Runaway 01

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#1 of Runaway

So while I was bored at work last night I came up with an idea for a new story. This happens quite often, but I rarely get further than a plot outline that then goes into a folder on my computer where I forget about it. For some reason this story really kept my interest and just kind of worked as I toyed with what was to be the first draft. I wrote this first part in 5 hours without a single break. I proof read it once and I'm so happy with how it flows that I decided to post it as is. I've got a second section that I'll post in a while but don't expect any more regular updates until after I finish Cub Services.

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes (I'm sure there are tons, especially since I've spent so little time on this story.)

I love comments so please share any thoughts you may have.

Disclaimer/warning:** **The following story contains graphic sexual content between an underage fur and an adult; it also includes the use of alcohol by a minor and the act of drinking and driving. I do not condone any of these acts... You get the picture. Don't drink and drive and read at your own risk.


"Wash the dishes, Sara. Clean your room, Sara. Don't leave your school supplies on the counter, Sara." The fourteen year old black cat fumed as her white Adidas slapped noisily against the empty black pavement.

"Let's see what happens when you don't have your precious maid to order around any more! I'll bet the house comes to a screeching halt real quick!" Sara grumbled as she made her way down the side of the dusty highway with her thumb sticking out into traffic.

US-89 was her ticket out of town. All she had to do was find someone to give her a lift and she would be whisked away from her rotten parents and irritating little brother, that is, if she didn't pass out from heat exhaustion first.

Being a black cat in the hotArizonasun was anything but ideal and Sara had been on the road for what felt like an eternity. She'd taken public transportation out of town, using her lunch money to pay for the voucher. After that Sara simply began walking north on US-89 as she tried to hitch-hike out of the state without knowing where the road she was on would take her.

"One day when I'm rich and famous I'll come back in my Limo and wave all my money in front of those ungrateful pains in the ass! They'll wish they'd treated me better then!" The irritated cub's hackles rose as a car whipped by her at full speed, sending a cascade of hot dusty air pelting her in the back, providing a very small amount of relief from the baking sun.

The gust also managed to stoke Sara's anger as she fumed over the refusal she'd received when asking to go to the big summer recess slumber party at her friend Katie's house, an unjust refusal that set her on the path to this crumby blistering hot highway in search of a ride.

Now Sara was on her way to Hollywood to start her acting career and prove that she really didn't need her lousy parent's and could take care of herself without there help. After a week inHollywoodshe'd probably have a movie or record deal anyway. She'd even remembered to bring her headshots when she'd left home, although she'd forgotten just about everything else.

Of course she could buy a new cell phone and more clothing once she was "found" inHollywoodand once she got her record deal the few thousand dollars in her bank account would seem like penny's. The only problem with her plan seemed to be finding someone that would give her a ride. Sara'd been walking for nearly three hours now and nobody would even slow down.

As if her body was protesting her current mode of transportation, a bolt of pain shot up her leg as her footpad throbbed and her inner thighs began chaffing against her new pair of faded True Religion Capri's. The bulging Louis Vuitton bag she'd hastily packed when her parents left the house was cutting uncomfortably into her shoulder and the dry heat from the sun continually radiated up from the blacktop, causing her to sweat under her pitch black fur and drying her mouth until it was almost raw from thirst.

Another car zoomed past her without stopping, sending another wave of hot air crashing over her shoulders and slightly cooling the tall feline's back. The hot wind made her yearn for central air-conditioning and a cold Coke as the heat continued to take its toll on her pampered body. Her deep blue eyes scanned the landscape, looking for any building that she could take refuge in as feelings of desperation filled her body to bursting, but there was nothing, just tall yellow grass that waved in wind that Sara couldn't seem to feel.

"Dammit!" She cursed as her paws curled tightly around the golden handle of her bag. It was like the wind was taunting her, it never blew on her, just on the stupid dead grass. Anger boiled over in her developing breast, bringing back the memories of her argument with her parents.

With an irritable hiss Sara whipped around and glared in the direction of her parent's multi-million dollar home. "I'll prove I can take care of my self!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as she stomped her footpad on the ground with a loud clap. The jarring action sent a shock of pain through her leg and somewhat cooled the blazing inferno that raged in her chest.

