The Ad

Story by x_panther on SoFurry

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#1 of The Ad

Allright, another story that i've been kicking around recently. thanks doggeh for seeding this idea... you know who you are! this story doesn't have yiff in it, but it is setting up for quite an adventure for the young panther. Read this, then read on. I will post the second installment once i write it!

The Ad Part 1

"Just how many afternoons can I spend playing video games?!" a rather frustrated voice echoed through an empty house closely fallowed by the crunch of a plastic controller bouncing off the false mahogany hard wood floors. "I'd rather spend the day with my stepfather..." mumbled the young voice, followed by the annoyed growl. His blue eyes scanned across the shelves of photographs and memorabilia of just a few years ago. He caught a glimpse of his own shirtless reflection in one of the frame photographs sitting on his dresser, he always hated his coloring; a curse from his family bloodline, a deep rich purple. Young as he might be, his frustrations with his color had always caused him to get into fights in school, but he longed for the days of something to do; even if it was school work.

Taking a step or two closer to the dresser, he picked up the framed photo and sighed deeply, "I miss you dad," his voice almost cracking as he smiled at the inanimate smile of his father in the photograph; the big, broad shouldered male smiling and shirtless holding up one hell of a salmon. The young feline shivered a little as he remembered how his father had hugged him last; the memory was still fresh and made him smile every time he thought of it. "Just to have one more hug, daddy..." he sighed as he pulled the photo graph to his chest, just longing for those burly arms around him again; to feel the strength of the stolen Forestry Preservationist father again.

It had only been two years since the ice storm that claimed his father and almost took his mother. They had all gone to the Forestry Departments cabin in the mountains for winter break just to have a little family time together and even do a little cross-country skiing. It had been great fun, the young panther disappearing into snowdrifts every time he decided to take a new path, or watching his mother flub a downhill run and fall on her face. It had been great fun; but alas, his father didn't count on the rain freezing along the lower edge of the mountain range.

"Xander, now stay here. We will be back in just an hour, okey Kiddo?" the heavy bass voice called to the twelve year old panther in the doorway. "Remember, to keep the door locked."

Xander felt strange... like he was missing something and quickly darted out across the snow tackling his father from behind, "Love you, daddy." The much larger male rolled on the snow, laughing as his jacked caked with his son and snow, "You too, Kidd," the burly male said as he wrapped his arms around his sons back.

He spend three days alone in the cabin, three whole days of wondering and crying to himself in the cold darkness of isolation, wondering and praying that someone would come back for him. He even cursed his fathers name as he felt betrayed for being left behind. On the fourth day, he had eaten the last can of tuna and was considering starting on the stock of cat food; it made his stomach turn over. But the rapping at the door distracted him. He rushed to the door and flung it open to be greeted with red and blue strobing lights and a Doberman in a state police uniform, "Hey, there. I'm Officer Brad Tamlar. Are you Xander Kline?"

Xander's ears flicked as he tried to stifle the tears again. He hated remembering that night. He wished he could forget everything after that last hug in the snow. He growled a little and sat the photo back on the dresser. "Enough tears," he said as he wiped his blue eys with the back of his paw, "now lets see if I can't find something to do." Xander pulled open the dresser and tugged a white t-shirt out.

He sighed and held it up, "I'm going to be fifteen next month and I still fit shop for clothes in the kids section." Grumbling to himself and turned to look at the bright blue light emanating from the screen now that game system had timed out. "Perhaps I should go to the mall and be bored there," he tilted his head back and pulled the white shirt on over his head the shirt fitting him perfectly over his thin and still undeveloped frame. He smoothed the material down to his torso as he flick his tail stiffly at the off button on the TV, then turned to the full length mirror doors on his closet.

"Damn you, mother, and your female genes!" he said pumping his fist at his reflection; one of the reasons why he was always in trouble at school was for defending his manhood. Always being called Princess or Fag had an attendance to set him off. He really didn't care what others thought of him and his purple fur, he just wanted a little respect.

