Loss (Alisa: 06)

Story by Ilveris on SoFurry

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#6 of Alisa

_Note from the Author:

Graphic sex ahead along with blood and violence. This is the sixth installment of my Alisa series. If you haven't read the previous chapters, get to it. This won't make any sense without them. Enjoy.


[email protected]_


"He was as much hers, as she was his."

** Chapter: 06


The fingers of her right hand were elongated and razor sharp. They had become a talon, a talon which was now concealed beneath a layer of crimson blood. It was the blood of the officer that now lay dead at her feet, his chest torn open.

Alisa could faintly feel those beyond the walls of this house. The lapse of her Essidus's concentration was enough to allow such. Before, she could only feel the three soldiers within the house. They waited now, in the foyer, unaware. But now Alisa could feel the five more that waited with the horses just out front. Slowly this vision was retreating; however, as Essidus tried to reassert his will over her.

Her eyes remained focused on the officer. He lay now chest down with his head turned to the side. Blood pooled beneath him in great quantities. His eyes were distant... lifeless. He had intended the death of her beloved. Now he was dead. It had taken Alisa only a moment to slay him. He had known of her only as her talon plunged into his heart.

Jonathon never returned from Avenguard. The Magistrate there had betrayed them. They did not know the fate of Jonathon, but Alisa expected he was now dead or enduring the very fate they had intended for Essidus. The Magistrate had sent this officer to enlist Essidus into the Oscian Military. It was as good as a death sentence, for he would no doubt be assigned to the front for as long as it took to kill him.

There was a clatter behind her, the sound of metal being snatched from the floor. Alisa turned casually to find her beloved staggering to his feet. As her eyes met his, did the tip of his sword meet her throat.

The long and slender blade rattled gently against her tender flesh. He was unable to hold his blade still. He was unable to stand firm. Essidus wobbled in place, but keeping a wide stance he managed to remain upright. He gripped the hilt of his sword tightly with both hands. He need only press forward to plunge it into her neck.

The mind of her beloved was a torrent of terrible and devastating emotions. Fear, anger, rage, hate, sorrow... even despair. His mind jumped rapidly from one to the other. He was unable to concentrate. He was unable to impose his will. If she were to strike now... if she were to try and take his life, Alisa did not believe he could stop her. Alisa did not believe he had the ability, at least for the moment, to stop her.

It was difficult to make out his mind in that state that it was, Alisa believed she could sense his incredible distrust. She had saved his life, but he did not trust her. There was a chance... no, not chance but a certainty that Alisa's actions now had been those of a caged animal. The officer had opened that cage for just a moment and Alisa was now free.

She had struck the officer because of those in the room... he was the greatest threat. Moonlight was gone. Essidus was severely weakened by the traumatic separation of that connection. The officer was unscathed. He had no doubts that Alisa would kill him now. In his mind, Alisa had not saved him. No, she had only killed their common enemy.

Or did he? His mind fluttered. Doubt? Was that doubt?

Alisa stared into the eyes of her love. He was shaking... sweating... panting... his teeth bared. He was ready to kill her now. His mind was a torrent; a storm.

His eyes darted from her. They found Moonlight for only a moment before swiftly returning. He grimaced as if bearing pain. They darted to Moonlight and back once more. Alisa turned her gaze to the still familiar. She sensed nothing... but if that was so, what was hurting her beloved? Did the small creature still live?

Her beloved's connection with Moonlight would allow him to feel the small familiar many fold better than Alisa. If there was life still within his tiny chest, Essidus knew. Of this, she was certain.

She turned her gaze back to her darling love. He grimaced again. His shaking grew worse. There was great doubt within him concerning Alisa. The actions of his enemies were gone from his mind. His thoughts instead fluttered from uncertainty with Alisa to concern and despair with Moonlight. She could not sense life within the tiny beast, but through Essidus she was now convinced he still lived. He would perhaps die in moments.

Why did he hesitate? Why did he not slay her? He could not stay. He had to run now and leave her behind. And he couldn't do that. She was a demon; to leave her behind unattended would be dangerous to anyone who chanced stumbling upon her. She understood his task. She understood why she must now die... and if her last act was to save the life of her beloved Essidus... then so be it.

The question persisted; why did he hesitate? Why did he not slay her and go to his familiar? He may never again have the chance to hold his companion and partner in his arms. He may never again have this chance to say goodbye... nor would he forgive himself if he allowed Moonlight to die alone. Alone on that cold hard desk... when he could have been in the loving arms of his master.

