The Rich and The Poor Part 10

Story by Castro Talon on SoFurry

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#10 of The Rich and The Poor

Part 10 of my The Rich and The Poor part! :3

(Yuuta's view)

I couldn't feel a single thing throughout my whole body or perhaps it was tingling and shaking so much it went numb. I almost figured that maybe my eardrums had also went numb and deaf as I think only my mind was telling me what I wanted to hear.

My eyes were wide in shock and my tail sprung out and hovered above the ground as my arm wrapped around my beautiful boyfriend squeezed a bit tighter but yet I couldn't feel a thing.

My lips began to quiver at the very idea of what I thought...d-did Castiel...said he-he wanted to have sex with me? A-Am I dreaming? I would like to believe all the panic before was not real but this-...this I was hoping was real and if it was a dream then never wake me up.

I looked down at Castiel how looked up at me and we were frozen like ice yet the warmth of my body and his body heat made me think otherwise. I looked right into his eyes to make sure he wasn't joking or that I heard wrong.

"D-Did you to have sex with me?" I asked cautious as I was expecting a no in my mind.

Castiel didn't take his eyes off me and he didn't hesitate and shake like I was doing...but like me he was blushing bright red at the idea.

"Yes...I-I want to mate with you." He said meaning every word and my tail flick, puffed, and curled around. T-This was...real! I only sat there with him in my arms and his arms around me and both were fearful about rejection.

A soft wind blowing made me catch the scent of my lover and the smell of his desire and lust. I nostrils flared and my muzzle twitched at the new scent taking it in...and quickly learning to enjoy it.

I let the smell of my boyfriends-and soon to be mates arousal smell take over my senses and tell him how much I wanted to do this too.

"Y-Yuuta I know that I'm going fast! I-I know that you probably want to take things slowly but when I'm around you all my body can do is quiver in desire for yours and-"He said before I placed my forehead against his as he gasped wondering what I would say.

He closed his eyes almost expecting me to shout at fury at him but I couldn't be any happier! True I would have liked the question and statement of 'I love you, will you mate with me?' to have been more peaceful but now that were the heat of the moment, after experiencing a little fight and would only make the love making more intimate and

I tilted my head so that my mouth was right next to his ear as Castiel flinched with each of my whiskers brushing against his face as I whispered.

"Castiel....I've wanted to mate with you too...l-...want to have sex too Castiel" I said as Castiel opened his eyes, shocked to hear my confession and both our eyes met...and somehow...we both feel into a trance like state and were hypnotized by the others stare.

We looked into the others eyes to see if they had really meant what they mean, to see through the others soul, to look at the memories and to be sure they really were thinking this...and both had received an answer of yes.

I had desired Castiel to be mated with me in the bed since before the first date even! Castiel desired me ever since before the kiss at the castle. Both respected the others space and didn't want to overstep their position and make the other uncomfortable...yet me...we're.....we're.

My mind couldn't think straight and so lost I can't even remember what I was thinking right then. Calmly as if nothing just happened I stood up and took Castiel by the arm gently. He stood up too with the same distant look on his if we were reading the others mind and there was no need for words.

Castiel followed me and I could feel Goosebumps on his arm like mine, my whole body either went numb or was shaking so much I couldn't tell. T-This was really happening...we-we were going to do this! Going to do...IT!

We walked together...for so long...back the path we used when chasing the other now we were both coming back. The path I ran after him when I feared never seeing him again to know taking him back and going to do our greatest desire.

I forgave him long ago about his concern of not being able to care for me. All the drama he put me through was nothing more but a distant memory and part of me wished when we do...when we have sex, it will disappear even.

My tail wrapped around my chest not believing this was really going to happen, I had no idea how it was going to go, rough, gentle, passionate, sensual...I-I was open to it all, whatever my mate desires.

But a new concern had arisen in my mind...we were going to have sex but...who was-who was going to be on top? Who was going to give and who was going to receive?

(Castiel's view)

A swarm of warm emotions flooded my body as I couldn't make sense of my current position. Only minutes ago I was trying to run away, now if I had the rationality and calm Yuuta had right now I would pick him up and carry him to the nearest bed and-and.

Just do it. However he wanted to treat my body. Weither if he wanted to go hard and make me suffer for causing him such trouble or gentle so he shows me the tenderness and kindness he has for me I-

I couldn't believe what I was thinking...we weren't even talking about who should be the dom and already I was thinking myself at the bottom. I felt a familiar but yet different emotion of myself return...M-My pride but it was telling me something.

Yuuta and I put both our hoods back on as we entered low town again and started walking toward his castle...T-True...his room though I have never seen it will make it more comfortable for me to be-to be.

The pride sense of me was talking to my heart and mind.

" know you want to be the one at the bottom..." It said as my heart and mind jumped at the surprise confession it made. I would have reacted to but my body was still numb being held by the arm by Yuuta still.

People ignored us going about their business as it was getting late. It was reaching sundown and-and it was the perfect time for lovers to start Yuuta and I walked calmly through the town where we made a huge lovers' quarrel scene and now we were walking to his nothing happened.

I went back to what my sense of former pride wanted me to be at the bottom?

"You know you do Castiel...admit want Yuuta to overpower you."

A redder and hotter blush came to my cheeks as I thought that and I-I couldn't deny I wanted him too. I would so love the idea of that strong tiger claiming me roughly for his own.

There was still some resistance in my mind though fighting back but it was futile as my pride talked to it.

"B-But I may want to be on top I-"

"Maybe someday...but now you want him all over you don't you?"

Y-Yes....I do....

"Think about from the lovers prospective Castiel. You are 4 inches shorter than Yuuta, most lovers have a smaller and a taller one and the tall one is almost always on top.

I looked at Yuuta with my distant glace and I realized every time I had to look at him I had to tilt my head up and he-...he had to tilt down.

"Also the bigger one is the one in charge on the bed. You don't want to much bigger so that he might hurt you out of sheer size alone but clearly he was a bigger body than yours." It said as I once again inspected Yuuta.

I-It was true...his muscles were slightly smaller than his. He had more well defined legs, stronger arms...and a broader chest than mine I-I was smaller than him.

"And finally Castiel...the one who shows the most power is the one who's dominates...look at your match with Yuuta before...heck look at your past even!"

I did just that...Yuuta was holding 'me' by the arm now...he defeated me fairly and easily in that ring match...He pummeled me and effortlessly defeated me..I probably left maybe a bruise but he clearly showed more power than me no matter how many times he shows me all the same injuries I left on him...h-he overpowered me.

He's beaten me every single time in the past...I never managed to beat him once, no test or challenge did I ever manage to surpass him...only just getting closer and closer. N-No...the reason why I couldn't defeat him is because I didn't want to.

I was smaller, lighter, and weaker than him...I-I was always meant to be on the bottom in this relationship...not that I was despairing. That's right I fought with everything I had and Yuuta beat's only fair that he claimed me as his trophy and prize for the years long war.

I finally got some feeling in my body again and I could tell now that both me and Yuuta were shaking, shaking in excitement. Whatever he much he wants to go into me I-I'll let him. It's the tiger way if I remember.

I read a book long ago about tigers when I was still fighting Yuuta that tigers are very powerful, very physical, and very this in fighting or in relationships. Ours was different sure, we showed our love for each other through our fights and challenges. Each time we fought it only made our feelings and love for the other grow.

I considered myself dominate before...I thought I would be a powerhouse but challenged Yuuta, fought him with everything and was it was time for the prize, Yuuta's prize was my virginity and to be on top.

He probably would just plow into me, using all the force as he could to plunge his-his length into me. He would probably be growling and rough on me for challenging him...why does a little part of me want him to be like that?!

I-Is this what it feels like to be a girl almost? To want to be on the receiving end? I-I thought it silly but now I-...

Yuuta and I got into mid town and were walking up towards high town and his castle...We were so close...I wonder how it will even begin? Will he calmly make love to me? Or will he just slam me against the wall or bed and just rip my clothes apart. I could see Yuuta being the aggressive lover in this....hi-his power....its driven my body crazy.

We walked all the way to his castle and I noticed his father's carriage was gone...was Yuuta's family away for something? I-I suppose it would be better to not risk being caught...

