placement at the top of his forehead, above his eyes, allowed his bangs to hang down and not block his vision. He felt no need to wear underwear, so went straight for his jeans and studded belt. It was a nice day out, as always in scale territory since he was pretty sure they would all die off if it snowed even once. A button up vest would do, allowing the edges of the heart pattern on his chest to show, as well as his flat tummy. He clicked the tongue piercing against the back of his buck teeth, pun intended, flashing himself a smile.

"Bye strawberry," he said as he kissed his new friend on the pierced ear.

They may not have been able to help their natural coloring, but god what a faggy piercing. He wondered exactly how much Roy understood was his own fault for appearing so gay. He shook his head and chuckled again.

Roan grabbed his GBA as he went out the door, tucking it into his back pocket along with his school ID and some money. It was an old toy for sure, but cheap and he had a stack of old games he could play on it to pass time. Money was always tight for the 19 year old, even when he could find a way to make a little extra. It was part of the reason he had picked the school in what was pretty much scaled territory after all.

The first stop on his day would normally be the gym to work out and keep just the right body shape to feel good and healthy. Unfortunately, he had to stop by the cat he had met yesterday. What a full day it had been for meeting people.

Roan heard music coming out of the room before he even opened the door, regretting stopping by in the first place.

"People never remember us, they always say Scale, Skin, Fur. We exist too!" Cried the griffin sitting in the corner, playing a game of cards with a large crocodile who was nodding in agreement.

"Bad wording, huh?" Roan teased the griffin, catching the card player's attention.

"Hey! Rare does not mean fake, you should know that," the griffin retorted.

"At least my parents live near each other. How did yours meet? Time travel?" he replied wryly.

Though he had been trying to hold in his annoyance, the music and dancing were just not easy to ignore.

"STOP that!" He shouted, turning his attention toward the cat.

Apparently the feline had been dancing to a song about cats for some time. A terribly written and sung one in Roan's opinion, with a dance that would make most people ashamed.

"Cat, I'm a kitty cat!" Was the only reply he got, causing the croc and griffin to both laugh.

"Uhg, I don't know any of you! If anyone asks, I don't know you!" Roan shouted at them as he spotted what he came for. He grabbed a purple bandanna off the bed and waved it around. "This better not have been used for anything I wouldn't approve of," he warned and shut the door behind him.

He paused in the hallway to sniff the bandanna, seeing it had been washed to his surprise. At first he was pleased, but then he began to wonder why it had needed washed.

Just what were they doing with this? He asked skeptically, staring at it for a bit until a large shadow covered the hall.

When he glanced up, he was met with two lizards who were looking at the purple piece of cloth with the same curiosity that Roan was. More friends of the cats? Roan blinked, eyeing them suspiciously.

"Where does the fox bitch stay?" one of them finally demanded, seeming to have a low tolerance for the strange situation.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked defensively.

Their tone and the way they talked about Roy made it obvious they weren't people the fox wanted to see. They were probably the overly abusive fucks who had hurt him so bad in the first place. He definitely wasn't about to tell them if they were too stupid to figure it out on their own.

"We wanna do the little fox up the ass as an apology for being too rough with him," one of them said with a chuckle.

Neither of them were a species particularly known to be ferocious, but they seemed to be fairly cruel anyways. Roan wasn't going to have any of their bullshit though.

"He's not into guys, but he'll be happy to do your girlfriends. You can watch if you still need some fox tail to get it up properly," Roan winked at them.

The two large lizards quickly lost their playful mood, not happy to be disrespected by the fur. One grabbed at the jackalope's antlers, taking the left one as a handle. They began to drag him along so that he had to lean over and walk awkwardly, whining as they were pulled on. Even at home he had always been more interested in bumping dicks than standins, he hated feeling them pulled around. They were apparently perfect size for a handle for the large lizard hand though. Each tug sending pressure into his scalp.

"Nnhg. Hey, hey, if you wanna fuck just bend over and I'll take you right here," Roan taunted as he had to bunnyhop along just to keep up.

