The Experiment - Chapter 1

Story by Bucksbhoy on SoFurry

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#1 of The Experiment

Well Finally after months of doing nothing I've finally got a project that i feel could work well...

Hope you enjoy the opening chapter...There will be more to come if i can keep myself motivated

The Experiment - Chapter 1 by *Bucksbhoy

I sat there looking at the letter from my GP, it's the same letter that arrives every year highlighting the risks of Flu and the need for vaccinations to minimise the risk of getting it. I sat there, this time thinking that I should get it this year. I had been pretty ill recently and I didn't need another reason to be restricted to my bed. I phoned my GP and booked an appointment for later that afternoon.

The morning came and went as I lazed about the house watching TV, and before I knew it, it was half past two. I quickly got ready and headed out to the doctors surgery. It wasn't far to the Viewfield Medical Practice, a ten minute walk down to the surgery. I walked in and noticed immediately the place was packed more than normal.

"Guess we're all here for the flu shot" I said to myself.

I walked up to the reception desk as the worker behind the desk looked up and said,

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah I have an appointment for the flu vaccination."

"What's your name please?"

"Sean Tracey."

"And your date of birth please?

"22nd November 1985."

"Well, I'm sorry Mr Tracey, we can't get you in today for the flu vaccination. It seems whoever gave your appointment didn't check the computer to make sure there space to get your jab today..."

"What do you mean?" I said while silently I said to myself F*** Sake.

"We don't have enough vaccinations in stock and your name was added to the list after they had all been taken. All I can do is offer you an appointment at a later date."

At that point a bald middle aged man with semi circular glasses came up to the desk and said,

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but overhear that this young man can't get his vaccination today."

The receptionist stared at him blankly before replying,

"Err yeah, that's correct. He was booked in after today's vaccination slots were all booked up."

The stranger turned to me.

"I think I might be able to help you young man. My name is Dr. Sandison, I'm here on a day visit looking for possible candidates for a new vaccine I'm testing. would you be interested?"

I looked at the receptionist who gave me a look confirming what the doctor just said, and then went on, "If you don't get picked you can always go for the standard flu jab same time next week." She handed me an appointment card.

"Just remember to cancel the appointment if you have the experimental vaccine."

"This way then please, Mr. Tracey" Said Dr. Sandison, and he lead me to one of the surgery's examination rooms.

"Take a seat, Mr. Tracey."

I did so at the same time I came straight out and said,

"So what's this new vaccine you're testing?"

He just stared at me, looking me over as if my body language was giving him all the info he needed.

"Mr Tracey..."

"You can just call me Sean."

"Oh thanks. Sean, what I'm here for is pretty much what I said out in the main lobby. I'm travelling the country for the right candidates to test an extremely highly experimental vaccine that has the ability to extend the current life expectancy, and will make the person immune to pretty much every known bug, virus and disease known to man."

I was stunned.. I wouldn't mind being one of the lucky few who got this vaccine.

"Wow, sounds like something that would be extremely expensive. I wouldn't be able to afford something like that."

"You miss-interpret me. I'm not looking for money in my experiments. I'm looking for people who would be willing to change their lives permanently, as there is no going back once you've been given the vaccine."

I was confused, how would a vaccine change my life permanently? Sure you'd live longer and hardly get sick but the tone of his voice suggested there was more to this.

"I know you probably got a lot of questions on your mind, and I'd be happy to answer them if I think you're suitable. Now if you don't mind answering a few of my questions?"

Wondering what I was going to be asked, I simply said,


"Have you had any major medical issues at any stage of your life?"

Wondering what this had to do with it, I answered his question.

"Yeah I have; I had major heart problems growing up, narrow arteries and they think I may have a slight problem with one of my valves. I've also had my appendix blow up, again according to my mum, I wasn't expected to make it."

"Really," Dr. Sandison exclaimed, "Bit of a bumpy start to life"

"I think of myself as more of a fighter. Sometimes wonder how the human race ever grew to the stage it's at with all the medical issues that plague us."