Alisa did not want her beloved to hate himself any more than he already did; Alisa did not want him to regret missing this chance to say goodbye. If he missed this chance... it would torment him eternally. Perhaps he did not see that. Perhaps he was too overwhelmed to see clearly; to see what must be done.

"Be strong, Darling," Alisa whispered and lifted her chin, offering her throat more openly to the bite of his blade. "Do what you must."

She accepted her fate without hesitation. She had already been given much more than she deserved or expected. He had spared her for so long... he had been kind... he had made love to her. That was all she needed to make the centuries of her life leading to him worth it. Alisa closed her eyes and waited for her death.

The edge pressed closer; pain radiated from the point of contact... the light piercing of flesh. Alisa felt the movement of the blade become slick, now oiled with a few drops of her blood. It continued to shake nervously. Why? Why did he hesitate? It made no sense.

"Do it, Love..." she whispered without fear. "...be strong..."

The shaking grew worse with her words. "Don't," he whispered in return.

Alisa didn't understand. His mind was too a flood with emotions for her to identify what the source of his hesitation was. Don't what? Don't encourage him to be strong? As a demon, Alisa valued only Essidus above power and strength. What was the source of his doubt?

"Love...?" she whispered.

"Don't call me that!" Essidus roared in return. The blade stabbed a little closer, deepening the wound. "Shut up! Just shut up! Just stop talking!"

Alisa felt warmth trickle from her neck to her chest and there it slipped between her breasts. Did he not have the strength to slay her? Did he not have the will? Impossible. Essidus was one of the most strong willed mortals Alisa had ever seen. No... it must be something else...

"Damn you..." he whispered at last.

She felt the blade leave her throat. She opened her eyes, surprised to find Essidus had already turned his back on her. He sheathed his sword and went quickly to Moonlight.

Alisa watched him silently while he examined the tiny creature. His hands were quickly coated in Moonlight's blood. He found the wound, but Alisa paid little attention. She was too focused on what had just transpired. She didn't understand. It made no sense. It made no sense at all.

Her beloved leaned closer and pressed his forehead to that of the tiny fox. He whispered something, but it was faint indeed for Alisa did not hear it.

"A towel," he demanded without taking his eyes from his companion. "Now!"

Alisa averted her eyes from her darling love at last. She went quickly into the nearest bedroom and retrieved a large towel from the bathroom. She had already allowed her hand to return to its previous form; casting off that of a talon, but her fingers were still covered in the blood of the officer. She did her best to avoid staining the white towel now destined for Moonlight.

Alisa felt pain... Essidus. She returned to find him pressing his left palm to the forehead of the tiny creature. His cuff was now rolled up and his wrist was bleeding profusely, blood which poured across Moonlight's tiny face. Essidus's eyes were closed and he seemed to be whispering, though Alisa could hear nothing.

Alisa edged closer. The wound looked severe... without attention it might even prove fatal. It took her only a moment to find the slender letter opener which now lay discarded and bloodied on the desk.

It made Alisa uneasy to see him wounded such, but her Essidus was strong. He would do what he needed to do. Alisa would not stand in his way. She would stand behind him in whatever trials he faced. She would only help to lift him in what he needed to do.

Without warning; without a word he snatched the towel from her hands. He carefully wrapped Moonlight within it.

"Hold him," he demanded.

Alisa stepped closer and opened her arms to the tiny fox without hesitation, doing as her beloved bid. Essidus carefully placed the now infant seeming Moonlight in her delicate arms before quickly disappearing into the kitchen.

With her love gone, Alisa's gaze fell upon Moonlight. In her arms, Alisa could sense the faint life within. He now slept with death nipping at his soul. What little remained of his life was still. It was not draining from him as she would have expected. Whatever spell her love had cast seemed to be working. Still... it was but a crutch. A delay. Essidus was no healer. Without more... it seemed unlikely he would survive.

Holding him close, Alisa leaned forward. "Hold on, Little One," she whispered into his ear. "He needs you..."

Moonlight trembled softly in her gentle arms, almost as if he heard and understood. It was as if he fought for life now solely for the sake of her Essidus. So it seemed, at least.

Essidus returned from the kitchen with a small pouch which he now tucked into his pocket. He made his way quickly toward his bedroom but was halted by a rapping at the foyer door. His eyes darted quickly to the source.

"Sir?" spoke a man. The soldiers outside were growing increasingly uneasy. They knew the dangers of confining yourself alone with a sorcerer. The courtesy the officer had shown Essidus by confronting him alone... had cost him his life.

