A New Friend and a Familiar Tale.

Story by Jeremiah_Nightwolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Your Average Pokemon Journey, With a Twist

Again, don't read if your balls haven't dropped. I'm not your mama and you best not go complain to her because I could care less since you get this warning plus the one Yiffstar provides before you can even access the homepage. Also I would like to remind the great people of Japan that I don't claim to own Pokemon, nor would I like to. Please refrain from stealing my ideas and characters, I don't have tissues and seeing them used and abused by a mediocre writer would pain me ever so much. Thanks for taking the time to deal with my scribbles and I'll be looking forward to the comments of encouragement and also the one's of criticism and scorn. Have a great time reading!

As the sun rose over the mountains far from Viridian City, life began to stir every where. From the Mankeys in the trees, to the Digletts in their holes; everything and everyone slowly awoke from their sleep as if to the sound of alarms in their heads. The same went for Jaden who, no matter how much he fought on this particular morning, awoke and rolled over on his stomach to stuff his face in his pillows.

"Uhhh... Why did the morning have to bring the sun? Me need sleep..." He grumbled.

Autumn, on the other hand, rose her head up to greet the sun with a smile that could brighten even the most terrible day.

"Ah, the sun feels so good after a long night. Don't you think so Jaden?" She asked as she turned her gaze to her trainer.

"No..." Moaned Jaden through the pillow, of all the things he was, a morning person never made it to the list.

"Oh come on Jaden, don't be such a grumpy butt!" Said Autumn as she stood up.

As Jaden didn't stir from his place, Autumn got an idea. She walked over close to him and placed her front paws on his back. She then proceeded by rubbing his muscles softly in circular motions.

"Does that feel a little better?" She asked with a sweet voice.

"Uh huh..." Came the muffled voice of Jaden through the pillow.

"Good, now... Get up!" She yelled as she suddenly tackled his side forcing him off the bed and onto the floor.


"Sorry Jaden, it had to be done." Said Autumn after she walked to the edge to check on him.

Jaden finally gave up his efforts to get more sleep, what with a maniacal Pokemon tackling him off the bed. He lifted himself off the floor and sat on the bed next to Autumn who was smiling to herself in the aftermath of victory.

"So what do you want to do today Autumn, we really didn't get anything started yet since we had to help that girl. Wonder where she is...?" He trailed off as he thought about the day before.

"Well I was hoping we could discuss that event from last night, seeing as how you told me to wait for today." Replied Autumn as she sat next to him with an attentive face.

"Uhh... I guess putting that conversation off would only make it harder to conduct. Alright, what exactly do you want to know?" He asked with a sigh as he repositioned himself further on the bed.

"Alright how about the obvious, what exactly were you doing that made me feel so... good?" Replied Autumn, a slight blush was forming on her cheeks as she recalled the events of the night prior.

"Well I guess you would call it... Fingering."


"Well... This is so hard..."

"If you don't wish to speak of this anymore than you can stop..."

"No I made a promise, it's just difficult knowing that I'm explaining the sexual activity I did with a Pokemon to the very Pokemon I did it too and... No I'll continue... Fingering... is the act of penetrating a female's vagina, at least that's the normal and less frowned upon definition..." He continued, "... Anything else you wish to know?"

"Well now that I understand what you did, tell me why you did it."

"Well, while you were sleeping you began to talk to yourself. I guessed you were just dreaming at first but then you began to pant and moan. As I investigated the scene further, I found that you were having a rather 'pleasant' dream, and to my surprise it starred me."

"Oh well I..." Autumn stuttered, the blush from before returning to her cheeks with a vengeance.

"Well what?"

"Oh, nothing, please continue..."

"Well, seeing you getting so 'Aroused' made me feel the same way. After that it came down to the fact that I personally have no self control... Anyway that's all there is to the story."

Autumn was far redder than her skin usually was around her cheeks. Not only did Jaden know she was having dreams about him, he actually was turned on by seeing her excited in that way. She knew a thing or two about human behavior from books she read in the professor's lab, but never had she heard of a human being attracted to a Pokemon! Believe it or not, to her it was a dream come true because during her time with the professor she learned a lot about Jaden, and she honestly fell in love with who he was.

"Well like I have said before, I apologize for what I did to you; I know it was something 'taboo.'" Finished Jaden as he bowed his head in an apologetic way.

"Jaden... Don't apologize for what you did..." Replied Autumn.

"What? Why not?" Asked Jaden, he was more than a little surprised by what she said.

"Because... it felt good and if I had been awake... I would have wanted it; I did want it to continue after all..." Stuttered Autumn, her voice trembling from shyness.

"What are you trying to say?" Asked Jaden, his native maleness having a hard time deciphering the message she was trying to present.

"Oh for heaven's sake..." Said Autumn as frustration sunk in and she finally took action.

