Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 21 -- And Day Returns

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#20 of Spyro: Return of Darkness

If you're under 18, get outta here until you're old enough.

Chapter 21 -- And Day Returns

Cynder woke that night with a choking heave. All her tears had left her but she still cried. She shivered in the woods and curled up closer to the tiny fire she'd started.

"I'm so sorry..." she whispered, seeing Spyro's face in the small flames. "I can't keep bringing darkness to you..." She put her face on her arms and cried again, fitfully falling asleep as the exhaustion of her pain and agony finally overcame her for the night. She kept dreaming of her purple dragon...his gold-edged red wings that kept her so warm at night...those strong but tender forelegs he hugged her so close with...but what really got to her was his eyes. She saw them as if they were right in front of her, but they were filled with pain and agony much like hers...like fractures and chips in those perfect amethyst crystals...

Spyro lay on the bed, not hearing or seeing anything around him. Several times, the elders and Solar had come in to talk to him, but he didn't respond--their words fell on depression-deafened ears. Solar stayed in the room, his mind ablaze with memories and sorrow as he saw his purple friend lying there in despair. As the night drew on he sighed and walked over to the bedside. He saw Spyro blink slowly but knew the purple dragon wasn't functioning.

"Spyro...I feel so bad about what's happened..." Solar said, not caring that Spyro didn't hear him. "My outburst...that's what triggered it. I'm the one that should've left..." He sighed and looked at the floor. "I'll go look for her, it's the least I can do to atone for my actions..."

"Just leave her..." Spyro whispered. Solar jumped.


"She doesn't want to come back...just leave her..."

Solar stared at Spyro, but Spyro didn't notice, even though Solar was right in front of his face. "Spyro, you pushed me when I was down, and now I'm telling you, you can't give up on her like this!"

"She left for both her and me," Spyro replied, not moving. "The Dark Master's grip on her pushed her to the edge..."

"And where are you now, with her out there on her own?" Solar asked, and Spyro blinked, his eyes coming into focus. "You said you'd protect her, right? That the Dark Master could never have her again? He's got her right now..."

Spyro slowly lifted his head up, and Solar saw a flame of anger in his eyes. "I can't break my promise..."

"As a dragon--especially a purple dragon, and most of all, her mate--no you can't."

Spyro slowly picked himself up, his mind kicking back into gear. He looked on Cynder's pillow, and picked up the bracelet, staring at it for a bit before clenching it in his paw, his face tightening with determination.

"Solar, can you help me find her?"

"Until my limbs fall off and my wingskins tear."

Sypro jumped off the bed and they raced to the balcony, not even pausing as they lifted themselves into the air with a massive shove of their wings. Spyro hurried in the same direction she'd left in, knowing that she'd have gone in a straight direction.

Cynder screamed and ran, tripping over fallen branches and twigs as a huge group of shadows pursued her. The shadow around her was calling them and no matter where she went, they found her. She finally had enough, and she turned to face them. She became a living fireball as she pummelled her enemies with melee blows and firebreath, and collapsed on the ground when it was over, exhausted. Not one attacker was left, none had escaped. She slowly rolled on her back and stared at the sky, regretting her action the previous day. How she'd give anything to see her purple dragon again...but she didn't want him to be affected with her darkness, and with a despairing sigh she picked herself up and trudged further into the woods. She had no idea where she was, but right now she didn't care--the further she was from Spyro, the better off he'd be. She finally flopped onto the ground by a small stream, staring at her sullen reflection. Up above, she thought she heard wings, but when she lifted her head to look, she saw nothing. With a heavy sigh she put her head down, muzzle almost touching the water as she stared with unseeing eyes at the stream bed.

"I'm so sorry...I wish this wouldn't happen...night has fallen and I can't do anything about it..."

"Except wait for the sunrise," came a gentle voice beside her. She jumped and saw a pink and green female dragonfly hovering by her. "Oh, sorry I scared you." Her voice was kind and caring but strong, like a mother's voice, and Cynder immediately felt calmer. "What's wrong?"

