Story by xcaezarx on SoFurry

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(FurrieS With AtTitude)

The operation was simple enough. Go in, kill the fuckers, and get out without dieing. That last part always got fucked up somehow. Somehow, one of my comrades would die. It was a curse. I couldn't save them, just like I couldn't save my parents. It got so bad, other F.S.W.A.T members requested a transfer when they were assigned to my unit. It wasn't that I was a bad fighter or leader; I just got the toughest jobs. Command knew that I could get the job done. So that's that.

It was a rather slow day. No one killing, kidnapping, or otherwise causing trouble anywhere. You would think this would be good, but a peaceful day usually ment a rough night. There was a cantina that most of our unit liked to hang out at. It didn't have a name, just "The Cantina." Nothing fancy. Anyway, I walked in and saw a fellow team mate, Kane. He was sitting by himself. I forgot to mention two things. One, I am the team leader. Two, I'm Bi. I've tried to keep that second one a secret. So far I have succeeded. It's hard. There are two openly gay guys on my team. There both very good looking and Kane was one of them. I went over and sat down with him.

"Hey, Kane."

"Hey, Ace."

"What's goin' on?"

"You know there's nothing going on at the moment, Ace."

"Oh, alright. You got me." I smiled. I really liked Kane. Not just his body, but the rest of him too.

"Well I need a drink." Kane said and he started to get up.

"Let me. I need one too. What do you want? Beer?"

"We shouldn't drink while on duty Ace. Try leading by example." That normally would have thrown me into a rage, but Kane ment it in jest and you could tell by the smile he wore after saying it.

"Then just what do you want, smart ass." I smiled back.




"Alright. I guess I'll go get your damn juice." I got up and walked to the bar. I decided Kane was right and asked for two orange juices. I brought them back to the table and handed one to Kane. I took a sip of the second one. I took a glance at Kanes crotch. He wore very tight pants and it showed off his package rather well. He looked at me and I looked away quickly. I sat down and stretched my legs, touching his on accident. He looked at me again and smiled knowingly.

"Ace? May I ask you a question?"

"Uhhhh....." I said, dreading what the question was. "Sure."

"Do you like me?"

"Y..Yes. Yes, I like you." He smiled and put a paw on my leg under the table.

"Good, 'cuz I like you too."

"Really?" I asked. I was blushing.

"Yes." He rubbed his paw along my leg.

Just then, another of my team, Daius, came into the cantina. He was openly gay, just like Kane. Though they didn't like each other, they stuck together, as they are the only openly gay guys on the force. They weren't pushovers in a fight, so not many furs messed with them anyway.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Daius took a seat next to Kane.

"Hey, Daius." I said, trying to keep my voice level. I squeezed Kane's paw. He understood and withdrew it before Daius noticed. Kane stood up with a knowing smile on his face.

"I gotta go to the bathroom." He winked at me.

"Uhh....yeah, I gotta go too." I also got up. Daius broke into a large grin.

"Alright. I get it. Have fun."

"What do you mean?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"Nothing." He smiled again. He got up and walked over to the bar. Kane tapped my shoulder and I followed him into the bathroom. When we got in, he looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone else in there and then locked the door. He looked at me and smiled warmly.

"I really like you, Ace." He said. He walked towards me. I backed up instinctively. Right into a stall. Kane poked me in the chest hard enough to make me fall and sit on the toilet. He sat down on my lap facing me. He kissed me.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" He asked. I just shook my head. I had several ideas, but I wasn't exactly sure.

"Let me show you." He reached down and started rubbing my crotch. I let out a murr. I couldn't help it. It felt so good.

"So you like that huh?" Kane said with a smile. He slipped his hand slowly into my pants and started rubbing my member. I murred louder.

"I like you a lot Ace. I want to show you exactly how much." He leaned in and kissed me. I was stunned for a second. Then kissed him back.

"I like you too, Kane." I reached down and started undoing his pants. He pushed my hand away.

