PAE - Incest City - Liam And Cadi

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#3 of Post-Apocalyptic Earth

PAE - Post-Apocalyptic Earth - the way we see it, with cities that a certain taboo act is encouraged. This is a visit to Incest City, and a glimpse into the lives of tiger siblings and a ritual done in the city....

This story is the creation of Eirene and MasterAaran, with the editing talents of RuthofPern hard at work. Cadi is copyright to Eirene, and Liam is copyright to MasterAaran.


DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

The battered Jeep rattled a bit as it pulled down what had once been a pretty residential street. The stumps of a few trees were still in place from where the rest of them had been ripped off and tossed who knows where. Piles of rubble sat where other homes had been, though some of the mess had been cleared away. Sitting amongst the wreckage of the neighborhood, a row of small homes had been reconstructed, a spot of beauty in a ravaged land. As the vehicle ground to a stop in front of the last one in the row, the door opened and a tall feline figure stepped from it.

He was covered in orange fur from head to toe or tip of tail, with black stripes ringing his body at irregular intervals. Over his shoulder was slung a pack, which matched the patchwork military outfit that he wore.

Liam grinned as he looked up at the small home that he shared with his sister ever since their parents died a few years back in a riot. The male tiger served on the ICG or Incest City Guard, a military corps that was organized by the leaders to keep the perimeters of the city safe from the roving bands of marauders and raiders that tried to carry off their women and supplies. Each member over eighteen spent two week stints in the guard, followed by another two of home time. It was a fair trade for safety, and in case of an at-home emergency, there were plenty of willing volunteers to take the place of the guardsman that needed leave.

He closed his door and pocketed the key, then walked around it and jogged up the broken sidewalk to the front door of the home, knocking on it when he got there. He knew his sister would be either inside, or out back working in their small garden, or perhaps next door at their neighbors, if he couldn't find her here.

Cadi's ears perked up as she heard the Jeep coming to a stop in front of the house. Her brother was due back today as it was her birthday. She got out of the tub and dried off, wrapping the towel around her. Unlike most of the men that served, Liam had wanted to make their first time together special, so he'd been serving longer stints in the ICG to keep himself from taking her too early. But today... today was going to be the day. She was eighteen, and her ears flicked back and forth as her tail swished behind her.

Unlike her brother, her fur was white, with the traditional black lines marking her fur at regular intervals down her body. She'd already laid out the clothes she wanted to wear, so she hurried to her room and pulled on the top which was a bright emerald green, matching her eyes, with gold edging. An emerald pendant hung between her breasts once it was on, and she picked up the collar for her throat to add it to the top of it, connecting just in front of her throat, and then fastening the back behind her neck.

She pulled up a garter belt of gold, followed by the skirt of gold and green mesh, leaving little to the imagination underneath it. The straps of the garter belt hung down and fastened to her green and gold stocking tops as she pulled them on. The stockings themselves were white. Then her green G-string was pulled up, and she found the jewelry her parents had gotten her and finished decking herself out. This was supposed to be her wedding outfit, but that was before they settled here, in Incest City. Now, it was still her wedding outfit, but not in the true sense of the word, since she and her brother were not planning on speaking any vows. But they were the only two left of her family.

The final touch was a headband of green and gold with another emerald in the middle, holding most of her black hair back, but leaving the bangs of black and white streaks to hang down slightly over the front of her face. Giving a final spritz to herself of her favorite scent, a luxury that she made herself she hurried down the stairs, her paws barefoot, just as her brother knocked on the door. Steeling herself for his surprise at how she looked, she opened the door, a smile on her muzzle, "Liam!" she chuff-growled happily, her tail swishing behind her.

It had been getting harder and harder in the past weeks whenever he was home, to ignore her beauty. The laws of the city stated that the males ruled the females in their homes, and if they wished, though it wasn't required, sexual relations were encouraged to be had. Liam had always treated his sister with respect, though they had spoken briefly on the matter and she knew that he wanted her. He had promised her to wait until at least her eighteenth birthday and that was today. Up until that point, the point when she opened the door, he had been intent on getting home, wishing her a happy birthday and spending the day with her.