Sara bit her lip as pain flashed through her body and held her head high as she did her best to hide how much that had hurt, even though nobody was around to see it. With an exaggerated sigh she turned back around and continued limping up the road, to stubborn to admit she may have made a mistake and unwilling to give the slightest impression that she didn't know exactly what she was doing or where she was going.

Dane let the car slow slightly and turned down the radio as something dark moved on the side of the road off in the distance. Even with his sunglasses on it was difficult to see that far ahead in the blazing Arizona desert but he was almost sure he'd seen a fur walking on the side of the road, a sight that piqued his curiosity, even as he reminded himself that he was in know position to stop and find out what the fur was doing.

Icy cold air blasted from the air conditioner vents of the stolen 1991 Cadillac Fleetwood he was driving and the thumping baseline of rap music faded away as he took his footpad completely off the accelerator pedal and turned the radio off, approaching what was definitely a hitch-hiker on the side of US-89.

His cock tingled in his red shorts as he got closer and was able to trace the thin lithe figure of the tall young hitch-hiker. The female black cat wore tight fitting faded Capri pants that accentuated a firm round ass, and a dark red tank top that left a few inches of black fur between its hem and her jeans. An expensive looking gold and silver bag with a light blue shirt half hanging out of the top hung from her shoulder and short razor cut maroon colored hair swirled in the wind as another strong gust sent a tumble weed bouncing across the road.

A low rumble burbled through Dane's chest as his eyes traced the tight round curves of the cat's pert ass as he let the car continue to slow, going against his better judgment to simply pass the female fur by. As if to confirm his assumption that she was hitch-hiking, the feline's paw suddenly popped out with her thumb sticking up, giving the international sign of someone looking for a ride.

Sara slowed her pace as the roar of another car barreled up behind her and sighed as she waited for it to blast past her without a second glance. "At least wind from the stupid car will cool me off." Sara growled as she picked at the uncomfortable lining of her bra in an attempt to cool the matted damp fur under her breasts.

A bright red Cadillac passed alarmingly close to her and Sara glared irritably as she jumped to the side to keep from getting hit. As she was about to give the driver the finger and tell him what he could do with his fancy red car the brake lights popped on and the front of the car dipped forward slightly, pulling over to the side of the road and coming to a hasty stop a few yards in front of her.

Sara's heart jumped in her chest as relief washed over her body, momentarily soothing the aches and pains of a hard days walking as she ran towards the car, clutching her bag to her chest.

As she approached the car, the driver's side window rolled down with a soft electric hum, exposing a white wolf with short spiky blond hair, wearing a baggy red basketball jersey and black aviator sunglasses. His long muscular arm hung lazily over the top of the steering wheel as the other flopped against the window sill.

"Damn girl, how long you been walking in this heat?" The wolf asked in a raspy low pitched voice as his sharp gray eyes roamed up and down a tight hourglass figure that had developed well ahead of furs even two grades ahead of Sara's class.

Sara swallowed back a sigh of relief as a wave of cold air cascaded from the window, washing over her front like a breath of fresh air. "A really long time." She said. "Thanks for stopping to pick me up."

The wolf let out a low barking laugh as he deftly picked at the rubber seal on his car window. "Well I've not said I'm picking you up yet, all I did was stop. If I give you a ride are you gonna return the favor?" Dane's eyes continued to roam along her body, tracing the cat's firm round breasts and flat smooth stomach. The feline's high cheekbones, deep royal blue eyes and long graceful neck all combined with her other developing features to make one stunning young fur and the luscious curves of the young cub stirred up primal urges in his loins as his heart began to pound.

Sara mentally cringed at the thought of admitting she didn't know what the wolf meant by giving him a ride, a thought that galled her almost as much as the idea that she might get left behind when he left. She was desperate to feel the cool crisp breeze of his air conditioning against her face. "Sure I'll give you a ride in return." Sara said, in the coolest, calmest tone she could muster as she hoped she'd not misused the phrase. Even as she stood there her footpads throbbed and her back began to ache. At that moment she wanted a ride more than anything in the world and she clenched her jaw and took a calming breath through her small pink nose as she willed the wolf to believe she new what she was doing and offer her one.

Dane's muzzle split into a devilish grin and his eyes glistened with excitement as his large cock twitched and began to grow in his baggy red basketball shorts. "Well hop in then." He said with a flick of his head towards the passenger door. All thoughts of getting busted flew out the window as arousal burned through his veins.

