Locker Room Confessions: Adam

Story by Bobokitty on SoFurry

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#3 of Locker Room Confessions

This is an account of events taken place at my school, the names of people and places have been changed to protect the subjects. Warning, this contains adult, homosexual content, not suitable for minors.

Locker Room Confessions

Volume two


Throughout my high school career, there's one thing I've learned, and that's to never trust a jock. I could never get a confession about their sexuality out of any of them, until one day I decided to try a new method, and boy did it ever work. I myself, wouldn't be put under the label of jock, by I was by no means inferior in any way. A six foot three husky, with a fantastic lean muscular build that was by no means "inferior". So by association, I was labeled one of them. But there was a deciding factor, I was gay, the only one who had come to terms about themselves in the entire high school. Needless to say, it was a tough road, but well worth it. I was one of the quiet intellectual types, played in the band, worked on the news paper, worked on school plays, you know the type. But what people didn't know about me was my darker side. Well, most people didn't know. In an assignment for journalism class, I learned the joys of interviews, how close it brought you to your subject, how deep you could convince people to allow you to delve into their psyche. It was wonderful, so I took things a step further and did a little independent journalism. This is one of the many results from my little endeavor.


The bell signaling the end of another grueling day finally sounded, the harsh tone was music to my pointy ears. I was expected to be home in a short while, but to my fortune, my plans were about to make a drastic change. I was at my locker, collecting my books I would need for homework that night when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Being a little irritated for making a sub par score on my exam earlier that day, I turned to give a rather irritated "What!", but ended up getting cut short at a "Wha...", as my nose impacted the middle of a very large muscular chest directly in front of me. "Oh, umm, hiya Adam." I looked up, the towering Clydesdale looked down at me and smiled. "Hey Erik. You got a minute? I wanted to ask you about something." I looked up at that pretty face, and nodded, I quickly decided that any plans I had could wait. I gathered up my things and followed him down the stairs and out the door.

Mind you, I was in no means short, but I sure felt it as I stood next to the six foot eight inch tall equine. He made me feel rather small, almost vulnerable, I liked it. The muscular guy standing next to me made me felt safe, really happy. Something about his baby face, added to his bodybuilder frame made me feel protected, yet secure with him. He had chestnut brown fur, that faded into white at his ankles and wrists, flaring out to cover his hands and feet, truly a sight to behold. I caught myself staring at him. His tight jeans and t-shirt weren't helping either.

"So, I heard something about your little independent journalism project, is it true?" Adam looked down at me, a grin slowly crossing his face. I knew what he meant, but I really wanted to hear him say it. "Yeah? What did you hear about it?" I looked down at my feet as we walked through the park, a light, innocent smile crept across my face thinking about what he could possibly want to know. He stopped and sat down on the bench alongside the path. "You got your notepad? I've got a story if you want." I nodded furiously and sat down close beside him, digging out a legal pad and a pen, prepared to get an unplanned interview from one of the most gorgeous guys at school. He was being really vague, I couldn't really see what he was getting at, the horse jumped from topic to topic, question to question, but sexual tension was building quickly, so I didn't care.

"Well, more importantly, I wanted to discuss payment methods with you." Adam grinned widely, running his hand down his chest and adjusting his seemingly heavier looking crotch. I smiled and ran my tongue across my upper lip. "You can ask for anything you want, but I've got to warn you, I'm low on cash, but I make up for it in other talents." I winked at him and he tossed his head back, throwing any wild strands of his hair out of his face making a quiet nickering noise, I giggled. "Well, first things first, I guess that means I owe you a story, huh?" I nodded and tore my eyes away from his and focused on my pad. "When ever you're ready." I put my pen to the paper and prepared to record any of the juicy stories he might be able to share with me. "Alright, you see, the football team was in off season training, one afternoon..."


"Set blue, thirty-two, hut-hut." the quarter back hiked the ball, and the two halves of the team hammered into each other. Off season meant running through the play book over and over until they were flawless. Or at least running them until the team was so black and blue that they couldn't move anymore. Adam picked up and threw one of his opposing team mates as the play ran it's course. It was one of his favorite exercises, shirts vs. furs. Adam liked showing off his body, so he always played for the furs team. Clad in nothing but daisy dukes and cleats, even some of the other team members couldn't help but give him more than a passing glance.