Cynder shuddered as she tried not to cry. "Everything's wrong...I can't be with the one I love b-because..." She started crying, and the dragonfly softly hovered by her, gently caressing Cynder's head with her tiny hands.

"Shhh...it's okay...it's okay..." she said comfortingly, and slowly Cynder calmed down again. "Now, why can't you be with him?"

"I'm only bringing him more trouble than he needs..." Cynder choked. "Because of me, all this stuff keeps happening..."

"What could a cute little thing like you do to your love?"

Cynder was about to reply when a familiar voice caught her attention.

"Hey, mom, where are you?" Sparx flew into view and stopped. "Cynder?!"

* * * *

"It's no use," Spyro said in despair. They'd searched the whole area around the fight scene. The smoke and smell of scorched earth had led them to Cynder's victory area, but then the trail wandered off and stopped. Even Solar couldn't pick anything out of the forest floor. "I can't feel her anywhere nearby...oh Cynder, where are you?"

"Don't give up just yet," Solar said. "I have an idea..." He released the crystal he was carrying and had Spyro do the same. Solar took the two crystals and placed them in the air close to each other. The crystals turned themselves slowly. They weren't facing each other directly as Solar had originally positioned them. Solar smiled and nodded. "Just as I thought..."


"The crystals, all having the same energy signal, behave like magnets and will align themselves according to each others' relative positions--being light, it doesn't matter how far apart they are. We know now that we three carry the last three active crystals, right?"


"See how these aren't facing each other?"


"They're trying to face not only each other, but Cynder's crystal as well." Spyro's eyes widened and Solar nodded. "Using this, I bet we can easily locate her."

Spyro excitedly followed Solar as the white dragon kept an eye on the orientation of the glowing star-shaped jewels as they hovered in front of him. He kept aligning himself ever so slightly and kept having to readjust his path as they encountered trees and such, but they kept going.

Spyro was stumbling ahead of Solar as the two tired males continued hiking through the woods. He had a feeling they were close to Cynder, but he was so tired he could barely see in front of himself in the failing light. Just as he was about to give up and lie down to call it a night, he heard a familiar humming voice nearby. His energy briefly renewed, Spyro headed to the voice.


The gold dragonfly jumped and spun around.

"Spyro!! I was wondering how long it'd take you to get here!"

Spyro cocked his head at him. "Whaddaya mean?"

Sparx had an odd smile on his face. "Just come on." Spyro called Solar and they followed the dragonfly through the woods.

"Where are we going?"


The next morning, Cynder yawned and stretched as she heard the humming sound of Sparx's mom flying through the air nearby. She smiled and relaxed, grateful that she'd had a place to stay. The dragonfly hummed over to her with a smile.

"Well, I must admit, it's not every night we meet enemies turned good," she said. "But I'm glad you're feeling better, Cynder."

"I'm sorry Sparx scared you like that," Cynder said as she sat up.

"Well, it was a bit of a shock...Sparx still has yet to tell me how you two know each other." Cynder sighed, looking at the ground. "Miss your loved one, huh?"

Cynder nodded. "I really, really wish I could see him again..."

Sparx came up to them quickly, an excited look on his face. "I think I might know something that can help...but you'll have to close your eyes and follow me. You too, mom."

The two females looked at each other quizzically, but followed Sparx's happy humming as he led them on a straight--but to them, blind--path through the swamp. He led his mom to a certain spot and had her hover there while he guided Cynder, whispering until she was right where he wanted her.

"OKAY! Open your eyes!" he shouted, and flew to his mom's side.

There was a happy scream and yell as Cynder and Spyro raced to each other from where they were sitting and held each other tight. Sparx's mom was pleasantly surprised and laughed a little bit, a tear forming at her eye on seeing Spyro again. After a little while of happy crying from both sides, Spyro and Cynder sat back, and Spyro cleared his throat after wiping his eyes.

"Uuuuhh...mom...this is my best friend, and my mate, Cynder. Cynder, I think you guessed already, but this is my mom...figuratively speaking."

