How to Deal with a Rat

Story by Laporkra on SoFurry

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#4 of Aikidu and Kie

Part four of my series, and also the first direct sequel to another story. They are all linked in little ways but ALL of them can be enjoyed as stand alone forays into fantasy smut. My Friend Dragunov is a rather large fan of my work so I added him as a character in this one. This isn't just your usual "LOOK AT MY FRIENDS!" sort of deal, but one where the character is written like all of the others. I have a background dossier on him and all. This aside, it is another fetish~y foray into the lives of my (and other's) furry creations. I hope you guys enjoy this one, as I had a blast writing it.

Lappy had pulled the carriage up to the edge of the walk and let Shotaro out. The tiny rabbit was wearing dark coloured pants, riding boots, a tan shirt with long sleeves, a courier's cloak, and topping his disguise off, a wide brimmed boiled leather hat.

He didn't look at all like the well mannered waiter the wolf had met only an hour before, quite the contrary, he looked like any of the numerous errand boys running about in the rain that had blown in from the sea. "This weather seems appropriate. If the rat tries to flee, he will never see the kid coming."

The apartments themselves were hewn into a steep cliff face just behind the bustling market. Sho walked over to the gate that blocked off the wooden walkways that ran along the cliffs here. A rather bored looking ocelot was sitting in his tiny shack reading as Sho approached.

"Good day sir. I have a letter for one of your residents." Sho spoke in his best impression of a meek voice.

The cat looked up from his book for a second then sighed and used a scrap of paper for a bookmark. "Oh yeah? Who lives here that you want to see then?"

The bunny shuffled his feet and looked down before replying, thinking he would be better as an unassuming child. It was one of his favourite ploys. "He's named Dragunov. I believe he is a writer or something. I know he is a rat, at least that is what the nobleman told me."

The cat twitched his ears at the word nobleman. "Well then I'll give it to him. Leave it here."

Sho grew annoyed. This feline would surely try to extort either him, or the target, or both of them if this kept up. "I um, have this from the man who hired me. He said to only use it if I had trouble."

Shotaro gingerly held out a sack of electrum coins.

The cat snatched them away with a startling speed, not that Sho was startled.

The bunny gripped one of his numerous hidden knives tightly while he waited for the reaction.

"I guess you can go in kid, just don't fuck about alright? The names are on the front doors. Now hurry up."

Shotaro weakly smiled and walked through the now open gate as the ocelot counted his bribe. "Fox eared asshole." He muttered as he rounded a large outcropping, just out of sight of the shack.

He couldn't help but think that these apartments were rather well protected from intrusion, if you were willing to live so close to the churning ocean below.

Picking up his pace, Sho hurried to the rat's address. He thought to himself that if the wolf's info was good, he should be two doors up.

The storm was picking up and threatening to make the work ahead less pleasant. He had wanted to just kill the man at first, and dump his body into the ocean, but Laporkra had been given very specific instructions.

Shotaro knew of the wolf from his days in the cabal, and his reputation was enough that they avoided him and his business as much as possible. For his friend Aikidu to employ someone like that, this must be more important than some petty squabble. This was why he, against his better judgement, agreed to this game.

His knocks rang heavy on the stout wooden door, and he could see light coming from one of the side rooms into the hallway. A few moments later, his target was standing behind the open door to shield himself from the wind and rain.

The man was rather tall for a rodent, coming to nearly six feet in height. He had a slender build which was covered by a loosely fitting white shirt with oversized sleeves, out of style a few seasons with the nobles but still rather popular amongst the common folk. He had a pair of baggy tan pants on, held to his narrow hips by a leather belt with an oversized buckle.

Shotaro regarded his fur colour for a moment, internalizing irritably. "White fur, that is just fucking perfect." Though when he moved the lamp held in his paw, the fur had the barest hint of blue.

The rat brushed a rather much darker blue mass of hair behind one of his ears and asked through a ponderous sounding accent, "Can I help you young-er... boy?"

Sho registered the confusion in his voice, he could use that. Softening his tone as much as he could, Shotaro pulled out the envelope addressed to him. "A letter for you sir. You are Dragunov Brevich right?"

The rodent accepted the letter. "Oh yes, right, I am Dragunov. Won't you come in?"

Shotaro tried to look happy, but really, he was judging the distance he had to maintain to put his long knife in the rat's liver. "Thank you sir."

Stepping through the door, he watched Dragunov place a heavy looking duelling sword on a side table. "Do not worry about that, I just need to protect myself you know. Would you care for tea?"

Spying a muzzle loading pistol over the mantle and a letter opener on the writing desk in the hall, the boy stood dripping on the heavy fibre rug that had been thrown there for that very reason.

"Yes sir, that would very good. It is too kind of you to offer."

The man walked into his kitchen and filled a kettle, busying himself with making said tea. Shotaro however darted into the living room and unloaded the pistol before removing his hat and cloak to dry in front of the fire.

His target returned with tea a few minutes later.

"Here you are, help yourself to the sugar and cream."

He sat in a rather shabby looking chair, sipped at his tea, then used one of his claws to open the seal on the envelope. "Let's see what this is about shall we? And you just relax and enjoy the tea and fire, no need to catch a chill and die is there?"

Sho was getting tired of this man, his tone seemed far too familiar. "Thank you sir, I will."

The rat read the letter twice, turning it over in between readings as if looking for more words. "I say, is this for real? Who sent you?"

The rabbit gripped a hidden punch knife in its sheath under his shirt, expecting the worst. "Indeed sir, very real. I was paid three gold coins to bring you that letter and possibly accompany you back to my village, where lord Ven waits. Are you friends with his lordship?"

Dragunov seemed to think over his options for a moment. "Real you say, and how well do you know this Aikidu Ven? Is he a decent man, honourable?"