Yuuta pushed open the castle door with one hand and we started walking to his room. I couldn't help but notice this place felt empty like all the servants were gone too. It literally felt like just me and Yuuta were all alone in this castle...not to mention-

I looked around as my heart rate steadily increased...we-we were getting near his room! I-In moments I-I-Yuuta's going to mate with me! O-Oh I should just act hopeless in front of his power, no doubt he wants to overpower me and for me to act submissive in front of him!

We stopped in front of this elegant looking door and as if both of us were in some sort of portal the whole time we both jumped at the reality that when we enter this door...neither of us would be leaving a virgin.

I began to shake horribly, I was shaking from the shock, excitement and worry. W-What if I'm horrible in the bed?! What if I can't-can't take it...all of Yuuta's in? I was terrified about the coming moments that my mind went blank again but now I could feel my body and everything that was going to happen. OH GODS! OH GODS! AM I REALLY READY FOR THIS?!

(Yuuta's view)

It felt like I was sleep walking when I was taking Castiel by the arm and walking back to my room. If I could have thought straight I would have paraded him down the street cheering "He's going to be my mate tonight! Castiel will be my mate tonight!" over and over again.

I wouldn't be ashamed or even fazed if people looked at us strangely. T-This was really going to happen and worse now I-I have no idea how will be on top! I-I may be a bit bigger than Castiel but maybe he wants to be on top as the reward for being scared about having to leave.

Oh gods I need help! How should I talk?! Should I try to be seductive? Demanding? Helpless?! I-I can't think right! I need to get this over with I need to relax I need too-

My body moved on its own and my hand reached out for the handle and I slowly opened the door showing Castiel my room. It was fairly big 100 by 100 feet. Along the walls were shelves of books that weren't completely uninteresting and I read once in awhile. Along the left side was my bed and it slightly larger than a king sized fact I would say the bed is 10 feet long and 8 feet wide...nothing but the best for the prince...but this will be for Castiel

H-He may want all the room as possible to-to have sex with. Or if he wants to be dom He might very well slam me against the wall and have at me right there. My tail shiver in excitement at the thought to be handled from such a handsome human. Oh to have him come at me with that gorgeous body of his.

There was a small table and 2 chairs in the upper right corner of the room and a wine bottle...maybe Castiel will want to get drunk first and then have sex. It's a possibility...In the middle of the right side wall was a massive fireplace that keeps me warm and on the floor next to the flames was a fire resistant and magnificent rug....maybe we could-could cuddle next to the fire before he had at me.

Along the walls were decorations of many portraits and artifacts of my heritage but all of them meaningless and forgotten in my current position...who cares about these when I'm about to mate with the sexiest person ever?

I noticed my door leading to the balcony was open and a new fantasy hit my mind...maybe right there...maybe we would do it right there technically in the wide open! The balcony was about 100 feet off the ground so all they could see below would be out basic figures...

Otherwise my room had hardwood and polished flooring that was cleaned weekly. Next to my bed was two night stands with little lanterns I used when I was little and right now...the fireplace ablaze would make the perfect lighting for our was a steady dim could hear the crackling of the wood and the sound of the flames twisting and growing slightly.

My room was full of useless decorations and books pretty much so hopefully this-this doesn't put off Castiel. I hope the bed would be nice as it was made from the finest and thickest silks the continent had to offer. It was so cozy at night but also so lonely.

I stepped into my room still holding on to Castiel and when he entered he got lost in my 'glory' of the room...I didn't see anything special except now with him in it. We walked into the middle of the room which was my thinking area where I stood up and paced around really as now I had to ponder something I never expected to ponder about!

How to ask him?! Should I use secret codes and meanings? A volley of non specific meanings? F-Forget it! I-I can't act or lie anymore! I can't hold back and I can't wait!

"C-Castiel?" I asked letting go of his hand hanging my head in shame about what I was going to ask.

"W-We're really going to do this aren't we Yuuta?" Castiel asked turning his head with a blush as I did the same.

"Y-Yes...but Castiel...I-I've been wondering..."


"W-Who's going to know...o-on top?" I asked flinching almost expecting him to walk out, punch me, or better just tackle me down and whisper 'take a guess' . Ohh I can't wait I-

"I-I've thought about it too Yuuta and-....I-I'll be the one...o-on the bottom." Castiel confessed as my tail sprung up and I turned towards him.

"Y-You'll-?"I asked not believing my ears as Castiel blushed even redder and almost broke down right there.

"I-I'll take...yours in Yuuta. I-I want you in me" He said as my heart felt like it gave out. I had no idea what to do next, tackle him and show complete dominance? Try to be tender and romantic with him? M-Maybe I should offer to be the bottom

A sudden side of me spoke to my mind and heart.

"Take him gentle at first...treat him gentle for as long as you can...he will be the bottom now but be sure to offer sometime in the future to the bottom to him."It said as I agreed quickly.

Castiel still hung his head before I went up to him and tilted his head up to meet eyes together. Each of us looked deeply into the others as once again we got lost in them. I felt like I was lost in space and he was my only way to get back...and our touching.....our kissing.......and going to be our way to talk to each other.

"I'll be gentle Castiel, I'll try but my lust for you may push me over the edge...if I do hurt you just tell me to-" I said as Castiel kissed me suddenly wrapping his arms around my back and pushing head deeper into the kiss as all I could do was wrap my arms around his body.

Once again tongue was shared and I had gotten use to his taste so quickly as it was sweet to me now...and it was very addicting-I-I MUST HAVE MORE!!

"I trust you with my body Yuuta...I know you'll do everything to comfort me...are you ready?" He asked grabbing onto my shirt ready to pull it off as I took a few deep breathes. T-This was really it! In a few moments I was going to be mated with Castiel I-I I'm so honored! I can hardly contain myself! I want to gently romance him and plow into his body roughly but I'll last as long as I can for you Castiel!

I nodded my head letting my doubts and regrets fly away...just like the shirt "I'm ready Castiel."

Castiel placed his hands underneath my shirt and started to pull up, exposing my abs and part of my pecs as I motioned my arms so he could pull it off the rest of the way. I was shirtless as we embraced the other again and kissed. Both of us moaning in complete bliss of the moment.

My tail wrapped around his waist and wrapped tight around my soon to be mate. Castiel started to play with my abs, tracing them out with his finger as my white chest fur stood up in complete arousal...ohh his-his touch...his soft touch he's-he's playing with my body and I love it!

I began to purr softly at the light wave of bliss going through my chest as my tail flicked to its own accord. My tail reacted on its own and went underneath his shirt and tried to pull it off. We were both reluctant though to end our kiss with tongue now being used. Both of us moaned and purred wishing there was some physical way to pull off his shirt without breaking our kiss.

A sudden wild side of me just wanted to tear off his clothes but that would be too physical...I promised him that I would be gently as long as I could....but how long can tigers last?

Eventually we ran out of breath and we both decided without using words that it was just a good a time as ever to take Castiel's shirt off. Castiel placed his hands on his shirt and pulled it off softly motioning and swaying his chest in such a seductive way I-I ohh I must-

As soon as the shirt was off I felt a sudden desire which I unleashed to place my muzzle right against his chest inhaling his body smell as my new air. Castiel gasped and moaned as I sniffed every abs, muscle, and part of his bare chest.

My tail that was puffed out as crazy was flicking around so much I swear it would fly off sometime. My whiskers brush against his body and I placed my hands around his back and started to rub and pet it gently. Castiel was getting warmer I could tell...his whole body was blushing and so was mine.

But we both moved and looked at the other demanding more and more of this amazing feeling going through both of us. I felt a new desire take over me as I moved up his chest kissing every inch along the way as Castiel wrapped his arms around my head and pulled me closer to his chest forcing me to take in his scent that was driving me madder with lust.

I reached his right nipple and kissed it using my tongue as Castiel gave out a soft gasp.

"O-Ohhh ah! Y-Yuuta-oohh" Was all he could manage to say as I opened my mouth further as I placed my teeth on his nipple and began to rub with them. Side to side then lick in a circular motion and then suck in. Castiel could only gasp and hold onto my head tighter as I forgot the fact I was on my knees the whole time.

