Adia's Tale

Story by Indref on SoFurry

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Adia tells her friend a story.

"Nai Summerwind" and text used with permission.

Adia Landfall: There once was a dear little rabbit, Who got into trouble as a habit. She was plucked from the ground, By whom she was found, And used, abused and loved it.

  • A fel fae wrapped her little vulp love in strong arms, and as her tailtip tapped softly on the covers, they together snugged in bed, and shared a story -

Adia Landfall clears her throat quietly. Nai Summerwind squeeks lightly at the punchline and blushes Nai Summerwind: heeeeeee~ Adia Landfall purrs. Nai Summerwind: >.> Nai Summerwind keeps it for later Nai Summerwind: <.< Adia Landfall: Returning, from this world to her own, this little rabbit decided to do what one always does when things go in a strange and possibly dangerous direction. Adia Landfall: She called the cops, as the saying goes. Nai Summerwind nods.... listening and putting the story together in her head Adia Landfall: She gathered her sense of direction, smiled at the familiar fair-green sky, and summoned a taxi. Adia Landfall: Once she reached a town of half decent size, she entered a Peer Center. It was noticably empty. Adia Landfall: But eventually someone was available to help. Nai Summerwind tilts her head, moving slightly to the side and looks up Adia Landfall smiles. "The more questions you ask, the more I'll smile at you, that's a promise." Nai Summerwind: oooh~.... Nai Summerwind: Why was the sky green?~ Adia Landfall: This lost little lape was from another world, called Symbia. Adia Landfall: It is much like this one. It's much not like this one, as well. Adia Landfall: It's sky is a gentle green, and sunsets are a heavy purple. Nai Summerwind: Hmmmm~.... what was she doing? Nai Summerwind thinks about a purple sunset Adia Landfall: She had been here, in this world. She found a way home, sent for reinforcements, for a very odd war. Nai Summerwind: Ooooo.... Nai Summerwind: .... war is bad Adia Landfall nods. "But this tale does not linger on war." Nai Summerwind nods Nai Summerwind listening and idley running her finger down and up your latex leg Adia Landfall: This poor little lape, as it turns out, was unlucky. Or very lucky. I'll let you decide. Nai Summerwind thinks..... she was unlucky.... or so she thought Adia Landfall: She had landed in a great expanse of land known as Angelic. Nai Summerwind: :o Adia Landfall: She didn't notice this at first, she was far too concerned with simply finding help for her friends. Nai Summerwind: :o! Nai Summerwind: She should help!!! Nai Summerwind: Thats what I would do Adia Landfall: But as she relaxed, waiting to be seen by members of law enforcement, she did find that something was catching her eye. Nai Summerwind her ears perk, wanting to know what it was... asking with her eyes Adia Landfall: A grand and rail thin girraffe mae wondered in, signed something and left.. but he was entirely nude! Nai Summerwind: ! Nai Summerwind: >.< run lape run! Nai Summerwind: Wait Nai Summerwind: what did he sign? Adia Landfall: He didn't give the lape any heed. Another mae ran in, asked the receptionist something, and went into the back of the station. A calm jaguar, he was nude too.. Adia Landfall: I'm not entirely sure. Something managerial I suspect. Nai Summerwind: Why is everyone naked >.< Adia Landfall: Now you see, this lape wasn't entirely behind the times. She slipped outside, the hot air had kept most people out of sight and indoors. Nai Summerwind feels herself melt at the thought, her own body not taking too well to heat Adia Landfall: But here was a fel fae, there a urs mae, a shae drake wondered by, with the length of a mae, and proud breasts to counter them.. Adia Landfall: All of them without a shred of cloth. Nai Summerwind: ....... Nai Summerwind: urs...shae.... drake..... Nai Summerwind: drake... dragon Adia Landfall: Urs', ursine. A bear. Nai Summerwind: urs....... Nai Summerwind: o.o Adia Landfall: Shae's are those between mae and fae. Nai Summerwind: ooh Adia Landfall nods softly, gazing into your sweet face. Nai Summerwind >.