Weights and Scales - Chapter 2

Story by Nikothraa on SoFurry

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#2 of Weights and Scales

It took four years for me to finish this? Damn, I am lazy as hell.

Deep grunts sounded up the stairs as the two dragons descended, Nico raising an eyebrow as he listened.

"Did dad leave the basement door open?" the younger asked.

"He wouldn't do that. Probably watching T.V."

Akuro answered. As they stepped into the living room, their father lifted a hand in greeting from the sofa, taking a sip from a mug of coffee. His attention remained on the television before him. "Good morning, boys. Done with your romp already?" A wide grin split his deep sapphire muzzle, showing his white teeth.

Nico blushed, his expression becoming frightened. "You heard us?" He looked at his older brother, wondering how in the world he could be so calm about this.

"Relax, kid. I've known for quite some time, now." Jack turned off the T.V. and rose, stretching his powerful arms above his head. Nico couldn't resist the urge to look over his father's body, slightly licking his lips.

Long silver hair housed two pure white horns, as well as two large ear-fins on either side of his head. The wave of hair fell over a broad, muscular back; years of training his body at the gym apparent to the front of his torso, as well as his legs. A white underside to this male revealed a bulky musculature; deep crevices between each group showing the care he takes into sculpting his body. A long, whip-like tail extends just above his rear, perfectly toned and defined. Attached to solid hips, two thick legs bulging with muscle bring the male to a height of six feet, ten inches; overall, a stunning example of masculinity. He was wearing a pair of black lycra shorts; likely the largest size available due to his ample bulge in front, as well as a tight tank top. Jack's grin widened as he looked over at the pair. "Don't get too hot and bothered. I've got some training for you to start today, birthday boy."

Nico blinked. "You mean..."

"That's right. You're eighteen today, so that makes you a man. And that means you can use the gym downstairs." Jack nodded in the direction of the basement door. "If you don't have anything planned for today, we're gonna start now."

"I'm...not exactly dressed for it." Nico stated, looking himself over. Akuro chuckled and placed a hand on Nico's back, gently pushing him towards the door.

"That's not going to be a problem." Akuro remarked.

Nico looked around the room. It was expansive, and filled with all sorts of machinery and racks with varying weights on them. He noticed a side door and pointed to it. "Where does that go?" He heard Akuro chuckle again and frowned at being left out of the obvious loop.

"It goes to where we're going." Jack replied. He peeled of his shirt and slung it over one of the nearby weight racks, opening the door and turning on the light.

Nico stepped in and blushed a deep purple at what he saw. Several tables used for restraining someone were in the middle of the room; all of which had different variations. A few restraints - the upright counterparts to the tables - were attached to the walls. "Wow, uh...not what I expected you to be into, dad..." The young dragon shuddered nervously.

"No need to worry, son. We won't be using any of these. I take it you understand where this is going, now?" Jack leaned against one of the tables, motioning for Nico to come over. He obeyed, standing in front of his father, his nervousness apparent as his tail curved around his legs. Jack chuckled and embraced his son. "I know it might be weird, but I also know you want to do this. Really, relax."

Nico sighed and slid his arms around his father's neck, almost melting into the embrace. The larger male pulled Nico flush against his chiseled form, sinking back onto the table. Nico settled in Jack's lap, noting the bulge beneath him growing. He pulled back to look down and his eyes grew wide. "Am I going to have to take all of that?" he asked.

Jack nodded and lifted Nico from his lap, setting him on the floor. "Yep. I figure it'll be tough on your rear, though, so you'll be using your mouth for this one." The larger male stood, looked down at his son, and nodded. "Strip, boy. And then take off my shorts."

Nico quickly removed his clothing, tossing it aside. He looked at his father's groin, then slipped his hands under the fabric, up the legs, and hooked his fingers over the waistband. He pulled them down slowly, leaning closer and closer, until his father's member was free of the shorts. It flipped up and solidly smacked Nico in the face. He flinched and recoiled from the unexpected assault.

Jack laughed, reaching down to ruffle Nico's hair. "Surprise."

Nico absently fixed his hair, then gripped the base of his father's cock, squeezing gently. He looked along the length, his mouth open slightly at the size.

"Ten inches long and an inch-and-a-half thick. I measure it every week." Jack crossed his arms, watching as his son began to stroke over the thick, white flesh. Nico reached up with his free hand to cup his father's balls and almost failed; they were almost too big to fit. And heavy as well. "I've been saving up for two weeks, if you catch my drift."

"Best birthday, ever." Nico commented before taking a long lick at the underside of his father's penis, starting at the base and dragging his tongue up to the glans. He dipped his tongue tip into his father's urethra briefly before taking the head into his mouth and sealing his lips just under the ridge; his tongue jutting out from under his bottom lip an inch.

He began move his head back and forth slightly, suckling as he played with his father's cockhead, his other hand gently teasing the orbs and in behind his father's ball sack. Jack inhaled sharply at the sudden pleasure, resting a hand on Nico's head. "That's it, boy...start with a good tease..."

Nico shuffled forward a bit, going an inch at a time until he was halfway down his father's length, resuming his bobbing and suckling. He coiled his tongue around the thick member, struggling to breathe through his nose as he sucked, now squeezing and pulling at his father's balls, eliciting a deep moan from the male above. He tasted his father's sweet precum and swallowed the fluid eagerly. "Now I see what you mean, Aku. It's like he's been doing it all his life." Jack looked at his eldest through-half lidded eyes, watching him masturbate.