Shotaro put on his excited masque and replied quickly to avoid suspicion. "Oh yes! He is a wonderful man. He invites the whole village to his orchard every year to a feast under the apple trees! He shows us magic tricks and lets us play with his animals. I like him!"

Sho cursed himself internally at what he perceived as going too far, but relaxed when the rat seemed to buy his enthusiastic display as genuine. "Well then, I really have no choice now do I? I will come with you and accept his summons."

Shotaro wasn't looking forward to riding the whole way back with this fool, maybe he could enjoy the company of rain and a madman on the coachman's perch. "Great! I'll go and inform the driver."

With that, Sho dressed quickly and bolted from the house into the still pouring rain.

Soren had set out coffee and the accoutrements in the parlour by the time Aiki arrived.

"I had to make do with what you had in stock Aikidu, I suspect it will not be to my usual standard of quality. Many pardons."

As the fox sat down, his oversized guest poured him a cup. "Really Soren, its not anything to be upset over, I know you brought this coffee with you, as I ran out a week ago. As for the water, you cannot possibly be expected to transport that contraption with you."

Taking a large sip he continued. "Lovely. Now you said we had things to discuss. What are they?"

Soren drained a cup into his fearsome maw and filled it again. "Well then my friend, Kiessu performed very well, but I believe he was expressing himself as a person when he made demands of me. This being what you wished, the expressions not demands. As I was saying, he demanded my compliance in three things before we dallied. The first was easy enough, that being his comfort and safety. The latter two are a bit more difficult."

The arctic fox added more sugar to his coffee and stirred it. "Well go on Soren, spit it out. No need to be so formal here."

The great white adjusted his glasses, looking mildly embarrassed. "Yes, right. Well anyway he wants to see Shotaro nude..."

Aiki sputtered in his coffee. "I am sorry, please continue."

Soren gave Aiki an evil glare. "Which on its own seems rather innocent, if Sho gets over his privacy issues."

Aiki finished his coffee and put it on the saucer with a slight click. "If indeed Sho does acquiesce to that demand, I will be green with envy. But it is no problem for me. The third demand?"

Soren set down his cup and leaned forward so he could see the fox's expression when he spoke. "Kie wants to learn how to fight. From Sho."

Soren had expected Aiki to react much differently than the casual shrug he received in response. "Well Soren, all legal reasons aside, I actually think it is a good idea. Kie was greatly injured before, and being able to defend himself with any degree of proficiency should increase his confidence. What are your feelings on the matter?"

Soren put down the china cup and leaned down to see the fox better.

"Honestly," he began "I don't care either way. Sho only practices because I assure him that his life may indeed depend on the skills. I think he secretly enjoys his games. He always is a lot more energetic after I give him an assignment. But again I am getting off topic, Sho was trained via brainwashing and conditioning, so I am not sure he can properly teach."

Aiki poured the shark another cup of coffee, draining the carafe. "Then I suppose one of us should speak to Shotaro on this. Would you prefer I do it?"

The fox only barely registered the urgency in the air before Soren had his wrist firmly in hand, and squeezed until there was a bit of pain.

"You will not. I apologize for your arm, but I really must impress upon you how important this is. Speaking of his past is one thing, but attempting to get him to relive any of it is a dangerous thing. He won't harm me, but you may not be so lucky."

Soren let go of Aiki, causing the fox to rub his wrist gingerly until the pain subsided. "I will ask him after our business tonight is concluded. I would suggest you tell Kiessu not to broach the subject."

Aiki stood up slowly. "Fair enough. I shall do so now."

Soren finished the last cup before clearing away the dishes, as Aiki walked off to find Kiessu.

The sliding window behind the driver's bench opened, causing Sho to turn back quickly. "I am terribly sorry, but is it much further to House Ven?"

Shotaro saw Laporkra wordlessly say "Deal with it."

The rabbit turned on the soaking wet bench that had given him a terrible case of stiff leg and tried his best to be servile. "Not much farther sir, I believe you can see the lanterns just off that way." Shotaro pointed at a few random specks of light on a far away hillside to shut him up.

The rat seemed to be satisfied with his explanation and closed the wooden door.

"Damn fool. This is far too easy."

Lappy smiled with a fair bit of malice. "Damn shame you get to play hunter, I'd love to chase him down and gut him. But then again I am in on the negotiations to come. So its not so bad."

He hadn't spoken a word to Sho the entire trip, and now he was speaking to him as an equal. This did not bode well in the young assassin's mind. "Forgive my forwardness..." he began, tightening his grip on the knife he held at the ready under his cloak for the entirety of the trip."...but what makes you speak to me now? We're mercenaries in this. No need for sentiment."

The grinning wolf laughed loudly as thunder lit the sky in an almost cliche manner. "See, I thought we were all just helping out a friend with a problem."

Sho wasn't very amused at this. "A problem is a leaking roof or broken wheel, not potentially murdering a man."

Lappy wasn't phased by the tone in the rabbit's voice.

"Well then bunny boy, I have seen you nearly murder him twice just for being obnoxious, and the knife you're so fond of pointing at me kinda makes your feelings on the matter known." the wolf fixed him with a grin that fell just short of charming, "If you can murder with impunity, why can't I?"

Shotaro choked down the urge to stab the wolf and slid his knife away.

"How long have you known about the knife?"

Lappy smiled sincerely this time. "Oh, since you pulled it out when you climbed up here. Very good job at hiding it though. If you hadn't grunted when climbing up, I never would have looked for it. Let us be honest now shall we?"

Sho didn't like telling anyone anything he didn't have to, but he felt that if he had been made so easily, then maybe getting on the wolf's good side was worthwhile. "Why not?" He replied halfheartedly.

Laporkra held out his paw to the rabbit next to him, clutching something. "Here you go bunny, this should keep you warm."

Sho took a small ornate glass vial from him. "Alchemical heater? Rather old looking." he remarked.

Lappy shrugged.

