Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 17 -- Unstable Sun

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#16 of Spyro: Return of Darkness

Well, by some stroke of luck I was able to get this chapter edited and up here. hopefully the following chapters have such luck.

The story is almost completely done! The ending is written, I just need to redo the final battle and check over the unposted chapters for consistency and spelling errors.

If you're under 18, get outta here. Seriously. Find something else to do before you indulge here. Make it worth the wait.

Chapter 17 -- Unstable Sun

Spyro groaned and picked himself up off the ground soon after he landed. As the dust settled, he and Solar painfully brushed themselves off and limped to the edge of the ridge. There was a charred crater beneath the now-cracked boulder, but Solar's eyes immediately went up to the cliff the boulder had fallen from. Spyro's eyes jumped from the wreckage below to Solar as the white dragon shot up to the cliff edge. Spyro followed and landed on top of the rock, watching Solar looking around desperately. After finding no clues, he hung his head and slowly walked back to the cliff edge.

"Solar?" Spyro asked as the white dragon looked down onto the trail below.

"I could've sworn...no, it couldn't have been her," Solar muttered to himself. A tear fell from his eye and he threw his head back and roared, "FLARE, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?" He clenched his face as he tried not to cry, pounding the rock repeatedly with his fist. Spyro jumped as the rock cracked, and Solar pulled himself back as a thin piece of the ledge fell out from underneath him. Spyro felt a tear of sympathy fall from his eye, watching Solar shudder as he vainly tried to restrain sobs. The graceful white creature just flopped onto the ground as he cried. Spyro cautiously approached him.


"Just leave me, Spyro," Solar choked.

Spyro opened his mouth to say something, but he then heard the very faint echoes of an oncoming multitude, amplified by the rocky terrain. "Solar, we need to get going."

"You need to," was the reply. "You've got Cynder...I've got no one...I have no reason to live anymore..." Solar put his paw over his face and sobbed. Spyro wanted to say something in response, but he couldn't. "J-just get outta here...save yourself..."

Spyro felt something flare up inside him, and he stood up and planted his feet firmly on the rock before Solar. "So, what is this? You're just gonna give up? Here you are, pushing me and Cynder to keep going, while you yourself lie down and call it quits?!" Solar uncovered his face and stared at Spyro, who stood there with a scowl on his face and an angered fire in his purple eyes. "You're not even gonna try to find her, is that what's going on?!"

"I never said that," Solar chokingly growled, but Spyro kept going.

"You never said that, but by giving up, you've crossed that line! How can you give up on your mate without even having looked for her?!" As Spyro hoped, Solar was getting angry, and he persisted. "What would she think if she saw you lying there crying like a baby because she hasn't appeared yet? Huh? What would she think? Would she be proud of you? I don't think so!" Solar gaped at Spyro with a glare. "You haven't even tried searching for her! How can you be so sure she's gone forever? What about love, huh? 'Love works in mysterious ways'? You threw that nut at me not even twenty minutes ago!"

"You stop this now!" Solar yelled, quickly jumping to his feet, but Spyro shouted even louder.

"If I gave up and abandoned Cynder, what would she do if she found out? You pushed me, so now I'm gonna push right back! You WILL find her, but first, stop the self-pity!" Solar's face softened a tiny bit, and Spyro smiled to himself and wedged his next blow right into that opening. "What're you gonna do now, huh?! Are you gonna lie down again and quit or are you gonna look for her?! Answer me, soldier of Paralos!" Solar paused, choking on his anger as his mouth fumbled. "I can't hear you! I asked you a question; ANSWER IT!!"

"I'm going to search for Flare until my limbs fall off and my wingskins tear!!" Solar shouted angrily, bristling at Spyro, restraining himself from tearing the small purple dragon wing from tail. "How dare you label me a coward and a quitter!! I WON'T GIVE UP ON HER AS EASILY AS YOU THINK, SPYRO!!! I'LL SHOW YOU TO ADDRESS ME LIKE THIS!!!!"

