A Well Made Mistake (Part 2)

Story by DiablodonWrath on SoFurry

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#2 of A Well Made Mistake

Sorry for the late upload. I've quite a clawfull of crap to do lately, but for the time, I should be back in business. I really need to stop working on 3 stories at the same time. I started this some time in March or something, but anyways... Enough nagging, here it is. More Diablodon and Syraph for everybody!

** A Well Made Mistake**

Part II

Xeino seemed to be more nervous than I was. I expected as much, being his first time that I am aware of. Syraph must have noticed this as well; she was consistently looking over at him with her typical devious look. I was used to that, but it apparently got to him a bit; he was biting down on his gag with his eyes wide open. "Pay attention. You might learn a few things..." she said to him in a strict voice. She then turned her attention to me; with the same playful and teasing look as before. After many years of seeing that stare, it didn't even phase me, but I still knew she was about to do something surprising. She walked over to me and began experimenting with the electrified suction tube she had attached to me. My heart nearly skipped a beat with the first part of the jolt she gave me. It wasn't too strong, but felt amazing on my vulnerable cock. I groaned out in both pleasure and surprise as I was stimulated. It was even more surprising she would put this much effort and power into teasing me so soon, especially after the day we went through. I'm sure she was pretty built up herself just from doing the teasing. I thrust at the air, seemingly against my will, and to no avail. The electric shock and suction on my shaft was incredibly effective at making me squirm, but the cock ring kept me on edge, drawing out groan after groan for release. At this point, I had forgotten about the fact we were being watched. The stimulation on my cock was distracting me from everyone and everything, except the one administering those stimulations. I tried as hard as I could to free a hand to finish myself off, and again, got nowhere. Even as strong I was physically, the leather straps proved stronger every time. "Mmph!" I cried behind my gag as I came ever closer to the edge. Cumming would have been just a few quick strokes by now, but Syraph wasn't going to let me go that easily. No; she wanted a big buildup, and she knew I liked denial somewhat, so she had the perfect chance to play with both. She must have been making sure Xeino was watching; I saw her look over at him a few times, and each time, kept that same evil stare that sent shivers down his spine. He knew he was up next, and there was nothing he could do but lie back and enjoy the ride.

Syraph didn't have to worry about keeping me on edge, with the toy in play currently. There wasn't the smallest possibility of me cumming with the ring around my base. It would lead me right up to the edge, but leave me hanging. Oftentimes, she would turn the voltage and/or suction off completely and let the tenseness drain away. This got slightly aggravating after a while, but I knew the resulting orgasm would be well worth it. About twenty minutes into it, I saw her continually staring at Xeino. She was observing his reaction to watching us and trying to foresee how he would react to being played with. Even I noticed something I didn't expect: he was getting aroused! He was sweating bullets and breathing heavily, and to top it off, he was starting to become erect. When Syraph noticed this, she squinted with a look of accomplishment, then continued to toy around with me.

After a little while, Syraph took the electrified toy off me and let the enormous tension release itself. I laid my head back in relief; even not having reached orgasm yet, it was still better than being on the edge constantly. She then crawled on top of me and proceeded to lie on my chest. Her warm body felt good against me, and seemed to erase all thoughts of being watched, even being in bondage all day. My urge to cum was now enormous, especially being only a few inches away from having a chance at it. She knew this as well as I did, and she stroked me a few times just to tease me back up to the edge again. Every time she touched me, I let out a cry of pleasure and aggravation, even when I would try to hold it in. She knew how I reacted to her teasing, so she made the best of it to see how horny and needy Xeino would get before his time came. To add to the effect both of us were getting, she slowly dragged her tongue across my face. I closed my eyes for a moment, and calmed down from the brutal workout I had been enduring, and to my astonishment, I actually did calm down; my cock going soft for a while, heart rate slowing, and my body temperature cooling. Syraph knew I needed breaks every so often, even if she was trying to build me up. Being as rough as we had been all day could be potentially unhealthy, but given a good balance between down time and action proved to pan out fine. While Syraph was nuzzling her face next to mine, Xeino cried out "Mmmph, nrrrgh!" Syraph raised her head and looked at him, following with, "Getting anxious already? I'll fix that, soon enough. I have to give my mate here a good, fulfilling workout, or else today would've been pretty much a total waste." I already knew, but with that, she reassured me that she actually loved me as a mate, rather than just a mundane toy for her own pleasure. I know she loves to live it up when she's "it", however, she doesn't seem to mind whenever I'm "it" either. She slowly raised up to a sitting position on top of me, and said "Well, I've got you worked up enough, I figure, and besides, I have to set aside a bit of time for the audience..." Right as she said that, my eyes lit up with anticipation; for good reason too... She knew I wouldn't be able to handle much more after today, so she decided she'd finish me off and move on to Xeino. I wasn't sure which her main concern was, but I didn't care. After a day like today, it didn't matter, as long as my needs were met, I would be happy.

