From Both Sides of the Field Chapter 2 (Where the Red Fern Grows)

Story by Iaresuper2007 on SoFurry

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#2 of From Both Sides of the Field

This story is dedicated to Draftstallion Fluffy, the best guy I've ever known and I owe it all to him..


If you are under the age of 18, or do not enjoy the images depicted in male on male anthro sex, leaver now and try again later. If not, enjoy! ^^

John hadn't showed up in school for a week now. Kyle didn't even see him come Friday at the football game against their tough rival.

"Where the hell is he?" The husky asked himself in one of his sobbing moments "Why did he disappear? Did something happen?" He broke out into a sob and threw his head against his pillow.

In a house about 10 blocks away...a sob could be heard within a 10 foot radium of the house. Inside a wolf lay locked, in his room with only a bowl of crap food on the floor. The wolf whimpered and sobbed on the floor as he heard footsteps pounding up the staircase. His face screwed up as he heard the lock on the door being fumbled with.

"Get up." Said his father.

The wolf simply cringed in fear and covered his face.

"I said get up!" Said the larger wolf as he kicked the young wolf in the ribs.

John slowly stood up and looked his father in the eyes, he had the bloodshot eyes of a drunken man.

The wolf felt anger boiling up in him as he heard the older wolf verbally assaulting him with all kinds of discriminating words. He was finally fed up! He had taken shit from his own father for weeks now, all over his fucking sexuality! He was pissed as shit, he had been sneaking workout sessions when his dad left the house, he was pissed and well toned.

Curvatures running through the contours of his biceps and his legs straining against it's own sheer muscle. His neck tensed up and appeared to grow an inch thicker and veins were bulging out of every muscle as he clenched his fists.

He stopped his father in mid-sentence screaming, "THAT'S IT!!! I have had it!" He slammed a knee into his father's crotch and punched him in the jaw as he fell to the floor. "You can't do this to me!" The older wolf yelled, "I'm your fucking father!"

"Well.." started the son, "I guess I'll just fucking disown you, as of this day and forever more, I resent you as my father and denounce you to civil scum!"

"what's the supposed to mean?" Snarled the older wolf.

"It means...YOU ARE NO LONGER MY FATHER YOU FUCKING CUNT!" he slammed a foot onto the father's chest and sprinted out the door. He knew where to go, he'd been planning.

He sprinted out the front door and ran out into the street, panting hard along the way his destination, 10 blocks away.

He rang on the doorbell several times before a middle aged husky awnsered the door, looking awkwardly at the panting wolf. "Hello" the husky stated, "And you are?"

"I'm John, a friend of Kevin's" He replied, "Is he home?"

"Yes he is" awsered the husky, "Just a moment" "Kevin!" he yelled, "You've got a visitor!"

The sound of footsteps were heard coming down the stair case and the neon colored husky appeared into view of the wolf. Kevin saw the wolf standing there and his eyes went wide and he rushed for the door and grasped John in a grappeling hug.

"Oh my God!" The husky exclaimed. "What happened?"

"I'll explain it to you in a bit replied the wolf."

"Dad?" asked the husky, "Is it okay if John stays the night?"

"Well I don't see why not!" Chuckled the husky, "I hope you like lasagna!"

"Thank you sir" said the wolf

"Aw the pleasure's all mine! And call me Mr. Fenton." Chuckled the older husky.

"C'mon" said Kevin, "Let's go upstairs."

The wolf followed the glowing husky up the stairs and to the right into a medium sized bedroom with a TV, some dressers and a bed.

The wolf began to break down crying and the husky grabbed him and led him over to the bed.

"It's okay" whispered the husky "What happened to you?"

The wolf nuzzled deep into the huskies chest fur and began to tell his story.

"My father, he caught me coming home late and he caught an unusual scent on me. He suspected something then found cum on my jacket, he knew it wasn't mine. He grabbed me and threw me into a room and locked me in there, he's been hardly feeding me and I just broke down and beat the living shit out of him. I ran away and this was the only place I could think of. PLEASE PLEASE! Don't make me go back there!"

The wolf broke into a long sob.

"It's okay, my dad's okay with this kind of stuff, he knows I'm gay" Said the wolf, "He'll let you stay for sure."

he wolf looked the husky in the eyes and smiled before kissing him hard on the lips.

John laid his muscular body onto the huskies toned slender body as they locked lips.

Kyle moved his hand onto the wolf's strong, buff chest. He felt through every square inch of the wolf's torso, carefully circling the nipples ever so slowly.

The husky lowered himself down to the wolf's already hard slab of meat.

A flash of white light spurred open and slited the image.

John sprang up, sweat beading down his fur, tears rolling down his face.

The wolf sat in his room and sobbed himself back into sleep, missing the husky could drive the wolf over the edge. He couldn't stand his father's bastardly beliefs, he dreamt of breaking out every night, but he was too scared to do it.

The wolf cried his heart out as he lay shivering on the wooden floor.

Kyle grabbed his bag on his way out the door, he was thinking. He was thinking about John, praying that he would show up at school that day.