"It is. Stole it when I was about your age. But back to my honesty and such." he paused briefly as the wagon bumped over a missing paving stone. "I know you know who I am, or you'd likely have been more assertive when I called you bunny boy before. This said, I know you are trained as a killer, and well trained, but who exactly did it, and who are you?"

Shotaro tasted bile. He didn't speak of this to anyone other than Soren or Aiki....or Kiessu now, he wasn't at all happy with the position he was in. "Can we not? It is a sore subject."

The wolf took in his expression, and continued. "Well from that I'd guess one of the cabals active in these parts. Either The Red Spot, or maybe The Silk Noose."

Sho fought to not smile, it was neither.

"It obviously pissed you off so I'll drop the question for now. You and Soren are friends of Aiki then?"

Sho appreciated the change of subject, so he indulged the man. "Yes. They are friends from a great many years back, I am only recently acquainted. How do you know the fox?"

Laporkra was busy unscrewing the lid from his travel flask.

"Oh that? We met while he was in school. Tried to steal his research notes for a rival of his, got caught. So we worked out a better deal." the wolf paused a moment to take a swig. "I'd do his dirty work when he needed it for half my normal rate, and he'd not only save me from bleeding out on the floor, he'd give me inside information. Not many who like to deal with a hitman like myself right?"

Shotaro held out his paw for the flask. "I assume so. Share?"

Lappy rattled the contents.

"Sure, not much left though. That and we're here. Hold the reigns while I get the gate."

The wolf hauled on the reigns stopping the beasts that had carried them through the storm. He then leaped to the stones below and unchained the gates with the key Aiki had given him.

Lappy could see the rat inside the carriage flitting about from window to window like an excited child. He almost chuckled to himself. "Sho is right, guy is a damn fool."

After securing the gates open with the chains, he climbed back up and took the reigns back. "Come what may, I'll be glad to get out of this fucking storm."

Sho would have no such luxury. It was his job to pull the carriage to a neighbouring barn, fetch a crossbow and change of clothing then climb to the roof to make sure the rat didn't try to scurry away in the dark. The kind of mood Sho was in, he sincerely hoped he'd try.

When the carriage pulled up to the house, Kiessu was waiting with an umbrella. Much to Sho's surprise, he didn't look nervous.

Sho hopped down to the ground and opened the carriage for their intended victim. "I present to you House Ven. Please follow the houseboy in."

Dragunov saw Kie's umbrella and waited. He had had enough of being wet for today thank you very much.

"Ah, its you." Said the lanky rodent, climbing down and taking the umbrella so Kie didn't have to stretch to keep them both dry.

The snow leopard didn't say anything or betray any emotion in his countenance.

"Right this way sir, master awaits."

Kie thought to himself that whatever this man got, he deserved it. Pretending to be neutral to him was easy, he just reminded himself he was a slave, but this was his house and he didn't want the rat here.

"Oh yes, we shan't keep him waiting long."

With that Dragunov hustled towards the open door.

Lappy hopped down and traded places with Shotaro the moment the door was closed. "Wish us luck kid."

Sho grinned at the wolf earnestly, as he was warming up to him a bit. "Good luck? I wish you good sense! Calling me kid and boy all day is not a very safe thing to do."

Lappy wasn't sure if this was an act, and he knew the bunny was reading him now.

Sho just chirped up with "Right?", his voice so full of mirth that Lappy couldn't help but feel a bit at ease.

"Okay then, good luck to you, bunny."

Sho knew it was a fight he'd never win. The wolf was one of those people who always had a pet name for others and couldn't be bothered to change it. Whipping the reigns and spurring the hoofed beasts onward, he steered them out the gate and towards the barn to the east of the manor.

Kiessu took the umbrella from the unwanted guest, closing it and indicating boot and coat racks near the door, "There are house shoes you may borrow if you did not bring any."

The blue hued rodent looked puzzled for a moment. "Oh right, I had forgotten this custom. I am ashamed to say I must indeed borrow a pair. Is Aikidu near? I'd rather like to meet him."

Kie felt a twinge of malice for once in his life, causing a grin to grow on his face. "Yes, he is very eager to meet you. Though I must insist you leave that sword here. Master Aikidu dislikes weapons in his house."

Dragunov looked conflicted.

"If..if you must insist. I am unused to being without it, and find this rather uncomfortable."

Unstrapping the wide bladed sword from his hip, he handed it to the boy with a slight grimace.

"Do be careful, it belonged to my grandfather." Kiessu thought briefly of tossing it out into the rain for the way he had spoken of his master, but decided against it.

"I will." Kie assured him, placing the sword inside a coat closet in the entryway. Kie hurried to lead the rat to his impending doom. "Right this way sir."

The duo walked to the dining room in silence, Dragunov admiring every inch of House Ven as he went.

Kiessu opened the door and announced their guest of honour. "Master Ven, I present Sir Dragunov Brevich."

Kiessu quickly hurried to the kitchen to get chilled wine for the two of them. He nearly hit Soren with the door as he lurked inside waiting for the crystal bell that was the signal to spring their trap.

"Do you know your part in this Kie?"

As the snow leopard uncorked the bottle he smiled. "Yeah, make sure he gets plenty to drink, so he is sluggish if he tries to fight."

Soren smiled warmly at the boy. "Good, just make sure that you head to the kitchen when Aiki touches the bell the first time. When you are clear, he'll ring it for myself and the wolf to take him."

Kie fetched a few cheap glasses before heading out.

As the leopard entered Aiki motioned Kie over.

"Please have some wine, it is a rather rare vintage. I hear it is rather worth its considerable cost."

The rat accepted the glass poured for him and continued his conversation from before. "Thank you"

Aiki felt his embarrassment at not knowing the boy's name, especially after what the rat had seen. "His name is Kiessu."

He set down the glass as Kie filled one for Aiki. "Many pardons. Thank you Kiessu. As I was saying before, it is very generous of you to invite me here, under the circumstances."

