Read the Fine Print pt.2

Story by Killhubi on SoFurry

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It surprises me a lot that I couldn't find an end for this story. I will continue writting this story. It will have probably 5 parts, but I hope not more. It takes just too much time up for me.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the 'adventures' of Judie Beckingham, the bearess.

The first night at TF-company was more or less comfortable. At least more comfortable than sleeping in her run down apartment. That reminded Judie, she should bring her payment today or she will get kicked out. 'Oh, well' she thinks 'I'll be here for few weeks and hopefully get my money.'

Yesterday was something special. The hectic start and then the stunner with the transformation... She still can't really help feeling odd with an extra limb and two big balls. At least the long 'warm up' helped her getting to know it a bit better. Hopefully she may jerk on it manually today to feel how it is. She will see it in a few moment.

The bearess was already awake at eight o'clock and had the permission to walk a bit around in the lab. It was really freaky to see so much machinery but with only barely a dozen anthros handling them. Through windows she could look into the other test chambers, which were empty except for the awaiting machines. Some of them were even coated with a little bit of dust. Laura wasn't lying, they really never had a test subject. That makes Judie feel honored but also scared at the same time. Her testing might be a break through but how would she know that the test wouldn't go horribly wrong? Then it shot through her head. The risk is always present of failing because it is called testing.

While she awed some of the other chambers further, comes Laura walking towards her.

"Good morning Miss Beckingham."

"Oh, hello Laura. About my surname - I don't really like it. Would please note not to call me with that?"

"What name would you prefer?"

"Just my normal name."

"Accepted. So, Judie. Did you slept well?"

"Pretty much, yes. And you?"

"Oh. Well, I did sleep good as well. Thank you for asking. Would you please follow? Ruediger awaits you. Telling you what plan is for today. Very exciting."

They walk back to the testing chamber of yesterday. On their way had Judie to admit that the morning coat they gave her, really was comfortable and fluffy. But when they have arrived, she had to go on the table again - without the coat of course. This time, however, she wasn't forced onto it, she did willingly on her own pace.

The moment she felt comfortable on the soft cushion, comes Ruediger walking in with somebody else walking along with her.

"Hello Judie. Looking well today."

"Thanks. The nap really helped calming down a bit."

"Good to hear. My I introduce? The great Fuzilli" the slim build aligator-anthro shakes her hand. "He will assist me with the today's project."

"It's a great pleasure to meet you, Miss Judie." he talks with an accent you would here from an southern opera singer, who pronounces a strong rolling 'R'.

"Thank you, and well... I wouldn't be here if I knew what the testing would be. But I signed the contract and I'm staying here. And I must say, till now I... kind of like it, if I'm honest."

"Really?" blurts the hummingbird in surprise "That's actually fantastic. It helps us and you going through this testing a lot more easier when you enjoy it."

"What sort of tests will I have to go through today? Still some warm ups?"

"No, today we take the next step."

"And what will that be?"

"We examine how much your body can withstand under small pressure."

"Sounds easy enough. I'm ready to start when you are."

"Eager little woman, aren't you?" calls Fuzilli.

The two of them leave the room while Laura puts the gag in her mouth again. After she has retreated behind the looking-through mirror as well, begin the anklets to put her legs in their proper place. Her wristbands did the same as yesterday, gently holding her arms behind her back. During the preparation of the machines, she received a shot in her left arm again. But this time there was no heat spreading nor tingling. She didn't feel any different.

The big dildo from yesterday was at its place again. Yet, now did also a hollow tube appear next to her loin. The bearess easily could tell that that tube is for her new member. Its opening and top were the same soft, black, material with both having a tube going out of them. Between them was it transparent without any extras.

The dildo started to vibrate and begins penetrating her slowly. The hologram above her snout came in sight automatically and displayed directly her the sequences. While the fluttery dildo tenderly goes in and out, she feels how her cock comes out of its sheath and throbs along her belly. In no time grew it fully erect, standing with eleven inches tilted up. Seconds later began the tube to engulf her length on its own. It fit her perfectly and it moved along with her in any direction.

Judie shrieked up as it began to suck carefully. It started with sucking in a wave motion, making her moving her hips along with the rhythm. Her oversensitive dick made her reach her peak almost instantly and with the next thrust of the dildo, she got pushed over the edge as early as never before. The warm up from yesterday taught her not to ache her back again, or she will get another cramp. But the orgasm was so overwhelming that was almost impossible for her not to do it. Her eleven inch pecker spurts seed after seed into the tube that sucked the cum immediately away through the upper hose.