"It's your time right now." He began undoing my pants and pulled them down around my ankles. My fully erect member showed to him and he grinned. He got down on his knees and started sucking on my tip. I moaned from the pleasure of his cool mouth on my hot member. I started to leak pre. He bobbed his head on my member, stimulating it further. I moaned more. His paw found its way to my tail hole and he pushed his way in. I moaned and murred so loudly I was sure that someone had heard. I couldn't help it. I was being pleasured so much; I couldn't do anything but sit there and take it. I finally released into Kanes maw and he swallowed it all.

"We should head back." Kane said

"Daius will be expecting us." I looked at him, still panting, and nodded. Then I leaned over and kissed him. I didn't care about Daius or any other furs at the moment. Kane was the only one I wanted. Kane kissed me back and I fell back onto the toilet with him on top of me. I was trapped between the bowl and his body and there wasn't anywhere else I'd want to be. Suddenly, Kane said,

"My clothes are starting to hurt. Will you take them off for me?" He asked, licking my muzzle. I obliged him and proceeded to take off his shirt and pants, followed by his boxers. His fully erect member came out and I gazed at it, then back at Kane.

"Time to return the favor." I said smiling and I stood up and pushed him down onto the seat. I rubbed his naked body with one paw, up and down.

"Your so hot, Kane. I want you in my bed as soon as we get off work." With that I pulled my pants back on and then threw him his shirt and pants.

"C'mon. Like you said, Daius will be waiting for us." I smiled as he put his pants and shirt back on.

"I'll get you for this." He said grinning. We walked out of the bathroom together. We got back to our table where Daius was sitting, waiting for us. I took a seat opposite to him. Kane sat down next to me and put his paw on my thigh. I glanced at him and blushed lightly. Daius must have noticed, because he smiled when he saw both of us.

"So, did you all have fun in there? I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous. What did you all do?" He smiled. Obviously, he knew.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I replied, putting a paw on Kanes thigh myself. I rubbed it a bit, my paw brushing against his still-hard member. I could hear him murr lightly.

"Yes, I would." Daius smiled again. "Well? You gonna tell me?"

"Maybe later."

"Fine." He said, pretending to pout. I leaned close to Kane and whispered so Daius wouldn't hear,

"You're coming back to my place when we're through today. Do you want to bring Daius? I'm sure he wouldn't mind." I licked his ear, making sure that Daius was watching. I turned to Daius.

"Hey, after work today, you wanna come to my place. We're gonna have a little party. Just the three of us."

"Yeah. I'd love to come."

"Great. Meet us in the locker room after work. We'll leave from there."

"All officers. Attention. Repeat, all officers. Attention. This is base. There is a hostage situation at the bank on 17th and Range. Please respond." I grabbed for my hand-held.

"This is Ace. Me and most of my team are ready. We'll take care of it."

"Very well, Ace. Your team is being dispatched. Get back to base on the double and suit up. You will be given a briefing upon arrival. Base, out." I looked at Kane and Daius.

"Finally, some action." I said. Kane looked at me and Daius and smiled.

"Let's go. I got my bike here. I can take one of you." Kane looked at me.

"Well, I don't have a car, so I'll go with you." I said. I really didn't have another way back to base. I had come with another officer, but he had to go. Daius smiled.

"Alright. I'll go alone. I'll meet you all in the situation room back at base." He finished his drink and walked out the door. Kane and I walked out to his bike. We waved as Daius went by. Kane climbed onto the bike, then handed me a helmet. I shoved it over my head, and was thankful for the holes cut in it for my ears. I climbed on behind him. His tailhole was right against my member and I started to get hard. I put my arms around his middle and he wrapped his tail around me. I held myself close to his body and licked his ear that was poking through his helmet. He murred lightly and started the motorcycle. He turned his head to the side and yelled over his shoulder,

"Don't let go."

"I won't." He smiled and released the brake and we started to roll out of the parking lot. I held on to him tightly and he wrapped his tail around me tighter. We were so close, I could feel his heartbeat. My paw slipped down to his crotch and started rubbing it. I wanted him very badly, but, as we were still on duty, it would have to wait. We sped down the road and got to the command center before Daius did. I jumped off the bike and handed Kane the helmet I was wearing. He took it and placed it on the seat. Then he turned the bike off, set the kickstand and got off the bike. We walked to the front door, but not before Kane gave me a friendly tail-slap. I looked at him and winked.

