Fox Vs Bull

Story by VIK182 on SoFurry

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Awesome title eh? This story, much like the title would lead you to believe is about a fox vs. a bull. "The Fox" often cons or pressures inexperienced furs into boxing bouts with him so he can humiliate them for his own amusement. This time he takes on a rather overweight bull whom despite being much larger than a red fox, loses quite badly much to his and the crowd's amusement. Enjoy.

Fox Vs. Bull

A Story by Vlad

It was early afternoon on a nice spring day as a rather fit and athletic looking red fox walked though the door of a local gym. The door had been propped open with weight that had somehow broken in half letting in a nice breeze to help cool off the furs working out inside. The occasional clink was heard as heavy weights were lifted and a steady wump sound could be heard as a few of the heavy bags saw some use.

A few of the other furs took notice of the fox and one even smiled to himself. Not because he was a fox and thus not as big as some of the others like wolves, but because they recognized him. He was only referred to for some reason and just called The Fox or That Fox. Most figured it was because he either had an awkward name or he just had a strong dislike for whatever his name truly was.

They were amused to see him because he was a boxer whom knew his stuff but there was more to it than that. He often looked around for an opponent that he knew was weaker than him and when he did get another fur into the ring it almost always became a spectacle because The Fox would almost always end up whomping on the other fur humiliating them for the amusement of himself and other furs who were the aggressive, dominate types who liked to see that sort of thing.

The bigger jock types that hung around gyms were always the most amused and often pressured his opponent to keep going despite losing quite badly. They loved it most when his opponent was physically larger than him and since he was a fox that usually the case. They were also excited to see him because Kenneth was around. Kenneth was a large overweight bull whom had a attitude and was mouthy.

However Kenneth had more fat than muscle and could not fight very well at all. It was generally accepted that the bull was all talk and no fight and that had been proven on numerous occasions with him stepping into the ring only to get soundly beaten. The most embarrassing loss he had was to a fairly good sized hare whom freely admitted he didn't have a clue what he was doing but won anyway.

That stuck with him as the big bull got beaten up by the "little powder puff bunny" whom thought it was funny enough to ignore the taunting comment. Kenneth had already been acting dickish and aggressive for no reason and a wolf saw the opportunity for The Fox to really put on a show.

"Hey, fox. Yeah you. Come here." He walked over to a wolf with jet black fur. "Up for a go 'round in the ring are ya?" The wolf laughed knowing it was all in jest since he was a body builder and would clearly destroy the small, orange furred fox. "Listen there's someone here who a lot of us would love to see you challenge. Trust me, I can guarantee you'll win..."

The Fox had a smile slowly spread across his muzzle as he began to rub his knuckles. "Oh I like the sounds of this..." The wolf gestured towards the large bull. "Him. That's Kenneth. Mouthy SOB and what's hilarious is he can't fight at all and never trained once. We've all watch him lose over and over." The Fox lowered his ears a bit. "Wow man I dunno. He's big..."

The wolf batted a paw at him. "And he's also an blithering idiot. Trust me, he throws the most awkward punch you'll ever see and believe me, you'll see it coming way in advance. It'll be solid gold and we'd all cheer you on and have your back. DO EEET!"

The Fox chuckled at the big wolf's encouragement and started towards the big bull. He was already shirtless and his short brown fur outlined his chubby body. He stopped near by and waited to be noticed. Kenneth soon he turned when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. An athletic red fox was looking up at him with an amused expression.

"The fuck are you staring at?" The Fox ignored this nearly rolling his eyes at him. "So I hear you like to fight?" The bull stared down at him and laughed. "Yeah so?" The Fox smirked at him. "So I was thinking maybe you'd like to step into the ring with an experienced boxer. Surely my experience can make up for the size difference..."

Kenneth laughed at him again as furs began to gather around. "Oh yeah? I guess I'll be poundin' your little orange ass into dust then." The fox swished his tail about as his smirk widened into a smile. "All right then. Let me get changed and I'll meet you in the ring..."

After getting changed into his blue trunks with the white stripe down the side he walked out into the gym pulling on his boxing gloves which matched. The bull however was just in his jeans and had old red gloves that belonged to the gym. The big wolf was in the crowed that was gathering around the ring and when he saw The Fox he gave him a nod.

He returned the wolf's nod as he made his way to the ring though the furs whom gave him small words of encouragement. "Yeah! This is gonna be awesome!" Said one while another commented "You'll win for sure, go kick his fat ass!" After he slid up into the ring he stood on the turn buckle and raised a gloved paw to cheers.

He then hopped down and went towards the center. In the back of his mind he was wondering if he had finally bitten off more than he could chew since the bovine was clearly larger and had probably four to five times his weight but he never showed anything but confidence as he tapped gloves and waited to see if he was going to make the first move.

The bull pulled his fist back in an overly elaborate way making the fox think he wasn't taking him very serious at all. He hopped close and decided if he was going to show off he was going to beat him to the punch both literally and figuratively. He pulled his fist back and in one fluid motion drove an uppercut low on the bull's chubby gut.

His fist sank in with surprising ease as it drove into what appeared to be his wrist as it arced upwards. "Murph!" grunted the bull as he suddenly found a gloved fist buried in his belly. The Fox was surprised it was so easy and was suspicious. It was kinda funny since if felt like he punched a thick balloon. He hopped back easily ducking the silly wide punch from the bull.

He heard a few more comments from the crowd which were mainly jeers directed towards the bull as he hopped around a bit waiting for him to make a move. Once again a needlessly wide punch and slow punch was started so the swift fox hopped closer to hammer a right then left straight into the middle of his chubby gut. "Buff! Hooph!"