He stepped closer to the mirror and turned his muzzle to the side, pushing his rather long bangs back out of his face to check for any thing unusual; he was fare more narcissistic that he would admit to himself. He smiled and nodded as he rubbed his paw across the top of his body length headfur and tugged his bangs back out to so they would stand back up, "There. Now to find the news paper. There has to be some sales going on."

His digigrade feet made it impossible to ware shoes, but why would he want to? He loved being barefoot, even though it made his footpads like sand paper; but they were feet he never felt them. He pushed his door open and wandered out into the hallway, sliding his paw along the banister as his mind wanders aimlessly. Stopping at the top of the stairs, he checked his back pocket for his wallet; smiling and thinking, 'For once I didn't forget it." He said as he tugged the back of his pants back up, just the weight of the wallet made them sag a little; a fashion he found annoying at best.

His cheerful nature was coming back now that he had the prospect of doing something even if he would have to walk to the mall. It was only a mile or so, in 100 degree Fahrenheit temperatures. He jumped down the last three steps and used the bowling ball sized banister cap to swing his feet around so he was standing at the front door. He smirked as he heard the railing creek as it wobbled back into place, "I'm getting to old for that," he giggled.

Taking his time, he wandered into the living room and leaned over the back of the couch looking on the coffee-table, "Where's that news paper..." he mumbled as he rolled over the couch and stepped around the coffee table. One thing was for sure, he was light on his feet, a by force dance class in fifth grade made sure of that. He fluttered the stacks of paper next to the recliner and still found no newspaper or weekend ads.

Starting to get a little aggravated, he wandered into the kitchen as he scratched the back of his head. "If I was a news paper where would I be?" He blinked a little as he looked up at the dining room table, a single coffee mug along with a small white plate littered with crumbs and a spot of blackberry jelly and, by gods, a newspaper, folded neatly.

He grinned at his stepfathers annoying habit of making things look the way they came, which included the table. He shook his head and thumped his long tail against the side of the trash can as he wandered to the fridge. Pulling the door open he heard the clatter and clank of condiment bottles bouncing around with the soda can he was hiding in the butter draw. "Come to Xander," he grinned as he pulled the can of his favorite energy drink with a big black and gold star across the front of it. He smirked and eyed the 'for adults only' label. It didn't contain any alcohol, and tasted so good he had no idea why it was labeled such. Even the ingredients didn't seem to have any thing out of the ordinary in it accept for this short word he never could pronounce, sildenafil, or something like that. He pulled the sticker type tab off the top and wandered past the counter as the fridge door slammed shut, his tail thumping the cabinet as he wandered past on his way to the table.

Pushing the plate and mug further on the table, he plopped down on the chair and took a good swig of the fizzing grape flavored drink. He loved how it ticked his whiskers, his mother being a bit of a health nut, he never did get soda unless he 'borrowed' change for the machines at school or got it on his way home.

He wiggled his nose a little as he sat the can down on the tabletop and went about shuffling through the news paper for the local ads. He smirked as he pulled the pile of ads out of the day old Sunday paper, the poor dead tree that had to become the weekly ads would have been so annoyed to have pictures of Vixen dolls splattered across it, or at least that what ran through his mind.

The panther flipped through the ads until he found both the local sales ad as well as the phonebook thick sales for the Spades Town Mall. He knew exactly where in the stack of paper. He ran a sharpened claw along the purple seam of the book and flipped it open to BadAss Clothing store. It was the only store in the entire place, well one of the two, that had clothes his size but where more his style; gothic in style or something cheeky.

He scanned the page, looking for something that would catch his eye, he giggled lightly as he spotted a shirt with YIFF! across the front of it. Turning the page he blinked as he grinned, "Well, hello there sexy thing." His grin brightened a little more as he dragged his claws across the flexing male hyena bare chested and modeling a pair of Levi 501's.

As much as he hated to admit it, he did secretly sneak around on the internet in search of nude or near nude photographs of males and females alike, but the filters on the computer would only allow him mostly to look at underwear models and the occasional site that hadn't been caught by the KidAware software.

