
Story by Laporkra on SoFurry

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#4 of Bio pages

Adrian... A complicated character to explain for personal reasons. He has had a great deal of his life glossed over for reasons that should be apparent. I, as his creator am uncomfortable speaking at length about many of them. I'll thank you not to be too forward in asking for more details.

Name: Adrian

Species: Black squirrel

Fur: Jet black

Hair: Long and as black as his fur.

Eyes: Green

Age: Seventeen

Height: Five foot seven inches

Weight: Eighty-six pounds

Special Training: As a "groomed" slave Adrian is mastered in every form of coitus imaginable. He has been conditioned physically and mentally for a life of sexual servitude, making him a perfect bedroom companion.

Characteristics: Adrian is slim and super athletic. His training has left him capable of seducing people with little effort. He has a very individualistic streak due to Laporkra's lax nature. Adrian views sex as his right, and isn't fond of rejection.

Origin: Adrian was born in a breeding facility to anonymous parents. He was taken to a communal nursery until he was of age for selection.

As the product of a slave ranch, Adrian was conditioned to be servile.

Bright and energetic as a child, he was the first to be selected for grooming by the ranch owners.

Adrian spent his entire life training his mind and body to be the pinnacle of harem slaves, and it shows.

His attitude towards most things sexual is enthusiastic, and even when not to his personal tastes, he is at least proficient at acting enough that you'd never know.

Laporkra bought him when he had recently turned seventeen, from Adrian's personal groomer. The boy was considered too young to be ready for sale, but the wolf would have none of it and bribed officials into certifying him.

Adrian was sent to live with his new master the moment the ink was dry. The squirrel took to his new home energetically.

He seems more in charge of the wolf's house than its master most days, as Laporkra wished him to be his own man.

This is likely do to Lappy's involvement in Aikidu's experiment.

Adrian still views himself as property of Laporkra, but acknowledges the freedoms granted him with grace and civility.

He is headstrong and aggressive at times due to his lack of "finishing", but lacks any of the characteristic downtrodden spite that most lesser harem slaves have.

Adrian seems to have found a friend in Kiessu, and wants nothing more than to play in the only way he knows how. He feels his childhood was not lost, merely displaced.