He heard a slosh sound as his fist sank into the bull's stomach. His fist did eventually hit something a bit more solid which he figured was his abs safely behind the layer of thick fat. As the other punch slugged into the bull's stomach it made a hollow sounding thump and a gurgle that reminded The Fox of the sounds a waterbed would make if one flopped onto it.

Since the bull aborted his punch to double over a bit he reached upwards the drive a right hook into his jaw before hopping back out of striking range. A bit of saliva flung from his muzzle as his face snapped to the side.

He looked into the crowed to spot the black wolf whom yelled "Told ya!" He was still a bit suspicious but it was starting to become kind of funny. He wasn't even moving around much, he just stood in one spot trying to throw slow hay maker style strikes which were very obvious. He quickly jumped close to him and drove his right fist into his solar plexus hoping to get a more animated reaction out of him.

"Grrouf!" His eyes widened a bit as a mist of saliva escaped from around his mouth guard. A fast fox fist soon slammed an uppercut much harder than before right under his rib cage. It sank so far in and arced upwards to Kenneth it felt like a brick had been thrown into his gut and up under his rib cage.

"Fruugh! Oopmh..." He doubled over and launched more saliva from around his mouth guard as the fox knocked the wind right out of his much larger body. He took a few heaving breaths into his burning lungs as he gave the fox an annoyed, aggressive look. The Fox only smiled back at him as he landed a few jabs to either side of his soft, pudgy gut making it jiggle much to the crowd's amusment.

"Hrmf! Fuff!" He was starting to become a bit humiliated and was about to really let the fox have it when out of no where The Fox slammed a power punch into his big gut aimed right at his navel. "Guurph!" The bull's big head was flung forward as he doubled over the fox's fist which drove deep into the middle of his stomach.

The Fox felt a elastic like give that made him smirk because it felt like he punched a large ball of dough. The bull wrapped his arms around his body as he doubled over, his breath heaving though his nose as the fox once again knocked the wind out of him. His lungs burned as he tried to suck in air and his belly had a dull ache deep in the pit.

His stomach rumbled and churned a bit as the crowed exploded in cheers. The Fox's ego was stoked by the cheers and the obvious discomfort he was causing to a fur that was so much larger than he was. He kept his guard up knowing not to get cocky enough to make a mistake as he went at him again. A fast right, then left hook snapped his face to either side making him wince his eyes shut and raise his guard leaving his big belly wide open.

His left drove into his solar plexus sinking in deeply with that nice squishy give. The bull's eyes went wide as saliva flung from his muzzle and a loud rush of air escaped his body causing the crowed to cheer again. As he doubled over a bit The Fox's right was already screaming towards his unprepared stomach.

It slammed an uppercut into the dead center of his gut with what felt like the force a rhino would have. "Blluurgh! Oorrph... Ooph..." This time his entire body reacted. As he doubled over his head flung forward, his belly caved into a pit where the fox's fist was buried and he stumbled back a bit. The Fox could have sworn he felt his stomach gurgle against his fist before he pulled it back out and kept at him not giving him a chance to recover.

As a thick strand of drool dropped to the mat with a gross splat the fox's fist arced neatly upward slamming into the bottom of his chin snapping his head back as it flung drool into the air which got a lot of laughs from the crowd. Before his head came back down he sent two rocketing punches into his ribs, right then left driving even more air from the bull's beaten body.

As he brought his view back down he saw a blue streak which collided painfully with his nose once again snapping his head back. The pain was blinding and felt almost electric in nature as it branched out from his nose down the side of his face. The Fox hopped around a bit before leaning into the most powerful punch he had ever thrown in his life.

He aimed it right at his opponent's navel and the blue gloved fist landed with first a loud smack as the boxing glove made the initial contact with his skin before turning to a dull, sloshing thud as it continued sinking in deeply. It looked as if his fist was going to go deep enough to hit his spine as the bull's body sharply lurched forward with an embarrassing groan.

"Huuuoorgh! Ughph... Uuuhhh...." His fist made a dull, meaty thump as it he slugged it as deeply and hard as he could into the bull's chubby belly which was now a crater with the fox's fist buried deeply. His body folded in half around the fox's deep sinking punch which grossed him out a bit because of the depth it went in and because his damp, sweaty skin was touching his arm.

The Fox slowly pulled his fist from the deep impact noticing that he left knuckle marks in his belly fur. As his belly slowly filled back out it gave the big bull a nauseous feeling that he didn't like at all. It felt like he was hollow inside and his gut rumbled in protest at the beating he was enduring. The Fox backed up a bit and looked him over.

The bull's eyes were wide and he was drooling on himself. Kenneth's lungs burned and there was a fiery ache deep in the pit of his stomach. His cheeks flushed with humiliation as the crowed cheered even louder than before. He wrapped his arms around his body and grunted a bit. "Hurrgh..." He felt like he was going to be sick as his stomach churned again.

He felt like he was going to gag and then did a little bit. He was sick to his stomach not only from the solid beating he was receiving but from the sheer embarrassment of having someone less than half his size so easily get the best of him. "Hurf! Uuft!" He let out two short grunts as the fox's fists jabbed into his meaty sides to make his belly jiggle again.

The Fox decided he had suffered enough and it was time for the bell ringer. The bull looked up from his doubled over position at the fox and knew he was helpless as The Fox pulled his fist back in a silly, overly elaborate manner mimicking the bull only to send it screaming at his face. It collided with a dull thud and loud roaring cheer from the crowd.

As his face snapped to the side his whole body twisted to follow as he fell rather soundly to the mat, down and out. The crowd was roaring with cheers as he put a booted foot paw up on the bull's heaving chest. He spit his mouth guard out and raised his fist in victory as he yelled "Fox can box!" to his adoring fans.

The black wolf jumped into the ring and hoisted him up on his shoulders as if he had won a major prize fight and marched around the gym with him to lots of cheers and laughs.

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