Well, that changed when the door was pulled open in front of him and when his eyes fell upon the shimmering white and gold and green of the beautiful creature before him. She was gorgeous. He had to look twice and blink several times before he realized that he was staring at her with his mouth open. His jaw snapped shut and then a wide grin accentuated his face. Stepping over the doorstep, breathless suddenly before he growled out, "" He didn't know exactly what to say. The bag he had in his hand, which held his equipment, was dropped to the floor and forgotten.

Her perfume tickled his nose and the sheer sexiness of her appearance made his tail flick, his ears twitch and his entire body started to heat up. He couldn't ignore her now, she was just too beautiful. His tongue rubbed over his lips and he had to stop himself from grabbing her right then and there and kissing her fiercely, the male pheromones instantly started becoming more noticeable, as he tried to keep control of himself.

Cadi looked up at her brother, being much shorter than he was. Then again, she had always been petite for her age, and everyone, even other girls, towered over her. Slowly, she stepped towards him, her paws pulling his head down for a kiss. Her nose wrinkled delicately and she grinned up at him after the kiss. "Liam, you stink. Go get a shower and I'll get dinner on the table." With her words, a twinkle entered her eyes and she turned, trying to hide it from him. She'd always been mischievous, but this time, he knew she had something up her nonexistent sleeve.

Their table was at a perfect height for fun as well as for eating. She headed into the kitchen, pulling out dinner from the oven, and then carried the food to the table. Two glasses were set on the table, and one just at the edge on the floor below. Being a dutiful girl, she had learned the customs here, and was making sure that nothing fell through the cracks. The blood and cum that would be caught in that cup would signify her acceptance as her brother's sister and Mate, and if her father had been alive, or other brothers, she would be used by all, and drinking the mixture from all of them, as they would, should they decide she was their Mate as well. But as it was just Liam and Cadi, they both needed to drink it, so that no one could say they weren't following the laws of the city they lived in.

Sitting on the edge of the table, Cadi positioned herself over the glass to make sure it was in the right spot, then set the place settings for either end, her own setting over the glass. Steaks cooked just to the point of being cooked with some blood still in them for the wilder side of them, a little bit of green beans, and roasted potatoes made up their meal. And dessert.... well, dessert was the surprise for her brother.

Liam leaned over as she reached up to pull his head down, and their lips met. They had begun kissing like that some time ago, though it never went further than a slight bit of passion being shared between them. They may have been brother and sister, but they were the same species, which made it easier on the both of them. He laughed softly as she told him to take a was true, he probably did stink. There weren't much in the way of shower facilities at the base where he slept and ate when on duty as a most a pipe coming from a wall that they could rinse off under.

He laughed along with her words and nodded, then pulled himself out of her grasp as she went to get dinner. He headed back through the house to the bedroom where he slept, and dug through the drawers for some clean clothes, something comfortable to be in. He kept thinking of how beautiful his sister was...and about how she was eighteen now and fully an adult, and how gorgeous she had looked in those clothes. He wanted to match her, but didn't have much in the way of fancy in his drawers. He decided on something simple, a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that had no holes in it and looked fairly nice on him.

He headed for the shower then, and turned on the water until it was nice and hot. He stripped down quickly and jumped under the steaming stream, and started scrubbing himself. He took a bit longer than normal, wanting to ensure he was clean and smelled good for her, then he hopped out again and toweled off, giving himself a shake to remove any excess water from his fur before dressing again. He licked his lips and brushed his teeth, then walked down the hall and out into the dining room.

As he came in, Cadi was bent over the table, lighting the two homemade candles that accentuated the room with a light vanilla odor. The garden she had outback was a mixture of an herbal garden and a vegetable garden, and she not only made the candles smell nice for special occasions, but also her own perfume, and the shampoo and soap they used. It helped that they were pure Irish tigers, or as close to being pure Irish as tigers could get. Before the great wars that tore apart the land, their family had lived in harmony with the earth, cultivating the herbs and vegetables from their own piece, always giving back to the earth.

The women of their line had always been "hedge" witches, or kitchen witches, as everything they used was grown in their own garden and made in their own kitchens. Since the war, little had changed in what the women did, though with them now being tigers, they were more scent oriented, so they did more herbal and pleasant smelling spells, such as the scented candles to help set the mood, or the shampoos and soaps they used. Liam's was a blend of sage and sandalwood, heady yet manly. Her own was a mixture, depending on her mood, of patchouli and jasmine or honeysuckle, or rose and vanilla. But tonight, she wanted soft and pretty, so she went with an unusual combination for her of vanilla and jasmine.

