The Gryphon in Room 203

Story by Dargon0 on SoFurry

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Hey all,

First upload to SoFurry, hopefully not my last. I do not write fast at all, this thing has been kicking around my computer for nearly 6 months now. I think I've got some decent ideas, but inspiration to actually WRITE is scarce.

Anyway, this was a story that came about because I didn't see much like it on SoFurry. Stuff with a sleeping/unconscious person is not explored a whole lot, so I gave it a try. Not a whole of of people have read this story before I put it on here, so I hope it doesn't come across as exceptionally creepy.

I did attempt to build up the action a little, and be as detailed as I could manage, but it's still a pretty quick read. If you find yourself struggling to understand some section, or there were far too many (or too few if you're crazy) details, let me know in a note. Again, this is my first 'sexy' story, feedback would help a lot.

Italics generally indicate thought by the character. If you're in a hurry, searching for 'allergic' will take you to sexytimes.

7/2/12 EDIT: Slightly polished version, worked out a few kinks and added about 5 paragraphs

Tuck in the edges...Corners pulled to leave the blanket flat...Fold the neck back the width of a paw...Pillows stacked in a pyramid and...done. One more room down.

Soren straightened from the bedside, looking over the room he had finished, checking the details he knew he had a habit of forgetting. He'd not missed anything this time! The floor had been vacuumed, beds made, bathroom taken care of. The patrons who'd occupied this room hadn't left any surprises that Soren occasionally found. The little hotel where he worked was not really large enough, or famous enough, to host the room-destroying terrors of rock-stars, but there was the odd broken chair leg, or "experimental" mixture of drinks and condiments.

Not that there was anything wrong with a little variety in Soren's schedule. Usually interruptions came from the front desk, a customer asking to have their bags taken up for them, or a room service order being ready. Those sorts of things didn't happen very often, though, leaving his main work of housekeeping. Cleaning up rooms that guests had checked out of was normally a dull business. It didn't bother him, though. In fact, it gave him a lot of time to allow his imagination to roam. When you had been cleaning rooms as long as the reptile had, most of the tasks were automated enough to require little conscious attention, almost an autopilot for his body. His mind wandered a lot when cleaning, perhaps too much.

Soren was not a learned dragon (at least, not beyond the required schooling), but his imagination was still vivid, a result of avid reading when he was young. Narratives often chased themselves around inside his head, looking for the best turn of phrase to express them. They were joined by characters who were unsatisfied with their personality or appearance. Soren wrote his ideas down when he had the chance, and had actually started carrying a notepad just for that reason. It didn't affect his work, and so didn't need to tell the boss, but Clark probably wouldn't care even if he did. And what Soren did after-hours was his own business, so he was free to try and forge the stories into what they desired to be. He had never really aspired to be a writer, but felt these stories deserved to be expressed, if only to himself.

The black-scaled dragon left the room, carrying the old sheets with him. The hotel had the policy to change the sheets after every guest, which was not necessary all the time but was a good policy. "Customers expect it, so it gets done", the manager had once said. Fine by me, I'm not the one who has to pay the water bill, Soren thought. He moved on to the next room, mind already turning to a story about a gecko who had found herself on a unfamiliar planet by the machinations of fate and a very peculiar wormhole.

As Soren was finishing up the cleaning in the lobby, a small, mousey-looking man hurried through the front door, making a beeline for the receptionist. Tabitha was on desk during the day, though she also moonlighted as the cook when people requested room service. You might not think it to look at her, but that prim kangaroo knows her way around a skillet, Soren thought, chuckling to himself. He couldn't quite hear their conversation, but Tabitha called him over after a few sentences.

"Soren, be a dear and help Mr. Brown get his bags to his room, will you? He's in a hurry to return to the office district for a meeting." Soren nodded, quickly turning and heading for his luggage cart. Mr. Brown headed back to the front doors after grabbing the card keys off the counter. The dragon met him out near the compact that was probably rented, but used the short walk to look the man up and down. He indeed appeared mousey, but his species was really a shrew or something closely related. He looked to stand about a head shorter than Soren's 6' 2", which was probably tall, given his species. Mr. Brown also appeared to be a little tired after driving or flying from wherever. Soren presently arrived at the car, where Brown had already popped the trunk and pulled a few bags out.

"Do you have a room number I should take these to, sir?", Soren queried as he hefted the first of the six or so bags onto the cart.

"Ah, yes it's..." A pause as Brown looked at his reservation, "203. Sorry about the number of bags. I always pack light but my partner likes to 'come prepared', as she puts it. To me it just means more charges when we have to check them for flights. Females seem to pack more, whatever species they are," Brown said with a slight chuckle for the end.

