Take A Chance On Me

Story by Sour_Wolf on SoFurry

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Take A Chance On Me

Chapter 1: Boiling Point

The Turbo Kat soared through the skies of Mega Kat city on a routine patrol, the night was clear with a few clouds that seem to melt into the moonlight. The Enforcers made their rounds as well in their choppers seeing the SWAT Kats in the night, they knew they were good and pretty much did their jobs for them so there was no need to call in Commander Feral tonight or any other night for that matter. Inside the cockpit of the TurboKat, T-Bone leans back as he takes control of the jet. He longed for something to happen that night, a bank robbery or something, smooth nights didn't do him justice and he got bored easily. But as long as the city was at peace then the citizens can sleep easily and wake up to the bright sun in the morning without worry. He could fly with his eyes closed if he wanted to tonight, but then rejected that idea from his head when he remembered his partner Razor was sitting behind him checking the monitor for any activity. Razor just looked onto his green screen and typed in a few commands on his console. Razor always found something to occupy his time and always has a positive attitude to boot. T-Bone cocked his head slightly to look behind himself, even though he couldn't it made him happy to know his partner was there like always. They've been the SWAT Kats for about 2 years after getting kicked out of the Enforcers for that stunt with Dark Kat and the consequences made to them by Feral. Being secluded to that junk yard until the debts were paid off was inhumane, but at least they were able to be in the skies again fighting any evil that threatens the city. Side by side with Jake and Razor, his best pal and partner vigilante. T-Bone smiled to himself as he looked forward again, he was nearly blushing and he did a sharp left making the kats hit their sides as they turned.

"Whoa! Going a bit fast there T-Bone?" Razor explained as he tried to pull his head away from the glass, but the G's held him there for a bit as he struggled.

"Sorry buddy, you were spacing out again and I thought you should come back to reality" T-Bone lied. He loved to mess with Razor's head a bit with his flying and jokes. He navigated the TurboKat back to their little hideaway. It would only take a few minutes to arrive so there was no rush, Litterman was coming on and T-Bone didn't want Razor missing his favorite show.

"Hey T-Bone, we haven't even done our 2nd full hour...what gives?" Razor asked as he adjusted himself in his seat.

"Well I'm sure the Enforcers can handle things for tonight, and besides isn't your favorite show about to come on soon?"

"Since when do you care when Litterman comes on?" Razor questioned cocking an eyebrow. To tell the truth, T-Bone didn't like the show much...or at all for that fact. He found Litterman annoying and had a secret dark side that wanted him to be taken forever by MadKat, but that wasn't his way. Eventually he would get kicked from the air, one day. The TurboKat came into the junk yard reduced its speed to make it inside the entrance. Once it stopped on the platform the elevator took the Turbokat down to the lower level, once at the bottom the lights turned on and the cockpit of the jet opened up. Both kats unbuckled themselves and hopped onto the wing of the jet and then onto the ground. Razor stretched out a bit, he always got cramps from sitting in one spot for too long. T-Bone took off his uniform and did a couple of shoulder stretches and push ups before getting back into his garage jump suit. He quickly went up the ladder before Razor could fully take off his SWAT kat uniform.

"What's the big rush Chance?" Jake asked, but he was only answered by the vanishing sound of Chance's footsteps from upstairs. (He's been acting weird lately, and now he wasn't to come home early from patrol to see Literman... its just creepy), Jake thought as he finished putting on his blue jumpsuit and making his way upstairs. Meanwhile, Chance got the living room ready for Jake. Turning on the T.V for his buddy, getting him a cold can of milk from the refrigerator and some extra pillows on Jake's side of the couch. he wanted to make everything comfortable, weirdly comfortable for his friend.

"Chance?" Jake asked as he saw his friend run around the t.v room, Chance stopped for a minute and looked behind him shoulder to see the chocolate covered tom looking down at him. He always got lost in those amber eyes of his hen they gazed at one another. "What are you doing?" Jake asked as he saw Chance holding onto a pillow on both ends, Chance was trying to think of something to tell him. Fluffing a pillow was not something to tell to Jake, Chance has a certain image of a kat he has to upkeep to people as tough and burly. Jake just looked at him funny and walked around the couch to his spot and sat down. He relaxed as Litterman was just coming on the t.v, Chance just tossed the pillow on his end and sat next to is partner.