The position she was in as she bent over was enough to give her brother a good view of her rump, especially with her tail raised up so she could balance herself as she reached over the table. Her untouched mound peeked around the sides of her G-string panties, the string going up between her rump-cheeks, leaving nothing much to the imagination for her backside, though the string did cover her tiny tailhole.

Liam let out a soft chuff-growl from deep in his throat as he saw her bent over the table like that. Damn that girl was sexy, she could be the cutest kitten or the most seductive little vixen sometimes, but now she just looked down right alluring. He licked his lips and came forward, putting a hand on her back and rubbing softly as he moved past her to stand at his chair. He smiled at her, "Now that's a sight I could get used to," he teased. After the shower he smelled so much better, but his pheromones were all the more accented in their potency now.

He noticed the glass on the floor under where her place setting was, and he knew what that meant. They had been informed of all the laws of the city they lived in, and he knew that Cadi was keeping them in line with the rules, though he hadn't forgotten the traditions either. His tongue flicked out and he inhaled deeply of the scents in the room, finding them to his liking, especially her own, "Dinner smells good," he said.

Cadi smiled and chuffed, her tail wagging behind her at her brother's praise of her cooking. Her best friend had been the one she'd been practicing on since Liam wasn't home that much right now, but the two girls figured that since Liam and her brother took the alternating shifts, it would be easier for them to visit each other while their brothers were gone. Cadi knew Heather wouldn't interrupt them tonight, especially since Heather had only left to go home shortly before Cadi got into the tub to get ready for tonight.

Cadi knew that Liam thought Heather was a striking filly, and had played with her the one time that he and Heather's brother had been home at the same time. Of course, Heather had also mentioned it to Cadi, since the two girls never kept anything from each other. Heather's comments just made sure that Cadi was more than ready for her eighteenth to come around. And Cadi and the two horses had something planned for the last two nights of Liam's home stay. But that would be something to think about later, as tonight was the night. Cadi would become her brother's Mate tonight.

Turning to her brother, she licked his cheek and chuffed softly, "Well, then, I think we should start eating so we can take care of the other things that need to be done tonight, Liam." Straightening up, she moved to her side of the table and sat down, the food between them for their meal before they shared their special dessert.

Liam had no idea, of course, everything that his sister and their two equine neighbors had in store for each other. The brother and sister horse were also parent-less, their sire and dam having been killed by bandits before they came to the city. They had been having sex since they were younger though, so they had fallen right in with the Incest City laws and traditions.

The male tiger smiled at his sister's soft lick to his cheek and her chuffing. She had always been mischievous, teasing and ever so cute. He just shook his head as he slipped down into his own seat across from her and picked up his fork. She knew how much he loved her cooking, and he always showed her great appreciation for it. His tongue licked over his lips and his teeth, and he dug into the meal with a gusto that showed just how much he savored it when he was able to eat it. The food at the Guard posts was little more than pre-packaged mush that was filled with vitamins and minerals, but little else. He had once described it to her as something that looked like it had been blended a few times, then sat out in the sun to melt before being slopped on their plates.

Humming softly, he bit into the steak and closed his eyes over the perfect mixture of cooked flavor and blood that she knew how to prepare. They had to keep their wild sides sated, and blood didn't bother them, so it was alright. He partook of the meal until he finished his helping, then pushed his plate away with a contented sigh and smiled over at her, his eyes staring at her face, then how her hair glistened and down to her chest.

Cadi took a little longer to eat her meal, slightly nervous about what was going to happen when dinner was done. She knew Liam loved her, and she loved him, but the nervousness still lingered around her. Finally, she finished her meal, having been conscious of her brother's eyes on her the entire last half of her meal. Rising to her paws, she cleared the table.

'It's time,' she thought to herself. 'My brother is about to make me an adult femme, and possibly his Mate.' Looking at him as she moved the candles to the sides, she hoped her nervousness was hidden inside her before she climbed on the far end of the table and lay back, tilting her head so she saw him upside down. "Come over here, Liam. It's time for dessert. And I have a very special dessert in mind for you. Cherry cream pie."

