Battle Field Love- Hospitality

All characters and events are (C) to me Almu. I'm taking a different turn with this. It isn't a true sequel because characters aren't being brought back. Nero's Log: April 10 2105: My unit was dropped in the heart of the city. We were...

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Battle Field Love

This is Al'mu. All characters and events belong to me. This is a work of fiction. A.D. 2008- Animals both domesticated and wild population starts to dwindle down to nothing. The human race grew concerned for this blight. A.D. 2010- Humans...

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From Master to Lover: Chapter one

Hello just warning you that this is a story between two males so if this offends you TOO BAD!!! You chose to read it...and just a reminder you must be 18+ years of age to read this....SO NO MINORS!!!! And this is Bacent.....the insane one.....I tend to...

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