Sanrose Dream

Story by Foxtrot Tactical on SoFurry

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Authors notes:

sooo... believe it or not, this is actually a dream i had one night. no joke. lol. i actually dreamed this up one night about... sheesh... five years ago now? maybe? any ways. this is the dream i had that started my whole obsession about Sanrose Dreagneos. so the next morning i told my friends about this dream and some were kind of baffled, some were like, WTF? sephieroth? really? but yea, so here it is and hope you enjoy.

Sanrose story part 1

Sanrose journal entry date: The start... July-7-2015

On this day I was walking with my friend Dylan when we came to an odd ten story warehouse building. We went inside to see if we could find out some directions when I sensed something was terribly wrong. I told Dylan to get out, but it was too late. The door slammed shut. Dylan ran to open the door but it was no use. We were trapped.

I turned back to find Sepheiroth was standing in front of me. I drew my blade not know what could happen. Then, we fought. Blade to blade, sparks flying from the clashing of swords. We jumped and flew across the air; I flapped my wings to stay in the air. Then he grabbed my chest and threw me to the ground, dropping my sword. As I lay there panting, sepheiroth drove his long katana in my chest. He then said to me "Foolish Monster. Tell me what is most precious to you. Let me have the pleasure of taking it away from you". That is when thoughts raced through my mind. I saw an image of my friends, my family. Then last, the one I love,

. That was when I got a sudden surge of strength. I pulled his blade out of my chest and summoned mine. As it flew over, Sepheiroth lunged at me but I quickly evaded and grabbed my sword. I stood up and said to him. "A monster I am not, for I am what you fear... Dragon"! He yelled and lunged for me but I then pushed his sword away and shoved mine into his stomach. "It is finished" I then said into his ear as he died on my blade. I then pulled my blade out of his body. Dylan walked over to me and saying" remind me not to ever mess with you." "Hmmm. A wise decision" I replied. We then hurried back to the school for it was also graduation day of senior year.

When graduation was over we walked to a place where there were two, two story houses and one three story dorm house. Every girl that was there went to the three story dorm house and all of the men went for the houses. I went to the first house to find a place to stay. No rooms were available. I went to the next house, still no rooms. I decided to check the dorm house and indeed there was a room on the second story in the middle of the house. So I claimed it as mine. I first took off my graduation gown went to the bathroom to clean up my wound and sword when there was a knock at the door. "I was not expecting anyone" I thought.

I opened the door to find

standing in the door way. "Hello there

, how may I be of assistance?" "Oh, hi, um... may I come in?" "Of course." I replied. She walked over and sat on the couch until she saw my chest. She immediately jump off the couch and pointed to my chest. "What happened to you?! I saw your sword in the bathroom! Did you get into a fight?" "Hmmm. You have noticed many things." I replied calmly. "I am fine. And yes I did. I fought with a man that was trying to kill Dylan and I. but he will not threaten anyone else's life. Please relax for my wound will be healed by tomorrow." "Ok." she said as she sat back down onto the couch. I went and sat with her. "So, why is it that you have come to me?" I asked. We talked for several minutes, she then came to the point and told me that she liked me for who I am and asked me for a date on Friday. I thought about it and agreed. A date it was.

When Friday came I took

to a restaurant and got some food to go. I then took her on my home built motorcycle to the top of a vista point. There, we watched the sunset. As the sun set, I told her how I felt. "

. As I have told you, in time you will know my feelings for you. Today is the day.

I have been wishing to be able to be with you more then just a friend. But as your loving boyfriend. I feel that you are a beautiful, smart, funny, loving, caring, and strong woman. I love you, and I wish to be with you, and protect you from all of the dangers of this world. I love you...

." As I said this I noticed tears forming in her eyes. So I grabbed her and hugged her tightly as she cried. "I love you too!" We stood there for many minutes crying and hugging each other until I noticed the time. "We must go. It is getting late." So we hoped on my motorcycle and rode back to the dorms.

When we arrived I helped

off of my motorcycle and I noticed that Brandon was waiting for me. His gang then circled us and pulled out pistols of many kinds. "Ha ha ha. So now we meet you at even odds." "what is it that you want Brandon!" I yelled to him. " tell

to stand in the middle!" He demanded "Do as he says

. You will be ok" I said to her in her ear. "Hey Sanrose!" Brandon exclaimed. "Sorry about your new girlfriend." He said as he pointed his gun at her. That is when I pulled my blade and ran to her. I quickly covered her with my wings and wrapped her with my tail. Then they started firing. I swung my blade as fast as I could making bullet ricochet away. Sparks rain around us from the bullets. I kept swinging hoping it would stop. Then it did.

I looked around to see police officers all over the parking lot with guns drawn. Brandon and his gang laid on the ground in defeat. I got up and uncovered

. There wasn't a scratch on her. I helped her up when I felt a sharp stinging pain went through my waist. I was hit. I fell to the ground when some medics came to me and removed the bullet. They asked if I need anything else. I told them no, filed a police report and limped to my dorm,

in hand. We got up there to find some of

's friends were waiting for her to return. I opened the door and let them in as I went to the bathroom to clean the blood from my side. I then patched it and went to see

. She was talking to her friends on my couch about what happened and told them that I saved her life. One girl named Amy came and asked me "who are you and where did you come from. So I told them my story. |

Forgiven, Chapter 4

Author's notes: Back from camping, and i always keep my promises. so here is the next juicey slice into the apple pie of...

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Forgiven, Chapter 3

author's notes, I know its short but i needed to fill something in quickly. i PROMISE! that i will give you a juicy one come monday. kay? well, enjoy the little bit there...

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Forgiven, Chapter 2

Author's notes: so here is chapter 2 of the story and i will also add chapter three in the morning since i won't be able to be posting any during the weekend. cause i'm goin campin! \*Does the Carameldansen Dance\* any who, yea i'm excited cause its a...

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