Throughout the two hours of play running, calisthenics, hell drills, and a lot of "playing grab-ass" as the coaches so eloquently phrased it, the team dismissed and headed back to the locker room. Unlike most of the other school's sports teams, the football team had no problem with group nudity. In fact, the team would hang out for hours in the locker room in nothing but jockstraps or even less. A majority of the time, even the coaches would strip down and shower with the team. A practice that seemed uncommon, but no one was complaining. Much of the time, the changing room was occupied after hours by the first string players and coaches, the lesser players were often booted from the locker room by seniors who had a little ritual they went over once every other week at the evening practices, which no one but them and the coaches knew about, but a curious fur could only guess. Well, today, Andy wanted to find out. "Little" Adam was the biggest guy on the team, but he was only a sophomore, meaning he wasn't included in the seniors "bonding activities" in the locker room after practice.

"I'll just have to see what goes on for myself since no one feels like telling me." Andy whispered to himself as he stood inside the linoleum shower room, leaning against the tile wall around a corner so no one could see him. The upperclassmen allotted for a good amount of time before kicking the younger teammates out of the changing room, today was no exception. Adam had to make sure no one noticed him, so he changed quickly and told anyone who asked that he had a doctor's appointment. But the muscular horse was not easily hidden, so he had to remain quiet and still for the near hour it took until he heard someone yelling for the underclassmen to leave, he froze. The scuffling of claws and slamming of lockers signaled that they were leaving. "Okay Adam," he thought to himself, "just hold still for a little longer, no one should be able to see you." and he was right. The seniors had no idea that a spy was just a few feet away.

"Okay guys, whose turn is it this time." a voice that Adam recognized as the quarterback called out. A light murmuring followed, the name "Ben" grew in volume amongst the furs behind the wall. "Wait, guys I..." this was apparently this Ben as he didn't seem to happy about what the team was talking about. "No way man, fair is fair. Everyone else takes their turn like a man, what makes you so special that you get to skip out, huh?" another voice called out, Adam didn't recognize this one, but it was a lot deeper than any of the others, he wondered who it could be. "Fine, I'll go." Ben conceded, followed by a seemingly approving noise from the group. "Good, letting us do this is a sign of family, we're brothers, and this proves it." the quarterback called out again. "Ok, line up, you know the drill." Adam heard the sound of movement, and then silence, until light moaning began. "All right Ben, you're doing really good, mm yeah, keep it up, just like that." another one of Adam's teammates moaned as he whispered to Ben, encouraging him to do whatever it was he was doing. The thoughts of what it could be were giving the horse a familiar tingling sensation in his groin area.

The moaning grew in volume, and a loud growling followed that, and then a loud yell echoed off of the stone walls, followed by what sounded like coughing. "Ready man?" another voice broke through the silence, followed by a quiet "Yeah, let's go.". This time, there were two sets of heavy breathing, the one from before, and one that matched this new voice. "What are they doing to him?" Adam whispered to himself, massaging himself through his strained jockstrap. He had long abandoned his other clothes. "Sure sounds fun though." he nickered a little at the thought of what "bonding" activities they could be doing that created sounds like that. But just as he had built up a nice little fantasy, he betrayed himself.

His nose began to tickle, and twitch. He closed his eyes tight and placed both hands over his face, but it wasn't enough. The dust and mildew had built up enough irritation in his nose that no measure of masking could hide his sneeze. "Ahhh, haah, ahh choo!" his sneeze echoed in the locker room, there was no chance that it could have gone unnoticed in the almost silent room, especially since he was in the showers, everyone could pinpoint exactly where the sound came from. But there was silence, nothing. But then he heard it. A set of heavy footsteps, claws clicking on the tile. Drawing nearer to him every second. Adam bit his lip and prepared for the worst, and he got it.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't little Adam." the same deep, out-of-place voice he had heard earlier was booming above him as he sat on the floor with his eyes closed. "C'mon kid, get up." The deep voice growled. Adam obeyed, but didn't dare open his eyes. "Quit being a pussy and look at me." the scared "little" anthro opened his eyes to a very unfamiliar sight. He was facing a sea of orange and black fur, and for the first time in years, he had to literally look up to someone.

