New Kid

Story by PhiferWolf on SoFurry

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Note: This story will contain yiff between furries. Warning, if you feel uncofortable reading about

Gay/Homosexual activity then please do not read.

New Kid

([email protected])

Beastwood High was a school strictly for pure bred wolves,tigers,foxes, and lions. But Half Breeds were sometimes excepted if they were assured that they can deal with the other students. Curade's family always moved from city to city because of his father's job, but there was also another reason.Curade was half fox and wolf with black fur, blond tipped on the top. He wasn't very athletic nor was he very social. Always wearing long sleeved shirts under his shirt was what he liked to do to stand out. After a quick breakfast, he left for school.

During fifth period at scool, everyone stared at him; talking about him. He could hear every word they said.

"He's the new kid right? What a dork." a tiger asked her friends. By the way they sat around it could be assumed she was the head cheerleader. "Hey did you hear? He's a half-breed. What a Fer-Eak." another mocked. It was hard to hold back his anger but he tried the best he could. "Come on, Elly. He's new, he'll get used to it. Besides, the "Team" will take care of him." They all chuckled.

"Mr. Curade, what is the most known work of Shakespeare?", "" he was too distracted to think straight. "Well, that is one of them. Who knows the other?" Just then the bell rang for lunch.

Every single table was taken, but one in the corner. As soon as he sat down, the school football team headed to his table. "So this is the new half breed kid, huh. He looks like a puppy." Came someone from the back. "Yeah, I know. He's stll the new kid and you know what that means right, Leon?" the same cheerleader was by, what looked to be, the captian's side.He didn't reply. He was a big grey wolf, standing around 6' 10". Well built and was stronger than any other on the team. "Swirly Time boys!", a lion said as they all rushed over to him. When the first hand touched him, he took a pencil from his sleeve and stabbed it. "Don't touch me..." The tiger pulled his hand away as the pencil was removed. "Leave me alone...." Curade muddered as he took a bite of his burger. "Ryo! Oh my god, he stabbed you. Damn you hybred, we'll get you back for this." one of the team members cried.

The next class, everyone stared at him even the teacher, Mr. Trig. He didn't even teach the class, only staring as Curade looked down at his desk. Again, voice echoed into his ears, " That fag stabbed one of our best players we had. Leon can't do this himself, the game is in two days." , " Leon, will get him back for this." the classroom boomed with conversations and all were about him, the half Breed who stabbed one of the team players. The bell rang for the next period. As he was gathering his stuff, everyone who passed him would do something: knock over his books, take his pencils/pen, or just push him over. He looked down at his schedule and his eyes widened. His next class was Phsyical Education.....gym.

Everyone got dressed and sat down outside on the field. " Today, we'll be practicing football. Anyone who has any objections, you can go inside and get a 0 for the day." Everyone headed to the field, but him.

"Eh, coach. can I just go back to the lockeroom, I don't think I would want to practice", "You know, your being graded on everything you do here.", " I know....Its just that I don't feel comfortable....Where's Leon and Ryo...?" he asked hoping they were on the field. "Well, Ryo is hurt so he went home, it seems that stab wound of his was worse than he tought. Leon's inside resting. They both good enough, they won't have to practice, though I hope Ryo gets better." he a gulp and with a crooked smile, he slowly walked back inside."DON'T FORGET TO TAKE A SHOWER!" the coach cried.

He turned the faucet and undressed, tossing his clothes into a corner. Forgetting to get his towel, he went back to his locker. When he returned, the shower room was filled with steam, but two showers were on.

"Pretty brave of you to stab Ryo." the voice echoed. "Who's there? I demand you show yourself!", "You got some nerve. If your not going to take a shower then turn of your faucet." Curade reluctantly edged his way into the steam filled room. Through the thick mist, an outline of a wolf could be seen. (That isn' can't be....IT IS!)he thought to himself. " LEON!" The wolf grinned as he got closer. "Very preceptive, wolfy." Curade was much shorter than him. He stumbled back to the wall as the wolf moved closer every second. " If this is about Ryo, I'm sorry! I was only defending myself. Please....I'm sorry" he pleaded as the water soaked his fur. "I don't care. Ryo was stubborn anyways. It was kinda cool how you stood up to the whole team." their muzzles were only inches apart, and getting ever so closer until they touched into a kiss. Leon's tounge twisted in Curade's muzzle, making him lose control of his body. The wolf grabbed him by the arms and pulled him down on all four. His member was all the way out of its protective covering. "Do you want this?" with a quick nod, leon shoved his entire self in with one thrust with the help of his pre. He let a loud bark as the wolfhood ripped through his virgin tailhole. Leon moaned between each thrust. Faster and faster speeding up the pace as pre shot out. The wolf's moans are replaced by a low growling murr. Curade could feel an orgasm from every thrust. Leon's body spasmed and he bent down to clamp onto Curade's shoulder. Blood ozed from the wound and down this arm. Curade cried out as he came on the tile floor. His tailhole squeezed around the invader's meat causing him to release him. "c-crap..."his cock exploded inside the narrow passage, cum slid down the member and dripped from the wet, swollen sac. When the last drop of cum fell, he removed hismelf, cum dripped from the hole. Curade moaned and he lost his grip; falling to the ground.

"Clean off, the class is almost over." he licked the helpless wolf's neck and nipped the ear. Curade stubbled to his feet and made his way to the locker room. "l-l-Leon..." he managed to mumble before he passed out. Leon, already dressed, rushed over to him. He dressed him the best he could and carried him out as the dismissal bell rang.(he he...He's kinda cute...)he thought to himself. "..I" he whispered "hmmm, I like you too, Curade. Come on, I'll take you to my place." with a lick on the muzzle they left the school

This was my first time writing so, yeah. This was a dream I had with my mate, Raid(Curade). He kinda suggested it and i couldn't say no. If you like to give any comments or suggestions e-mail me.

[email protected]