Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 8 -- He's Baaaaack...

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#7 of Spyro: Return of Darkness

Spyro's starting to feel uncomfortable around Cynder...for male reasons :P But can he overcome his problem when she needs him?

from here on out the rating of the chapters will be "adult", good news you you out there seeking some yiff action...there is none yet, but patience is a virtue :P

If you're under 18, your patience will pay off if you wait until you can "officially" be on this site. IE if you're under 18, get outta here.

Chapter 8 -- He's Baaaaack...

That night, Solar stayed on the balcony--he was so used to sleeping outside that Spyro and Cynder's room made him a little uncomfortable. In the room, Spyro and Cynder were looking out one of the windows, Cynder as usual leaning on Spyro.



Cynder opened her mouth to say something, but a bubble caught in her throat and she coughed and fell silent again. They were happy together, but they were also a bit nervous...what if they said something really stupid and hurt the other? That was Cynder's biggest problem...but Spyro had a bigger one. Whenever he thought about her, that bulging feeling between his legs came back, and it kept getting harder and harder to hold back. Cynder felt Spyro tense up, and she stood up and looked at him.

"Something wrong?"

"Not really," he said, but she knew he was lying, and she had a guess as to what was going on.

"Aaahh..." The way she said that, and the way she looked at him, made Spyro very uncomfortable, and he sat down on the floor, turning just a tiny bit red.

"I can't help it, Cynder..."

"Spyro, you don't need to be so embarrassed," she said, sitting down next to him. "I really don't mind." He looked at her, and she looked away shyly.


She opened her mouth to say something, but again choked on that annoying bubble. She didn't need to say anything, though; it clicked in Spyro's mind, and she saw his realization as his face softened a tiny bit. They sat there looking at each others' eyes, but eventually Cynder curled up next to Spyro where they sat on the floor and fell asleep. As Spyro watched her sleep, he felt a strange darkness radiate from her, and her face contorted in a nightmare.

"Cynder?" Spyro asked, shaking her. She opened her eyes and looked at him.


"I thought you were having a bad dream...sorry..."

Cynder gave him a small glare and closed her eyes again, but after a while she got up and shook her head. "Something's wrong, Spyro...I don't feel right..."

"What does it feel like?" he asked, sitting up.

"Like...something's trying to grab me...get into my head..."

"Cynder?" came Solar's voice behind them. They turned around. "Is that...is that dark field coming from you?"

"Dark field?" she asked, confused.

"You don't see it?" he asked, and they shook their heads. "I've seen that field before..." He sat down, and they could see on his face that he was searching through memories. His eyes hot open and he stood up. "It's HIM!" he said, shocked. "The Dark Master! That field was around you and several others under his influence when we were in captivity!"

Cynder whimpered and Spyro's eyes dilated in shock and despair. He looked at Cynder and she was trying not to cry at the sudden upwelling of old memories. He moved closer to her, and she threw her arms around him. He could feel her fear.

"Please don't let him get me again!" she cried, her tears falling onto his shoulder as she buried her face on him. Spyro held her close, whispering in her ear, but he was scared for her. Spyro looked up as he heard Solar approaching them.

"Cynder? May I try something?" he asked. "I think...I'm not sure, but I might be able to help." Spyro released Cynder and she turned to Solar. Solar sat back and put both his paws on her head, closing his eyes, a concentrated, searching look coming over his face. Cynder felt him somehow looking through her memories...searching her for something...As Spyro watched, he thought he saw Solar's paws glow. After a while Solar stood back and Cynder looked at him for answers. He thought for a while, his face wrinkled as he searched his mind for an answer. "I hate to say it, Cynder, but the Dark Master, long ago, planted some kind of dark signature in you...I'm afraid he's right now trying to use it as a foothold to return to power."

Cynder gasped and sat back, tears falling from her eyes. Spyro edged closer and took her in his arms, and she fell into his embrace, glad that he was there for her. He gently rocked her back and forth as they waited for Solar's next response.

"I don't know...could that work?" Solar muttered to himself, his eyes closed. "They may both not be strong enough...but then again..." A searching look came over his face again, and he looked up sharply at Spyro as he felt a very familiar energy signature from the purple dragon. "Spyro? When you were in that fortress, did you collect that power crystal?"