"Good," Spyro said, his tone changing instantly back into the usual carefree Spyro demeanor, and he turned around and walked to the edge of the cliff. "Let's get going then."

Solar just stood there, stunned, his burning rage giving way to sheer confusion. Spyro simply jumped into the air and spread his wings, disappearing over the face of the cliff. After a bit, Solar heard Spyro's voice call "Hey, Solar! You coming or not?"

Spyro hovered in the air until Solar joined him, and he led the way back to the temple as the white dragon tried to sort out what had just happened. Spyro couldn't help smiling at what he'd just done as he turned and flew low over the ridge, sensing an investigation band coming up the trail to check on the disturbance.

They flew in silence until Spyro felt it safe to land and rest. The purple dragon waited patiently for Solar's response as he drank from a nearby stream. Solar eventually sighed and came up behind Spyro a bit self-consciously.

"Um...thanks, Spyro...thanks for that back there..."

"No prob," Spyro replied, and continued to drink.

"But...why, though? Why the outburst?"

Spyro calmly finished his drink and turned and sat in front of Solar. "You were giving up on yourself, so I figured the only way to knock some sense into you would be to shock you out of it; anger you to the point where you'd forget your self-pity. Plus I was getting a little sick of watching a dragon twice my size cry like that."

"Well...thanks..." Solar sat back on his haunches, looking at the ground. "I just...I miss her so much..."

"Don't worry, Solar," Spyro said gently, "You sense a strong bond between me and Cynder?" Solar nodded. "Well, as sure as you are of that, I'm sure you'll find Flare again."

After they'd rested a bit they finally noticed their injuries; as Solar stood up to walk, his left front paw gave out at the wrist in a sharp shooting pain, and Spyro jumped up at Solar's pained cry, only to fall back himself as his right hind leg suddenly seared. Spyro looked back and saw a nasty bruise and a bleeding scrape against his purple scales. He winced and inhaled sharply as he picked a sharp stone out of his scales.

"I can't believe I went all this way and didn't feel that...oooowww..."

"I think we should get back to the temple before something takes advantage of us," Solar said, limping.

Spyro nodded and followed Solar up into the air. They kept low until they were sure they were out of eyesight, and then with a powerful burst of speed and determination they shot through the afternoon air, heading back home for some much-needed rest. As they passed by the enemy camp, Spyro turned his head and rapidly shot a barrage of fireballs, not watching to see the destructive results as the two dragons sped overhead through the low clouds.

* * * *

The next morning, Cynder stretched and yawned, still feeling sick. She rolled over in bed with a disgruntled groan, and her eyes snapped open and she saw Spyro's loving purple eyes as she rolled right into his arms.

"Good morning," he said, and the next second he was caught in a deathgrip as she clung to him, her mouth clamped over his.

"Oh Spyro...I was so worried about you..." she said when she pulled away, a tear of mixed happiness and pain welling in her eye. Spyro wiped the tear away and passed his paw over her cheek. He smiled and let her grab hold of him again and start kissing him passionately. She finally stopped and stared into his eyes, so glad to have him back by her side. "What happened to you?"

"Oh, we stopped an army of about two to five thousand," he said with a sly grin, and her eyes popped. She quickly scowled at him.

"Are you screwing with me, Spyro? You'd better not be..."

"He's right," Solar said, limping into the room. Cynder looked up at him, and as she lifted her head up she saw a bandage wrapped around Spyro's right hind leg, and though it was hard to tell, Solar had one wrapped around his left wrist. Her face looked pained as she gaped at the bruising and scabbed scraping around Spyro's bandage.

"What happened out there?" she asked, worried. They proceeded to tell her everything, and Spyro joked about his rant at Solar, to which Solar self-consciously looked at the floor. Cynder laughed for a bit. "Oh Solar, you really gotta lighten up! We'll help you find Flare, don't worry." She looked sideways at Spyro, and he smiled back, knowing what she was thinking.