As her orgasm finally came to a stop, so did the tube and dildo as well. The machine was lodged as far as yesterday - just in front of her cervix - and through the warm up she got a bit used to it.

Her eyes shift their focus on the hologram. She reads off what next will happen, but under '-complete' stood only '-loading...'. She opens the chat window and asks what will come.

Laura: How are you holding up?

Judie: Fine. Why does it have to load?

Laura: You see those pipes leading to the artificial penis?

Judie: Yes

Laura: They have to be filled with warm water first

Judie: Water?!

Laura: Yes, water. It's soothing and it even keeps you clean.

The bearess notices the program running further and indeed it says it's transporting water. In the corner of her eye, she could see the water flooding towards the dildo. The dildo slowly goes into her deep till it hit the wall of the cervix, but kept on pushing further. Her cervix yield before it and the feeling gave her a jolt of pleasure.

The next thing she reads out of the program was '-beginning sequence'. Without a change of the dildo, began water to spurt inside her womb from its tip. The suddenness and warmth threw her into a second orgasm and her cock throbbed, shooting sperm into the tube again. It kept on splashing into her and the womb shortly became full. With the dildo holding the opining close like plug, had her womb only one solution - expending. The idea of getting inflated was painfully, but it turned out completely different. While her orgasm was still going on she looked down and saw how her belly slowly started to bulge up. The stretching of her organs only hot her climax up more. She screamed on the tip of her lungs of pure bliss as it continued. The hologram displayed that she was about a third in the process and in ought have injected her with one gallon water.

While the percentage was slowly getting up to opened the chat window again.

Laura: Is everything alright?

Judie: Oh YES! IT'S AAAAhhhhAhah

She couldn't write anything logical, but the others understood why. It continues filling her womb while her climax didn't show a sign of stopping. Though, finally it stopped pumping her further and the sequence only certified it with '-100%' Her incredible stretched out orgasm eased down as well and her cock could finally stop shooting cum into the over filled tube. Now did even the lower hose had to work, but Judie was more amazed of how much she had cum. And her balls didn't feel any less empty nor had the feeling of not wanting to release another load again.

She took a glance down, only to awe at her belly. It had bulged out so much, that she couldn't see her own cock anymore. Anyone else would think she looked like in her 9th month. The bearess only breaths heavily through the gag and stares at her outstretched belly. But suddenly appears the chat window again.

Laura: Enjoying it so far?

Judie: You can't believe it... It's just intense like nothing else!

Laura: The next step would be releasing the water. Would you prefer letting it get sucked it out through the way it entered or letting it go out by retracting the artificial penis?

Judie: Retracting. Always use that. Sucking sounds weird.

Laura: Alright. Prepare yourself for release.

The programming began to type further and told her that it was proceeding with retrieving the artificial penis back. The floor underneath her shifts into a grill and the dildo moves very slowly out of her womb. The second it past her cervix entrance, the water sprayed along it out of her cunt with a high pressure. This brought her instantly over the peak once again, moaning loud out her gag. As the dildo left her snatch entirely, was there nothing more in the way for the water to gush out of her like a waterfall. The pressure was so strong that it was falling into the grid with a bow, reaching almost three feet in distance.

After the wonderful ordeal, she glanced down again and saw the last bit of her freshly ejaculated cum going down the hose and her belly as flat as earlier again. When Judie was trying to catch her breath, pups up the chat window again.

Laura: You seem to be happy from back here.

Judie: Oh, I am. That was amazing. But I just need a short pause.

Reudiger: Sorry to disappoint you, Judie, but Fuzilli insists on running the test again.

Judie: What? Can't I please have a time out for a minute?

Ruediger: I'm sorry. Just try to relax. Maybe focusing on relaxing during orgasm will help you.

And before she notices it, began the dildo to vibrate again and penetrating her walls once more. The slit felt sore but it still provided her with immense pleasures. The tube resumed on sucking on her cock and immediately brings her on her forth climax in a row. Yet her balls could still ejaculate the same amount like from the beginning.