He shook his head and grumbled at himself for looking at males, "As if it isn't bad enough I look like a girl." He turned the page quickly as he started to feel that familiar tingle in his lower belly, trying his best to keep from getting stiff. He blinked at the next page and smiled as he found more clothing that he would love to have, tight fitting jeans, studded belts, and other leather implements.

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, flipping it open to pull out the receipt he had and his KASH visa card. "At least they gave me 'Pity' dollars," as he scanned down the receipt to find his surprisingly large balance. He blinked at it, then looked at the card, "That's gotta be a mistake." He reached over to the wall and pulled the corded phone off the hook and dialed the number from the back of the card. Sure enough, the card and the receipt agreed.

He couldn't believe his ears, "Thank you, Brad!" he said pushing the empty coffee mug on the table as he stood up in excitement. "Guess having that 'pud of a police officer for a step-dad' isn't such a bad thing." He sighed and put the card back into his wallet and dropped it back in his back pocket, still grinning with the small goldmine he had discovered. Plopping back down on the chair and smiled as he slid the booklet to the side thinking to himself, 'I have enough to splurge and not worry about sale shopping.' He tilted his head as he spotted the local announcements. He smiled and shrugged, "Eh, why not. Might find something interesting to do." His cheery mood from the exorbitant gift was carrying through as he looked down along the columns of ads and random tidbits, lost and found ads to help wanted and local agencies.

He blinked and flick his ear as he read an ad at the bottom of the list, the add almost so small it would be missed as an ink stain on the paper. "Modeling Opportunity. Eighteen to twenty-one may apply. Minors apply with parental consent form. Call ..." he read to himself. Smiling a little, he picked up the phone again and dialed the number. "This could be fun," he said as the phone rang a few times. "I can forge a parent signature."

"Hello..." a male voice on the other end of the phone answered

"Hello? I was..." Xander was cut off before he could finish his sentence

"...and welcome to the BadAss Modeling agencies recruitment hotline. We are holding open auditions from 4pm to 8pm until Friday. If you are interested, please come to 1516 BlackForge road, Suite 14. Please wear loose clothing as you will be changing repeatedly for your FREE portfolio photos. If you are seventeen or younger, please bring your parent or a signed note saying you have full permission. Good-bye" and the phone clicked off as Xander finished scribbling the address down on the edge of the news paper.

"Alright. I'm going to need some new clothes!"

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The heat was the worst part of the walk. Xander hated the heat that beat down from the sun overhead. If it wasn't the heat over head that was frying him, it was the heat from the blacktop on the road. Xander had made it about half way to the mall and was already starting to break into a sweat, and he just walking; not even walking fast for that matter.

He hated wearing shoes but the sidewalk was simply too hot for him to go without his padsandles on, the steady clop of the sandals on his feet made him think of those horses he had seen on the internet modeling some random pair of underwear. The crossing though made him blush... then sighed heavily, "damn it... stop thinking about those." He shook his head and trudged on... but it was just too hot. He stopped under one of the scrawny trees along the edge of the side walk and tugged his shirt off over his head. The cotton knit material stuck to his fur a little as he tugged up and over his head, moaning a little as the hot breeze hit his fur.

"God's that's better," he panted lightly. His ears caught the sound of a honking horn and a whistle of a passing convertible full of guys, one voice even calling out, "Take it all off, sweetie!" and the car was gone before he could even lift an arm to present a middle finger. It was inevitable though; his thin effeminate frame was going to draw attention, not to mention the twinkle of his violet fur in the summer sun.

His attention quickly turned back to the events on paw. Giggling to himself a little as he remembered the ad. "Well, maybe it's a good thing that guys like me," he thought tucking the shirt into his back pocket opposite his wallet, "After all, if I'm going to be selling clothes, the gotta like how I look in them." His ears twitched a little as he thought about a pair of furtight underwear in one of those group shots with other males. "Again with the males?" he chuckled as he started his walk toward the in sight Spades Town Mall.