Liam had sat still through the rest of her meal, though his eyes never left her body once, and he felt with each passing minute that his arousal was growing. He was going to have a hard time going gently with her the first time, though he knew he would do his best. His tongue swished over his lips and teeth, and he stood slowly as she lay out on the table and looked up at him. He looked down at her, and one of his paws moved to gently stroke her hair, rubbing it and her head softly before leaving it and moving down, around the table to between her legs.

Her body lying out like that was a gorgeous sight to behold, with her supple young breasts poking at the sky, her thighs, so deliciously spread for him. He moved to put a paw on each of her knees and slowly rub up toward her centre. "I'm so ready for that dessert, my sister," he said softly on a deep sigh, leaning over her, kissing her lips. His member was extending from its sheath now, hard and full, and it brushed against her as he lay over her for a moment. He pulled back another moment later, and stripped his shirt off, dropping it behind him on her chair then reaching down to unbuckle his pants and push them away. His tip was severely tenting his underwear now.

Cadi looked at Liam; trust in her eyes as he stroked her hair before moving down between her legs. She was strung as tight as a high wire, the slightest thing could set her off, but Liam always had known how to play her when she got like this. The kiss was passionate enough to keep her on edge, yet gentle enough to keep her from flying off. It was also brief enough that she wanted more. Her skittishness returned as she saw his shaft poking his underwear out, but her body reacted to the sight with a dampening on her own green panties, a darker spot forming between her legs. She arched her body a little on the table, offering him what was his to take. A soft sound slipped from her as her eyes ran over her brother's body. It wasn't as if she'd never seen him stripped down to just his briefs before, but this time, this one moment in time, was so different than all the times before. This time, her brother was going to invade her untamed body and make her his. It both aroused and scared her.

Liam never wanted to hurt his sister. He cared for her too much...he was everything for her. It was his job with the ICG that allowed them to live where they did with the comforts they had. It was he that had taken care of her after their parents died. He licked his lips as he saw the tension in her body. He wanted this to be special for her, not a terror. He leaned in again and once more kissed her. "Shhhh," he whispered, as he slid his paws up the sides of her body, through her fur and past her breasts to her arms. As he sat up he brought them down again and his paws went back to her legs.

He saw the damp spot on the panties, a cute reminder that she was very much a woman now, and that she was becoming aroused by his attentions. He shifted her skirt up, so that it would not be in the way, and then he leaned down to breathe in her scent, radiating off of her pussy as it was. He let out a soft growl, and then his claws found the waistband of her panties and pulled them down. Her cute mound was damp, glistening in the light, and looking ever so appealing, he couldn't stand it much longer. His paws went to his own briefs then and quickly removed his underwear, letting his length, long and hard as it was, with the rings of small barbs around it, fall out into the open air.

Cadi chuffed as she felt his paws running up and down her body. His touch had always been soothing to her, so it only seemed to fit that he was able to calm her with both his paws and his muzzle. Her own muzzle tried to follow his as he pulled back from the kiss, his paws running back down her sides and catching at her hips. A lowly growled chuff slid from her throat as she arched under his touch. He was working magic on her body with just his light caresses and lingering looks.

His claws raked through her fur to catch her panties and pull them down, but no harm was done to her as he bared her juicy treasure to his eyes. Her arousal rose in the air, a tangy-sweet scent that told him everything. She had been faithful to the time they set as well, being a rare virgin on her eighteenth birthday in Incest City. Shivers of anticipation raced through her as she saw her brother's paws moving to his waistband, lowering his briefs and freeing his shaft. Her eyes widened and a tremor raced through her. There was no way that rod of his was going to fit in her, was there? She bit her bottom lip, not wanting to ruin the mood of the night for them, but her nervousness returned.

Liam saw the look of fear in her eyes as he bared his shaft, but he wasn't stopping now. He was ready to fuck, he had to fuck something and that something was going to be her. He was going to turn her into his Mate this night. His tongue flicked over his lips, and then he stepped between her legs more fully, inhaling of the scent rising from her cunt. One of his paws went to his shaft, guiding the massive rod to her folds and just softly rubbing it over them.