Soren chuckled with him,"Heh, true enough sir. What species is she, if you don't mind my asking?" "Not at all, she's a gryphon."

Soren frowned, "A what?"

"You haven't heard of them before?" A quick shake of the scaled head. "Well, gryphons have been around for a while, but never in very large numbers. They're sort of half-eagle, half-big cat, usually lion." Soren paused lifting the last bag. The mental image the description conjured was not really flattering.

The shrew brought a paw to his brow. "Well, I'd explain more, but time is money to a businessman, and I have to get back to the meeting to make sure Karen hasn't chatted our clients ears off. And please no cracks about being a shrewd businessman, I've heard them all." They both chuckled a bit, Soren more out of politeness. He couldn't stand puns. "Can you manage these all by yourself?" "Yessir, I'll just put them in your room?" "That would be great, we'll deal with them when we return." "Alright, will do. Good luck sir."

"Thanks," Mr. Brown called, not looking at him as he climbed back into the car. Soren quickly wheeled the cart out of his way, and the shrew was gone within a few moments. As he started pulling the cart back to the lobby, the dragon thought over what he had just learned. Half-eagle, half-big cat? How do you even fit those two together? Soren kept imagining a cat face with a beak attached, or an eagle covered with fur. Well, hopefully not, both seem rather dreadful. Before long, he was up the elevator and through the door to 203, before depositing the bags near the dresser, easily visible.

Soren returned to his rounds, hoping that his path would cross with the gryphon's sometime later in the day. Luck was not with him however, since he finished his duties and retired to his room without once sighting her. Hmm, I'll have to find out how long they're staying. It would be a shame to miss seeing a rare species, Soren mused as he lay in bed. Gotta make sure to check it with Tabitha tomorrow.

As luck would have it, the next day went much like the first day of their stay. The black dragon kept his eyes open whenever he was in the lobby, going so far as to linger there any time he had to pass through it. When it came time to clean the second floor, he kept his ears alert as well, surreptitiously looking at the elevator whenever he heard it open. But alas, the partners had planned a full day of meetings with clients, leaving early, with the last meeting ending at 7, long after his shift ended. He entertained a vague hope that they might order a room service snack, but they were frugal, especially during business trips.

Still, he stopped by Tabitha at the front desk during the standard lobby treatment, trying to give himself a timeframe to see the gryphoness at least once.

"Hey Tabby." "Hey Soren! Did you manage to get the smell out of that chair Frank gave you?" "Not really; It's mostly gone, but not really faint enough to put it back in a room. Might have to scrap it. Did you ever find out what caused it to smell like that?"

"Frank didn't say. And from the way it smelled, I wasn't about to ask!"

"And you didn't even have to get close to the thing!" Soren grimaced. "Anyway, I wanted to ask you about the register? Did we get somebody checking into 112? I went to clean it, and it looked like it had been used." "What, really? Huh, lemme check," Tabitha pulled a large binder over and flipped it to the most recent page. "Ah, here it is. Really late check-in, might be driving cross-country. Two adults, one kid, one night, and they're already checked out." She handed the red folder over to show him. A quick glance showed that, yes there was a family staying in 112, but Soren was interested in the entries above that. Ah, there they are. Room 203, 2 adults, 1 bed, and a 3 night stay. Three nights...A decently long stay, and the time will be mostly-over tonight.Curious that they didn't request a room with two beds, I didn't get the impression that they were mated, Soren mused as Tabitha pulled the ledger back.

"I might have to start checking this thing myself when I start my shift, try and avoid those pleasant little surprises." "They won't be so pleasant if the room's still occupied!" they laughed together as Soren headed off on his rounds.

These thoughts were still on his mind as he went through the rooms, straightening them up, or re-working ones that hadn't been touched for a long time. The rooms that required the most work were ones that had just been checked out of, resetting everything for the next patron; Nothing hugely difficult, just a little tiring to do if there were more than 3 or 4 in a day.

Soren blinked himself back into awareness as he saw the number 203 on the room he was about to check. Well this might be interesting, he thought as he did the cursory knock before letting himself in. The room was somewhat disheveled, to be expected from a pair of businessfolk on a trip. Most of the bags had indeed belonged to the gryphon, clustered as they were around the bed. It appeared that the shrew was sleeping on the large recliner also in the room. Ah, so they aren't mated, just traveling together. There isn't much to do except throw away some obvious garbage wrappers and make the bed, should be quick. Soren did a quick spot check of the room, which took him close to both the recliner and the bed. Having met the shrew when he checked in, Soren recognized Mr. Brown's scent. Thus the only other identifiable scent in the room, clinging to the bed, must be the gryphon's. Trying to memorize the scent of such a rare breed seemed natural, given that another gryphon might not ever come to their little motel. Soren pulled back the sheets and held them up to his nose for a moment, giving him a slightly better image. Still...exotic in a way I can't quite place. Different from pretty much every race I've seen or met, Soren thought. It was then he saw the panties.