"I'll make up the bathroom thing to you. I promise." I gave him a quick kiss and walked through the door into the agency. He followed me, but I couldn't see his reaction. We split up. Kane went to his locker to get his equipment. I went to the situation room. I'd get my stuff after the briefing. I walked in and sat down. I was the first to arrive. I waited about five minuets when Kane came in. He took a seat right next to me and put his hand on my thigh again. I started to get hard and was about to tell him so, when the commander came in along with his staff. He took a seat at the head of the table.

"Is this all of your team?"

"No sir. Daius is also coming. It will just be the three of us on this one. Please start. We will fill him in later."

"Very well. You are the best team we have, and I think we can trust you with this mission. You are to insert into the bank and kill all the terrorists."

"Sir, kill them? Have we tried everything else already? I was under the impression that it just happened."

"We haven't tried anything else yet. These guys are going to be our example. The crime in this town has gotten out of control. We are going to take these guys out, in the hopes that it will serve as a deterrent for further criminals."

"Very well sir. We will take them out. Anything else we should know?"

"Yes. As you know, they have some hostages. We are unclear as to how many there are. And we don't know where in the bank they are." Just then, Daius burst into the room, still putting on his body armor.

"I'm sorry I'm late sir. Did I miss anything?"

"Don't worry about it, Daius. Kane and I will fill you in." I looked at Kane. "Well, I think its pretty clear, but just for the sake of argument, do you have any questions?"

"Nope. None." Kane replied.

"Then I'm gonna go suit up. I'll meet you two at the garage in one hour. You are free until then." I turned to one of the commanders aides. "Get the transport ready for the three of us to depart." I got up and walked briskly out the door and went straight to the locker room. There was no one else going with us and since there were no other missions at the moment, no one else was there. I got out my equipment and took off my shirt, pants and boxers and laid them on the bench.

"You have a very nice body, Ace." I spun around quickly. It was Kane. I smiled briefly.

"As do you. What do you want, love?" Kane smiled

"I want to help you dress." He walked over to me and started rubbing up and down my chest with his paw.

"Maybe I should get dressed too." It was then I noticed that he wasn't wearing any combat armor or under-armor. I smiled at him.

"Let me help you with that." I took off his shirt.

"I don't know. Last time I let you help me take my clothes off, you took them off and then walked out." He smiled at me and continued rubbing my body. I undid his pants and pulled them down, followed by his boxers. We stood there, looking at each other, completely naked. Both of our members were showing. I moved towards him and rubbed my body against his. He murred slightly and I reached down to his member and started rubbing it lightly. He murred more. I kissed him, slipping my tongue into his maw and backing him into a near-by locker. I pinned him against the locker and continued kissing him. I paused long enough to say

"I love you, Kane." Our bodies continued to brush against each other.

"I love you, too Ace." He kissed back, pushing his own tongue into my maw. I pulled him away from the locker and lay down on the bench, with him on top of me.

"I want you inside me, Kane. I want you deep inside me." I said. He nodded and placed his erect member at my tailhole entrance and pushed slowly inside. I relaxed my tailhole and his member penetrated me easily. He continued to push all the way to his knot. He stopped before it entered me and then started to pull back. I murred in pleasure and he continued to thrust in and out of me. I looked at him and managed to gasp out,

"Tie us. Tie us together." I said. Kane leaned in and kissed me as he thrust hard and deep into me. He reached his knot and pushed in harder. I moaned in pain and pleasure.

"Harder, love, harder." He pushed harder and his knot entered my tailhole. I yowled in pain but it subsided as he came in me. I felt his hot seed inside me and we were tied. I was very happy. I pulled his head close to mine and kissed him. I wrapped my tail around his waist and held him close to me. We lied there for a few minuets. I continued kissing him and licking his muzzle and ear. I loved him and would never let him go. His knot made it impossible for him to pull out of me, and I was fine with that. I would much rather stay with him like this forever, than go on some stupid mission. Fuck. The mission.

"Hey, love. We still have a mission, right? Shouldn't we go?" I asked.

