Battle Field Love- Hospitality

Story by Alucard_Mounte on SoFurry

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All characters and events are (C) to me Almu. I'm taking a different turn with this. It isn't a true sequel because characters aren't being brought back.

Nero's Log:

April 10 2105: My unit was dropped in the heart of the city. We were instructed to kill every Feral there is, and occupy the center.

June 6 2105: The campaign was a success; my unit was able to capture the center of the city. Now we're instructed to hold the center.

September 5 2105: Waves of Feral came after us. Out of our group of 15, we lost five. I'm not sure how long we are able to hold out. I gave a request for reinforcements yesterday. To make matters worse, we're almost low on ammo.

September 10 2105: A small cheer of joy cam when ammo arrived, but in the span of five days we lost two more. Where are our reinforcements? Do humans really care about us?

October 31 2105: Supplies been coming in more as the days go on. And our group grew up to twenty. The number of Ferals coming after us is becoming less and less. Maybe we have a chance at holding out.

December - Our loc-...Feral amb...Unit scattered-...

The rest of the pages were burned off the log book.

-December 10 2015-

Two days have passed since the Feral ambush. I...I still don't know what happened. The attack was a surprise, and we put up a terrible defense. One thing led to another and soon we had to leave; fearing for our lives. I hope everyone is safe and out of harm's reach. I found shelter in a pharmacy. This store's location is hidden from the main streets. Damn it! I'm bleeding from my left leg. Heh...I shouldn't worry; this is a pharmacy after all. It will be easy finding supplies to clean the wound. I already see bandages, ointment, and peroxide. Peroxide...funny little thing, I mostly use a gallon of salt when I'm cleaning my cuts. But I wouldn't trust eating food from a pharmacy. Full of empty nutrition for the body; I bite down on my belt and hard. I start groaning is so much pain as I pour in the peroxide. Damn it! That really stings, if I knew the peroxide was going to sting this much I would've stuck with my salt. I know high blood pressure and all, but it works. There bandage on nice and tight.

The night have finally come, I must've been here for a few hours. I poke my head out of the door and survey the area. It was clear and I broke into a quick run. Ten feet...twenty feet, almost to the building in front of me; thirty...forty...just a little more. Fif-

Ow my head...I feel detached. Wait am I dead! How...when did this happen? I can't be dead can I? I saw the building, I was so close. What happened? I feel drowsy I don't think I can stay here any more...

-Unknown Date-

My feels blurry. My thoughts...feel scattered and missing. Where am I? Am I still dead? There is a blinding white light before my eyes now. I must be dead; looks like my time did come. The light is starting to fade now, guess I'll have my answer soon. The light finally fades out to a grotesque gray ceiling; I'm starting to prefer the white light now. Apparently I'm not dead, my heart is starting to race, and my senses kick in. I whish they hadn't because the smell of where ever I'm in was disgusting. It smells like mummified chicken, what ever that is. My eyes shift around, I see a mirror in a corner and only can see my black feline ear sticking up. This sucks, I'm probably captured and being experimented on right now. The buzzing in my ear dulls now and I can hear claws clicking on the ground coming toward me. Then I saw a face looking down at me.

"Welcome back Nero," A snow leopard stares back at me. I immediately get up grabbing the leopard's neck. "Where I am and who are yo-"I had to let go of him quickly, I roar in pain feeling something sharp in my left side. I submit to the pain and lay back down.

The snow leopard backed away from me rubbing his neck, I can tell he was scared now. "I...I don't know if I should help you now Nero." I was still in the makeshift bed panting hard from the pain and getting my bearings.

I slowly realize the situation and calm down. "How do you know my name?"

"I guess your not bright Nero. Your name is on your dog tags," The leopard moved closer to my side. I can feel the blood rust to my face and it shows I was blushing in embarrassment. I guess being knocked out can make you forget a few things. "Now look what you did, your wound opened up. That took me a while to close up."

"Sorry...instincts kicking in, can I have your name and what happened to me?"

"For a cause you were involved in a claymore mine explosion. If you hear any booms Nero that would be a mine. You were caught on the outer blast range. My name is Neve." He walks away from me and takes the mirror into the other room. I slowly move my body a little until my back was against a wall. First thing I noticed I'm without clothes. I again blush. Was I that badly injured, or did the cub simply disrobe me for the fun of it.

Neve walks back into the room. First thing I can tell he was young, around nineteen years of age. Must be five feet and nine inches tall; Neve had this feministic look to his appearance, most from what he is wearing, mesh shirt that stops at the bottom of his rib cage and tight fitting jeans. His tail swishes back and forth as he walked. I look down at over to my left, and I can see why I have no clothes. The whole left side of my uniform is gone, more like burned off. "Do you happen to know the date?" I ask him as Neve walks to my side.

