
Story by Laporkra on SoFurry

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#6 of Bio pages

Name: Soren Vaetas Salai of Clan Shoal Hunter

Species: Great white shark.

Fur: Not applicable. Skin is grey on his back and top of his head and very very white underneath. His lateral line is slightly larger than others in his clan, leading to his natural ability to sense nerve impulses even while on land.

Hair: none

Eyes: Black, so very black.

Age: Mid thirties. Though most surface dwellers have no clue how long shark men live for.

Height: Seven foot nine inches.

Weight: Four hundred and sixty pounds.

Special Training: Expert barista. Hand to hand combatant of a professional calibre. His clan are the warriors and hunters of their race, and he has been conditioned since his birth to fight with his natural abilities. He can sense nervous impulses of others on land, and is several times more efficient in water.

He has an extremely refined palate for a shark, and often chooses to indulge in food and drink that others may find odd or surprising.

Characteristics: Towering above most mammals, Soren is smaller than most his race, though this is by no means a limitation. He is slighter in build than average but makes up for it with a toned and conditioned physique that seems contrary to his relaxed demeanour. Soren is nearsighted and must wear his glasses to see details at a modest distance. His eyesight is not a hindrance in water as his other senses are heightened greatly. His skin is tough and fairly resistant to cuts from anything smaller than an axe or large sword. Bullets tend to not penetrate his dense hide and muscle very far. He has an unending obsession with white fur that drives him a great deal to carnally conquest smaller white furred mamals. In this respect he has often been called "intense" and "unrelenting".

Origin: Soren was for the most part a black sheep to his clan. He seldom hunted for sport, and rarely bothered to eat his prey live, preferring it drown or be slain with a weapon first.

He furthered this reputation when he refused the ritual "culling" of surface dwellers in their territory, calling it "pointless and cruel".

His clan mates fed on sailors and rare meats dragged back to the depths often until the magics of the mammals called forth a beast from the depths which killed a large portion of their population.

They feared that the surface dwellers could call forth the beast again, and the elders of the clans traded wealth and favours for a treaty with the leaders of both schools of Adepts.

They swore under pain of death that they would harm no ships entering or leaving the area near the city, and that no surface dweller would be harmed without due cause such as self defence or breaking of carcharodon law in their own territory.

This treaty was loathed by many of his clan, but Soren cared little either way. The treaty enabled him to explore the surface world at his leisure.

He quickly used gold he had collected from numerous shipwrecks to buy himself a small lockup near the waterfront district. He then started a business of salvaging things lost at sea in the harbour.

He made a great deal of money doing this as he didn't care who rightfully owned what he found, and his size and skill made him more than a match for most thugs.

During his dealings with the surface world he developed an obsession with coffee. He had a natural understanding of water that most mammals could never comprehend which made him an expert at changing flavours in subtle ways. He converted the bottom floor of his lock up into a cafe shortly before he met Aikidu.

The two of them were cordial at first, but when Soren revealed he had a wounded boy in his care, the fox warmed up to him greatly, the three soon becoming friends.

Soren now tends his cafe by day and salvages by night, brokering goods through various avenues in order to keep his companion and oft times lover Shotaro hidden.

Aikidu Ven

Name: Aikidu Veneanar "Ven" in the common parlance Species: Arctic Fox, Magically altered. Fur: White as the driven snow. Hair: Overly long to about his waist, and white. Eyes: Violet, result of magical infusion. Age: Apparent age...

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Name: Kiessu Species: Snow Leopard Fur: White mostly, some grey along limb tops and back. Spots. Standard snow leopard with no genetic mutations. Hair: Medium length black, usually parted down the middle when not at work, ponytail when busy...

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Name: Shotaro Species: Rabbit, albino Fur:White Hair: Short cut to fur line, white Eyes: Red Age: Early twenties Height: Five feet four inches Weight: Ninety-nine pounds Special Training: Adept with most bladed weapons...

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