Jewel of Eden - Pt. 3 - Thrills of the Flesh

Story by ChaosTigerX on SoFurry

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Thrills of the Flesh (Pt. 3) - [Whee! WARNING! (M/M) Material!]

The wolf, the ox, and the tiger © ChaosTigerX

The fox © ArianaMoon

The great wolf stood tall and proud at a perfect six feet high, his long green hair pulled back into a perfect pony-tail, and his clothing fit for the ruler of his perfect kingdom. Almost perfect, he thought irritably as his dark sapphire eyes narrowed and his hand, which had been clenched around the wrist of the only surviving member of his scouting party, tightened its grip.

"My father's best men." The wolf snarled with a deadly look in his eyes. The ox cowered in fear, though being far taller than the canine, the power held within that grip was terrifying.

"And you have the BALLS-" The gray male kicked the ox hard in the ribs, who was kneeling in front in respect and fear. "-to come BACK... EMPTY HANDED, no less!"

"Please, sir... spare me! Let me try again!" He said, rubbing his side with his free hand. The kick had stung.

"If you couldn't do it the first time, what makes you think you can do it the second time?"

"If I can just-" The ox's fearful sniveling was cut short with a yelp of pain as the wrist twisted. His other hand went to the floor to support himself from falling fully over, the pain excruciating. His wrists were bandaged tight from the slashes the tiger had delivered and not quite healed. A bit of blood had begun to stain them again.

"TO THE DUNGEON WITH YOU. I shall punish you myself." The wolf gave the ox's wrist one last twist, sending sparks of pain into the hunched over figure, then dropped it. On cue, the guards on either side of the throne moved forwards and grabbed the ox under the arms and forced him up and out of the hall.

"James, you seem somewhat angered." An old wolf sat in the throne, who had watched the entire thing. His age showed in his tattered fur and lack of color in his eyes.

"Incompetence, father. I can't believe your best men failed like a bunch of pants-less fairies." James sighed and stood at his father's side for a moment.

"They were good men, they had skills." His father smiled. "Which means their adversary was greater..."

"I promise you, father..." James bowed to one knee. "I will capture the traitor of the throne AND get the Jewel of the Sacred Gardens, before the-"

"Don't give me a deadline." His father raised a hand to silence him. "I've already far surpassed my own, anyway. I just wish to have a glimpse of the jewel. It would be my last wish."

"You have my word, then." James bowed his head down lower and then rose to his full height.

"Good boy." The old one laughed. "Ha! Sorry, your majesty. I need to mind my manners to the one who currently holds the throne and not forget my place."

"Father, it has only been a little while since you passed the throne to me. I do not mind if you address me by other names." James forced a smile.

"Why, how generous of you." The old king got up slowly and made his way out using a door in the back of the throne, hidden by a curtain.

"For you won't be alive much longer..." James' smile disappeared instantly when his father left. With that, he spun on his heel and strode out of the hall, taking the route to the dungeon.

A crack of the whip echoed throughout the dungeon corridors followed by a grunt by the ox. James circled the great beast, often double checking to make sure the binds could hold him. The ox was completely de-clothed, his arms were chained together and held up by another chain on the ceiling. His legs were spread wide and his ankles chained to the floor. The ox's muscles heaved as he took in large and quick gasps of breath, the adrenaline pumping to dull the pain in his veins. He shut his eyes, unable to look into the wolf's decimating gaze.

"So." The wolf looked at the whip in his hands, turning it this way and that, uninterested. "Tell me what you saw."

The ox hesitated, but was startled with pain when the whip came around and cracked at the inside of his thigh, dangerously close to his grotesquely large manhood.

"A tiger did it!" He hissed out.

"A tiger?" The wolf tugged the whip with both hands, looking dangerously at the ox.

"He had blue stripes... his power was... was... overwhelming." The ox shook a little, uncontrollably.

"Is that all?" James raked a claw gently on the ox's chest, starting from the collarbone down to the abs.

"There was a... a vixen with him." The ox continued to shiver, his voice wavering. "She... was dressed in beast skins and had talismans. I think she was a witch."

"Oh?" The wolf reached down and grabbed the ox's balls, rolling them around in his palm. "Was this a reason why your team was so brutally defeated? Because THIS-" He pointed down with his snout, "was on your mind?"

"Uh..." The ox shivered harder and his member slowly began to harden.

"BECAUSE ALL YOUR BLOOD WAS IN YOUR PENIS???" The wolf snarled and grabbed the base of the ox's cock. The width was increasing in size. James tightened his grip to prevent more blood from going in.

"Gah! I'm sorry!" The ox's resolve broke and he started sobbing. His wrists, which were still bound high above his head, began to bleed again. His crotch was painfully tight.

Neither moved for a good while, until the cock started to turn blue.

"Should we just get rid of it so that it never happens again?" James threatened.

"No, sir! I... I won't let it get in the way again!" The ox sobbed again.

James swiftly let go and the color immediately came back into the engorged penis. James could see the full size now, it definitely was much wider than his grip. Holding it at that size gave much pain to the bull. He laughed to himself. Amusing himself, he spanked the cock, watching it swing back and forth. The ox moaned.

The wolf turned to the wheel on the wall and spun it, lowering the bull down to his knees. The bruises and whip lashes made their marks, but his sadistic hunger intensified. Standing behind the bull, he reached his gloved hands around and began to knead and tug on the bouncing member roughly. The bull's grunts and moans echoed loudly in the corridors as he moved uncomfortably around, trying to resist the ministrations of his king. James was pressed right up against the ox, tugging more and more roughly, letting one hand even go up and pinching at the ox's nipples.