"If I had to guess Nero, then I will have to say the day is a Monday, December twenty-eight." How long have I been out? The last thing I remember was running from the pharmacy then blank. I slowly slump into the bed and ponder what happen.

For a few days we talked. I found out the Neve is an escape prisoner from a Feral camp. As the Ferals came through the through the city; they would take anthros captive and kill the humans on spot. Never saw his master die, arm being torn off and his face mauled off. Seeing that would make any anthro happy, but with the Feral holding you, makes it hard to smile. Neve also informed me that the anthros captured are experimented on. That has to be a horrible way to die, being a lab rats just to lose your soul. I can't imagine the pain involved. There was a shout of joy when my side attacked the camp Neve was in. Many of the captives ran and scattered in the city.

Weeks go by and my wound heals up. I have to say I've taken a liking to the cub. On New Year's Eve we had a small feast. When winter in late January became colder we cuddled under my covers to keep warm. That's when I started to hit on him; I can tell he likes me. One night I saw him blushing and purring in his sleep. It was rather cute.

February rolls around, the twentieth to be exact; it was snowing outside. Neve is on my arm still sleeping. I lean over and give a soft lick to his muzzle. "Morning Neve," I said softly.

His nose squirms a little and finally opens his yellow eyes. "Morning Nero; think you can walk today." He gives me a bright smile. I simply nodded and give him a light nudge. I sit up straight and move my hind paws to the ground. It was cold and hard, what did you expect for a metal floor. I slide my body off the bed while wrapping the sheet around my waist. Can't be rude to a kind host, I'm finally fully standing. My legs feel weak a little but I can still feel them. I start to shuffle my paws until I started to move. My direction was for the other room. In the room is a mirror that I saw Neve put in there. It took me a while but I'm looking at the mirror now. My fur is jet black and my stripes are white. My own orange eyes stare back at me. "Here's the tiger I've been treating."

Neve came from behind and hangs on my arm. I playfully flex my arm and receive a purr. My body is built well, and apparently Neve enjoys it so. His claw tip runs down every crack and crevice on my body. "Does adorable kitty like?" I ask him in a whisper and turn my head to him. He was smiling and purring. "Sorry for trying to kill you in December."

"Would you stop Nero? You already apologized like twenty times so far. I've been counting. Today is special for me."

My brow raise up and I ask in a curious tone; after all I am a feline. "What makes today special?" My body turns to the cute leopard. He's been on my mind for a while now.

"Well if you must know today is my day of birth." His little smile warms me up rightfully so. "And I'm not expecting any gifts from you; well I don't think any stores are still around."

I show a light grin and pull him close to my body. I give him a hug and a warm kiss on his lips. Neve wasn't startled in anyway. He likes this no surprise, no gasp, just a quiet purr. My kissing doesn't stop; I don't stop even when he starts to kiss back. My tongue laps over his lips, I feel an entrance. My warm tongue slides in his parted lip and I feel something different. He was suckling on my tongue, he was lightly pulling at it as if he was a little cub again. I slowly push him with my body back to the room and over to the bed. He breaks the kiss and sits on the bed. I look down at him, "What does the birthday cub want to do?"

Neve giggles and blushes. I smile and move the sheet away from my crotch; his eyes brighten and the blush on his face grows a deeper red. If I didn't know Neve before, I would've thought he was a leopard that dyed their fur red. "Don't be afraid," I said in soft tone in my voice; probably a foolish attempt on my part to ease him in. Neve smiles a little and his nose pokes at my balls and gives them a lick with his rough tongue. Neve looks up at me with his yellow eyes. I smile at him and didn't say a word. He licks again but a little harder this time. Purrs roll off my chest, and this noise makes him lick even harder. My paw rests on the back of Neve's head; I start to push his nose into my sheath and around the opening. His sniffing and nose rubbing entices the inhabitant more.

Neve's tongue slides in my opening, God this feels good. His tongue moves around in slow circles around my dormant meat. I move his head and tongue away from my sheath, and scratch his ears. I hear him purr and feel his head move from side to side against my claw. My cock decides to poke out of its comfort zone. I fondle with my own balls to make it fully erect. I see him blush when my length grows to its full size. I stop scritiching and smile at Neve. "Don't worry it won't bite."

