Fathers Day

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This is for my boyfriend, Rokuke. I don't think it's my best work, not for a longshot, but as long as he likes it, I don't care.

The doors to the store opened, the ringing of a bell the only sound in the shop. "Welcome to-Oh, it's you!" The voice cheered up instantly, instead of acting happy, one could tell he truly perked up from the visitor.

The small feline looked around the room, tail flicking fast. "Heyya, is the photo done?" Chance asked, looking up at the older red panda who simply grinned at him. The small feline knew the grin, he had seen it before, and in all honesty, it excited him. He put his hands in his jeans, smiling back at the panda. "Aw comeon now mister Jiang, I gotta get home and get ready for my parents to get home."

"Heh, yeah, sure." The red panda walked away from the counter, going into a backroom, comming back, it was obvious of his bulge. "don't forget that little... favor, you owe me, okay boy?" He pat his bulge, his eyes widening when he felt kitten hands on him.

"I won't mister Jiang, I promise, soon." He giggled and turned around, clutching the photo to his chest. "Okay, bye!" He walked out of the store, with an eager jog. Faters day, how could he forget? It had been yesterday that he was reminded and, thanks to his "uncle" Jiang, he managed to get his gift for his fathers, a picture of his self, with his teeth pullin back his shirt, and his hand pulling his shorts out. Stopping, he got out a sharpie and wrote "To Cody and Rokuke, the best daddies in the world."

"Great, they'll love it." He smiled at the seductive picture. "I just need to give it alil test run.." He giggled and walked home, knowing exactly what he would do.

Cody sat at his desk and rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, I know sir... Well, I just got it. Don't worry.. But sir, I was going to take my husband and son out to dinner.. Yeah.. Well.." He held the phone to his ear, and put one finger to his lips, telling the kitten who had just entered to be quiet.

"Yeah.. Yes sir.. Don't worry, I'll have it returned to you as soon as possible, I'll start as soon as I get home toni-JESUS!" The bear yiped out, as Chance pulled down the bears zipper and fished out his cock, immediately sucking the head into his mouth.

"N-no sir, I just stubbed my toe is all.. Yes sir, I'm alright. Mhmm.. Okay then, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Okay, bye bye then." He hung up and sighed, looking down at his cock sucking son. "Chance, you gotta be more careful. Ah could get in trouble if y'all keep doing that." He said in an over done Texas accent that always made his son giggle. Chance smiled and looked up. "Sorry, just needed you to get off the phone so I could show you this!" He held up the picture and smiled eagerly, his father looking at it with a perverted grin. "Well hell partner, where'd you manage to get this taken at? Uh, you didn't go to a store or anything did you?"

"Nono daddy, I ain't an idiot."

"Ain't ain't a word."

"Whatever, Uncle Jiang helped me make it." Chance said, sitting in his fathers lap. No sooner had he sat that large arms hugged him, the chubby bear sighing and kissing the kitty between the ears.

"Aww, well I got the best son in the world." He chuckled and kissed the feline again, the door to the office opened, and there stood the otter, watching the embrace.

"Would look so much more innocent if your pants weren't down with your cock hanging out." Rokuke said, watchign his husband blush. Chance squirmed in his arms before being let go, running over to his other father and waving the picture. "Calm down little kitty, lemme see.. Aww, you're so cu-"

"You say that word and I'll rip out your soul." Chance said, both adults wide eyed and staring at him. "I am not cute."

The two grin and picked the feline up, hugging him. "Well, you might not think so, but we think you're cute."

"I will kill you both! I will rip out your heart and feed it to-Mmph!" He closed his eyes and blushed. "Thought you'd never shut up." Rokuke teased as he sunk more of his otter cock into the felines mouth. Behind him Cody reached into his desk to pull out a small tube of lube, applying it to his fingers. "I'm starting to see why you keep a bottle in every room," the bear said, looking at the almost empty tube, before spreading it on his fingers.

Pressing it between Chance's rear, he touched at the anal ring, chance gasping and letting go of the otters cock. "Ah! Cold cold cold cold cold! Why is it always so cold!"

"Because you're so hot, it naturally feels cold." Rokuke said, the small felines tail raised as the bears fingers pushed in, getting an excited mew from the kitten. "Mmm.. I love this." Rokuke said, looking at his son and husband working to loosen Chance up.

"Haha.. Well, I'll let you get the first go, then later, when we get home from dinner, I want a chance at it, okay?" The bear said, sinking two fingers into the kitten who mewed and moaned around him. "Horny little beast. Came in here while I was one the phone and-"

"Oh I know." Rokuke said, getting him a look from his mate. "What, I've been trying to cut the phone bill, and you were just in here blabbing away."

"It was work related." Cody smiled and sighed, putting the feline on his tummy, with tail up, legs hanging off the desk, and butt cheeks being held open by two paws. "He's all yours."

The otter grinned, getting some of the lube and pouring it on his cock, he got into position over the feline, with his hands on the felines hips, he started to press, eventually his cock head penetrated the tight, yet frequently used, anus.

Chance mewed as he was used, feeling his father move inside of him. In his blind lust, he was brought back to reality by the feeling of Cody's cock pressed against his lips. the feline wrapped his lips around the head, suckling like it was a new borns bottle.

"Oh.. Damn, we are the luckiest parents in the whole world." Cody said, ruffling the felines headfur, getting a proud murr that made him moan. The best thing about cats, they gave the best head when they purred. "Oh.. Yeah.. Chance..." He closed his eyes and relaxed for the kitten, who let his self be played with by both his parents.

The feline didn't go without pleasure, his cock now hard from his prostate being rubbed, Rokuke began to rub at the kitty cock, gettign moans, which became stronger purrs, which became more for his husband. As he stroked, it made Chance tighten his grip on the otters member, making the sex all the better for the three.

The smell of sex caked the room (Something it did often with the horny family) and before long the three gave out their individual cries of orgasm, the first one to go was Chance, who's orgasm made his anal walls clench onto the otters cock, ramming as deep as he could, spilled his seed inside the feline, who's excited purrs sent the bear over the edge, and came inside of the cats mouth.

The three huffed, finally coming down. Rokuke pulled his member out of the grip the felines rear held. The bear pulled his member out of the kittens muzzle, and the three hugged, sitting on the floor.

"Happy birthday dad, happy birthday daddy." Chance said, getting him kisses on his cheeks. Slowly, they stood. Rokuke lifted Chance into his arms, taking him to the restroom so he could get cleaned up. "You gonna join us?" Rokuke asked, Cody nodding.

"Yeah, of course. Just give me a sec." He smiled and looked to the desk,there the picture laid. He picked it up and smiled softly. Chance's first steps, his first bike, his first lost tooth. They may not be his biological parents, but they were his parents, the best parents the child could ask for. He looked around the room one last time, frames filled with pictures, from Chance's first day of school the newborn being held by his parents the day he was born, the cake on his seventh Birthday. All those memories. They were there for all of them.

And in that moment, Cody couldn't be prouder.

"Daddy, you coming!?" Came a voice that brought tears to Cody's eyes. "Yeah, hold on." He flicked off the lights and closed the door, leaving the room empty.

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