He looked into her eyes and ran his other paw over her side, trying to soothe her. "Shhh," he whispered to her. "It's'll like it," he said, with a soft smile. His paws went to her hips then, and he started to softly, gently push his rod into her hole.

Cadi bit her lower lip as she gave a nod to Liam, her body tensing as she felt his thick shaft ease into her tiny hole. The stretching wasn't hurting, not yet, but then again, he hadn't reached the area that would hurt, and the tip of his penis was slim and tapered, while the entire shaft was covered in soft looking barbs. At least, for now, they were soft looking, as they were pointed back towards his body, allowing him to gain her depths before flaring out.

Taking a deep breath, she let go of her bottom lip and gave another nod. "Go ahead, Liam," she chuffed softly, trying to keep herself calm since his paws were now holding her hips. Her own paws reached for the sides of the table and she gripped them hard.

Liam nodded back to her and his grip tightened ever so slightly, letting him have a good grip on her as he pushed his cock into her warm depths. He felt himself encounter her hymen, the symbol of her virginity, and he took a deep breath. Already her cunt was squeezing him tight enough to drive him crazy. All it would take was one short thrust and she would be forever his. He smiled, and drove himself in a bit harder, halting a moment later to let her cope with the pain.

He leaned down and pressed his body against hers, making sure she could hold onto him and he could help her get through this.

A loud growling yowl ripped from Cadi as Liam pushed past her hymen, taking her virginity. Blood ran from her to drip into the cup below her, the first 'ingredient' of the mating ritual in Incest City. Her claws gouged into the table under her, leaving marks of her claiming by her brother. She felt him pressing against her, her eyes awash in unshed tears from the pain, as a soft rumble came from him...A soothing rumble. Her body trembled under his for a few moments, and then she opened her eyes to look at her brother.

He was staring down into her eyes; his chest was vibrating with a deep, resonating chuff that he knew would help keep her calm. His nose nuzzled her neck and his tongue ran along the fur there, before finding her lips for a half a moment. He was only half inside, but already she was very tight. Slowly he pushed his hips deeper, not too fast, just at a constant pace so that she would be able to take him. The whole time his paws began to gently rub up and down her sides, up to her tits, back again to her hips.

A whimper slipped from her as her brother pushed into her, his shaft stretching her wider as he moved slowly deeper into her wet tunnel. She was thankful he was being so thoughtful and gentle, but it was still hurting her and she was about to lose it from the pain. The feel of his paws running over her sides made her back arch and she chuffed, the sensual feel derailing her body and mind from the pain of her first time.

At last he could get no deeper inside of his sister's hot snatch, she was full to the brim with his cock and he could go no further. He paused there to let her get used to it, and then kissed her passionately on the lips, "I love you, my darling little sister," he whispered softly, "Let me know when you are ready and can take the pain..."

Cadi meowed softly as he leaned over her, his full length buried deep inside her. She kissed him back just as passionately, chuffing against his neck at his words. The mingled scents of sage, sandalwood, vanilla and jasmine, mixed with their own scents, made a tremble of need and desire race through her. The scents soothed her and she felt her tunnel relaxing, finally accepting him inside her for the moment, the pain of her lost virginity fading slowly as her brother remained still inside her. Her tongue flicked at his nose and she chuffed softly, "Now, Liam."

Liam smiled down at her and nodded softly, waiting a moment more before he pulled back out of her. The barbs on his cock now began to rake the inner walls of her cunt, scraping but not tearing as they tried to hold him in. He grunted and groaned, letting out little pants and chuffing noises as he did so, until he was almost completely out of her and could get a good stroke going as he pushed back into her.

A low rumbling growl slipped from her as her brother pulled out of her, the movement almost too slow for her now that she was expecting him in her. She knew that feral tigers had to move fast, since the females were more aggressive, but she had never had an aggressive bone in her body, although now, she felt those urges in her. Her paws curled around her brother, her claws raking over his back as her legs wrapped around him, "Faster, Liam," she chuffed against his neck. "Faster."

Liam laughed softly; it came out as a merry string of chuffs and a grin on his face. " sister is getting into this," he said softly, "As you wish." A moment later he slammed his full length deep into her body, the movement full of barely suppressed power and lust for the girl now lying out in front of him. Her blood had already dripped into the cup, now to add the second component to the feral mixture that would seal them as Mates. He gripped her hips with his claws and started fucking her hard, hard enough to shake the table.