"That's right, we do. Unfortunately, my knot is still too large to pull out of you. We still have to wait a little bit longer. I highly doubt that we would be useful like this." I smiled. I was a happy that he said that. I didn't really want to leave. I held him close again, loving the feel of his body so close to mine. We laid there, him on top of me, for about 20 more minuets. His head on my shoulder. After this, I decided, we would sleep like this. I could feel his knot go down and he pulled slowly out of me. I gasped at this last bit of pleasure and he got up. I got up after him. I looked at his perfect, naked body and gave him a hug and kissed him.

"We should get going. The sooner we finish this job, the sooner we can get back to my place." I said into his ear. He shuddered and kissed my neck.

"Your right, Ace. There will be plenty of time for you to pay me back later." He said into my ear, grinning. We separated slowly and quietly got on our combat outfits. We walked towards the door out of the locker room but before we got there, Kane stopped me and said,

"Ace. I know were a good team, but, please don't get hurt. I love you, Ace. I wouldn't be very happy if you got hurt." He grinned.

"That, and you wouldn't be able to pay me back." We walked through the door and towards the garage. We met Daius on the way there. He took one look at us and grinned.

"Damnit. I missed a good time again, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did. I'm sorry, Daius. After this, we'll make it up to you. I promise." I smiled. I realized that the best team that F.S.W.A.T had was comprised of three guys who liked each other. It struck me as funny.

"Well, shall we?" Kane asked.

"We shall." I replied, and we all got into the van that would get us to the bank. I climbed into the driver's seat, and started the van. Kane sat beside me and Daius behind me. The rest of the transport was full of weapons and equipment, along with all the ammunition we would ever need. I threw the van into gear and we took off down the street, headed for the bank. We reached the bank in 10 minuets, after speeding through numerous traffic lights, of course. I parked the van near the front entrance and got out. Kane and Daius followed. We went to the back of the van and opened the doors. I grabbed a silenced MP-5 and slung it over my shoulder. Kane took out two pistols and Daius took out his flamer. I took out loads of ammo and handed some to Kane. After we got all our gear, we looked at a schematic of the bank that was given to us by command. There was the entrance hall, where most of the banks business was conducted, the offices, which were off-shoots of the entrance hall, and a vault, which was at the back of the bank. There were two entrances, the main one, and an entrance in the back. I voiced my thoughts,

"Their probably watching the back entrance. That leaves only one choice." I looked at the other two.

"Let's move out." We moved against the wall of the bank to the front entrance. We were lucky that this was a bank that didn't have a glass front. We got to the door without too much trouble. Daius moved in front of the door with his flamer.

"Do I have to knock?" He asked, jokingly.

"Only if you want to."

"I don't." Daius pulled the trigger on his flamer and it spewed a jet of flame at the door to the bank. The door burned down in an instant. We entered the bank. Daius went first, taking a pistol from Kane. I entered second, with Kane behind me. I wanted to tell him that's exactly where I wanted him, but thought better of it. We entered the entrance hall and killed a terrorist. I motioned for Daius to check the first office. He moved to it and opened the door slowly. A few shots were fired out of the door, but Daius managed to dodge them and fired his pistol into the room. The shots stopped coming from the office and Daius entered the room.

"Clear." Came a call from the office. Kane and I moved to the next one. We stood on opposite sides of the door, and I nodded at him. He reached over and opened the door. Bullets flew out of the room, but we were both covered by the wall. I looked at Kane. We moved out into the doorway at the same time and started firing. When all was said and done there were 5 dead terrorists in the bank. We didn't find any hostages. That means there's only one place they could be. The vault. All three of us advanced to the vault door. It was slightly open. That made things easier. We knew there wasn't any way out of the vault except for the door we were at. I motioned for the others to take positions around the room. I ducked behind a writing table in the middle of the room. Daius took one of the offices and Kane jumped over into the teller's area. We trained our weapons on the vault and waited. We waited for 5, 10, 30 minuets. Finally, we heard someone coming out of the room. We readied our weapons. A female fox came out. She had her hands bound and she was crying. We couldn't tell why, until a masked fur came out behind her. The three of us ducked out of sight.

