Baitang, the Patriotic Panda

Story by Semille on SoFurry

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#2 of Meet the Studs

So, bit of a musclefur fan. Less obvious from my writing style and gallery than you'd think, but just glance at mah faves. The evidence is there. All things meaty, manly(and sometimes femmy), and powerful, when portrayed with style and talent, is A+ in my book. So much so that I've been developing a rather exhaustively involved and in-depth series, nearly a decade in the making, involving the subject...well, perhaps not involving, but rather featuring it, to the point that with barest exception...

all the furs are huge. Like, nearly all of em. Indulges my author appeal and leaves open tons of possibilities for far more varied personalities than "vain, dominant gymrat" and themes to explore therein.

So of course, I've had to wrack my tiny brain creating characters for this self-indulgent little project, and suffice to say, I've been busy. You don't even know the breadth of character and species I've been developing and mining so far. Like, guess. You won't get it, but guess. Ya don't...just, dude, stop. You don't even know. You're embarassing yourself. You don't know. YA DUNT KNOW

Enjoy. Love it, Hate it, let me know.

Name: Baitang Sumerigawa

Species: Giant Panda

Age: 23

Height: 7' 9"

Weight: 848lbs.

Appearance: A towering beast packed with monstrous, bulging muscle and possessed of an immense stature and physical strength, Baitang is a sterling example of the ideal Nagual soldier. Massive, heavily muscled arms that can punch through layers of titanium steel coated in fine ebony fur that hug to his every bulge, valley and crease, perfectly highlighting his Olympian size and definition in any light, same with his heaving, mountainous shelf of a chest and bullish neck. A rippling, milky-white torso, ripped with thick, rolling abs and shredded obliques, lead the eye down to sequoia-thick legs and bulging thighs, black as night and teeming with roiling brute power and strength just begging to burst forth.

His titanic physique is complimented, or perhaps contradicted, by the typical, adorable features of the Giant Panda; his black neck and limbs contrasting artfully with the white of his face and torso, with cute, bean-shaped patches of black framing his kind hazel eyes; stubby, round ears that practically beg to be scratched and petted; and a precious little dollop of a tail sprouting above his bulbous, firm ass.

He typically likes to wear a simple, grey muscle shirt and dark green cargo pants brimming with pockets. His long, black headfur is starting to grow back after having shaved it for military service, but he dutifully keeps it trimmed and preened down to a not-quite buzzcut, with the excess tied into a tiny ponytail. (He finds calling it a "rattail" to be embarrassingly tacky.) He keeps his personal set of dog tags wrapped around his left arm. (Don't worry, instead of metal links, the chain is formed from a very tough synthetic material that, amazingly, can hold no matter how hard he flexes.)

Personality: Kind, Strong, Disciplined, Determined. Enlisting himself into armed service from a young age has instilled Baitang with years of discipline, combat knowhow and a worldly experience well beyond his years, not to mention a passionate sense of duty and responsibility. A born soldier, Baitang never quits anything he's started, lives life by an understanding but firm moral code and devotes himself to helping his fellow man.

A kind and caring soul, Baitang always seems to be wearing a smile when not on the battlefield. He's a diligent worker and obedient to a fault, though not blindly so. He'll respectfully question a leader's orders or decisions when he feels a mission is less-than-savory. When he's not working, he's very laidback and outgoing and makes friends with incredible ease. He's caring and empathetic, being able to pick up on subtle behavioral cues and comfort a troubled friend. As a person, Baitang has relatively few faults and is pretty much an all-around upstanding guy. He gets embarrassed and offended a bit easily(He's particularly irked when people assume he's a good cook because of his species' ethnicity. He is, but he learned all his cooking knowhow from locals while on various tours of duty.), he's a tad secretive about his inner feelings, rarely talks about himself or his past, has difficulty composing himself in the rare occasions his emotions get the better of him and can be remarkably stubborn when he sets his mind on a goal.

Abilities: Baitang is adept with a wide variety of firearms and hand-to-hand techniques, but his personal weapon of choice is the Supernova, a fifteen-foot long ballistic weapon that fits around his arm. An experimental war weapon, the Supernova is capable of decimating entire armies with heavy automatic fire, cannon and mortar rounds, and a scorching beam weapon that draws directly from Baitang's biological protiens for energy.

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