His comment only angered the two more. They did stop, but only to beat him. He felt a boot tip slam into his crotch before he could react, mashing his balls up into his groin. The jackalope felt too weak to even let out a cry of pain, both hands going down to grab his aching crotch. His vision swam and he felt his stomach tighten up from the pain, clutching his bandanna tightly at his groin. They really did have to drag him while he tried to recover from the awful, brutal feeling. Tears welled up in his eyes, brought on not just by pain, but a sense of pure humiliation and helplessness.

Normally he could backtalk his way out of things, or sleep his way out, he hadn't been hit in years. The attack hurt in such an intimate place that he had wondered if they might have actually caused some damage.

"Fuck you," he groaned out as he was dragged.

He stayed curled up, legs pressed tightly together and in a ball the entire way. A streak of dirt left on the left side of his jeans and vest from being dragged practically the entire way. Fortunately he had recovered his breathe and some of the pain had gone away.

Roan got to his knees and looked around to see he had been brought into the area reserved for the clubs that had to use power tools. From computers to cars, anything that needed tools was probably done there. Grease stains on the floor, pieces of things left all over. There was also 7 or 8 scalies all around, several seeming to be old enough to be in their final semesters, or maybe just total failures. He wouldn't discount all levels of issues with such twats.

The ones who brought him were talking with the one in the group who was apparently in charge. They explained why they brought the jackalope back instead of the fox. Roan thought they were a little creepy that they needed to fuck a fox, specifically so bad.

"You guys sure are into fox tail. If this is the fox fetish club, why don't I just leave," Roan offered looking around for the exit with genuine hopes of at least running.

His hopes of dashing out were dashed as he got surrounded by the lizards though, all large and brutish looking. Different shades of green and yellow for their scales, several of them looking familiar from some of his classes.

"Well, I suppose we could take a break from foxes and teach a little half and half like you your place," their leader said with a toothy smile.

Roan felt a little chill, seeing all those sharp teeth. He forgot that some scales had quite the sharp set of teeth, even priding themselves on being predators. He kept a brave face though, just glaring up at the large man, though he couldn't find any smart-alec responses.

"All this little rabbit thing needs is a good gangbang, after all rabbits are major sluts," one of the reptiles suggested.

"I only top!" Roan shot back quickly, almost showing how worried he was.

"That's where he gets his attitude. He's never been fucked properly before!" Their leader said firmly, causing a chorus of agreement.

Roan didn't even realize how hard he was trembling, feeling very afraid. He could handle sex though, it wasn't anything new. He gulped and tried to calm his nerves, unable too though as his ears were grabbed and he was forced to stand up. His bandanna was taken right from his hand without warning, his arms were grabbed too. They easily tied both wrists to one of his antlers with it.

"Hey!? What the FUCK!?" He cried out in surprise.

He wrestled with the restraints, trying hard to jerk his hands free. As they all laughed at him, he felt totally humiliated. The pulling on his antlers was uncomfortable again, but he wasn't going to let this humiliation stand. Not that they gave him a choice in the matter, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck to hold him still. Further proving his helplessness, they undid his vest to look at his chest.

"Take it all off you faggots, look at whatever you like. Don't be jealous because you all look hideous," he taunted, his voice trembling.

They all laughed at him again, seeming to share a common sense of humor involving how helpless Roan was. His pants were yanked down without even removing the belt, causing them to brush his hips uncomfortably. He tried to jerk his hips around as they began to prod his crotch casually. Their sharp claws not at all comfortable and his jeans around his ankles stopping him from moving his legs much. The tight pants too fitting around the ankles to just shake off.

"Wow, talk about a prepared slut. No underwear," the lizards taunted him.

It was exactly why he didn't wear any, but they still managed to shame him about it. He always imagined himself the dominant one in a sexual situation. They were forcing him to submit to them all, taking away every bit of control he had. Tears stayed welled up in his eyes, stinging them.

"For wanting to do the fucking, you all sure love my cock," he taunted them, trying to stay in control somewhat.

He did know all the right buttons to press to irritate them though. Suddenly the leader of the reptile group grabbed Roan by the balls. He winced and would have fallen to his knees if not for the grip on his scruff. The breathe drained out of him for a moment until the lizard allowed them to simply rest in his scaled hand.

"I seem to remember this little halfbreed likes to sing," the lizard mused.