"I know you're out there. If you don't drop your weapons, I'll shoot this bitch." He placed his gun at the foxes head. I stood up and made a big show of placing my pistol on the ground. Two more masked furs came out of the vault. The two of them started to move towards me. Kane and Daius peaked out of their hiding places just enough to see. Kane took aim and shot the fur near the fox. He went down in one shot to the temple. The other two spun around to face Kane. Daius took out one with a shot in the back of the head. I moved forward with my knife in hand and slit the last ones throat. I sheathed my knife, grabbed my pistol from off the ground, and ran over the fox.

"Are you all right, ma'am? Here, follow me. We'll get you out of here." She nodded, still crying and followed me to the front entrance. There was the regular police outside along with an ambulance. I sent her over to the ambulance.

"Those furs over there will take care of you." And I walked back into the bank. Daius and Kane met me in the entrance hall. They had already checked out the vault. There were no other terrorists in it; Just a few more hostages. We lead them out of the bank and to the ambulance, then went back to the van. I climbed into the driver's seat.

"Did that seem too easy to you guys?" I asked both of them.

"Yes." They both answered in unison.

"Good. I'm glad that it's not just me. Let's get out of here. Let the cops figure out what's up. We've done our job." I started the van and headed back to the garage. We pulled into it and went to the situation room for our debriefing. Our commander was already waiting for us when we got there.

"Well done team. You did good. No hostages were hurt, and all threats were eliminated."

"Sir, none of us think that this was it. We think that someone else was behind this." He just nodded.

"Your thoughts have been noted. You are dismissed." We walked out of the sit room and back to the garage.

"Well, we're off work now. Shall we go to my place and party?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Kane said.

"Should we just take Daius' car? We can stay at my place tonight and he can drive us back to work tomorrow."

"Alright. Let's go then." Kane said. We all went back to the garage and got into Daius' car. I gave Daius directions to my place, a small house in a bad part of town. We got out and walked to my door. I walked into my house and the others followed. I let them in and closed the door. I locked it.

"I don't trust anyone around here." I said.

"So what do you all want to do?" Kane walked over to me and stroked my chest.

"Well, I know what I'd like to do." He said, smiling.

"Let's watch a movie or something, guys. Well save that shit for tonight." Daius said.

"Fine." Kane said. He was obviously very yiffy. I led them into my bedroom. Unfortunately, it was the only place I had a TV. This would be a very interesting movie. I grabbed the first movie I put my hand on. It was "300". I put it into the DVD player, turned off the lights and sat down between Daius and Kane. Kane put his hand on my thigh and leaned over and kissed me. I murred lightly and Daius looked over. He smiled.

"Damn guys. If your really that yiffy, the I guess we can do somthin' else."

"Well, the lights are out already and were in a bedroom. What's first?" Kane said.

"I don't know about you all, but I really need a shower. You all are welcome to join me." I took my shirt off. Kane and Daius got up.

"I think you know what we were going to do long before you said that." Daius said smiling. He started to take his clothes off, as did Kane. I finished first and waited for the other two. When none of us had anything on, I showed them to the shower.

"Sorry, it's a little small." I said.

"What did you think we were going to do, actually take a shower? The smaller, the better." Kane said, grinning. I leaned over and turned on the shower. Kane gave my tail a light tap. I was already getting hard from being in the same room with two of the hottest guys I've ever seen, with no clothes on. The slap sent me over the edge, and my member poked out of its sheath. I stood aside so the others could get in first. As Kane went by, I gave his ass a slap in return, then climbed in behind him. Our bodies brushed against each other constantly in the small shower, and soon all of us were erect. I kissed Daius and rubbed my paw against his hard member. He murred. Kane moved behind me and started massaging my shoulders. I pulled Daius in close to my body and placed my member at Daius' tailhole. Daius looked over his shoulder and smiled at me. Kane was still massaging my shoulders but his hands started to move down towards my tail. He got to my tail, and then placed his member at my tailhole. I murred as I pushed into Daius at the same time Kane pushed into me. I reached around and started to paw off Daius. All three of us murred in pleasure. Every time Kane pushed into me, I pushed into Daius. My knot started to form and I could feel Kane's start as well. I looked behind me and smiled at Kane.