The new perspective of being viewed by lots o furs through print made him bounce a little in his step, his padsandles loosing much of their clopclopclop as he walked along lighter. Soon we was standing in airblast distance from the shopping mall doors, the four story tall building making him feel his size again... small. The open door caught his attention as he felt the blast of cold air hit his bare fur, making him smile as a couple of males, paw in paw, walked through the door, the taller red fox glancing at him before quickly turning his gaze. The other fur, a silver furred fox, holding the door long enough for the shorter panther to enter.

"Thanks, big guy," Xander said as he slipped into the building only to hear a male voice behind him reply, then some inaudible giggling as he looked over his shoulder at the red fox having his rump swatted by the silver male.

The purple panther smile as he walked a few feet into the building b fore hearing another voice, a much sturner voice, "Son, you're going to have to put a shirt on if you want to be in the mall," a rather broad shouldered puma growled from his securety podium just a couple yards ahead of him.

"Oh, sorry, sir. I forgot!" he quickly pulled the shirt from his back pocket and tugged it back on, his effeminate frame having to stretch out again to wiggle into the tight material.

"It doesn't make a bit of difference to me, but the town says otherwise," the puma smiled a slightly slanted grin. "It's not like you need to hide any thing any how."

Xanders ears blushed a little as he wiggled his shirt into place, the tight white material clinging to his form; this shirt on or off left almost nothing to the imagination of his build any how. "Thanks... I think," he said as he walked past the security guard, he could almost feel the guards eyes pulling his clothes back off.

A few more steps and the was standing in the main artery of the mall; 500 achres of mall, shops, foods, and retail stores. Oh gods, he could afford retail prices now! But first, he needed something to drink... it was actually a bit of a fight to keep his tongue in is muzzle. He quickly walked into the nearest area of the mall, the food court, where he scanned for the shortest line; which inevitably was the most expensive place in the mall, the FizzyIce Juice Bar.

He dug in his wallet as he walked over to the nearly empty counter and looked up at the list of things to drink. A rather tall female giraffe stood behind the register and smiled, "Alright, what would you like, kitten?"

Xander tiled his head in thought as he read up and down the list, "How about a Nut-butter smoothie with a pawfull of chocolate chips?"

He slide the card through the card reader as it returned with a satisfying 'Accepted' message across the screen; for sure, that single motion made him feel more an adult than anything he could have come up with on the spot. Xanders ears flattened to his head as the much annoying grinding of ice and chocolate chips rang out over the looming voices in the food court. "Here you are, kitten," the giraffe smiled as she slide the drink across the metal counter. "Keep cool, kid."

Xander took a long draw off the straw before taking a step back from the counter, his tail flicked up at the giraffe, which got a giggle, and started on his way to the more shopper heavy area of the mall. Weaving in and out of foot traffic, he walked at a decent pace, looking in all the big glass windows at a rather large tv set, 'Nope. No room for that monster,' he thought as he walked onward. Stopping again, he wandered into one of the larger game stores in the mall.

Finding nothing of interest, he left that vendor and headed down the large hallway again. His feetpaws almost squeaked on the floor as he stopped in front of a big red sign at eye level, 'BadAss Clothing: We can't get in trouble, but you can'. He grinned broadly as he looked up and into the store, blinking as it was nearly deserted nix one attendant.

Xander chuckled a little as he walked past the two open glass doors. The clerk smiled as the door chimed to get his attention, "Well, hello there!"

"Seems a little dead in here today," Xander smiled as he took another heavy sip of the nearly empty foam cup in his paw.

"For once, all the Goths are at the beach getting a little sun," the cheetah scoffed a little as his tall baggy clothed frame shifted behind the counter. "So, you looking for anything unparticular?" the cheetah leaned forward a little, propping himself on the glass counter filled with an assortment of decals and patches.

Xander smiled, "Not really looking for any thing unparticular," he smiled. "Shopping with pity monies."