Essidus turned from the bedroom door; having now abandoned his quest to retrieve something from within and instead went directly to Alisa. He grabbed her wrist hard enough to cause pain. "Come on," he said and pulled her quickly into the kitchen.

Alisa stumbled after him, surprised by his urgency. She quickly found her balance; however, and together they slipped onto the back porch. There were no soldiers in sight.

Still wobbling from the trauma which Moonlight had shared with him, Essidus pulled her through the door. Her bracelets gave no resistance; heading the will of their master. Alisa wore only her short slip, but the cold was of no concern. Her bare feet followed her beloved into the snow without hesitancy and together they began to jog with great haste into the woods.

Essidus stumbled on occasion. It didn't take long before Essidus had stopped dragging her and their jog had become a frantic walk; it wasn't long before he had transitioned from leading her to leaning on her. He struggled to maintain his balance, to keep going. His hand traded her wrist for his own, which he clutched tightly in an effort to stop the bleeding.

Between his fingers; however, the blood continued to flow. A spotted trail of crimson followed in their wake. The strenuous effort of flight only served to make wound cry more, to make it worse. Alisa's concern was mounting, but there was no time to stop. The soldiers had horses; their tracks would be easy to follow. They would have discovered the dead officer by now. They would be coming.

The level terrain gave way to a slope which descended several hundred feet before meeting a small stream. With her help, Essidus descended the slope without falling. Once beside the still flowing water, Essidus stopped and leaned against a tree. His breath was ragged. He looked pale.

"Are you alright?" he asked while looking back up the slope for would be pursuers. "You must be freezing."

Essidus was weakened and without the confines of the house, Alisa's ability to feel others was greatly restored. There were no pursuers nearby, but there was little doubt that they would come. It was only a matter of time.

"I'm alright," she replied quietly.

Her eyes were fixated upon him. Why had he spared her? Why? He didn't love her. He didn't even believe her; he didn't believe in her love for him. The power she could possibly offer him had become inconsequential in the face of current circumstances. Where could he seek refuge with a demon following him around? She had become a liability.

Or had she? Perhaps he spared her for this moment. If the soldiers came, Alisa would be his only defense. His magic was all but gone in his current state. That must be it. He needed her still.

"I won't let them touch you..." she whispered.

The first flake of renewed snowfall fell from branches of the trees above. It fluttered whimsically into the stream not far from them. His eyes traveled quickly from the crest of the slope to hers. His breathing slowed as he considered the meaning of her words. She could feel that he was disturbed by what she had said. "Don't get any ideas. You're still mine." he said commandingly.

Alisa felt his soul reach for hers; she felt his will press down upon her. It was a futile effort, he could not control her in his current state... but why did he try? If he had spared her not to end the lives of men... then...

No. She had misunderstood. He had spared her so that she might protect him. He needed her still. He was simply making her aware of her boundaries. She would not kill without his consent. She understood.

Once again he took her wrist. Hopping across the stream; he led her deeper into the woods. With bare feet and demonic grace, she followed him without question.

*** ** ***

The falling snow whipped around them furiously. The storm had been growing increasingly intense. With the setting of the sun temperatures had plummeted. Alisa's bare fur was no protection against such elements. Her flesh was like ice. Alisa cradled Moonlight against her chest. Wearing only a slip; she could offer him little warmth.

She sat in the snow with her back to a tree. On the other side of the tree was a road along side which a house stood. Alisa didn't need her eyes to know, to feel her beloved approach the house. He intended to seek medical provisions and clothes from the owner. He did not seek them for himself; however, for Essidus had bandaged his hand from scraps of his own shirt some time ago. No, he sought clothes for Alisa and supplies for Moonlight.

The soldiers had indeed sought them out. It was only a few hours ago that Alisa had felt them approach. Together, Alisa and Essidus had taken refuge behind a large rock. The trail that the soldiers had followed from the house had been lost to them in the storm.

They had never entered vision. They had passed to the far north, obscured by storm, forest and darkness. They may have already chanced upon this home. If not, they likely would in time. Seeking supplies here may prove to be a mistake, the owner of this house was not likely to lie for Essidus should he be questioned.

Moonlight stirred. Alisa looked down at the tiny familiar in her arms. She squeezed him tighter and adjusted herself to better shield him from the now furious storm. She was a poor shield. The small fox trembled and shivered in her hands. He had yet to return to the world of the waking, but he had shown some improvement. Alisa knew this to be temporary; however, for the spell Essidus had cast to delay the worsening of his condition would eventually fail. Even the life blood Essidus had used to invoke it would break under the iron boot of time.