With a flick of a button Dane unlocked the passenger side door before rolling the tinted drivers side window up. As the young cat pranced happily around the back of his car he adjusted his growing erection, sending a tingle of excitement through his loins as he watched the felines breasts bounce in the rearview mirror.

Sara pulled the heavy door open with a paw and slid into the cool island paradise that was her ride out of town. She gave her driver a dazzlingly perfect smile as she settled into the cold white leather seat and put her bag on the ground at her footpads. The cold air cut through her fur like a hot knife through butter and felt better than anything in the world. The act of sitting down sent a shiver of relief up her spine and the throbbing in her footpads immediately began to dissipate.

"Thanks again! I'm Sara, what's your name?" She asked cheerfully as she closed the door with a dull thud. "Dane." The wolf growled, giving her a cool smile as he put the car in gear and accelerated back onto the empty highway.

"Where are you headed?" She asked, doing her best to make conversation as she examined the wolf in the driver's seat. Dane's baggy red clothing did little to hide the tightly toned muscular physique and glossy white fur on his chest and arms and, strangely enough, Sara found her self tracing the outline of his hard pecks and thick biceps as she waited for his response to her question.

"Los Angeles." The wolf said as his paw settled down in his lap. Sara Looked at him curiously as she tried to remember ifHollywoodwas close to their. She'd planned on using her phone to access Google Maps, but she'd been so angry that she'd left it on the charger when she left.

The wolves gray eyes focused on her through the dark sunglasses, examining her as Sara pulled the sun visor down and began fussing with her messy hair. "How old are you?" He asked as his paw slipped under the baggy folds of red cloth sitting in his lap.

Sara swallowed a lump in her throat and leaned back slightly as she tried to look nonchalant about her age. "Eighteen. My birthday is March 3rd, Nineteen ninety four." She responded as pride bubbled up in her chest at how quickly she'd given her practiced fake birthday.

Dane let out another sharp barking laugh as his frosty gray eyes lit with amusement. "So more like sixteen then. It doesn't really matter to me, I was just curious." He said as he continued to rummage in his lap.

Sara barely gave it a glance as the soothing frigid air began to soak through her clothing and into her heat soaked fur. The brisk air made her sigh in relief and excitement and cheer coursed through her body as the wolf spoke again. "I prefer to get my ride in the beginning, no offense, but I don't like getting stiffed."

As Dane spoke he shifted and leaned back in his seat, using his paw to pull out the biggest dick and balls Sara could ever imagine. Her eyes expanded to the size of saucers as her stomach dropped to her toes. The joy and excitement in her body shriveled and died as her heartbeat began to boom in her ears and her limbs turned to jelly in the plush leather seat.

The wolf looked over at her with a cocky smile and gave her a wink. "Yeah, I'm pretty big, but don't worry, it's been a few weeks since I've had a blow job so it won't take you long and I don't expect you to deep throat it."

The feline's heart began beating like a kettle drum as the words 'expect' and 'Blow job' echoed through her mind. She had a very vague idea of what a blow job entailed, but she'd never given one before. The suggestion sounded unsettling and made her stomach churn with a mix of nervousness and disgust as she stared at the first prick she'd ever seen.

Even as the words bounced around in her mind she picked up on the innuendo the wolf had used when offering her a ride, an innuendo she'd used in return and agreed to in exchange for his help. A cold sweat settled over her body and Sara suddenly felt very confined as she tried unsuccessfully to come up with a way out of her agreement without losing her ticket out of town.

The feline took a panicky breath as the ten inches of veiny glistening pink wolf cock pulsed in the afternoon sun. Cold dread settled over her body as Sara realized Dane probably thought she'd done this loads of times. She looked up at the expectant wolf as he watched the road, using one paw to drive while the other held his shorts back. Sara swallowed another lump in her throat and took a shaky breath as she racked her brain for a way out of this situation.

She'd inadvertently promised the wolf a blow job but there was no way she was going to admit she hadn't known what he'd been implying when he offered the deal. Sara's eyes flicked to her bag on the ground and she realized she had nothing else to offer him instead. She didn't have to pretend like she new what would happen if she refused now, it was either this or the miserably hot pavement.

Sara's stomach continued to do summersaults in her abdomen and her limbs felt numb in the air-conditioned car as the blanket of uncertainty and dread got heavier and heavier. After a few more moments of contemplation, and with a shiver of anxiety, Sara chose the lesser of two evils, hoping that sucking Dane's cock would be better than spending another three hours walking along the dusty highway.