I saw something, not sure what but, Dr. Sandison's face did light up for a split second. The questioning carried on for the next half hour. Basically I think he was trying to get a background on me and what I thought of myself, which to be honest was poor.I didn't have a job and money was tight; my bills were just about getting paid, leaving me with very little for myself. Sure I was back at college studying for a new career, all the while thinking, "Why does life have to be so damn stressful and difficult! Why can't life be simple?" I told the doctor my thoughts. He looked extremely interested in my view of life and my not so ambitious views for the future.

"One final question Sean: What- Hmmm... Let's just say for the sake of argument, if you could give up your humanity and everything you know in your life, right this instant, would you give it all up for a new life?"

I looked at Dr. Sandison thinking he was probably crazy, but I played along, replaying.

"You've lost me."

The doctor stated at me for a few seconds.

"Answer me honestly please. Would you...If offered...Give up your life as a human?"

"Honestly?" I said, the doctor nodded. I thought about for a minute, If it were possible yeah I guess I would. Sure I'd miss my family, but if it meant a simpler life; No need to worry about money, getting a job, paying bills... then sure, I'd gladly trade it all in for something better hopefully. I looked Dr. Sandison straight in the eye and replied "Yeah I guess I would."

Dr. Sandison looked back at me, studying me. He then got out of his chair went over to the door and locked it before sitting back down behind his desk. He picked up his briefcase, opened it and pulled out a document.

"Mr. Tracey... Sean. You Should cancel that flu jab next week, if you want my trial vaccine. Before I can tell you any more though, your required to sign this confidentiality form." Dr. Sandison pushed the document towards me.

I pulled the form towards me and I briefly skimmed through it. The form basically outlined that anything I'm told I was to keep to myself and not repeat to anyone or face prosecution. Sighing and wondering what type of vaccine this was that required strict confidentiality, I signed the document. My curiosity getting the better of me more than anything.

"You understand that by signing that, everything I'm about to tell you, you're not permitted to repeat to anyone without my expressed permission." Dr. Sandison said as I signed the document

"Yeah, I got the gist of that." I handed him the signed form.

"Thank you" the doctor said as he put the signed form back into his briefcase. "Sean, now I can talk to you with a bit of freedom. I want you to answer one last question. How do you feel about a mythical creature called Dragons?"

"What the hell? Dragons!?" I was slightly taken back by the question, as I thought about my answer. "Personally...I think they're magnificent creatures, weather they were real or not, they were the ultimate predator. Their intelligence pretty much made them rulers of the land and the air."

As I looked up at the doctor he wore a slight smile on his face.

Dr. Sandison thought for a bit before saying, "I'll be honest, I was expecting you to start ridiculing me for the question..."

"The thought had crossed my mind. I don't like to sound rude but are you going to tell me what this is all about? Whats with all the secrecy with that form I Signed?"

"Okay, what I'm about to tell you is highly confidential..." he hesitated for a minute looking at me with a look on his face that suggested that he was daring himself to carry on. "It is, I should point out also highly illegal. I could be locked up for the rest of my life and the world I've created destroyed if this is ever discovered."

I was concerned at what I've let myself in for, but since I had already signed the form, I felt I should now just see this out.

"Why do I get the feeling this is no experimental flu jab?"

The doctor sighed and again was silent for a minute.

"That's because I'm not offering you the flu jab Sean. I'm offering you something better, but it's a big decision and I must receive an answer by tonight."

"I'm listening" I replied.

"What if I told you there are Dragons in this world and each and every one of them was once human. They have given up everything that they were and embraced a new life. Away from all the stresses and rules that humanity have to live by each and every day."

My jaw dropped, as I was shaking my head in dis-belief. I wanted to believe it, but I knew better than to live on a pipe dream that myself and so many people that I have regularly chatted to online would love to happen to them.

"Feel free to leave now if you don't want to know any more. Just remember, your still tied to that form you signed"

I Stayed where I was.

"My curiosity is getting the better of me. Since I've signed that form of yours, I may as well see it out."

Dr. Sandison just nodded gently.

"About twenty-five years ago, myself and a few of my closest colleagues all shared a dream of bringing dragons into reality. You see, we found a DNA Strand that matched nothing on any of our records, not even our dinosaur database came up with match."