Sparx's mom let a tear of happiness fall from her eye. "Oh, Spyro...I'm so proud...even if you're a dragon, you're still my son. And Cynder, please don't hesitate to call me your mother. Welcome to the family."

"Crazy one though it is," Sparx added, and they laughed.

"Can I see what's going on now?" came Solar's voice.

"Yeah, get over here, big guy," Spyro called happily, and turned back to Sparx's mom. "Mom, this is Solar," he said as the white dragon emerged from the forest. "Solar's been helping us on our recent missions." Solar nodded to the dragonfly in greeting and she nodded to him. After that they all stayed there for a while, chatting happily until their stomachs growled loudly.

Later that evening, as the sun slowly set and turned everything a beautiful shade of red, Spyro and Cynder were by the river, where Spyro had hatched from his egg so long ago. She leaned across his front and he held her, rocking her back and forth slowly as they sat there in the fading sunlight. She shivered a bit as she felt those powerful but caring purple forelegs hold her secure and safe against him. He smiled at her, touching his nose to hers.

"Cynder, never, ever do that again, okay?" he asked through his smile.

"I'm so sorry...but everywhere we go I've been attracting trouble."

"And I'll protect you from that trouble. I may not be able to break the Master's grip on you, but I will do everything in my power to keep him from harming you. You are my light, without you darkness would take me eventually." He kissed her and she closed her eyes happily, losing herself to him as he held her tight. After a while she sat back up and leaned against him. He gently took her paw in his and put the bracelet around her foreleg. "You keep that there no matter what, my naughty little dragoness. Don't lose it again."

"I have no reason to," she said, and nuzzled her face against his. She looked at the river, and felt him tense up a bit. She looked over and giggled to herself as she saw his dragonhood slowly creeping out. "You sure aren't secretive about your feelings, are you?" she asked playfully.

"I'm sorry...I'm just so glad to see you again I guess I can't control myself."

"I don't mind," she said, and to his surprise she reached her paw out and ran it along his increasing length. She smiled naughtily to herself as she felt him shudder at her touch.

"Someone might see us," Spyro said, and he nodded his head at her, signaling to follow him. He flew up into the air, using all his willpower to sheath himself again, and he led her to a small cave a small distance away. They landed and walked inside. "I used to come here at night when I felt alone...before I knew I was a dragon. Sometimes, even though I thought I was a dragonfly, I felt so different it hurt, and I'd sneak out here. It's not much..." Actually it was just a small, cozy rock-walled pocket in the side of a hill, just big enough for possibly Solar and Flare to sleep inside if they were both there.

"It's not much, but for us it's all we need," Cynder said with a smile, and he grinned back and returned her affection as she nuzzled his face. He caught her mouth with his, and lust began to grow alongside their love as they went deeper into the kiss. Cynder broke away when she noticed his erection throbbing in plain view, and she giggled and ran both her paws along his length. He groaned and shivered a bit as she teased him. Feeling a little daring, she opened her mouth and he felt her slowly take as much of his aching meat into her mouth as she could, running her tongue around it and rubbing what she couldn't fit into her mouth with her paws. She couldn't quite place the taste, but she was enjoying it, and apparently so was he.

Spyro suddenly caught a scent from her he hadn't noticed before and looked down at her tail-base--she was lying on her side now, with her swollen vaginal slit in full view, her fluids slowly leaking out of her in her excitement. He knew he hadn't noticed it before because their previous times together had been so busy and focused on each other, but a strange desire took hold of him now. Before she knew what was happening she felt his warm tongue run over her area and penetrate her, and she gasped, sliding her mouth off his member to steal a glance at him. He smirked at her and went even deeper into her, enjoying the strange new taste of her warm depths. She shuddered, her eyes half-closed as pleasure shot through her. She turned back to his dragonhood and began furiously licking it, and he moaned into her and she groaned as a wave of pleasure coursed along her.