He was face to chest with Coach Ramsey, the head coach. The tiger was never at practices, and only showed up to the games. No wonder Adam didn't recognize the voice. But he recognized the man standing in front of him. A literal giant, at seven and a half feet tall, Coach Ramsey was the biggest tiger, not to mention fur, that most anybody had ever seen, And at the moment, he had a cock to match. The jet-black ramrod came up past the Coach's navel by about five inches. The thing had to be at least thirteen inches long. And all Adam could do was look at it. The tiger smiled and called into the locker room. "Hey Ben, you lucked out, we found a replacement." everyone looked up at their coach's voice. Ben, a very ruffled looking feline, looked up. He smiled up in relief, cum dribbling off his chin, on his hands and knees, naked, amongst the nine other seniors. He scrambled up and toweled off a bit before standing amongst the group again.

"Take his place." Coach Ramsey pushed Adam down on the floor, and grabbed him under the chin. "Ok kid, do what I say, and you'll get a reward, ok?" the nervous sophomore looked up, the tension lifting, smiled and nodded his head. "Looks like we got a winner, fellas." one of the players, a laughed, the chuckling grew to a dull roar after a few moments, but died down, almost out of respect, when a german shepherd stepped forward. All eyes were on Adam, the bulge in his jockstrap apparently caught the eyes of the coach, as he got up and walked behind him. "You won't be needing this." the small piece of cloth was shredded off by the precise movement of his claw strike, and the equine felt his engorged dick fall free. A few chuckles rotated amongst the group, as someone made the comment "He really is 'hung like a horse'." Adam blushed a little, he had always been a little ashamed of his size, but no one could understand why. He was a healthy ten inches, and put most grown men to shame. The coach leaned over him and whispered in his ear. "They're each going to take a turn in your mouth, and then fuck you, alright." he looked up at the canine, and then back at his coach. "Yes sir." he grinned meekly. The tiger patted him on the butt and walked back and sat on the bench to watch.

The room had gone dead silent again, and Adam looked up at the shepherd, which took this as the sign to go. He pressed his cock against the horse's lips, and gradually sunk into his mouth. A series of moans and heaved breaths flowed from the dog's mouth, giving the Clydesdale the initiative to improvise a bit. He placed his hands on the back of the canines knees, and slowly traced up his leg muscles to his ass, where he pulled the hips pistoning in and out of his face in deeper. The dog's cock wasn't too big, so Adam had no trouble deepthroating the seven inches, he even sucked on the knot a time or two. But the latter drew the customer over the edge. Adam buried his face into his teammates crotch, as he thrust in on last hard time, filling his mouth with the boy's first taste of cum.

The slightly exhausted, slightly sticky teenager drew in a quick breath before being faced with another of his friends' dicks. It was the hyena from earlier, grinning broadly, he grabbed his large black cock and smeared his pre cum on the sides of Adam's face. He looked up and smiled, then licked out at the eight inch member before him. "Mmm, good kid." The hyena whispered as he began to slowly thrust into the subjected teens mouth, he was grabbing the back of the horse's head, and was being a little rough, but that just made things more fun. But then, a new sensation entered the picture, a warm pressure was being applied to his tail hole. Determined to follow directions, he didn't look back, but could definitely tell what it was.

As told by Ramsey, he would be getting each team member twice. Running the math over in his head, he would be getting fucked ten times, and giving head another ten. Meaning he had to take twenty of his peer's dick's inside him. Needless to say he was excited. The german shepherd inserted on finger, then another, twisted them around slowly a couple of times, then removed it. The sudden loss was soon replaced. A warm, full feeling sent shivers up his spine as he was fucked for the first time in his life, again, by the same near stranger that he had given his first head job to. He felt a bit dirty, but was growing to like it. The panting of the two canines he was working over drove him wild. Knowing that he was giving so much pleasure to someone made Adam very happy. As the line coursed onward, the beginner soon became very good at his newfound task. Learning how to tickle their ball sacks and suck in rhythm. Hitting that perfect spot with his tongue. Giving pressure at just the right amount, and working the muscles in his back door so they would work in time with his occupant's thrusts. Every time a new client came along, he got better, each orgasm coming quicker, and stronger. His team mates were impressed. The hyena was followed by a bear, then a kangaroo, and a lion. Each of their cocks had it's own unique shape and feel. Each fur had his own technique, or trait that Adam took notice of while being fucked by him. A twist here, a grab here, these guys knew what they were doing.

