Cub Services | Chapter 12

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#12 of Cub Services

I apologies for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes, I'm still learning. ^.^

I love comments so please share any and all thoughts in the comments section below.

All characters and ideas are mine and are not to be used without my permission. The views expressed in this story are not necessarily my own, nor should they be construed as anything more than part of the fictional story they are presented in.

Tiny Spoiler: One thing I want to make clear here and now. This is really the first chapter of the actual love story I intended to tell about Mikey and Liz and I'm not going to say much more than this. I am not a fan of building up a character or relationship just to destroy it. Please keep that in mind as the rest of the story unfolds.

Chapter 12

The sun shown brilliantly in the afternoon sky, shimmering and sparkling against thick white tuffs of snow as it moved across a milky blue sky filled with thin finger-like clouds that sent tendrils of shadow crawling across a mountain landscape speckled with green pine trees on either side of the wet black canyon road Liz Moreau traveled down.

The red furred vixen piloted the silver car with a practiced ease as she traveled through the familiar snowy roads that lead out of the canyon on her way back to the small town she'd grown up in. Liz's heartbeat thumped excitedly in her chest as she sped towards her mom's home, ready to spend the weekend with her family, both old and new.

As she drove, the whir of wet tires on pavement buzzed in quiet time with soft music playing in the background and the steady snoring of the sleeping wolf club sprawled across her lap and the passenger seat. Liz combed her delicate red furred fingers into the thick black curls on her 11 year old cubs head as he slept.

Mikey lay stretched across the tan armrest and parking break to her right with his head nestled in her lap and his bottom still in the passenger seat next to hers. His silver white furred arm dangled limply between her knees and frequently got tangled up with the black skirt Liz was wearing.

His precariously twisted position left his wet black nose only inches from the steering wheel and stretched his seatbelt tightly across his thin chest, pulling the black t-shirt up his little body and bunching it against his armpit, exposing the clean silver white fur of his stomach.

Liz tried not to think about the danger she was putting Mikey in by letting him stretch across the seat to lie in her lap as she drove. If she got in a car crash he was not properly restrained and that thought put a nervous twitch in the pit of her stomach.

With every twinge Liz thought about waking Mikey and telling him to sit properly in the seat and if she was honest, his 3'7" form probably still needed a booster seat as well, but what if her request hurt his feelings? Liz swallowed and her stomach dropped to her toes as she imagined his smiling muzzle as it morphed to one of pain and hurt like it had earlier in the morning when she'd mistakenly tried to send him away while she used the bathroom. There was just no way to get him sitting safely, while still allowing him the closeness that he so desperately needed.

Sighing, Liz pushed the thought from her head and took a deep breath to steady her nerves as she deftly ran her fingers along Mikey's neck, combing her nails through the silky fur as she tried to take her mind of her predicament. Mikey murred in his sleep as Liz scratched his neck, putting a wide smile on Liz's muzzle and filling her chest with a bright hot warmth that made her smile with unbridled joy.

Liz's paw continued to gingerly scratch at Mikey's neck as she turned her attention to the road and an approaching traffic intersection that hadn't been there the last time she'd visited her mom. The whirring sound of the tires faded as Liz pressed the brake, slowing the car as it came to the intersection and slowly returned to speed as the light switched to green, allowing her to cross into the town.

The sprawling construction zones that lined the sides of the main road into town shocked Liz to her core and she marveled at the shopping mall that had been built just north of the intersection. The last time she'd been in town the whole area had been one big field, and the buildings she'd marveled at last year during her visit now had a worn lived in feel to them.

Liz shook her head and stared in open maw'd wonder as she crossed another new intersection and began watching the growing town pass her car window. Even with the cold winter wind, furs crowded the sidewalks and cars with frosted windows and thick clouds of smoke trailing from there tailpipes lining the streets in front of the tightly built rows of buildings.

It took Liz a full minute to recognize the part of town that had been there when she was a cub but eventually she began to pick out the old buildings from the new ones. Dillon's market and The Blue Bird inn were two buildings in particular, they had been at the edge of town when she'd been growing up and as she drove by them Liz could almost see the invisible line between the old buildings with the old-timey neon signs, and the new larger buildings with the brightly painted window displays and clean new metal sign.