As if they were both thinking the same thing, Cynder laid on her back and Spyro reared up over her. They joined lips, but he wasn't done with her yet. Straddling his hind legs a bit he began teasing her begging sex with the tip of his member, rubbing the underside of his shaft between her swollen lips. She growled at him and he smirked, slowly drawing himself back over her and watched her shiver with the stimulation before taking the plunge. They were both thrown into a wild frenzy, and she wildly bucked her hips against him until her timing matched his, and they kept that pace as long as they could hold out. He pounded into her and she desperately clung to his neck as her muscles spasmed around his dragonhood buried deep inside her, their mouths bonded together as if they'd been welded as the sheer pleasure flowed through them. When his hips suddenly cramped and he growled in discomfort, she took it on herself to continue, and with a naughty grin she pushed him over, keeping herself hilted on him as she rolled up onto his chest and began impaling herself on him. He was surprised but he had no intention of refusing her, and as she rode him he reached up and began massaging her wing-bases and neck. She shuddered, just barely restraining herself from screaming as the intense stimulation almost pushed her over the edge.

"Spyro...oohh...I wish..."

"Shut up..." he said, sensing her apology, "it's...it's over now..." They smiled briefly at each other before breathing sharply as Spyro pushed up into her. He pulled her down into a passionate kiss and she pressed her mouth into his, trying to get him to release, fighting herself because she wanted this to last as long as possible. They kept on going, slowing down, trying to make this last, before Cynder started to fail. With that, Spyro held her close as he began thrusting off the floor into her. She clamped her mouth over his to prevent herself from yelling in ecstasy, tightly twisting her tail around his. Fire began filling their mouths and as they breathed harder and harder their flames coalesced. Cynder wrapped her arms around him and began rubbing his neck desperately, and he finally let go of his control and rammed himself into her. Their heads flew back and the fireball shot up above them to the cave ceiling and burst on contact with the rock as they restrained their roaring with a good deal of effort, their bodies exploding. Cynder closed her eyes and moaned happily as she felt his member assault her insides with wave after wave of pleasurable cum, and he groaned with each pulse of her juices around his member as they burst out of her onto him. He finally gave all he had and she slipped off of him with a content sigh, feeling a trail of sticky fluid gush out of her. She looked back at his twitching shaft and his eyes snapped open as she licked his member clean, giving him a playful wink. She was savoring the strange taste of both her juices and his when she felt him clean her off, and she gasped sharply as her still-swollen lips pulsed weakly under his warm tongue. She spread her hips a bit, inviting him inside her and he happily complied, his tongue exploring her sticky depths as far as he could reach. When they were done she yawned and he stood up slowly.

"Well...that was...that was fun," he said, breathless, and she giggled and stood next to him, nuzzling against his side and rubbing her cheek against his. When they finally caught their breath, they walked out of the cave and she watched out of the corner of her eye as his member swayed with each step. They went to the river and she looked at him, a bit puzzled. He grinned at her and motioned for her to enter the water. Hesitant, she stepped in. He grinned wider as she sighed and slipped in completely--he knew that this part of the river was heated by the ground, and she was pleasantly surprised, thinking that the water would be deathly cold. He followed her in and she sat there in the water and closed her eyes with a happy smile as he tenderly scrubbed her whole body with his wet paws.

She knew when he was done, and before he could move any further she forced him back onto his hind legs and began cleaning him slowly and gently. He shuddered as he happily sighed, and their eyes locked to each other for a brief moment before she smiled and continued. He closed his eyes but then snapped them open again as she cleaned off his still-exposed dragonhood.

"Just can't get enough of me, can you?" he asked jokingly, and she shook her head teasingly with a side-glance. She finally ended by washing his back, and he turned around and they hugged each other close, feeling each other's joy and contentment.

"Spyro...if I ever leave again--"

"You won't."

"Shut up and listen to me," she said with a laugh, clamping his muzzle with her paw. "If I ever leave again and ask you not to follow, don't listen. I love you so much...but I don't want harm to come to you because of me..."