"Thanks, you two," Solar said, smiling a bit sheepishly. He was really grateful for their aid but he wasn't comfortable with these friendly situations...after all, most of his life had been spent just plain surviving--he'd never really had much opportunity to develop social skills. But he felt like he belonged here, and he smiled warmly to himself as he thought about their acceptance of him. Unlike back in Paralos, here he felt...at home.

They chatted for a bit longer before Solar did what he originally came into the room to do--he placed his paws on Cynder's forehead, and Spyro watched as the purple pattern on her forehead glittered in the light from his paws. He searched for a bit, and then released a wave of fluid light from his paws that washed over her. She sighed as she felt some of the sick feelings go away.

"Thanks, Solar," she said, and he nodded and limped out of the room, trying not to let his wrist hurt him too badly. Spyro and Cynder just silently cuddled with each other until she fell asleep wrapped in his arms and wings. Deciding to try something, Spyro focused on his love for the black dragoness he was holding, but he also focused on his light power and how Solar had said that light has curative abilities. He opened his eyes and saw small tendrils of light flowing from him into her, and as she slept he felt her cool off as her sickness slowly deteriorated. Thrilled with this new discovery he kept going until he felt that she was fully well again, and he gently stroked her face. She smiled in her sleep and nestled against his chest. He tucked her head between his chin and neck and fell asleep with her, so glad he was back home and safe and that she would be safe with him.

Soon, however, they both woke up at the same time as Cynder's stomach roared. As if he'd been waiting for the cue, Ignitus came in with a tray of fruit for them.

"Cynder? Are you feeling any better?" he asked, setting the tray down on their bed. She yawned and paused, then nodded with a content smile. Spyro pulled his wing back as she slowly sat up.

"Solar healed me a bit, but..." She looked down at Spyro and he smiled back up at her. "I think love has fully cured me."

Ignitus smiled. "Good to hear that you're better. Spyro? How about you?"

"I think I can manage," Spyro replied, flexing his bandaged leg. "That blast was pretty hard...Solar and I are lucky we got away with what we did."

"Well, you two just rest for today and recover from your struggles. I'll let the others know not to bother you." He smiled and walked out, and Spyro and Cynder began lovingly feeding each other as they sat on their bed together. When the tray was empty, Spyro set it on the floor, and Cynder grinned from ear to ear and sighed happily as he wrapped himself around her again. They snuggled under the blanket and twisted their tails together, Cynder as usual falling asleep first as the loving warmth of her mate's care enveloped her. He gently kissed her forehead and fell asleep not long after her.

* * * *

They slept on and off for the rest of the day and night, and the morning sun rose to find them out at their favorite spot by the river. They sat there, looking at the reflections of the forest and sky in the water until Cynder craned her neck and caught Spyro's mouth with hers. She was feeling a bit giddy again, and he sensed it almost immediately as he wrapped his tongue around hers. She wrapped her arms around him, and he laughed, pulling her closer to him. She opened her eyes and looked into his, and she saw the same look in those amethyst wells that she was feeling right now. He grinned as they rubbed their noses together, and she broke away with a little gasp as he pulled them both to the ground. She smiled at him seductively, and he returned the glance and pulled her head back to his into a passionate kiss. She moaned and pressed against his mouth, her paws rubbing his head and neck, and he replied by rubbing his paws over her wing-joints just the way she liked it as their breathing sped up excitedly. They looked at each other, their minds clouding over with love and lust. Spyro felt his cock quickly erect out of his sheath, and she giggled naughtily as its tip tickled her red underbelly. She broke away and gave him a sly side-look as she ran her paws down his length. She was a bit surprised--she had managed twice so far to fit this handsome organ inside her? He grinned back at her, a bit red because she'd never done this before.

"Y'know, I've never really gotten a look at you before," she said to him.

"Like the view?" he asked, and she looked at him with a lustful grin. She fell onto her side again and grabbed his shoulders as she planted her lips on his again. He lay there, gladly letting her have her way with him. Something flashed through her mind and she broke away, looking at the bandage around his right hind leg.

"Spyro...I forgot about your leg..." she said. He took her chin in his paw and turned her face to his.