As the booming town center passed Liz's window a strange sense of uncertainty settled over her breast. Was her home still her home? A large number of the places she'd grown up with were either completely different, or all together gone. In the last year it seemed thatMain St.had morphed from a quaint little town to the beginnings of a bustling city.

The unsettled discomfort felt like a blanket lying across Liz's chest and as she turned off ofMain Stand into the neighborhood she'd grown up in, she felt some small amount of relief push back at the layer of anxiety. The old well taken care of homes seemed to be exactly as she'd left them, down to the snow laden trees and the freshly scraped crumbling cement sidewalks that lined either side of the little two lane road.

The large ditch in front of the MacMillen's house that she'd crashed her car into as a teen fur was just as it always had been and as she drove by, Liz was sure she could still see the tire tracks that her Dad's pickup had left when he'd towed her out, even though that had been more than 8 years ago. The Brankins house with its rusty iron fence and crumbling walkway, and the Hansen's house with the massive tree in the front yard all looked just like they had when she'd left for college six years ago. It was like the neighborhood was frozen in time, and Liz felt a soothing sense of satisfaction spread over the discomfort as she realized her home was still her home.

With each passing house Liz could remember an event that had happened there during her cubhood and as she moved further and further from the growing city center she began imagining Mikey running through the streets, laughing and playing with the other cubs. She could teach him to make old wooden boats out of blocks of wood to float down the wide ditch, and get him a BB gun and teach him to shoot cans and glass bottles he found on the side of the road.

Liz looked down at the content smile on the little wolf cub's muzzle and smiled warmly as love and adoration blossomed through her chest and sent tingles of warmth pulsing through her body. For a brief moment she imagined seeing his beautiful mismatched eyes light up with curiosity as she taught him all the neat little things she'd done as a cub and tried to imagine what creative things he would find to do on his own.

Ideas and plans began to take shape in Liz's mind as her vehicle deftly navigated the neighborhood she'd learned to drive in. She began to wonder if Mikey would prefer to live out here before she remembered his excitement at attendingShadowLakeas soon as possible. After seeing his interest at the idea, Liz put her plans in the back of her mind with a twinge of disappointment. Even though she may dream of a certain life for him, she would rather give him the life he wanted, and she was sure any life he would want, would include attending one of the most prestigious schools in the country.

Before she even realized it Liz was turning onto her cubhood street and then into the freshly shoveled driveway of her mom's house. The massive red brick house Liz had grown up in was just like every other house in the neighborhood, outwardly unchanged by time and unmolested by the harsh winter weather that had blown in overnight.

The dark red brick building was spotted with three stories of windows with black shudders that stood in sharp contrast to the blankets of untouched glimmering white snow that covered the home, the surrounding forest and the large brown barn that stood in the distance behind the home, untouched since her father had passed away.

Liz felt the hot patch on her thigh shift as Mikey's head moved in her lap and as she looked down Mikey's eye lids split open, exposing the brilliant royal blue and bright yellow of his mismatched eyes. A warm smile split Liz's muzzle as Mikey's arms shifted and stretched out over his head, touching the drivers side door as his tail twitched under him and his legs stretched out towards the passenger side door.

"We're here sleepy head." Liz said in a soft soothing voice. She could feel Mikey's heartbeat against the paw that was still burrowed into his neck fur and she smiled with pride as the gentle thumping spiked and then slowed against her finger-pads as she spoke. He blinked a few times, banishing the haze of sleep from his beautiful features as he looked around.

Mikey yawned as wide as he could, stretching his jaw muscles as his legs and arms ached and tingled in protest of his uncomfortable sleeping position. Warmth seemed to radiate from Liz's body as she gently scratched under his chin, sending waves of contentment and joy washing through his little body. Mikey murred softly, enjoying the feeling of her gentle touch against his skin and realized that the tender tingling sensation had not been a dream.

His little body quivered as the cold air from the passenger window chilled his legs through the thick blue Levi's but he felt no need to move until he had to. The urge to be near Liz was a powerful sensation and he was not ready to face it if he didn't have to. Instead Mikey rolled onto his back with his head nestled against Liz's thighs. He looked up at her deep green eyes and clean orange hair as it cascaded over her shoulders, framing her furry red muzzle and beautiful loving smile.

"Lets get your coat on and go inside; you've got to be hungry by now." Liz said. Mikey pushed away at the last thin haze of sleep that filled his mind and as if on queue his stomach rumbled loudly, betraying his hunger and reminding him of how long it had been since he'd eaten last and how quickly he'd become accustomed to being able to eat when he was hungry.

