The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 10

Story by Kennyisnath0 on SoFurry

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Shadow finally reveals how he met his faithful lover aswell as his own backstory before heading off into hell to confront Atrun about all the destruction he has made from his trickery and lies.

Aerix is the character of aerix_spades

Resdayn is the character of resdayn

All other characters are my own




The Origin of Shadow

Chapter 10

(A Tale of Two Furries)

Shadow: "It was about 5 years ago, I had just turned 18 and I was given a single mission to prove myself worthy of becoming a knight. I was sent to investigate an attack on a Feline village, but as I slowly rode towards the village I soon saw the flames in the distance dancing in the darkness of the night. This was the first time I had been sent to handle a task like this on my own. I felt nervous and a little scared, but I rode quickly towards my target, I reached the border of the village only to find that many laid dead on the round and the houses were nothing more than burning piles of straw. I thought all was lost, I thought I was too late, I thought I had failed, and that's when I saw my enemy, Slavers. Low-life scum that make a living off selling furries like they were nothing more than cattle or objects. It made me angry just looking at them as they forced the survivers into large cage-like wagons. I wanted to save the villagers, but there were too many slavers. Then suddenly, one of the villagers managed to escape and ran off into the forest that surrounded the burning village. 5 Slavers took off after him and so did I. After going arounf the village on horseback I managed to get infront of him as Resdayn fell to his feet infront of me, probably thinking I was another Slaver. But as the real Slavers caught upto him, Resdayn soon found out that I was nothing like them, I got off my mount and used my sword to kill them. I had saved Rersdayn, but then he just kept begging me to go back and save his family, but I couldn't. 5 Slavers were no problem for me back then, but 40 would have easily killed me. There was nothing I could do, so I offered him the chance to come live with me as my servant, he would be treated with dignity and I would never lay a finger on him if he didn't want me to. He accepted and over time I guess I just began to fall in love with him"

Shadow-heart: "Awwwwwwwww, such a touching story, but why did you help him? What drove you to come to that desicion?"

Shadow: "I don't know..........Maybe seeing him..........a young boy in the midst of destruction, reminded me of my past"

Shadow-Heart gave me a strange and confused look as he obviously had no idea what I was talking about.

Shadow-Heart: "You might want to explain that to me"

Shadow: "Lucien is not my biological father, I have no idea who is, I don't even know who my mother is. All I can remember is being found by Lucien in the middle of a burning settlement when I was 6 years old. Dragons had attacked the settlement, but luckily the Canid Empire quickly responded. Apparently I was the only survivor. And I also found out the reason why Lucien adopted me and why he was there. A few months before the attack, Lucien's wife was killed by Dragons whilst she was pregnant with his child, she was on her way to talk to Aerix's father when her carriage and escorts were attacked and killed by a roaming group of Dragon bandits. He constantly blamed himself for that, calling it his biggest failure like it was his fault. The reason he saved me and treated me like his own was because he saw me as a second chance, a way he could redeem himself"

Shadow-Heart: "I'm guessing the reason why he went to that battle was for some revenge right?"

I nodded as Shadow-Heart smiled.

Shadow-Heart: "Lucien sounds like he was a noble warrior"

Shadow: "He was.......h was also a good father, he taught me how to fight and how to exploit my opponents weakness, no matter what it is"

Shadow-Heart: "Are you rested yet?"

Shadow: "Yeah, I have enough energy"

Shadow-Heart: "Then it's time to wake up"

I slowly woke up from my silent rest and saw that Resdayn was sound asleep, cuddling a pillow thinking it was me. I was happy and yet sad to see him so peaceful, it would be the last time I'd ever get to see him like this. I carefully snuck out of the chamber, leaving Resdayn to sleep in peace when I suddenly bumped into Aerix in the hallyway. This was not good.

Aerix: "I thought you were sleeping in my chambers tonight.......where are you going?"

Shadow: "N-no where. I just need some fresh air"

I felt nervous and Aerix always knew when I was lying, this was no exception.

Aerix: "But my room has a window, why don't you just stand by that?"

Shadow: "Erm.........."

I let out a sigh as there was no way I could lie to him, he was sharper then he looked.

Aeirx: "Is there something wrong? I've known you since you were just a small pup, if there's something wrong then you can tell me"

I looked up at him and revealed to him the tough choice I had to make.