Neve nods and moves over to my meat. One paw rests on the top of my meat and I can feel his tongue push into the underside. His eyes half open as he licks up and down. Shivers run through my body. This little cub knows what he is doing. I feel a fang tip rolls on the underside. Damn I don't have to tell him what to do. I can't stop purring, this has to be bliss. Neve suckles on the head and keeps it there, while one paw is slowly rubbing the base.

I couldn't take it anymore. My paws grab the sides on his head and I start to thrust into his muzzle. God this feels good. "Come on you can take it cub...Just relax." I hear him groan and gag a little. I start to force him down half way and start thrusting again. He was moaning and gagging still, his eyes were tightly closed. I finally thrust in again making his muzzle hilt on my cock. I feel his tongue pushing against my underside, trying to expel the hard on in his muzzle. I pull out of his muzzle slowly after I deposited a load of pre in the back of this throat. I felt guilty for forcing him, he was gagging and coughing. I sit down next to him apologizing to him for what I did. I was hugging him and kissing him, I was even begging him for forgiveness. I was shocked from what he said next.

"Why did you stop? You're not that much bigger then my master." He was clearing his throat and put his head against my chest purring. My eyes widen after what he said. I had no idea; the thought didn't cross my mind when he was giving such a good job at sucking. I mean it wasn't uncommon for anthros to be the center of their master's sexual urges. I just didn't think on that part of anthro life. I cry a little nuzzling his neck and kissing. I feel his finger under my chin and lift my lips up to his. Our lips meet again and immediately I pull him into a deep French kiss. His eyes close and his arm moves around my neck. I don't know who's doing the pulling me or him. I didn't care just as long he knows I'm sorry again. I pull off his mesh shirt as he was pulling me on top of him. His arms change positions letting the shirt freely come off of his body. My left arm wraps around his back and my right paw reaches down for his jeans as I unbutton them. I start to pull them down and his legs did the rest for taking off the jeans.

I was finally lying on top of Neve. I was licking at his nose and staring into his eyes. He giggles softly and purrs. This sexual drive feels different it is not pure lust like last time just a few moments ago. The feeling is much different, affection, passion and bliss rolled into one feeling. Is this love or crimson joy? I'm not to sure; we were just staring in each other eyes for a while, playfully licking and passionately kissing. This is what people in love do when sharing a bed. Before I was flirting, didn't think it would become this. Did he save me because he wanted to or did he save me because he found some small love attachment in me? To many questions, most of them will lead to one answer. My muzzle moves down and licks the bottom of his ear. Neve moans softly in my ear and exhales his hot breath into mine.

I whisper into his ear, "May I please take you?" I hear a little question like grunt. "May I please have sex with you?" I ask this time so I know I'm not hurting him like last time with his muzzle. I didn't want have a brief repeat of that situation. I didn't hear a reply from him. He was just rubbing his paws in my back. I guess I scared him or caught him off guard. I start to move away but his paws had a tight grip on me. I look at him with some surprise, a question look of 'what's the matter' covers my complexion. Then I smiled inside when I heard him speak, "You silly goof. I love you right now. What made you think I didn't want to?"

Honestly I couldn't tell if he was mocking me, being sarcastic or serious. I lick the side of his muzzle and ask him again. "May I please fill your tail hole?"

This time his response was much quicker. He kisses and nibbles at the bottom of my chin. "Yes you may have my permission." He smiles at me and I smile at him. I kiss his neck and slowly kiss down his body. Over every curve, I tease at his nipple by lightly running my fang across it. His muscles shake a little as my fang slides ever so gently over his body. I tease his belly with my tongue. He was giggling a little and so was I. Then I finally arrive at his sheath. I push my nose into his sheath lightly to sniff at his musk. It was sweat bliss smelling his musk, but mine right now is overpowering. I turn him onto his stomach and rub his back. He fur was soft, amazingly soft. Conditions like these would have rough or coarse fur. But Neve is different; his fur remains soft as how it should be. My paws slide down to his hips and I give his rump a firm squeeze. I slowly part his cheeks to look at his little hole. My nose drops down and sniffs it a little.

Again I hear another giggle from him, then a gasp when I licked it. My rough tongue plays with his small flesh opening. Neve squirms a little then settles down for me to lick again. I hear him murr in delight as I lick, giving Neve one hell of a rim job. Then I break his anal ring, a sharp moan comes from Neve and I smile with glee. My tongue travels in a little and licks around his anal wall with sharp precision. I make small circles with my tongue, I love hearing him moan. "Ahh...Nero that feels great."