Syraph sat up and positioned herself as if she was ready to ride me, but before she did, she stared deeply into my eyes for a little while. I could tell she loved what she did, who she was with, and she knew I loved her in all the same ways. Being able to see all this just in her eyes at that moment was all anyone needed to KNOW we were born for each other. She backed up after a few moments and proceeded to slide down on my partially hard shaft, making me moan a bit. "Now, don't worry about working. You've had a rougher day than I have; you just sit back and let me take it from here..." She told me as she started rocking back and forth my cock, making me press up against my restraints, almost without any thought whatsoever. Meanwhile, I noticed Xeino drooling from around his gag. He wanted some of what I was getting, and he wanted it soon. Seeing this from the very same person who earlier said he wasn't into that kind of thing was quite surprising. Nevertheless, I've known Syraph to drive anyone mad with horniness given enough time, and I was no exception.

Even sensing all the lust and envy coming from Xeino, I could only focus on how I felt and what Syraph was doing. I tired, but at the same time, excited and ready to release the tension that had been building all day. As each minute dragged on, that tension was growing, and so was the reward soon to come. Syraph was slowly working her way down on me, teasing as much as possible the whole time. When she finally reached my base, I started panting a bit, trying as hard as I could to thrust upward, and still nothing. It didn't help that I was already tired both physically and mentally. She saw me getting uneasy and tried to comfort me, "Its ok, Don. You've worked hard today, I can work with this, just lie there and embrace the moment." I tried to take her advice and stay calm, but every time she would bring her weight down on me, I would involuntarily try to thrust. We were both extremely close to the edge now; possibly just a few strong thrusts. When she was finally consistently coming down on me, I heard her starting to moan a bit, as I was through my gag myself. The final few minutes seemed to drag on for an eternity, seconds seeming like hours. She must have finally decided she'd had enough of the teasing herself; she was ready and tired of waiting just as I was. Increasing her speed, she intertwined her tail with mine, getting ready for the moment we were awaiting all day. She flung her head up; panting and closing her eyes as she used her tail to force herself down on me harder, which made me drool at the thought of the upcoming release. She decided there was no point in building further; she tightened her tail's coil around me and used it as leverage to thrust down on me even faster. When I felt this increase of speed, I automatically started thrusting up against my restraints, hard and fast, wanting freedom, which she didn't plan on giving me as far as I could see...

Right before I was about to cum, the final rush of adrenaline and blood was enough for me to actually break my restraints; crack the ball gag in my mouth, and finally move freely. Syraph seemed less than surprised at the time; although I was only free for a second before I grabbed hold of her, tightly wrapped my arms, wings, and tail around her, forced myself as deep as I could go within her and unleashed the monstrous buildup that had been pinned up since early this morning. We both screamed and roared with massive, intense pleasure; launching fire high into the top of our cave which mixed to form a brilliant combination of white, red, yellow, and blue. Putting every bit of energy I had into the thrusting, I flung my head back as the surges of immense power overtook my body. Syraph looked and sounded like she was enjoying it as much as I was; she was pressing against me, matching my speed and throwing her head back with incredible enjoyment. This was, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the single greatest feeling I'd ever experienced, and probably will for a very long time. Twenty seconds into the nirvana, and we were both still cumming hard, embracing each other tightly as the feeling overwhelmed us both. We fell down onto the floor, but never even flinched on contact. I landed on top of her, giving me even more leverage. Now twenty five seconds in and I still didn't feel as if I was going to reach an end any time soon. The emotional power we had while in each other's embrace multiplied the feeling exponentially; making us both roar out with envy and love for one another. We were both lost in the moment; blocking out all reality, forgetting about the fact Xeino was watching, and only focusing on each other. It was that kind of perfect moment that could last forever and never grow old. Finally, after twenty more long seconds, we fell limp as what might have been the most intense feeling of our lives left our bodies. I fell on Syraph as we panted in relief and exhaustion, unable to even get up or pull myself out. I rested on her chest as she placed her hands on my head, pulling toward herself with the little strength she had left. I pulled on her with my fading strength as my wings and tail remained wrapped around her. We were just as happy now as just moments before; still in each other's embrace, we laid there for some twenty minutes before we finally gathered enough strength to move from where we were. I staggered to my feet slowly, helping Syraph up as I rose. I slipped my thumbs under my harness, tracing its length along my chest to straighten it after all the action. Syraph came up to me shortly after, held my chin in her claw and proceeded to lock tongues with me once more, following with, "That was incredible, Don..." We both glanced back at the table, broken straps and restraints with slight expressions of irritation, then at each other. "Any clue as to what we should do about that?" I asked her. She bit her lip a little then returned, "I suppose I could always get new ones. After all, there are plenty of animals to make leather from around here." After a while of thinking, we turned around, remembering Xeino was still here. He was squirming hard in his restraints, as if merely watching us was making him horny and needy. Syraph noticed this, and decided to start round two, only this time, we were both going to work him over to ensure he got a good first workout.