He paused, watching my body language. I just sat there in silence taking it all in.

"I know what your thinking. Yes we were mapping DNA years before the rest of the world, Its when we discovered dragons actually existed one time or another, and don't worry I won't bore you with all the science, needless to say our experiments failed. At first we tried cloning a dragon from stem cells but there was too many complications and the dragon kept dying after a couple of weeks. We went back to the drawing board, our research lead us on to a progressive transformation to a dragon. Our experiment needed a pre-existing form upon which we could craft the DNA piece by piece, unfortunately the only creature that could withstand this process would be humans due to complicated physiological similarities. We created a serum or vaccine that had the ability to transform a human being into a dragon, over a time period of between 24hrs and week. Mainly down to the volunteer."

My mouth was hanging open, I didn't know what to say, I was stunned, speechless. I snapped out of my stupor to ask, "So you've changed a person into a dragon? Are they still themselves or is their mind dragon?"

Dr. Sandison sat there with a smile on his face, "Your taking this well. Anyway to put your mind at ease, yes. I have built a colony of dragons, Population of about a hundred including the hatching's, and everyone who has given up their humanity retained their minds. They're all living simple life's on an isolated island, in a close-nit dragon society. Away from all the stresses humanity has to offer in terms of life."

I wanted it, but I kept thinking it's almost too good to be true, and that this was a huge undertaking.

"You have no idea how tempting your offer is and I so wish I could just yes right here, right now. But I really need to think about what I'm gonna give up. Friends, Family etc."

"I totally understand, I can give you till the end of the week to make a decision. I have your details on record so I can contact you at the end of the week to get your decision. Oh, I need to remind you, you can't tell a soul a word at what you've learned. If word got out Humanity at it's best will want to destroy my work, lock me up, and then destroy my little paradise and imprison my dragons or worse."

I stood up and offered my hand.

"You have my word doc. I won't tell a soul, and I'll have a decision for you by Friday"

Dr. Sandison took my hand and shook it.

"It's a pleasure to know you Sean. I hope you make a decision that's right for you. I'll hear from you on Friday."

He handed me his business card, unlocked the office and showed me out.

"Thank you" I said before headed up to the reception desk, cancelled my flu jab for next week and started to go home. I was just crossing the main road when a car came speeding round the corner at a near-by junction. I didn't react in time to get out of it's way as everything went Black....

I regained consciousness to the sounds of bleeping, I was rigged up to all sorts of machines designed to monitor me as I lay there feeling hardly anything at all, taking in the situation. I couldn't feel anything below my hip. I could hardly move, only my arms seemed to respond to what I wanted. I started to panic and called out.

"Help! Somebody?"

I was in my own hospital room, confused as to what was happening, and to what had happened as well. I didn't remember much from after I had left the GP. The door opened and in walked Doctor Sandison. He closed the door behind him and turned around to find me awake.

"Ah Sean. Glad to see you awake." He said, but in a grim voice

"What happened?" I asked

"You were hit by a car, a Hit and Run incident. Unfortunately for you, it's not only left you with a broken spine, but your kidneys and liver have been severely damaged...I'm afraid you could die"

The mention of that final word turned my stomach to lead, I could only lay there taking in those words thinking this is it...I'm either gonna die, or I'm gonna be stuck in a wheel chair for the rest of my life.

"Do you remember that conversation we had at the GP Surgery?"

I turned my head to look at the doctor

"Your dragon project? Yeah I remember it"

"There's still a chance it can save your life."

I couldn't believe it, here I was either dying or facing life in a wheelchair and he was still pitching his dragon genetics program. A victim he could just use to further his research

"Is that why your here?? A dying or disabled victim and your pouncing on an opportunity to further your genetic research?" I said angrily

He just looked at me still grim faced, he didn't flinch at my anger at what I was trying to accuse him of. We just stared at each other for a good thirty seconds before he replied

"Of course not, I saw the accident and I brought you here to the hospital. When the staff here informed me of your condition, I asked if I could deliver the news should you wake up. My offer is genuine Sean, you can still have a good, long life."

I stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. "Life in a wheelchair or life as a dragon, heh should really be a do I give up everything I have." Turning my head to look at Sandison.

"I'm afraid it's only a decision you can make, we can inform your parents. But to everyone else, you would have died from your injuries." I laid my head back, closed my eyes before replying "When do we start?"

Doctor Sandison remained grim faced as he looked at me. "For what its worth, I wish we were going ahead with this under normal circumstances. Not with you laying on your death bed. I hope you survive the process"

With that he injected something into the drip I was on, and I blacked out moments later.

A young man in a critical condition is wheeled into a ships infirmary and immediately hooked up to loads of medical and monitoring equipment. Doctor Sandison enters a side office just off the infirmary shortly afterward and approaches a young man sitting at a desk going over some paperwork.

"Good Morning Kerian, nice to see you joining this fortnightly check-up at the island."

"Morning Doctor Sandison." Kerian said

"Kerian, how would you like some more responsibility on this project?"

"Uhh... More responsibility...What kind of responsibility doctor?

"Well you have been working secretly on this project for about 2 years now. I think it's time to let you take control with your first transformation patient."

"oh wow, really?!... Wait... is it that guy with the broken back i heard was in medical? Or is that just scuttlebutt again?" Kerian said

Doctor Sandison grinned before replying "Nope, that's your patient. Unfortunately I don't hold out much hope, he's in a critical condition with a broken spine, and he has liver & kidney damage. He's gonna die. This will give him a 40% chance for survival. Keep him comfortable. He comes in and out of conscious so you can speak to him at times."

"Oh wow... That's rough... What happened, and who's the attending?"

"He was victim of a hit and run incident I will be remaining on board for till we dock at Portsmouth to pick up supplies and equipment...but the project is yours, he's your patient. He won't survive long enough to get a donor to replace his liver and kidney. His only hope is that he survives the transformation process. That is the only way he'll get healed. If he survives he'll be able to live a long and productive life as with everyone else who's given up their humanity for a less stressful life."

"Bad luck I guess, as long as you can keep him stable until the end of the second day it should go okay if I use the 3rd strain, bit painful but it should at least give him a better chance."

"Then here you go then." Said Dr. Sandison, handing over his patients medical papers "Your patient is a Mr Tracey, 25, born here in Glasgow. I interviewed him on Tuesday when he came in for the seasonal flu jab, I gave him 24 hours to consider my offer to him, unfortunately as he left the GP Surgery he was knocked down. I heard he was taken straight to the local hospital with serious injuries. He gave me his consent and I informed his parents of exactly what will happen to him. But as far as the rest of the world is aware, he died the previous evening.

Kerian took the medical report from Doctor Sandison and started going over them, however his expression quickly turned sour as he discovered who is patient was. "Tracey? Not Sean Tracey?" Kerian said looking up at the Doctor.

"You know him?"

Kerian carefully closed the file after looking at the medical photos.


Doctor Sandison's expression turned sour as he asked "Friends?"

"Yeah, we are."

"If this is going to be too hard for you...I can always assign Sean to someone else. You can go back to Edinburgh, we can assign you another patient on your next visit to the dragons in two months..."

However Kerian just gave a little smirk as the doctor tries to goads him a little.

"and leave my friend alone?... I'll deal with it doctor."

Doctor Sandison sighs heavily before continuing "Very well, I am sorry you've been put in this situation. If I had known he was a friend of yours beforehand I wouldn't have given you the assignment. We leave for Portsmouth in 1hour." As he looks at his watch, "You can start Sean's best hope for survival at 15:00."

"Okay, I'll go start mixing up the course of serum then... oh, wait, did we get those viral samples for my research I asked for?"

"Of course, they're in the fridge beside your patient's bed. I'll be back when it's time to give the first injection."

"Okay, I'll get the samples into the viral lab for later."

Doctor Sandison leaves Keiran's small office and heads to the bridge.


Kerian was finishing up some paperwork regarding his continuing research on the dragon transformation vaccines, before picking up my medical folder, cringing as he reads up on his friend's medical condition. He gets up as he hears groaning from the infirmary.

