Tail's Tickling Trials Take Terrific Turns To Turn-on Tickle Thrilling Truelove, That Thinks That Ti

Story by Chance Prowlers on SoFurry

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The name ends abruptly because when I was writing this on IB, it wouldn't let me go further. What was I gonna say? Let's just say I had a good Ten more T words, and I'll leave you to figure them out.

Darkness. All Tails could see since he opened his eyes. The blindfold on his face kept his vision dead. He couldn't see, and that was the strongest of his senses. Straining to hear, nothing except occasional chatter from another room, and the sound of an air conditioner. Smelling did him no good, all he could smell was the scent of sex from the night before. Taste? Bah! All he could taste was the rubber gag in his mouth. He wasn't afraid though, it wall all just for fun.

The sound of an opening door, and the click of lights being turned on was his only was of knowing that he had a visitor. His tail wagged, though he knew he was supposed to be in distress, and felt a hand on his side. "Well well, did we enjoy our little nap?" A sinister voice said, and he frowned, knowing he had to play his part. He whimpered, started to shiver, and work at the binds on his hands and feet. "What's wrong Tails? I thought you liked this sort of stuff." The gag was released, and he took a deep breathe of air, usually a mouth breather anyways.

"Oh I do, I just thought you wanted me to act afraid, so I was playing the part." Tails said, before feeling a rope being tied around his tails to keep them together as well. He heard a case open and knew what was going to come next. He fidgeted, moved his feet. "Oh, do we have to hun? Y'know I'm-"

"And that's what makes it fun... Besides, if I want you to beg me to stop, it's because I do this!" The familiar voice laughed and one of Tails senses started to go crazy. The sense of touch. A feather on the sole of his foot, that was all it took to drive his nerve endings crazy. "DANGER DANGER" They screamed, but to the body, it takes it in a different form. Instead of causing fear, it created uncontrolled laughter and fidgeting, in the form of a tickle.

"No! Ah- W-wait! Hun stop, that tickles! Ahaha!" He tried his best to move his feet, to get away from his tickling atacker, but a powerful hand kept them in place, the other holding a simple white feather and moving it against the foxes fidgeting foot, alternating between slow, steady swipes, to frantic and fast. Tails acted as such, shifting from soft giggles to large bursts of laughter, trying move the best he could in his bindings.

Safety word! Safety word, what was the safety word. "L-Lavender? Love? Lucky.." Tails spurted out, shifting around, spouting out words between laughter and sucking in breath.

"Oh no, when you first said I could do this, we agreed no safety words during tickling." Tails feels lips on his, the tickling momentarily ending, before he felt finger tips on his the sole of his foot. A laugh broke the kiss, and Tails felt the gag being put back. It was weird, having to laugh through his nose, but it was all he could do from the torrent of tickles. Tails blushed hard, knowing that the tickling is turning hard, and his flaccid cock starts to rise.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" A finger poked his stiffening member, the young fox blushing harder as the tickles came to an end, and he caught his breath. A hand played with his cock, not stroking it, but moving it, examining it. A finger strolled from the underside to the head. "I guess I'm not the only one with a thing for tickles." The person said again, and Tails nods. "We can continue this, but I imagine you must be hungry, after being tied up like this for so long."

Hands on his hips hoisted him high, before being placed on a shoulder. He knew his mate wasn't the strongest, and there wasn't much size difference, but the Raccoon wanted to do this, so he wasn't going to suggest otherwise, or else he could be tickled for subordination. A tightness engulfed his cock, and he realized it was a ring, keeping him hard.

"Lunch, then what? A nice show?" He chuckled and carried the fox to the table in the kitchen. tails waited to be untied, but it never fully happened. He was untied, but as soon as he was his hands and feet were tied to the chair, and the gag taken out of his muzzle. "You'll eat in just a moment, but right now, I could use some lunch."

A finger pulled the ring away, and a wet warmth enveloped his member. Tails swung his head back, painfully hitting the back of the chair. "Oh, fuck!" He cried out, but rather it was because of pain or pleasure neither was entirely sure. The feeling of suction was so great, and the pent up feelings he had from the tickles before made him quick to pant. It wouldn't be long, which made him whimper.

"Please.. slower master.. I want to enjoy it.." He said, sighing when the suction came to a stop, and his member was released from the muzzle, now being licked on like a lollipop. "Mmm, I will, but you're going to pay for telling me to wait for my lunch." Came the voice, the owner Tails knew, but he couldn't see thanks to the blindfold. It didn't matter, the lack of vision made his mates accent even sexier. "Oh-oh.. Y-yes master" he said with a giggle, which was cut short by lips pressed against his.

His tongue explored his mates, the raccoon reaching down and stroking at the saliva coated cock. It was Tails who broke the kiss, moaning loudly, feeling his balls empty.

"That was my lunch! I guess I'll just have to make something for myself.. In the meantime.." He pressed something against Tails mouth, and he was forced to open his maw. Taking a bite, he stuck out his tongue.

"Eww! Roarey, you know I don't like carrots!" He said, shaking his head, before feeling a glass pressed to his lips. He drank the water down, sighing. "Blegh, I hope you had something else planned."