Cadi meowed against his chuffing grin and leaned up, her fangs nipping playfully at his chest and neck. "You know we were destined for this when we got here, Liam. And I appreciate you letting me wait until I turned eighteen. But now, we need to make up for all that lost time. I love you, Liam, and have loved you for the longest time." Her words came out just a moment before her brother slammed into her, sending any air left in her lungs out in a sudden whooshing sound as his claws pricked at her hips.

Liam knew that her words were true, that they had both known this was coming. She had been prepared, even if she was nervous. He nodded and leaned down to nip her neck between his teeth and hold her there as his hips began to piston into her, hard, again and again, slamming fully into her before pulling back and repeating the motion, hilting himself every time, bumping and hitting against her cervix as well. "We have much time to make up are right," he hissed out, his teeth leaving her neck to go to the green and gold top she wore. He used his mouth to grip the fabric and lift it over her tits, then came back to them and suckled on her nipples.

Cadi's back arched as a growl of pleasure slipped from her throat as her brother showed her who the dominant between them was with his possessive bite. Softer chuffs escaped her with each full hilting of his shaft into her as she kept her legs wrapped around his waist as he plunged into her, claiming her as his Mate. The still gentle scrapings of his barbs were starting to get a little more painful as his body forced hers into ovulation, making her ready to conceive their first kit. The more anthro side of their psychology came out when he pulled her top up with his teeth and latched onto her nipple, making her meow loudly. Her paws clenched in his hair, holding him to her as he took her on the ride of her young life.

Liam bit down around her nipple, pricking it just slightly and then suckling on that sensitive nub of nerves and flesh. He licked and thrashed it, then moved onto the other. His cock never ceased its rapid movements, his barbs raking her insides and tenderizing her. It stimulated her, forcing her to produce an egg even as he fucked her. It was said that a female that conceived on her first time was blessed, and they needed all the blessings they could get.

Cadi arched her back as her brother bit down on her nipple, a scream of pleasure ripping from her as he broke through the skin just enough to add stimulation to her first time. Her hips bucked against his, the inner stimulation sending her into a headfirst dive into pleasure as a roar ripped from her, telling her mate, her brother, that the first goal - the one aimed at pleasuring her, on making her cum for him - was achieved. Her walls suddenly clenched around him as she roared her orgasm. Her juices coated her brother's cock as he kept moving in her tightened tunnel, his barbs still raking over her walls, a bit more pleasurably for her now as her orgasm rolled through her. The scent of her orgasm, and the release of her egg, told him she was ready for his seed to fill her.

The way that her cunt clenched up around Liam's cock made him thrust all the harder up into her. There were signals, all kinds of them, being given off by her body that told him she was ready to bear their kittens. He let out a soft growl and again gently chewed on her nipple while slamming his cock home. He was panting heavily, his chest rising and falling, heaving, as his balls tightened up as well and prepared to launch his fertile seed up into her womb.

Cadi meowed and chuffed as she came down from her orgasm. Her paws held her brother's head to her breast as he sucked and chewed on her nipple, making her scream as another orgasm raced through her, making her buck against her brother, trying to milk his seed from his balls and into her womb. She wanted to have his kittens. Her brother had always been everything to her, even when their parents were still alive, "Oh, goddess, Liam... Cum in me... Make me pregnant with our kittens..."

It wasn't a stretch to say that Liam had been on the edge, even before Cadi screamed out and begged him to fill her. His body already was on that track, and he couldn't have derailed it if he wished to. His mouth left her nipple as he slammed his hips forward, the tip of his cock penetrating that small opening in her cervix, spreading it a bit and opening it so that the tapered end could deliver its payload of his virile seed into her fertile depths. He threw his head back and let out a noise that sounded halfway between a feral roar and the deep throated growl that the males of their species could let loose. His hips froze, his tail flicked and wrapped around anything it could reach, which happened to be her ankle, and his hands tightened on her body, his claws digging in as he held her down and pumped her full of seed.

