Chpt 9- Head in the Cloudsdale

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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#9 of MLP: A Hero's Rebirth

"You seem reasonably calm, seeing as how you have never ridden in a chariot before."

Tom chuckled to Celestia's comment. "Should I be worried? I am in a chariot alongside the most beautiful mare in Equestria. Not to mention we are being pulled by two well trained pegasi stallions. By the way, you never said where we were going anyway."

Celestia gave the human sitting beside her a grin and a wink. "That's my little secret."

They rode on as the sun rose near its apex in the sky. "So Celestia, how was this morning? Eventful I hope."

Celestia sighed."Well there is not much to tell. There were a few annoyed ponies from Trottingham who where not pleased with their elected officials. They asked that I step in which I then made them aware that it was they, not I that gave them their post. There were loads of paperwork to fill out and laws that had to be looked over. It's been less then normal since Luna has returned but it's still a good bit."

"I could not begin to understand the pressures of ruling a Kingdom like this. But I suppose that is a memory I have not yet recalled I guess." He then looked to the princess of all Equestria and seen a a feeling of sadness within her face. She of course was not showing it but somehow he could just tell.

"Celestia? What's wrong?"

"Hmm nothing is wrong Lunar. Why would there be?"

Tom then took his hand and gently placed it upon her cheek, electing a soft gasp from the princess's lips. He turned her head and looked into her eyes before speaking in a soft and caring voice.

"Tia, what troubles thee so? I know you have always been strong and hid your feelings behind that mask you wear but I am here now. True that it is I do not recall everything of my former life but you don't need to be so around me, you know this."

Whether it was the tone or the way he spoke, it would always effect her in the same way.

"I am sorry for hiding such things from you. The truth is today is the day you had proposed to me so long ago."

Tom was not as surprised as many might have thought, in fact he had a feeling that was the reason behind the memory he had experienced last night.

"I am sorry princess, I did not.."

"Know? I know this Lunar believe me. At any rate, we are here."

Tom could not believe his eyes, she had taken him the the home of the pegasi, Cloudsdale. He was excited and also a little fearful because he knew only pegasi and alicorns were the only ones able to walk on clouds.

"Uh Tia, you do know I'm not a pony right?"

"Yes i know this."

"And you do know that i don't have wings or anything correct?"

The solar princess nodded her head.

"Then you must also know that the moment i step out onto those clouds, I will fall right through them. I don't have the same magic properties that pegasi do."

Celestia only giggled. "You will be fine Lunar, don't worry."

A gryphon goes flying through the air before connecting with the solid stone floor that was the throne room. The gryphon gurgled of air, hoping to breath, all the while blood was pouring out of a rather large hole in his neck. Greave slowly approached the suffocating gryphon, blood dripping from his beak.

He stood over the writhing body till at last it stopped moving. Greaves then looked to the room of soldiers that backed up from around the two of them.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you, I will not tolerate disloyalty. You either do as I say or you die. Now get this corpse out of here." Two guards walked to their fallen comrade and take him by his arm, dragging him away. "And clean up this mess!"

Greaves made his way back up to his throne, taking a rag from another gryphon and wiped the blood from his beak before tossing it back to its owner. "Now what progress can I expect to hear bout finding the Ring of Neria?"

A young female gryphon stepped forward, clearly shaken by the events that just happened.

"No news yet my lord. All crews are working round the clock to finding the tomb."

"I am growing impatient with all this. If they do not find the ring soon we will have to wait till the spring thaw and that is something I do not wish to do. They had better find it soon or there will be hell to pay."

The female nods and departs. Greaves then sighed deeply.

"My lord you seem rather stressed. Might I suggest one of the harem females?"

"Sex? What makes you think I need such a thing." Greaves then thought for a moment then rose from his throne. "Perhaps you are right. I do need something to clear my mind of all this horse shit. Send one of the better ones to my chambers and make sure she dose not smell like rotten meat this time."

He then left.

"Celestia I don't think this is such a good idea. I am telling you I can't walk on clouds. I mean I was only able to do a self flight spell but it didn't have anything about walking on clouds."

Celestia giggled as she stood before him. "Lunar you have nothing to worry about, trust me."

Tom sighed deeply. "If I fall you had better catch me." He then closed his eye and took one step off the chariot.

Celestia then giggled as Tom stepped onto the cloud and didn't fall.

Tom opened his eyes and looked around himself. He couldn't believe it, he was walking on clouds. It defied everything he was taught about how clouds worked. He he may have had boots on but the feeling of the clouds beneath his feet felt like he was walking on a firm mattress.

"Well this is new."

Celestia watched as Tom tested the density of the clouds he walked on. She smiled and was brought back to another memory that she shared when she and Lunar where children. He would always challenge her to a cloud race. The two would sit on clouds and using their wings, race through the skies. It was less tiring then trying to hold up their own weight.

"So, are you fully accustomed now?"

"I don't think I could ever get used to this feeling Tia, anyway why did you ask me to come with you?"

"Well since I was headed to Cloudsdale I thought you might to join me, plus meet the Wonderbolts."

Tom's eyes lit up at the mention of the Wonderbolts. "Are you serious?"

Celestia nodded. "I was asked to inspect the new trainee. It seems that their captain Spitfire values my opinion, I can't say if it matters or not but it's nice to humor them."

Tom smiled. "I would be honored."

"Then lets go. We can't keep them waiting."