"Here ya' go, I got you the coldest can of milk from the fridge bud. Drink up" As he handed the can to Jake, he took it with a fake smile. Now he knew something was wrong with Chance, though it was a nice jesture it was really odd of Chance to do something like this. "I'll be right back Buddy, tell me when something funny happens" Chance said as he headed upstairs to his room. He took off his jumpsuit and went to his closet, taking out his black shorts that went past his knees a bit and his white muscle tight shirt. Once he had on his apparel on Chance looked himself in the mirror and flexed a bit, seeing his muscles bulge put a smile on his face. He then took a deep breath and put both his hands on his desk looking directly in the mirror. "Tonight" He whispered " Tonight I'll tell him my feelings, I'm sure he feels the same way, I just...just gotta tell him" Chance sighed as he stood up straight, put on some cologne and went back downstairs. Jake was laughing at a comment made by Litterman on the recent traffic jams in Megakat City, he took the top part of his jumpsuit off exposing his wife beater he wore underneath. Chance stopped in the middle of the stairs to look at his crush, so lovely with his smile and he has the cutest body he's ever seen. He was barefoot and continued down the stairs to sit right back next to Jake. Jake looked back at his partner as he sat down.

"Hey now, whats with the get up? Going out tonight?" Jake said hiding a smirk. Chance just smiled and looked at Jake.

"Jake" He stuttered "I...well that is I was wondering...well you know how we always..." Chance was interrupted by the doorbell. His ears pointed straight up and he had a surprised expression on his face with his mouth and eyes wide open.

"I'll get it" Jake said as he sat up and walked to the door. Chance just groaned and put his hand on his head breathing heavily. Jake opened the door and in front of his stood a large tiger in a similar get up as chance. It was Jake's old boyfriend Cliff, and tall red and backed stripped tiger, Chance looked at the door and had the same expression on his face as before. Jake smiled and gave the tiger a hug. "Cliff, how have you been?"

"Oh just fine, and even better now Jake" Cliff hugged back, rubbing Jake's back a little in the process. "I just came back from out of town and thought to take you out tonight clubbing" Cliff said as they both walked into the t.v room where Chance was sitting. Chance stood up wanting to strangle the tiger, but knew Jake would never forgive him if he did. Cliff left Jake 2 years ago to persue his career as a contract building designer for a very famous and wealthy company. In the process he broke Jake's heart and left him sad for a month, Chance didn't like that one bit. Cliff saw Chance and smiled extending his hand out. "Chance! Man its been ages, how have you been?"

"Just fine, surviving at least" Chance gave a fake smile as he shook the tigers hand with a grip to it. Cliff winced a bit.

"Still got that strength going for you" Cliff laughed.

"Of course, if I let that go who'll protect this kitten" Chance smiled as they both looked at Jake and laughed. Jake just shot a mean look at Chance and went upstairs. He came back down with some jeans and a black short sleeve shirt on.

"Well I'm ready whenever you are, Chance seemed like he was going out anyways so why not" Jake said as he and Cliff headed out the door laughing "If you need anything Chance just give a me a call" Jake winked, Chance knew it was his communicator just in case the SWAT Kats were needed. Cliff had his hand on Jake's thighs as they walked to Cliffs Hummer, then they drove off into the city. Chance just closed the door and leaned against it for a bit thinking to himself and getting angry.

(This was suppose to be my night!) Chance thought to himself as he angrily walked back into the t.v room, fist clenching as he looked at the t.v to see Litterman still on. Chance growled as he picked up a pillow and threw it at the t.v causing it to fall the ground. He took the keys to the pick up truck and stormed out the door. Chance got inside and was breathing heavily through his nose as he started the car and headed to his favorite bar.

Cliff and Jake went into Shampoo, one of 4 gay clubs in MegaKat city, the music was bumping and there was a lot of dancing and making out going on. Lesbian, Gay and Straight kats talked with one another and enjoyed themselves. Cliff yelled into Jake's ear due to the loud music.

"What do you wanna drink?" Cliff asked

"Just grab me a sprite, I'm not feeling the drunk scene tonight" Jake answered, Cliff laughed and headed to the bar. He got himself 5 shots of Henessy and Rum before returning with Jake's drink and a Mojito for himself. When they finished their drinks they headed to the dance floor and had a wild time bumpin' and grindin' with one another and other kats who wanted to join them in their fun. After and hour or so Jake was sweating and still dancing in front of Cliff, who was getting pretty wasted at this point. He held onto Jakes thighs and grind into him hard as they danced, Jake returned with going with his rhythm and having his arms go over his head and locking behind cliffs neck. Cliff kissed and licked Jake's neck causing the tom to shiver and moan in pleasure a bit. Cliff lead one hand to Jake's crotch and rub it as hey danced, he could feel Jake's erection growning and smiled as he continued.