I felt some kind of servant admiring his body and I was damn happy with it, that I would be given the honor of playing and loving this god's gorgeous body. Look down at me Castiel...t-think of me as almost unworthy to have you!!

I was getting lost in my fantasies and desires my thoughts of the promise were slowly fading as all that I could start to think about was ravish his body, love it so much and clean him will feel so amazing!

Sadly my lungs had to give out before I could continue to ravish him. Castiel pushed away gently and started to walk over to the bed. My tail flicked in worry that maybe I disappointed him somehow.

Castiel then stopped at the edge of the bed and turn his head and I noticed a dead sexy smile...w-was he thinking.

My fantasies proved correct as Castiel unzipped his pants and decided to seduce me with his flexibility...he placed his hands on his pants and pulled downward showing only his undergarments and his socks left...but most seducing of all...his head was nearly touching his lower legs...and they were standing

I wanted to put him in all sort of positions right now...he was as flexible as me and I had tons of exotic positions I wanted to put him in. I-I was going to wreck his body, stretch it out so far until both our bodies hurt I-

No...just hold on promised but seeing his near naked body...True I had seen him in his training shorts...and only once caught a glimpsed of that perfect butt but that only a splint second.

Not only in a few seconds am I going to see his butt....but going into it with my length that was already raging right now, desperately wanting to go in and claim him right now.

Castiel could see my tail sprung out at awe of his flexible ability. He smiled but I could tell he was still slightly nervous that he maybe didn't seduce me...anymore and I would have given into my primal instincts...

Castiel then leaned back up to his normal stance and laid down on the bed pulling his socks off with his feet and all the remained between me and my soon to be mate was his undergarments and my lower outfit.

He hypnotized me...simple as that. He motioned his finger for me to come to the bed and for me to be o-on top. The very idea still made me blush and shiver. I shivered despite the warmth of the fireplace and the warmth of the intimacy before.

I walked over to him slowly pulling my own pants off. I swayed my hips for him and moved his body to entice him and it was working as he let out soft gasps of desire and he gripped onto the bed wanting so bad for me to plunge into him.

I felt like I was in some dream still or a deep daydream, I think we were both feeling like we could seduce the other with our bodies without fear of shame or humiliation. Honestly Castiel could have just laid down on the bed and I would have been seduced by his body but with him shaking it around and posing his glorious body around was all just more hypnotizing to me. If he wanted to give me a show then I would certainly sit down and enjoy it I thought dirtily to myself.

My pants dropped to the floor and I felt so...vulnerable, I felt so weak and helpless but Castiel was the first one to be like this forget my weakness, Castiel is the one who needs comfort right now. Castiel just stared at my groin area with completely entranced eyes wondering what I would look like completely naked.

It was true that us in our undergarments was barely different then us in our training shorts the difference was only a bit more leg was being shown for both of us but the hidden meaning beyond the shorts...the idea both of us naked and pure but finding comfort and heat from the other makes my mouth water in desire, how I envy my fantasies until now...because right now I am experiencing a fantasy.

My tail flicked about until it wrapped around my chest and I played with the end of it with my fingers. I was still slightly embarrassed about all this, I was actually thinking maybe Castiel was disappointed by my little strip tease but he let out seductive moans and whispered out.

"Oh gods Yuuta....your so hot....your body is just so perfect." He said as I saw his undergarments grow out and he blushed redder and I did the same. I felt my own undergarments bulge and my cheeks burn redder and it was nothing but a complete circle for us both. The more the other bulged and blush the other did it more until-

My animal instincts took over for a moment as I went over to him slowly and he moved to the middle of the bed hardly disturbing the blankets as I crawled up on it looking at him like he was a meal for me...and it was like that. Castiel.....Castiel is going to be my meal. I'll cover him in kisses and touch which will energize me as a feral animal does off of a kill.

I will claim him as my own! His body will be all mine! I'll completely destory that beautiful body of his and-No dammit! A part of my heart said...go gentle, you promised Castiel you would try to be as gentle as possible!

My animal side was just barely withdrawn as I crawl right one top of soon to be human mate. We already reeked of arousal and musk, we could both hear our hearts beat with excitement and anticipation. The blankets made it a good resting ground for my lower legs and a firm enough grip for my hands as Castiel and I looked in each others eyes.

Both of us waited to see how would be the first to make the first move, we were both in the bed it was basically no turning back after this but I had no desire to what so ever! I may be nervous but I want this sooo bad! I just didn't want to make a bad touch and ruin the moment.

The whole room grew hot with our desire for the other and seeing his bare body made me want to sooo badly have at him first but I panicked at the same time with such thoughts! My animal side was taking over me slowly and if-if it did come to taking off the undergarments I might lose all control!

I don't want my mate to be hurt from my-our first time but yet I want him to know that I greatly want his body! How desperately in my mind I craved for the realization that we would be bed mates! My tail though appeared to be the first to make a move as it bend down and slowly started to curl up Castiels leg and I could feel him getting goosebumps and I could feel him shaking with worry.

As if my tail was telling me "if you touch him more he will calm down. Completely cover him and he will submit completely to you." I barely had the mind power to agree as all it could do was stare helplessly into Castiel's beautiful pure eyes...

It felt like minutes have flown by as we still both waited for the other to make the first move to becoming mates.

(Castiel's view)

I laid down beneath this handsome tiger and made no movements thinking as if he was almost this predator going to eat my body...or cover it with his lips and his hands. I didn't want to move first for fear of ruining his mood.

I have to be utterly submissive to this but I want to touch him too! I want to feel his skin on mine! I want to be held so tightly! Still I said I would be submissive but how submissive?! Should I even say anything while he-he takes me virginity?! Should I shout that I'm his woman or just comforting reassurances that there doing great?

All of these panicking thoughts had to be ended! Yuuta's strip tease, the smell of the room, the warmth of his arousal, and the position were in right now as I always dreamed of! Me below Yuuta! I didn't care about my pride, let it be broken! I have no use for it!

Claim me Yuuta! Go rough or gentle! Let your touch claim me as your own! I'll love you no matter how you treat me! My whole body felt so numb that I could barely move my arms. I leaned up and in complete unison Yuuta leaned down. We both stopped for a moment thinking we should let the other led...but as if we somehow read the others mind we both said screw it and leaned in unison.

We leaned in forward until...we kissed. We kissed like never before! With the heat and the others nearly bare body it made the kiss all the more passionate! This was it! The comfort of the others body! Making up for all the years of loneliness!

Our mouths opened up and our tongues wrapped around the other and twisted around perfectly. As usual his saliva gave him a great advantage over mine but if there was one part of this whole intimacy that I would at least make some effort in it was going to be the tongue on tongue!

Yuuta's tongue tired desperately to get past mine but mine was just barely holding him back. I knew it was going to be impossible to let my tongue to be in Yuuta's mouth but I still wanted to hold him back and make the kiss all the more enjoyable for the both of us.

I moaned as Yuuta purred thankful for my idea to make the kiss with tongue last all the more longer. I had no idea how Yuuta was keeping his body above mine still. If I was somehow on top I would have just going wild with lust but Yuuta must be barely hanging on!

I can sense him holding back and as much as I was proud of him for holding to his promise a part of my heart wanted to have it all at him! I wanted him to give me his all and if-if I fainted during the middle of it I wouldn't be upset to hear that he kept going!

Oooohhhh I was this helpless human compared to this powerful tiger! I felt so honored that this superior being would even think about having me as his own much less do it! My whole body went just completely failed at the moment and let my body feel this new feeling of bliss go through it!

We kissed for minutes and I barely kept his tongue at bay and he was both arouzed and somewhat annoyed at it. I didn't know how long to last as my mouth protested for a rest and to have a great massage from Yuuta's tongue but I kept at it.

I wrapped my arms around him and petted his back and his purring grew louder and higher. His heat still teasing my abs with maybe a single strand of fur touching my abs and it only made me want to press up against him!