The fox made a dismissive gesture. "Think nothing of it."

Kie was carving off thin slices of meat and placing them on silver plates, opposite side of the table from his master and Dragunov.

Aiki looked the man over, taking in his worth and appearance, stopping to gaze at his right eye. "That is a very peculiar marking you have on your face. Might I enquire about its significance?"

Accepting a plate of meat and bread, Dragunov drank some of the incredibly potent wine with a rather pleased expression. "Good wine. I would be happy to tell you about it. This marking is given to those of my, well tribe is the closest word you have for it, when we come of age. The pattern of the sun is to represent the dawning of our adult lives and coming out of the darkness of youth."

The fox sipped lightly at the wine and cut into his meat slowly, never taking his eyes of the man across from him. "Interesting, but might I ask how the fur itself was made to grow in that colour?"

The rat put down a hunk of bread he had been nibbling, and continued in his own animated way. "It is a rather long ritual. They shave the fur off of half of your face, and tattoo the individual follicles with blessed ink. It is rather excruciating, and takes upwards of an entire day."

The rodent was absolutely beaming now. As he spoke Aiki read his emotions.

"It is uncommon for anyone here to take an interest in me, or the customs of my homeland. It is rather refreshing."

The fox grinned. He had read mild arousal. So mild in fact that the rat probably didn't even know it was there. He thought to himself that this night may indeed prove more interesting yet.

"Well Sir Brevich, I am not quite so common as most. Learning from others is one of my specialities."

The rodent set down his empty glass and Kiessu refilled it without being called. "Please, call me Dragunov or Drag. Those from home used to."

Aiki watched his prey, for lack of a better word, drink half of his glass before Kie had time to walk away. As Kie refilled his glass a second time, Aiki probed his emotions deeper. "Then I shall call you Dragunov. I like the way it rolls off the tongue."

He felt a flash of lust at his honeyed voice and could smell the rat's sweat slightly from where he sat.

"So Dragunov..." another flash, followed by confusion. " you have a wife?"

The question caught him unaware, causing Drag to nearly choke on his wine. "Oh heavens no. I haven't found the right woman yet."

Aikidu sipped his own wine and thought to himself, 'He is obviously attracted to me and yet professes interest in women. This coupled with the confusion at his lust means he thinks himself entirely heterosexual. He is attractive enough, let us see if we can change his opinion. Testing his boundaries seems a suiting punishment and perfect blackmail for what he did.'

"Well that is just too bad Drag. I never had much use for women myself."

In his now inebriated state he said without thinking, "As I have seen."

Aiki felt his emotional stat go into flux immediately. He touched his crystal bell.

Kiessu saw his master's signal and immediately headed for the kitchen as Dragunov spewed out his excuses.

"I'm sorry, that was rather rude and I didn't mean to offend. Rather I should say that, well I should apologize."

Aiki carefully picked up the crystal bell in his paw and looked at his sputtering guest.

"Oh? Whatever for? Your complete lack of foresight at your crudely written and slanderous article, or that meaningless social faux pas?"

Dragunov was speechless for a moment, as the gravity of the situation sank in. He was alone and relatively unarmed in the house of a nobleman whom he had slighted, drunk, and unsure how he could escape.

Aiki could taste his fear in the air as well as feel it, like a cold patch in his own psyche.

Dragunov put down the glass he was holding. "I think I should leave."

Aikidu rang the crystal bell, and the trap was now truly sprung.

Lappy came in from the hallway behind Drag's chair and darted at him.

Dragunov stood and levelled his muzzle loader at the wolf who smiled when the hammer clicked.

"The bunny boy," was all he said as he slapped the impotent firearm from the rats paw.

The rat tipped over the chair he had sat in as he deftly grabbed the carving knife from the tray of meat in the middle of the table. "Stay back, I warn you I am apt with a blade!"

He hadn't seen or heard Soren's approach, so when the shark spun him around by the shoulder, the terrified rodent lashed out wildly, cutting into the great white's already shredded clothing.

Soren responded by roaring directly into Dragunov's face.

The rat dropped the knife as he fell backwards over the tipped chair, scrambling away from Soren as best he could. Soren picked up the overturned chair as Drag scrambled back into Lappy's legs.

"Get up you puke!" Barked the wolf as he tried to haul the rat to his feet.

Soren had retrieved the knife and was carving himself large pieces of undercooked looking meat and eating them whole, staring at the rat all the while.

Aiki felt Drag's mind snap the moment Soren had roared. All his mental barricades had fallen. Only one word repeated over and over again, monotone in his subconscious. "Shark....shark....shark..."

Laporkra had pushed the nearly catatonic rat into the chair with a growled "Sit!"

Aiki kept reading his mind while Dragunov kept his vision locked on Soren.

"He appears to be quite terrified of sharks."

Lappy smiled wide and chuckled as colour and recognition slowly returned to the rat's face, his mind however was reeling from the alcohol and terror.

Soren had finished with the meat, and stood in his shredded finery, looking rather more intimidating than usual. He crossed his arms, still holding the knife and staring. "Doesn't like sharks you say? This should be all the more entertaining. I say rat, your fur is striking in this light, it would be a shame to ruin it in any manner. I suggest you sit quietly and comply with what you are told. Lest we see it marred with, well lets not be so rude as to speak of it."

Laporkra wanted in on the action, he had laid his ears back, and silently snarled before for added effect. "You should know rat, that we have a hunter waiting for you in the very unlikely circumstances of you getting past all three of us and trying to escape. I would consider what we'd do to you a mercy compared to his attentions."

Aikidu was glad for his friends' restraint so far. He hadn't been sure Laporkra wouldn't have just killed him outright. His plan was working beautifully. "Now then, I assume you comprehend the gravity of your situation?"

For the first time since the roar, Dragunov looked away from the shark menacing him. "Well yes, I believe you have made it apparent to all."