The moment her ride was over, penetrated the dildo promptly her cervix wall and begins again flooding her womb with warm water. And like before, it pushed her outright into her fifth orgasm. Her belly stretched out with three gallons again, but during the time she somehow managed to ponder, how she actually was able to stay awake. It robs all of her power but for some reason her eyes could still stay open.

As it reached again 100%, it immediately begins retracting the dildo out of her in much fast pace, without giving her a short breathing pause. The ongoing climax makes her muscles twitch, increasing the pressure, so that the squirt went over the five feet mark. She pants heavily while every machine retreats back to its hideout. Her cuffs automatically releasing themselves and her knees flop to the side. The bearess remains laying there, starring at the ceiling while she was breathing heavily.

When Ruediger, Laura and Fuzilli enter the room, tries Judie to bent up.

The moment Laura releases her of her gag, she bellows "What *pant* the hell! *pant*"

"I'm sorry, Judie, but it had to be." explains Ruediger. "The argument of Fuzilli was valid."

He notes "Yes. I'm sorry if it was too much for you, but the testing demand an instant retest."

"But what do you get of a patient almost falling in coma?"

"You can't fall in coma. We injected you with a serum that keeps you awake, no matter how week you feel."

"Please, let me have small break in between. I don't know how often I can do that mentally."

"I doubt it. Now, if you would excuse us, Ruediger and I have to attempt to a meeting. Nice meeting you." he adds before leaving the room.

And before Ruediger follows him she whispers to her "Don't worry, Judie. I will see to it, I promise. I managed to get you now some free time. Let you Laura help you with anything you want. She will be at your side for the entire noon. In the afternoon we have to resume with testing. See you later."

Laura helps the bearess up off the table. While she tries to stand on her weakened knees, she notices how a thin stream of water runs down her leg and scrotum.

The lizard notices it as well "Feeling tired. Desire to take a bath?"

"I think so. Can you help me bringing me there?" she softly asks while she is putting on her coat.

"Absolutely. Come! Lean on may shoulder."

They walk steady down the hallway to the elevator, going from the 3rd down to the 25th floor. It can go down to the 34th, but Laura tells her that there are different elevators that go down even deeper. However, she doesn't respond on Judie's question of how big this place actually is. The door opens and they go down another hallway, but there was no-one to be seen. Such a big place and only a few employees, how that is even possible is a question Judie just can't figure out.

They enter the only door on the left which lead them into the great bathing hall. It had one big tub in the middle, 80 feet long and 20 wide. It all looked like a normal indoor swimming pool for fitness reasons. The warm, stuffy air is filled with the smell of chlorine and soap. Everything was pretty much well lit and the interior had the same design like the rest of the facility.

"Over there is the whirlpool. You want to try it out?"

"You got a jacuzzi? Awesome! Yea, sure let's try it out. I never was in one before."

Laura lead her to the back chamber where the interior style has completely changed. The floor was wooden and the wall as the ceiling were made out of stones. The lighting is different as well, it is much more darker and warmer than any other room. The lizard lets go of her and observes how she tries to get in.

Judie dips in her toes carefully and asks Laura "Don't you want to come in?"

"I didn't want to bother you."

"Nahh, forget about it. Hope in! Ruediger told me you would do anything I want and I insist you coming in!"

"It's a pleasure. Haven't relaxed for weeks. Really could use something like this."

"Then hope in. There is more than enough room for both of us." she says while lowering herself gently down into the steaming warm water.

Laura nods and puts off her white lab coat. The naked lizard in front of her was a beautiful sight to be hold. She really had a perfect smooth form with gorgeous, natural C-cups. Her almost glowing toxic green scales covered her entire body except her white belly and fire red insides of her ruffled ear laps. There even some dots in the same red color on her back. Judie just couldn't take her eyes off the lizards body. Something inside her told her to look at her further, but she didn't want to insult Laura. And as she wanted to do against it, was it already to late. Laura noticed her admiring her female body and grinned at her while she lowers herself into the tub, across to Judie.

"Like what you see?"

"Oh, um, I'm sorry, I- I didn't want to-"

"It's alright. Not receiving much admirers here. Missing it." she mumbles and looks down at Judie's groins.

Her cock was still looking out of its sheath, but only a third of its capacity was hanging down. The bearess notices her looking at it and blushes slightly.

"What do you think? Can I touch my own penis now?" she whispers and stares into her eyes.