Then as if he read my mind, he decided there was only one way he was going to win the mouth war. He gently lowered his body until-until ooooohhhh! Yes! Yes! It was pressed against mine! Oh my he's so warm! So strong and soft! So comfy and powerful! Oh ravage me! Ravage me so much! My body quivered in a submissive state. His abs rubbed against mine and I could see the folly of my rivalship before.

In this one move he destroyed my idea to beat him in the past...his abs were so much bigger than mine! His chest was broader! He was warmer and he was just better! Simple as that! I couldn't ever compare to him!

Yuuta moved his arms around my back and we held each other so close his muzzle and my mouth touched not to mention we were still sharing tongue this whole time! I gagged as every part of my mouth was slurped by his tongue! He went deeper than every before! It was almost like he was licking around my uvula but I didn't throw up.

My tongue and mouth were left helpless against his, all I could do was moan at the amazing pleasure going through mine and his chest heat warming my body! I felt completely pathetic against this sexy force of nature as he ravished every part of me not holding back its passion for me.

My bulge was growing at my thoughts of this, to have Yuuta completely dominate my body. To have such a gorgeous prince touch and make love to my body was just so....intoxicating. My pride was utterly gone right now, my past self was left in the darkest parts of my mind and was completely looked down upon.

Oh maybe if only I gave up sooner when I was little Yuuta might have done this! I would have surrender right away and let him claim me as his prize if thats what it meant!

Maybe actually tigers like it when you try to fight back, give them some excitement maybe while fighting and having sex! I can't deny I am attracted to the idea of two people going at it with all they got and when the winner was clear the contestants would reward the other with pleasure and touch.

All these thoughts made my heart warm. My insides felt like feathers and my mind was rendered completely submissive to this tiger pressing his superior chest against mine!

Minutes seem to fly by as each time my tongue tried to rise up in an attempt to take control Yuuta's tongue placed it back down and licked up every bit of our shared saliva as his reward. My body was going completely limp as I surrendered to this feeling of submissiveness.

Ravage me Yuuta! Make me ever sorry for thinking I could beat you before! Pin me down and claim me entirely yours! Claim your human! With your touch and heat.....Burn yourself into my very soul!

(Yuuta's view)

I couldn't possibly describe the feeling going through my right now, most words can't even compare to half of the feeling of having this human moan and flinch at my lust for him!

My Castiel had to work so hard just to get a little rest...but now! Now I want him to relax completely! I want him to submit to my lust for him and never have to worry about working or fighting ever again!

Even though my promise was still holding back my primal animal instincts I could hear the seductive temptations it told me to do with Castiel.

"Call him as yours!"

"Plow your body into his!"

"Take him! Take all of him! Leave him a submissive mess and shower him off when its all done!"

My primal instincts did eventually win over him hands as they dug into Castiels sexy smooth skin gripping it hard making him moan in slight pain but he still blushed I felt every muscle, every bump and grove of his excellently built body and it only made me want to have at him more! He continued to have my tongue lick all around his...

ohhh his tongue...his soft warm was utterly addicting! I simply couldn't get enough of it! I want to lick up every part of him! He's like my meal and his body is my treat! I was a predator and he was my prey! I hunted him down, took him down and now he is mine! All mine!

I've never had this feeling of want and need go through my before it was a whole new feeling to I wanted more of! I wanted even more of Castiel! Slowly but surely my promise looked like it was breaking but still held on desperately to the gentle promise...yes of course I want to be gentle with him at first but when he gets completely exhausted from the bliss then I have at him with all my might! This is basic tiger instinct! When they have a mate they want them to now that they are now their mate!

I want to cover him in my scent! Cover him so much that the others now Castiel is my mate! My lover! My bed mate!!!

I broke the kiss for us to get a quick breath but just as quickly launched my lips and tongue back onto his! Ohh his chest is so smooth and soft...yet firm. It makes me purr like a housecat just feeling his abs rub against mine!

How didn't I fall in love with his body the first moment I saw him?! What force kept me from having at him in the gym lockers?! If only I could have gone back and do this the second I saw him! Or maybe even make bets with this!

The bets begin if he didn't beat me I would have sex with his glorious body! Oh that would have gotten me to win every race! Every test! Every competition! Oh Castiel I've wanted this forever! Where have you been all my life my soul mate?! We must make up for lost time with this single night! I must cover you entirely with me! I need to wrap around like some blanket or scarf and keep you warm with my soul and passion for you!

Eventually my primal instincts won over my sense of time. I didn't know how long we made out on the bed but I simply wanted more! A greater feeling! If this stuff was only from nearly naked kissing w-what would sex feel like?!

The thought of it made my heart pound harder than any workout I've every had! But this was exactly how this was like! A training routine with Castiel and no matter how tired I get I must go through with it!

Once again I broke the kiss letting saliva drip out of my mouth as I continued to purr. A sudden feeling of coldness entered my cheeks as they didn't want to part with his lips and by the looks of Castiel he didn't want to end either but...I will make up for it...

H-His groin had an alluring scent to that I wanted to sniff up! To smell up every part of my mate! A tiger instinct recurred in my mind...a tiger wants to know every part, everything about its mate!

I kissed down Castiel's warm chest. My whiskers brushed his little chest hairs and his skin that felt on fire right now. Castiel couldn't form words right now all he did was moan and gasp as each kiss was leading down further to his groin.

I made stops at his nipples and kissed and sucked them for awhile allowing my mate to know even though I had left his lips I had a plan to keep pleasuring him. I licked around his abs...those abs I have wanted forever! My past self was a fool for not adoring these god like perfect abs of his!

Then my whiskers hit something...different. I looked to see his undergarments just an inch below my mouth. Castiel was breathing heavily but looked at me with wide gaze though was fixed on his bulge...

This was it...I too was breathing heavily from the thought of what I was going to do next. I froze but was not certainly cold...I have never been so hotter in life. I took a big smell of his groin area and it flood my muzzle, my nose twitched at the smell.

It was so...manly...I have only ever been use to my own smell of sweat and manliness but I have an even sexier man's smell to enjoy! I pressed my muzzle right against his undergarments and I felt the structure of his bulge! I-It was so stiff and hot! He had a great length to him and these damn undergarments were in the way!

I looked up at Castiel again who had his head leaned back when I pressed my muzzle against his length. He looked at me when the feeling stopped and all I could do was-was place my hands around his undergarments to show what I wanted to do.

Castiel took a few deep breathes in hesitant to what was coming. He looked slightly confused at why I was willing to suck his length but I wanted to know how every part of my mate tastes like!...there was only two places left that I have not touched or lick him yet...and tonight I plan to have them both!

Castiel nodded and laid completely down on the bed. He completely submitted himself to for me to do my give my mate all the pleasure in the world!

My arms shook as I began to pull down his undergarments. My heart was racing incredibly at right! In a few moments I was going to see Castiel completely butt naked! Oh he has no idea how lucky he is that he can be nude in front of himself! I know I've wanted to see him completely nude for awhile but how would I react when-

There was no time top finish the thought. I closed my eyes as I heard the undergarments fall to the floor and my eyes protested to open up....i-if I look at his bare beauty I might burst into flames from pure beauty! Or I might melt from the fire of desire in me!

"Give your mate what he wants! Look at him in the eyes as you claim him!" A part of me said on the inside.

I slowly opened my eyes...but as soon as they were a centimeter open my eyes shot open to see...Castiels length! H-H-His bare naked manliness right in my face! My tail that was curling about before just slumped down as if it had fainted in the shock of seeing my mate completely nude!

Castiel leaned his head back up to see my eyes in awe of his length...i-it was so...perfect! The scent...the was all perfect. I was more than I could have ever dreamed of! The heat coming off of his length was incredible!

Not to mention the scent oooohhh the scent was driving me drunk in desire to have him! Castiel's undergarments and pants are so lucky to cover such a beautiful area of his body. Castiel and I looked at the other for a moment but I glanced back down at his great length.

I must be succeeding in some way to make it bulge and twitch like this. I know my member was by just listening to Castiel moan and grunt from this bliss.

I felt a soft feeling on my cheek as I barely noticed Castiel was petting my cheek and gave a nod of approval to let me unleash my desires. Both of us felt like words were unnecessary at the moment as we both knew what the other was saying behind the actions.