The cheetah quirked an eyebrow, before standing back up and folding his arms across his thin chest, built much like Xander but almost foot and a half taller, "Hmmmm... well then, clothes or otherwise?"

Xander shrugged as he picked up a t-shirt from the discount pile at the front of the store with the CottonTail logo on the front of it, "Clothes. I have something to go to tomorrow. Need some new clothing for it."

"Gotta look sharp I see. Well wander around and call me if you need any help with any thing, kitten," the clerk smiled as he turned back to a computer next to the register.

Xander smiled as he walked past the sales counter and back into the more interesting and more complete selection of clothing. His eyes glancing past all the female clothing as he passed through the isles. His paws landed on his hips as he looked up at the display wall with several racks of clothes along it. The back wall was concealed around the corner from the register, so he took a step back and looked at the cheetah, which was intently eyeing the computer screen, "Sir?"

"Call me Tan," the clerk said as he looked up from the monitor, "what's up?"

Xander smirked as he flicked his tail, "Your clothes. I can't reach that high."

The cheetah hopped, not walked around, hopped over the counter with a rather graceful landing and walked around the racks and display counters in the store, "Which one are you looking for?"

Xander looked up at the top rack, "That one up there," he said as he pointed to the white tshirt with the big burry YIFF! across the front of it.

The cheetah picked up a hanger-helper from the nearby rack and smiled, "oh sure, you just wanted my help," Tan said as he lifted the hanger off the rack ten feet up and brought it down to Xanders height.

"I didn't see that there," Xander smiled a little as he plucked the hanger from the rack.

"So what's the big occasion you have to get dressed for?" the cheetah said as he laid the hanger-helper back against the wall as he took a step back to see the front of the store again.

Xander's ears splayed out the sides a little as he bit his lip in thought... "I uh..." 'Be honest...' he thought... "I'm going to try out for the BadAss catalogue." Xander said without turning around.

Almost instantly the cheetahs muzzle grew into a bright grin, but then quickly recomposed himself, "well then, you are going to need a lot more than just a shirt."

Xander looked over his shoulder as his purple bangs fell in front of his ice-blue eyes, "I wouldn't suppose you know what to wear, would you?"

Tan smiled, "Well, for one, I know that they put 'Dress in loose' in the ad so that they can weed out the slop right off the bat. In your case, I think the more you struggle to put it on, the better its going to look."

The violet felines ears splayed out again as he smiled lightly, "really?" Tan nodded in response. "Well then... uh.. what would you recommend?"

Tan didn't even waist a second as he stepped back into the racks of clothes,, fishing out different pairs of pants and other types of clothes before basically dropping them on Xander, "Here ya go, try these pants on with this belt and that t-shirt."

Xander tilted his head a little then nodded, looking at the black leather pants and the square-studded belt, "Alright," he said as he huffed and dropped the clothing onto the bench next to the draw curtained changing stall. Xander blushed a little as he heard someone else wander into the store and trade a few quite words with the clerk while he tugged off his own clothes, standing in only his boxers. He lifted the leather pants up, which felt quite smooth to the touch and stepped one leg at a time into them before slowly pulling them up, the material stretching around his legs a little but loose enough below the knees. The tightness made him smile a little as he wiggled his paws down into the pantleg to straighten out his boxers.. Zipping the fly, then threading the belt through the loops he looked up at his reflection in the mirror and smiled, "Now that's not bad." He grinned to himself as he turned to the side and stood up on his toepads, his rump jutting out under his tail just enough to add to the effeminate curve to his thighs, though his boxers disrupted the smooth line. He pulled on the t-shirt and tucked it into his waistband and pulled back the curtain and stepped out into the store again. Tan was almost standing on top of him.

"So what do ya think, kid?"

Xander blushed brightly, "I like it. Though my boxers keep getting all bunched up." He took a step back and walked down to the end of the isle before walking back, choosing his steps wisely, swaying his tail back and forth.

"Ahh... well for one thing," the cheetah smiled, "you can't wear conventional underwear with leather pants. Almost all of them will wad or ball up on you."