A few of the others agreed, seeming to have seen it too. Of course being very few furs there, the things the few of them did ended up pretty common knowledge. Roan just glared at them, panting heavily as he he waited for any help. Surely they couldn't just keep the room to themselves, were they even supposed to be in there on Saturdays?

"Sing for me," the lizard cupping his balls demanded firmly. "If you stop for any reason I'll cut your balls off," he said firmly.

Roan felt another chill run through his body, eyes going wide for a moment. The serious tone dispelled any disbelief he might have had.

"What... Song?" He asked reluctantly.

"Anything dirty, like you," the lizard fondled the sac casually, seeming to like the feel of the soft nuts in his hand. They fit in the palm nicely, with his claws tapping the back of them.

Roan groaned as he tried to search his mind for something, drawing blank though. The longer he waited, the more impatient they got, teasing him and threatening him more. Finally he began to sing, settling on a song that was disgustingly fitting. The lyrics entirely about sleeping around and getting caught. He almost felt himself blush over the situation.

"Oooh, he's got a nice voice, pretty and surprisingly low," the lizard leader commented as if he were a conissuer, still holding the jackalope's balls.

"Still seems out of tune to me," one of them commented casually.

Roan felt a bit pissed off, as if they would know anything about it. He continued to sing though, suddenly feeling the grip tighten though. He almost stopped, letting out a grunt but the lizard's eyes telling him to continue. As the grip tightened more, his voice began to rise in pitch. He squirmed relentlessly, going on to his toes as the squeezing really started to hurt. His stomach tightening up and he felt like they might break inside the lizard's hand. Claw marks down the entire back of the sack. Drool dribbled out of Roan's muzzle and matched the tears running down his cheek until finally he was told he could stop.

As he was let go, the jackalope fell to the floor and choked back his sobs. His thighs were pressed tight and he was weakly attempting to free his hands again. The pain in his groin was absolutely awful, burning and stinging at the same time. He was sure there would be plenty of bruising, he wasn't sure how they would go back in his pants if air hurt that bad. All he could do was let out pained grunts as he rolled around on the floor.

A large foot stopped him on his back, leaving him looking up at them pathetically. They all grinned down at him hungrily. Roan shook his head and whimpered.

"No, please..." He knew that they were going to be fucking him.

The leader of the group got down on his knees and tossed Roan's legs over one shoulder. Since the boy was shorter than any of them, his rear was lifted somewhat off the floor from the position. It was perfect though, with the scalie's cock resting against his ass.

"Oh, fuck," Roan said with a defeated whimper.

He hadn't even seen the cock get pulled out, but now it was about to go inside of him. No lube at all. He regretted doing the poor fox dry, wondering if this was possibly a punishment. The pointed, engorged cock pressing at the hole to ready it.

"AHHNG!" Roan screamed as high pitched as his voice had gotten during the singing.

The tip pushed in, forcing the tiny hole open. The Jackalope a total virgin to that spot and not appreciating it one bit. The lizard craved the very hot hole to bury himself in though, working hard to grind his hips. Each little bit burned the tight hole, brutal friction and stretching making Roan writhe and scream. His tailhole felt like it was on fire. His humiliation building as everyone actually laughed at him as he was getting fucked.

The 7 inch length was awful on Roan, but the 1 and a half inch width was the worst. Not just going in, prying him open so wide. He felt like he was being ripped open. He thought he might tear inside, sobs wracking his body as he tried to bear with the pain.

Suddenly his vision was eclipsed by another throbbing cock, just as big. This one was poking out of a slit in the lizard's groin. He could see that plenty of pre and a bit of cumm, as well as who knew what else built up in that slit. Each time it would be rubbed off on the length when it came out.

"No, you ca~n't" he pleaded as the horrible thing came to his nose.

The cock in his face smelled of cock, of jizz, of a bit of piss. He rubbed around on his soft, well groomed face fur. The jackalope kept trying to turn his head away, but finally it just pushed into his mouth. The entire time the lizard in his ass kept thrusting in. Roan's screams quickly being muffled by the cock in his mouth.