My body is yours my love.

I swallowed a gulp and my breathing became shaking and unsteady as I leaned my muzzle further closer to my mates length. The closer I got the stronger the scent had become and the stronger the scent was the more maddening my desire was for him.

I then felt something warm and hard hit the tip of my muzzle to see I had placed my muzzle right against his length! Castiel gave a soft gasp and laid back down completely on the bed ready for me to pleasure him in anyway I see fit. Yes.....pleasure him Yuuta...give Castiel all the pleasure and love in the world.

I inhaled Castiel's musky length scent. So powerful was his scent the I let out a unsteady sigh of bliss...Oh it was just so manly! I placed my hands once again on his upper legs and gripped down firmly but gently enough not to hurt my mate, I don't want Castiel in pain yet I want to have at him so bad I fear I might hurt him.

I-I it will taste? I know Castiel's tongue and mouth like common sense in my mind but this is his length! Could I even fit it all in my mouth?! Should I just lick it until-...ohhh my I have no idea what I should do!

Still I must try...even if I fail miserably I must try my best to give Castiel what he deserves! With that in my heart and mind I opened my mouth that I thought was dry when I was looking at Castiel nude body but instead I felt the texture of warm saliva in it.

I was drooling lust and putting aside my fears as I stuck out my tongue and gave a long lick from the root of his length to the very tip which made Castiel's body flinch and him to shake and gasp at the feeling of my tongue lick all the way up his length.

I-It tasted so nice! It was spicy yet salty somewhat yet there something also sweet about it, I didn't know how else to put it better except addicting! I looked back at Castiel's length to see a few drops of my saliva left behind to lubricate what was next.

I began to purr ignoring all worries of my performance and surrendering completely to my desires to have at his body! I leaned in to give another lick and it tasted even stronger now but yet I wanted more! When I had reached the tip instead of pulling away I opened my mouth and slowly motioned down to take his length in my jaw.

I could feel the heat and musk inside my mouth and it made my shiver and shake in delight. Hearing my mate give out gasps and moans of having his length in my mouth made my tail and ears flick in happiness to know I was doing well so far.

I continued to move the length inside my mouth before my muzzle hit his upper length area...I must ignored the size because when I opened my mouth I felt out a muffled gag at his powerful length in my throat.

Still I did not pull out or push away...I need to give him this even if it hurts me greatly!...but yet my heart felt no pain it felt so joyous to have my mates length in my mouth. My tongue curled around the mid section of his length and started to twist and motion all over it covering it with my saliva and allowing me to taste his manly taste.

I did feel like a predator getting my prey now because I felt like I was finally being feed after years of sexual starvation. Right now I wanted to eat him all up! I wanted every last bit of him to feed my sexual desires!

I began to bob my head up and down. At first I did it slow as not to overpower my mate even though the desire to was so enticing. My promise was barely holding on as I slowly took in his length away and moved it out in a rhythmic pattern.

My purring made both my mouth and Castiel's length vibrate and Castiel looked completely submissive and in bliss of this feeling. I had my eyes closed at first but yet there was something telling.

"Keep your eyes as you make him yours." it said to me and all I could do was agree.

My senses were completely flooded over by Castiel's essence that I was unable to make out anything else in the room. The feeling of warm in my body and the amazing heat in my mouth clouded my body scenes, the smell of his body, musk, and arousal made it impossible to smell anything else in the world and my ears were focused on hearing Castiel moan loudly from my attempts to pleasure him...and by the sounds of things they were succeeding.

My own member bulge out it made me lay down a bit higher than usual as it was also in this clouded sexual desire as I was.

This lasted for minutes I think...I didn't know nor did I care. All sense of time had left me as the only time sense I cared about long would I last, how long would Castiel last? I know what happens during sex and the very idea of having Castiel's cum in my mouth had left my mind for a moment.

I have never pleasure anyone like this so I have no idea what to do! But still....there is only one person I would ever be willing to find out with and I'm doing it to him right as we speak! Castiel did start to leak out some precum and I was thankful for a a sample taste felt weak.

It was sweet that was for sure, it tasted again somewhat salty and spicy but yet I knew that couldn't be exactly what it was going to taste like! Castiel's body started to motion all over trying his best to kill the overwhelming of love going through is body with movement but it looked like it was becoming to much for him.

But that was something that I wanted too...I wanted him to overpowered with love that he wouldn't know what to do except give up to the love! The problem was so was I! I opened my mouth once in awhile to get a quick breath of air with his length still in me or to use a powerful purr to make him cum but yet....there were concerns on my mind.

It my be just me but it almost seems as if Castiel is....holding back. Why would he hold back now? It may be just my senses still being overwhelmed by my sucking of his length but by the way of his movements it almost seems like he's trying not to release his pent of essence. The thought of it made me frown, was I not doing something right? What was going through Castiel's mind right now?

Was he just being submissive because it was only fair or looked like this? No...I honestly didn't mind but I don't know what he's thinking right now. More saliva...more tongue...more touching! I gripped down a bit harder on his legs and sucked with more power as Castiel's moans did seem to get louder.

But there was something on my mind as well as I continued to attack my mates length with my mouth...I-I....I want to mate the back. I don't want him to feel like a sleezy whore by him just sucking my member in return. I want to make him my the rump. I can't just ask him and even though I am sucking his length I want him to look down at me like I am unworthy.

Look at me compared to his body! I am totally unworthy to have at his body even though it screamed for it! Castiel...what should I do?!

(Castiel's view)

My scenes and body went completely numb at the moment. I couldn't move but yet somehow my mind protest at the idea of letting my seed fill Yuuta's mouth. He was doing an amazing job!

It was hard to think that such a handsome, smart, and loving tiger would also be a master at the sexual arts even though this is our first time! I was the one no doubt being the poorer partner! I was so small and weak that I could feel Yuuta somewhat holding back.

D-Dammit! I wish I was just a bit bigger or stronger like he was! How much I desire to have him claim me with all his might! I-It only makes sense right?! A tiger and a human fight for so long...each of them both exhausted physically and sexually that they lose all sense of dignity and the tiger has at the humans body with maddening lust!

I pictured a similar looking human like myself and a look alike of Yuuta having at it roughly! I pictured the human in a completely helpless and submissive position as the tiger planted his member in the human's hole and slammed into him with all the anger of all the fights before.

Y-Yuuta just think about all the times I made you angry with close contests before! Make me sorry for thinking I could beat you! Make me think all I could ever do was take in your incredible member!

Sure you may be sucking my modest length right now but yet I won't allow the same for you! Y-You deserve my hole! You're a prince after all Yuuta and you deserve the better deal between the both of us!

I can't deny it I want him to claim me so hard in the back! I want my body to quiver and shake in fear of his might and sexual superiority!

My length was leaking precum but yet...sadly as much as my heart protested yet agreed at the same time it-it wanted it done the romantic way! A sudden shout of my past self only annoyed me.

"How can you let Yuuta do th-" It said before I punched the feeling away and I took control of my body again!

I leaned up and released my tightening grip on the wrinkled bed and push Yuuta's mouth away from my length. He looked up to me and he frowned sadly thinking he was doing bad...

"Yuuta" I said softly as his tailed flick in disappointment of himself thinking he had hurt me or displeased me somehow...quite the opposite. I have never felt so...comfortable in my life! I felt like I was a king when Yuuta had his mouth around my length! He knows how to pleasure me theres no doubt about that its just I think-...I think he deserves some release too...

"C-Castiel...I know I d-" He said before something snapped in my mind. Of course I was still glad that he was keeping his gentle promise but I realized I was the one who was wrong! I didn't even want to hear his fake humbleness! I wanted that lustful tiger to have at me with all his might!

"I-I can't take it-!" I said before I flipped over with my legs feeling like jelly and I raised up my butt to his sight. All knowledge of dignity and pride being abandoned as I laid my head down to the bed and said loudly.

"Claim me Yuuta! I want to feel you inside of me!" I begged completely lost in the moment of sex. I know most would not have ended the sucking until they had cumed but-but I wanted him to claim me first! I saw he was willing to put up with my pathetic performance so I should at least give him a better way to pleasure me!