He stiffened up a bit, and glanced around, even though he knew there was no one else in the room. She must have needed to change under the covers for some reason. Maybe the shrew was hogging the bathroom and they had a meeting to catch? mused Soren. They were pink against the white of the sheets, with a thin white border. No one else here, and no better way to get a scent... He took a quick mental picture of their layout, and gingerly lifted them in his talons, careful to avoid damaging them. He could already tell the gryphon's scent was much more concentrated in these, fabric that had been pressed close to such an intimate area of her body. Soren slowly pressed the cloth to his nose, and inhaled deeply. A mix of avian and leonine odors imprinted themselves on his mind after a moment. They went a great deal towards helping define the image of the species they had come from, and Soren found himself even more intrigued as to this gryphon's appearance.

A good thing no one else is in the room. Even that little smell left me at half-mast. Not to mention how perverted it was to begin with, hah, he thought. It would be a loss to miss a rare breed such as hers staying in our hotel without even seeing her. But after tonight, there will only be one more day, and if they only come back at night..._The wheels in Soren's head turned a little bit. _I...could come to the room tonight...I've got a master key to the rooms after all. And if I'm really quiet..._Soren marveled a little at the fact that he was willing to risk his job, his reputation, and the reputation of the hotel just to satisfy his curiosity. _Well, I am pretty light on my feet. And I can just bug out if they start waking up. Excitement flooded him. I can probably pull this off, and no-one would be the wiser.

The idea settled in his mind, Soren finished his cleaning rounds, making sure to linger in the lobby after his shift was over in case they returned early that day. No such luck, so he retired to his room, eagerly anticipating the night's events. If they leave for meetings at 8-ish, that means they're getting up at 7-ish. Better set the alarm for 3 AM, should put me right in the middle of their sleep schedule. Soren crawled into bed, mind racing with the night's potential in risk and reward. He did manage to sleep a few hours, his hyperactive imagination conjuring outcomes good and bad in dream form.

The sudden beeping of his alarm at the appointed time was quickly silenced. Soren got dressed quickly, not bothering with his usual foot-wraps that protected his digit-grade feet. Stomach turning over in nervousness, he let himself out, and headed toward an exit that led to the exterior of the building. He had thought it through beforehand. If I head through the lobby, the night guy will ask what I'm doing up for, and be able to give evidence of me if things happen to go wrong. Clearly the simple solution is to head out of the building and back in. Good thing I've got this key! Once on the second floor, Soren moved more slowly, making sure not to pound his feet the way his heart was pounding. Once again he faced the door to 203 before a sudden realization sank his hopes a little. Each room was fitted with the ubiquitous sliding hotel locks, as per building code standard. If they had engaged that lock, his adventure was at an end. Only one way to find out, I suppose. He slipped the key card in and out, careful not to slam the handle.

Soren then gave a slow, experimental push, and was encouraged by the lack of a scraping sound. Once he reached the point where the door would normally stop, relief and excitement flooded him. I'm in! Soren gave a quick furtive glance about, then opened the door wide enough to just allow him passage, fighting the urge to barge in and get out of the hallway. He slowly peeked his head in, to make sure there no lights on. Of course there are no lights, I'm sure they'd be panicking if they were still awake, Soren chastised himself. He carefully entered, careful to touch neither door nor frame, noticing immediately how cold it is in the room. Must have overreacted to the summer heat and cranked the AC. He turned to allow the door to fall shut slowly, making a clicking noise that was extremely loud to his ears. He tensed up, listening...nothing. Soren simply stood there for a few minutes, allowing his eyes to adjust to the low glow of light cast from the streetlamps placed around the parking lot outside the window. Once he could see the fire escape instructions on the door, he turned, keeping his tail close and spinning his feet in place. This gave him his first good look at the dark room. It was a pretty bog-standard hotel room: bed, desk with TV, recliner, open closet, and the bathroom near the door. Even with the suitcases and clothes strewn about, the room was about the level of neatness busy businesspeople could attain while traveling. A few key differences were that this one had people occupying both the bed and recliner. The shrew had elected to sleep in the recliner with a blanket, instead of having potential awkwardness with sharing the bed.