"I'm going to grab a couple more drinks" Cliff whispered into Jake's ear. Jake turned around to meet his eyes.

"Just don't drink too much tonight, you know what happens when you drink too much" Jake warned Cliff, but he was on his way back to the bar before he could hear Jake. Another kat got behind Jake and they started to dance again. Cliff went to the bar and ordered some more shots of 99 Apples and Peppermint Shnops, by his 7th shot he was drunk off his ass and stumbled back to the dance floor. He saw Jake with another kat and danced along with them, he bent down a bit to Jake's ear.

" What's this? Dancing with someone else while I'm gone?" Cliff joked as he licked Jake's ear, Jake shuttered as he was embraced by Cliffs huge body. They danced a little more before deciding to call it a night. Cliff held Jake's hand as they walked back to the Hummer that was parked in the ally next to the club with other cars, Jake had the keys. He knew Cliff would try to drive drunk so he took the initiative and took his keys before he got more shots. Before he could put the keys into the hole, Cliff picked up Jake into his arms and went to the back of the hummer, he opened it and got both of the kats inside and closed the door, but not fully. Jake was laying on the bottom as Cliff kissed him passionately and roamed his paws all over the chocolate colored tom kat. Jake moaned and had his hands on Cliffs chest, he had been working out lately and had a chest like Chance did. Jake gasped as Cliff suddenly sunk his paw down Jake's pants and boxers onto his groin groping it. Cliff was now grinding into he smaller kat and purring deeply. Jake broke his kiss.

"Cliff, I don't think this is such a good idea" Jake panted as Cliff brought up jakes black shirt and licked at his nipple.

"You think too much sometimes" Cliff said as he found Jake's belly button and licked the inside and surrounding areas of it. Jake's mind was rushing but he refused to give in. He put his hands on Cliffs cheeks and brought them face-to-face again.

"I'm sorry Cliff, I just don't feel right just yet with this. Not after what we've been though" Jake panted some more, he was now sweaty and hot along with Cliff.

"So wha, yur just gna lave me ike this?" Cliff drunkenly asked as he rubbed Jake's groin some more causing the smaller kat to squirm a bit.

"Please Cliff, we have to stop" Jake said pulling his shirt back down and he tried to get up, when he met eyes with Cliff before he suddenly felt a sharp sting across his face and fell back down. Cliffs paw had slapped his cheek hard.

"You know what, this is why I broke up with you in the first place, you didn't put out enough for me. But you always did for every other tom who wanted your ass." With that he sobered up enough to talk straight, he bit down onto Jake's neck and ripped a line down his shirt and opened it up, holding both of Jake's hand over his head with one of his paws. Indeed he had gotten stronger when he left. Cliff used his other paw to remover his undergarments until he was naked. Jake squirmed underneath the strong tiger violently.

"Please don't, you always get like this when your drunk" Jake said, only to be met with another slap to his face on the same side with the back of Cliff's hand, this time he spit out a little blood from biting the inside of his cheek. Another came after another before Cliff deeply kissed the tom. Jake had tears in his eyes.

"I know how you like it, rough and dirty like a whore. That's alright, I'll give it to you" Cliff slurred as he started to unbutton Jake's pants slowly.

"STOP CLIFF!!!" Jake was yelling now and moving violently underneath the larger tiger, he was cut off when a large red paw was covering up his throat choking him.

"WHAT?!?! You'll do what I say and like it. Or maybe I should let you friend Chance have my glory instead of you, lord knows he could use some of it since you don't give him what he really needs" Cliff yelled, his grip getting stronger by the second. Jake was losing air and getting light headed. He needed Chance's help but couldn't call for it. Cliff let go of his throat but gave Jake another slap to the face which drew blood again and started to work on his pants again. Since he was drunk he had a hard time doing so. Jake's tears just rolled down his face as he tried to think of something to do to escape. Jake noticed that Cliff was breathing heavily; he decided to attack at the right time to get him off. Once Cliff took a long in hail of air, Jake quickly lifted his leg from underneath the tiger and gave him a swift kick to his gut. Cliff bent over and hugged his stomach gasping for air, his head was on Jake's stomach now. Jake gave another kick causing the Tiger to fall against the back of the hummer and eventually out of the massive vehicle. He was rolling on the floor gasping for air now. Jake just buttoned his pants and got his shirt together, holding onto the ripped ends and brought them together. Jake got out of the back and started to run, only to fall onto the cement ground into a small puddle of water. He looked behind to see Cliff barely holding onto his ankle, Jake his gave another kick to Cliff's face and he was out for the night. Jake panted for a minute but got up and ran to the nearest lit street light he could see. He was soaking wet from his abdomine up, shedding tears down his face now and he tried to hail down a taxi. Once he did he got inside and gave the money to the cabbie.