< closes her eyes softly, now working on how to picture these characters in her mind Adia Landfall rushed inside and asked the receptionist where she was. But they were gone. She poked at an open terminal, a computer, and found out. Adia Landfall: Calis. Adia Landfall: The capital of the State of Angelic. The Lands of Lust. Nai Summerwind: :o Nai Summerwind swallows softly Adia Landfall: Otherwise known as the Free Furred City. Nai Summerwind rubs the soles of her silky feet against the soft bed Nai Summerwind: ... does.... does this place exist? Adia Landfall: Studying her own well worn jeans, shirt and jacket, she wondered if she would arouse too much annoyance.. Adia Landfall: In a way.. Nai Summerwind tilts her head Adia Landfall: There are places here that are very much like Calis. Nai Summerwind smiles Nai Summerwind: I've been training my magic... but... i'm still not very good Adia Landfall purrs. "Speaking of magic.." Nai Summerwind: And my spirit link is still a bit weak Nai Summerwind perks her ears Adia Landfall kisses your forehead. "Keep at it, light." Nai Summerwind smiles brightly and nods Nai Summerwind: I will! Nai Summerwind: I'm also studying your crystal >.< Nai Summerwind: I'll figure it out eventually Adia Landfall: The little lape ran headlong into a tall and regal equ'. A powerfully muscled horse fae, jet black fur, wild mane, and glinting eyes. Adia Landfall: Perfectly naked, of course. Nai Summerwind giggles "of course" Adia Landfall: She trotted backward nimbly and chuckled at the little blue bun. After an embrassed explanation from the lape, they set off to investigate. Nai Summerwind: hehe, was he nice? Nai Summerwind: what was his name? Adia Landfall: The idea was, that the lape's friends, in this world, would open a portal at a certain time. But she had to return to the random spot she appeared at, in the middle of nowhere. Adia Landfall whispers: It was a she, a fae! Adia Landfall chuckles. Nai Summerwind: eep~ >.< Nai Summerwind: I... I missed that Adia Landfall smiles. "She was very.. confused. And skeptical." Nai Summerwind: hehe, I would be >.< new things are .... they make me nervous Adia Landfall: I mean.. imagine if someone told you, that they had visited another world, and there was a war there, whom desperately needed your help. Adia Landfall: I mean.. Symbian's deal with odd things on a day to day basis.. but sometimes, enough is too much. Nai Summerwind nods I would.... well... yea I might believe them >.< Nai Summerwind: But most people wouldn't i'm sure Adia Landfall: But.. the little lape was insistant, and had odd things to back her up. Nai Summerwind: hehe, like clothes Adia Landfall: Plastic, a Nintendo DS, photos. Nai Summerwind giggles Nai Summerwind: ! Adia Landfall smirks. "Now now. Not all Symbians go about naked!" Nai Summerwind: hehehe Nai Summerwind: Kaay~? Adia Landfall: This is a state of nudity! A place where those of that prediliction go to find peace. Adia Landfall tilts her head, wondering if you have more questions. Nai Summerwind: ....... Nai Summerwind: perdlision? Adia Landfall: predilection, A preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor of something. Nai Summerwind: Oooh Adia Landfall: In this case, a liking of being nude. Nai Summerwind nods Nai Summerwind wiggles her toes and runs her fingers playfully over your leg again Nai Summerwind attentively listening Adia Landfall grins. "I think you'd like it on Symbia. Maybe not in Calis. But somewhere laid back. Sydrene, or even Central perhaps.. Adia Landfall: Anyhow.. Nai Summerwind: hee... take me there sometime >.< Adia Landfall smiles at the comment. "This tall and rather beautiful fae followed the lape into the wilderness." Nai Summerwind: heee~ trees Adia Landfall: While pausing to drink from a stream, the lape admired a large and ornately shaped horn that leapt from the equ's forehead. She braved to touch it, and was rewarded with a sharp zap. Nai Summerwind: :D Nai Summerwind: Unicorn.... of lightning Nai Summerwind: >.