Cadi felt his seed filling her and her own roar was softer than his, full of acceptance of her place as his Mate. Her womb swelled as his seed filled her to the brim, and then leaked out from their joining to drip into the cup below her. Her paws fell to the table, claws gouging the wood in ecstasy of the moment. Her legs, slim and sleek to the eye, held him with hidden muscles buried in her as he came. Blood welled from where his claws were digging into her, staining the table in a pattern to show where his paws were when he fully claimed her body. Everything about her belonged to her brother now - body, heart, mind and soul.

His head dropped as his orgasm slowly began to subside. He leaned down slowly, not releasing his grip, unable to because of the adrenaline rushing through his body, the pure feral instinct to mate and ensure that the female would be carrying his Kittens and no one else's. He licked his lips, his rough tongue passing over them and even reaching his nose, before he pressed his mouth to hers for a kiss, one full of tongue and love and passion....and even possessiveness. He could feel her gripping him with her legs, and then slowly relaxing as he did as well. He didn't have a knot, like the canine species had, but he almost wished he did. Panting as he pulled back from the kiss, he chuffed softly and nuzzled her, "My Love..." he whispered.

Cadi chuffed as she nuzzled her brother back, the kiss being everything she imagined he would give her in one. "My Mate," she whispered back as she licked his muzzle, cleaning up the little bit of blood on it from his possessive, feral bite during their mating. The cup below them was full of cum and her virgin blood, the two mixing together to give the contents a slight pink tinge. Her walls clenched around his cock, letting him know she was still feeling the intense pleasure from their mating.

He felt his cock throb as her walls pulsed around him and squeezed tightly. His barbs were still poking into her walls, and he had the feeling that should he move, she would be feeling them much more than she had been before. He licked across her lips again, treasuring her taste and the feel of her beneath him. He cuddled her close to him for a moment, sighing softly as he panted, feeling a bit sweaty, "You know I won't be able to get enough of you're going to be riding me a lot..."

Cadi chuffed, a smile curving her lips on her muzzle. Her tongue flicked over his lips as she growled softly against them, "I doubt me riding you will be the only position we'll be in. I'm fairly certain you'll be riding me in a few different positions as well, Liam." She leaned up a little, nipping his shoulder with love, "But we need to complete the Mating ritual before we continue on with that."

"True enough, my darling," he said with a chuff that could only be a laugh. She was right of course; they would be doing this in way more than just this position, or with just her riding him. He fully intended to fuck her as often as he could now...she was just too good to be denied. He grinned softly and slowly sat up; pulling his hips back and dragging his cock from her hole, making his barbs rake her insides as he did.

The raking made her growl as pleasure shot through her again. A few last drops of blood and cum dripped from her cunt to the cup below. She unfastened her ankle lock behind her brother's back and sat up, her hind paws sliding down his legs while her walls clenched to keep his seed inside her. "Time for that cup," she chuffed, ready to take the last step in becoming her brother's Mate.

Liam nodded and took another step back from the table, then bent to pick up the cup that had collected the joint amount of their fluids, her blood, his cum, into a pink mixture. Blood was not foreign to them in their meals, so it would be no trouble to drink this down. He lifted it between them and stared into her eyes as she sat up, then offered it to her to sip from first.

Cadi's paws moved to cover his, both of them tilting the cup towards her muzzle which she opened willingly to drink from the cup. The cum had cooled slightly, but they hadn't let it truly cool down from the heat that it normally had, so had yet to turn into thick chunks, though it did have lumps as it slid down her throat. After she drank, she licked her muzzle and tilted it towards Liam.

Her brother had never tasted his own cum before. This was a new experience, but even as he let the cup touch his lips and the mixture slide down his throat, he found he didn't mind the taste, and on top of that, doing this with his sister was just damn hot. He finished the other half of the drink and then licked his lips, putting the cup down on the table beside Cadi, "Now we truly are Mated and as one..."

Cadi chuffed and smiled at her brother, happy to be his Mate. Picking up the cup, she padded to the mantle, setting it in a prominent position, then padded back to her brother, taking his paw in hers. "Let's go to the bedroom now, Liam. That table is a pain to fuck on."

In the corner of the front room, two people were bound and gagged, unable to stop anything that happened but the look in their eyes was one that understood the city better than they had when they entered...

*Who are the strangers tied up?* *How did they get tied up?* *How long have they been tied up?* *The answers to these questions, and more, to come in future installments*