Soren slowly stepped into the room, stomach still fluttering, using his experience with every room in the hotel to place his weight so the floor would not creak too badly. He managed to get between TV and bed, and looked at a gryphon for the first time. Well, what he could see of the gryphoness that was sticking out of the covers. He could see her clearly avian head, with a black beak and feathers that faded from brown on the top and back of her head to white around the beak, almost like those of a red-tailed hawk.

I wonder if different individuals get different species of hawk. Or maybe coloration is just determined by parentage, Soren mused. It's so dark I might not even be seeing the right colors. With the gryphon lying on her side, her arm was over the covers, and he thought he could see a faint pattern of golden scales down them, ending in clawed fingers that had been dulled so they could be used without destroying everything. I wonder if I could pull back the covers so I could see more of her, Soren thought with a flip of his stomach. No, too risky. She might get cold and wake up.

So Soren simply stood and watched her for a bit, listening to the slow, regular breathing of both occupants. The shrew said she was 'half-big cat'. There's no real blending of features on her face, makes me wonder where that comes in on the body. Soren's eyes traveled down the sleeping form, his longing to see what was hidden fighting a losing battle against common sense. He suddenly realized he was shivering, and not entirely from nervousness. The room was freakin' cold! Time to go. She's probably not going to move very much, and even being here is risky, Soren thought. Carefully he made his way back out, thankful that the entryway was clear for his slightly unsteady feet. He repeated his slow progression through the door in reverse, staying tucked through the door, into a still-deserted hallway. He took the same circuitous route back to his room, going out and back in the building. Soren had managed it. Snuck into and out of a customer's room without being caught. Exhausted by the toll on his mind and emotional state, he collapsed to the bed. He had to do it again. Must see her face again. Except now, he would touch it. Feel his scales on her feathers. As long as he was careful, there would be no problems. Soren's rational mind was being overridden by some unfulfilled desire to know, to feel. I can do this.

The next day could not pass fast enough for Soren. He coasted through his rounds, only paying half-attention. The other half focused on the forthcoming night. Sleep had tempered his excitement a little, but not dissuaded him. He already knew he could get in and out without waking either occupant, he just had to move a little more and be very careful while touching the gryphoness. It would be a little disappointing to never find out what part of her was half-big cat, but it would be better than nothing.

Slightly tired from the previous night's escapade, Soren headed to bed earlier than usual so he wouldn't oversleep by accident. 3 AM worked before, should probably use it again. Again, he quickly silenced his alarm, then retraced his steps out of the building and back in. The hallway was deserted again, allowing him to do his quiet entry ritual, and the pause waiting for eyes to adjust. Another in-place pirouette and carefully placed steps toward the bed. But as Soren was moving deeper into the room, he noticed something different. Her partner's not sleeping on the chair near the wall. Furthermore, the blanket he was using is folded there. What the hell...

Unknown to Soren, the shrew was sleeping in the hospital after having an allergic reaction at dinner severe enough to cause painful stomach cramps. The doctors believed he was in no danger, but had kept him overnight for monitoring. Indeed, the gryphoness had gotten home quite late, only getting to bed about 1 AM after ensuring her partner's safety. Luckily for Soren, that had been enough for her to fall into deep dreaming sleep.

Well...Damn, he might have gone for a walk or something, and come back at any minute! But, no, he wouldn't have folded the blanket for so short a time, which means he probably won't be coming back tonight, Soren reasoned. And if he's not coming back tonight... His chest tightened. He could see her whole body under the covers! As long as he was careful, of course. The complications of the second person had been removed, all Soren had to do was turn up the heat in the room and pull the covers back slowly. This is hardly any more dangerous than what I had planned, if I'm careful. Might not get this chance ever again, either. Thus emboldened, he crept to the A/C unit, avoiding the creaky spots and triggered the heater to go to what he hoped was a comfortable under-covers temperature, about 80 degrees.