> Adia Landfall: The black horn crackled with white and blue streamers of energy. She rubbed her sore paw. The equ smiled. Adia Landfall: Lesson learned. Nai Summerwind: (( lightning is a tier 1 mixture primal )) Adia Landfall: They padded and clopped to a rocky clearing, rather spot dab in the middle of nowhere, and sat, facing each other in an uneasy silence. Nai Summerwind whispers to herself, as if she is studying her magic Adia Landfall smiles brightly. Nai Summerwind comes back from being sidetracked Adia Landfall touches your nose. "Zap." Nai Summerwind: eep~! Nai Summerwind: >.< Nai Summerwind: i've been shock-Ed Adia Landfall: The lape explained, that she wasn't precisely sure when this portal would open from the other plane. Adia Landfall: They decided to camp for the evening. Nai Summerwind nuzzles into your lap and licks her lips Nai Summerwind: where they all gained their levels worth of HP Nai Summerwind giggles to herself Adia Landfall: As father Sol gathered himself in the west, and faded into purples and blues and silvers, the lape still sweated from the heat of the day. Nai Summerwind: >.< eww.. how hot was it? Adia Landfall wags a finger with a laugh. "The equ finally did mention about all those silly clothes she was wearing." Nai Summerwind: hehehehe Adia Landfall: Oh it was humid, the hills leading down to a warm ocean. The poor lape sweated so horribly. Nai Summerwind: :( poor lape Adia Landfall: With friendly encouragement, she braved the embarrassment, and took off her jacket, peeled off her tight shirt, which was drenched in her sweat. Adia Landfall: A large river was nearby, fresh and cool. The peer, a policeman that is, convinced her to wash up. Nai Summerwind starts to feel herself get a bit excited as you say this, swallowing softly Nai Summerwind: ... policeman? Adia Landfall: After wandering for a minute or so, following the sounds of water, she found a beach on the river, and looking back timidly, removed her little jean shorts, and leapt into the refreshing water. Nai Summerwind: wait... the unicorn is a policeman? Adia Landfall nods. "Yes, basically." Adia Landfall: A peer is a slightly different thing.. but yes. Nai Summerwind: kay.... Nai Summerwind images the naked bun in the water Adia Landfall smiles. "All will become clearer.." Nai Summerwind smiles back "hee~?" Adia Landfall: The lape licked herself clean, alternating between swimming and drying in the last of the sun, until she felt fluffy and smooth again all over. Nai Summerwind: Heeeee~? Nai Summerwind is obviously daydreaming about this Adia Landfall: As she reclined on a rock, and watched the water, a tremendous crackling sound filled the air, and a flash of light downstream scared her to death! Nai Summerwind: ! Adia Landfall: Blinking to see and understand, she saw the equ, glistening wet in the fading light, wading in the water, surrounded by fuzzy sparks and tendrils of power. Nai Summerwind: >.> Nai Summerwind: do not step in the water Adia Landfall: The black fae held up two fish and grinned. Nai Summerwind: >.< Nai Summerwind: Thats one way to do it Nai Summerwind suddenly blushes and squeezes her legs together Adia Landfall: They met for dinner around a small fire. The air cooled, and the lape reached for her clothes, but a firm frown from the peer, an authoritive snort, and she thought better of it. Nai Summerwind looking uncomfertable for a bit Nai Summerwind: hehehe... she should keep her clothes off Adia Landfall tilts her head at you. Nai Summerwind whispers: .... restroom Nai Summerwind: >.