Xander tilted his head a little as Tan picked up a small blister pack and tossed it at him, "What's this?" as he looked at the package a little closer, then practically turned pink under his fur.

"It's a thong, kitten. It should fit you." The cheetahs feline grin curling his lips again as he stepped back into the view of the front of the store again. "well go try them on, it will help I promise."

Xander blushed brightly as he backed in to the changing stall again. His internal excitement charging up again as he quickly unbuckled the pants and wiggled out of them, practically ripping his boxers off with them. He had always wanted to try on a thong, like hell he was going to pass up this chance! He stepped out of the pants and snapped open the blister pack with reckless regard. Picking the delicate and nearly non existent sheer Lycia material out of the pack he held them up to the light. They where quite sheer and made for males. He shivered again and stepped into the small garment and snugged it up around his hips, and carefully threaded his tail through the hole in the back. The black material clung to him like a second fur, and the retaining strap between his pert purple cheeks felt oh so sexy. He closed his eyes tightly before he could look at himself any more and yanked the pants back on and buckled them, his sheath stirring a little against the soft material covered by tight leather.

He took a long breath and looked at his reflection again, the elusion of wearing nothing under the pants; rounded the curve of his thighs and he smiled, "I think I'm in love" He pulled the curtain back and stepped out into the store again, Tan standing in the same place he was before

"Now that's better," the clerk smiled at the purple feline posing with his paws on his hips, "I'm going to cut you a break, kitten. I'm not suppose to sell those to any one under the age of 18. but," the cheetah smiled, "you can keep the pair your wearing if you let me watch you change back into your street clothes, and I'll let you get as many pair as you want." He winked.

Xander's jaw just about fell on the floor as he internally screamed in joy, finally out of those dumb frumpy unsupportive boxers and boxer-briefs!. "Deal!" he said without taking a second thought about it, stepping back into the changing stall and leaving it open. Xander turned to face the mirror as he smiled at his reflection, remembering that short video he saw of that thickly muscled male hyena removing his clothes for a camera carrying director. He crossed his paws across his torso and curled his paws around the lower edge of his new t-shirt and slowly tugged the material up wards, the tight fitting shirt pealing over his dark purple fur as he purrpurred softly, letting the soft tone of his effeminate frame carry up his body as the shirt slid over his head. He tossed the shirt up onto the crossbar of the changing stall. He briefly looked back up at the cheetah which was practically drooling, one ear focused to the front of the store.

Xander smirked at the expression on the cheetahs muzzle as he turned away from the cheetah, slowly unbuckling the belt and sliding the zipper of his pants down. He slowly pealed the leather down over his thighs as his rump was reluctant to let go of the material. He wiggled his hips back and forth as the material slid down over his black split rump, flicking his tail up and free from the waistband of the pants. Xaners ears flattened a little to the sound of a small whimper coming from the cheetah in the store.

Xander grinned as he looked over his shoulder to the clerk, "You like?" The cheetah didn't respond directly, only rubbed the rather large bulge in his own jeans. Xander smirked a little more as he stepped out of the leather pants and picked them up, hanging them over the rail of the changing stall, turning almost in slow motion as the sheer thong left nothing to the imagination, the godly like bulge pushing and distorting the material almost transparent. The cheetah's jaw actually hung loose as his eyes sucked up the bulging curve of the purple felines junk, "Oh, my gods..." and turned away quickly, "i...I think that's enough of a look for now." The cheetah visually panting. "get dressed and bring your selections to the counter."

Tan quickly stepped around the racks and back to the front of the store, Xander couldn't help but grin. He knew he was big, but this was the first time that someone actually shyed away because of his size not because they where caught looking. Xander shrugged and pulled the curtain closed as he stepped back into his clothes that he had warn in to the mall and gently folded the clothes as he took the time to look at the price tags; not that it really mattered, he knew he could afford just about any thing at this point. Doing some addition in his head, the one outfit wouldn't even dent the sum balance of his Pitty Cash.