Padding over to the side of the bed, now closer than ever before, Soren knelt beside it. The gryphoness was lying on her right side, facing him. He could see details in her feathers now, the slight overlapping, and the gradual fade from her brown forehead and throat to her white 'cheeks'. He also noticed that they were more slightly browner than pure white. With that, he waited. As the temperature reached the point he thought she would sweat, he slowly stood again, trembling with nervousness. If she wasn't asleep enough, the motion of the covers would wake her in an instant. Soren steeled himself, and grabbed the edge of the covers on each side of her form. He lifted them directly up, careful not to slide them over her scaled forearms or feathered neck. He ssssllllloooowwwly moved along the bed, picking up the covers more as he went, until her form was halfway uncovered, about to the waist. He just as slowly laid them on the rest of her covered body. If Soren took this too fast, the gryphoness wouldn't be able to adjust to the difference in temperature between the room and the bed. Finished with this first stage of the uncovering, he looked over the form he had revealed. Soren could tell she light, lean, and had no breasts, probably owing to her avian heritage. He could see a little of the gryphoness's feather-clad torso, but most was covered by her shirt. Now he could see her chest rising and falling as she breathed, only a minor shifting of cloth.

Alright, temperature should be about right to uncover some more. At least, I hope so. Soren repeated the procedure of lifting the covers and walking very slowly backwards. He nearly gasped when her feline legs were exposed, furred legs a marked difference to her feathers and scales. He concentrated on uncovering her footpaws, and resumed his walk. Once fully exposed he slowly laid the sheets off the end of the bed. Now he could see her form in full! She wore essentially a very large t-shirt that had ridden up over her hips sometime in the night. Her scales only went to her elbows, feathers taking over towards the shoulder and her footpaws were large, a fact Soren correlated to a lack of shoes around the room. Her digitgrade legs were covered with short groomed tan fur, and continued beneath her shirt. She was not quite half-cat however, since she possessed tailfeathers instead of a flexible feline tail. Said tailfeathers were currently holding up her shirt so her panty-clad butt was plainly in view. It was very cute, and slim from what Soren could see. And since feathers were at the top, and fur at the bottom...The transition occurs somewhere within. The dragon found himself longing to look upon that transition, as well as...other things, within the confines of the cotton.

Did he dare go that far? He was already risking his job, and he hadn't touched her yet. He could replace the covers, reset the thermostat, and leave with no one knowing. But...he might never get a chance like this again. This was the first gryphon to stay here since he had been working here, and another might never come. No, god no, that was not the way to think. Being impulsive leads to mistakes which could lead to way more that just being fired. Though...he had made it this far without being caught. He'd had success on the previous night, being able to slip in and out unnoticed. Tonight, he'd even gotten the covers off without disturbing the creature below them, which was no small task. Still, moving covers was completely different from moving and, well, undressing a person! She hadn't moved the entire time he'd been taking the covers off, what if she rolled into him while he was pulling off her clothes? She'd almost certainly wake up then!

Auuugh! But that doesn't change the fact that I really freakin' want to! Soren silently shouted, frustrated with his own indecision and desires. Of course he'd heard of people doing things "because they couldn't stop themselves", but he never felt as though he'd be in that predicament! He was a good guy! He was considerate! He'd never do anything against someone's wishes! He...still...really wanted to see this gryphoness nude. The passionate side of his mind lined up the potential justifications: he was already this far, going farther would be simple; his caution had ensured he'd not gotten caught up to this point, and being cautious would see him through; this was the only gryphon he'd ever seen in more than a score and a half years; Soren found he just couldn't argue with them. He resigned himself to action, even if it was stupid and crazy. Sometimes people did things they didn't understand, and now he could say he had, too.

All right, let's do this. Standing off to the side of the bed, Soren first reached and slid her gown up as far as it could go without tugging it underneath her. The hem of her shirt came to rest just below her ribs, revealing a toned stomach covered in feathers. The elastic of her panties was tight to her skin, giving Soren little to work with. Thinking, he moved his claw from her hip toward her stomach, where the tightness created a small gap. He slowly slid the claw back, returning to her hip with the band pulled up, then toward her feet, revealing more feathers, and surprisingly, fur. The transition on her hips occurred almost immediately after her hips, as though her avian coverings were afraid of the unfamiliar territory of a rump. There are still feathers toward her stomach, so it's not quite a straight line, hip-to-hip. Soren continued pulling, managing to get the panties slightly down a thigh before he became afraid of waking her. With the top of a cheek exposed it's time to turn her. Sleeping on her side had given him a beautiful view of her butt under her shirt but placing her in a more stable and...accessible, position would be wise.

Soren began the next stage of his risky operation and moved to the foot of her bed, steeling himself to touch her shapely digitgrade legs. Keeping himself off the bed as much as possible, he leaned in and gently placed a claw at her ankle and her knee, watching her for a reaction, breath held. The feel of scale on fur was ticklish, but soft and subtle. Relieved, he released his breath, and slowly, carefully, began moving her leg straight. Unbending both joints, placing her leg back on the bed...another few agonizing moments and her left leg was settled. He repeated the steps for the right leg, taking even more time than before, in case all the movement was making itself known to her subconsciously.