I groaned as I came to, opening my eyes to stare up at the bulkhead of what I could only guess was the infirmary of a ship. As I looked about the room I was in, I noticed I was still hooked up to a huge range of medical equipment that was monitoring my vitals and drips providing pain relief.

A hand waved over my face and I turned to look who it belonged to, who I saw though was the last person I expected to see.

"Fancy meeting you here" Kerian said

"Sy? What the hell?" In my shock I started coughing painfully, Kerian looked on with concern. When I calmed down and relaxed again. I looked back up at Kerian and asked "What's going on?"

Kerian managed to smile slightly before he replied "At the moment, not much, just keeping a friend company."

"I aspirate that." I said, breathing heavily. "Forgive me, I'm just a little stunned that your here...of all places. What's going on, what you doing here??"

"I like dragons... and I'm a biologist who's rather good at genetics. Kinda hard to get jobs that relate these."

"You mean you're involved in this little project of Doctor Sandison?? How long you been involved in it?"

"Been working for Sandison for about 2 years now."

"Holy shit" I winced in pain slightly as I tried to chuckle lightly "I so hope I Survive this."

"Yeah, about that... that's sorta my job now."

I fell into another painful coughing fit at that statement. When it passed I lay back still breathing heavily. "That's not funny Keiran."

"That wasn't meant to be."

"Keiran...I can't let you...oh god...I've been told I have less than 40% that this works...What if I don't make it. How you gonna feel..." I couldn't say it, my panicking was causing me too much pain. "I can't ask you to put yourself through this" when I finally calmed down.

"I know Sean... and you didn't have to ask... and I may have an idea on how to help the odds... but no promises."

I struggled to lift a hand to Keiran's shoulder. "I just need to know...Are you comfortable doing this?"

He smiles a little and pats my arm, not wanting to risk hurting my already crippled body "I don't think I'll ever be comfortable doing this, but there's a first time for everything."

I could only return the smile.

"So...when do we begin?" closing my eye's

"Your first injection will be at three, after we head out to sea, I don't know if we'll see any physical changes today though, it's likely gonna start on your insides since that's where you need the help. I won't lie to you though, Its gonna hurt." As I opened my eye's to look up at him, I see him grinning "On the plus side you're finally getting that face sorted out, lord knows you've paid for enough mirrors."

I start to laugh a little before coughing in pain "heh...I'll get you for that. Try not to make me laugh too hard, it hurts."

"I'd like to see that, this ship isn't very wheelchair friendly."

I was starting to get sleepy, it was a struggle to keep my eye's open "I don't think I'll be getting out of this bed till I start physically changing."

Keiran's faced showed concern for the pain I was in, "You should rest, I need to go get started on the serum."

"Falling back asleep anyway, I'll catch ye at three then?"

Keiran walks around my bed to the fridge beside me, taking out three cylinders, with green lights on the side and labelled. "Catch you at three, try and get some sleep, you're gonna need your strength"

I woke up a few hours later, I groaned as I tried to adjust my laying position to try and feel more comfortable. I was likely going to be laying here for a few days till my back was repaired from the procedure. The infirmary door opened, Doctor Sandison walked in, closing the door behind him.

"Ah...Afternoon Sean, nice to see you awake" He said as he approached my bed

"Aye, came to a few minutes before you came in, feels uncomfortable laying in the same spot constantly" I replied weakly

"How you feeling?"

"What a stupid question, I'm slowly dying, hooked up to all sorts of machines to try and prolong my life, how you think I'm feeling" I choked out irritably.

"Okay I get it, stay calm. It's not going to help your condition getting all worked up. Have you seen Keiran?

"Wouldn't know, haven't seen him since i woke up."

"Okay I'll be back in a minute. I'll go check his office." And with that Doctor Sandison walked off into Keiran's office. I heard a bit of talk going on before Keiran walked out of his office, closely followed by the doctor.