He pulled back the curtain again as he stepped back into his sandals and padded around the store selecting other garments and other clothes as he took his time. Though he didn't see much of the cheetah again, accept when he was further into the front of the store. Xander wandered up toe the counter and plopped down the pile of clothes, "Any thing else for you today kitt... I mean big guy?" Tan smirked.

"Big guy, huh?" Xander smirked, "I like the sound of that," then tilted his head in thought. "actually, yes there is..." he trailed off as he darted back into the racks where he had seen the women's clothing and selected a pair of DaizyDukes that looked like they would fit, size one and also picked up a blister pack from the rack of thongs with a bright neon pink thong and collar combo pack before bounding up to the counter again, where Tan was in the process of bagging up the already scanned clothing.

"A fine selection for such a feline like yourself," tan smiled and scanned the last two items and slid them into one of the three bags. "Alright, big guy. Cash, check, or charge?"

Xander reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet as if it was a magic wand. He flipped it open with the grace of a police detective and pulled the KASH card into view, "Charge, my good man."

The cheetah blinked, "You have ID for that?" the cheetahs demeanor changing a little.

"Yep," and dug into his walled producing his state ID card. The cheetah examined the card then the ID.

"You sure this isn't your dads card?" Tan asked with a smile.

Xander smirked a little, "Yep, this is my Pitty Monies for the summer."

Tan shrugged and smiled, "well alright then" and swiped the card through the machine which beeped and produced a receipt. "Sign here," the cheetah smiled sliding the recipt and a pin on the counter to the purple feline.

Xander quickly picked the pin up and scrolled his signature across the line on the bottom of the receipt, "Alright, now you got my autograph for when I'm famous!"

Tan chuckled and shook his head as he slid the receipt into the register which kicked out another slip of paper, "I'll treasure it for all time." Tan smirked a little and dropped the slip into the bag with a rather wide grin across his face, "I put a special little gift in the bottom of this bag for you," tan said poking the smaller blue bag with the red BadAss logo on the front of it. "Don't open it until you are at home and in private."

"Oh? What is it?" Xander smiled and leans forward on the counter a little.

Tan leaned foreword and brushed his muzzle against the round purple feline ear and grinned, whispering softly into that rounded ear, "You'll have to wait until you get home to find out, kitten."

Xander blushed a little as he took the handles of the three bags and headed for the door, "Thanks, Tan!" he shouted back into the store before wandering down the hallway with a smile from ear to ear.

Tan let out a heavy sigh once he saw the purple feline was gone. He quickly turned back to the computer and clicked a few icons on the desktop, photos captured from the high res security cameras of the front of the changing rooms. "Gods, you're a gorgeous kitten," he sighed softly and minimized the window as he picked up his cell phone and dialed a number... the receiving line rang....and rang.. and clicked, Tan poked the two on the phone which quickly rang again with a voice behind it. A gruff an deep voice talking through the tinny phone speaker, "Gaime? Hi, its Tan.. I got a live one for you... Violet Panther, blue eyes... oh, I'd say five and a half... age? I'm not sure.. here." Tan turned back to his computer and poked the screen in a few places as an email zipped off to the baritone voice. The cell was quiet for a moment, "I'd assume he was 16 at the most... gift? Oh, I gave him the Lil'Rider. Trust me as hung as he is, he better be able to take that toy... oh. Alright... I'll send you his information. Alright, talk to you soon, hun. Bubye." Tan pulled the phone back from his ear and grinned broadly, "Only if he knew..." the cheetah grinned behind the counter and rubbed his paws together silently as another customer walked in through the front door.

To be continued...

Has this little feline bitten off more than he can chew? What kind of modeling will Xander be doing for BadAss Clothing? Who is Gaime? Stay tuned and we find out together!

Returning Part One

I'm going to be honest right off the bat. This was writtein way back when I was still in highschool Literally it was almost 10 years ago and yes I hate the fact that I can say that! Up until now there has only been a few furs to read this and each one...

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