With her legs ready, Soren moved around the bed so he could pull her hip and shoulder towards him to lie the gryphoness on her back. Settling himself and gathering his courage, he reached for her hip and shoulder. Once he made contact, he held the position (or as best he could, still trembling), acclimating her to his touch . He took his time when he started pulling, ensuring no part of her would move too quickly and ruin the trance of sleep. Her breathing changed partway through, and he froze, careful not to release her lest she fall back and jerk awake. A few agonizing minutes pass, his muscles and knees burning to hold the position, before he felt confident enough to pull her over. No further changes occured, and the gryphoness successfully lay on her back, partially undressed.

With that phase of the operation finished, Soren saw that her arm was preventing further movement of her nightgown, which he needed to move to get to her panties. He reached toward the offending arm slowly, trying to keep his breathing under control and gripped her lightly, the feel of scale on scale different than that of his peers, her scales slightly smaller and softer. Holding her arm, ssssslllllooowwly moving it above her, and placed it almost perpendicular to her, thanking his luck that this room had a queen-sized bed for her arms to rest on.

Soren pulled up her night gown on her left side, fully revealing her stomach then moved on to the center, getting to see more of her white-and-brown coloration before it caught on her back. There was a repeat of the first panty-pulling, having to tug on them slightly to free them from under her butt. The crotch of the gryphoness was now mostly revealed to his gaze, and the interplay of feather and fur was quite interesting. Brown feathers dipped toward her slit, coming a point just above the start of her slit, while on her hips, feathers barely rounded the outer curve. A tawny sort of fur took over on the lower portions, fairly close-cropped. With her legs still together, he couldn't see her lips or tailfeathers. Soren had been aroused since he had started messing with her panties, and decided to try and relieve some of his tension in a manner that was quite risky. What the hell, you only live once!

With the gryphoness's legs already straight out, the removal of her panties was straightforward. Tug on the left, tug on the right... Once her legs were free, Soren gently took a leg and pulled it to the side as far as he dared, thinking it might wake the sleeping female if her legs were stretched too much. This was repeated with the other leg, until she was nearly doing the splits while laying on her back. Now the gryphoness's nethers are fully exposed to his view, including her tailfeathers and butt. Such a cute ass, too. Soren carefully laid on the bed, his face near her lips. The same scent that had intrigued him before was there, but much stronger, coming from the source. He slowly reached forward with an extended claw, and placed it against her outer lips and froze, seeing if she would respond. Her breathing remained deep and even, showing no signs of noticing him. When Soren was confident enough, he started gliding his finger up and down her labia, marveling at both their warmth and pliability. He brought his other hand up, set his fingers on either side of her pussy, and pulled her open ever so gently. He was greeted by the sight of a delicious pink color, with a tight-looking vagina and still-hooded clit above her passage.

The view presented ended up too enticing to resist, and the lean dragon found his snout moving toward her nethers. He had no will to resist such a thing, so his tongue snaked out and took a quick swipe across the exposed flesh, sampling her taste before retreating. She tastes just like she smells, not a bad thing at all, Soren mused. He began lapping at her sex, soon covering both inner lip and outer lips with saliva. The supple flesh gave way beneath his firm licks, sliding beneath his tongue. Wanting to savor more of her, his tongue sought it's way to her passage, and delved in ever-so-slightly, teasing the edges. The inner walls were as smooth as her lips, and the dragon had a hard time resisting the urge to simply plunge his tongue inside her, as such a sudden intrusion into so intimate a place would probably give him away. He settled for pulling his hands back, watching her folds fall back into place before engulfing her mound with his muzzle and working her with both his tongue and lips. He delighted in the way her pinkness moved with his mouth, to and fro, in whatever way he dictated.

Pulling back, Soren simply gazed for a little bit at the now-glistening nethers, continuing to monitor her breathing for any changes. Even the thought of trying something crazy like stimulating her to orgasm gave him a thrill of fear mixed with excitement. Fate has been kind enough, best not test its limits. Soren grabbed a spare pillow, intending to place it under her rump. Getting off the bed, he slid a hand underneath her, and veerrryyy gradually lifted her, straining to maintain the slow movement. He then slid the pillow just under her lean ass, which angled her sex slightly backward and horizontally, and just into position for what the dragon had in mind.