Shadow: "I have recently learnt that the Demon I sold my soul to was also the Demon that corrupted Jericho's mind and made all this happen, he used us like puppets and alot of good people died because of it. So now I'm going back to Hell to rip that fucker's head off!"

Aerix looked shocked as he'd never seen this side of me, the side of me that harboured all my anger, hate and lust for vengeance........or in other words, my Demonic side.

Aerix: "O......ok, so I guess that's why you look so down huh?"

I shook my head.

Shadow: "I wont be coming back"

Aerix: "WHAT!?!?!?"

He was both surprised and in shock now and who could blame him?

Aerix: "Wh-why? You have to come back, what about Resdayn?"

Shadow: "He's the reason why I wont be coming back, this Demon is the current ruler of hell. He has the strongest army and the largest amount of influence amoungst Demons. He also has many allies and if I kill him then they'll be after me, they'll want my power and they'll want revenge. If I come back then they'll go after Resdayn and I might not be able to keep him safe.........I'm sorry, but I have to stay gone"

The cat was silent for a minute which didn't really make me feel any better, Resdayn would be heartbroken when he found this out which is why I wanted Aerix to look after him.

Shadow: "Please..........take care of him"

I walked past him when he suddenly grabbed my shoulder, stopping me.

Aerix: "Make sure you kill him.........don't leave any trace of that bastard alive"

I didn't reply, I just walked off, deeper down the corridors made of stone that formed Aerix's palace. I reached the deserted courtyard that was still littered with the fallen soldiers I had killed to get here when Suddenly Shadow-Heart appeared and opened a portal for me. It was circular with a red and purple spiraling pattern heading into the center. I stared into it and I could swear for a second it stared right back at me.

Shadow-Heart: "Lets go, kid"

I nodded as we both walked through the portal and ended up at the top floor of Hell's Palace only to find Atrun having some 'fun' with one of the poor damned souls that now resides in hell. It was a male Fennec chained to the wall, naked with tears in his eyes. Aturn stood infront of him, laughing and smiling as he burnt the Fennec's small, slim body with a red hot iron rod. The Fennec let out muffled moans of pain as he was also gagged.

Atrun: "That's it.......good boy, 'sing' for your master you pathetic bitch!!"

I walked forwards as Atrun suddenly realized I was here. He slowly turned around and stared right at me.

Atrun: " dear friend, I didn't think you would be so willing to hand over your soul this quickly. Congradulations on your victory by the way, I knew you could beat him"

He burnt the Fennec's skin again as he let out more screams of pain.

Shadow: "Might I ask why you're doing that?"

Atrun: "I'm just having some fun, indulging my Demonic nature"

Shadow: "I'm sure this man didn't do anyhting bad enough to deserve this"

Atrun: "He was a thief and a con-man in his life. Robbing the rich and the stupid so he could keep his thief-lord happy"

Shadow: "So I guess you'll be doing this to the other thieves"

Atrun: "Hahahaha, nope, this little slut was stealing more than others for a reason of lust. The Thief-lord's favorite thief would also become his personal fuck-toy and this little bitch loved the thought of being ass-fucked by a larger male. So now his life of lust will also condemn him here forever. Besides, this is nothing compared to what he's got coming to him next"

The sadistic Demon then shoved the red hot tip of the iron rod into the Fennec's sheath and secured it there as the Fennec let out floods of tears and constant cries of pain. I found this sight to be nothing more than disgusting, thieves do deserve punishment, but I doubt anyone deserved this kind of pain. I glared at Atrun as he realized what was getting to me.

Atrun: "'re concerned for this slut?........don't worry, I'll get the rest of his punishment underway so we can talk"

Atrun clicked his fingers as the Fennec was dragged into a portal by tentacles, most likely they were part of his next punishment. I returned my gaze back to Atrun, my hatred and anger for his cruelty only grew with every second.

Atrun: "So I guess you're ready to serve me then?"

Shadow: "Serve?"

Atrun: "Your soul belongs to me, but you're a Demon so I can't treat you like I did that Fennec, not unless you fail me. So instead you will become a soldier for my army and you will serve me without question"

Shadow: "Interesting, but I have a better idea"

Atrun: "Oh yeah?........what?"

I summond the Harbinger and pointed it against Atrun's throat.

Shadow: "How about you die!"

To Be Continued...........