Before Jaden knew it he was on his back and Autumn's face was directly above his, her eyes staring into his as if they could see his soul. Autumn was breathing heavy as she looked into his eyes, her inner desires taking control of her senses as she leans down closer. As their lips touch it was far different than anything either of them had imagined, everything around them began to spiral until nothing was visible but the two of them. Jaden, loosening up a bit, placed a hand on each side of Autumn's body as his eyes closed. Autumn's body shivered at the sensation of Jaden's hands holding her sides. Their hearts raced together as their forbidden embrace grew more and more intimate with each moment. Finally out of breath, the two part lips and look into each other's eyes.

"Jaden..." Whispered Autumn.

"Shh, don't say anything or we might change our minds..." Replied Jaden as he touched his lips to hers once more.

Jaden went to move his left arm when he felt something grab hold of it and force it down, the same thing happened to the right. Autumn had let out her vines and grabbed Jaden's wrists; she wanted to have the fun this time. She then waved her leaf through the air slowly and a pinkish vapor spread throughout the room: Sweet Scent. The wonderful smell filled Jaden's nostrils and relaxed his entire body making it hard to even think about moving. Autumn then broke the kiss and smiled, knowing he was hers for the taking.

Autumn's back legs moved to the elastic band of Jaden's boxers and slowly worked them down until they were around his ankles at the foot of the bed. As her face moved by his groin to push down his boxers she saw it: an 8" penis erect like a statue for her viewing pleasure. She couldn't help but stare at first, the size was strangely appealing to some inner instinct.

Once the boxers were gone, nothing stood in her way as she moved back up to position her face near his member. She then slowly glided her tongue from its base to the very tip eliciting a moan of extreme pleasure from Jaden. That sound of approval was all she needed to encourage her to go on. As she continued to lick at his massive hardness, a drop of clear liquid formed at the tip. When Autumn's tongue tasted this sudden change in flavor she opened her eyes to investigate. She found that the source of the taste was at the tip of Jaden's cock, so she decided to extract more of the foreign liquid by suckling hungrily at it. The growth in pressure forced another moan from the teen that lay oblivious to everything but the pleasure at his groin.

Suddenly Jaden's member started to release a steady stream of pre-cum into the little leaf Pokemon's mouth. The flavor was salty yet tolerable enough to enjoy, at least that's what she thought. Jaden could feel something building up in his stomach, and with each loving suck on his cock the feeling grew ever stronger. Autumn could tell from the way the penis between her lips was pulsing that it would soon release, so she started forcing her mouth further down along its base until most of it was concealed. Deeper and deeper into her mouth and throat the member would go until finally a warm liquid started flowing out of the tip at a fast pace. She loved the texture and taste of Jaden's cum so much that she swallowed every drop that came into her maw.

Finally, after sucking the last few drops out of him, Autumn climbed back up Jaden's body and lied down on his chest. Her vines released their grip on his wrists and disappeared back into her neck. Jaden's head was finally clearing up as the effects of the Sweet Scent wore off. When he realized what had just taken place he looked down at his new lover with a smile.

"I guess you wanted to have fun with me this time huh, getting a little pay back were you?" He asked playfully, he was out of breath from the ordeal but could still laugh a little.

"Well, you made me feel good so I returned the favor." She replied as a mischievous grin formed across her face.

"Alright, but why did you do it? I mean, Pokemon aren't usually attracted to humans in this way." He stated as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Well Jaden, I did it because I... love you." She said with her eyes looking up at him in a way that told him her words were genuine.

Jaden was awe stricken. How could she love him, they hadn't known each other for more than a day!? What was he supposed to say to that? He couldn't bring himself to say anything that might break her heart but really, Romeo and Juliet love only happens in stories.

"But how?"

"What do you mean how, Jaden? Love doesn't have any standards it just happens. And it happened to me. As Prof. Oak told me more about you, every story made me feel like I knew you more and more. And the more I got to know about you, the deeper I fell in love with you..." She said as she stood up on his chest and looked into his eyes.

"But what am I supposed to say to that? I mean, I never even knew you existed until just yesterday. I don't know what to say at all..." Replied Jaden as he stared back into her eyes.

"You don't have to say anything; I just want you to know that I love you and that I'll be by your side no matter what... Even if you don't feel the same way about me that I do for you..." She said as sadness crept into her voice and facial features.

Jaden felt like a piece of trash. Here a Pokemon just let out her heart and soul only to be turned down by none other than him. But how could he love her? Loving a Pokemon wasn't wrong... but he barely knew her.

"Listen..." He started as he sat up and placed her on the bed beside him, "I am happy to have you with me and I will honor your vow to be by my side... And who knows, maybe once I get to know you better we can become more than just partners..."

"I... I'd like that..." Replied Autumn with a sniffle. She smiled up at Jaden with renewed hope.

Jaden got up from the bed and went into the shower for about ten minutes before coming out in a towel and changing into some clean clothes. Autumn sat watching the whole time he got dressed with interest, making Jaden both uneasy but excited. Once his bag had been packed and replaced on his back he called Autumn to his side and exited the room.

Just as he reached the exit of the Pokecenter a voice from behind sounded loudly to catch his attention.