The wound the small fox had sustained was quite severe. She thought it unlikely that he was within the reach of any conventional medicines. He needed the arcane.

Alisa's gaze drifted to the woods once again. It was unlikely that he would ever find that which he needed. Essidus would not be able to get him the healer he so desperately required. The words the officer had muttered in Essidus's library had been spoken a thousand times in a thousand homes across Oscia. The war did not go well for Oscia, or at least, Alisa had gathered as much. The King's mandate was absolute. Wielders of the arcane were compelled to serve.

Nearly everyone with the ability to help Moonlight; everyone with the ability to save him... had entered into conscription. Essidus knew people, of course... Perhaps he knew a healer, but it was unlikely that any such healer was close enough.

No, it all rested on them. On Moonlight. If he was to live it would be by what little supplies they could scavenge and by their combined wills alone. That was his only hope.

Alisa felt the approach of her beloved. Being careful to cradle Moonlight from the wind, she slipped to her feet. Essidus returned to them carrying a ragged cloak and some food. She could feel the disappointment in him. They had had little to offer.

He quickly gave her the clothes and without a word took Moonlight into his arms. Alisa watched him stroke the small familiar as she slipped the cloak on. She had little need of them; the snow and cold caused her no ill. The cloak had a hood; however, and would cover both her slip and coloring. Combined with the shoes, it would help to hide her nature should they chance upon someone... and it would also help to shield Moonlight against the wind should she take him beneath it.

"I have an... associate down the road. We can be there by morning if we don't stop," His eyes were focused intently on Moonlight even as he spoke to her. "He might help us. I don't know."

Alisa could feel his anxiety. She could sense his train of thought. Come morning this storm will likely end... the sun will rise and there will be nowhere to hide. More soldiers will pour into these woods in search of them. They could not afford to still be in these woods come daybreak.

After slipping into her shoes Essidus again handed her Moonlight. Taking him beneath the cloak, she held him gently against her breast. He would be warmer now. Warmth gave him a better chance at life.

Following after her Essidus, Alisa stepped from behind the trees. From the door of the house watched an old feline. Alisa could sense concern within him. He would probably take them in if they asked... or at least, until he found out what Alisa was. Even if he didn't, it would not be safe within that house. The soldiers would search it in time.

Reaching out, Alisa took the hand of her Essidus. Allowing him to lead, she followed him without regret into the darkness of the woods.

*** ** ***

They stopped only on rare occasion, when the storm grew too intense to continue. It had taken all of the night and part of the morning, but now with the sun climbing into the sky and the snowfall weakened... they had arrived at last. A wayward structure which stood alone at a crossroads; a three story inn and tavern of sorts. There were a number of people on the front deck. Unaware of the Alisa and Essidus, they watched the storm.

The windows of the lower floor were ablaze and revealed a seemingly empty bar. Between morning and storm, there appeared to be little activity within.

Still hanging on to the hand of her beloved, Alisa followed Essidus to the rear of the building so as not to draw the attention of those on the deck. The back door was open and together they made their way into the tavern, into a small mudroom. Another doorway gave immediate access to the tavern itself. Waving Alisa to the side, Essidus entered the doorway and surveyed the tavern.

"Oh, no... You go right back out the way you came!" Boomed a deep voice from within the tavern. "Don't you dare come in here."

Essidus swallowed hard and took a step forward. "Don't start with me, Miguel. I'm in no mood."

"Oh, I'm sure you aren't," the voice retorted. "Knowing you'll be dead in twenty four hours is enough to put anyone in a bad mood."

"I take it they've been here?" asked her Essidus.

"God damn it, Fellray," cursed the voice. "If you're going to screw me at least get your ass in the back before someone comes down here and sees you."

He nodded. Turning his gaze to Alisa, Essidus motioned for her to follow. Stepping from the mudroom, Alisa could see that the tavern was indeed empty with the exception of a large bear who wore casual yet expensive looking clothes. He stood at a doorway beside the bar which he held open, revealing a backroom. He looked shocked upon seeing Alisa.

"Who the hell is that?" he demanded.

Ignoring his question, Essidus made his way through the door. Alisa followed after him. It was a small room with shelves stocked with various forms of alcohol and food. At the center of the room was a round table around which sat four chairs.

The bear reached out as she passed and snatched her hood back. Alisa turned to face him, taking a cautious step back toward her Essidus. A look of shock washed over the face of the bear. He stood there, continuing to hold the door open for a moment... frozen.