"Uuhh...yeah, I think so," Spyro said, and letting go of Cynder briefly he let the crystal go. Solar jumped in surprise, and looked closely at the crystal as it gently hung in the air.

"What the?!" he asked. "How did you two get it re-energized?!"

"Re-energized?" Cynder asked, sniffling.

"I know you got rid of the shadow power, but how did you fill it with light energy agan?"

"We filled it?" Spyro asked, and he and Cynder looked at each other, confused. Solar, however, looked at them curiously. He turned away and the crystal floated to Spyro, and they both heard him talking to himself.

"I need to speak with Ignitus," they heard him say as he walked out of the room. Cynder fell back into Spyro's arms, and he held her close, feeling her heartbeat and her soft scales against his own. She looked up at him and their eyes met, and he gently wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

"I'm so confused..." she said, and sighed, looking back at the doorway. "What did he mean?"

They sat in silence for a while, Cynder's erratic breathing returning to normal as she stemmed her tears.

"Cynder...is he still here? Is something still bothering you?" Spyro asked quietly. Cynder sat up against him, and after a while she smiled at him.

"Nope...it's gone." They stayed there until Cynder fell asleep, and Spyro made sure she was asleep before carrying her to her bed. He ran his paw along her back, and she moaned and smiled in her sleep. He smiled and hopped onto his bed, settling down and gazing at her. How could her tell her what he felt?

* * * *

Solar shook them both awake early the next morning.

"Sorry for the rude awakening, but Ignitus and the others want to speak with us together," he explained. "Food is ready but they ask that you eat while in there instead of beforehand." He walked out of the room, and Spyro and Cynder exchanged glances before sliding off their beds and heading into the main room. Solar motioned for them to sit next to him, across from the four elders. Ignitus waited until they sat down before sliding small stone trays of fruits in front of them and standing back to speak.

"Spyro, Cynder, Solar tells me that last night, the Dark Master tried to take Cynder."

As she munched on a berry, tears came to Cynder's eyes, and Spyro put his tail over hers comfortingly.

"He also says that you have collected an energized power crystal...may we see it?"

Spyro stood up and released the crystal, and the elders gaped at it. Solar stood up shortly after as the crystal hung in the air.

"These crystals can only be filled with light from a source of light energy. I know for a fact that the crystal was converted to carry dark energy...touching it creates a conduit for the dark energy to escape, but after being fully cleansed the crystal would just be a crystal. The prophecy you told me of last night...I now believe Spyro and Cynder both can learn to harness light power."

Spyro and Cynder gaped at him, but snapped their heads to Cyril when he exclaimed "Cynder?! But how?"

Solar shrugged. "No clue, but when I searched her memories for the Dark Master's tell-tale signature, she felt like she is able to learn how to harness light. Spyro I know can learn it, because he's a purple dragon."

"How can you 'feel' her memories?" Volteer asked.

"I have some basic light powers," Solar admitted, and they all looked at him. "They're limited to healing, detection of enemies, feeling others' memories and thoughts...I can't attack with it though."

"How does an ice dragon inherit light, though?" Cyril asked.

"I have no idea. I was a big surprise to everyone...my parents thought I'd be a fire dragon so they officially named me Solar before I hatched, then it was discovered I had light powers...later I quickly rose to the top of my league in the military..." He sighed. "But I often wish this had never happened to me...light powers, fighting skills..."

"We're all given gifts whether we like them or not," Terrador said. Solar nodded and sighed again, shaking his head.

"I may be able to help Spyro and Cynder learn to use light, but seeing how I can't myself, I don't know if it's possible."

Spyro looked at Ignitus. "What about this prophecy? You mentioned it before we left but you never explained it to us..."

"I wanted to wait until I knew more, but now I can safely tell you," the old fire dragon explained, and took a deep breath as he recalled the prophecy. "Not long after the downfall of the Dark Master was foretold, another prophecy emerged but was soon forgotten, though not entirely. It mentioned the purple dragon and two companions putting another stop to his schemes, but that during the journey, light would be found that would assist them in his overthrow, a light that his darkness could never extinguish or hide. The ability for a dragon to harness light is rare...in fact only two dragons have been known to wield lightbreath in addition to their own...others may have as well but we only know of two before now. But there was more to the foretelling...one of the group of three would bear something that the Dark Master seeks in his return to power, and I now believe that he needs that darkness he implanted in Cynder to fully regain his power."


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