With a shaky paw Sara inched across the squishy leather bench seat and lifted the square arm rest out of the way as she decided she had no choice. A thick musky aroma wafted through the air as she moved closer and closer to the wolf and with each inch she scooted towards him fear and uncertainty grew in her chest.

She suddenly wished she'd not been so cavalier about agreeing to give him a ride, not that she would ever admit that to anybody, of course. With a final glance out the window of the car, Sara moved the last few inches so that she was at Dane's side and turned so that she could kneel on the seats, leaning her head precariously over the thick wide dick.

Her new position gave the fourteen year old feline a whole new perspective on just how large Dane's cock really was. The glistening bulbous purple head was as big around as a silver dollar and she could see thick veins pulsing and throbbing against the tight pink skin that covered a shaft that was nearly as long as her forearm. The base of his cock was somehow bigger than the top of the long shaft and disappeared into a patch of thick white fur that continued on to cover a wrinkly sack with two lumps as big as kiwi fruit inside.

She leaned in closer as she tried to will her self to get it over with. Even before the bulbous purple head brushed Sara's thin black lips she could feel heat radiating from his erection and as she leaned even further forward and opened her maw as wide as it would go she could taste the hot wet musky perfume of the wolfs cock wafting over her tongue.

With every breath Sara took she tried to come up with a way to get out of this as her stomach churned and her body quivered, but nothing came, no brilliant idea popped into her head as she stared down at her only chance at a ride. As she knelt over the bobbing meat she decided that no matter how bad it was, she would rather try it than go back to walking.

Sara took a long deep breath, resigning herself to her fait and trying to get used to the strong aroma as she held her jaw open as wide as it would go. She did her best to make it look like she new what she was doing as she settled down against Dane's cock but with barely four inches in her maw the firm spongy head was already pushing against the back of her throat.

Sara did her best to wrap her lips around the thick pulsing member and tried to swallow some of the spit in her mouth, only to find that the massive knob was pressing against the back of her throat, keeping her from doing so and causing her to gag slightly as the musky flavor became more potent in her nose and against her tongue.

A loud low rumble reverberated through the car as she tried again to swallow against the thick cock twitching in her muzzle. Sara clenched her eyes closed and reached out with a paw, grasping the long hot length of shaft that didn't fit in her mouth.

"Awww that's real nice girl, watch the teeth now, and don't get any cum on my seats. I'll warn you when its time but you better swallow it all." Sara tried to say ok, even though she had no clue what he was talking about, but only managed to gag against the wolf's cock, causing him to let out another low growling murr.

As if to remind Sara of the alternative to the thick meet between her lips, a shot of pain lanced through her body, splintering up her spine and reminding her of the sore footpads and aching back that were all she had to show for a hard days walking. She pushed her tongue against the side of the pulsing hard member in her maw and began sucking tentatively as she tried to figure out what she was supposed to do without letting Dane know how clueless she really was.

Dane's toes curled against his red flip-flops as Sara's warm wet muzzle engulfed his cock and began sucking. She'd obviously not given a lot of blow jobs but he had a case of blue-balls that could kill, and a warm muzzle always felt good as long as a girl didn't tooth it.

He looked down at the mop of disheveled maroon hair resting against his ribs and let go of his shorts, knowing he didn't really need to hold the waistband back now that he was out of them. "Yeah work the head. Good girl." He rumbled in an attempt to guide the inexperienced cat on what to do as she tried running her tongue across the top of his prick.

"And don't forget to stroke the shaft." He said. Like a good girl her paw began slowly squeezing and moving up and down along his length, sending a warm pulsing sensation through his loins and causing him to let out another low rumbling murr. Dane smiled widely as the feline shifted on the seat so that her ass poked higher in the air, causing the red tank-top she wore to slide down her spine.

With a quick paw he slipped under the back of her shirt and found the clasp to her bra and unhooked it with a flick. A warm tingling sensation began to spread down from the tip of his cock as she squeezed his shaft a little harder than before, forcing blood to the head and causing it to swell even further.

Dane slowly slid his paw around the feline's thin side, scratching his nails roughly through the silky black fur that covered Sara's ribs. His fingers twitched easily under the lining of her bra, allowing him to cup Sara's silky round breast as her head began to tentatively bob up and down.