With a nod of agreement Mikey's mind turned to going inside. His heart began to beat faster as he thought about it and his ears and muzzle began to warm as his limbs began to get heavy against his body. He looked pleadingly at Liz as he tried, unsuccessfully, to swallow back the lump in his throat. He'd asked Liz a dozen times if her mom would like him and he was struggling to hold back the memories that gnawed at the back off his mind, reminding him of what it was like to be shy in the first place.

As if Liz was reading his mind she began stroking his cheek with a gentle paw as she spoke. "She's so excited to meet you that she could barely contain herself on the phone, I promise she'll like you." Mikey nodded his head in agreement as he fought back the panic that welled up in his chest and sat up with a sudden burst of determination.

His black and blue winter coat lay in a pile in the back seat of the car and he unbuckled his seatbelt with a click before standing on his knees to climb back between the seats to get it and Liz's long thick black trench coat. With a quick tug he pulled both coats over the armrest between the seats and handed the collar of Liz's coat to her.

Mikey's heartbeat began booming in his chest as he slowly pushed his arms through his own coat and pulled it around his shoulders. His breathing came in quick gasps as Liz turned off the car and undid her own seatbelt and when Liz opened the car door Mikey's ears folded back as a sudden spike off nervousness washed through his body. He lurched forward to get one final hug from Liz, clinging to her as he clenched his eyes closed to keep the nervous tears away, before opening his own car door and hopping out.

The icy wind bit through Mikey's clothing like a hot knife through butter, sending a chill up his spine and causing his teeth to chatter, even as he pulled the new thick winter coat tightly across his thin chest. A strong uncomfortable tug shot through Mikey's chest, causing him to run quickly around the car to find Liz standing with a warm comforting smile on the other side. She seemed unaffected by the cold but her long black coat was buttoned tightly across her front, hiding the black skirt and deep blue shirt that were her only pieces of clothing. Mikey stepped up close to her and rested his head on her hip as his paw found hers and gave it a nervous squeeze.

Liz smiled reassuring down at Mikey as she squeezed his paw back and began walking slowly towards the wide cobblestone path that lead up to a massive white stone deck. Intricately formed metal scroll work railings ran the length of the house and wrapping around the far side of the structure and massive red pillars split the railing into four equal pieces and held up the white wooden awning that covered the porch and protected it from the weather, as well as keeping the sun out of the large bay windows that looked out onto the patio.

Mikey stared in awe at the massive home as his shoed footpads crunched through the salt strewn walkway. The house was bigger than any thing he'd ever been in and the sheer size of it surprised him so much that, for a brief moment, he forgot about his anxiety in meeting Liz's mom.

Linda grabbed the egg timer off the counter as she bustled quickly through the immaculately clean kitchen, dropping the last few baking items into the first shelf on the open dishwasher with one paw as she grabbed a pair of orange paw-mitts with the other. Her toe nails clicked softly on the deep rich wooden kitchen floor as she moved to open the oven, and a wave of hot dry air washed over her muzzle as the convection oven swung open, filling the room with the aroma of freshly baked white chocolate chip cookies.

With a practiced grace Linda removed the metal cookie sheet and placed it on a rack a few inches above the black and white marble countertop before tossing the oven mitts at its side as her tail caught the oven door with a flick, closing it with a dull metallic bang.

Pointy red ears perked up through graying curly orange hair as the distant sound of car doors closing reverberated through the house. Excitement exploded through the elderly fox's chest as she opened one of the dark oak cabinets to remove two tall glasses from the shelf, putting them on the counter next to a large white plate with fruit painted along the edges. Liz was early, but then she always drove to quickly.

Linda's apron swirled around her legs as she made a final circuit around the large island countertop in her freshly remodeled kitchen, tidying up the remnants of her baking mess as she hummed quietly to herself. When everything was back in its place she removed her apron and hung it on its hook before examining the gray kaki pants and pink button down shirt the apron protected. With a nod of satisfaction, she turned from the crisp clean clothing to the brightly lit hallway that led to the front door.

The brass lock twisted silently against its base as Linda approached the thick oak front door. She could see the silhouette of her daughter through the glazed double pain window that looked out over the front half of the patio. She frowned as she tried to discern the shape of her daughter from that of her new grandcub, but was unable to do so.