"Almost 24 hours have past. Enough for it to evolve into normal state. See no problem with it. Go ahead. Only warning upfront. It's very sensitive. And completely new to you. Feeling might be overwhelming."

Judie even brushes redder while her hands go down to her loins. She carefully touches with her fingertips along its length. At first contact it throbbed a bit up, shooting a jolt of pleasure through her body. As her fingers went up and down her penis, it quickly began to grow.

For a short moment she glances up at Laura how was fixated at her growing dick and her hands went down as well. The bearess concentration goes down to her dick again, which by now came out completely out of its sheath, but still laying flaccid in her hands. With one hand she held it a little up and with the other's fingers she touched the tip. Her hip jerked a bit on touch and there she noticed that the tip really was the most sensitive part of her long organ.

She took a brief look at Laura again who was biting on her lips and her view was still centered on her cock. A glance down revealed that she was masturbating at the view of Judie's body. She had nothing against it, her doing it. It even turned her more on. Filled with lust, she grabs her almost fully erect cock with both her hands and started to stroke up and down. The feeling made tilt her head back, eyes shutting close, and her hip even started to buck with her jerking rhythm. Her ass cheeks clenching together, trying to increase the pleasure.

As she looks at the firelizard again, she already had her legs spread wide and fiercely rubbing her clit under water. The sight was so hot that Judie couldn't hold it back anymore. She feels a stream inside her length going up with a tremendous speed. Her hip bucks up uncontrollably as jets of seed spew out of her. She shouts a loud moan out during the orgasm. The tip even looked once briefly out of the water and a jet of cum flew with in a long bow up, back into the water again.

After half a minute was she still holding her cock, but her orgasm came to a hold. She pants hollow and hears how Laura was still masturbating. Judie wanted to help her, so she swims over to her, through her semen, and starts giving her wonderfully firm boobs a squeeze. The reptile closes her eyes in pleasure and moans out as the bearess sucks on her erected nipples. She keeps on rubbing her vulva lips and clit simultaneously. The warm, lovely touch of Judie helped her pushing over the edge. With a soft squeak she aches her back and accidentally pushes her hip against hers. Her cock gets squeezed in between them two and a small rest of cum sneaks out of the tip. The reptilian scales, however, felt so extraordinary and special on her dick, that it throbbed up again.

Though, before the bearess's could even raise her orgasm, was hers already finished. All the time was Judie sucking on Laura's tits, but stopped when she had her orgasm behind. They looked at each other in the eyes again. The lizard grins, gives her a kiss on the cheek and grabs Judie's dick in soft, yet firm grip. She eeps at the sudden snatch while her hands grab her own D-sized breasts on their own. Laura jerks her partner one off with a wicked grin, who was sitting on her lap with her eyes closed. She had to take her second hand for help, her dick was really big up close.

With a strangers hand rubbing her dick took it even less to reach the peak. Judie groans and spouts of cum sprayed up unto Laura's breasts and face. She came so much that the lizard was covered under a pretty big mess. After the second orgasm she drops back out of weakness, into the water which already contains a lot of her spooge. The edge of the jacuzzi helped her lifting herself up so she can sit again.

They looked at each other and just laughed.

"Wow. That was amazing. Thanks, Laura." she blurts breathless.

The lizard holds her breath, lowers herself down and then up again, so that most of the seed got washed off, and says "My pleasure. Was fun. Should do more often."

"Oh, we will see. You told me that the morning only was a trial. I think I can expect the later tests will be more exhausting - I don't know if I can do during breaks as well."

"Calculated. The harder testing are starting tomorrow. Your body should get - in a way - used to it in less then two weeks. Maximum."

"Maximum two weeks? Don't you think that's a bit fast?"

"You forget. We have medications for that. Which we will going to use anyway."

"OK... I stay skeptic but it would be nice. But for now, I need a rest!"

"Want me to leave you alone?"

"No, no! Stay, please."

"Alright. Will start up machine. Helps relaxing better. Going to set on low setting."

Laura turns on some switches behind her and machines are making some racket. Between them opens a small window on both edges, pouring fresh warm water into the tub, while from beneath gets the water sucked out at the same time. It slowly begins to clear the tub from her sperm again. Suddenly appear bubbles from the walls. They only emerge behind their back and go along their spines, even brushing against their side boobs. It really helped her relax for the oncoming tests.