He was surprisingly satisfied with how well her breast filled his paw and judged it to be a solid C cup. Waves of tingling pleasure slowly began reverberating through his loins as he began massaging the breast, enjoying the feeling of a nipple between his fingers.

"That's right, keep bobbing up and down." He rumbled as she slowed what she was doing and tried to go back to just sucking on the head. Dane roughly squeezed Sara's breast as her head began moving up and down again, causing her to flinch slightly and giving the first sign that she even new he was fondling her.

Dane's wet slobbery cock was beginning to slide easily against Sara's lips as she pulled all the way off of it, letting it slip out of her muzzle with a dull popping sound before dropping back down to suck again on the few inches of cock that fit in her mouth. She tried to ignore the thick hazy aroma that filled her nose and the salty musky taste that filled her muzzle as she tried to act like she was enjoying herself.

As Sara bobbed down again, sucked and then pulled back up she felt his cock twitch roughly against her cheeks and did her best to keep her teeth away like she'd been told. "Oh shit that's good!" Dane said in a loud low growl as his breathing began to quicken and his hips began to twitch. Sara sucked hard and pulled up again, hoping that what she was doing was right and that the experience would be over soon. She tried to think of a way get the wolf to quit fondling her breast but her brain couldn't seem to get past the throbbing meat buried in her muzzle. Dane began rolling her nipple between his thumb and finger, sending a very faint tingle of pleasure up her spine and causing her to jump in surprise.

Fire burned through Dane's cock and into his pelvis as Sara sucked hard and began working faster and faster. The hot tingling sensation that spread through his erection intensified every time she stroked it and his toes curled and uncurled as his breathing began to come in slow pants. He clenched and held back at the tightening in his balls, trying to enjoy the blowjob for as long as possible as Sara's nipples finally began to harden in his paw.

The twitching cock in Sara's muzzle began to get more sporadic as she worked at Dane's prick, squeezing the shaft that she couldn't even begin to wrap her whole paw around as spit and an alarming amount of an unknown tangy opaque substance began to leak out of her muzzle and down the wolfs thick throbbing shaft, further lubricating her stroking paw.

She wondered if the twitching was a sign of the end as she did her best to pretend like she liked the salty taste in her maw and only managed to not make a face as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful of spit and slime. Her heart continued to pound in her chest and her limbs felt numb as she did her best to earn her ride.

Dane's breathing began to get heavier and heavier as Sara worked, doing the only thing she could think of by going faster. She felt his paw slide away from her breast and was appalled to find a very slight twinge of disappointment spread through her chest. The shock was soon replaced by a new feeling of uncertainty though as his paw curled roughly into her maroon colored hair.

"I'm cuming." He snarled as the head of his cock swelled, sending thick hot jets of goo splashed into Sara's muzzle, causing her to gag as alarm and disgust swirled in her chest. Dane's cock throbbed and twitched in her maw as the first watery string splashed against her throat and the second coated her tongue as she tried to pull away against the firm paw on the back of her head. The next five or six ropes of cum seemed to hit the roof and walls of her muzzle and stay there, as if they were a thicker consistency than the first two. As the slimy globs pooled in Sara's cheeks and around her tongue the strong musky salty flavor overpowered her taste buds, rolling over her tongue with such intensity that she could actually smell the flavor.

Sara tried her best to swallow as she realized what Dane had meant by not getting anything on his seats, but was unable to do so looking down with her mouth full of wolf cock. She gagged and tried to breathe through her nose, intensifying the flavors as the pressure on her head lessoned and then disappeared.

She jumped up immediately and felt a strange sense of pride wash through her body as she realized it was over. A small smile spread across her muzzle as she sat in the red Cadillac with what could only be described as a mouth full of salty pudding in her mouth. She rolled her tongue through the globs of cum as she realized the flavor wasn't all together unpleasant.

As Sara decided she liked the taste, she tried to get used to the consistency, with little success. It took three attempts before she was able to swallow the muzzle full of spunk and afterwards the best she could say was that she didn't dislike the lumpy goo as it slid down her throat like molasses.

When she finally did get it all down, Sara let out a quiet sigh of relief as she did her best to act nonchalant about the act. She had a ride toHollywoodnow and it had only taken her a few minutes to earn it. Pride exploded in her chest, making her forget about the disgust and uncertainty as she wished her parents could see her now so she could rub in there faces how well she'd taken care of herself.