In Linda's excitement she didn't wait for Liz to open the door and instead grasped the large brass handle and pushed the lever at the top, unlatching the door and allowing it to swing inwards on silent hinges as her heart pounded loudly in her chest. Her whole body seemed to buzz and tingle with excitement at getting to spend the weekend with her daughter and her new cub.

"Liz!" She cried as the startled young vixen pocketed her keys in the long black trench coat she wore. Linda lurched through the doorway, wrapping her daughter in a tight hug as the icy wind washed over her body, sending a chill up her spine.

"Hi Mom." Liz said as she hooked a paw around her mom's waist and squeezed her tightly. Warm air cascaded out of the doorway and warmed Liz's chilly paws and as soon as her mom let go and stepped back to usher the two furs in Liz moved into the house, happy to get out of the cold and sure that the quivering wolf cub wasn't just nervous, but cold as well.

Linda looked her daughter up and down as the door swung closed behind her, examining everything from her booted footpads to the long orange red hair that hung past her shoulders. As the vixen removed the long black trench coat and hung it on a peg next to the door, she noticed her extremely tight shirt and shorter than normal, black skirt and idly wondered if Liz had a date later.

Just as Linda was about to ask where her new grandcub was, a small wolf nervously pushed his head between Liz's arm and hip. Silver white ears with a deep pink hue poked up through wavy black curls of hair that hung In front of the most stunning pair of heterochromic eyes Linda had ever seen. The dark royal blue and glowing yellow eye both seemed to gleam in the light of the hallway as he looked nervously up at her. Thick glossy silver white fur covered the wolves head everywhere but where a thin splotch of jet black fur ran between his eyes. His short little muzzle twitched as his paw found its way to his maw, allowing him to chew nervously on his fingernail as he examined her.

She broke into a wide grin at how adorable the little the cub was as her heart both swelled to bursting with love and pride and melted with pride and adoration. As if to cement his place in Linda's heart the little wolf let out a tiny surprised yip and pulled his head back slightly as he realized she was looking at him. Liz's arm squeezed against the adorable cub's side as she said "Mom this is Mikey. Mikey this is my mom, Linda." The cubs other silver white paw appeared from under a thick black and blue winter coat sleeve as he waved tentatively at her and said "Hi." In a soft tenor voice.

Mikey looked anxiously from Liz to Linda as his heart thumped wildly in his chest. His paw strayed to his muzzle and he began chewing nervously on one of his fingernails as the warmth of Liz's silky fur on his cheek soothed some of his nervousness. A loud clicking noise reverberated through his head as his teeth slipped off the slick hard nail as he continued to chew on it.

Liz's mom gave him a reassuring smile as Liz said, "Why don't you take your coat off sweaty." He nodded and slipped his arms out from his coat and turned to hang it on a hook, only to find that he was to short by nearly a foot. Liz's paw curled protectively around his back as she took his coat and hung it on the wall.

"Can your grandma have a hug, or is it too soon?" The elderly fox said as she nelt down and spread her arms out to her sides. Mikey looked up at the fox in gray pants and a light pink shirt. To the untrained eye she looked nearly identical to Liz but Mikey easily picked out the soft warm wrinkles that pinched the corners of her faded green eyes under her lighter orange fur and the slightly sagging skin around her neck and arms that distinguished the young fox from the old.

He hooked his arm around Liz's hip as she gave him a reassuring squeeze while simultaneously supporting his weight as his legs began to wobble and his heart began to boom like a drum in his chest. The warm smile and reassuring gaze calmed Mikey's anxiety somewhat but for some reason he still extremely nervous.

Linda took the denial in stride as she watched the cub cling to Liz. His hunched shoulders, pinned ears and shaky legs were all obvious signs of his nervousness and she understood immediately as she remembered some of the things Liz had told her about his past. She glossed over his refusal like the incident never happened.

"I'm sure you both would love a cookie, I've just pulled a fresh batch from the oven." She said in a warm motherly voice. Without a second glance Linda stood and turned, motioning for the two furs to follow her through the hallway and into the kitchen.

As Liz's mom walked away Mikey looked around the massive hallway they stood in. The tall vaulted ceiling seemed to go up for ever and a chandelier hung down on a thick gold chain, illuminating the clean white walls and dark wooden furnishings that lined the hallway.