Finally, he shook his head and stepped into the room with them. "You have got to be shitting me," he said and closed the door. "Is that what I think it is?"

He lumbered closer. Alisa could feel anger within the bear. Essidus stepped forward to halt his advance.

"Yes," he replied.

"You murder an Oscian Officer, implicate me by showing up at my door, and now you bring a demon into my place of business," the bear growled. He grabbed Essidus by the collar with one hand and pulled him close. "I should kill you."

The bear was much larger than Essidus. It took only a fraction of his strength to drag her love closer. Should he become violent, her love would be ill equipped to defend himself without his magic. Alisa took a silent step closer.

"You're touching me, Miguel." Essidus replied coldly.

The bear growled in return, baring his teeth just inches from Essidus's face... and then he released him. They stared at one another for a few moments before the bear finally turned to the door and locked it.

Alisa knew that Essidus had a reputation of sorts among those he worked with; a reputation among those who dwelt in the shadows of society. It appeared that reputation was known to this bear. Most mortals feared the arcane and those with the power to wield it. Essidus was greatly weakened... but this bear did not know that.

"What do you want?" The bear turned back to face them.

"I need a room. Protection," answered her love.

The bear shook his head. "If I'm caught harboring an enemy of the state, and that is what you are now, they'll..."

Essidus interrupted him. "What do you want? How much?"

The bear thought on his words a moment. "You know, you're a pain in the ass, Fellray," The bear grinned. "But I like you."

"Do I get a discount?" he asked sarcastically.

The bear's smile widened. "Not a chance," He took a few steps toward Alisa. "Is she sealed?"

Essidus nodded but said nothing in return.

The bear eyed her carefully. "I'll do what you ask. I want her."

Essidus glanced over his shoulder at Alisa. She could feel his mind shut to the idea immediately; she was not worried that he might sell her for his own safety's sake. He didn't believe the bear could control her... nor did he trust the bear with a demon that could so easily take life.

"A minute ago you were talking about killing me for bringing her here," Essidus's eyes returned to the bear. "Now you want her?"

"Right now I've got all the risks involved with having her here but none of the potential payoffs," The bear pulled one of the chairs out and took a seat. "I'm all for risk, but I want reward. I'd imagine she's quite valuable."

Essidus stepped closer to the table. From the pouch he had stuffed into his pocket back at the house, Essidus produced several neatly folded bills. Oscian currency. Alisa was unfamiliar with the value of the bills he produced, but she knew that the war had sent the value of those bills skyward. Or, at least it was valuable when this close to a major city such as Avenguard. In the distant country, the war had rendered the same currency worthless.

Essidus placed the money on the table. "No. She is mine."

A jolt coursed through Alisa. A twinge of pleasure at hearing those words. She's mine... to be claimed so openly, to have it declared to another. She found joy in it. Even if he didn't mean it in the way that she ultimately wished he did... he'd still claimed her. She was his. Both in his mind... and in hers.

The bear looked over the offering and Essidus both. He considered it for a moment. "Ah, my weakness," he grinned. "You always seem to find it."

"It's always the same." Essidus responded.

With a nod the bear reached out and took the money in hand. "So it is... so it is... this buys you three days."

The bear rose and pocketed the money. "I'll put you up on the third. Your meals will be brought to you. Stay put and stay quiet."

"I understand," Essidus replied.

The bear pushed open a door which gave way to a narrow stairway. He disappeared into the passageway, obscuring all vision of the other end. Essidus reached over and gently tugged Alisa's hood back into position. He then followed the bear... and Alisa followed Essidus.

The steps were small. Alisa had no trouble finding her footing, of course... but it seemed incredible that the bear could ascend the creaking steps without losing his balance.

Halfway up the stairs they passed a door which presumably led to the second floor. At the top of the stairs they emerged in a hallway lined with half a dozen closed doors. The bear went to one of the doors and opened it with a key he quickly extracted from his pocket. Essidus slipped by the bear into the room and Alisa followed.

The room was not extravagant. Wooden floors, a fireplace, and a small bed. The curtains had been completely drawn, blocking all view of the outdoors. A small bookshelf provided the sole amusement in the room in the form of a few dozen randomly selected texts. A door to the right led to an equally unimpressive bathroom.

Essidus didn't waste any time examining the room. He turned back to the bear. "Have you seen Mia recently?" he asked.

"Mia? Last I heard she was picked up about three months back," the bear eyed Essidus carefully. "Why? You need a healer?"

"Do you know of any?" Essidus asked quietly.