Akuro stroked himself idly while he watched his little brother, spreading his own precum over his now-slick member. He smirked as an idea came into his head and he knelt behind Nico, deciding to follow it. He lifted Nico's rear, fitting his penis under his younger brother's tail and quickly sinking in all the way. He felt Nico's tail hole spasm around his length at the sudden intrusion.

Nico would have gasped if his mouth wasn't full, but instead dove onto the remaining five inches of cock in front of him, shuddering as four inches forced their way into his throat. Father and son simultaneously moaned as their eyes rolled backward, the former suppressing the urge to buck into his son's face. Nico quickly regained composure, pressing forward as far as he could; his lips meeting his father's groin. He stopped sucking to instead undulate his throat muscles, effectively massaging his father's glans. His rear reacted in much the same way, massaging his brother's penis.

Gripping his little brother's hips for stability, Akuro began to thrust into him a bit roughly; Nico's rear a bit loose, aided by their earlier play. He leaned down over Nico, pressing his body against his little brother's back, knowing how his brother liked the feel. He slowed his thrusts to a more gentle movement, opting to work himself into a more gradual climax.

"Hurr...don't you dare stop sucking my cock, boy..." Jack growled, his hand threateningly flexing against Nico's head, claw tips pricking the youth's scales through his hair. A soft whine sounded through Nico's nostrils, the boy obeying as he resumed the vacuum around his father's organ, pausing every few moments for an intake of breath. His nostrils flared a bit as the heady aroma of Jack's musk flowed into his face, the young dragon forgetting his mouthful for a second as a lustful growl rasped against his prize. The older male gave a start, bending forward a bit as he choked back a cry of pleasure, "Oh my...f-fuh..." and found himself unable to finish his statement.

"So good..." Akuro whispered into his brother's ear-fin, grazing his teeth along the membranes of the sensitive appendage, causing the younger to jerk and spasm; coughing around Jack's thick shaft. The elder brother just grinned at the reaction, speeding his thrusts further as his scales took on a slight sheen; a thin layer of sweat forming on his body in response to his exertion. "Mmm, getting me close already, Nico..."

Nico had nearly lost his mind at this point, awash in the sea of pleasure both males were offering, merely acting on impulse. He jerked a hand to his throat and squeezed, stroking and massaging the bulge for his father as his other hand dropped to his groin. Wrapping his fingers around his dripping cock, Nico began to stroke rapidly; a tattoo of wet noises heard in the room as his foreskin repeatedly drew over and retracted from his glans. Despite his previous release, he was determined to be granted another.

The hot silken tunnel of Nico's rear began to flex and clench at the welcome intruder; gripping it as it smoothly glided in, spasming around as it drew out. Akuro's shaft throbbed and twitched inside, more frequently as he began to hammer against his brother's rear. Both understood the meaning, the younger redoubling his efforts in order to feel the familiar rush. Akuro lifted his head, moaning aloud as the sensation washed over him, driving him ever closer to those gates, eyelids closing.

"Hnnn..." Nico groaned, a sharp intake of breath heard from above him as another series of vibrations resounded along Jack's length. The father gripped the son's head in both hands, such a sensation new to him as none of his partners before had thought to try. Jack pulled on Nico's horns, drawing him a half-inch upward, then quickly pressing him back down. He repeated the motion again, and then again, eventually working into a rapid rhythm.

Opening his eyes, Nico turned his gaze upward to see the open-mouthed expression on his father's face, relaxing the muscles in his shoulder and neck, allowing Jack to use him, simply going along for the ride. He continued to work his own cock, huffing through his nose as the sensory overload grew in intensity; the rapid thrusting into both ends sending him careening over the edge.

Nico's entire body shuddered, spasming as the young dragon flexed his throat. He uttered a long, deep growl, his hand covering over his glans as he began to cum. Thick globs of hot seed drooled from his fingers as the blasts were deadened by his hand, oozing down along his digits before dribbling onto the floor. The young male's body stopped shuddering and tensed up, trapping both his father and brother inside him.

The two moaned out in unison, twin orgasms firing jet after jet of thick cream into Nico; Jack having a more drastic reaction than either son. His chest heaved as his moans were broken by repeated huffs, grunts and pants; Jack never having experienced such a feeling as his youngest son was giving him now. His heavy orbs drew up close to his body, a dull aching feeling as he continued to breed Nico's throat, even after both boys had finished.

Nico greedily guzzled down all his father had to offer, quick, short breaths through his nose the only reprieve he had from the onslaught of seed. After a few moments, Jack's orgasm died down, the older male pulling Nico from his cock; the boy still suckling happily. Jack tried to stand, and quickly found the strength has left his legs, dropping to his knees and chuckling softly as he embraced his sons, drawing Nico into a deep kiss.

A soft humming sounded from all three as Nico eagerly tilted his head to mesh his muzzle with his father, Akuro rubbing over his brother's chest and sides as he added two pecks of his own to the group's respective muzzles. As Jack pulled away, breaking the kiss, he opened his eyes to gaze into Nico's, feeling his heart swell with affection.

"Happy Birthday, son. Welcome to the club."