Tom walked beside Celestia as to two made their way through Cloudsdale. Each pony they passed would bow their heads but then stare in disbelief at a human able to walk upon clouds. "Something has been bugging me. Did you place a spell on me to allow me to walk on Clouds?"

Celestia simply shook her head, "I had not had time to preform it. The fact that you are able to walk on clouds is more evidence that you are whom you are. But I should apologize, I asked you here without any idea if you truly were able to tread on clouds."

"Oh it's alright. I normally would jump in feet first anyway so to speak. Besides, I like to know what it is I am capable of"

Greaves was in his bed chambers, the sound of slurping and sucking echos through the room. The gryphon king was in a chair with one of his many harem females between his legs, servicing him. His claws were upon her head holding her upon him as she bobbed her head up and down.

"Oh such a good little slut. You enjoy pleasuring your king don't you?

The female gryphon says nothing, just goes about her work. Greaves was not one to complain. the less talk there was the more enjoyable it got. The male felt his cock twitch and threw the female off him. He lifts her up, turns her around and shoved his hard and lubed cock into the female's tight cunt, electing a roar from her.

Greaves leaned over the female's back and bit around her neck, elected another roar from her before he started to thrust hard and deep. Greaves cared not if she got off, all that mattered to him was his own pleasure.

He continued his hard pounding, pushing the female forward before he would pull her back into him. The two mated like this for sometime before Greaves roar and shot his load deep into the female's body. He then pulls from her and stood in front of the female.

"You made a mess, clean it off."

Without a word the female took the king's cock into her mouth and began to suckle, cleaning him of his and her own fluids. Greaves groans and when he felt himself orgasm a second time, he pulled from her beak and covered her face in his load. "Good girl, now leave me. I have much to think on." The female rose to her legs and bowed her head before she left.

"Hmm if Lunar is here, how best to remove him from the picture. Out right confrontation would not work. If he's as strong as the stories say, he will be a force to reckon with. The princesses are just as strong. So how do I this? The Ring of Neria is only able to hold the magic of one Alicorn. So whom do I choose?"

Greaves paced back and forth in his bed chambers. different senarios going through his mind.

"Hmmm if I capture Celestia I can take her powers and be on par with that accursed savior. With him out of the way, Luna should not pose to much problem but still we will have to approach her with caution. So that will be that, I will take Celestia's power and defeat them all."

"I am pleased to see you your highness and who is this you brought with you?"

"His name Tom but you might know him better from your history books as Lunar."

Spitfire stumbled back before falling on her haunches. "The founder? The one who created the Wonderbolts... is a human?"

Celestia smiled and shook her head. "Yes and no."

"I'm not sure I follow princess."

Before she could reply, Tom placed a hand to her back and looked at Spitfire. "It's a complicated matter Spitfire. We are here because you asked Celestia to see the new recruit."

The yellow pegasus nodded her head and stood back up before leading them through the Wonderbolts complex.

Tom looked to Celestia ."I founded the Wounderbolts?"

She nodded. "You and a pegasus known as Star Wind. You felt that there needed to be a specialized group of pegasi for fast recon and tactics. So you scouted out the fastest fliers in Equestria, trained them yourself, well you and Star Wind that is."

It was then Spitfire chimed in. "Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty and an unbreakable will. Those were the words that were past to us from the first Wonderbolts. They said that the two founders made them swear an oath to protect Equestria and the Royal Pony Sisters. But you knew all this, don't you?"

Tom rubbed his head. "That's why I said the matter was complicated. I was killed during the last few days of the Panther Wars and reborn as you see me. I did not start remembering my old life till I came to Equestria."

"I see well that is quite a story and it would explain how you can walk on clouds. Still Human or Pony, it's great to have the remaining founder here with us."

"Spitfire we would appreciate it if nopony else knew who Lunar was."

Spitfire was about to protest but when she looked up to the two she saw how serious they were and nodded.

"Are there any other things I did that don't yet know about?"

Celestia thought for a moment as they walked through the corridors and entered a large training room. "Oh there were a few other things but I think that will have to wait for another time."

Spitfire whistled hard to get everypony's attention. "Hey rookie, com here there are two ponies I want you to meet."

A light grey pegasus slowly flew up to the three of them and landed in front of Spitfire and saluted. "Yes cap...tain." The mare too one look at Celestia and dropped before her. "Afternoon your highness."

"At ease rook, They are just here to see how you fair."

Tom patted Spitfire's back. "Mind if I?"

The pegasus, nodded. Tom then walked up to the pegasus and slowly circled her. Celestia smiled to herself, she was there many times when he inspected new recruits to the Wonderbolt ranks. Tom the moved and opened one of the pegasi's wings, looking over the feathers.

"What is your max wing power?"


"Your max wing power, what is it?"

"19, nearly 20 wing power sir."

Tom stood before her and rubbed his chin. "Spitfire what is the minimum requirement for a recruit?"

"18 sir."

Tom then gets down and looked the pegasus in the eyes. "What is your name?"

"Flare Wind sir."

The pegasus mare looked a bit creeped out but nonetheless stood her ground. "Hmm, I want you to train every other day to get your wing power up to no less then 23. I can see you have the drive for it so I expect nothing less."

"That's all rook you can return to training." Flare nodded to Spitfire and left them. "Wow an actual inspection from Lunar Star. I can't believe it, I'm a little jealous."

"Your thoughts princess" Tom turned to look at Celestia.

"You saw to her Lunar, what do you say?"

Tom watched as the pegasus flew fast around the track. "Hmm she has potential. That being said i think she has what it takes."