The white fox nodded and grinned an altogether more sinister grin than usual.

"Excellent. You now are aware of how the upper echelons of our society interact." The fox cleared his throat as he watched his quarry's face. "Not only have you openly, publicly crossed the last surviving member of House Ven, you have crossed an Adept Noctem. I am rather fond of my ploys and traps you see, and that alone is why you still live. Do you understand so far?"

The trembling rodent nodded in agreement, while shooting a glance to Soren that he soon regretted. The great white hadn't moved since he had taken his eyes off of him, but when he looked back, all Soren did was click his jaws together loudly.

Aiki took the last of Drag's wine and drank it before continuing.

"Now is when we decide your fate. For you see, my two companions have plans of their own, and my graces are all that keep you from being fucked unmercifully or being murdered, or both." He let the honey back into his voice the more he continued. "You needn't worry about that too much if we come to an amicable agreement."

Aiki pulled his chair up and sat only slightly more than a meter away from Drag, so he could look into his eyes. The barriers were going up around his mind again, and the fox needed proximity to penetrate them.

"First, no matter what happens here, you are going to write a retraction. Your source was false and I was misidentified. When you have handed this over to one of my associates our business will be concluded, in one way or another."

Laporkra came over and loomed above the rat. Aiki looked into his mind as Lappy briefly distracted him, feeling aside from the obvious terror, he was trying to put favourable words together in his mind.

Aikidu waved Lappy away. "No need of that, he isn't going to flee."

The wolf moved away and sat in an unoccupied chair quietly picking at a roasted pheasant.

Dragunov looked puzzled. "How could you know that I wouldn't attempt running?"

The arctic fox looked deep into his eyes as he spoke, still reading. "I know you better than you think Drag. I can read your thoughts and feelings like a sleazy tabloid."

The comment had hit his mark, Drag felt honest regret for the first time. "I...I'm sorry. The article was a mistake, and I will obviously rectify the situation, but I don't think I can believe you when you say you can read my thoughts. The very idea is absurd."

Aiki didn't like to be challenged, his skills were a point of pride. The fox made his will into a blunt force and he struck the walls in Drag's mind like a hammer into glass. The rat fell out of his chair at the force of it, and Aiki plucked out a choice piece of secret knowledge.

"What the hell just happened? Magic?" said the rat as he picked himself off the rug and returned to his chair in an attempt to keep the wolf from manhandling him further.

The fox smiled openly and with a look of triumph he seldom wore, told Dragunov something that he hadn't told anyone since he arrived in the city. "You fled your home isles in an attempt to avoid an arranged marriage, that if you refused would have resulted in your death."

Drag was speechless. He had no choice now but to believe the fox's claim. "Now then rodent, do you believe I can do as I say? Or do I need to do that again?"

Dragunov shook his head rapidly. "Oh no, that won't be necessary! But how?..."

Trailing off in thought as he spoke. Aiki thought that he looked cute, terrified and intrigued simultaneously was a good look for him. The fox thought of another cruel game to play with him now, but he would have to lull his prey into a secure feeling first.

"I won't tell you how, it is enough that you know I can, and that nowhere is safe for you." He watched the rodent's gamut of emotions at just what that meant with a silent satisfaction. "Now aside from this retraction you will write, you owe me two more things in exchange for your wretched existence, the first is your source. I know that most journalists loathe to give up their sources as a sort of cliche honour code, but really, must I resort to ripping it from your head?"

Dragunov's head was pounding from the last assault on his memory, he really didn't relish the idea of another attempt. "I should say not. The pain is quite indescribable." he rubbed at his temple lightly as he divulged. "The woman is a whore you see. Working in the waterfront. She hung around scowling after you had cleared out. So I knew she had recognized you. It cost me a few coins and the fortitude of smelling her breath long enough to get your name and the fact that she blames you for her situation out of her. Well that, and the indignities she slung at me for refusing her charity when I told her I was going to report the incident for the paper."

Aiki was scowling internally. This woman had to be dealt with. Many years had passed and she still carried this grudge. He made a mental note to have her memory of him removed.

"The woman works the docks, which brothel houses her?" Drag reached for a glass of water, spilling it on the rug. "Oh bollocks! Sorry about that. She tried to lure me to an alley behind a pub. I believe the name was something akin to The Overturned Stool."

As the rat dabbed water off the rug with his napkin Aiki got a better look at him. He felt a flash of awe and attraction when Drag was allowed to catch the fox's wandering eyes. Aikidu would have the rat tonight, there could be no other way.

As Dragunov poured himself another glass of water, he shuddered under the shark's unblinking gaze.

"You said two things, what is the other?"

Aiki smiled again.

"The second thing you are going to do is, quite frankly, to be my whore."

The blue hued rodent's jaw dropped as Aiki read his litany of excuses and far more subtle desires conflicting in his head.

"You have sold your words for money, and based them on the unsubstantiated claims of a prostitute, I only think it proper that you buy you life with your body." The fox's smirk grew as he spoke, "Besides, it isn't like I haven't been sensing your buried arousal all night. You will do this in the end, so let us not argue or refute your amorous intent. Besides, these two could easily subdue you if I ordered it."

The rat sat quietly for a few long moments as Aiki waited with anticipation. He had stopped reading him to make his victory all the more sweet.

Dragunov spoke slowly.

" have me at an impasse. I don't wish to be injured, and that is assured if I resist. Flight has never been an option, and from your expression, I doubt you can be dissuaded."

The fox nodded. "You are right, you're my bitch tonight, like it or not. Lappy, hold him. Soren, fetch some straps from my study."

Drag started to protest at having the last shred of control and dignity taken from him, but was silenced by his own startled squeak as Laporkra upended the chair he was sitting in, dumping him in the floor.

The wolf turned the chair over so that its legs were pointing upwards at an angle before roughly yanking Drag up to a sitting position.

"Better do your best bitch or you're gonna end up on the cutting board!"

