(Name needed): Prologue

Story by Voduxe on SoFurry

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#1 of Nameless story

Just the prologue, need help on the name, then I'll post the rest.

It was just another normal day on the streets of Errid City. My name's Jenny and, as much as it would have pissed off my parents, I work as a cop. I was actually responding to a 10-90, F1, basic domestic disturbance without any report of violence, when the fire broke out. We had a laboratory that everyone knew and nobody feared, mainly because it was almost as old as the city itself, owned by a group called Synthetech.

The fire was small, and easily contained, but the damage was done. A tank, filled with an unknown red gas filtered into the air, covering the city. I was taking notes at the disturbance call when I noticed it myself and I ordered the two people I was questioning inside, off the streets because I had a gut feeling that something very bad was about to happen.

Running to and practically ripping the door of my assigned police cruiser off, I grabbed my radio and pressed the button on the side of it. "Dispatch, this is unit 216. I'm seeing red haze moving across the road down here," I said into the handset. "please acknowledge."

"Unit 216, have you come in contact with this haze?" the dispatcher asked.

"Yes," I said, not thinking about it. "Why?"

"There was a fire at the Synthetech labs," the dispatcher said calmly on the other end. "All persons exposed to the red haze are to report to the north side hospital, immediately."

"Uh, 10-5, dispatch," I said, feeling my heart leap into my throat. "I didn't catch that."

"There was a fire at the Synthetech labs," the dispatcher repeated. "All persons exposed to the red haze are to report to the north side hospital, immediately."

"10-4 dispatch," I sighed, rubbing my face, and trying to regain my composure. "On my way."