Now came the riskiest part, Soren's caution replaced by lust. He undressed and placed his clothes on dresser in case of a fast getaway. As slowly as possible, he clambered onto the bed, spreading his weight so the bed didn't shift too much, then carefully lifted a leg over her lower stomach, and lowering it on the other side of her body. The dragon was now straddling the gryphoness, facing her feet, and had a delicious view of her slit with his twitching shaft above it (even if it was the wrong way for penetration). He moved a hand to his length and spread his now-liberal pre over it. Leaning far forward between her legs, Soren braced himself on the end of the bed, and lowered his hips until underside of his penis was just touching her nether lips. He simply held against her warm softness for a while, listening with no ability to see, heart pounding in fear of discovery. When he was sure she still slumbered, he began thrusting lightly, up and down, parting her lips slightly each stroke. Soren could only imagine the sight that would greet her if she woke now; the black-scaled ass and lifted tail of a dragon rising and falling as he frotted slowly against her, while she was spread eagle and bared to the world.

This sort of hotdogging her sex felt wonderful on his shaft, even if it wasn't the most stimulating thing in the world. Up and down, up and down, the dragon went, feeling the slight pull in her flesh as it clung to him. Clinging? Better change that, don't want to wake her. Deciding against pushing his luck overmuch (and to rest his tiring arms), the dragon pushed himself back up into a squat over the gryphoness's belly. Since the tip of his cock as pointed down as he thrust, his pre had been falling to her tailfeathers, making them sticky but leaving his shaft somewhat dry. Soren put a hand to himself and remedied that, pre being in no short supply in his incredibly aroused state. He resumed his position, leaning to the foot of the bed.

In search of greater sensation, however, Soren shifted to support himself on one hand, then reached back to press himself against her labia. The pliable flesh opened up even more, swallowing his shaft to the centerline. The reptile continued to move his hips to and fro, enjoying the sensation of her warm, wet flesh sliding against his own. He was suddenly aware that her breathing had changed, becoming more rapid. Quickly freezing, Soren listened intently for sounds and looked back for signs of movement. The gryphoness appeared to still be asleep, however, evidenced by her lack of screaming. A realization dawned on the conscious member of the pair. All this grinding must have had an effect on her, even through sleep. Well, this is certainly more interesting. Especially pressing against her clit like I was. With that thought, the dragon resumed his grinding, making sure to hit the top of her passage a little harder than the rest.

Shortly Soren noticed that she was warming up even more, reacting to all the attention he was giving to her nethers. He also noticed their contact had remained slick, without his effort. Wow, I can't quite believe this. She's becoming aroused even through this minor contact! Hanging his head and looking in the direction of the headboard, he could see his shaft glistening in the low streetlight against the gryphoness's short crotch fur, similarly shining. The dragon's scaled rump redoubled its efforts, moving ever-so-slightly faster while his hand put more pressure from his cock to her lips. Small sounds of flesh sliding against tender flesh were emanating from their union now, coupled with the intensified smell of stimulated gryphoness. Soren could feel her hips squirming slightly against him, as though trying to get him to press against her lips harder. He obliged the unconscious plea, pushing his shaft harder between her folds, still grinding himself vertically. To his surprise, he was rewarded with a low moan from the gryphoness, the idea that he had elicited an actual vocal response from her causing his stomach to give a little flutter.

Unf, must be one sexy dream she's having, he thought, as he noticed her hips moving more vigorously, weakly humping against the dragon's touch. I'm having a hard time believing this isn't a dream myself! Soren could feel the distinct build pleasure of an orgasm forming in his crotch, knowing it wouldn't be long before he was sent over the edge. By the sounds of the gryphoness's faint moans, she had gotten quite close herself! He had never expected such a response from someone so deep in sleep, however, and wanted to give her something in return for her for being so obliging, even if she was asleep. He tore his eyes from the riveting sight of her flesh forming around his cock, rippling slightly as the motion of his hips pulled it into new positions, and slowly laid his chest to the bed, freeing his other arm to go and give the gryphoness a treat.

Soren shifted his hips slightly towards the end of the bed which also pulled his base away from her nub. The new angle had the effect of pressing his tip more firmly within her than the rest of him. His hands moved so that one continued to press his shaft against the warm, slick folds, while the other moved to the top of her passage and began massaging her lips where his shaft was not in contact with her, attempting to keep off her clit for now. The gryphoness soon began squirming and humping even harder in response to his affections. Beyond doubt that she would wake from anything he was doing, the dragon moved his hand to her clit, working it back and forth rapidly as he began thrusting with abandon, grinding his shaft along her as hard as he could. The gryphoness, for her part was now whimpering and thrusting as though she were awake, nearing a peak herself.