Keiran was carrying a small rack with 8 vials in it. 7 of them all were capped with a yellow plug while the last one was capped with a red plug.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting Sean, our faulty centrifuge jammed up again" Said Keiran as he approached my bed. Setting the vials on the table beside me

"There should be a new one in the supplies you'll pick up when we briefly dock at Portsmouth" Doctor Sandison said to Keiran

"We're docking at Portsmouth?" I said

"That's right, I'm not accompanying you to your new home. Keiran here will be looking after you and administering your vaccines on a daily basis for the week." Said the Doctor

"Okay" I said weakly, "So I take it's time to start the procedure?" I nodded my head towards the vaccines sitting on the side table

"Yep, this will be the start of your new life as a dragon. Dragon strain number three, a seven day transformation course." Keiran said picking up an injection gun like something out of resident evil and plugging the first vial into it. Singing "A vial a day keeps the human away" as he prepared the first vaccine.

"How crude" I said laughing a little only to start coughing painfully "That was unpleasant" after the coughing stopped.

Keiran scratched the back of his head nervously before replying "Sorry, it was just a little something I picked up from previous courses" Keiran finished preparing injection gun for the first injection and put the rack with the other vials in a storage fridge beside my bed.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous right now" I said weakly, I could feel myself starting to pass out again but I continued to fight to stay awake for as long as I could

Doctor Sandison started tapping the heart monitor "Your heart rate is way ahead of you Sean, just relax. Keiran, before you administer the first injection, turn off the morphine, don't want anything else going into his system that may interfere with the process."

"You sure about that doctor? Ain't he in enough pain as it is?" Keiran questioned Sandison

Sandison looked down at me and put his hand on my shoulder, at which time I was drifting in and out of consciousness to not pay attention as much

"I'm sorry Sean, but from here on out we can't risk anything else going into your system, even if to only keep pain at a minimum."

I shook off the passing out feeling enough to focus again and weakly replied "No pain, no gain. Ain't that what they say?"

Keiran sighed heavily, I knew this was troubling him, watching his friend laying there in pain and dying, and the only way to save him was to turn him into a dragon. I gave him a weak smile which Keiran returned, before pressing a few buttons on the morphine machine switching it off. He then removed the IV's from my wrist.

"You'll still have a few hours on that last dose, by then the serum should've kicked in."

I nodded in reply, turned my head to stare at the ceiling of the infirmary and closed my eyes. Keiran picked up the injection gun, put the needle into my right arm and injected the contents.

"There we go, it's started" Keiran said taking the vial tube off the gun and throwing it on the used items tray.

Still fighting to remain awake I turned to look at Keiran and said, "When will the changes start?"

"It varies person to person, I'll be keeping an eye on you anyway. We need to document the process for our research. We're not going to rush this Sean, although going on previous transformations in about 6 hours time we'll get our first indications with changes in your blood work and your organs starting to change slightly. With your second injection first real changes will start to show, scales, claws for example. It won't be till day three when everything kicks off, and it's gonna hurt a lot. New limbs ain't easy you know and with the increasing in body mass you'll be eating a hell of a lot as well. The last 48 hours injections 6 and 7 will be the most testing. It'll be changes to your psychology, you'll still be you but you'll likely gain the instincts of a dragon as your brain starts to re-wire for your new body. I won't lie to you Sean, we put down feral dangerous dragons."

"You're telling me this now?"

"24hours after your final 7th and final injection you'll get a trip to the vets for your full physical as a dragon" Keiran continued smiling on the word vet.

"Trust you's to wait till the procedure had started to tell me I'd be put down if I go feral." I said, starting to breath rather heavily. "So what stage would I be given the all clear that I'm going to make it"

Keiran looked up at Sandison before the doctor replied, "Not until the physical Sean. You're in a bad way its amazing your even awa..."

He didn't finish as I passed out with all the machines firing off their alarms...

To Be Continued.....

The Experiment - Chapter 2

"DOCTOR!?" The monitors continue to bleep away like crazy, as Dr Sandison immediately starts to perform CPR "Get the defibrillator ready Kerian" as the Doctor grabs the oxygen mask and puts it over Sean's face Keiran rushes over to the cart,...

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