Alisa could feel his heart sink with the news of this Mia girl. In moments his soul teetered on the precipice of despair... and yet he remained cold and stoic to the world. The bear knew nothing of the pain within her Essidus.

"Closest healer I know of is Miss. Nussial in Rettingdam," the bear answered. "Old Doc Henderson lives just up the road. No arcane to be had with him, but I believe he's visiting family in Avenguard this month."

Her love's heart splintered. Shattered. The pain radiated from him like heat from a fire. "Ah... thank you, Miguel."

The bear nodded. "I'll have some food and clean clothes sent up."

He placed the key on a small table beside the door and then closed it. Essidus went to the door and locked it; afterward he leaned against the door and closed his eyes. Only then did she see him tremble... show any sign of emotion. Only then did he reveal himself.

Alisa produced Moonlight from beneath her cloak. She carefully placed him on the bed. "Rettingdam?" she asked and turned to face her love.

Without opening his eyes, he replied. "Two weeks travel north."

His soul continued it's seemingly endless descent into despair. He was beginning to fully realize just how limited his options were. There was so little he could do for Moonlight.

He was so hopeless... yet there were still things to be done. Food, water, warmth, cleaning of the wounds... the fact that he seemed so hopeless before even trying these things told Alisa a great deal. His connection with Moonlight was strong. The spell he had cast upon Moonlight was also within his ability to feel. From both he could sense just how much Moonlight depended on that spell to survive.

The more he depended upon it... the less likely it was that he would survive when the spell finally degraded. She might not be able to sense it, but her Essidus knew better than anyone what Moonlight needed. His despair was absolute... what he needed, Essidus could not provide.

Alisa stepped forward and slipped her hands to her beloved's sides. She pressed close and embraced him. Without hesitation he returned her embrace; he wrapped his arms around her and finally broke his silence. He cried.

His face found her shoulder where he hid himself, hid his weakness. Alisa closed her eyes and slid one of her hands to the back of his neck. She held him gently, soothingly. "I'm here... I have you..." she whispered.

"Why...? Why didn't you kill me," he whispered into her shoulder. "Why can't I kill you...?"

Alisa opened her eyes. She was stunned. She had been so sure that her Essidus had spared her life so that she might protect him; she had been absolutely positive that protection was the reason she still drew breath.

Why can't I kill you? Had he tried? Had he tried and failed? No... why? Why would he not be able to kill her? No, that couldn't be right.

"Why...?" he whispered.

Alisa squeezed him tighter. But it was right. He couldn't kill her... just as she could not kill him. Alisa felt light headed. He now supported her as much as she supported him. The realization was like a blindfold removed after a lifetime of darkness. It was overwhelming. He couldn't kill her... Perhaps...?

No. She must be careful not to expect too much. He had not spared her out of love. Pity, perhaps. Maybe he found it difficult to slay a seemingly defenseless woman. Not love, he had not spared her out of love...

Perhaps he believed; however... perhaps he believed in her love for him. If he did... could he perhaps one day...?

Her mind raced against her will. As much as she try, Alisa could not stop herself from thinking of a future where her Essidus loved her; a future where he held her in his arms with real and tangible love shining from his eyes.

Her mind returned to reality. Essidus kissed her cheek gently and slipped around her. He went to Moonlight as if to perform a solemn duty. Alisa turned and watched while he set to work removing the bloody towel that held his familiar tight.

Alisa watched him for only a moment before she went to the bathroom. There she filled a small bowl with warm water and brought it to Essidus along with a few fresh towels. Together they worked in silence to clean the blood from the fur of the tiny fox. Neither saying a word yet working together as one, a singular purpose.

Moonlight had sustained his wound in the left of his chest. The round had entered just below his shoulder and departed from his side a few inches away. The wound was sealed and did not bleed; the spell Essidus had cast had given it enough time to do so, but still... the damage within was not something the body could repair with so little time. They cleaned and dried him; they wrapped him in a fresh towel.

Essidus took him into his arms. He sat at a small table beside the window. There her beloved worked patiently to give water to the tiny fox. Asleep and unable to drink; it was necessary for Essidus to give him water slowly... a few drops at a time. He showed no impatience; he did not show disdain for this duty. He performed it without complaint.

Alisa watched the tender display for only a moment. Her beloved was filthy. He would want to be clean soon. Alisa went silently into the bathroom. She removed her worn cloak and shoes, setting them aside. She sat on the edge of the tub and began to draw her Essidus a bath. He liked heat and so she made the water hot.