He probably wanted the sucking over and his length to claim me part to come anyway. I swayed my butt side to side hoping to entrance him even though his muscular butt compared to mine it was far greater! Even when still wearing undergarments the heat and groves of muscles are enough to make someone lust for him!

My bare butt was no doubt hardly appealing to Yuuta but I figured it must at least be better than my groin area. Yuuta is a prince who deserves to claim me and have the best my body can offer...even if my butt was nothing in his eyes...

(Yuuta's view)

C-C-Castiel' eyesight was fixed on it. I only ever caught a glance at it once when we were changing in the locker room and I felt on fire, but now that I'm seeing it completely bare, no coverage what so ever I-I was stricken with absolute lust!

Ooohhh it looks so muscular and firm! I can see almost every individual muscle and his glorious back would make an excellent view as I-...claim him.

The though of it made me heart race faster. H-He said he-he wanted me to claim him first? True I was a little saddened that I couldn't finish the relieving of stress for him but this....this took my mind right off of that.

This all made the wildest parts of my mind think about such idealist fantasies. I thought maybe Castiel and I had trained the others bodies for years for this moment. To make the others bodies so seducing to the other that the sex would be mind blowing!

Maybe we fought so much as to make the gentleness even more sweeter...or maybe he wants it rough. Castiel did said to claim him! That must only wanted to be mated first. He didn't say to go rough only that I could bury my length into him. Heck I wasn't complaining about the terms.

Still as seducing as Castiel's rump was there was something missing. I looked up only to see the back hair of my soon to be mate. Castiel was burying his face into the bed and blankets and biting on them to kill the pain of first mating with force. I thought it would make sense but-...why?

Why is my heart saying no?

"Yuuta...make him watch...look into his eyes as you claim him yours. Show him that you will enjoy this as much as he will."

Yes...I must look in his angel like eyes when I go into him. I don't want him to look away or think about anything else except the experience and myself. Still I was tempted by something else. I carelessly pulled my own undergarments and let the cold air engulf my pure being.

I didn't mind was said that being naked was pure in front of the gods...and ultimate symbol to the gods of your weakness and vulnerability. I want Castiel to know even when he feels weak being naked he can come to me in my bare nudity and I will give him all the love and protection necessary.

I moved my hand and started to rub and pet his nice butt. Ohhh my it is so soft yet firm! The second my hand made contact with his butt my spine tingled in delight and both my tail and my fur stood straight up at the sensation!

I-I want him to know...that I am the one mating him! I want his thoughts on me and I want my thoughts on him! I gripped down on his butt as Castiel shook in delight thinking I was going to plow him there but-

I used some of the hidden aggression to flip him back over and I sat a bit on top of him...his length was pressing against my abs and I felt like I had melted right there! His length was still as hot as ever but he wanted me! And he'll have me! All of me!

Castiel looked at me confused why I had flipped him back over to see his chest. His expression said it all as I hooked one of my arms around his powerful legs and started to lift it up. A soft smile came to my face as I looked him straight in the eye to say.

"Castiel....I want to see your beautiful face as I mate you" I said as Castiel looked like he froze solid right there. I hooked my arm around his other leg and with both of our great flexibility I aligned my length so it was ready to meet his virgin hole.

I had a flood of emotions come over me...w-what was it going to feel like when I go into him? Would I be able to keep my primal desires away or would I lose it almost right away? No doubt this will somewhat hurt him but I want the pain to be flooded away by the pleasure and afterwords my love and kindness.

I was shaking in excitement and anticipation, never before had I received anything that made me act like this! I was given such luxurious jewelry, legendary items, and the best food anyone could ever ask for but this...C-Castiel's virginity, this gift made me squirm in delight, I felt somewhat unworthy of the gift! But thats what I love about it, thats how a gift should be like for me! Something I could never imagine to have!

It was hard to believe less than a year ago we fought like pure hatreds, the thought always comes to mind whenever I love up Castiel and it makes look back at the past with either scorn or pity...pity at my past self to know what he was missing out on. Castiel and I fought the other tooth and nail for this and know it was time to collect our rewards and lick our wounds...and if he needed help I would certainly lick all over that precious body of his.

I looked at Castiel who barely had his eyes open. But from my higher position on the missionary position I could see my mates chest....his perfect chest...his bulging biceps....his gorgeous face...his so soft hair...his gleaming eyes...he-he never looked so beautiful than ever before in my life!

I had never noticed that my length...well...was much more bigger than his. Still I had no care for size in the matter all I cared about now was to give Castiel my length and essence. I enjoyed this feeling so much to be on top of my soon to be bed mate but my barely conscious promise told me to take it slow still.

"C-Castiel...a-are you ready?" I asked already breathing heavily even though we haven't even started yet! Oh only he could work me up like this!

(Castiel's view)

Here I was with my legs lifted in the air. Held and gripped on by the most handsome tiger prince ever how look extremely excited to mate me. Though my heart was racing my breath was slow. My body battled itself to wonder if I should be so fast for him that he might be able to keep up or take it so slow that he would still have complete control of my body.

I look at his chest....his oh so soft yet manly chest. His bulging abs...his white chest...his increidlby soft and fluffy fur...and his soft caring eyes. With his simple tools of charms, with his body and kind words...he took all of me...

I was completely his after the first kiss, I didn't fight it, I didn't resist in anyway. I wanted this! I think maybe anything he touches goes numb as my legs he was holding were already numb beyond belief and the rest of my body felt just as weak.

I looked at his member and...I couldn't help but blush at the superior size of it compared to mine. Yuuta and I had always fought over who was the smartest, fastest, and strongest person in class. We flexed our muscles to show the other we meant business.

Even though he was bigger our muscles were just about the same...but yet if he were to simple have taken off his pants there would have been one part that was clearly bigger compared to me. I wasn't jealous though...I was envious.

And now that he's here. About to think I was worthy of such length..oh gods preserve me I-I am not ready but I must do it for him! Even in this commanding position, even though controling every part of my body and he's looking at my chest as a display he still asks my permission to-to....s-start.

The idea of it made my already upright hair spark in shock. In the next few seconds, I was no longer going to be a virgin! That I was going to be Yuuta's mate! Yuuta's tail wrapped around my lower right leg and acted like a third arm in this and it wrapped around me tightly acting as extra leverage.

I-I was shaking, shaking so much that I couldn't move my lips yet my heart was screaming out "Mate me Yuuta! Plow into your human with all your might!" My hole was bracing itself hoping to ready itself for the coming length even though I think even it knew it wasn't going to help much.

All of these fears rushed through me and I tried to think of something that would comfort me from the pain of my first time, something that I could trust and hold onto dearly. I closed my eyes to think hard of something, I-I tried to think back to my parents or my house...and the image escapes me! I-I can't remember my own house or parents right now! I can't remember anything I-I...

"Castiel?" A voice asked me and as I opened my eyes I saw...Yuuta...with concerned yet seductive eyes. His grip somewhat loosened and from the might of his arms I felt protected like a child does from a blanket, in those eyes and caring face I felt special like when a mother does to show love to a child. Y-Yuuta...he will care for me! Trust him Castiel! Trust him to let him take care of your body!

"Y-Yes..I'm ready Yuuta." I said placing a firm grip on the bed stretching out my chest for him to adore me body more and surrendering completely to his wishes!

There was a standstill for a moment as I closed my eyes again and-...I could just sense his length coming closer to my rump. I gripped down on the already wrinkled bed tighter hoping to cancel out some of the first contact pain as my heart spasmed in fear and excitement.

I could feel the specific place where it was going to land from the heat of it! And it was aimed perfectly for my soon to be gone virginity! I then felt a push! Something pressing against my hole! T-T-This is it! Its going to happen!

I felt a cylinder like object coming into my hole slowly inch by inch as my heart felt like it stopped! My grip on the bed was lost as all I could do was quiver and whimper at my virginity slowly being pushed aside to make room to be Yuuta's mate!

The first must already have been inside as I heard Yuuta grunt and give a soft growling purr as he continued his slow advance. Then I felt-ooohhh!