Mikey felt a gentle nudge against his back as Liz took a small step towards the kitchen and he followed her quickly, not wanting to loose his connection to her. His toenails clicked softly against the hard wood floor and when they entered the kitchen Mikey stared in shock at the massive room, so shocked by the size of the room that he forgot about his anxiety.

The kitchen was lined with dark wooden cupboards, large decorative wreaths and gleaming copper pots and pans, but it was all dwarfed by the aroma of that filled the room and wafted to Mikey's wet black nose. The sweet smell of chocolate, flour and vanilla, made Mikey's mouth water and his stomach growl loudly as he inhaled the rich perfume that filled the air. His tail began to dance excitedly behind him as Linda began scooping black cookies with white dots on them off of a baking sheet, piquing his curiosity as he tried to figure out what kind of cookies they were.

Liz looked around in amusement and she felt Mikey's weight lesson against her thigh as his arm hooked around her waist. Her mom had obviously had the kitchen remodeled again and she idly wondered what part of the house was torn up at the moment. A pang of guilt spread through her chest as she looked at the freshly painted white walls and new marble countertops. Her mom was lonely up here in the massive farm house and since her father passed away she was desperate to stay busy, working tirelessly to keep the house clean and new.

The elderly fox moved over to Mikey as he shook his head, still staring in aw at the room. Dark wooden cupboards and stainless steel appliances seemed to suck in the light and gleam under the bright light that hung from the ceiling fan in the center of the room. "Would you like a cookie Mikey?" the warm caring voice offered as she knelt down and offered a plate stacked high with steaming black and white disks. "It's a special recipe, dark chocolate with white chocolate chips."

Mike looked up at Liz to see if it was ok, waiting for her to nod before reaching out with the paw that he'd been chewing his nails with. He got halfway to the plate before flinching away, unwilling to touch a plate of food others might eat with a paw he'd just had in his muzzle. He picked a medium size cookie with a generous amount of white chips in it and took a small bite. The warm gooey cookie melted in his mouth and he murred with delight as the perfect balance of creamy white chocolate and cookie dough flooded his muzzle with a thick rich flavor that seemed to dissolve into nothing as he chewed.

Linda laughed and smiled widely as the wolf settled against Liz's side, murring with delight as his tail danced wildly behind him. His ears perked back up and a smile seemed to brighten his entire face as he devoured the cookie. The elderly fox heard a low growling rumble as Mikey finished his cookie and recognized the sound of a growling stomach, remembering Liz's warning that the doctor that examined Mikey had said he was mall nourished.

"How about you hold onto this plate for me and I'll get some more cookies for Liz and I." She said with a smile. "And I've got a present for you in the other room." Linda said. Excitement flared in her chest as she turned and quickly scooped up some more cookies from a tray on the counter and put it on a second plate before turning and motioning for the two furs to follow her into the brightly lit sitting room that looked out over the front porch.

Liz had told her not to go out of her way, but after seeing how shy and nervous Mikey was around her she was determined to make a good impression and was glad she'd headed out to go shopping as soon as she'd hung up the phone with her daughter. It was her job as a grandma to spoil her grandcub's and Linda never did a job half way.

Liz blinked back a tear and a cheering warm glow washed through her body as she led Mikey into the large sitting room that had obviously also been remodeled. Light wooded book shelves stacked with every kind of story lined the walls everywhere but against the far wall that was covered by a bay window that looked out over the front yard. Thick squishy beige carpet made a path between the front of the shelves and an intricately woven Persian rug that sat in the middle of the room. On the deep red rug sat a large wooden coffee table with a stack of white plastic bags on its center. Two large white sofas and two large white chairs sat in a semi-circle around the table, looking out towards the bay window, while still being arranged to encourage conversation.

The thin young vixen gently patted her paw against Mikey's chest as she looked at the new clean furniture with surprise on her muzzle. Her mom would never have let her eat anywhere but the kitchen and dinning room as a cub so that she didn't have a mess. "Be very careful of crumbs Mikey." She said as she looked down and saw the cub holding the plate up under his chin as he took a bite of another cookie. Liz made her way over to a large squishy chair and sat down as her Mom began fawning over the bags on the counter.