The water came slowly, but Alisa did not move. She tended to the drawing of the bath with great focus. It was her self imposed duty to bring comfort to her love and so she watched the water come, adjusting the temperature as necessary to make it perfect.

With the tub full at last, Alisa turned off the water and went back into the other room. Essidus sat quietly at the table. His eyes were closed and he cradled Moonlight in his arms as if his own child.

She went to him, her silence once more replaced with the gentle song of her anklets. He opened his eyes when she neared. Alisa leaned forward and carefully took Moonlight from him. She took the small familiar to the bed and placed him carefully on a pillow before returning to her love. He watched her silently and did not object when she reached for his hands.

Taking them both, Alisa led her beloved into the bathroom. He did not object when she turned to him and her fingers found the buttons of his shirt. He did not object when the shirt fell to the ground. He did not object when her fingers found his pants... nor did he object when her fingers found the sheath of his sword; when she slipped it away from him.

Instead he closed his eyes while her delicate hands worked to carefully free him of his bindings. When at last he was rid of it all, Alisa guided him gently into the waters. With a sigh of relief he relaxed and laid his head back.

Alisa knelt beside the tub. She leaned against it and reached in, her hands finding their way skillfully into the water, to the fur and flesh within. She kneaded at him gently; washing and stroking the blood and dirt from his fur. She squeezed and rubbed his worn muscles, easing the tension from his body. He groaned on occasion, but said nothing.

Alisa's hands found their way slowly but surely around his body. From chest to back and from neck to feet. She tentatively visited every corner of his form and cared for it all; she lovingly pampered every inch of his skin and fur.

When at last her work was done Alisa stood to retrieve a towel. But before she could turn, she was halted. Essidus held her wrist. He pulled gently, beckoning.

Alisa was filthy as well, but the tub was not large enough to accommodate two. He was not interested in cleaning her. He wanted something else. She could see it in his eyes; feel it in his mind. He wanted her... to be loved and pampered in one other way.

Alisa's mind raced quickly to the idea that he could one day love her... that it was perhaps possible. No matter how hard she pushed, the thought could not be driven from her mind.

Alisa freed herself of his hand and lifted her slip over her head. She tossed it aside and stepped forward, her delicate toes dipping into the water only to be followed by her soft legs. Carefully she stepped into the water and knelt atop him, straddling him.

She leaned forward, her chest slipping into the water to press against his. Her lips found his and they kissed. His arms embraced her and she embraced him in return. Without the use of hands, Alisa rubbed herself gently against Essidus and managed to guide the head of his manhood to her.

Tenderly did she press herself upon him, enveloping him beneath the water. Alisa moaned softly into his mouth and trembled atop him. She came effortlessly for her beloved; the mere act of taking him into her was enough to drive her over the edge.

Even as she come, Alisa began to move. Slowly she took him again and again. Calm waves lapped at the edge of the tub, testament to their love making. Their kiss became shallower and her tongue slipped from his mouth. Pressing her muzzle to his neck, Alisa whispered. "I love you..."

He squeezed her tight. Their pace quickened yet remained gentle. He moaned beneath her. Her hand found his; their fingers interlocked. The water sloshed around them in rhythm to their love making.

Alisa kissed at his neck. She sucked softly at his wet fur. Her desire was growing within her... and it was not long before it had become a storm. A demand which must be satiated; a fire which only he could put out. She could feel the same within him. He moaned and arched his neck, offering himself to her.

Alisa nipped gently, biting at his supple neck. She batted his fur and skin with her tongue and nipped again, harder. He moaned and flinched beneath her. She had hurt him. Alisa pressed down on him, holding him in place. She nipped again, harder still. He gasped and her tongue found the faint taste of his blood. Alisa moaned loudly.

The blood of her love was a powerful thing to her... to a demon. She had not intended to bite so hard, but now with the taste on her lips... she needed it. Alisa closed her jaw, biting firmly... only enough to plunge her fangs into him. He bucked beneath her, both with the throws of his climax and the pain she inflicted upon him.

She pressed him down harder, restraining him while his warm essence flooded her mouth; restraining him as she felt him spasm within her. Alisa whimpered loudly atop her beloved with the taste of his blood on her lips and the warmth of his seed spilling into her core. She held her jaws tight, not allowing her fangs to leave his flesh. She held him forcefully and continued to ride him, taking her love.

He was hers. He was as much hers, as she was his. This was hers. This taste, this man, this mortal, this seed, this blood. Hers and hers alone. Alisa spasmed in return. With long and drawn out moans did she come atop him once more. She took him deep, pressing him hard against her womb. She held him there...