My process of thought was gone as I felt almost spike like needles come into my and was slwoly going further into me! My body squirmed and I let out an almost girlish scream of pain. I was already a whimpering mess and only Yuuta's first inches were inside of me.

I-I almost wanted the new experience to be done with but that couldn't be it! I-I must try to endure! I thought of my promise and I meant it! Even if I faint during this he must continue! But still the pain! The tip of his length was already starting to feel somewhat comfortable in me but it was the spikes that were causing me the real pain.

I closed my eyes and covered them with my right arm. I bit my teeth down as I continued to let out soft whimpers and grunts of becoming Yuuta's bed mate! I just felt so embarrassed right now! I was blushing pure red in my face as my body started to try to readjust to Yuuta's size in me.

I could feel every individual spike slowly run up and brush my insides. I had nothing though to drown out the pain slash pleasure running through me though! My left hand grip was not helping at all before I heard.

"Ohhh Castiel" Yuuta faintly said as I felt somewhat...rejuvenated by the sound of his voice. I-It sounded pleased...I-I must be doing okay then! I was panicked in the back of my mind that maybe all of this new pain was going to be for nothing if Yuuta hated it but it must be at least decent from the sound of his voice! I-I loved hearing my name and I wanted him to continue, but all words disappeared for a moment except for one...

"Y-Yuuta!" I said as I felt....something smoother enter me. I-I must be past the spikes! I-I did it! Hopefully the rest of be a bit easier but my already damaged hole was hoping for the end...and yet strangely even more.

But Yuuta's mutters of my name comforted me. Despite all the new pain going through me just hearing him saying me name in such a pleased manner gave me the courage to let him continue on!

If I had focused my mind though I could still feel his length still go into me and shake from the virginity beginning to fade. Right now though...the only way I was going to make it through this was hearing Yuuta call my name!

Time had been an unimportant factor until...something just...ended. It was as if time had stopped as I focused my mind to see what was wrong. Did I already reach my limit? Was there no further to go into? I-It was very deep inside, Yuuta's length, I didn't dare ask what was wrong if it was all my mates plan. Hours almost seem to fly by but I knew it was only seconds as I heard Yuuta say.

"Castiel....I'm all the way in" He said softly as my heart burst joy! I did it! I took in his whole length! I didn't faint, sure I might not have come out of it looking cool but I did it! I was like I had finished a marathon, I was proud but likely not first.

Even with my heart and soul celebrating in happiness for my fortitude my brain ruined the moment...its not over yet...know you must be able to take in his thrusts...

The idea of it made my insides sink except for what Yuuta had already had claim with his length. T-True...I might be able to handle all of his length but now was the true love making. Oh gods I am totally unready for this! Quit right now! I can't-I just can't!

"Yuuta..." I said softly

"Castiel..." Yuuta replied as I had to make this sound conceiving.

"Yuuta....I-....I'm ready!" I shouted out as in the back of my mind screamed what?!

(Yuuta's view)

My length twitched and throbbed in delight! Oohhh I'm inside him! Castiel's insides and my length is touching them! Oh he was doing such an amazing job I just had to say his name over and over again. It wasn't like after that my own ears flicked to hear my own name being called by him.

It excited me further to claim him as my own but I must still not lose myself to this bliss! The second my length has penetrated his virgin hole I let out a growl..not an angry growl but a lustful deeply desiring to just plow into roughly growl.

As I went into him further I felt my mouth began to drool with lust. We tigers can't help but drool everyone once in awhile when we desire something but the thing was I had never drooled before until I knew Castiel. I only have the desire to when I either touch or want to touch him. Otherwise all the decorations and items of the world seemed completely uninteresting to me.

I am sad to say though I knew my spikes must have been hurting him, I wish there was something I could have done but I can't change how my length was shaped and designed. Castiel struggled for a few moments but when he got past that all that was left was the remaining smooth inches.

Some of my drool dripped out of my mouth and landed on his gorgeous chest. I closed my eyes for a moment as I went into him but the voice kept telling me "No Yuuta...look at him as you make him yours" It said as I knew it was right. I want him to know even if the beginning was going to be painful I wanted him to feel comforted after that.

Finally I had reached as deep as I could into him and I think I was in his prostate. I felt like I was in heaven as I waited a few moments to adjust to the feeling and for my mate to also readjust to my size. Castiel was breathing heavily like he was drained of all energy and I feared that I had pushed him to far.

But when he said my name and I answered back he-...He wanted more! I felt my heart lift up and wanting to come out of my chest as he said those words. I was so proud of him for able to stand my length and the pain, I feared even going gentle was too much for him but he was ready! And so was I!

I adjusted my grip with my hands shaking from my member still being in his insides...oh gods how soft, warm, and wet they felt! I wanted to so badly just have at him right there! I wanted to unleash my wild side on him but I need to last longer!

Putting aside my wildest desires again I felt it only natural to give a small weak thrust into him that made us both gasp in unison. It only took that weak thrust to make me want to do so much more. Gripping down firmly on his legs and digging my claws into his skin but not to painfully I started to thrust in earnest now.

I motioned my groin area back and forth in a slow but powerful rhythm. I began to purr so loudly as Castiel gasp with each thrust into him. I opened my eyes to look at his beautiful body...that body I was plowing into. I saw his abs bounce up and down in such a seductive way but the bouncing was being caused by my thrusts.

My hearing seemed to fade except for the sounds of my length going into his insides further and further and hearing both him and I gasp, purr, and moan. My tail that was wrapped on his lower right leg before released its gripped and wrapped around Castiel's waist.

It gave him an extra boost from him to meet my length. My mind went and went with the demands of the body. My thrusts began to slowly increase in power and speed, my sight focused on his excellent physique at my control.

My lower legs felt so numb I swear I wouldn't have noticed if someone had cut them off. I actually pulled Castiel by the legs closer to my length as my wild side was slowly taking over but my promise was still just holding on.

How long could I hold back for? I am only a see Castiel like this is maddening! I want him to be helpless underneath me but yet I want to-!

Mid way through the thrusts I knew I wanted us in a new position.

(Castiel's view)

My body felt like a total puppet right now. Y-Yuutas thrusts made my body bounce up and down and all I could do was go with it, Yuuta pulls me in closer and hes going much faster and harder now.

My hole felt completely abused and humulaited but yet it wanted more of this! I loved this new feeling! Either the pain was being killed out by more pain or it was flooded by the waves of ecstasy Yuuta's thrust cause my body to have!

I still covered my eyes with my arm before I felt my legs being let go! I moved my arm to see Yuuta placing his arms around my back and he was pulling my up!

My body felt so much heavier than before with Yuuta's length in it. I couldn't help with the lift in anyway as my entire being still felt numb and motionless. It was only until my chest was pressed up against-a-against Yuuta's chest that I felt feeling again!

Ohh his heat! It was like he was on fire! But yet the texture of his white chest fur made me relax before I noticed his length was still in me the whole time! I felt his arms squeeze me tight right up against his chest and my only reflex I could do was gasp and whimper...and hold him back.

I wrapped my arms above his broad shoulders and I wrapped my numb legs around his lower back as he was wearing me like an apron. I had no complaints though, mess me up Yuuta, do all sorts of dirty things with me!

Yuuta began to hop up and down forcing my hole to take in his length again in a position. I let out girlish gasps as he growled in lust and dug his claws into my back and started to scratch me hard leaving behind red marks. Any harder and he would be drawing blood but the pain coming from my hole was the real cause of my abuse though.

I leaned my pinned body right up against his trying to widen my hole for his incredible length but it seemed to do no go. I rested my chin up against his strong broad shoulders and I felt his whiskers brush against my flushed face.

I heard Yuuta growl out loud from a moment then it sounded like he growled through his teeth as he kept his thrusts in a steady pattern. H-He must be having difficulty holding back but...but if its really causing that much distress then go as hard as need Yuuta! I wanted to say that but his thrusts...his touch....there were taking away my words!

I clinged onto him as if for dear life before I felt a sharp pain on my left shoulder! I looked over still breathing heavily from this sexual workout to see him biting down on my shoulder! Yet I knew this wasn't suppose to be too painful, t-this is the mating mark!