The horse's cock remained untouched, but it had formed a massive pool of pre cum under him, his balls had become tight, ready to blast their heavy load. By the time the line drew to Ben at the end, Adam was almost in a trace. His guts were filled with seed from both ends, and he felt groggy. But he had enough energy to moan and shout at the teams delight when Ben screwed his brains out. Apparently taking out what had been done to him on the "unfortunate" horse, the cat was almost feral. Up on one knee, he and Adam were giving the locker room an interesting show, as the feline's acrobatic fucking technique hammered pounded on, the shifting of bodies could be heard. Once the cat shot in the horse's tail hole, and the used up jock's yelling subsided, the team had surrounded the horse again with a forest of hard cocks.

"Geeze, don't you guys get tired?" Adam laughed, looking up at the grinning faces, precum dripping all around him, nine hard cocks were poised and ready to fire. "We didn't want you to do all that work and not get to enjoy the finale." the german shepherd laughed. The horse shook his head and smiled, semi-dry cum caked his face as he licked his lips, but he finally conceded. "Go ahead." was all the group needed to hear. All the guys, now including Ben once more, were jacking off just inches away from his face, the scent and sound were overwhelming. He closed his eyes out of caution once he heard the first heavy moaning. Shortly thereafter, a rope of cum slapped across his face, then another, and another. A chain reaction of orgasms shot off rapidly as the team "thanked" him for his good work. The horse opened his mouth, drinking in some of his facial as the group finished up. Ten slightly less strong orgasms hammered his face, and he smiled as he counted the heavy ropes of cum adorned his face. But before he could get up, someone leaned in and whispered "Don't move, we're not done yet.". Adam wiped his eyes, and looked back in disbelief as the team lined up once more behind him. His long face sunk to the floor, as he knew he couldn't handle being screwed by all ten guys again.

But just as he was about to object, a pare of hands grabbed his hips, and a soft, wet heat caressed his abused and loosened tail hole. He was being rimmed. He smiled and sighed, and just as he was just about to reach down and relieve himself, he felt not one, but three tongues sliding up and down his dick. Massaging him, sucking up and down the sides, tracing every vein. He was in heaven. His balls were now being tended to by another two mouths, and he could feel as two more tongues joined the fray attacking his nipples. Someone had begun to massage his shoulders, and another was licking his neck clean of dribbled cum. "Being tended to by all my teammates. Man, this is amazing." Adam thought to himself as he moaned aloud, but his moan was stifled by a deep kiss. "Eleven? How come there are eleven?" He thought, giving into the kiss, eyes still closed. Suddenly, all the attention dissipated. All he was left with was the embroiling kiss.

The kiss broke and he opened his eyes to see Coach Ramsey in front of him, grinning. "You did good Adam. I'm impressed." The tiger stood, his cock still hard, and slick and shiny with pre. All the team had left, leaving the two of them in the changing room alone with the scent of sweat, cum, and male arousal in the air. "You still want that reward I promised?" Coach asked, helping him to his feet. "I was hoping that what they were doing to me just a minute ago was going to be my prize, so what happened." Adam was a little disappointed, and still hard, he rubbed his boner the entire time the two were talking, not bringing himself too close to the edge, just incase what coach was offering was really worth it. "I sent them away, because I wanted you all to my self." Ramsey turned and faced him, placing is hands on the smaller fur's shoulders, and stepping close enough so that their cocks were pressing against each other.

"You want to know something?" coach continued, leading Adam toward his office. "I don't have sex with any of my students, or any other male for that reason, but I want you. That is, if you agree." the boy nodded, excited, but a little confused. "You mean, you sit and encourage us to fuck each other in front of you, but you haven't been with a male before?" . "Nope, not at all." the tiger reached down and groped Adam, holding on firmly, growling slightly. "I'm honored then." he smiled as the walked inside the office, still being led by his dick, he sat on the desk and spread his legs. "Have your way with me coach." the equine ran his hands across his chest, and grinned, giving the male before him, who was old enough to be his father, permission to mate with him.