"Excuse me sir, your Charmander is all healed up and inside his ball waiting for you here!" Called Nurse Joy.

"Um, in it's ball?" Asked Jaden as he and Autumn walked over to her.

"Yes sir. The young girl you asked to help find the ball brought it back late last night and left it for you. She said you should keep better care of you equipment, I agree with her." Said Nurse Joy as she handed Scorch's Pokeball to Jaden.

"Uhh, thank you for reminding me maim. Have a nice day." Said Jaden as he turned to walk away.

"Anytime sir. We hope to see you again soon!" She replied with a curtsey.

"Where the hell is that girl, and why did she leave me with her Pokemon?" Jaden thought as he stood outside the Pokecenter doors.

"What's wrong Jaden?" Asked Autumn, she was concerned with the grimace on his face.

"Oh, nothing Autumn... Just wondering why that girl left me her Pokemon to care for."

"Well, I guess she figured you would take good care of it... You are a great person." She said as she nudged his leg with her head.

Jaden blushed, "Heh... I guess we have a new addition to the team, introduction time!" Said Jaden excitedly as he released the Charmander from the ball with a flash of red light.

Jaden's eyes widened as the new team member's form met his eyes. It definitely looked like a Charmander in form but the coloration had changed from the previous day. Its feet were blue like the base of a flame and as Jaden looked up along his body it changed from blue, to yellow, to orange and finally red on his head. As the Charmander looked around it stared at Jaden's face examining him.

"What on earth?!" Exclaimed Jaden as he took a step back.

"Hey, it's rude to act like that when you first meet someone." Responded Scorch.

"Wait... You're speaking plain Japanese too... What the hell is going on?!"

"Jaden calm down, you freaking out isn't going to help us any." Said Autumn as she walked over close to Jaden.

"How am I supposed to be calm, it was one thing when you started talking because the professor explained everything to me. But now this guy is talking, I need to know what's going on." Demanded Jaden, his initial surprise subsiding and being replaced with the desire to know the truth.

"Well, tough guy, I know just about as much as you do. And do call me by my name when you refer to me." Added Scorch with a snort.

"Well yesterday you looked normal at least; do you remember anything that happened?" Asked Jaden, who hoped to get at least a clue from the snappy dragon.

"Well a few days ago I was walking along a stream not far from here. I had just stopped to rest when something was placed on my head and I was consumed in darkness. After being knocked out cold with a hard yet blunt object I was carried off to some lab I later woke up in. There were a few humans in white coats facing computers and one of them turned around to look at me. He then walked over and said, 'I see our new "guinea pig" is awake, time to administer the new serum.' I felt a sharp pain in my ass and within seconds my whole body went numb and I quickly dozed off. Next thing I know, I'm being shot out of a Pokeball by you. That's all I know." Recited Scorch.

"The human, did he wear glasses and have blonde hair?!" Blurted out Autumn excitedly.

"Uhh, yeah he did. Wait... don't tell me you went through the same thing." Replied Scorch.

"Well take a look at me and tell me if you think I went through the same experience." Said Autumn sarcastically.

"Good point..."

As the two Pokemon went on, Jaden stood thinking hard on what Scorch said. A lab, scientists, strange experiments and two strangely transformed Pokemon with the same horror stories; something fishy was definitely brewing in the world of Pokemon. Jaden knew what he had to do; he would find a video phone and contact Prof. Oak as soon as possible.

The two Pokemon had grown silent and were focused on Jaden's strange grimace.

"Dude, are you alright?" Asked Scorch with a slightly concerned tone.

"Sorry about that, I was dozing. Anyway Scorch, seeing as how you were kidnapped by some strange group of people, would you like to be set free?" Asked Jaden.

"You know, I doubt I'll meet another trainer who will be so nice to me now that my body has become so unique. Mind if I tag along with you two?" Replied Scorch.

"No not at all, you're welcome to come with us."

"Great!" Exclaimed Scorch as he jumped up at Jaden and tackled him to the ground. He licked his face playfully before hopping off his chest.

"Ok, ok. Welcome to the team. Are you ready to go back in the ball?" Asked Jaden as he held it up.

"Oh yeah, I'm still tired from sleeping so long." Laughed Scorch.

"Alright, return." Said Jaden and with another flash of red light Scorch was back inside his Pokeball. Jaden then placed the ball in one of the holders on his belt and turned to Autumn.

"Hey... Are you alright?" Asked Jaden when he saw her face.

Autumn was looking at the ground, her eyes glossy from the tears that were forming.

"Yeah I'm fine Jaden. I just thought I was the only Pokemon those people had done this to. Now I know they are still out there and that other Pokemon are being used for their sick tests." She replied as she shook the sadness from her eyes.

"Don't worry Autumn, as soon as we talk to Prof. Oak we will be able to think of a plan. We'll stop these people no matter what, together." Said Jaden as he knelt down next to Autumn and hugged her tightly.

My how plots can thicken with just a short conversation or two eh? If you haven't lost interest yet, let me know by doing what you do best: begging for the next chapter!