"Told you I'd give you a ride." Sara blurted out as she set back on the soft comfortable leather seat. She felt instantly stupid for saying it and felt her cheeks warm under her jet black fur as she turned away from the muscular wolf, looking out the window at the rolling fields as they passed through the tinted window.

Dane let out a bark of a laugh as he took a deep breath, riding through the waves of ecstasy that throbbed through his pelvis, thighs and cock. "You held up your end of the deal alright." He said as he looked down at his quickly deflating cock and was surprised to see that she'd even managed to swallow it all, just as he instructed. With a nod of satisfaction he tucking the heavy member back into his shorts.

With a deep relaxing sigh Dane reached over to the glove box, brushing against Sara and noting that she didn't flinch away and actually leaned into him as he tried to reach the button that opened the little door. When he couldn't reach he noticed Sara watching him and said. "Open that up and hand me the smokes and bottle, I could use a drink and I'm sure you'd like something to wash that down with."

Sara's ears perked at the idea of a drink and hoped for Coke, heck, even water would be good at this point. Her whole muzzle felt very slimy and her tongue kept sticking to the roof of her mouth as she began to really enjoy the salty musky flavor of Dane's cum.

She opened the glove box and grabbed the large plastic water bottle and the green pack of Kool cigarettes, displacing the stack of papers they sat on. Sara's heart skipped a beat as the silver muzzle of a revolver slid out from under the stack of papers and a thrill of excitement shot through her spine as she stared at it before quickly closing the little white door with a bang, slamming it harder than she'd intended as she wondered what Dane might possibly need a gun for.

Dane snagged the pack of smokes from Sara as she settled back into the seat and slid one out of the box before offering the open package to her. She looked at them anxiously, trying to decide whether or not Dane would think she was a loser for not taking one as her sense of pride at successfully blowing the wolf began to dissipate.

Eventually Sara took one but was surprised to see the wolf's white paw snatch it from hers before she'd even tried to put it to her lips. He rolled the window down a sliver and put the filter of both cigarettes to his mouth, before lighting them with a single drag.

When the first thick puff of smoke faded from the cabin Dane was holding the cigarette back out towards Sara. The bright red tip glowed against the white paper and tan filter as she looked at it with a touching sense of surprise. Nobody had ever done something so chivalrous for her in her life and the action made her smile all the wider as she wondered if he might like her.

After a few long drags Dane took the bottle from Sara's eager paw and took a long deep swig, forcing himself to not breathe through his nose as the bottom shelf vodka burned his throat and filled his muzzle with the smell of gasoline and pepper. When he'd had his fill he offered the bottle to the smiling black cat.

"Don't breath through your nose or you'll be sorry." He rasped as the alcohol entered his blood stream and made his arms and legs tingle and turn fuzzy in the driver's seat.

Sara looked at him in confusion as she took the bottle of water and lifted it to her lips. The strong musky scent of Dane's spunk muted the scent of the vodka, a scent she wouldn't have recognized even if she could smell anything but his cum on her breath.

The vodka pored into her maw like very thin syrup, and before she'd taken a full swallow the burning sensation filled her throat. Dane's words clicked in her mind and Sara instinctively held her breath as a fuzzy sensation spread instantly through her body, following the burning sensation like a wake behind a boat. She took the bottle from her lips and continued to hold her breath as the liquid made her cough a bit.

As the burring pain lessoned Sara fumbled with the black cap as she tried her best to hold her cigarette in the crook of her pointer and middle finger like Dane was doing and when she finally got the bottle closed she put it back in the glove box as a sense of warm fuzzy relaxation spread through her entire body.

Sara put the lit cigarette to her mouth and took a small drag. The cool menthol smoke burned her lungs and made her want to cough, but the alcohol was already taking affect, keeping her from gagging and gasping for breath as nicotine flooded her system.

With a cool sigh Sara blew the tiny puff of smoke from her lungs and settled back against the squishy leather seat. Pride blossomed through her chest as she thought about how much she'd accomplished by her self. Five minutes of work and she'd managed to get a ride toHollywood, and now she was smoking and drinking like she did it all the time. As the stolen red Cadillac devoured the miles of empty highway Sara sat back and reflected on her accomplishments, enjoying the calming relaxed sensation of the alcohol and cigarettes and the lingering taste of Dane's spunk on her tongue.