Coach Ramsey smiled, and shook his head "no". He took Adam's hand and stood him up off the desk. "I want you to take me.". The younger fur stared at him for a moment, and took a step forward so he was within an inch of the tiger. "Bend over." the two of them smiled simultaneously, and coach obeyed. The tiger cleared the desk, shoving the items to the side, or off onto the floor, making space for the large cat. He laid down on the table, his large cock and full balls pressed against his abs.

The male looked back over his shoulder, grinning. He raised his tail, and exposed his black tail-hole for Adam to do with what he wished and grinned wickedly. "It's all yours kid." and with that, the horse took to work. Adam spit in his hand, and rubbed it on his dick as a makeshift lubricant. "Hope I don't hurt you, sir." the horse held his ten inch cock, shimmering , slick with spit, in his hand, lined up with his coaches virgin tail hole. "Go for it. I think I can handle you." the tiger panted a little in anticipation.

The equine nodded and slipped his head in, and slowly filled up his coach's ass with his horse meat. Coach moaned in ecstasy, his body stretching to it's limit in order to handle his student's fuck rod. Adam slipped inside him, inch by inch until he was balls deep against Ramsey's ass. "You ok? I'm not hurting you, am I?" he asked, resting his hands on coach's furry back. A moan and nodding head was all his response. The horse hung clydesdale pulled nearly all the way out, and then slowly pushed his way inside again. Repeating his thrusts over and over.

Coach stopped Adam for a moment ant rolled over onto his back, exposing his shining cock, his chest heaving and slightly wet with perspiration and his pre cum. The horse adjusted himself, allowing so he could fuck his coach and suck the thirteen inch member laying in front of him. "Oh gods Adam, I'm gonna cum." he moaned, throwing his head back. The horse continued his sucking and fucking, his coach's black cock spilling pre like mad, the barbs slid along Adam's lips.

Ramsey's head bolted up, his cock pulsed, and exploded with cum. The sustained boner from watching the team fuck the sophomore had built up a heavy reserve in his balls, which were pulled up against him. Adam had to back off from the spewing member, ropes of tiger cum splattered their bodies for several moments.

"Wow." The horse whispered, licking a thick strand of seed off his face. He moaned as the muscles in Coach Ramsey's ass contracted down on his thrusting member. "Coach, I'm about to, ahh haa..." Adam's warning trailed off, a little too late. His dick shot it's thick load as he thrust in one last hard time, leaving the two males thoroughly exhausted.

Ramsey sat up and let the ten inch cock slide out of him and land on the desk with a wet "thud" sound. They both laughed, and looked at each other for a long time. "Hey, it's late. You want a ride home?" the tiger looked up at the clock in his office, it was almost six. Adam smiled and nodded.


"Wow, you fucked 'Ramrod Ramsey'? That's awesome." I laughed, my pad full, and my cock hard. "What a story" I thought to myself. It had apparently brought up pleasant memories in my friend too, as a defined lump in his tight jeans had formed. "Yeah, it was fun." he laughed.

"But wait, you're a senior, this happened two years ago?" I asked, a little impressed. "Yeah." he replied simply, nodding a bit. "I can only imagine what improvements have been made since tenth grade, eh?" I smirked, looking over the stud's body. "We'll just have to find out then, won't we?" he laughed. I stopped a moment, remembering my stay in the hospital from my last client's "payment", but it passed quickly. I trusted Adam, and I was far too curious to let this opportunity pass.

"We'll get together soon, ok?" I smiled, making sure he knew it was on my terms. He seemed happy with the answer, and I was happy that he was happy. "You don't own a barn by any chance, do you?" I asked, getting a head shake and a slightly confused look from my friend. "How about any brothers?" I smiled. "No, sorry." Adam laughed, the same confused look across his face. I shook my head and laughed a little. "Good." I grinned and stood up. "See you later?" I asked him over my shoulder. "Hopefully. Bye, Erik." he smiled, got up and walked away. Gods, what a guy. I walked away, thinking of a special way to thank him, and I came up with more than a few good ideas.

To be continued...

Well, hope you enjoyed yet another one of my locker room frolics. There are more to come, and hopefully very soon. And as always, please give me any and all comments, suggestions, questions, and criticisms you may have, so I can give you better stories. Email me directly too, I'd love to hear from you.