"I do, that was just to see if you could really see or not through the blindfolds.. And it's master during Roleplay hun, remember that." the raccoon said, pressing something against the foxes mouth, he opened and took a bite. A pimento and cheese sandwich. His two tails wagged, even though they were bound. Feeling something else, he ate, a side of chips. "Oh baby, a sandwich and processed potato chips, you treat me so fine," Tails laughed, sticking out his tongue. The man laughed, followed by the clearing of his throat. "I'll make you a romantic dinner later, for now, just go with this."

The two ate in silence, he could hear his mate, or "master", eating at something, but he wasn't sure what. eventually, they were done, and he felt the rope tying his hands and feet to the chair being taken off, before his legs were tied together and his hands to his sides. he was lifted again, and taken to his mates recliner in the living room, where his feet were unbound and he was sat on his knees, his rear on the raccoons lap. Resting, he couldn't do anything, till he felt paws on his feet. "No Roarey not agai-" He was cut off by the tingling in his feet that made his toes curl, laughing loudly.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"R-ah! Roarey stop! It tickles!" "Well duh, tickling is supposed to tickle, but I want to know who this Roarey person is."

The fox on top of him squirmed, not able to do much in fear he would fall over. "Master! Master master, Oh god, Ahahaha! Please! Ah, STOP!" He snickered, unable to hold it back, he laughed, loud and hard. His lungs and sides hurt before Roarey stopped, letting the fox calm down.

Dinner and a show, and sure enough he heard the TV flick on.

"At Junes, everyday is customer appreciation day, come see for yourself and get in touch with our products."

"Every day's great at your Junes" Tails sang along with the commercial as it said its little jingle. He heard a chuckle before hands on his hips lowered him to what he knew was the head of the others cock. His vision returned when the blindfold was tugged off, but instead of seeing the raccoon he had fallen in love with, he instead saw the TV and anything near it that was in his field of vision.

"Roarey..." He said, turning his neck before a paw turned it back. "don't look at me yet, and remember, today I'm master."

The fox nods, watching the tv, he exhaled when he felt the head finally sink in, slowly, carefully, he was pulled down till he had taken all of the raccoons cock. He started to rise and fall slowly, hearing huffs behind him.

His own cock was hard again as his prostate was rubbed by his mates cock. "Y-you.. mm.." He shook his head, instead wanting to focus on giving his lover the gift he wanted. "don't look down." He was commanded, before feeling a hand on his cock, stroking him fast and hard. Tails was quick to increase his speed to try and match the stroking, glad that his mate had lubed his self sometime before he started.

He felt one of the hands on his hips move to his tails, lifting them high, more than likely so his master could watch his cock sink into the anal ring of the adorable sidekick of a legend. "O-oh.. Y-you aren't really watching the tv, are you?"

"Heh, found something a lot better to watch." He said with a chuckle, though his voice sounded strained, and Tails knew he was close. Not to outdo his mate, who wanted to dom him, he slowed his pace, eventually he felt close, and when the time came, he knew his master would want some begging. "Oh, Please master, I need to cum.. Don't stop.." He blushed at his words, not one to usually beg, and he knew he sounded like something out of a cheesy porn comic.

Slowly, he slid his cock out, and then rammed it back in, pulverizing the kits prostate, making Tails toes curl, forcing him to cry out, his cock twitching before he cam, watching the trail shoot across the room and hit the floor.

"Woah, that one got some distance!" His Master said excitedly, making Tails giggle. The feeling of his ass being penetrated returned, but he was to caught up in the feeling of a good one being rubbed out to move his hips. Instead, his master moved his hips up and down, reclining in the chair and fucking upward, eventually his breathing and movements seemed to come to a stop and Tails knew he was now being injected with his mates seed.

Roarey pulled his mate back, untied the rope around his arms. For the first time that day, he good to look his love in the eyes, and it made his eyes well up with tears.

"See, it's intense, right?" Roary asked, giving the confident smile that Tails loved. Slowly he leaned in, and kissed him. Even as they kissed, he didn't close his eyes, taking in ever hair and whisker of the raccoons face. Turning, he hugged the raccoon, finally closing his eyes and enjoying the kiss he had been wanting to give him, one filled with love, instead of lust.

Finally, the two settled down, the tv nothing but background noise as they looked at the ceiling, what was going through their minds a mystery to the other.

"I love you Roarey Raccoon."

"I love you Tails Prower."


I love you Mayor Chapstick.

I actually had difficulty with this one. I've never done a Tails story, for some odd reason, and I'm also not super big on tickling.

I like tickling, but it's never given me a boner. Still, I had fun writing this one.

Halfway through, I started working on other projects, a big nono for me, but I figured if I could do the other, then I could get back to this one. I'm so happy today I decided to finish it, looking over some things and finishing it.

The story, if you can't tell, is Tails from Sonic, and Roarey Raccoon. I wrote this for him as a thanks, for his recent idea to draw art for writers. I didn't join the thing mentioned in the journal but I kinda didn't want to, because if I somehow managed to take a spot (someone has to vote for you) I would be taking it from a someone who actually DESERVES to get an awesome drawing from him.

My boyfriend tells me I'm a good writer, I just need to work on my self esteem. I say my self esteem is just fine, it's that my writing is crap. anyways, I'll come to a close. Roarey Raccoon is owned by Roarey Raccoon, and I would like to thank him again for letting me use his name and likeness for the story, as well as letting me do this in general, as a thank you for him attempting to put writers in the spotlight.

And a thank you to the reader, for reading and supporting me.

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