Soren felt his climax wash over him and he came, hard, harder than he'd cum in recent memory, spraying semen in long strands over the gryphoness's tailfeathers and furred ass, as well as the pillow supporting her and sheets below. Similarly, the gryphoness was moaning openly, and had locked her hips to ride through her own peak, her unconscious mind being flooded with pleasure. Soren came for what felt like an hour before the afterglow hit him, nearly collapsing from exhaustion upon the lithe form below him. He managed to keep his wits about him, and simply held still, listening to the female's breath returning to normal behind him.

Collecting his arms from the gryphoness's now-soaked slit, the dragon pushed himself back to a sitting position, his cock slowly softening now the action was over, though he was still dripping a small amount onto her crotch. Oh jeez, I didn't know I could even hold that much, much less shoot it all at once! Better clean this up before it dries too much. Soren slowly clambered off the bed, still taking care not to shift too much weight at once. After creeping to the bathroom and grabbing a towel, he wiped himself down before going back for the gryphoness. Her smooth ass and pretty tailfeathers had been accented with his seed, something he needed to fix before stealing away into the night. The dragon knelt down to the level of her slit, bringing the towel toward her, and gently caressed her with it. He still marveled at how her until-recently aroused lips moved and shifted with his efforts, before moving to her butt. Soren took the same care here, feeling the flesh beneath the towel give slightly as he gently wiped. _Now onto the tailfeathers..._Not knowing how sensitive these were to being touched, he made sure to only clean in the direction of the feather, without too much downward pressure. These feathers took several passes, since some semen had seeped entirely through them to the sheets below.

The sheets were wiped as best he could, the dragon not sure how much of an impact he was having. With those clean, he again lifted her rump slowly and removed the pillow before he wiped that down too. The pillow was placed where he found it, action-side down for good measure. Soren took one last look at this beautiful specimen, trying to fix the details in his mind, before reversing the process that had removed her panties: placing the legs together, slowly maneuvering her panties up her legs, snugging them up once they had found their home. Her shirt was easy, simply pulling down to its natural position, before placing the displaced arm where it would be comfortable. The dragon considered moving her back onto her side, but figured it would not matter that much. He was not quite as cautious with the temperature of the room as covers, simply turning the heat to where it was and replacing the covers all at once. It seemed the gryphoness was a very heavy sleeper, so this would probably not wake her.

Soren again stood and looked at the sleeping form awhile, wondering what sort of person she was, if she was happy with her life. Strange thoughts considering he had spent the last hour or so treating her as an object to be played with, but better late than never, he supposed. Still, this night was something he would never forget, and he wanted to try and remember all the details. A few moments longer, then he began the slinking trek back to his room, where he would collapse into bed after such a mentally (and physically) taxing episode.

-eeep Beeep Beeep Bee-

"Shut up, you", the gryphoness grumbled at her alarm, arm stretched over to it. She was technically a morning person, though the previous late night made this morning decisively less welcome. No time for extra sleep, though, she had a plane to catch. "Me and Brown. Hope he's still alright...". The feathered beauty pushed herself up in the bed, nightgown falling over her smooth chest from where it had ridden up over the night as it often did.

Karen noted her tailfeathers were a little stiff, and pulled back the covers to see. No shrew to stumble in on me this time! As she examined her nethers, she noted the fur around her slit and part of her ass was rather more matted and ruffled than usual. Oh, that's right, the gryphoness thought to herself. I was having that silly dream last night, and probably got excited. No, it was more than excited, that felt really damn good! There's no way I would have been able to get so messy otherwise! How old do you have to be to stop having wet dreams? Are women supposed to even have them?

She allowed herself a rare giggle, an uncharacteristically girlish expression from her. She'd never thought having a dream about riding a big black non-anthro dragon could get her off. The dragon's scent had smelled so strong, like he was actually there! Maybe it was the fact that she was riding him bareback, and they were galloping across fields for what felt like forever, her labia being rubbed and smooshed back and forth as the feeling built... No, bad gryphon! You and your hospitalized business partner need to be on a plane in a few hours, get up! Still, she went over the details of the dream in her mind, determined to remember it...

"I'm here, I'm here, no need to worry." Soren said to no one in particular as he stumbled into the lobby, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Yeah, the place would fall to pieces without ya'" joked Tabby. "Another late night writing, Soren?"

"Something like that," Soren said, smiling wistfully. He glanced over at the front doors as he heard a car start outside, directly forward of their front doors. It backed out of its spot and he saw... The gryphoness! His heart gave a quick flutter as he snapped his head away, flooded by a sudden paranoia that she might recognize him. But it looked like...she was smiling?