"Well, you gotta tell me where to go before I take you son" The cab driver said as he looked in his rear view mirror to see Jake's body and face. "Are you alright boy?" He asked worried.

"Please...just take me to the junkyard sir" Jake sobbed, the cabbie just turned around and drove above the speed limit.

"It's on me son, you should be careful in this part of the neighborhood. It's pretty bad around here"

"Yeah, I know and I'm...I'm...I'm a fool to have come" Jake said, he just curled up into a ball and put his hand to his face sobbing silently on the way home.

~ While Jake was at the Club ~

Chance drove the pick up truck down the main road to get to the city. He was still angry about how he didn't come out to Jake about his feelings before his old big shot boyfriend came into the scene. He was banging onto the steering wheel and tossing an empty can of milk around that he found on the floor of the truck. He should really clean it out sometime soon, it was getting real messy.

"Damn it, why did he have to come back of all nights?? Its like the gods are laughing at my failed attempts to be with Jake" Chance yelled to himself as he passed a couple of other kats on the road who were not going the speed Chance though was the limit. He didn't care he was going 70 on a 30 mph road. He just needed to hang out with some bar buddies of his, the ones he came out to about his sexuality a while ago, some were friends from the Enforcers and other childhood pals. Chance pulled up in the parking lot and got out of the car. He locked it and headed inside straight to the Bar. "Hey Kim" Chance said as he took a seat and waved at the Siamese shekat bartender. She had been a friend of Chance's since high school and opened up her own par with her husband.

"Why Hello Chance...ummm why red around your face?" She asked as she stood in front of Chance washing a beer cup.

"I almost, I ALMOST got to ask him today...but someone got in the way" Chance said frustrated as he saw a bowl of peanuts and began to eat them one by one.

"Are you serious?? Who got in the way?" Kim asked as she poured a glass of milk for Chance.

"His old ex from a couple of years ago who broke his heart when he left...stupid tiger! Thinking he's stronger than me because he got some height and more muscles. I'll show him" Chance said as he punched the air in front of him as if it were a boxing bag.

"Slow down there killer, here, have a drink and cool off. Earl and Nail are here tonight, go chat with 'em and take a load off." Kim said as she put the milk in front of Chance. Chance looked to his right to see his friend from the Enforcers Earl Nelson and Nathan Nail. They were excellent pilots that Chance knew before partnering it up with Jake. Chance got up and drank his milk before tapping his friends on the shoulder with his free hand. They both smiled and hugged the big kat and laughed. They played a couple of rounds of Dart before heading to a both to sit and chat. Chance had explained his problems to them both and they listened with anxiety.

"Sounds like this one is bad news" Nail commented as he lighted another cigarette. Earl ordered the 3 some White Russians, Kim worked her magic and stated to prepare them right away. "So, is Jake in any harm with this guy around?" Nail asked as he took a puff of his cigarettw.

"I sometimes saw Jake with a bruise on his side when we changed out of out uniform from work. He said it was from falling or bumping into something hard. I didn't buy it one bit, every time he came back from seeing that guy he was really tired and sore, not in that way you perverts, but physically. I had to take him to the hospital once for broken ribs after he had a date with cliff. He didn't want to talk about it so I didn't push him into it, that was the night before Cliff left for his new job position" Chance said as Kim arrived with their alcoholic drinks.

"Do you think Cliff will try to hook up with Jake tonight?" Earl asked before sipping his drink.

"He had better not or...or I'll KILL HIM!!" Chance slammed his fist on the table yelling. His friends were shocked.

"We know you love him Chance, but he doesn't know that yet and may still have a thing for the guy" Nail tapped his hand to cool his friend down. Chance's ears lowered and his eyes were half closed.

"But..." Chance whispered as he looked onto his friends.

"Cheer up Chance, your much better looking than that guy sounds anyways." Earl said, Nail and Chance looked at him shockingly. "What? I'll say that Chance is good looking to help him get his guy he wants" Earl said as he laughed, the others joined him. After 3 White Russian Earl cut Chance off, he could hold his liquor but he had to drive home alone tonight. Chance stood up, lost his balance for a minute and almost fell before Nail caught him. "You sure we should have stopped him at 3?" Nail asked.