"Tie us." I whispered. He nodded. Kane thrust hard into me, his knot pushing into my tailhole and releasing his seed into me. I could hear him moan. I thrust hard into Daius and tied us as well, releasing and yelling both their names as I came into him. I could feel Daius release all over my paw. I brought my paw to my mouth and licked it all off. We could hardly move anywhere, being tied together. We relaxed, leaning against the wall, hugging and kissing as best we could in our current position. My knot went down enough to where I could pull out of Daius. He moaned as I pulled out and Kane did the same, causing me to murr as well. I turned the shower off and stepped out. Kane and Daius followed. We went back to the bedroom, where I proceeded to lie down on the bed. Kane lied down next to me with Daius on the other side. I lied there, between my two new lovers and realized that I didn't want this to end. I grabbed Kane in my arms and wrapped my tail around Daius, and pulled both of them close to me.

"I never want this to end." I said softly.

"Neither do I." Kane said, stroking both our bodies with a paw. Daius and I both murred. I just lied there. I didn't want to yiff anymore. I was content to just lie with them. I fell asleep among their soft murrs and caresses. I was the happiest I've been in years.

"Ace." I was kissed.

"Ace, wake up. Come on, love, it's time to get up." I opened my eyes and saw Kane and Daius standing over me, smiling. I murred lightly as what happened last night came flooding back in a wave of emotions and feelings.

"What are you two doing up? We don't have work today."

"We wanted to make you breakfast. We wanted to repay you for showing us both a great time last night." Daius said. Kane nodded his agreement.

"You not only gave us yourself, but each other as well." He said. I looked at the floor.

"May I ask you both something?" I said.



"Will you both...I mean...if you want...would you like to be...mates?" I blushed at the idea that after one night they would want to be so intimate, but they both smiled.

"Of course we would." Kane said.

"We were actually going to ask you the same thing. Guess you beat us to it." I smiled. I hugged both of them close. They each kissed me and then pulled my clothes off. I laughed.

"Already?" They laughed with me. They took their clothes off and Daius lied down next to me. Kane lay down on top of me. He nuzzled and licked my chest. I murred and rubbed his head. Daius kissed me on the side of the head.

"I am very happy that you let me come along, Ace." He whispered into my ear.

"I am happy you came." I whispered back. I kissed him back. Kane moved slowly up my body, his head closer to mine now.

"What are you all talking about?" He asked. I looked at him and grinned.

"We were thinking of ways to pleasure you, of course." I caressed his body and kissed him, slipping my tongue into his maw. He allowed me to explore his maw. I rolled him over onto his side between me and Daius. Daius grinned, and put an arm around Kane, and leaned in close to his ear.

"Now it's your turn, love." He said softly. Daius put his member at Kane's tailhole and pushed into Kane with a strong thrust. Kane murred in my ear. I rolled over and showed my tailhole to Kane.

"Come on love. I want you in me." I said to him. He pushed into my tight tailhole and I moaned in pleasure. Kane licked my ear.

"Do you like that, love?" He said into my ear.

"Yes. Harder, love." I murred. He obliged and pushed harder and harder into me. I could hear Daius on the other side of Kane, moaning and murring. Kane released into me and screamed my name as he did so. Daius screamed Kane's name. He must have released as well. Kane kept himself in me, but he murred lightly. Daius must have pulled out of him. Kane licked my ear again. I murred lightly. Kane pulled out of me and I moaned.

"Well, Ace, we still need to help you." Kane said. He got up and sat me on the end of the bed. He got down on his knees and spread my legs. Daius sat behind me and started rubbing my back. I murred. Kane sucked the tip of my member. I murred louder.

"I think Daius wants something to do, Kane. Can you help him?" I said and smiled.

"Well, my tailhole could still use some attention, if you're willing to help me with that, Daius." He said, then went back to sucking me. Daius moved around to Kane's tailhole and put his member at its entrance and smiled.

"Don't mind if I do." He said, and pushed his way in. Kane moaned at my member, but still sucked the tip, swallowing the pre that leaked out. I moaned.

"Faster." I gasped. "You're...so...close." Kane sucked harder, taking in my entire member and bobbing up and down on the shaft. As he did that, Daius pumped into him. Kane continued to moan into my member and bobbed faster, making me murr loudly. I came into Kanes maw. He swallowed all of my cum, and then licked my member clean. He suddenly yelped. Daius leaned in to his ear.