As her body sunk into the soft squishy fabric Mikey handed her the plate of cookies he had and clambered up into the chair, settling sideways in her lap with his bottom on one side of her hip and his legs on the other side, being careful to turn his hips so his feet still hung off the edge of the chair. Liz rested one paw comfortably in the little cubs lap as she hooked her other arm around his shoulders.

Mikey wiggled his hips, turned his upper body and slid down against the arm rest of the large squishy chair as he leaned his head against Liz's bosom. His body was twisted but his head sunk gently between her large round breasts as the gentle bump of her heart sent a pulsing wave of calming warmth through his body. He let out a sigh, as the anxiety and nervousness began to dissolve, leaving him to look at Linda with new found curiosity as she picked up the first bag and walked over to the two of them.

"I hope you like it." Linda said as she tried not to squeal like a school girl with delight. "Sorry I didn't have time to wrap it." She continued as she gently plopped the heavy bag in the cubs lap.

She'd not had the joy of watching a cub open a present since Liz and Jeff had been little. Liz gently took the plate of cookies from Mikey and handed them to her mom as the motherly vixen gave her a warm smile, mentally thanking her for warning Mikey about crumbs that made her watch anxiously for any smudge of dirt on her new furniture

The heavy bag settled into Mikey's lap as he looked up at Linda with a nervous smile. "Thank you." He said as curiosity swelled into his chest. He opened the top of the white plastic bag and pulled it down, exposing a large white box with light blue bubbles neatly strewn across it.

Mikey's muzzle dropped open in disbelief and a squeal of excitement exploded from his maw as he stared at the PS Vita box in his lap. Excitement boiled through his body and he began bouncing up and down in Liz's lap as he stared in utter disbelief. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He squealed as he looked up at the smiling elderly vixen.

With a quick swipe Mikey gently snagged Linda's arm and pulled her towards him, giving her a warm hug as the anxiety and nervousness washed from his body. A wave of embarrassment washed through Mikey's body at even considering the idea that someone related to Liz could ever be mean, but it was quickly dwarfed by his excitement and happiness. He hugged his new grandma with all the zeal he could muster as the idea that he had a loving family beyond Liz, began to sink in, creating a tightening in his cheeks as tears of joy flooded his eyes. When he let go of the older fur and let her stand back up straight, he saw a single tear of joy trickle into Linda's faded red cheek fur, making him feel better about nearly beginning to cry himself.

Bright white light glowed from a laptop monitor illuminating the cement walls of a dark basement room filled with beer bottles and the pungent smell of sweat and arousal as Jeff Moreau began typing in the name of another video in the basement of his large cubhood home. His meticulous labeling system made it easy to categorize the video's he downloaded before saving them to a heavily encrypted flash drive.

The black bar blinked and jumped forward as he typed the words "PTHC male; Rough Anal; BJ; crying" into the bar that allowed him to rename a video file. When he was satisfied that the label accurately identified the contents of the video he cut it from his desktop and pasted it in with the rest of his illegal collection before leaning back with a sigh of satisfaction.

Each new video was an adventure in a secret passion that both haunted and intrigued the red fox. His hazel eyes passed over the secret room in the basement, examining the cobwebs for any signs that they may have been disturbed. Jeff took great care to not disturb them, so that he could tell if anybody else had been down to his hidden laptop. He didn't think anybody new about 6' square room on the other end of the crawl space, it was a hiding place that dated back to his cubhood, when he'd played hide and seek with his sister, Liz.

His slightly inebriated mind wandered, wondering how Liz was doing as he remembered that she was coming up this weakened. As if on que, he heard the front door close, sending a wave of irritation through his numb body. Company was about the furthest thing from his mind, but then spending time with his family might make him feel better about the recent turn his life had taken.

Laid off, girlfriend dumped him, house foreclosed, his story was nothing new in the depression that rocked the country, but it didn't make him feel any better about his situation and the melancholy that settled over his body kept him tied to his laptop, expanding his secret addiction as he drank his cares away.

He turned to the brown scotch bottle on the ground as his befuddled mind turned to drinking, he wanted another shot, or another beer, but he was going to have to go up and be sociable soon, and if his mother new he'd been drinking in the house he'd be kicked out on his butt. With a sigh he leaned back in the hard wooden chair at his makeshift desk and closed his eyes, settling back to enjoy the comfortable numbness that settled over his body as he day dreamed about the video's in one particular folder on his encrypted flash drive, a folder full of video he had recorded himself.