"If it's because of you, why would I care?" he asked, catching her eyes. "You're my best friend and my mate. I'll endure anything life dishes out to try and separate us. After all, I promised I'd protect you from him or his attempts to take you back."

They clambered out of the river, shook themselves off, and headed to the small cave. They lay down on their backs, and suddenly Cynder gasped and sat up, looking at the ceiling.

"What's wrong?" Spyro asked, and she turned his head to the ceiling. The scorch-mark from their fiery breath earlier had formed a near-symmetrical heart on the ceiling. "Well, whaddaya know..."

She put her head on his chest and their lips joined in love. They slowly fell asleep, never moving from that position until Spyro snapped awake and pulled Cynder closer to him as she shivered. They spent the night in that tiny stone pocket in the hill, tightly wrapped together now that they had each other back.

* * * *

Morning dawned bright and cold, and soon after sunrise Spyro and Cynder returned to find everyone still asleep. They quietly stole a few minutes together by the riverside before Sparx came up, yawning and stretching.

"I still can't believe you, Spyro..."

"Looks like you're gonna hafta get used to it, it's not changing anytime soon...or ever."

Cynder rubbed against him and he lay his head on hers. Sparx rolled his eyes.

"Well, purple buddy, I hate ta break the news to you, but I've decided to stay here in the swamp."

"Why?" Spyro asked, looking at the dragonfly.

"Well, you and Cynder are together now *blech*...and I just don't feel like chasing you around anymore. Besides, you're a dragon and I'm a dragonfly, and one of these days I'm gonna get squashed saving your fat backside from danger."

Spyro and Cynder laughed. "Since when have you saved us?"

Sparx opened his mouth, then closed it again. "Fine, if that's how you wanna treat me..." He turned away jokingly.

"Sparx...I'm gonna miss you," Spyro said a bit sadly. "Come on by and visit sometime, okay?"

"Oh don't start getting all mushy on me," the golden insect said, turning around. "You two get back and save the world again. I'm gonna stay here where I'm safe...relatively, anyway."

"We'll come see you," Cynder said, and to Sparx's utter shock Cynder caught him and kissed him. The two dragons both laughed as he pulled away, wiping the side of his face.

"Never...do that...again..." he said. "I'm gonna go revisit my old haunts...see ya 'round, guys!" With that he buzzed away, and Spyro sighed.

"Oh Spyro...it was bound to happen someday..." Cynder said, leaning against him.

"I know...I'm really gonna miss him though..."

"You haven't much so far..."

"That's because of everything going on. Once things settle down it's gonna be hard to get used to not having him around."

Cynder tilted her head up and licked his cheek. "Spyro, you're so sensitive...but at least you've got me."

"And I'm so happy I do," he said, pulling her close with one arm. After a while Sparx's mom found them. Spyro heard her and turned around. "Oh, hey mom...where's dad? I haven't seen him yet..."

"He was called away on some important business..."

"Ah...I think I know what it is..." He thought back to Terrador's absence as the elder conversed with the delegates of their realm.

"I wish I knew, but I don't really want to until he returns. Have you two seen Sparx?"

Cynder looked at Spyro and they both giggled. "Yes...he said bye to us and I embarrassed him...apparently he doesn't like dragon-kisses."

Sparx's mom laughed. Eventually she sighed and gazed at Spyro. "I'm so proud to have raised you, Spyro...I've missed you."

"Sorry I didn't visit for a while...things got busy..."

"I understand. But I also understand you two need to get going soon?"

They both stood up and stretched. "Is Solar awake yet?"

"No...he's out cold."

"Cold, maybe, but not out anymore," Solar said as he came towards them. "Thanks for letting me stay here."

"Any friend of Spyro's is welcome here...just so long as they don't cause too much trouble."

They all laughed, and soon the three dragons were on their way, Sparx's mom waving goodbye. A short distance away, Sparx watched his purple draconic brother fly away, and he sighed to himself before rushing of to find his favorite places in the swamp.


Still going...only 4 chapters left! Kinda depressing...