When the waves of pleasure finally abated; when Alisa could at last stop moaning and the seed no longer spilled into her, only then did she loosen her jaw and allow her fangs to slip from his flesh. The blood poured from his wounds onto the fur of his neck... of her muzzle.

She moaned, coming once more. She spasmed around his manhood; writhing in ecstasy while nuzzling and lapping at his neck. The flow of blood was not life threatening, she had been careful not to strike his arteries. No, but the bite was deep and his essence plentiful. The light blue fur of her face became spattered with his crimson. Her tongue enjoyed his taste and she sucked gently at the wounds to coax more from him.

Still arching his neck; still offering himself to her, he whispered her name. "Alisa..."

She moaned gently in return and closed her eyes. Resting atop him, she continued to gently nuzzle his neck. Her tongue continued to massage his fur and entice his essence from the wounds. She continued to taste his blood and take his quintessence into her. He was hers. Now and forever.

*** ** ***

They had slept most of the first day and night, having shared the bed with Moonlight cradled between them. There was little to do. Essidus had found a book but had been unable to concentrate. His thoughts were of Moonlight and of Jonathon. He would perhaps never know the fate that had befallen him.

Earlier that evening soldiers had arrived. Alisa had sensed their approach at first as only a feeling of searching. From the window she had seen them arrive. They were here for several hours though no sounds were ever heard outside their door. They then departed without incident.

Now in the depths of late night, did Alisa awake to a whimper. Her beloved. Crying. Her head rose softly in the pitch darkness. She need no light, she could see clearly.

Essidus was asleep with Moonlight curled atop his chest. He was wrapped in chains of light which shown of the color blue. Pain and despair filled his mind. Terrible suffering. Alisa reached for him; to brush away the pain and free him of his nightmare as she had done many times before... but she stopped inches from the nearest chain...

His terrible nightmares usually had no discernable origin. The chains of pain and memory normally seemed to originate from the very air around him. Not this time. This time they seemed to come from Moonlight. The tiny fox trembled violently atop the chest of his master.

Alisa reached out and softly lay her palm atop the small familiar. "Moonlight..." she whispered.

In the darkness she could see blood on his forehead. Slowly it trickled from his ear down over his muzzle. This blood was not his own; however, but that of Essidus... it was the blood he had used to seal his wounds and delay the inevitable.

Even the loyalty of his life blood was not enough to make the spell last forever... and now it lay breaking before her. Moonlight was dying. It would be only moments now.

Alisa would not break these chains... as much as it might hurt her beloved Essidus, to do so would be to deny him his final moments with his companion... She would not do that.

Instead she laid her head softly on her love's shoulder. Taking her beloved's hand in hers, she guided it gently to the soft fur of Moonlight's neck. He trembled under the touch of his master. Moonlight mewed softly, the first sound she had heard him make since the attack which had sent him to this end. Essidus whimpered in response. His tears glistened in the dark.

Alisa gently kissed his check; gently she kissed his tears... but to no avail. They came faster than she could kiss... and her own soon joined his. Instead of fighting a pointless battle, Alisa gently nuzzled the neck of her love. She cried in complete silence. She would not disturb him. This moment was theirs... she should be honored to bear witness to it. She rested her hand gently on Moonlight, stroking his fur while taking Essidus's hand with her other.

Moonlight's breathing grew shallow... slow... his trembles grew infrequent... and at last he exhaled a long and deep breath. The chains which connected him to Essidus grew in intensity and brightness. The spell and will which had bound them as partners, as master and familiar struggled against death to maintain the link.

But even that most powerful of spells could do nothing to ward off death. As quickly they had grown bright did they grow dim. The chains became brittle and began crack, fading away as they fell apart.

Alisa felt the life fade from Moonlight. Alisa felt him die.

Essidus gasped in his sleep. He sobbed and clutched the small familiar tighter to his chest. His other hand squeezed at Alisa's. Together in the darkness they cried... alone. They now had only each other... for Moonlight was no longer here.

_Final Thoughts:

There it is. That's Chapter 6. I'm happy with how it turned out. Still working on making that relationship between Essidus and Alisa evolve with every installment. I'm not sure if I'm succeeding, I can see how someone might walk away from a few of these installments thinking how nothing has changed between them.

That bothers me some. Other than that, though... I'm fairly happy with the way it's going.

Thanks again for all the great comments. Don't think I've had one heckler yet. It's a miracle or something.


[email protected]

Completed 12/16/2007_