Into Another World Chapter 3: Remembrance

Story by Khajiitoro on SoFurry

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#3 of Into Another World

Jason and his friends were returning from the beach. They arrive at the village. Everyone was asleep. When Jason drifts off to sleep, he has a vision that turns into a nightmare. He tosses and turns as he sleeps. When he arrives at the village, he finds it completely destroyed; all the inhabitants, and chief were all dead, including his lover Meiko. He wakes up screaming; The entire village heard him. He starts crying when everyone, including Meiko came in with concerned looks and their faces. Meiko managed to calm him down after some time. The chief ordered everyone back to their huts, but Jason asked for his 3 Yoshi friends to stay with him, and Meiko; so they did. Jason explained to the chief what he saw. The chief then explained to Jason about the prophecy, and what he saw in his vision was the future of the tribe if he failed. Jason realized that his memory was clear too. The chief then decides it is time for Jason to embrace his destiny.

It was pitch black, midnight. The 5 friends were returning to the village after a good time at the beach with Toumal and the other orcas. Jason enjoyed it so much, he wanted to do it again. He started remembering the good times he had at the beach with everyone; but then images overlapped his thoughts. He was on a boat that was sailing through a deadly storm. Thunder and lightning filled the sky, the clouds were black, the water was rising and waving like the anger of a god.

Jason's head starts throbbing as the images fade, "Ow!" He said as he grips his aching head.

Everyone stopped, and turned to Jason, Meiko looked concerned, "Hey, are you okay?"

"My head hurts, and I don't know why. I must be tired, maybe I overdid it back there." Said Jason.

Wagshi looked at him, "You look a bit pale, why not let me carry you?"

Loshi spoke up, "Not only that, but you've been through a lot too."

Roshi jumped in, "I agree, you were on fire back there too. You literally stole the spotlight since you got thrown into the water."

Jason looked at everyone as soon as the throbbing stopped. "It's okay. I'm fine now. We should hurry back before the chief gets-" His sentence was cut off when the images returned.

He was back on the boat caught in the storm. As he tried to maintain control of the ship, he saw the black clouds thicken, and enlarge. Everything, including the storm was not natural. A dark entity was near. Jason began to see a figure appear out of the black sky. It looked like it had red eyes, sharp fangs in the front, red and black skin and wings, and sharp claws and talons. He knew instantly what it was, a devil.

The demon made a frightening toothy grin, "You'll never succeed...."

Lightning bolts struck the boat, it made the sails, and deck go ablaze. Jason realized the demon was controlling the storm. In an attempt to send the demon away, he concentrated. His hair turned from brown to pure white, his body shimmered in a holy light. He grew wings; he became an angel.

He muttered an incantation to send him back to his realm, but only for a time, so he could end the storm, drown the fires, and repair the boat. With a flash, the incantation worked, but the demon was disappearing too slowly.

The demon grew infuriated by his attempt to push him back, before his face was engulfed in the darkness, he fired a few more bolts, 1 of them hit Jason directly in the chest, knocking him overboard. The burning ship was being pulled into a maelstrom, including Jason.

Jason, wounded from the attack, attempted to cast 1 more spell to prevent him from being pulled further in. It worked just in time to send him away from the maelstrom, but it cost all his strength, he was being pushed away from the maelstrom, but he needed to reach the surface for air. It was too late, he lost consciousness.

The images faded again. Jason finally realized what was happening to him. His head was spinning, as if he was in vertigo. The pain felt like a migraine. Everyone looked scared, then finally Jason said, "I.....remember....."

Jason suddenly fainted from the mental stress. The others gathered around him. Meiko was scared, "Jason!! Jason!! Can you hear me!? Wake up!! No, no, not again!!"

Loshi looked at Meiko, "Calm down! He just fainted. We'll take him back to the village."

Wagshi pondered, "He said he remembers, this could only mean that he knows what happend to him, and how he ended up here."

"The chief must hear of this when we get back, he'll want to know whats going on." Roshi suggested.

Meiko was still worried, "I'll carry him, lead the way. But I have a bad feeling about this...."

The group race to the village. They reach the gates, and guards look concerned. "What happend? Is the human alright?"

Meiko answered, "He fainted on the way back from the beach, the last thing he said was I remember. The others believe he regained his memory."

The guards were only slightly relieved, but then they said, "Get inside now, and warn the chief."