Kyle walked out into the street, the wind whipping through his hair, a shiver tore down his spine as he walked along the road, east, towards his school. The husky's features showed very nicely in the early morning sun, the wind making his fur press back, exposing his toned body.

He reached the front steps and trudged to the top before opening the door and entering his school. The hallways were already filled with furs conjuring up the daily gossip. As he walked through the second set of doors he could feel the warm air of the hallways rush against him in a small gust.

John was supposed to be in first period with him today, he wasn't there.

The husky sighed and frowned as he entered the classroom, not sure if he could handle another week of this kind of grief.

One of his friends, Sam, came up and sat next to him, looking him over with a peculiar look of confusion on his face. Sam was a rabbit, a rabbit Kyle had known since he was a kid. The rabbit had similar highlights along his body fur, except instead of green the snow bunny's fur was died a light blue color. The fur stuck tightly to the rabbit's torso. Sam wasn't as toned as Kyle was but he had contours around his legs, which flexed every time he took a step. The rabbit was also in the school's drum line, except instead of playing snare, the bunny played tenors, which was probably why his neck was always tensed and flexing. This being of course because the tenors, which are drums (like the snare) that are carried through use of a harness, except instead of just one drum, it had several differently toned drums on it, making it much heavier.

"What's wrong Kyle?" queried the rabbit, his nose lightly twitching after he finished speaking.

"Oh, it's uh, n-nothing Sam..." replied the husky, in a very monotone voice, his ears pressed to the back of his head as he spoke.

"Now come on" the rabbit's nose scrunching while he spoke "I've know you for what? Seven years now and I know when you're feeling down."

The husky pondered for words but was interrupted by the sound of the bell, signaling the beginning of first period.

The rabbit looked over at him curiously, deciding that he'd pursue the issue at a later time. In the meantime, the rabbit let his mind wander away from the teacher's boring lecture, but during this he let his eyes wander somewhere else as well. He began looking over to the toned husky sitting next to him.

He nearly slapped himself back into reality; he shook his head a little, thinking about what he'd just done.

'What the hell?' he thought 'Why was I just checking out my best friend?'

He attempted to shake the thought off, but it was just to strong, he couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day. He finally decided he'd talk to Kyle later that day right after school.

The school day proceeded on through its usual boring routine, then finally the final bell rang and the treacherous day called Monday was over.

The Husky slowly made his way out the door, not sure of what to do, although homework really wasn't a factor because he got it all done in a study hall he had at the end of the day. He looked over his shoulder and saw the blue rabbit sprinting up beside him.

Sam looked at him awkwardly and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hey there!" he finally spit out "Feeling better?"

"Not so much" replied the husky while drooping his head.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong dude?!" exclaimed the rabbit, his ears perking out to the sides.

The husky sighed and answered "Fine" the rabbit brought a smile back to his face but the husky intervened, "On one condition though, I'll tell you at my house only and you can't tell anyone about it, okay?"

The blue bunny simply nodded and asked, "Can I come now?"

Kyle nodded and the two set off on their way to his house.

The wind continued to blow as it did that morning except it somehow felt warmer than before. Sam occasionally looked over at the husky with a smile before he jerked his head back forward as he saw the husky looking back at him curiously.

They finally reached his house and entered, Kyle found a note on the fridge reading, 'Be gone for week, big business trip, money in back account. Love, mom.' Kyle sighed and shrugged it off before he grabbed Sam's backpack from him and set it along with his own on the floor by the fridge.

The two walked into the living room and sat on the couch, an awkward silence rising up. Kyle decided to break the silence. "So.." he started "What is it you wanted to talk about again?" said the husky with a sigh. "I want to know why you've been so down this past week." Chuckled the rabbit.

The husky looked down at the floor and looked like he was about to break down crying. Sam saw that this must be really serious so he place his arm around Kyle's shoulders and said "If you talk about it, It'll make you feel better" "Ok" replied the husky.

So Kyle went through the whole events of the last week, the meeting, the sex, and the fact that John hadn't been in school the past week and his cell service was gone so he couldn't contact him in any way. The rabbit almost let a smile out when he finally figured out that Kyle was gay, but he sustained it.

Sam grabbed Kyle around his waist and pulled him into a tight hug and the husky nuzzled his chest before Sam pulled him up and brought the husky into a long, passionate kiss. They held each other for the rest of the night, with a more comforting feeling in the air, it seemed things may turn out alright.

But then, a howl of pain pierced the night as a wolf was thrown on the floor, his nose spilling blood into his fur. A larger wolf stood over him with a bat in hand and an evil look on his face.....


Thanks you guys for the advice, I really tried to take it to heart in my writing. If anyone has any more writing advice for me, or any characters you want to see in it please, do not hesitate to tell me!

The character Sam, is based off of a very good friend of mine, and I hope he lives a happy life as he journeys through love.....

This chapter is dedicated to Drafstallion Fluffy, a loyal friend who all of us need to thank, because without him, odds are, I wouldn't be writing this series, and I wouldn't be here as a fur. So thank you, I owe you my life, and I hope one day I'll get to spend some of it with you.