Before we started, we took a slight break, sitting down next to Xeino and toying with him a bit to get him as ready as possible. Syraph took her seat in front of him, licked up his face slowly while gazing deep into his eyes with her hand behind his head and asked him, even knowing she wouldn't get a clear response due to the gag in place, "You want some of this, don't you?" He groaned loudly and tugged against his restraints, probably envious of me after seeing what just happened. "You probably want what he got, don't you?" she said to him as she glanced over at me with a grin. She slowly removed his gag for the moment, curious of what he was going to say. "Nrrrgh!" he exhaled as the ball came out of his mouth and he caught his breath. "I know I said I wasn't into this kind of stuff, but to be honest, I've never been hornier in my entire life!" Before he could continue any further, Syraph interrupted, "Save your breath. You might want to spare as much of it as you can..." I knew immediately what she was planning, but Xeino had no idea what she meant. He went quiet and still after he heard that, clueless as to what she might have been planning. She just smiled and stared first at him, then me. After a few moments of staring into his eyes, she walked around behind him and released him from the bench, but keeping his hands bound behind his back. She led him over to the table to which I was bound a few minutes earlier; I followed to make sure he didn't try to get away.

Once at the table, I feed his hands and she had him lie down, quickly restraining his legs, followed by his arms and finally his neck. Syraph stood up straight after securing all the restraints and muttered, "Well, I know I won't enjoy this as much as I could, given the circumstances, but it'd be wrong to not give Xeino here what he's been drooling over for the past hour. And hey, I wasn't planning on letting you out, Don, but since that didn't work out, I may as well continue here..." Xeino didn't say anything, but I did notice him starting to breathe more quickly. Syraph went off to the toy shelf on the other side of the cave and came back with the thick breath play hood we've used countless times before. Xeino looked both curious and excited when he laid eyes on it. Syraph saw his curiosity and said, "Don't worry. Whatever you think this may be, I know what I'm doing with it" as she pulled it over his head and buckled it around his neck, but keeping the mouth part open for now. She was apparently just using it as a means of sensory deprivation for the moment. I retrieved the ball gag from the other table and handed it to her, then adding, "Aren't you forgetting something?" making sure Xeino heard. She responded, "Ah yes, thank you. Don't want him biting his own tongue now, do we?" She slowly pressed the gag past his fighting tongue, then locking it into place; she slid down him and rubbed his belly, quietly saying, "Better get comfortable. You're not getting out for quite a while." She then turned to me and said, "No need to worry about me. Just go lean against the wall or something; get some rest. I think I can handle him." I did as I was told; walking over to the nearest wall and observing.

I always found it interesting to see Syraph work her "magic" from a different perspective, even if it didn't involve me in the slightest. I knew it'd be quite a show to watch her break in a newcomer. I always loved whatever "unusual" experiment she would conduct when it was just the two of us, but seeing another's reaction to what she did would definitely keep me curious. I had my eyes closed, in deep thought when I heard one loud, muffled roar from Xeino. I didn't even look, as I was just imagining what was to come. I kept my eyes closed, hearing roars and moans every minute or so. This continued late into the night, yet I never even opened my eyes, nor did I fall asleep. I don't know how I managed to keep myself awake, but all the screams and roars coming from Xeino only brought up images of Syraph and me: the perfect example of an unbreakable love that will stand the test of time.

Technological Advances

**Technological Advances** Late night at our den, after we'd had our fun. Xeino was finally getting used to how we did things around here. Surprisingly to all of us, even he himself was growing to like our little games. The odd thing about bondage is...

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A Well Made Mistake (Part 1)

So, this is my second story uploaded. Again, it is Diablodon and Syraph going at it, but you can't blame them; they seem to have a lot of fun. Part 2 of this should be out relatively soon; I'd estimate it's about half finished, or more. Anyway, this...

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The Game

**The Game** It was just another night at the den. Both myself, and Syraph were feeling rather worn and sleepy from a long day roaming the lands. We had our little competition of looking for the biggest, single-animal meal. We would do this once a...

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