The group went in. Meiko went straight for the hut where he and Jason slept. A storm was coming. It worried Meiko even more. Moments later, the others came in with the chief in tow.

"Normally, I do not like being disturbed when I'm sleeping, but I must know what happend." Said the chief, whom was slightly cranky.

Meiko tried to bargain with the chief, "I'm sorry we bothered you, but I don't think now is a good time to talk." Meiko was in tears. "Please...Just leave us alone for awhile."

"Meiko.... I know how you feel, but if this concerns my whole tribe, I must know for the greater good." Answered the chief.

Meiko started getting frustrated, "Can't you see he is suffering!? He's been through enough!! I demand you leave us now, until he awakens!!"

The 3 Yoshis couldn't believe what they saw. Meiko was angry, and he was argueing with the chief. Yet they felt sorry for Meiko. Jason woke up, hearing Meiko lose his temper.

"Meiko..." Said Jason.

The others gasped, but the chief remained calm, despite the fact Meiko snapped at him. Meiko ran straight to Jason. Meiko was sobbing. Jason spoke up, "Meiko, please calm down, I'm fine now, really."

"Oh god...don't ever do that again, please!" Meiko was crying.

Jason began to shed tears, trying to resist the need to cry. "Meiko, please stop, I can't to see you looking like that." He got up, and looked at the chief.

The chief felt guilty for pushing them around. "Perhaps I should wait a little longer. I'm so sorry." He turned around and left.

The other friends came closer, Loshi spoke up, "Jason, if you need anything, don't hesitate to tell us, we just want to help."

Jason smiled in approval, which made everyone else feel a bit better. "Thanks guys, you are the best Yoshis I ever met."

The Yoshis each gave Jason and Meiko a hug and kiss before they left for bed. Meiko calmed down after they left, feeling grateful to them.

The storm sounded rather hostile due to the booming thunder, and flashes of lightning. Yet, Jason found it rather comforting. Meiko however, didn't feel very secure. Jason looked at Meiko, whom still appeared to be on the edge. "Meiko, is the storm bothering you?"

"Not just that, but when you fainted I....I just lost it." Said Meiko.

"I'm right here now, it's okay. I just wasn't expecting to get these flashbacks so soon. But now its over. I must make sure I tell the chief 1st thing in the morning. However, I think we'll feel better if we all got some sleep." Said Jason.

Meiko nodded, and agreed. He felt it would make him feel better once he settles in, and cuddles Jason as he sleeps. Jason didn't mind at all, in fact he enjoyed it. They kissed each other goodnight, before they finally fell asleep.

For some strange reason, Jason found himself lying on the beach shore. It was still night out. He look around, no one was there, not even Meiko. He got up to his feet. In the distance, he could see a light coming from the village. He went on to investigate. As he got closer, he began to smell smoke. He realized in terror what was wrong; Yet he didn't want to believe it. The village was under attack!

Jason hurried to the village, only to find it completely destroyed. Everyone in the village was dead. Jason began to cry, the very sight of it all tore him apart. He moved in, examined the bodies. They were all covered in blood.

"No...." Jason was traumatized. Everyone he sought to protect was all dead. He came too late. He failed. He gasped in terror as he spotted the dead body of the chief. A sword was lodged into his stomach. "No!" Jason found the bodies of the 3 Yoshis, Loshi, Roshi, and Wagshi. Loshi was shot in the neck by an arrow. Roshi was impaled by a spear, which remained lodged in his chest. Wagshi was beheaded. Jason turned away from the site, he couldn't take it anymore. "NOOOO!! Not you too!?" He didn't wanna believe it. He saw Meikos' body hanged on a tree. He dashed over, set him free, and held him in his arms. Jason's crying worsened, he lost everything.... everything he loved and cared about. His life was over, he had nothing to live for. He screamed out loudly, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"

Jason woke up screaming. Everyone in the village heard it. It was still night time, and the storm was still raging. Meiko, shocked by the scream, looked at him and asked, "Jason!! What's wrong!?"

Jason was panting, his heart pounding, and his body was shaking. He never felt so scared in his entire life. He stared at Meiko. He was too scared to speak, But after seeing Meiko alive and well, Jason blew up, and cried so hard, it sounded like he was wailing, or screaming in agony.