Aikidu had stood and undone his belt, a considerable swelling already in his loins.

The fox read him once more for his own amusement as he pulled his genitals free. The fear was there, but also an exhilaration.

The large wolf grabbed a handful of Drag's brilliant blue hair and yanked his head back.

Squeaking again rather loudly, Dragunov felt embarrassed beyond belief; and stripped of all his carefully maintained dignity and poise, he truly felt-for the first time in his life-helpless.

Aikidu straddled the restrained rodent and smiled down at his pleading face before he put his silken testicles on the man's lips. "Suck you whore! And do be gentle about it."

Drag tried to turn away but the sharp pain at his hair being pulled brought him to tears and his senses.

"Do a good enough job bitch and you'll get mine too."

Another tug caused him to gasp loudly and the balls resting on his lips to slip in.

Drag could taste the musky sweat and feel the warmth of the fox's testes on his tongue. He gingerly licked at them and moved them around with his tongue, fighting with arousal and dismissing the self loathing he had fought against for the majority of his life. He had no choice in this, and somehow, that not only made it acceptable, it made it better.

Aiki had risen out of his sheath about half way from the care he was being given. The wolf however was eyeing the fox's genitals hungrily.

"Looks like he likes it Aiki. You always do have the best entertainment."

The wolf's lips parted as he leaned over and licked at the fox's knot.

Aiki moaned a little and looked at the rat's face, enjoying the look of defeat. "Oh don't worry Drag, you'll get your turn too."

Dragunov could feel the wolf's dick pressing between his shoulder blades as he grinded firmly against his back.

Aiki stroked at himself slowly, enjoying the fruits of his labour. "I think now he's ready for a taste don't you Lappy?"

The wolf growled "Oh yeah!" into the rodent's ear as the fox pulled away with his hips and used his stroking paw to steady his aim for a thrust.

"Are you ready whore?" asked the fox with a devilish grin.

Drag protested "No!" loudly, with wide eyes as Aiki slid his red shaft into the rat's open muzzle.

Laporkra held his head steady and gripped his throat with sharpened claws as the fox held his cock inside the rodent's mouth a few inches. Aiki looked down at him and saw the conflicted look in his eyes. Pleading for mercy but thrilled at the abandon he had been given licence to explore.

"Now suck and glide using your tongue. And if I feel teeth, I'll have them pulled." Dragunov didn't wish to push his luck, so he bobbed his head slightly, tasting the warm flesh he'd always secretly dreamed of. As he slowly sucked at the fox's dick, Lappy leaned over and licked a tear from his face.

This caused a few more to stream from his eyes, as Drag held no illusions as to what the wolf would do if not kept in check by Aiki.

The fox had come fully free of his sheath and had a slight swelling at his knot when Soren returned with several heavy leather straps. "Here we are, now how shall we implement them?" asked the shark, his claspers growing rigid.

Aiki smiled and gave a little bump with his hips, causing Drag to wince.

"Put him over the chair, and strap his ankles to the legs and his wrists to the back. I believe its time to fuck our little whore into his place." Pulling his cock out of the rat's mouth and stepping out of his pants, Aiki watched Lappy haul Drag over the nearby chair shoving at his head to keep him docile.

"And remove his pants, I want you all to see how much he is enjoying this!"

Dragunov whined briefly and made to protest but the sight of Soren with a strap held like a garotte silenced him.

The shark buckled his wrists firmly to the poles in the back of the hardwood chair. It was sturdy enough for what was to come, he was sure of that. Laporkra used a large knife he often carried to cut the rat's belt. He tossed the knife on the table as he pulled the belt free.

"I'm going to use this on you whore." He threatened, pulling the bound rat's pants to the floor. The grey wolf laughed cruelly and with a venom on his tongue said, "Little slut is already dripping on the rug!"

Dragunov cried silently as Soren strapped his ankles one at a time to the chair legs then stuffed Drag's pants under his torso for padding. "So you don't cry so much little white thing."

Lappy snarled at Soren threateningly. "The other end's mine! Wait your fucking turn!"

So few challenged Soren, that this actually endeared the wolf to him. "Very well then, I'll take care of myself while I wait."

The shark drug Aiki's chair over and removed his shredded pants, sitting down to rub his twin cocks together as the canids ravaged their toy for the evening.

Dragunov looked over at the shark sitting beside him almost close enough to touch had he not been bound, and recoiled at the sight of him stroking two massive cocks. "He has two?"

Lappy shut him up with a lash across his ass from his own belt. "Yeah, and both of them are gonna go right up your ass."

Aiki took the belt from Lappy. "I'll have that thank you."

The fox then proceeded to slide it under the white rodent's waist, making a loop around him.

"Oh yeah, a buck strap! Good Idea!"

Drag had no idea what they were talking about but he got the gist of it in context.

Laporkra was anxious, Aiki could tell, and if he didn't get to it soon then he feared what might happen.

The wolf was already bare chested under his open coat, and he soon tossed that aside and began undoing his gun belt. "Hurry up and put it in fox! I want to hear him yell!"

Drag struggled with his uncomfortable bonds and looked back at the fox as Aiki stepped up behind him. "Time to earn your life whore. Are you prepared?"

Dragunov breathed in deeply and shook his head, knowing it didn't matter what he felt, or said, but what he did that would earn his freedom. "Good, we can dispense with pleasantries then!" Aiki practically hissed as he leaned in with his hips, gripping his shaft. The blue-white coloured rodent spread around his spit slick shaft slowly as the fox pushed into him. He squeaked and gasped loudly as the shaft gained entry and slid to the forming knot.

"Oh come on Aiki, you can make him yell louder than that."

The wolf was now naked and fully erect, standing where all drag could see was his throbbing erection.

"Is that a challenge there alpha? You are my guest, and you will wait until I say you can have a turn."

Lappy felt his wounded pride and laughed. "Well I guess you're right fox, don't make me wait too long."