> Nai Summerwind: brb Adia Landfall laughs, and adjusts her suit. Nai Summerwind: back Adia Landfall kisses your cheek. Nai Summerwind blushes and moves very close to you Adia Landfall: No then.. where was I.. Nai Summerwind: .... no clothes Adia Landfall moves gently against you. "Ah yes.." Adia Landfall: So.. there was the poor little lape. Adia Landfall: Once an outcast of society.. now laying in the dark with a peer.. Adia Landfall: A rather beautiful peer. She always had such a thing for equines. Adia Landfall: So feminine and yet.. powerful and graceful.. Nai Summerwind: hehehe Adia Landfall: A floating wall of muscle. Nai Summerwind flicks her tail and ears softly as you describe her Adia Landfall: Every inch of which she could see, the high moon illuminating with faintly green light. Nai Summerwind: Mmmmmm~? Nai Summerwind whispers: your.... very good at telling stories Adia Landfall: After a long peaceful time, the equ spoke up about the way the lapes bright eyes were keeping her awake. Adia Landfall winks. "The poor little lape squeeked in fright. She thought her escort was asleep!" Nai Summerwind: Hee... green of love? Nai Summerwind: or admeration? Adia Landfall: But her eyes, bright with the power of the emotic, had lit up the scene with indeed, a grass Symbian-sky-green of deep admiration for the naked body she lay next to. Adia Landfall: The horse-fae was an informed mind. She had to be, to forfill her duties. Nai Summerwind: heehee~? Adia Landfall: She knew what this magic was. She knew that the little lape was drinking in her naked form, and adoring the every sight. Nai Summerwind starts to chew on her lower lip, her heartbeat ever so slightly picking up Adia Landfall: And now you would understand perhaps, the differences between the way sapes chase love and lust, and the way the Symbians races tend to do. Adia Landfall: The peer, a professional, a proud and regal person. A leader. She did what seemed right, acceptable. Normal. Adia Landfall: She snuggled the tiny frame of her admirer against her, and set a soft kiss on her lips. Nai Summerwind gasps very softly, and not audiable, cooing just a little bit as she takes in the image in her head Adia Landfall: At first the little blue lape was shocked. But not for the reasons you would be. No, she was simply unprepared. Like I've said.. the little rabbit-soul had spent her childhood feared and hated and cast out. Adia Landfall: To be so easily held and given affection was.. new. And scary. Nai Summerwind looks up and then closes her eyes...."new" Nai Summerwind: "scary" Adia Landfall: She shook in the great arms of her protector, and did her best to return the kiss, knowing in her mind what to do, but fumbling to accomplish it. Nai Summerwind listening, her ears locked onto your words as she feels how she can relate Adia Landfall: The minutes dragged as she struggled.. but soon she found that her body was running away with her. Nai Summerwind tilts her head softly Nai Summerwind: how? Adia Landfall: Lips rolled together like matching waves on the sea, and gentle tongue explored her mouth. Great, powerful hands head her back. Her body writhed gently. Adia Landfall: Mmh? Nai Summerwind: oooh, she ish losing herself in the feelings Nai Summerwind: hee~ Nai Summerwind bites her lower lip, feeling herself getting aroused softly by the story Adia Landfall nods, "Yes.. her very form began to warm with hormones and shivers and she let herself fall into the wonderous safety of it." Adia Landfall: The equ lowered her horn to the confused lape's face. She insisted that she kiss it. Adia Landfall: She was terrified, but those warm, wet eyes on her were so gentle and reassuring. She puckered her lips and with great fear, pecked a tiny kiss on the regal spire. Nai Summerwind murrs softly, blushing a bit Adia Landfall: The lape was very surprised with the result. Adia Landfall: Her lips tingled and danced, she felt those great hands at her back warm and fire and spark, but no pain was to be had. Nai Summerwind: Mmmmmmmm~? Adia Landfall: No.. her fur puffed up on end. Her skin beneath it tickled and rivulets of wonderous pleasure rippled through every muscle her body held. Nai Summerwind bites her lower lip, her imagination getting the best of her and feels all hot and bothered Nai Summerwind hearing this wonderful story comming from her lips Adia Landfall: Her paws softly jerked, her legs shook like two branches in a gale, toes scraping the ground. The pleasure mounted, like a beast within her. Those muscles, walls of warmth and safety, wrapped around her. She was gently rocked, as her body filled like a vessel, filled with passion