Meiko held him tightly, "Jason! Jason! Calm down! I'm-" his sentence was cut off to a sound of a whistle. But it was no ordinary whistle, it was an alarm. Meiko heard footsteps in all directions, people shouting, and muttering. It got louder and louder. All the Yoshis and the chief had weapons out, and in full armor. They raced straight for the tent where Jason was still crying, and Meiko held him tighter, as if trying to shield him.

The chief was the 1st to enter. He had his staff out, and a fireball in his other hand. Then came Loshi with a sword and shield. Then next was Wagshi with a greatsword, and finally Roshi with a bow and arrow. The chief ordered the other Yoshis to halt. He asked Meiko and Jason, "What the hell happend!? I thought I heard a scream!

Meiko begged him to lower his voice, "Chief, please!! Jason had a horrible nightmare!"

Jason looked at the the chief, and everyone else. They were all dressed for war. Still crying, he finally spoke, I'm....I'm so sorry. I never meant to cause such a commotion. He went back to Meikos' shoulder, crying harder due to feeling guilty, and responsible.

The chief and the others lowered their weapons. Their faces filled with an unbearable sadness. They all felt guilty for frightening the poor human. The chief spoke up, "Gods.....What have we done?" He turned to the rest of the tribe. "All of you! Back to your tents at once!! And lift the alarm!! I'll take care of this!!"

Before Loshi and the 2 other Yoshis could take off, Jason called out to them. "Wait!!" The 3 Yoshis turned around, Jason was sobbing. "I would ask that you all stay with me, please!" They looked at the chief. Understanding Jason's plea, he nodded. So the 3 Yoshis stayed while the rest of the tribesmen went back to bed.

The 3 Yoshis surrounded Jason with a triple group hug. They held on for at least a minute. Jason finally managed to stop crying, and calmed down. The chief was still concerned, and asked, "Jason my child, was it you who screamed? Are you alright? Can you tell me why?"

Jason stood up, "Yes, it was me. But it wasn't my intention. Meiko was right that I did have quite a nightmare. It just felt so real, and I'm still shaken up by it. On the way back from the beach, I started getting flashbacks during the time when I was sailing through an unnatural storm on a boat. When it ended, I realized that I remembered everything clearly. That was when I fainted. So now I believe it is time I start from the beginning, and tell you everything."

The chief was surprised, "Child....Are you certain?? It is still pitch black and stormy."

"After that horrid nightmare? I know this can't wait any longer." Jason surmised.

The chief sighed, "Then the time has come. I will tell you the prophecy, and why my people are endangered. Take your friends with you. We will go to my hut where it is more comfortable."

Jason and his friends followed the chief through the storm, straight to the chieftains hut. They all sat in a circle together. Fresh fruit smoothies were provided. They tasted so heavenly, Jason couldn't help but smile. After the refreshments, the chief began to explain.

"Long ago. My tribe and I lived peaceful lives, without strife and war. We prospered, and our tribe continued to grow. Until that frightening day. A dark evil appeared from below the depths of hell. He killed many of my tribe, and he cursed us with infertility. We could no longer give birth to anymore children. He drove us from our ancestral home. The orca whales were also affected. If they did not swim amongst their tribe, the maelstrom would swallow them. They were forced to along the beach shores, in fear." The chief paused.

The chief continued, "All seemed lost for both our tribes, until we pleaded to the gods for help. An angel came down from the heavens. He united many other races, along with both the Yoshi tribe and the Orca tribe. We fought as 1 and defeated him."

Jason interjected, "What was the name of this devil? Can you remember anything?"

The chief anwsered, "His name....... was Mephistophales."

Jason's eyes stretched wide, "What!? It..... it can't be!! I thought I killed him back in Waterdeep, in the world of Faerun!!"

The chief shook his head. " You only killed his physical form, but his spirit fled before you finished him."

"Then that" Jason froze.

"I'm afraid so child. You were able to push him back briefly during the time when you sailed the oceans. He will be back again, this time for revenge on you." Said the chief.

"But the nightmare! What did it mean!?" Jason asked.

"That was no nightmare. It was a projection of the future of my tribe......if you failed...." The chief answered.

Jason stood up and shook his head. "I can't let that happen! I must put an end to this! There will be no more victims to this carnage! Even if I have to sacrifice myself to save everyone, I will do it! I swear to you; I will succeed, and Mephistophales will fall!!"

The chief smiled, tears rolling down his eyes. "Then its decided. I now know that you have accepted your destiny. My tribe will help you prepare for the coming journey.....tomorrow."