"I'll be fine, jut a bit tipsy. Thanks for listening and the advice guys" Chance said as he waved them goodbye while walking to the door. He gave Kim a smile and she waved back. Chance took a deep breath before opening up his truck and starting the engine. He adjusted himself and started the vehicle and headed home. Now he was going the speed limit and taking his time. He felt like he was in the Turbokat, bored and relaxed, but this time his partner wouldn't be behind him if he looked back. Chance got back to the garage and no one was there. He entered the house and kicked off his shoes before going into the kitchen for a can of milk then heading to the tv room. Chance was dazed due to the liquor and slumped on the couch. About an hour later, it was going on 2:15 am he heard a vehicle outside of the garage house. Chance looked over to the window with his ears up and perky.

(Jake is Home!!) Chance though as a smile danced across his face, he struggled a bit to get up but eventually did after a light push from his tail. Smoothly he walked to the door, but it flung open before he could reach the handle. Before he knew it, the door closed and below him was Jake who was facing the door leaning his head on it. Chance could hear some heavy breathing and sniffing happening, and his hands were on his chest. Not to mention the face he looked like he got wet some how, the poor thing was shivering. "Jake...?" Chance questioned, he seemed to have surprised the smaller tom making him scream and panic. Chance took a few steps back as Jake ran past Chance and up to his room, he could have sworn he saw tears in Jake's eyes. Chance looked at the door as it slammed shut, he looked back at the entrance door and could see a small smudge of red on the white paint. He looked closer and knew what it was. Chance started to get upset again and headed upstairs. He tripped on a couple of steps before holding onto the rail, then he knocked on Jake's door.

"What...what do you w...want?" Jake stuttering to keep his voice calm.

"Jake, what happened??" Chance asked, he had an idea but wanted to hear it from his buddy directly.

"Please, just go away" Jake answered in a low tone, breaking out in tears again and crying on the side of his bed. His arms cross over his face, knees supporting his body on the floor and his legs going to his left side. Chance's heart felt a sharp pain. He needed to see Jake now, he fondled the knob a bit, but it was locked. "I said go away" Jake yelled. This made Chance angrier; the alcohol was defiantly a bad idea for tonight. Chance stood back from the door a bit, and with a loud thud he kicked the shit out of the door, like it was nothing. Jake was surprised to see Chance in the doorway coming inside of his room, trying not to stumble as he held onto the sides of the frame walking in slowly, he stopped.

"I'm sorry buddy, but I need to know what happened with yo..." Chance stopped what he was saying as he saw the side of Jake's face that was swollen and had dried blood on it. His heart skipped a beat as he rushed over to his friend and spun him around so they would face one another. He held Jake by his forearms on both sides of his body. "Who did this to you Jake? Was it Cliff??" Chance asked. Jake was trying to free himself from his partners grasp, but he was too strong, just like Cliff.

"Let go of me Chance, please" Jake panted as he let go of his shirt and placed them on Chance's huge arms to try and free himself from the tabby. Chance looked down to see the shirt was ripped down the middle, his fur was spiked a bit thanks to the water he fell in. His jaw flew open with shock, then he gave an angry snarl as he showed his teeth and his eyes narrowed.

"I asked was it Cliff?!?! If not him, then who?" Chance raised his voice more than he though he should have. Jake looked at his friend with teary amber eyes, he didn't know what to say or how to react, his breathing was becoming erratic and he was having a hard time concentrating. Chance shook his partner a little in his grip and finally shouted, "I ASKED WHO???" His voice echoed throughout the house, Jake felt his vision and body give out as he fainted onto Chance's chest. Chance calmed down when he saw his friend knocked out, he hugged Jake and lifted him into his arms. He looked at Jake's face and saw he was swollen on one side, and more tears streamed down onto his lovely chocolate colored fur, but they were coming from Chance. Chance moved closer to Jake's bed to lay him down, he looked so fragile sleeping. He patted Jake's head before putting his hand underneath his chin. "I'll always protect you my love, and if I see that tiger again...just...please forgive me for what I'm going to do" Chance whispered as he slowly bent down and gave Jake a kiss on his lips. It only lasted a couple of second, but to Chance it was the world. Chance put a blanket over Jake and the younger tom started to purr lightly. Chance just knelt right next to his crush and fell asleep holding his hand, never wanting to let go.