Thats right all furries when they have mates bite down on their mates neck or shoulder to symbolize their claim over them! I-It is-....its the first thing I have ever received something from someone that I-I wanted to keep! All to myself! Bite down on me Yuuta! Ravage me with bites and show the world I'm yours!

I-I should try to return the favor I-I opened my shaking mouth and firmly planted my lips against the right side of his neck. I opened a bit wider to plant my teeth on him and I bit hard hoping to cancel out some of the pain of the sex with this mate mark of my own.

Yuuta let out a animal like gasp as he too enjoyed the mate mark as much I did. Yuuta responded with another bite to my left side neck and eventually we found ourselves in a bit mark competition...strange how before we fought over how was tougher and could hurt the other in the bed our competitions are who can love their mate up more.

Of course within the minute it was clear he had won as my left neck to my shoulder was littered in hickes and bite marks. We had a little clawing the others back contest too but with Yuuta claws it was kinda unfair and of course he had won but it seemed like he still loved my futile efforts none the less.

"Ohh Yuuta! Oh Yuuta" I said over and over again as he still kept his thrusting into me as I held him tight letting our bodies rub and bounce against the other. Our sweat making the rubbing all the more sexual pleasing to him. I felt my body giving out to the pleasure, I felt no pain from this anymore not even from his length spikes. Over and over again I thought only "Claim me your essence into me"

(Yuuta's view)

Ooooooohhhh my animal sides are nearly kicking in! With Castiel leaving claw and bite marks all over me it was literally torture not to have at him with all my might! His length was pressing against my chest and it made me feel so warm and fuzzy! I knew I want to have him! I know I want to do nothing more but let him take ever ounce of my sexual power but he might not be able to take it!

Oh who cares have at him Yuuta a part of my screamed No your so close don't ruin it now another part of me screamed as my heart debated heavily on what to do next!

I wasn't going to last longer like this! I-I don't want my first time to be a held back one I want Castiel to have all of me! Lay him out! Look at his body and tenderize it! Make him into a mess and clean him up afterwords!

My wild side took over again as I pushed Castiels hot body away from my now cold one and laid him back down on the bed. But this time I noticed he was still covering his eyes with his arms! N-No! I-I want him to watch!

I let out another lustful growl as my thrusts were reaching their climax but how much longer should I last for my mate?! I don't want to go for to long or to short! W-Whatever happens he must look at me! I need his eyes on me!

I grabbed his right arm that was covering his eyes and pinned it away from his beautiful face and angel like eyes. Castiel was still letting out gasps and whimpers as I looked at him straight in the eye. I almost wanted to growl at him powerfully and demand like a power crazy freak "Look at me Castiel! Don't you dare ever take your eyes off me you hear?!" I wanted to demand but-No I-

"C-Castiel..." I said struggling to keep my climax at bay.

"Y-Yuuta" Castiel managed to say.

"Look at me...look into my eyes as I mate you...Trust me with your body!" I said nearly begging as Castiel did keep his eyes on me but was struggling to keep them open from the pleasure...I know this because so was I.

Oh gods my-my climax! I-It feels like its right there but yet I'm not powerful enough yet! B-But if I go any harder I might hurt Castiel! I-I ooohhhh what should I do?!

(Castiel's view)

I was near my own climax as I felt something different about Yuuta's thrusts...they were getting slower and more awkward as if he-...he was near climax too!

I can't believe I was about to cum from having my body pounded by Yuuta's! If someone had told me that a year ago I would have beaten them to death but the moment Yuuta said he wanted to be my boyfriends it was on my mind constantly and now here I was!

I-I hoped I did enough to satisfy him! Yuuta is a prince and deserves the very best mate who can arouse him with sexy positions and I felt like I was a poor excuse! Oh in that case he deserves to pound my still feeling hole as much and as hard as he can!

B-But yet...there was something...wrong. I felt it in the thrusts and I can hear it through his grunts and purring. I can hear...struggling...not as if with my tightness but yet with himself. T-True I have felt something as if-...wait....i-is Yuuta-...holding back from me?

Why would he hold back?! Haven't I...wait...the promise! Thats right I asked him to go gentle before all this! Maybe at first that applied but now...after experience this barrage of intimacy I want him to have at me with his all! I'm ready!

My body was his slave right now! He trusted me with the care of his body and I must do the same! Even if he hurts me he must plow me with his all! I am his! All his! I will endure and still love him even if the sex hurts me!

Before I could say my deepest desires Yuuta grabbed my arms and pinned them far away from my chest exposing and flexing them more for his desires. I felt drool dripping out of his mouth and hitting my chest as he I was actually flattered that he would desire my body that much compared to his.

His suppressed thrusts though were not as pleasing as I knew now that they were holding back from a useless promise. What is he holding back though? I can almost sense this...animal side to his lustful desires and-and I want to see it! Let him have at me with his wild side!

"Yuuta" I said breathing heavily still taking in his thrusts

"Castiel." He said grinding his teeth against the other hoping to hold back but-!

"Yuuta! F-Forget my gentle promise! I trust you with my body! Don't hold back!" I cried out meaning every word! Please go into me Yuuta with no hesitation in your heart! I am truly yours!

There was no turning back now. I-If he asks again then I will demand he does! I gripped down on the love scented bed ready to take in his load!

(Yuuta's view)

I heard my mate cry out to-to not hold back! W-Was he serious or was he lost in the moment?! Was Castiel truly ready for me?! I can't hurt him but-

Enough Yuuta! Your mate knows of your holding back, even your mate wants you to have at him with all your powerful might now do it! Claim him! Even if it hurts him! Forget being gentle and kind for a moment and let your angry desires unleash themselves upon him! A forceful side of me said and just like that my promise seemed to completely fade from existence!

I grabbed onto my mates leg tightly and hoisted them up! I stood up and bent his legs to make a perfect arch all with my member still inside his glorious once virgin hole! I dug my claws into him deep but thankfully they never drew blood. Castiel let out another whimper as I let out a growling roar at his holes resistance!

How dare his hole keep up with my previous mating efforts! I have beaten him all the times before and now its time to make him mine! I slammed my cock into his hole viciously growling as I took complete control of my mate aggressively! Castiel is now only worthy to take in my length!

He thought he could defeat me all those years before but he was wrong! He should have just gave up at the first competition and let me have at him right there but he still fought on to my annoyance!!! Now it was time to make him suffer for his efforts! He must take in my cock and let my seed fill his insides!

My thrusts became a blur and they ravage his insides as Castiel's seductive body bounced like crazy from the force of my wild side! Still I wanted this to last! He is my mate! My sexual meal! No one else may touch him like this but me!


I screamed about both hatred yet loving words in my mind as my thrusts got so slowly I-I-I!

I let out a growling roar as my testicles unleashed their contents and then my seed blasted out into my mates insides! Oh what a rush that went through me! I continued to thrust onward even with my seed still rushing out of my length! I didn't even stop the trusts into him as my seed went further into my newly claimed mate. My seed making an excellent lubricate as slowly my dominate side was fading away...instead of him being my muscle seed carrier I now saw him as-as my new bed mate.

Castiel looked at me then at the seed at his chest...we had both cumed in unison and his seed landed on his chest. The last bit of drops of seed left my length and we both let out tired breaths of the greatest workout, the most exhausting exercise and the most pleasuring of training we have ever had.

I couldn't make out all the emotions in my heart but I was sure that it was happy. Castiel and I were mates he took in my full force and stood awake through all of it. I was so proud of him, we stood there looking in the others eyes for what seemed like hours.

My tail unwrapped itself from his waist and slumped down in exhaustion. I let go of his leg letting his body lay back down on the bed and I released the pin on his arms. Before all of that though I slid out my length and my seed started to drip out of Castiel's once virgin hole. We both kept breathing tried breaths before I felt my tender side kick in and I laid down on top of my mate letting his seed cover and rub against our abs.

I pressed my lips against his and we shared tongue again and I explored his mouth completely unchallenged. I placed my hands around his head and he did the same as I began to purr and he moaned submissively.

Midway through the make out I heard Castiel say between his breaths.

"Mmmmmm...Yuuta my mate"

I let out a purr.

" mate"