"For you, I'll brave any pain."

"But...I don't want you to be in pain..." She gasped in surprise as he, still laying there on his side, picked her up and put her on top of him as he rolled onto his back. She looked at him, half-confused, half-excited by this new arrangement.

"Your turn," he said. "I won't need to use my legs this way."

Their eyes locked, and she lost control over herself as she slowly backed up onto his girth, gasping and clenching her teeth as waves of pure pleasure assaulted her, her insides grasping him tightly as she happily stretched around his dragonhood. She wanted it to last, but her body had other plans as she sat on top of him, shoving herself up and down on his shaft, both of them moaning and shouting as waves of intense pleasure flowed through them. She fell forward onto all fours and joined her lips with his as she hilted him as deep as she could into herself. He moaned as she desperately massaged his member, craving him. Fire began filling their mouths, and soon Cynder broke away, the fire spurting out of their mouths in curling tongues as she threw her head back and screamed "SPYRO!!" She gasped for air as he began thrusting up into her, and he lay his head back and moaned as she rode him in return. As she recovered her strength she fell back onto him, using her hips to impale herself on him as he passionately kissed her. She felt herself coming close to the edge, and he sensed it and gave one last powerful thrust, burying himself as deep as he could possibly go inside her. They both screamed, and Spyro unloaded himself into her and she greedily drained him as her own fluids surrounded his shaft. She wanted it all, and he was more than happy to give it to her. Wave after seething wave gushed into her and she shuddered violently as she came again, spilling onto Spyro like last time as she failed to contain herself. With one last explosion Spyro's quivering meat gave her everything he had, and she fell onto him, gasping for breath as she slowly blacked out from the intensity, a grin of loving satisfaction on her face. Spyro's vision was popping in the afterglow and he slowly and tenderly rubbed her neck and back, finally falling asleep himself with a content sigh.

* * * *

Solar groaned and rolled over in his sleep as he dreamed. Flare was calling out to him...He was standing atop a tall peak, listening to her words on the wind as she sweetly called to him. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again he was lying on his back in a field of green, with Flare lying next to him. He looked into her deep blue eyes, and she nodded sadly as she sensed his thoughts.

"Sorry, Solar...I'm so sorry...all you've been through...you deserve more than just a mere dream..." A tear fell from her eye as she caressed his face. He sniffed as he held her paw against his face, feeling a hot tear of sorrow run from his eye to her soft yellow scales.

"Oh Flare...I can't keep going without you...I miss you so much..." He choked and sputtered. "I feel so empty without you..."

She kissed him, but it was only an ethereal kiss of a dream. "I miss you so much, Solar...look for me and remember the name, okay?" she asked, flicking his chin lightly and playfully with her clawed finger as the dream faded. He looked around in shock and despair.

"No! Flare! Please, don't go!" he begged, streams running down his face.

"Dreams only last so long..." she said, and she was crying with him. "Please...remember...the name..."

"No! Please!" Solar sobbed as everything went black and he woke up on the balcony, her words still ringing in his ears. He broke down and cried, feeling so lost and alone without his mate. Then Spyro's words from two days ago rose up...

"What would she think if she saw you lying there crying like a baby because she hasn't appeared yet? Huh? What would she think? Would she be proud of you?"

Solar looked at the moon and sighed, wiping his tears. "I'm so sorry, Flare...but I can't keep going like this...not knowing if you're dead or alive..." He closed his eyes. "Please...if you're out there somewhere...please, let me know you're okay...let me know where you are."

As if his love for her was bending the fabric of reality, he heard her voice right next to him.

"But I've been doing that, you silly dragon...you stayed in the military too long," she laughed at him. "Cynder is right, you need to lighten up...You're not seeing the truth..."

"What is truth?" he asked, but she was gone again. He looked up at the sky... "Not seeing the truth...remember the name...?" Frustrated and confused, he put his head down and slowly and fitfully fell asleep again. This time, though, his mind let him rest as it played happy memories of his times with Flare.


Things are gonna start getting interesting...

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