Aiki slid back out and watched the gape of his short furred ass close before he pushed back in. One paw holding the buck strap, the fox used his other to pull the hairless tail of his bitch up to his muzzle. He sucked at the tip of it lewdly taunting Lappy. "Too bad you had wronged me Drag, under different circumstances I'd have done this to your cock."

Letting the tail drop free he started fucking the rat at a brisk pace, causing a series of rapid squeaks.

The large, horny, ANGRY wolf was growling impatiently. Aiki figured he had teased him long enough. "Go ahead Lappy, get your fill."

He didn't have to be told twice, and plunged into Dragunov's mouth mid squeak, causing him to gag. "Oh stop it you big baby, you'll get used to it. Or don't, I could give a fuck less."

Soren caused the chair to creak as he leaned back masturbating rather roughly, watching his two friends roughly fucking the rat.

Aiki's swelling knot stretched at Drag's tail hole with each thrusting, and Laporkra hadn't relented on his throat at all. Fresh tears streamed down his face as the wolf repeatedly gagged him with his cock.

Pulling up hard on the buck strap Aiki gave Dragunov's ass a brisk slap as he writhed on the knot that had begun making loud squelching pops in his ass. Drag moaned loudly around the wolf phallus that was throating him, and rolled his eyes back in his head.

Soren jumped to his feet and rushed over to the rat's pleading face. "I can't wait any longer, get ready!" he grunted taking a shaft in each hand.

With his leftmost cock he splashed Dragunov's face with a geyser of seed, unloading his right load onto Lappy's fiercely swelling knot. The big wolf smiled evilly and thrust his shark cum coated knot into the rat's muzzle and held it there. "Swallow it whore!" he growled, holding the back of the rat's head so he couldn't pull away.

Dragunov was so completely lost in his own lust that he didn't think twice about swallowing a mouthful of shark semen off of a wolf's cock.

"Good bitch! Now back to work." Laporkra continued to fuck his throat roughly as Aiki picked up his pace, causing slaps to echo off the walls when his hips hit Drag's ass.

They were both so caught up in fucking him that neither noticed when Dragunov came onto his own pants that had been so unceremoniously shoved under him. His whines and protestations into Lappy's groin only seemed to spur the two on, and after a while Drag became hard again. He could feel the stickiness of his matted fur all around his genitals, and immediately felt dirty, even though he was enjoying it.

After a few deep thrusts, the white fox knotted fully inside the bound rodent, and filled his hole so much that it oozed out around his knot. Dropping the buck strap, Aiki called out. "Kiessu? Fetch some towels please."

Lappy pulled his cock out of Drag's mouth and slapped him in the face with it as he gasped for air. "You like that don't you bitch? Tell me you like it."

Drag could feel himself grow hotter in the face with each sticky slap. "I....I"

Lappy smiled. "Oh? I couldn't hear you?"

After another slap in the face, Drag shouted rather loudly, "I love it!" They had won, and Dragunov felt he had no shame left, why not give the wolf more of what he wanted.

Aiki pulled back with his knot, straining to get free of the rat's ass, causing him to yell loudly.

Lappy put his cock back in Drag's face and returned to fucking his throat as roughly as before.

Kiessu returned with the towels just as Aikidu's knot pulled free, spilling semen down the rat's legs and onto the rug. The snow leopard walked to his master, and dropped to his knees before gently cleaning his knot with one of the towels.

"Master, do you think he learned his lesson?"

Aiki looked vaguely amused when Kie grabbed the rat's hairless tail and jammed the tip of it into his own ass.

"Hold it in! Your making a mess of the rug!"

Dragunov let the tail slip out a few times only to have him keep replacing it.

"You're going to have to clean this mess up!" Scolded Kie, throwing a towel over his head.

"Lappy, just come in his ass so we can get this over with."

The wolf liked how the boy was joining the festivities of the evening. He pulled his dick from the rat's face and crossed over behind him. "Good call Kie." he praised, before he gave Drag his only warning "Ready or not whore, here I come!"

The wolf slammed his knot into Drag with such force that the chair slid several inches.

Lappy grabbed the buck strap and thrust hard while pulling back, feeling Aiki's leavings sliding around him as he squelched inside. The moment he knotted, the big wolf wrapped his muscled arm around the towel and Drag's neck, holding him back as he humped his load into the rodent.

Collapsing heavily on top of the rat, Lappy smiled at Kiessu, then rudely pulled out of his toy now that he was finished. "You want a turn kid? He's pretty good for fresh meat."

Kie glared daggers at Lappy, as he undid the straps. He looked right into Dragunov's eyes as he spoke. "I don't fuck garbage. Now do as Master bids, clean up this mess, and get the fuck out of my house."

The young leopard stormed out of the room, leaving three of the four occupants stunned.

The grandfather clock in the hall had recently chimed three bells when Dragunov had finished writing and signing two copies of his retraction.

Laporkra looked over from the stool where he sat guarding their captive.

Drag put the cap on the inkwell and turned in his chair. "I do believe I am finished."

Lappy grumbled "It's about time", before opening the door beside him and calling down the hall for Aiki.

A moment later the fox arrived, nude except for an open silk smoking jacket. He read over each letter and sealed them with wax, no signet. "Well then, now that you've done all I have asked, you are more or less free to go. I have some of dinner heating in the oven if you're hungry, and a draught that should ease the pain you are most assuredly in."

The blue-white rodent hadn't been allowed more than the towel that had been tossed over his head to clean himself, and that sat over the upholstered chair he had been sitting half nude upon. It was covered in the drippings from his earlier encounter.

He stood up slowly, using the chair for support. "I'll thank you for the medicine now." Taking it from Aiki's paw and drinking it with more urgency than his voice betrayed.

Aiki looked at him and chuckled. "That could have been poison you know?" Dragunov felt the pain ebbing away, and sighed with relief.