"Sorry. My knot was a little bigger this time." He said. Kane looked back.

"It's ok. I like it." Kane said.

"Well, looks like you two are stuck for a while, so I'll go get us some drinks." I got up and went to the fridge and grabbed three beers. I brought them back into the bedroom and set them on the table. I looked at the other two and smiled. I kissed both of them and lay back down on the bed, waiting for them to untie themselves. Daius' knot went down and they got back into the bed.

"Today is a good day to sleep." I slid closer to Kane and put my arm across his waist and laid my head on his chest, lying on my side. Daius got closer to me and put his arm around me. I licked Kanes chest and we all fell asleep.

I had a dream. I was in a fire fight. The bullets were flying. I could see Daius and Kane firing at an enemy that I couldn't see. I could see the bullets hitting the wall around them. Suddenly Kanes shoulder recoiled. He was hit. I tried to yell for him but I couldn't. I tried to move to him but couldn't. I could only watch as another bullet hit him. Daius moved next to Kane, trying to help him. Soon he was hit too. I wanted to help them, but couldn't move. It was like I was tied down. I couldn't get up. I watched as more bullets struck my two friends. They fell to the ground. I struggled against my invisible bonds and I could feel my shoulders break out of their sockets. I fell to my knees and woke up.

I was in a bright room. I was on a table, with my feet tied down. My shoulders were broken and my hands were tied down, though I couldn't feel them. I tried to free myself, but with the two broken shoulders, I didn't have much of a chance. I looked around the room. It looked like a medical room. Besides the table that I was on, the room had no furniture, but the walls were pure white except for one wall that was glass. I assumed it was one-way glass. There was a door across from the glass, but it was metal. I waited for what seemed like hours. A fox walked in. He didn't say anything. He walked over and stood next to the bed I was on. He looked at my shoulders for a second and smiled.

"You struggled." He stated, matter-of-factly. His voice was ominous and deep.

"Where am I?" I said.

"In a secure location, where no one will find you. You are very good at what you do, and that is why we had to kidnap you. The bank heist you stopped cost us a fortune to finance and we expected a large return, but we didn't get it. Instead we get nothing thanks to you and your friends."

"Where are Daius and Kane?" I growled.

"We left them in your room. You three seemed quite content with each other. Fucking fags. We just took you. You are the only real threat. They don't have their leader."

"Fuck you. I'll kill you." I struggled, but the pain of my shoulders made me stop. The fox laughed.

"I'd like to see you try." Said the fox. He walked out the door and I heard the lock click. I laid there for at least another hour before the door opened again. It was a female wolf who had a tray of food. She set it next to my head and unstrapped one of my arms, then left. I tried to lift my arm but couldn't. I threw my shoulder back against the table, popping my shoulder back into place. I yowled, but no one came. My arm slipped out with little trouble and I reached over and popped the other shoulder into place. Then I reached over and unstrapped the other arm and my legs. I stood up and ate the food that was brought. Then I looked around for a way to get out of the room. There wasn't. I sat on the bed for another hour. And another one. I heard a soft thump from outside, though I couldn't figure out where it came from. I walked over to the door and put my ear against it. I didn't hear anything. The glass behind me shattered. I turned around just in time to see a guard hit the ground and Kane and Daius step through the broken window.

"Come on." Kane yelled, throwing my equipment to me. I got my body armor, knife and pistol on quickly and followed them out of the room. We ran down the hall, looking to the sides and behind us. We didn't see anyone. We came to the end of a hallway that split to the left and right. Kane was in front, followed by Daius. I brought up the rear. Kane moved into the intersection and I could hear gunfire come from the left side. I stared in horror as he was hit in the shoulder by a shot. Daius moved to help.

"No." I screamed, but it was too late to stop them. Daius and Kane fired down the left hall. Their bodies recoiled from being hit, but they kept firing. I couldn't move. It was just like my dream. Kane fell to one knee, but managed to throw a grenade down the hall. I heard the explosion. Daius knelt to help Kane up, when a hail of bullets came from the right hall and hit both of them. They fell to the ground without making a sound. I wept openly. They were dead. Then I saw Kane's paw move. I ran to his side and was met with gunfire. I turned to the right and fired my pistol, killing both men that were left. I went to Kane's side. He coughed up blood. He motioned for me to come closer. I moved my ear close to his mouth.

