That Burning Sensation, Chapter 1

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#1 of That Burning Sensation

A young mouse, orphaned by a fire he believes he started and abused by the people who took him in, decides running away is his best and only option. Will his ability be enough to keep him safe in a world cloaked in the depths of winter?

I decided to try my hand at a story revolving around cubs. I was inspired(or at least motivated) by a wonderfully written and extremely long 3-part story by Kichigai Kitsune called "Tai's Story". I'm not planning on writing chapters nearly that long though. ;)

That Burning Sensation, Chapter 1

by Dragonborn3

Cold Sweat

The sirens wailing in the distance never reach the ears of a young mouse as he screams for his mother and father, hoping desperately that they would find him and save him from the fire that was quickly engulfing his home. They were his parents, they could do anything! They told him they would do all they could to keep him safe! Everything would be alright... right?


When the young mouse was picked up from behind and rushed out of the burning building, he clung to his savior, thinking it was one of his parents. He cried when he saw the frightening mask of the firefighter, and, small as he was, it took three people to wrap him in a blanket and keep him from running back to the house. He screamed he watched his house collapsed in front of him....


Trent kept screaming as he sat up and hit his head on the inside of the tunnel he was sleeping in that night. It was not the first time he'd relived that night through his dreams, and it only served to reinforce his self-loathing. After all of this time, he still couldn't help but think the fire was his fault. The certainty of it was burned into his soul.

A breeze swept through the playground tunnel he was in and made him notice he had broken out in a cold sweat, both a treat for him and a reminder of the dream he wished he'd stop having. Rubbing his head where he hit it, Trent crept out of the tunnel and looked up at the brightening sky. Daylight would bring people to the park with their children, even in the middle of winter. If someone saw him outside this early, they might call the police and he'd end up back in foster care, maybe even back with the family he'd run away from. Wrapping his coat tighter around him, Trent left the park and headed for bridge he'd seen the day before. He'd be out of sight under it and wouldn't have to worry about getting snow in his fur if the weather decided to act up later. Once safely under the bridge, Trent quickly curled up and went back to sleep. It eased the hunger pains in his stomach, but at the price of more of the dreams he hated.

Five years after the fire that took his family from him, Trent found himself in the home of lioness and her sixteen year-old son. They were nice to him and he was thinking about trusting them after a few days. Maybe they would help him get rid of his bad dreams! His hope opened him up a little bit, and he was talking more than he had in years because of it. His case worker was ecstatic, glad he was coming out of his depression without the help of medication. Maybe once he was more like a happy young kid, some kind family would adopt him. Alas, it was not to be.

"Trent?" Mrs. Kelin, the lioness who was his current foster mom, called out one night. "Could you come here for a moment?" He could here a slight slur in her voice, and knew the wine she'd had with dinner was probably the reason. She hadn't drank often, but she was a real lightweight when it came to alcohol and the single glass of wine was more than enough to give her a headache the next morning. Still, Trent left the room he shared with her son, Lan, and went to see what she wanted.

"Yes?" He asked, wondering what she wanted him for before his bed time.

"Could you be a dear and go to my room? I'd like you to get the book on my bedside table for me."

"Sure!" Trent said, happy to help. He hurried up to her room and found the book easily. Turning to go back downstairs, he squeaks as he runs right into Mrs. Kelin. She'd come up behind him without a sound and was looking at him in a way that made his fun stand on end. "I f-found the b-book."

"Such a good boy, always helping." The lioness slurred, running a finger across his cheek. "Just like a young man should. " She pushed him onto her bed and starting tickling him, making him laugh and causing his fear to vanish. His face started burning under his fur when she stopped tickling and started kissing him, and he became afraid again when her rough tongue slipped into his mouth and her fingers started rubbing between his legs. This wasn't right, she shouldn't be doing this. "Such a cute little mouse..." She purred, using her upper body to hold him as she took off her pants and underwear, then straddled him as she took off her shirt as well. He looked away in an attempt to be modest, but she forced him to look at her. "Gonna keep being a good boy? Don't wanna tell ya case worker you making trouble."

"Y-yes ma'am. I'll be g-good." What could he say? He was just a kid, and if people thought he was a troublemaker... he'd heard about juvenile detention centers that were horrible places for a kid to be. He didn't think anyone would believe him if he said she was lying.

"Good." She bent over and put her left breast in his face, much to his ever growing discomfort. "Suck on it." She commanded. Closing his eyes, he moved his head up until his lips connected with her nipple and he forced himself to suck on it. It didn't have a taste as far as he could tell, but he still didn't like having to do this. She started groaning and pressing her fingers against his groin more forcefully as he sucked on her nipple. She finally pulled away and picked him, moving to the edge of the bed and setting him on the floor. "Time for a little more than sucking." She told him.

"What?" Now he was confused. She didn't have the slur anymore! She wasn't even drunk and she was making him do this? What was going on?

"Start licking my breast again, then work your way down." When he hesitated, she grabbed his head again and forced him closer to her body. Against his will, he started licking, earning another unwanted groan from his foster mother. Mrs. Kilen started pushing his head lower, making him lick over her stomach fur as she pushed him toward her real desire....

After that night, Trent was going into Mrs. Kilen's room almost nightly, doing whatever he asked out of the fear of going to juvie. Eventually he just stopped thinking about it and went through the motions, going to a safe place in his mind whenever Mrs. Kilen called on him for his tongue. He became a quiet wallflower of a child again, answering questions with as few words as possible and avoiding contact with others. Things got worse when Lan figured out what was going on and forced Trent to pleasure him as well. He was not as gentle as his mother was, and did more than use Trent's mouth. It wasn't long after that that Trent forced himself to run away. He didn't want to though. He wanted them to get caught. He just couldn't stay there though, not without running the risk of hurting them or setting their house on fire.

Now don't get the wrong idea, Trent wasn't a sadist or an arsonist; he was far too caring for that. What Trent was afraid of was losing control over the ability he believed linked him to his parent's death. Trent could create and control fire. He didn't need a match or flint and steel to do it, he didn't even need fuel. All he needed was to lose control of it and people got hurt. It is because of this ability that Trent hates himself so much. If you killed your parents, wouldn't you?

This ability did have it's perks though. In the dead of winter, Trent never worried about freezing to death. The fire inside of him kept him plenty warm, and more than once he's woken up with stray ferals curled up next to or on him, delighted in finding something warm to sleep with. So all he really had to worry about was getting something to eat while he was homeless. At one point he thought he was going to die from starvation, but he didn't. He was saved by a young husky with short fur, a wide muzzle, and an ability just as amazing and mysterious as Trent Atel's own.

I'm talking, of course, about "Nick".