Valewood Eyrie Communiques, a POSC crossover with Zmeydros.

Merv degriff, valewood eyrie comm relay and security.

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The Last Tale- Chapter One

Gathering them up into her mostly useless right claw, she limped her way out of her eyrie.

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Ride the Storm

The floor was splattered with his cum, cracks of thunder issuing in the eyrie and outside as a storm began to brew anew.

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Confederacy of the Red Nebula

Avians refuse; battle above eyrie begins 576 pc eyrie taken by grunikan empire 577 pc escaped avian diplomat travels to laparia and is given sanctuary. laparian government contacts athena ii for assistance.

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Neopian Takeover

The eyrie, named kelvrin said, forgetting his wings are useless until a spell is lifted. "get some rest then.

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How To Breed Your Carrier

He'd taken to pacing, and every time his clicking talons brought him near the edge of their eyrie one or two would surge to their feet, ready to bolt and take to the air.

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A gryphon's tale

She scrambled back into the eyrie and huffed softly, waiting a full ten minutes before going downstairs and then into the catacomb of the castles passages.

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Velo and Friends-Velo 1: Vacation Assignment

All of the stories that are first for each of the characters are just introductions so there will be intermisions to describe the character or some of the character's suroundings. As I've said before I like chatting to people so look for me on Yiffchat...

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The Ad

Allright, another story that i've been kicking around recently. thanks doggeh for seeding this idea... you know who you are! this story doesn't have yiff in it, but it is setting up for quite an adventure for the young panther. Read this, then read on....

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