"I love you, Ace. I'm glad we could save you." He smiled and coughed up more blood. It splattered over my face, but I didn't care. I kissed Kane.

"I'll call an ambulance and we will get you some help."

"Don't bother. We both know I'm not going to make it. I'm just sorry I couldn't save Daius as well." His body went limp. I held him in my arms and cried. I closed his eyes and wished him well. Then I went to Daius. He was shot in the head and died instantly. I closed his eyes as well. Then I grabbed both their weapons. A machine gun from Daius, and another pistol from Kane. I stood up. I no longer wanted to leave. I wanted revenge. My eyes burned with the desire to kill the ones that were responsible for the deaths of Kane and Daius. I looked for the best way to the top floor of wherever I was. I chose to go right, as that was where the last enemies had come from. I ran down the hall and found a set of stairs that went upwards. I went up them. I reached the top floor and found another hall that lead to one room at the far end. I moved to it and stood to one side. I opened the door slowly and threw a flash bang grenade into the room, then combat-rolled into the room and fired at two guards that were blinded by the grenade. They went down easy enough. There was just the one sitting behind the desk. I took aim, but hesitated. It was our commander. I put the pistol back into its holster and leapt over the desk at him. He fell to the ground, still blinded by the grenade. The chair fell beside him. I landed on top of him and drove my knees into his sternum. He gasped for air, but my weight didn't let him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Fuck you." He said, and spit in my face. I guess he had regained his sight. I punched him in the nose, causing him to yowl in pain and grab his nose, which started to drip blood.

"Why did you kidnap me? Answer me, or I'll do more than make your nose bleed ass-wipe."

"Alright, I'll tell you." He said. "Ace, have you ever put any thought into what goes into the PR section of the department? No? I didn't think so. You just kill and kill and let someone else explain your actions. We were finally fed up with your destructive ways and mindless killing."

"It's what you pay me for shit-head."

"Yes, but its more than that. You must have realized that you, Kane and Daius were on the same team. I knew that Kane and Daius were both gay, but I wasn't sure about you, until I sent a team to kidnap you. You were sleeping with them, and that was when I knew that the three of you were mated. Do you know how hard it would be to tell reporters that our best team, the one that kills the most efficiently, is really a bunch of gays and sleep with each other? That the team that saves the most hostages, that stops the most terrorist plots, secretly fucks each other at their homes? It would make this department the laughing stock of the entire criminal justice world. We would never recover. That is why you were kidnapped and why you must die." He drew a concealed pistol from his side and took a shot. It entered my stomach and exited out my back. Lucky, it missed my spine. I stayed on him and knocked the gun out of his hand. I took a pistol from its holster and fired at his knee, blowing it apart. He screamed in agony.

"You have no idea how good that felt." I said. I got off of him and stood up, grimacing as the pain in my midsection got worse. I stumbled and grabbed on to the desk for support. He dove for the gun and grabbed it and turned around and shot me again, hitting me in the stomach again. I gasped.

"I shot him in the other knee. It exploded in a fountain of blood and bone. He winced but fired a third time, into my chest. I took aim and fired, hitting him in each eye. He fell over dead. I gasped for air and choked. My lung must have filled with blood. The room started to spin. I had lost a lot of blood too. I fell to my knees. The door burst open and 20 men filed into the room, each armed with silenced M4A4s. They surrounded me and lifted their weapons at me. I sighed. At least I would get to see Kane and Daius. Their commander shouted something, but I couldn't understand it. I had lost too much blood and could only hear throbbing in my ear. The men tensed. I could see it happen. It was like slow motion. I could see their fingers tense. Another order is yelled. Their fingers pulled the trigger. I heard the whispered report of the first gun fire. My body recoiled and my head hit the floor.

I'm coming Kane.

I'm coming Daius.

I'll be there soon. I smiled as blackness closed in around me.

I'll be there soon.