My smile slowly turns to a grin and my ears roll back. Two of my fingers press into his hole and leave them there. "Mm...a little tight, this is going to be enjoyable." A third finger slides in and he was moaning again with more force. My body leans down so I can whisper in his ear. "How old are you going to be today?"

"Nineteen...Nineteen Nero, I'm going to turn nineteen." Neve was panting a little. And I was only off by one year how about that, all this time I thought he was nineteen. Turns out I was wrong.

"Well then good thing I started early. I was going to give you birthday punches, but seeing where we are now...How about nineteen birthday fucks?" His ears shot up immediately after I said that. I don't think he ever had sex before. "Don't worry I won't go hard, only when you tell me," didn't want to scare him as I added some form of comfort in my voice for Neve. He nods and I smile again nuzzling the side of his head. My body pulls off of him and I'm sitting on my knees. My fingers exit his tail hole and I smell them; a shiver rolls through my spine. It smells so good, addicting even. Each of my paws is placed on his rump and spreads his cheeks apart. And without a command his tail rises up and wraps around my neck. "This is rather amusing. Never knew you were such a flirt." Neve snickers a little and purrs when one of my paws was massaging his hole slowly. "And I can be a tease so we are even Neve. Now take a long deep breath."

Neve did as he was told he starts to draw in one long deep breath. At this time I lead my hard on to his hole and start to push in. Shit this cub is tight, never knew he was this tight. I manage to push the head of my cock in and wait for him to get use to it. He was wincing when the cock head slips in slowly, I smile a little watching my head vanish into his body. "Another deep breath Neve this is going to hurt a little more." I didn't want him to be surprised or scared at all. He breaths in again and this time manage to fit in a couple of inches in, I stop there again. My left paw moves up and scratches the back of his ear. I know he's in pain I can hear it. His winces and gasp quiet down to moans and he takes another long breath in. I shove the rest of my cock in quickly; his head arches back and moans loudly. I lean over to his ear, "I'm sorry Neve I should've warned you."

"Purr...that's your problem...Nero. You apologize too much. But god you're so big." Neve was panting hard and purring. I started to chuckle to his comment, didn't want this to be too painful for his first time. " can start thrusting."

"Heh he hee...I wonder who is dominating who now." I said with a snicker and pull my cock out slowly, then push it back in. Another quick sharp moan from Neve followed by a purr, my paw was rubbing his underside and stoking his length now that decided to play. As long as I have him like this, his first time will go a lot smoother. I pull my cock out again this time faster and thrust back in harder then before. After a small pause I repeat leaving out the pause for him to adjust. My thrusts start out slow and hard. I was looking for one thing as I'm thrusting, and that is his prostate. My free paw grabs his hip and my thrusting loses power but my pace hastens. He was murring and moaning in a sheer feeling of lust. There was a grunt of pain or two but he was enjoying it. I heard him yelp my name a few times. I play coy and answer him with a sly tongue.

Then I hear him moan out the 'o' in my name. I found his prostate, the sweet spot of males. I love that moan I keep on thrusting there this time harder. I feel my orgasm build up ready for me to climax, Neve climaxed already in my paw. I move my paw away and lick my paw clean. Have to admit it but the cub tastes good. With both paws on his hips my thrusts become relentless. My breathing becomes heavier and shorter, yeah it's coming. "Mmm...this will be over soon Neve. I'm almost there." I lean down and latch my fangs on the scruff of his neck and let out a deep moan feeling my balls swell a little and pull close to the body. Just a little more, almost there...GOOOODS! I finally start to roar. My roaring, although muffled, was still loud. My seed sprays into his tail hole filling up as far as he would allow and slowly rolls out of his tail hole and down the back of his thigh. I fall on his body with my shaft still in him. Neve was still moaning, the warm feeling of male seed and a hard shaft is still lingering in his emotions. I taste blood in my muzzle, guess I bit down a little hard as I roared, but he feels so good. I let go of his neck and lick my bite mark.

"Left...ya a little love bite Neve." I was panting, he was panting and both of us reek of sweat and musk. The two scents that should be enjoyed and relish in. I slowly pull out figuring he must me sore, and I was right he groaned a little. I lay down next to him cuddling his little frame and purring. He starts to purr with me making the little song a duet. We spent the next few weeks enjoying the other's company like furs should be allowed to do. After another month of waiting, my old squad found me and Neve. Naturally they were making wolf whistle noises and a few of them drooling.

Now...I'm in a summer cottege with Neve living in peace away from the war. I receive monthly reports about the war, right now the enemy is losing their vantage point. Another great spark of news is that the world leaders are starting to come to an agreement on letting anthro's be free from opression.