"If you wanted me dead, I doubt you'd be so gentle."

Aiki nodded in agreement. "I have to run you a bath and I have some extra clothing lying about you can have, please go to the dining room downstairs and you will find that Soren has left you coffee and set out your meal. You must be hungry after that ghastly affair."

Aiki winked at him before going to the guest rooms and running a bath in one.

Dragunov however did as he was bid and walked down the marble stairs towards the room he had previously been violated in. He had become acutely aware that he was limping still even though the pain was gone. He flushed at himself and tried his best to banish the notion before he dined.

Shotaro had changed out of his wet clothes some time ago and had been waiting here for Soren to bring him dinner. He was currently staring out the window watching the storm while absentmindedly flipping one of his many knives. His head snapped around as Drag entered the dining room.

"Oh, its just you. Looks like you got to live then. Sit down and drink your coffee before it gets bitter."

The precocious child Drag had met earlier today was regarding him with crimson eyes devoid of any emotion, and it chilled him to the core.

Sitting down in the same chair he had been tied to, the rodent poured himself some of the steaming liquid and drank it slowly. "So you were part of the plan too I take it?"

Shotaro tossed his knife high into the air with one hand and caught it in an apple from the basket in front of him, carving off a piece before speaking.

"I was the watcher in the wings, ready to hunt you down if you fled. Aside from that, I was to lure you here with my demure appearance."

Dragunov shuddered. "You are a terrifying person."

Sho just ate his apple quietly until Soren wheeled in a cart with serving trays on it.

"Here we are. Some pheasant and a side of potato leek soup for you Sir Dragunov. And for you Sho, I have haggis and blutwurst, just as promised."

Shotaro smiled for the first time in earnest today, and whisked his plate away to eat.

As the bunny shoveled haggis onto toast and savagely devoured it, the shark sat down between his companion and Dragunov.

"Try the coffee yet?"

Dragunov was shaking again. He couldn't help but feel primal terror when facing Soren. His people had feared sharks since before recorded history, and this one had recently ejaculated on him, bringing up a flood of mixed emotions. "I have..."

Before he could finish, Soren cut him off. "Good, now that small talk is out of the way, I should tell you that we..." he said looking over his shoulder at Sho, "... will be keeping watch on you from now on. So that you behave, and having said that, I didn't get my turn."

Dragunov gulped and Sho stopped eating.

Soren paid neither of them any mind and continued. "I assure you, that I will indeed get my turn and take my sweet time with you if you ever make another mistake like that again, and I will take my sweet time with you."

Drag didn't know what to say, but he knew better than to ever speak poorly of Aikidu ever again.

Soren poured himself a cup of coffee and drank it in a single gulp. "Now that my scary speech is out of the way, I should tell you that it isn't entirely a threat, but also an invitation." The shark smiled, making Drag squeak and drop his cup into his soup. "You did seem to enjoy yourself white thing, I am sure you can again. If you get over the abject terror I seem to evoke in you."

Shotaro swallowed a bit of his blutwurst and sighed halfheartedly. "You should stop now Soren. You are not gaining any ground with this one. If you want to fuck him then do so. I can finish eating elsewhere."

Soren knew Sho's irritated tone and let it go. He'd had Kiessu earlier and he was content with just ejaculating on the rat for now. "I guess you are right little one. I will let him eat in peace. We shall be near to the guest room you will be occupying, if you grow your fortitude back."

Sho snapped at the big shark. "Soren! That is quite enough out of you!"

He scratched at his dorsal fin embarrassed a little.

"Okay, okay. We shall take you back to the city with us in the morning."

As the two left and headed towards their own rooms, Drag heard Soren's voice one last time.

"Sho there are a couple things we need to talk about..."

Finally alone and not staring at a horny shark, Drag ate the rest of his meal and what the rabbit had left. The shark was apparently a good cook he mused, heading towards where he remembered hearing the guest rooms were.

His coat and sword were hanging over a chair in the hall, along with his pistol and a new pair of pants.

"Odd group." he said, gathering them and entering the steam filled bathroom. "First they rape you, then they treat you like a prince. At least I still live I suppose."

He stripped off his shirt and climbed into the water. Still overly sensitive in some areas, he winced and sat down slowly.

A large tray of salts and oils sat next to him on the basin and there was a bottle of the wine from dinner with a glass and note.

"What's this then?" He mumbled as he opened it.

Please enjoy this wine and the bath. You have earned them. I wish to employ you further as a public relations agent and freelance information gatherer. You showed skill in writing that tripe before, and I would like you in my employ.

As I am sure you have heard several times already, tonight was only a taste of what we can do, and will do again if you stray too far. Or not, you could always come back of your own accord and receive similar treatment if that is your desire. Think on this and contact me later.

Sincerely yours,


He was actually intrigued by the first offer, but unsure of the second. He'd have to think about both at length in the future he though. Opening the bottle of wine and pouring a glass he sat back in the soapy water and relaxed.

After two glasses and a brief nap, Dragunov awoke in the increasingly tepid water to a rustle in the main chamber.

"What? Who is there?"

The only reply to his words was the closing of his room door.

He pulled the stopper and dried himself while he cautiously stepped out of the bathroom into his room, leery of not seeing Laporkra in over an hour.

He saw no one and nothing disturbed except another card laying on the table next to his bed.

"What is wrong with these people? Can no one speak to a man?"

He was less enthused by the contents of one.

Dear Garbage, If you ever speak of Master Aikidu again as you have before

I will slay you personally.

It wasn't signed but he knew who it was from. The fact that the boy was able to read and write, as well as show the degree of self worth that he did meant he was no ordinary slave. Though with his present company, this did not come as a surprise.

"What the bloody hell did I get myself into."

As Dragunov lie down on the goose feather pillow to sleep, he couldn't help but feel that something had changed. Of what, he couldn't be sure.

-End Part Four. "How to Deal with a Rat