He tried to bite on it, but it seemed to absorb his teeth, immune to being hurt in such a way. His teeth just added more pressure, rather than piercing, which seemed to be enjoyable for the lizard attached to it. The taste of it was disgusting too. He felt the grease rubbing off on his tongue, leaving cock slime on it. Comments about how hot he was and how nice his pierced tongue was traded off between the two.

Suddenly he felt a load of cumm spurt into his ass, causing another scream around the one in his mouth. It was disgustingly thick and cold, far different than anything he imagined. It made him feel disgusted as it seeped out into his fur, staining his black cheeks. Worse yet, the one in his mouth erupted. The gooey cumm tasting vile, smelling vile. It tasted thick, smothering his tongue and his senses, he was forced to gargle the large amount as it poured out over his muzzle. Staining the dark furr with white and getting stuck in. He even had to attempt to choke the cold goo down so he didn't drown in it.

After that they all continued to trade off doing his ass and face. He was able to taste the ones that had been inside of his ass, almost unable to stomach it. They all smelled so heavily of sex, their cumm tasted disgusting beyond belief. It oozed down his chin and over his chest. They made sure to cumm all over his face so that it was plastering his eyes shut, staining his hair like they were lathering it with shampoo. They made sure to rub it into his fur and hair too. His humiliation had risen to its peak a that point and he just wanted it to be over. Unfortunately there was one left unfinished.

Without warning, like the rest of it, Roan was yanked up onto his knees. The jackalope was still sputtering out cumm and dripping it out of both of his fuck holes. He had left quite the mess on the floor under his knees at that point too. The poor teenager had been screwed in so many different positions that his entire body ached. With his eyes covered in drying cumm, he had no way to see what was about to happen.

The cock forced into his mouth, like all the others had. This one went further though. Right away he was gagging hard on it as it forced into his throat. The lizard let out happy grunts as it felt just how incredibly hot and wet Roan's throat was. He gagged and gargled on the thick cock, dry heaving around it. He knew that was only more pleasurable, but he couldn't control his bodies natural responses. He couldn't even breathe with the amount of cumm he had snorted up his nose.

The jackalope's throat bulged as the lizard dick went down it. His nose rammed against the scaled pubic area each time, feeling like his nose was going to break. He felt the disgusting goo splatter his throat and come right back up, pouring over his lips and out his nose. He couldn't breathe and was blinded with pain as the lizard orgasmed, fucking his face like a sex toy. When it pulled out connected by thick strands of saliva and cumm, he untied the bandanna and simply used that to wipe his cock off.

Roan was too exhausted at that point to care. He just let his arms fall to the floor and slumped down ward while he focused on breathing. The lizards all cleaned their dicks off with it, getting the thing so soaked that it had practically turned off white. It contained the taste of all of them, including their slits and sheathes.

If he had been less tired, he'd have realized exactly what they were going to do with it. It was stuffed right into that smart mouth that had helped him get into so much trouble. He gagged hard as the taste of old cumm filled his muzzle. They held it shut and grabbed his belt off his pants, doing it up around his muzzle so that he couldn't open it to spit the rag out.

"Just make it stop," he thought miserably.

They tied his wrists firmly behind his back and tossed him to the floor again. Laying on his side as his antlers were secured to a table leg. He understood they weren't letting him go, but he didn't know what else they could possibly want with him. The question was soon pushed out of his mind though as hot piss splashed him.

The smell burned his nose and cleared out his senses quickly as if it were smelling salts. The fact that some of it got in his nose didn't hurt its ability to do so. The urine spraying his hair, his face, while it washed some of the cumm away it mostly messed up his fur. Between the 7 of them, they were able to piss on every part of his body. The repugnant smell making him dry heave repeatedly, especially as some dripped into the sides of his muzzle and stained his gag. He writhed in a way that got more laughter as they finished up on him. A puddle under him, including where he had to press his messed up face.

"Be back later," one of them said casually.

He heard them talking cheerfully as if they hadn't done anything wrong, he wasn't of any concern. High fiving each other and talking about where they were going. The lights were shut off with him still there, the door locked again.

He realized that he was completely helpless, no one would come get him. He would just marinate in their scent until they came back for him, or someone found him on Monday morning. Both completely disgusting and horrific thoughts. So he just cried and sobbed and tried to pass out.