and tingles. Nai Summerwind finds her hand tracing down her stomach, the urge to touch herself while listening, not really realizing she is Adia Landfall: Her escort nickered gently in her ear, giving the delicate length a sparking lick, and the poor lape lost control. Her thighs spread in a vulgar show of lust, her mouth opened to release a hungry trilling moan, and as she invoked the sun god she so woefully worshipped, screaming His name, she orgasmed, and hard, watching in a mix of horror and wonder as her body betrayed her, doing its own bidding, and jetting luscious honey all over the perfectly sculpted stomach of her assailant. Nai Summerwind breathes a bit hotter, slowly rubbing herself over her panties, listening and lets out a very light moan while hearing your detailed tongue Adia Landfall purrs gently. Adia Landfall: The lape was terrified. She felt so out of control, so ashamed, unaware her body could even do such things, she swore quietly, and begged the peer for forgiveness. Begged that she wouldn't be punished. Nai Summerwind stops and frowns slightly Nai Summerwind: awwwww Adia Landfall: However, the equine as no such ideas. She was enamoured. Such innocence, such a show of passion. It was something she had never seen. Nai Summerwind smiles softly Adia Landfall: She gently squeezed a thigh between the lapes dripping legs, wrapped her tighter in those great powerful arms, and kissed her, on and on, until the begging slowed to a stop, the fearful shaking passed, and her form softened. They embraced.. for a very very long time. Adia Landfall: So long in fact, that they both eased into a quiet, exhausted sleep. Nai Summerwind kisses your lips lovingly as you continue your story, closing her eyes Nai Summerwind: ? Adia Landfall brushes your lips with her own. Adia Landfall: The following morning, this portal they were both waiting for had not yet appeared. It did, much later. But that is another story. Nai Summerwind: heee~ Adia Landfall: I will end my tale of these two, with a epilogue, if I may. Nai Summerwind squeezes you softly and nods, looking up at you Adia Landfall: Later, while bored, and daydreaming about the amazing experience, the lape collected her perella. Nai Summerwind: >.> perella = stuff? Adia Landfall: She relaxed in private, in a room she had managed to pay for. Alone, she looked up this peer via the data networks she knew so well. Adia Landfall: A perella is a powerful computer, based on a small jewel. Nai Summerwind: Oooooh~ Nai Summerwind: I have one of thoes! Nai Summerwind: >.> Nai Summerwind: actually Nai Summerwind: I stole yours >.> Nai Summerwind: Actually Nai Summerwind: >.> you gave it to me Adia Landfall: She reclined on a comfy chair, and glanced at screen after screen.. Nai Summerwind: Ooo Nai Summerwind listens Adia Landfall smiles! "She noticed with a start that.. this peer was very popular." Adia Landfall: Especially lately. Nai Summerwind: o.o Nai Summerwind: why? Adia Landfall: With a final motion, a screen filled the air, clear and crisp. The recording offered a link in playback, "Extreme Overview Point", and the lape followed the link. Adia Landfall: She watched herself roll around in the dark with her black equine lover. Nai Summerwind: >.< Adia Landfall: As it turns out.. peers are consistantly monitored by the general public as part of their duties. Adia Landfall grins. "The End!" Nai Summerwind: hehehe Nai Summerwind: RAWR! Nai Summerwind tackles you Adia Landfall: ! Nai Summerwind: ? Adia Landfall slips from your grasp, slick with latex, and pins you down. She growls deeply. Nai Summerwind: eep~? Nai Summerwind feels herself all pinned down now Nai Summerwind wiggling playfully against you as she is Nai Summerwind: ... your really good at telling stories Nai Summerwind: >.< Adia Landfall gives your cheek a wet, long lick. Adia Landfall: I'm very pleased you enjoyed that. Adia Landfall: Would you believe me If I told you, that you are the first to endure an entire tale from me? Nai Summerwind feels herself slick and marked from you "Oh~?" really?! Nai Summerwind: I'm honored!