It wasn't long before the ox shuddered from forced orgasm and shot ropes of sticky cum onto the floor and cell wall before him. James stood and admired his work while the pull hung his head, exhausted. The entire experience had excited James very much. He pulled down his own pants to his knees, his seven-inch member springing to attention. Smiling maliciously, he aimed at the bull's unprotected rear and pushed in. The lack of lube made it difficult, but James enjoyed hearing the ox scream in pain as his forceful entry created a burning sensation inside the bull.

"You know, Hector..." James said softly, the ox's ears stood at attention. James thrusted quickly and strongly, hearing his bull grunt and groan. "This is the third time I'm having my way with you. One might think you fail on purpose."

"That's not true! I... I promise that I won't fail you next time!" Hector squirmed, trying to move his body to ease the burning thrusts.

"I could have killed you already..." James growled, silencing Hector.

James cock leaked a bit of pre, bringing much-needed lubrication to the almost bleeding anus. His ass raw, Hector pulled on his shackles painfully, feeling James' penis violate him again and again. As more and more pre-cum spurted out, the burning sensation subsided and pleasure soon replaced the pain. Hector's limp cock began to rise again as blood rushed back in. James expected this and thrust even harder than before, a meaty slap was heard every time his hips hit his prey's.

"Mmm..." James moaned, his muzzle in the short fur of the ox's back. His fingers tugged hard on the erect nipples and he pounded relentlessly, feeling the familiar sensation of peaking rising. The knot at the base of his cock formed and added another inch of circumference to his already large member.

Hector grunted and moaned with extreme pleasure, the slippery cock gliding in and out of him with ease. He felt James hilt inside him, knot pushing past his loose anal ring, and splash his insides with his hot seed. This triggered his own second orgasm and more cum splashed the drying puddles in front of him. They both moaned and panted. Several minutes passed as James waited patiently to be able to pull out of Hector.

"But you know what, Hector? I think you're my favorite. That's why you're still alive." James bit down on the ox's neck, drawing blood. He lapped at the small wound, tasting the bitter blood and his nostrils flaring at the smell of the ox's sex that filled the air.

Hector didn't respond, he hung limply. His bloody bandages had halted the bleeding for now and he was offered a chance to begin his healing. James untied himself to the ox and rubbed his messy member on the ox's shoulder.

"In two days, you gather another troop and set out to where the tiger is." He whispered. "I don't want you to approach them... instead, I want you to..."

Shyla woke up first, feeling the cool and damp morning hanging in the air. The fire had almost died, so she sat up and chucked a couple more wood blocks in. She shivered and pulled her covers over her. She didn't realize until the form laying next to her started shivering that she had taken all the blankets that she and Yan were sharing. She lay down beside him and spread the covers so they covered him too.

She snuggled closer to him and warmed him with her own body. He stirred slightly and opened one eye slowly, barely a slit.

"Good morning." She smiled happily, getting a grunt in return. "Aren't you a sleepyhead. How do you even survive out here if you take so long to wake up?"

"Ssh..." He shut his eye.

She turned and reeled back a little, his breath was kind of stinky. Morning breath, she thought.

Rolling out from under the covers, she quickly donned her undergarments and began to put a bot of water to boil. The sun had not risen over the horizon yet, but the sky was a bright gray. She sat with her cloak around her, humming songs she had learned as a lass.

"The Earth is our mother, she gives and she takes..." She sang softly.

Yan's ears swivelled and he blinked his eyes open, trying to shake the sleep off himself. Sitting up slowly, the covers fell from his chest, exposing his white fur. The coolness of the room made his nipples stand erect, becoming sensitive. He grumbled.

"You might want to get some pants on." She giggled at his sleepiness.

Grunting, he got up and put on his briefs and then his pants. By then, the water had come to a full boil and she had already put some potatoes in with the leftover chicken bones. He stepped outside and washed his face in the large barrel of rainwater outside. When he came back, she got up and went out to do the same.

Yan walked over to the pot, giving it a deep sniff and sighed at the wonderful aroma. He sprinkled in the salt and sugar. The little rations of food he had left stored in the area would have to be replenished soon. The nearest village was at least a day's ride away. They could hold out for, perhaps, a couple more days. She came back and combed her hair with her fingers, sitting down next to the pot. He grabbed a couple bowls from the shelves and they spooned each other the chicken soup.

Neither spoke as they sat and ate, the silence heavy and almost suffocating. It wasn't until he put his bowl down that he spoke.

"That was really good. Thank you." He looked at her and nodded.

"You are very welcome." She smiled.

"Why didn't you run away? I was extra-tired this morning. You probably could have gotten away for sure this time."

"Well... you helped me out with some problems that I got myself into. I know you're a good tracker, so there would be no point in running." She sighed. "This forest is my home. I sleep under the stars. Where ever I went, you would be able to follow. I know you're intent on protecting the Jewel, even more than I am, so I guess having you around would be quite to my advantage."

He nodded, looking thoughtful. "Well, we're going to have to go for more supplies if we're to stay here longer. Probably tomorrow or so. I'll have you stay outside the village while I get clothing and food. That way, you won't look so wild and scare others away instantly. We don't want anyone alerting the king of our presence."

"Ok." She pulled her cloak a bit closer around herself. "What do we do until then?"

"Tell me about the old gods."
